What are the unfavorable days in March.

18.07.2019 Internet

With the advent of spring, the influence of the moon on our everyday life. It seems strange and inexplicable, but it is true.

That is why it is so important to know, for example, which of the days are most favorable for doing business.

In March, this first month of spring, turbulent events and unexpected bursts of energy suddenly give way to a calm life and some kind of peace.

Information about each day according to the lunar calendar will tell you when it is worth being active, and when it is better not to take any energetic action. Knowing the favorable and unfavorable days of this month, you can somehow correlate your actions with them. Postpone decision on bad days important issues, and in favorable to act confidently.

Detailed lunar calendar for March 2016

March 1, Tuesday, 22 lunar day, waning moon. A day of relaxation. Postpone all important things and things that require active actions. But the new acquaintances that can happen today will be successful and develop into a good relationship.

March 2, Wednesday, 23 lunar day, waning moon. Try to restrain your negative emotions on this day, even if there are reasons for their manifestation. The reconciliations of today will not only bring peace and tranquility to your soul, but will also bring benefits in the future.

March 3, Thursday, 24 lunar day, waning moon. The most time-consuming things will turn out well today, the most responsible and important decisions made today will have a positive impact on your life. Even unpleasant things and decisions that you need, but do not want to make, it is better to do and accept today.

March 4, Friday, 25 lunar day, waning moon. Leave all useless and empty talk and get down to business. Auspicious day for forgiveness of loved ones and repayment of debts.

March 5, Saturday, 26 lunar day, waning moon. Try not to quarrel with anyone on this day, not to start conflicts, they can have far-reaching negative consequences. If you wake up today in a good mood, try to keep it up all day.

March 6, Sunday, 27 lunar day, waning moon. A great day to go on a visit, meet loved ones somewhere on neutral territory (cafe, restaurant, etc.), visit an exhibition or a museum. Do not spend this day at home, outside of it you will get a lot of positive impressions today. A good day to visit the sauna, bath, spa pool. Any procedures related to water will be especially useful on this day.

March 7, Monday, 28 lunar day, waning moon. If you decide to take a break today, then the day is not right for this, have a nice rest will not work. And for intensive work, for making responsible decisions, signing important documents, a day is just right.

March 8, Tuesday, 29 lunar day, waning moon. A festive day, and solar and lunar rhythms warn of danger. Not a danger to life, but only about the possibility of running into rudeness, rudeness, impolite treatment. Pay no attention, if you encounter this, be above it.

March 9, Wednesday, 1 and 2 lunar days, new moon, at 04.57 solar eclipse. Day of compassion, mercy, forgiveness. If you are able, give some help to someone who needs it, you will also not be denied help when you need it.

March 10, Thursday, 3 lunar day, the growing moon. A day to raise financial well-being. You can sign legal documents, draw up contracts, make large purchases - everything will be successful. Gifts made today will surely please those to whom they were intended.

March 11, Friday, 4 lunar day, waxing moon. On this day, it is good to receive guests, holidays and evening gatherings will be fun and interesting. Trips and travels today will bring new useful and sometimes romantic acquaintances. A great day to improve physical health, for sports.

March 12, Saturday, 5 lunar day, the growing moon. Auspicious day for restoring order and any repair. And in the evening, a trip to the dacha will take place in a very family-like or romantic way. A heated stove or a burning fireplace will create a cozy or exciting atmosphere for communication.

March 13, Sunday, 6 lunar day, the growing moon. A day of family leisure and any activity with clothes. You can shop for clothes, they will be successful, buy everything that you have planned. You can sew, alter, repair clothes. These activities will bring peace and tranquility to your soul. It is undesirable on this day long trips and trips to visit.

March 14, Monday, 7 lunar day, waxing moon. There is no need to start anything today, no business, no relationship, things will be unsuccessful and unpleasant, the relationship will be confused. But to complete on this day something that was started earlier will turn out great. Avoid meeting people that are unpleasant for you on this day, such meetings will have a bad effect on your peace of mind.

March 15, Tuesday, 8 lunar day, waxing moon. All matters related to creativity, art on this day will pass, as you expected. You can start any business if you are confident in their successful implementation. But if there is any doubt about the success of the upcoming undertakings, postpone the beginning of these affairs for another day. The information received later will tell you when to start these things and whether it is worth starting them at all.

