Conspiracies to change fate. Conspiracy for change for the better

02.09.2019 Education


Many people, for one reason or another, come to the same opinion regarding their lives, namely the opinion that you can change your destiny for the better right now. This requires hard work on yourself to achieve the desired result, but how do you know the specific methods to achieve the best result? These methods include effective conspiracies that will help you change your destiny and achieve success. This section collects and describes various methods on how to change your life and destiny, so that you are completely satisfied with everything in your life and it is exactly the way you want.

Magic for correcting life circumstances.

This Magic will help you change your destiny by acquiring the qualities you need.

At midnight, on the new moon, take a new clay jug (necessarily with a wide neck). Place 12 identical pieces of red fabric in it. First write words or signs on them that denote either desired qualities or milestones of fate. For example, “luck”, “love”, prosperity”...

Simply put, everything your soul desires. Roll each piece into a roll and tie with red thread. On the thirteenth, necessarily black, piece of paper, write what you have negative quality, which you are willing to sacrifice in exchange for the benefit given to you. For example, “laziness,” “pride,” “drunkenness,” “anger.” Then light 13 candles. 12 of them must be white, and one must be black. Read the Veles spell 3 times.

I'M circling, I'm twirling, I'm walking around the edge,

Then right hand throw a black scrap into the jug. Mix everything. After this, with your left hand, remove the first flap you come across. If it happens that you take out a black piece, it means that the exchange offered to the Gods is unequal. In this case, you need to give up anything else. If the piece is red, then the Gods are satisfied with your sacrifice.

Place the red piece you received under your pillow. For forty days you cannot look at what you got. Before you find out which quality you will acquire, you need to read a prayer forty times every morning and evening with complete concentration during this period. You can't miss a single day. The fact is that forty days is a time of complete cleansing and restructuring.

Turn your face to the east. Imagine that a white-gold ray passes through the top of your head from the center of the universe. Say quietly:

“Forty forty, forty roads, forty for forty all according to your canopy.”

How to change your life for the better.

One good ritual will help you change your destiny and life for the better.

Wait until the full moon. Towards the evening, but be sure to take three red apples before sunset. Place them under the moonlight at night. In the morning, take these apples in your hands and recite the spell on them three times:

“Just as the moon controls water, how it controls the ebb and flow of tides, how it influences a person’s emotions, so let it turn my life around, let the moon turn my life around the way I need it, the way I need it. And neither the enemy, nor the sorcerer, nor the beast of the forest, nor the beast of the house will destroy my word. Let it be so!"

Wash the apples thoroughly in spring water, saying the same spell.

Eat one apple yourself. At the same time, say to yourself:

“I eat an apple, I eat it, I change the life inside myself. And once I change myself, I will change my whole life.”

Give the second apple to some friend, saying the following spell to yourself:

“I share good things, I don’t hide good things. On good life I’m talking all around!”

And bury the third apple in the ground, saying the following words:

“What was taken from the earth, I return to the earth. Be on my side, mother earth, help me, mother earth.”

How to remove obstacles from the path of life.

In order to change your life for the better, and solve important life problems, as well as remove all obstacles, perform the following magical ritual. On a blank piece of paper, write down what is bothering you. Go outside on a sunny day, taking with you a box of matches and this piece of paper. Find a deserted place. Roll the leaf into a tube and set it on fire. While it is burning, say the following words:

“The sun is shining, the sun is hot, take away misfortunes with failures. Let all problems and obstacles burn away without difficulty, let it be so now and always! Let it be as I said!”

Rituals and conspiracies for depression.

You need to boil 200 ml of milk. In hot milk you need to stir one tablespoon of any light honey. At the same time, you need to read the “Our Father” prayer. Then you need to drink this milk in small sips. While drinking, you need to make the sign of the cross (any odd number of times), saying: “Amen!”

Cast a spell on the settled water: “I’m talking myself out of sadness and sadness, which has a love reason. The reason dissolves, the melancholy toils, it is washed away with my tears. As soon as I washed my face, everything was forgotten. In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

You should wash your face with this water, and the more often the better. This conspiracy is very effective, the main thing is not to forget to carry it out.

