The most powerful magical energy days of the year. The most powerful days of power in February, the energy of which can change a person’s destiny

10.07.2019 Sport

The most powerful day of the year for making wishes come true

A very magical day awaits us tomorrow. Such days happen once a year, so I strongly advise you not to miss the cool energy. What kind of day is this?!

Do you remember, I hope, that just recently we celebrated the vernal equinox(March 20) – the entry of the Sun into the sign of Aries. This is the point the beginning of a new astrological year, a powerful starting point. Spring is coming, nature is awakening and a new round of life begins.

The sun is the main giver of life on our planet; being in Aries, it carries maximum vital energy, maximum strength. This is the sign of exaltation of the Sun. But YANG always accompanies YIN, DAY always accompanies NIGHT, SUN accompanies the MOON. These two great luminaries are the most important energy poles for the inhabitants of the earth!

Tomorrow the Sun and Moon will meet in the sky, there will be a new moon. There is a new moon every month, but it is not just a new moon, but a new moon in the sign of ARIES. This astronomical phenomenon occurs once a year and is considered a very important point. The new moon - at the level of the month - is also a symbol of a new period, a beginning. Here the symbolism of a powerful start at the level of the Solar cycle (entry into the sign of Aries) and the Lunar cycle comes together. Therefore, the new moon in Aries, which always occurs in March - April = this is a great time to energetically launch your goals and desires and receive powerful support from the cosmos.

The main new moon of the year will be April 7, 2016 at 2:23 pm by Moscow time. The practice of writing down your desires must be done within 8 hours after the new moon point. That is, according to Moscow time, you need to register everything before 22:30.

If you understand astrology, you can find the most suitable hour for this practice. If you don’t understand it, it’s okay, do it when you have free time and you are left alone. Practice requires concentration.

So what are we going to do? We will write down on paper our desires for the near future, the main and most valuable desires. Therefore, the first thing you need to do today is to think carefully about what is really important to you in the near future (maximum a year), what goals you want to achieve. You can make up for now preliminary lists so that tomorrow at the right time you will not be distracted by this part of the practice.

Be sure to watch this video, I tell you how to write wishes correctly, in a positive way, etc.

IT IS IMPORTANT! Desires must be formulated correctly.

What wishes are good to write tomorrow?

In general, you can set any goals that are significant to you for the near future (maximum a year). But it’s especially good to write goals that resonate with the energy of the day. Since the New Moon will be in Aries (+ Sun in exaltation), it is very good to ask for:

Health, vitality, energy

Victory in any competition, victory in sports

Protection in difficult situations

Winning in court

Gaining fame, recognition, fame

Success and promotion of your business projects

Tomorrow's new moon will be during the second lunar house. This is the zone from 12.51 to 25.42 Aries. The energy of this lunar house also associated with a powerful start, beginning, fiery energy. The symbol of this house is the King who sits on the throne. Therefore, goals that are related to:

Career advancement (your boss will support you)

Reconciliation after conflicts, generally improving relationships

With the help of people with power, money (kings)

Now about the main rules of tomorrow's technology.

There should be no more than 9-10 goals. It is better to choose the number 9. This number is also magically associated with the Moon. Why you shouldn't write more - so that your energy doesn't dissipate. You can write less, but I recommend at least two or three wishes.

Be sure to write by hand. Not on the computer. It's good to write in red.

While working, it is important that no one distracts you; turn off your phone, take off your watch and other metal devices.

Turn off the lights, then light the red candle.

Relax and begin to slowly and beautifully write down your desires.

When you have written everything, read the list out loud.

After this, sit for 20-30 minutes and meditate on your goals. It is important to let each goal pass through yourself, imagine a colorful film, as if all this has already been realized, it is important to be inside the film, to be an active participant in the events, and not to look at the film from the outside.

Then leave the candle to burn out next to the list of goals; you can put it directly on the list, only in a candlestick. The candle must burn out completely, so do not use candles that are too thick. You can go about your business at this time.

When the candle burns out, the ceremony is considered completed.

What to do with the list later? There are several options.

You can carry it with you all the time, for example, in a diary.

You can place it on your altar or place that is sacred to you.

You can just put it under the mattress.

A year later, on the next new moon in Aries, the list needs to be burned and a new circle should begin.