March 16, Wednesday, 9 lunar day, the growing moon. You should not visit today, arrange parties and corporate parties, there will be nothing pleasant and interesting in such a pastime. Today is useful for business, business and even personal life receiving and processing information. Any information on this day will be interesting, even if it is not urgently needed, it will come in handy later.

March 17, Thursday, 10 lunar day, the growing moon. Repair, construction, acquisition of real estate, these are things that will go well today. In the afternoon, litigation will have a positive result, but for a specific person, not an organization, especially justice processes.

March 18, Friday, 11 lunar day, the growing moon. Everything that will be connected with the signing of any legal documents: contracts, agreements, agreements will have a long-term positive outlook. Especially employment contracts and contracts, this future work will be with the prospect of career growth.

March 19, Saturday, 12 lunar day, the growing moon. A day dedicated to love and personal relationships. The engagement concluded on this day will surely end in a wedding. The family union created on this day will be long, happy and successful. It is better for couples to spend this evening at home, arranging romantic dinner or go for a romantic walk under the spring stars.

March 20, Sunday, 13 lunar day, the growing moon. A great day for any change, or making a decision about change. But changes, both in business and in personal life, must be conscious and deliberate, there is no need to succumb to a momentary impulse. And it’s also good not to forget how the changes that you have planned will affect loved ones.

March 21, Monday, 14 lunar day, waxing moon. On this day, not individual, but collective work will be successful. It’s good to reflect on some past unpleasant situations, draw conclusions for the future, and stop blaming and reproaching yourself for what has already passed, and it’s not in your power to change it.

March 22, Tuesday, 15 lunar day, waxing moon. Everything related to financial affairs, education, any purchases will be successful today. The people waiting good change in personal life, unexpected but intriguing acquaintances will occur.

March 23, Wednesday, 16 lunar day, full moon, at 14.47. - moon eclipse. Day of harmony, balance and affirmation of justice. If you are trying to restore justice through the courts, then today is the time to apply to the court. A good day for any reconciliation, even if earlier attempts at reconciliation were unsuccessful.

March 24, Thursday, 17 lunar day, waning moon. Even if your business is ready to be completed today, wait a little. Today there is nothing to complete and finish. But for improving health, in order to start leading a healthy lifestyle, for playing sports, the day is favorable.

March 25, Friday, 18 lunar day, waning moon. Despite the end of the week and the natural fatigue accumulated during the working week, the day is very favorable for active work. The work done today will give excellent results and help in your future career. Any agreements and agreements on this day will be successful.

March 26, Saturday, 19 lunar day, waning moon. A day of cozy home rest, possibly receiving guests. Family, or joint with friends, gatherings will be interesting and sincere, romantic dates are exciting. Any water procedures, starting with the pool and ending with the Russian bath, they will give you vivacity, the fatigue that has accumulated over the week will be removed like a hand.

March 27, Sunday, 20 lunar day, waning moon. Day of denial of pride and arrogance. Do not express your disdain and disrespect to people who you think deserve it. First, perhaps you are mistaken in their assessment. Secondly, even if you are right, and they do not deserve respect, let it remain on their conscience, be above personal insults. And, in general, this day is very favorable for people, creative professions, go for it, create, this day of happy accomplishments and unexpected successes.

March 28, Monday, continuation of the 20th lunar day, waning moon. Monday is a hard day, and today this saying is true. Do not start and do not do something serious on this day, it will turn out badly. It is best to devote this day to rest, but if this is not possible, take care of everyday work that does not require special thoughtfulness.

March 29, Tuesday, 21 lunar day, waning moon. The day is favorable for any movement: business trips, trips, travel. Even walking on this day will bring pleasure and add health. Solve the problems and questions that arise on this day on your own, extraneous advice, even data from good intentions, will be incorrect.

March 30, Wednesday, 22 lunar day, waning moon. But today any trips are undesirable, in best case- will not bring benefit and pleasure, at worst - they can end unpleasantly. The evening is also better spent in the family circle.

March 31, Thursday, 23 lunar day, waning moon. This is a day of "abnormal" situations and the need to make quick decisions. There may be times when you have to make a decision, take responsibility for yourself, and there will be no opportunity to consult with anyone. Be prepared and don't give in to unexpected situations.