You need to lean your forehead against the window glass, which faces the north or west side, and say 3 times: “Lord! Calm my mental pain, the aching pain, me, (your full name), harassing. Amen, amen, amen." Then you need to cross yourself and drink pre-prepared water (70-100 ml). This should be done 3-4 times during the day. Sometimes just one session is enough. It is necessary to observe strict fasting between these sessions.

If there is a person in your family who is prone to depression and despondency, then you definitely need to plant marigolds in the garden. But the flowerbed must certainly have a round or oval shape (the main thing is that it does not have corners).

Ritual to help in a difficult situation.

In the evening, before going to bed, you need to light a blue candle. Blue is the color of calm and wisdom. Next, you should simply talk to the spirit of fire about what worries you at the moment. This conversation will help ease your soul. When you share your problem with fire, you will feel better. Before extinguishing (namely extinguishing, not blowing out) the candle, you should say the spell: “I confess that I am afraid that I will not be able to do anything. But I’ll just defend myself with fire and tomorrow I’ll be brave.” Be sure to think about this before you go to bed. The next day, the spell must be repeated (remembering and imagining yesterday’s candle fire) and after that you can safely make any decisions and not be afraid of anything.

Before you change your destiny for the better, decide what exactly you want to change, what doesn’t suit you in your life. Strictly follow the instructions necessary to carry out the rituals, this will allow you to achieve the best effect.

Magic and fate. Is it possible to change fate with magic? Is magic an intervention in fate? Does magic affect karma?

Sometimes I hear from some of my patients or letter writers the following statement: “I think I would use your help, but at the same time I’m not sure that it is necessary to interfere with fate...” Although this is not the first time I have commented on this misconception, but I think it’s worth answering it again so that all my readers can see and think about the answer. The answer is simple, clear and concise.

So, when you have a toothache and you go to the dentist, is the dentist's work an "unacceptable interference with fate"? If your faucet is leaking, will calling a plumber be “interfering with fate”? And buying new boots because the old ones are worn out is “interfering with fate”? And if you are trying to find a new job or come up with a business out of a desire to improve the quality of your life, isn’t this “interfering with fate”? There are countless examples of this kind that can be cited, but does this make sense?

I hope you understand what I want to say. If you have any problems, they must be solved, and this is not some kind of “unacceptable interference in fate.” I do not “interfere with karma” in any way, I simply eliminate negativity and solve problems. Or I’ll add good luck to you, which is also not “wrong intervention with bad consequences.”

And here's another important point - This is not at all fraught with any other problems in the future! Just like going to the dentist will not necessarily cause the microwave to break down in the future. And calling a plumber will not lead to gastritis. And buying new boots is not a guarantee that your loved one will definitely leave you. And if you organize a beauty salon, this does not mean that “in retaliation, fate will somehow send you under a tram.” Following the flawed logic of “non-interference in fate,” you can do nothing at all. Well, that is, absolutely nothing. And what will be the fate of such a person (or rather, a plant)? And why are only some people running around with the absolutely idiotic conviction that they will definitely get some kind of misfortune on their heads due to the fact that something good happened to them?! In their opinion, God is a complete sadist who, after every carrot, will definitely hit him with a whip? Well, what kind of sick nonsense is this!

Of course, sometimes there is interference in fate provoked by magic, unless we are talking about black magic. I emphasize again: Not any, but only black magic breaks fate! Any damage or love spell can radically change a person’s life in a negative direction. But on the contrary, I only eliminatingdamage, love spells and other similar problems. Thereby suppressing the negative witchcraft influence on a person’s fate. After all, most often people turn to me for help in situations where their destiny already intervened. Contact us to fix this Negative influence and prevent similar problems in the future. Sometimes people who are free from any witchcraft negativity turn to me to attract good luck. And there is nothing bad in this either, just as a thoughtful admission to an educational institution, opening and developing a business, and everything else that active and purposeful people for the sake of improving the quality of life.