One more bonus that I want to talk about as part of this magical date. On the first lunar day, after the spring equinox, it is very good to create a vision board or treasure map. I think everyone knows what it is. This is a graphic collage of your goals and desires.

You can combine this wonderful technique with the goal writing technique. The effect will be great!

1 lunar day by Moscow time - this is the period from 14:23 (April 7) to 6:32 (April 8).

Pictures for the treasure map need to be prepared in advance, and on the 1st lunar day you should start creating the collage itself.

Repost, tell your family and friends about these wonderful practices. Let's help improve people's lives together, making gifts is so great!

I wish you fulfillment of all your desires and prosperity at all levels!

Days of power have been known since ancient times. Our ancestors used them for various rituals aimed at attracting well-being and getting rid of negativity.

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In ancient times, when people lived in unity with nature, the change of seasons and lunar phases was given special importance. Our ancestors represented the Moon as a symbol of the Goddess, therefore they mainly performed all magical rites and rituals in the light of this heavenly body. It is known that in ancient times all people celebrated the arrival of each season of the year with special rituals. And the most important thing is that they were all different. A similar tradition of celebrating the change of season and marking the full moon is still preserved. However, basically this tradition is inherent only to those people who are hereditary sorcerers, magicians and healers, as well as those who are considered the heirs of pre-Christian folk religions. In the witchcraft religious calendar there are 13 full moon holidays and 8 Sabbats, which are also commonly called days of power.

Four of these nights are considered solstices and equinoxes, and the remaining four are based solely on ancient folk festivals. In general, the magical calendar or the Days of Power calendar was very important for our ancestors. Thanks to him, people could know exactly when to make magical rituals, that is, on what specific astronomical dates. As a rule, on all energetically strong days, people performed all kinds of rituals of a magical nature. Well, it was customary to do them in the fresh air with the obligatory use of the energies of the four elements. During such rituals, people always turned to their gods with a request for a harvest, a well-fed and rich life, so that enemies and enemies would not attack their lands and cause irreparable harm. Also, on energetically strong days, it was customary to ask the gods for health to loved ones; in other words, on these days people only addressed vital issues.

What days of power are will be discussed in this video.

For modern society It is extremely important to know which days of power will be considered in 2018. Knowing exactly which days of the year will be the most favorable for undertakings and positive in terms of your personal life, you can tailor important events in your life to them as much as possible. By planning your affairs for favorable days, you can be sure that they will be completed successfully. As for spring, during this period of the year energy days take on great meaning. Since spring is a time of renewal, it has long been customary in the spring to cleanse oneself and one’s home from the negative energy that was accumulated in winter. The most important thing is that energy surges in the month of March are the most active.

Therefore, if you really want to seize the chance and change your life for the better, then you should remember these dates:

  • March 7;
  • 9th of March;
  • March 14th;
  • 20th of March;
  • March 23.

March 7 is considered Mauritius Day, on which the Moon moves to the constellation Scorpio. On this day of strength in 2018, it is recommended to engage in spiritual practices and, if possible, spend your time in solitude. March 9 is Polikarpov's day, when the Moon continues to wan and spends the day in the constellation Sagittarius. On this day, activity increases significantly, so it is recommended to boldly load yourself with work, physical activity, make any trips and travels. The most favorable spring day is considered to be March 14th. On this day, the Moon is in its final waning phase and spends the day in the constellation Aquarius. At this time, it is ideal to complete any issues and affairs that may have previously failed. And any business on this day, started with a positive attitude, will bring maximum benefit and good luck to life. March 20, the day of Pavel Kapelnik, is considered no less favorable. The waxing Moon in the constellation Taurus will have a positive effect on all areas of life, so this time must be used to conduct financial transactions. On March 23, luck will come into your hands. On these energetically strong days, any work will be completed successfully, without delays or disagreements.

Everyone knows perfectly well that there are days when everything goes as smoothly as possible, and there are also days when everything literally falls out of hand. Summer is a rather difficult period of the year in terms of energetically strong days. However, there are several particularly important dates in it, which, if you want everything to work out successfully, you should definitely remember:

  • June 4,9,16,25 and 29;
  • July 6,7,12 and 29;
  • 2,14, 19,28 and 29 August.