Lunar calendar of beauty and health March 2016, favorable and unfavorable days for haircuts, hair curling, operations.
March 1, Tuesday, moon in Sagittarius.
Health- When the moon is in Sagittarius, the hips, liver, veins and spine become vulnerable. These days, it is not recommended to perform operations on these organs, as well as to do a blood transfusion, donate blood. It is undesirable to visit a manual therapist.

Food is recommended protein, preferably of plant origin.
beauty– Unfavorable day for cutting hair. You can dye your hair, especially a good day for red shades.
It is possible and necessary to carry out rejuvenation procedures, actively fight cellulite. It is especially beneficial to massage using a cream that contains caffeine, theophylline, silicon, vitamin A, and essential oil.
Use for face and body nourishing masks containing natural products - honey, olive oil, egg yolk.

March 2, Wednesday, the moon in Sagittarius.
Health- When the moon is in Sagittarius, the hips, liver and veins become vulnerable. These days, it is not recommended to perform operations on these organs, as well as to do a blood transfusion, donate blood.
Food is recommended protein, preferably of plant origin.
beauty- Today you can cut and dye your hair, do a perm.
Favorable day for rejuvenation, active fight against cellulite. Massage with the use of a cream, which includes caffeine, theophylline, silicon, vitamin A, and essential oil, will work especially well.
For the face and body, it is useful to use nourishing masks containing natural products - honey, olive oil, egg yolk.
Today it is useful to make fruit masks, a bath with mint, chamomile, Ivan tea.
March 3, Thursday, the moon in Sagittarius, from 13.01 in Capricorn.
Health- today you need to monitor the health of the skeletal system, spine, legs and liver. Surgical operations on the listed organs should be refrained from, if possible.
beauty– Until 13:00 you can go to the hairdresser, get a haircut, perm and hair coloring.
After 13 hours, you can not cut your hair, they will begin to fall out, which can lead to baldness. You can remove hair in unnecessary places, they will not grow for a long time.
You can do manicure, pedicure.
Do not injure the skin - do deep cleaning, etc.
March 4, Friday, moon in Capricorn.
Health– Take care of your bones, spine and skin today.
These days, the risk of fractures increases dramatically, be careful. A visit to the dentist, a chiropractor, surgery on the gallbladder, pancreas and spleen should preferably be postponed to other days.
A good effect will be the treatment of gastritis, ulcers and other diseases of the stomach.
It is good to eat salty food.