You know, in the end it all comes down to what kind of magic we are talking about, “white” or “black”. "White" solves problems, is a Divine craft, makes people healthier, happier and more successful. The way people should be. And “black” magic, on the contrary, creates problems, making people sick, unhappy and unlucky. But I have never practiced “black” magic before and do not plan to use it in the future. By turning to “white” magicians, you are not at all “interfering” in your destiny or in the destiny of those for whom you are asking for something good! You only get rid of problems, and nothing else prevents you from getting what you deserve from life.

If this is not your first time on my site, the above should already seem familiar to you. The fact is that this article is an extended version of the answer, which I once published in the “Answering Questions” section of my website. Shortly after posting the question about “interfering with fate” and my answer to it, I received an email, which I will quote at the conclusion of this publication: “I am adding to your comment about your work as “interfering in a person’s destiny.” Listen, people, after all, those who damaged you have already interfered in your destiny (karma)! They interfered rudely, treacherously, pursuing their own evil goals. there is a choice: either continue to live with this interference, or, with the help of specialists, try to return everything to normal. Unfortunately, in advanced cases (neglected, because often we do not suspect the presence of an impact), it may not be possible to return absolutely everything back. but not trying to remove the negative is definitely harming yourself!”

Everything that happens in life: ups and downs, successes and failures, meetings, partings - is predetermined by Fate.

A man is born - and luck accompanies him from the very beginning. And the other has a difficult childhood, illness, dysfunctional parents, fights, scandals. Why does life turn out this way?

Those who believe that everything that happens in their lives was predetermined from above should seriously think about what place fate occupies in their lives. Is it really necessary to accept the inevitable and obediently follow it, or is it worth changing something? Is it possible to change fate or resist higher powers pointless?

The possibility of changing one's destiny has excited man since he first began to recognize himself as a thinking being. Even in the most ancient times, before the emergence of even the most primitive beliefs, man hoped that certain rituals would help him change his fate for the better.

To the question “How to correct fate and is it possible to correct it at all?” my unequivocal answer is YES!

How do you know when it’s time to turn to magic to change the turns of fate?

  • You are constantly haunted by incredibly absurd events that go against your understanding, and you cannot explain them
  • All efforts made to achieve one goal or another go in vain, ultimately leaving one’s hands down.
  • Constant failures at work and at home, despite the fact that you do nothing bad for others
  • It's even worse if you are experiencing dangerous events in which you are injured or in some way life-threatening

All negative events give a subjective impetus to the fact that the time has come to change something, otherwise trouble will not be long in coming. And this something is fate, which needs to be shown a different path, and you need to be cleansed of bad thoughts that, in a growing lump, attract more and more new and strange situations.

If you want to change your destiny, then don’t sit idly by, but act! What you don’t like can and should be changed using fate correction methods, even if for this you have to give up the familiar world and your own name.

Just remember that correction of fate can only be done in what actually brings tangible discomfort, and not in what does not suit you at this moment. Do not give in to a bad mood, but carefully analyze your life. Only then will your manipulations to correct your fate be successful and help you become happier and achieve success.

How to do this will be shown in the next film from the Practical Magic series - Change Destiny

How to change fate

Use the signs of fate for positive purposes. Do not blindly obey predictions, do not present them as the final truth, but only as warnings about which fork you will need to take in order to avoid getting into trouble. By believing in a negative outcome, you will involuntarily program yourself that the prediction will work.

Your exact future is not recorded anywhere. In many ways, you shape it yourself with your thoughts and mood. It is not for nothing that all world religions have established the truth “treat others the way you would like to be treated,” and in all the most ancient fairy tales, good triumphs over evil. It is the belief that doing righteous, noble and selfless actions helps to “attract” as much positive as possible into your life.

Every phenomenon in the world has many variations and interpretations. For someone black cat- a bad omen, but for some it’s a cute, fluffy animal that runs about its business. Try to believe only in positive signs. Come up with a ritual that sets you up for success. For example, hold on to the mailbox, pet the neighbor’s cat, pick a wildflower along the way.

Try to talk only about good things all day long. Leave heavy thoughts in the depths of your consciousness. Healthy earthly optimism and firm confidence in one’s abilities will help change one’s destiny.