Since only the days of the first summer month are considered to be the most energetically powerful days of summer, it will be important to know what each of them can bring to life. June 4 is considered national holiday Yarilo. And on this day, love magic has special power. June 9 is considered the day when it is strictly forbidden to clean the house. Failure to comply with this rule may cause trouble to come to the house. On June 16, there is a powerful surge of energy that will allow you to cope with any negativity. And June 19 is considered one of the most auspicious days this month, which is successful in all respects.

The most energetic day of autumn is considered to be September 21 or Mabon. This day of the autumnal equinox marked the end of the harvest. On this day, nature fades and gives away its bounty to man, preparing for further winter and long rest. The date October 31 is also considered a very strong energetic day. She's still in magical calendar called Samhain. At this time, all sorcerers say goodbye to God. This date is also popularly known as November Yuletide, Hallows and the Feast of Death. At this time, it is necessary to look back at the past years, remember your ancestors and all those who have left this world. In autumn there is also special lucky days, for example, to resolve family matters and improve health. Such days of power fall on September 1, 2, 5, 9, 13, 22, 27-30, as well as October 5, 8, 12, 24, 29. For labor activity October 6, 7, November 13, 16, 28 are considered the most favorable. And to gain new strength on October 10. On this day, you can reconcile with loved ones or acquaintances with whom you have had disagreements for a long time.

More details about the days of power in November 2018 will be discussed in this video. Leave yours

Days of power have been known since ancient times. Our ancestors used them for various rituals aimed at attracting well-being and getting rid of negativity.

Every month has special days filled with powerful energy. Days of power often fall on holidays. During each energy surge, you can not only achieve success in business and personal life, but also protect yourself from negative energy.


1st of January: Our ancestors used the first day of the new year to rid the house of evil spirits. Fumigate your home with a juniper branch. This will free you from illness and adversity. Also on the 1st you can tell fortunes for the future and find out what awaits you ahead.

January 6 and 7: Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are considered special days. At this time, prayers will help you cleanse yourself of negativity, sins and start life with a clean slate. Spend this time with your family so that your bond grows stronger day by day.

January 9: On this day, attention was paid to animals, especially livestock. Housewives gave them holy water with silver to ward off diseases and increase their offspring.

January 31: According to legend, at this time evil spirits “walk freely.” This is a mystical day when you can tell fortunes for the future. At this dangerous time, it is easy to “catch” the evil eye and damage.


1st of February: On this day, watch the weather. For the whole month it should be the same as today. If there is a strong storm on the first of the month, then our ancestors were at home to spend time with family, strengthen bonds and avoid negativity.

February 5th: Morena day. At this time, magical rituals work great, especially to attract love and prosperity into life.

February 10: brownie day. Appease your household owner so that he stops being weird and mischievous. Treat him to fresh porridge with butter in a beautiful saucer, put a few candies without candy wrappers in a secluded place.

February, 15: During Candlemas, rituals of protection against negativity were carried out, and the meeting of winter with spring was celebrated. Water at that time was considered healing, so it was collected from open sources.

February 20th: on this day they attract a good harvest. Housewives bake baked goods, as well as onion pies. According to legends, garlic and onions eaten on this day contribute to an excellent harvest.

24 February: health day. Bring a twig from a spring or from another place of power so that there is no place for sorrow and poverty in your home. Our ancestors used to lightly hit livestock with a twig to protect them from disease and theft.


March 1: The first day of spring was celebrated with a candle. It was carried through all rooms of the house, and then St. John's wort and juniper were used to fumigate the home. The day is good for the future. On the 1st, you can enlist the support of your Family to avoid life’s difficulties and troubles.

2nd of March: An energetically strong day can be used to attract material well-being. At this time, rituals to attract money bring success. Good luck awaits those who are looking for a new job, signing contracts, and also applying for a higher-paid position.

March, 6: From now on, spend as much time as possible outdoors. This way you will restore strength and immunity, and also attract prosperity into your life.

March 17: On this day it is worth carrying out a ritual to cleanse living quarters. Throw away all the accumulated trash without regret so that the spring energy of renewal enters your home.

20th of March: day of spring equinox. Heaven is open for any request. Perform a ritual that will help you find your love, pray To the Higher Powers about finding well-being.