March 5, Saturday, the moon in Capricorn, from 19.22 in Aquarius.
Health– Take care of your bones, spine and skin today. An unfavorable day for any operations.
These days, the risk of fractures increases dramatically, be careful. It is advisable to postpone a visit to the dentist, chiropractor. A good effect will be the treatment of gastritis, ulcers and other diseases of the stomach.
It is good to eat salty food.
beauty- It is good to remove unwanted hair, because it will not grow for a long time. For the same reason, you should refrain from cutting your hair.
It is good to carry out activities aimed at strengthening hair follicles and hair growth.
Great time to get a manicure and pedicure.
The period is not suitable for deep cleansing and peeling of the skin, but is very favorable for rejuvenation procedures and improving the structure of the skin.
A favorable day for nourishing hair, nails with various masks, decoctions of burdock, plantain, mummy.
March 6, Sunday. Moon in Aquarius
Health- Today, legs and veins can hurt, if possible, heels, long walks and operations on veins, joints and head should be abandoned. It is undesirable to treat arthritis, eye diseases, go to the dentist.
It is preferable to eat food containing fats.
Do not strain your eyes, do not pierce your ears, watch the pressure.
beauty- An unfavorable day for cutting hair and any procedures on the head, including ear piercing.
Good procedures aimed at rejuvenation, sunburn, the use of anti-stress masks, facial balms, citrus masks, moisturizers and creams containing silicon.
Hair curling is recommended to be postponed to more favorable days.
A favorable day for permanent makeup, manicure, pedicure, treatment of cracks in the skin of the legs.
March 7, Monday, the moon in Aquarius, from 22.08 in Pisces
Health– Take Special attention legs and joints. It is better to treat nerves, eyes, arthritis on another day. Operations on the legs are highly undesirable.
beauty- All procedures aimed at rejuvenation, tanning, the use of anti-stress masks, face balms, citrus masks, moisturizers and creams with silicon are good.
Cutting, curling and coloring hair can give unpredictable results, both very good and very unusual.
It is favorable to do manicure, pedicure, massage of hands and feet, treat cracks in the skin of the legs.
March 8, Tuesday, Moon in Pisces.
Health– Today the legs, joints, feet, toes, skin and liver are especially sensitive. Operations on all the listed organs are better to be postponed to another day.
Wear comfortable shoes, walk less, refrain from drinking alcohol, drink less.
beauty- On this day, you should not plan various plastic surgeries, try out new cosmetics.
Do not cut your hair, perm or color your hair.
It is good to use moisturizing masks with echinacea, aloe, marine extracts, remove hair on the legs and in other places where they are not needed.
To cleanse the skin, you can use gentle cosmetics, soft gels, cosmetic milk, oatmeal.
It is good to carry out preventive measures for flat feet and varicose veins.
A general massage will be very useful, and especially a massage of the legs, feet, which is most useful to do immediately after taking a bath with chamomile or valerian, while the muscles of the body are relaxed.
Daytime naps are recommended.
March 9, Wednesday, the moon in Pisces, from 22.40 in Aries. New moon and total solar eclipse.
Beauty and health. The day is unfavorable in the full sense of the word. Today it is undesirable to do any operations, you need to carefully monitor your health, do not get nervous, do not enter into disputes and conflicts.
Trips to the beauty salon need to be rescheduled for another day
March 10, Thursday, moon in Aries.
Health- The Moon in Aries causes tension in the head and all organs associated with it.
It is highly undesirable to carry out operations on the head, face, eyes.
It is unfavorable to visit a dentist, especially for the purpose of removing teeth.
Take care of your respiratory organs.
beauty– It is advisable to refrain from hair coloring, perms and haircuts, as well as ear piercing.
Try to be less in the sun, do not go to the solarium.
It is unlikely that you will be satisfied with today's hair styling if you use wax or collagen-containing emulsions.
Do not do peeling, deep cleansing of the skin.
It’s good to just take a walk, breathe fresh air, do a light body massage, apply nourishing face masks, and moisturize the skin.
You can remove papillomas, warts, ingrown nails.

There will be two eclipses in March 2016: a solar eclipse on March 9 and a lunar eclipse on March 23. These two eclipses can have a serious impact on health, especially for those who are already suffering from any diseases.

Around March 8 and 9, the cardiovascular system may suffer. If you have heart problems, these days can be especially critical for you. These days are especially dangerous for Leo, whose heart is a vulnerable organ.

You should save your strength and get rid of stress near the lunar eclipse on March 23. At this time, nervous stress, emotional experiences, a lot of negative emotions are not ruled out. Particular attention should be paid to the lunar eclipse of the representatives of the signs of Cancer and Taurus.

Also, March 2016 is dangerous for various colds, including mild colds and flu.

Horoscope for March 2016 according to the signs of the Zodiac

ARIES. Your vital energy this month will be significantly higher, despite the fact that this last month before birthday. You will show your usual activity, you will be mobile and will certainly begin to strive for your goals. Be careful: don't overdo it! In the period from March 7 to March 25, when negative aspects will operate, there may be exacerbations of chronic diseases, it is easy to catch a cold and get out of the rut, which now may turn out to be very inopportune for you.

CALF. Your health during this period will not be perfect, there are risks of colds, as well as exacerbation of chronic diseases. If this month you feel bad, especially during the period of eclipses and between them, then you lack harmony in character, attitudes or activities. You should look for such activities for yourself that will help you find this harmony, become satisfied with yourself and the world around you. If everything is in good health, you can be proud of yourself!

bad days: 14, 20, 25 March 2016

TWINS. In terms of health, this month will not be particularly troublesome. You will be interested now to a greater extent in completely different problems. At the very end of the month, slight ailments are not ruled out, but in general, health will be quite strong, even the risk of catching a cold is now at its lowest level. At the very end of the month, it will still be necessary to take minor ailments more seriously. Try not to overwork yourself, as your nervous system may be overloaded.

Health Horoscope for 2016

CANCER. This month, stress and tension await you, which will immediately affect your general condition. The imbalance of the emotional background gives fatigue and fatigue, so now it is important to relax properly and rest as much as possible. Choose only proper nutrition, include more fruits and vegetables in your diet, and on especially busy days, stick to lean foods, then the load on the body will be much less and it will be easier for you to cope with stress.