In any case, even if all signs point to a negative outcome, believe only in victory. If you didn’t win, it means that fate saved you from the difficulties that this triumph would have brought. But somewhere else, success will definitely await you.

Remember that a person is the architect of his own happiness, and has the power to change anyone’s destiny if he makes an effort every day to follow only the golden fork.

Fate correction method No. 1: change your name

If you want not only to correct your fate, but also to radically change it, change your name. Just take this very seriously. Don't take a name that you just like - you may destroy what you have, but you won't gain anything in return. Think about what qualities you want to strengthen in yourself, and which ones, on the contrary, to get rid of.

For example, if your relationship with men has deteriorated due to your harshness and intransigence, then choose a name that implies tenderness, humility and femininity. But remember that such changes will affect not only your personal life, but also on business acumen.
If you lack determination, a strong core, drive and ambition, look for a name with similar characteristics.

The method of correcting fate by changing your name is certainly troublesome: you will have to correct all documents, starting with your passport and ending with your birth certificate. A diploma, a plastic card, rent payments - everything must be changed so as not to cause problems in public life. But if you are truly unhappy with your life, then difficulties will not stop you.

Fate correction method No. 2: getting rid of negative interference

If you suddenly begin to feel that all your plans are falling apart, that you are losing what you have achieved with great difficulty, and that you do not have the strength to resist troubles, it means that someone really wants to harm you and is conducting an energy attack. Such interference in your life can manifest itself as damage, the evil eye, or even generational curse. And you need to urgently get rid of this before your life goes to hell.

Finding out the presence of damage or the evil eye is not so difficult. Light a match, let it burn halfway and throw it into a glass of water. If there is damage or an evil eye on you, the match will sink.

The second way is using an egg. Hold the egg between your palms and roll it over your forehead and chest. Break the egg into a clear glass half filled with water. If the yolk remains in the white, everything is fresh and even, then there is no damage or evil eye on you. If the yolk sank, and the white rose to the top, as if in threads, then the evil eye is on you. And if there are black inclusions in the egg, this is spoilage.

It is better to remove damage and the evil eye from a specialist, but before doing this, make sure that the person in front of you is not a charlatan. Unfortunately, there are many of them now. It is better to contact the person who has already really helped someone you know. And one more thing: a specialist is a specialist, but don’t give up visiting church.

Well, you can try to do it yourself, for example, following advice or using recommendations from the movie

Destiny correction method No. 3: changing the environment

Often our life begins to go awry due to the fact that there is a person in our environment who, subtly, subconsciously or purposefully, tries to adjust our life to their own interests or to their understanding of what is right and what is wrong. And such interference not only harms the creation of our full life, but also negatively affects our self-esteem.

If you feel that someone with whom you are constantly in contact is putting pressure on you, trying to manipulate you, and does not perceive you as an independent person, then urgently reduce communication with this person to a minimum. The well-being of your destiny directly depends on how self-sufficient you are. Manipulation forces you to live not your own life, but someone else’s life. Think about it, are you acting of your own free will? It often happens that a person is “programmed” to take actions that would satisfy not his ambitions, but the ambitions of the manipulator.

It is possible, although not easy, to fight this by correcting your own destiny. It’s too hard to immediately change your environment and break away from your parents or friends. In this case, it is easier to change management, although it is not always economically beneficial...

Destiny correction method No. 4: setting new goals

If you are no longer satisfied with your life, if you think that you are following the wrong course, then perhaps the whole point is that you have chosen the wrong goal, the wrong path. Often fate in a rough form shows us that it needs correction, that we are not doing what we came into this world for. And that’s when it becomes necessary to rethink everything, put together all the clues of fate and draw the right conclusions.

For example, you received an education at the insistence of your parents, and not according to your own preferences, then you went to work where you were “placed”, married a person who was literally forced on you... And then you are still surprised that you do not live, but exist.

Don't be afraid to change your established life! Set yourself a goal not to conform to the majority’s concept of a successful life, but to become happy.
Of course, you won’t be able to do this right away, but start small. Try the “taste” of the business that attracts you, at least as a hobby. And if you realize that you have hit the nail on the head, turn your hobby into a business one, try to start making money with it.
You can first combine it with what is familiar to you.