March 24: On this day you can perform any rituals that will help attract money. A great day for transactions and purchases, especially the purchase of real estate, as well as for starting your own business.


April 7: on this day Orthodox world celebrates the Annunciation. At this time, Heaven is open to any prayers and requests, and the energy in space helps to cleanse and attract well-being.

April 15: Red hill. A great time for love, marriage, fortune telling for the future and bringing prosperity into life. Spend the day with a positive attitude so that no trouble will affect you.

April 22-23: These days, a particularly strong surge in the energy of the Universe contributes to the performance of rituals. Use this time for white love magic. If you don’t have a chosen one yet, then from the 22nd to the 23rd you will be able to open up to true love.

April 30: the day when our ancestors visited places of power. At this time, you will be able to solve the most difficult issues, get rid of traitors and envious people, and justify yourself in the eyes of others.


1st of May: The night of the first is called Walpurgis. According to ancient legends, on this day the time of witches and sorcerers begins. Use this day to collect medicinal herbs, purify rituals and resist negativity. If you cope with your emotions, you can fulfill your desire.

May 3: on this day, visit the cemetery to pay tribute to your deceased relatives. You can ask for advice from loved ones who have left the world of the living, and get answers to many questions. Dreams on this day are prophetic.

the 6th of May: If there is a thunderstorm that day, wash your face with rainwater. To bring prosperity to your home, bring water from an open reservoir and throw precious metal items into it.

May 8: our ancestors considered this day the strongest in May. At this time, you can perform any ritual that will bring happiness and prosperity to your family.

9th May: day of national joy and victory over Evil. To create energetic protection for your family, watch the sunrise outdoors and light a fire. Throw notes into it with what you want to get rid of.

May 14: On this day, our ancestors took care of their finances - they did not lend money to anyone, did not trade and did not buy anything. In this way they ensured the stable well-being of their family.

May 15 and 22: days of money. Trade and love magic will be successful at this time. Spend time with your crush to strengthen your bond.


June 7: On this day, healing decoctions and potions were prepared. Before the evening dawn they were taken outside so that the dew would give them true strength.

June 16: On an energetically strong day, spring water gains strength, which will help get rid of the evil eye, damage and disease.

June 25: Solstice. Those who work honestly can expect rewards. Deceivers need to fear the retribution of the Universe. A great time for responsible endeavors and business expansion.

June 29: herbal day At this time, it is worth preparing medicinal herbs for future use.


July 6: time to prepare brooms for the bath. It is believed that on this day, herbs and trees have the power to heal any ailment. They cajole the bath attendants so that they monitor the steam and temperature in the steam rooms. If you don’t do this, you can easily get burned or get burned.

July, 12: collection of herbs for love spells. On this day of power, love magic is especially strong. Do not try to bewitch a married or busy man, otherwise you will not be lucky in love for another 7 years.

July 29: compressed sheaves brought home help cope with failures and illnesses. Ripe grain is fed to livestock. This time should be devoted to family and restoration of relationships with distant relatives.


August 2: Perun the Thunderer, or Elijah the Prophet. You can't swim and sin. Spend time near an open fire to get rid of bad luck in life. Orthodox Christians pray to Elijah the prophet on this day.

August 14: Honey Spas. The Day of Strength helps to cope with internal contradictions, get rid of bad habits and cleanse the soul of negativity.

August 19: Apple Spas. Meeting autumn. Apples are filled with strength that can help cope with any ailment.

August 28: Dormition. A day of rest for our ancestors. Time to recuperate, spells for well-being and prosperity.

August 29: Nut Spas. The time of collecting the first harvest of nuts, cleansing from accumulated negativity, offering prayers to the Higher Powers.


11 September: Cornelius, beheading of John the Baptist. During strict fasting, they eat root vegetables, which have exceptional powers.

September 14: results day. You will be able to evaluate the results of your work and make a plan for the future. Planning new things will be successful. Do not give in to provocations, so as not to end up in an adventure.

September 22nd: day of the autumnal equinox. Farewell to summer and rituals aimed at the health and well-being of offspring. Our ancestors doused their children with water at the doorstep to save them from damage and strengthen their immunity.