A LION. If you suffer from heart disease, this month may be critical for you. Try not to be nervous, especially in the days before and after solar eclipse 9th of March. All representatives of the Leo sign should beware at this time, because the Sun is your main planet, and an eclipse can lead to negative consequences.

bad days: March 6-10, 2016

VIRGO. This month, you may experience health problems in the middle of the month, especially from March 14 to 25. During this period, various kinds of ailments are not excluded, the risk of colds and exacerbation of chronic diseases is increased. Your main concern is choosing the right food. The risk of poisoning, as well as other digestive problems, increases from March 20 to 25. Be more careful on these dates, if possible, exclude alcohol.

SCALES. This month will not be easy for you. Your health will depend entirely on your behavior, attitude towards yourself and the world around you. Experiences, stress and dissatisfaction with yourself can significantly affect your well-being, especially on unfavorable days of the month. You should not be too active at the beginning of the month: until March 9th. Complex diseases that will be problematic to diagnose are not excluded. You should not resort to self-medication this month, even colds. It is better to see a doctor right away.

Monthly health horoscope

SCORPION. Your health this month will not be too worrying. The only thing is that you may be haunted by excessive fatigue and slight nervousness. Your anxiety is now connected for the most part c money matters and finding new sources of income, or new projects, so you may be a little more tired than before. In general, health should not bring you problems. At the end of the month, your activity will increase even more, you will want to move more, perhaps you should go in for sports or increase physical activity.

bad days: 4, March 14, 2016

SAGITTARIUS. The most dangerous time for health is from March 14 to 25. During this period, various ailments are likely, including those of an unclear nature, there may be headaches, increased pressure, bruises and injuries. During this period, you should take your health very seriously and not take risks. There is also an increased risk of colds. After March 25, you will be able to breathe easier, as the risks of getting sick are significantly reduced.

CAPRICORN. This month will not be too good for you in terms of health. The risk of nervous breakdowns and exacerbation of chronic diseases increases. The most dangerous period for health is the middle of the month, from March 5 to 15. Anxiety may increase, unreasonable fears and worries will appear. To reduce the risks of diseases, get enough sleep, do not overwork too much, and perceive any troubles at work or in your personal life as temporary difficulties that will very quickly become a thing of the past.

bad days: 5, 6, 14, 25 March 2016

AQUARIUS. Your health during this period can be quite unstable, but in general should not cause particularly serious trouble. All sorts of ailments are not excluded, especially those relating to the nervous and digestive systems. Be careful with food choices. On unfavorable days, rest more and do not overwork so as not to accumulate stress.

FISH. This month, you should worry about your health in the first half of the month, until March 9 you may feel unwell. Your activity will decrease, you will feel tired and exhausted. But already with the transition of the Moon to the new lunar month, strength will increase, and you will be satisfied with your well-being.

Spring is a time of miraculous awakening of nature. Not only plants, but also a person seems to begin to live anew. There is a special aroma in the air, the soul requires discoveries, walks, actions.

For summer residents of our country, the first month of spring is an active time of work in preparation for the new season. And if in January and February there were not so many cases, then in March there is already more work. But for real gardeners and gardeners, this is not a problem, but, on the contrary, a call to action. Since plants have a positive effect on us, and the earth gives energy. Practically, every summer resident knows that feeling when all day, having been in business on the site, by the evening you do not feel tired and your mood is on top. Here.

So, something pulled me to thinking, but today it's not about that. We need to talk about calendar lunar days as of March 2016. We definitely need it, because we all depend on our satellite. And in order to get a good harvest, and every summer resident dreams of just this, since this is gratitude for the work of several months, before you start doing something, you should definitely look for a hint. Calendar for january and february we have already written, now let's talk about landings in March.

Helpful information!

February has always been famous for its snowstorms, and March for thaws and possible severe frosts. As they used to say: "Martok - put on a hundred trousers." All trees and shrubs in March need to be shaken off the snow, as a large snow cover, baked by the spring sun and frozen by night frosts, becomes very heavy. It breaks branches.