As you can see, you can change your destiny. But if suddenly you are afraid to immediately “get into the deep end,” then first try radically changing your hairstyle. Sometimes this is enough to realize oneself as a new person and begin to act according to the new image.
based on materials from,

When everything is bad, we exclaim, “That means it’s not fate...that means karma is like that, what can you do?” There is no need to give up, you need to act right now.

You are able to change your destiny and give yourself new life! You will become beautiful, healthy, successful, rich - you just have to want it and start striving for it!

Practical magic.

Many people, for one reason or another, come to the same opinion regarding their lives, namely the opinion that you can change your destiny for the better right now. This requires hard work on yourself to achieve the desired result, but how do you know the specific methods to achieve the best result? These methods include effective conspiracies that will help you change your destiny and achieve success. This section collects and describes various methods on how to change your life and destiny, so that you are completely satisfied with everything in your life and it is exactly the way you want.

Magic for correcting life circumstances.

This Magic will help you change your destiny by acquiring the qualities you need.

At midnight, on the new moon, take a new clay jug (necessarily with a wide neck). Place 12 identical pieces of red fabric in it. First write words or signs on them that denote either desired qualities or milestones of fate. For example, “luck”, “love”, prosperity”...

Simply put, everything your soul desires. Roll each piece into a roll and tie with red thread. On the thirteenth, necessarily black, piece of paper, write down the negative quality you have, which you are willing to sacrifice in exchange for the benefit given to you. For example, “laziness,” “pride,” “drunkenness,” “anger.” Then light 13 candles. 12 of them must be white, and one must be black. Read the Veles spell 3 times.

I'M circling, I'm twirling, I'm walking around the edge,

Then, with your right hand, throw the black piece into the jug. Mix everything. After this, with your left hand, remove the first flap you come across. If it happens that you take out a black piece, it means that the exchange offered to the Gods is unequal. In this case, you need to give up anything else. If the piece is red, then the Gods are satisfied with your sacrifice.

Place the red piece you received under your pillow. For forty days you cannot look at what you got. Before you find out which quality you will acquire, you need to read a prayer forty times every morning and evening with complete concentration during this period. You can't miss a single day. The fact is that forty days is a time of complete cleansing and restructuring.

Turn your face to the east. Imagine that a white-gold ray passes through the top of your head from the center of the universe. Say quietly:

“Forty forty, forty roads, forty for forty all according to your canopy.”

How to change your life for the better.

One good ritual will help you change your destiny and life for the better.

Wait until the full moon. Towards the evening, but be sure to take three red apples before sunset. Place them under the moonlight at night. In the morning, take these apples in your hands and recite the spell on them three times:

“Just as the moon controls water, how it controls the ebb and flow of tides, how it influences a person’s emotions, so let it turn my life around, let the moon turn my life around the way I need it, the way I need it. And neither the enemy, nor the sorcerer, nor the beast of the forest, nor the beast of the house will destroy my word. Let it be so!"

Wash the apples thoroughly in spring water, saying the same spell.

Eat one apple yourself. At the same time, say to yourself:

“I eat an apple, I eat it, I change the life inside myself. And once I change myself, I will change my whole life.”

There is a ritual of changing fate. With its help, you create a completely new life for yourself, in all areas of life. Happiness, wealth, luck, success - all this is inherent in man by the Creator himself.

Let's use our CHANCE to become happy. Using this practice, creating your new image, we can change the characteristics of our personality, remove negative character traits, and strengthen positive ones. We can change our living conditions.

With the help of this ritual, especially if you received individual code keys during the completion of my Courses, you can change your age, rejuvenate your body by writing new story, improve external data.

The result will depend on the seriousness of our intentions, faith in ourselves and our work. If you are not confident in yourself, then it is better to contact a specialist, because this is a very serious job.

We buy a sketchbook, glue, markers, pen or pencil. Everything must be new. We want to create our own new reality, which means that from the moment of work we adhere to all the rules. We are preparing the album in advance. Before the ritual, we will fill it out completely with all the necessary information, since this is a program for a new life, and we want to implement it for ourselves, attracting the necessary Energies of the Universe for this.