23 September: time to collect medicinal plants to maintain health. An ideal day of strength to appeal for medical assistance. Favorable outcome of surgical interventions.

September 27: Shift. On this day there was a ban on visiting the forest. It is believed that forest animals are preparing for winter hibernation. To interfere with them is to invite disaster for the whole year. A favorable time for prayers and cleansing the soul of negativity.


On these strong days, luck is literally bursting into your hands! Try not to miss these lucky opportunities during the most powerful days of 2019!

It is important to remember that success, like failure, is always fickle. On days of strength, unpleasant situations also occur, but it’s just much easier to deal with them. On all other days, you can use rituals for good luck to reduce the likelihood of disappointments and problems to zero.

January 2019

4 January: on this day the activity of planets and stars will be incredibly high and harmonious in almost all aspects. This is the best day of the month for shopping and for starting work, despite the fact that official holidays are not over yet.

January 14: many planets will be active, which may give people a fresh perspective on things. This is a great day to start internal and external changes. You can go on trips and business trips. Most problems will resolve themselves.

January 23: this will be the most positive and productive environment of the entire month. On this day, a whole lot of changes can occur in love, financial sphere and in people's mood. All of them will be a reflection of your desires. Don’t be shy about ambition and the desire to succeed in everything at once, because on the 23rd it will be possible.

February 2019

February 6: On this day, productivity will increase, new opportunities will appear, and there will be a surge in creative energy. Physical activity will have a beneficial effect on your health and mood.

11 February: humanity is waiting for a surge of creative energy, a time of positive transformation, ideal for shopping as well. You will be able to overcome worries and weaknesses. This is a good day for learning and acquiring new skills.

February 22: this will be the last day of power in February. The greatest success will await people who prefer not to shift responsibility to others. The energy of the planets neutralizes anger and other negativity.

March 2019

5th of March: The first Tuesday of spring and March will be incredibly successful for financial activity. Most people will need to attend to shopping, work and household chores. Travel and business trips, as well as new acquaintances, will be successful.

March 14th: on this day people's mood will improve. The 14th will be a time of light, kindness and sincerity. The planets will have a positive impact on all major indicators: memory, attention, endurance.

21 March: active planets will improve people’s intuition, awaken inspiration, optimism, and the desire to succeed in business. On this day you can work more than necessary, if necessary. The main thing is not to leave anything behind.

April 2019

April 2: a day of communication and forgiveness of each other's shortcomings. On the second day of April it will be easier to forgive loved one, understand him and help in some important matter. The power of this day lies in joint efforts that will lead to the best results.

12th of April: on this day, self-confidence and willpower are enough to win. This is one of the most productive days of spring, which is perfect for teamwork, communication and active recreation.

April 15: No better than the day in order to make compromises and achieve their goals through negotiations. Not only the human body will be resilient, but also the psyche. On this day you can take on the most difficult tasks without fear of consequences.

April 22: Mondays are rarely so positive and conducive to work. On the 22nd, luck will help most people seriously succeed in business and in the love sphere. It is better to work tirelessly during the day and morning, and make romantic appointments in the evening.

May 2019

1st of May: a harmonious surge of planetary energy will help you quickly achieve positive results in love and business. On such days, it is worth devoting more time to introspection, as well as spiritual quests.

May 18: The financial and love side of life will be equally successful. You will have to make a choice in favor of one or the other, and it is better in advance so as not to waste time.

May 21st: A powerful surge of positive energy will help you enjoy life and have fun. After work, you should go straight to a date or in search of adventure.

May 29: this is the last day of the power of spring, which will take place under the auspices of the active and creative energy of the stars and planets. It will be good for dating, romance and mutual assistance. Developed empathy will help you find the key to any heart.

June 2019

the 9th of June: The first summer day of power will be very productive and eventful. Most of the changes will be psychological and almost imperceptible. The Universe will make positive adjustments in people's lives.

June 14: A very productive and positive Friday will await many of us on the 14th. This is a dynamic time, full of optimism, inspiration and a feeling of completeness, completeness of the world around us.

June 16: A huge release of energy will occur due to multiple aspects of the planets. This day will become mysterious, unpredictable, but very favorable. The winners will be those who act on inspiration, without planning anything in advance.