Lunar sowing calendar for March 2016



The moon is in the constellation Phase Favorable and unfavorable days for gardening in March 2016
March 1 Tuesday Sagittarius

Moscow time 02:56

waning moon
March 2 Wednesday Sagittariuswaning moonA good period for the fight against insect pests, rodents, soil care, top dressing. Recommended to work with indoor plants, thinning seedlings, pruning, airing plants in the garden that were covered for the winter.
March 3 Thursday Capricornwaning moon
March 4 Friday Capricornwaning moonFavorable time for sowing seeds, planting annual and perennial flowers, fertilizing, sanitizing trees, shrubs, watering. Also a good result will be from planting vegetables.
March 5 Saturday Aquarius time Moscow time 19:22waning moonA good period for the fight against insect pests, rodents, soil care, top dressing. It is recommended to work with indoor plants, thinning seedlings, pruning, airing plants in the garden that were covered for the winter.
March 6 Sunday Aquariuswaning moonA good period for the fight against insect pests, rodents, soil care, top dressing. It is recommended to work with indoor plants, thinning seedlings, pruning, airing plants in the garden that were covered for the winter.
March 7 Monday Pisces time Moscow time 22:08waning moon
March 8 Tuesday Pisceswaning moonA good period for fertilizing with mineral fertilizers, caring for plants, planting radishes, bulbs for growing in greenhouse illuminated conditions. It is also recommended planting flowers, vegetables for seedlings
March 9 Wednesday Aries time Moscow time 22:40New moon
March 12 Saturday TaurusThe moon is growingA good time for planting seedlings of tomatoes, cabbage, onions, pepper seedlings,
March 13 Sunday TaurusThe moon is growingA good time to plant seedlings of tomatoes, cabbage, onions, pepper seedlings, annual flowers, weeding, thinning seedlings, transplanting and planting houseplants. Recommended planting in greenhouses from the film planting greens, radishes.

Unfavorable time for sowing seeds

March 14 Monday Gemini
March 15 Tuesday Gemini
March 16 Wednesday Cancer time Moscow time 03:57The moon is growing
March 17 Thursday CancerThe moon is growingA favorable period for planting vegetable crops for seedlings, annual flowers, sowing in greenhouses from a film of greens, radishes, and applying mineral supplements.
March 18 Friday Leo time MSK 10:54The moon is growing
March 19 Saturday lionThe moon is growingThe time is unfavorable for landings and transplants. It is good on this day to take care of the soil, house plants, fight insect pests, rodents, air the plants in the sheltered area
March 20 Sunday Virgin time Moscow time 20:39The moon is growing
March 21 Monday VirginThe moon is growingA favorable day for planting flowers, picking seedlings, mulching, spraying, pruning shrubs and trees, applying mineral dressings.
March 22 Tuesday VirginWaxing CrescentA favorable day for planting flowers, picking seedlings, mulching, spraying, pruning shrubs and trees, applying mineral dressings.
March 23 Wednesday Libra time MSK 08:23Full moon

Lunar eclipse penumbral

Moscow time 15:01

The time is unfavorable for work in the garden and garden. Plants must remain dormant
March 24 Thursday Librawaning moonA good day for planting potatoes, radishes, tuber flowers, caring for trees in the area, sheltering young seedlings from the sun, whitewashing, pest control, caring for houseplants
March 25 Friday Scorpio time Moscow time 21:09waning moon
March 26 Saturday scorpiowaning moonA good day for planting potatoes, radishes, tuberous flowers, caring for trees in the area, loosening, sheltering young seedlings from the sun, whitewashing, pest control, caring for houseplants, applying organic matter
March 27 Sunday scorpiowaning moonA good day for planting potatoes, radishes, tuberous flowers, caring for trees in the area, loosening, sheltering young seedlings from the sun, whitewashing, pest control, caring for houseplants, applying organic matter
March 28 Monday Sagittarius time MSK 09:46waning moon
March 29 Tuesday Sagittariuswaning moonAn auspicious day for all garden care work, but you need to be careful. Also on this day, you can remove covering devices.
March 30 Wednesday Capricorn time MSK 20:45waning moon
March 31 Thursday Capricornwaning moonA good period for planting tuberous crops, sowing flowers for seedlings, pruning, abundant watering

Now you know when and what to plant in March. The information is especially useful for beginners, because they often ask the question: how to grow seedlings it could result in a high yield. Use moon calendar March 2016 and other months to make your job easier.


You should not rely on the phases of the moon for everything, because without caring hands, plants will not be able to grow even planted on certain days. After all, they are the same living beings as we are and require care and attention.

We hope our article will be useful for you? and you will use our recommendations when working on the site.