Before starting work, we read the Conspiracy, and, finishing work on creating a plan for our new destiny, we also pronounce this plot. And let's get creative, create our own new destiny. A life in which we will be cozy and comfortable. The work process may take some time.

Don’t try to start right away just to finish the job faster. If we want to be happy, we need to purposefully direct energy in the right direction. And in general, try to learn to think through all decisions.

This will help to avoid many troubles and eliminate obstacles quickly, efficiently, or rather, we will learn to calculate all the options so that we will choose the only correct one, which will eliminate all delays and obstacles to the advancement of our affairs, and will contribute to the rapid execution of our desires, unhindered implementation of our plans.

Whole Universe Energy, Wisdom of the Whole Universe
Help of the Lord God and the Power of the Earth
Given to me for accomplishing deeds, for good, for creation
May these things lead me to happiness!
Through the Majesty of Space and Timelessness of Time
I am turning to you, I beg you very much
Help me accomplish everything I set my mind to
At the right time for me, and the way I want!
I wish you luck, wealth, love, prosperity
Happiness, joy, success, Wisdom of Ancient genera
Bring to my destiny the fulfillment of my wishes
May the Power of the Gods always help me
I call upon you All Great Powers
I undertake to direct everything for the good,
What was given to me by the Creator and the One Universe
And fight evil - here, now and then
And let me not be able to change this Conspiracy
And no one ever
He is under the Power of the Wise Forces and he will help me
Our entire Universe gave me Strength.

We take the album and write on it:

"I'm creating my own happy life filled with prosperity, happiness, joy, love and prosperity."

Let's paste the Image of a successful person with good health, who is accompanied everywhere by luck, success and happiness.

I am responsible for my life. I am the master of my life.
I am unique and no one in the world can do what I can do.

On the first pages you can paste an image of a well-dressed, slim, confident person and write:

Day after day, in every way, I am getting better and better and better.
In a state of health, I meet the requirements that nature places on me.
My possibilities are endless. I believed (believed) in myself, and I know I will achieve everything I want.

I am surrounded by three rings of Power."
I myself (myself) decide what kind of health I should have. I choose excellent health!
In my body there is a constant continuous rejuvenation of the entire organism at the cellular level. Every day I get younger.

I am a bottomless reservoir of health and youth, longevity, courage, complacency, confidence and prosperity! And so it is! Becauze I whant so!
I am in good health! And it will always be like this! Becauze I whant so! Because Guardian Angels always help me! My subconscious has enough power to heal me and remove everything negative programs(engrams). My subconscious, with the help of my positive words and thoughts, creates positive programs (engrams) to improve my health. I am in a state of harmony."

On the next page we will place a picture relating to profit, income, money.

My income is constantly increasing.
I attract endless streams of money. My life is filled with well-being, happiness, prosperity.
I am always ready for good luck to come.
All doors leading to success open before me.
I am a generator of luck and success.
I always have money that comes to me easily.
I attract an abundance of love and money into my life.
I form a picture in my mind financial well-being and success.

On the next page we draw or paste a picture of the house or apartment in which we want to live. If we want to move to another city, we write that we can easily sell our apartment in this city at a high price. And we quickly buy an apartment in the city in which we want to live. And we describe what kind of apartment it should be, on what floor, i.e. we create an image of the apartment in which we want to live. The apartment I am buying is in a great area. The condition of the apartment is excellent. I am buying this three-room apartment inexpensively. I was lucky, I still had quite a decent amount left. And this will allow me to buy new things for myself and my family.

I'm thriving! Wealth! Well-being! Abundance!
I attract good luck and happiness to myself.
Every day I become luckier and more successful.
Luck comes into my life more and more often.
On my road of life there are more and more more luck.
I deserve good luck and abundance in all my endeavors.
Luck comes into my life quickly.
All my desires are satisfied.
The whole world loves and supports me

On the next sheet of paper we draw a car and write what kind of car we want to buy, in excellent condition, at an affordable price, i.e. inexpensive. We describe all the parameters of the car, make, color, everything that is necessary, how we imagine this car.

I'm buying the car I dream of. The car is in excellent condition.

On the next piece of paper we draw or paste a picture of the furniture we want to buy. We describe what we want to buy.

On the next sheet we paste pictures of the countries we want to visit.
Those. creating a new reality. When we have done the work and indicated all the desires, dreams and plans, we carry out the ritual.

For the ritual you need:

Album, 25 red candles, 25 yellow candles, 1 green candle. Place 25 red candles in a circle on the floor, and then 25 yellow candles in a circle. The red candles will be in a circle of yellow candles. Those. yellow candles should be in the “outer” circle, and red ones, as it were, inside. We place a green candle on the table and grease it with orange oil. We place incense - sandalwood, patchouli, bergamot, lily, rose.

When lighting candles, say over each candle:

I turn to the Creator and the Universe with prayer
I call you to me, all the Great Powers,
Those who gave us life created our World!
Illuminate my path with Divine Light
Give the wisdom of centuries and the Energy of the Stars!
The universe gave me a great gift -
Gifted with the ability to turn dreams into action
Control your destiny and change the course of time.
Receive well-being and happiness.

There is a table in the circle, there is a light on it green candle. There is an album with our program. We turn on calm music, go to the table and pick up the Album on which it is written:

“I create a happy life for myself, filled with prosperity, happiness, joy, love and prosperity.”

And we begin to work with every desire, with every point of the plan. In our controlled imagination we create images of everything that we have in mind, we have already created all the conditions for the realization of desires and now our task is to materialize all our dreams in real life with the help of the Forces of the Universe. And we are up to this task. Because we sincerely want to be happy. We sincerely believe that we deserve all the best in this life, in this world.
After we have worked with all the desires, we read the plot.

So that I can change the course of all events
Help me, Creator, to become the mistress of life
So that I can control my destiny
Give me the right of the Great Ones to control the time of life -
Or speed it up, or bring it back
So that I can create a new scenario for fate
I could change the twists of fate
So that my life path runs without accidents
Give me the strength, Creator, to change the course of time!
The Almighty Creator is the essence of the entire Universe
I turn to You and pray with all my heart
Give me the Power of Heaven, give me the power of Constellations
So that I could change the course of all events!

The ritual is over. take the Album. And every day for 2.5 months we work with him every day.

Before starting work, read this Plot. And we finish the work with this conspiracy:

Dreams are endowed with Star Power
Everything I wish comes true
My strength is increasing every day
The Creator and the Universe help me!
I control my life, I control my destiny
I receive both happiness and joy from fate.
Prosperity in everything and incomes are growing
Success and prosperity are coming to me in life.
The Universe has gifted me with Great Power
Gave me self-confidence
Gave me the ability to control my destiny
And I get everything I want.
I can change the course of time
From nothing - to extract income
I will cure fears and illnesses in myself
And I will get everything I want from life.
Everything in my life is good - I know it
I can handle all Great Achievements
Everything will be in my life - as I wish!
Everything will be in my life - just the way I want it!

You inhale and as you exhale, send energy for the harmonious and quick implementation of what was said, agreeing and confirming, yes, that’s exactly how it is:

Now I have created a program for my happy and prosperous life, which is now successfully and rapidly being implemented in my life, all my desires and dreams are coming true!


We create our new reality and naturally work with a smile on our lips. Not anxiously and dissatisfiedly thinking about reading and working as much as possible again. Namely, with a smile on his lips. Infusing dreams and desires with positive energy. The energy of happiness and prosperity. Energy of joy and love. We are the creators of our lives. And you and I agreed that we will only have positive thoughts and utter only beautiful words filled with love and joy.

Therefore, we work with love and joy with our plans that we have outlined for ourselves, the most important and beloved person in this world. And we record all the positive changes that happen in our lives, all our plans, desires, dreams in this album.

It is charged with powerful energy during the ritual, and all our dreams, plans, desires are doomed to fulfillment, because they are filled with this energy, which contributes to their rapid fulfillment.

Be a generator of joy and happiness!

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