June 23rd according to the lunar calendar. Waxing Moon - phase of the moon on this day

The day is suitable for any endeavors and continuation of previous activities. You can sell or purchase property, do charity work and look for philanthropists. Forgive grievances and strengthen relationships with family and colleagues. This is an unfavorable time for travel.

Influence of the Moon June 23, 2018

10 lunar day

The 10th lunar day is a period of positive energy. At this time, it is good to start new and continue current projects, and make large-scale financial transactions. Thanks to special luck in communication during this period, you can look for new partners, communicate with your superiors, relatives, and strengthen relationships with your significant other. This is a good time to change jobs. The day is suitable for household chores. Traveling at this time is not advisable.

Waxing Moon (2nd phase)

The second phase of the Moon is a favorable period for starting new business, resolving complex issues, conducting business negotiations and concluding deals. It is advisable to implement the plans before the Moon enters the third phase. This is a good time to meet people, move to a new level of relationships with your loved one, and communicate with your family. When communicating, you need to control your emotions.

Moon in Scorpio

The Moon in Scorpio is not the best time for new beginnings. Current tasks during this period are solved relatively easily. This is an unfavorable time for conversations with superiors and changing jobs. Suitable days for washing, general cleaning and minor repairs. It is not advisable to carry out large monetary transactions during this period. Is not best time for dates and any communication. Unfavorable days for travel.


Saturday is an unfavorable period for new beginnings. I am good at monotonous routine work. The day is suitable for independent activities. This is not the best time to communicate with your superiors or change jobs. A suitable day of the week for household chores, shopping, and self-development.

Day of the week is Saturday. Saturn becomes the determining planet. And although its energy is considered too strong and heavy, it is on the days of Saturn that you should restore order in your own life. On Saturday you need to complete old things and start new ones, set goals for yourself, give up unnecessary things and take the path of change. Saturday is the ideal day to get rid of oppressive obligations and addictions. It's time to pay off debts, go on a diet or quit smoking. It would also be a good idea to throw out old things and clean the house. On this day, energy potential is spent on internal experiences and reflections, so it is better to refuse any energy-consuming work on Saturday.

Moon zodiac sign

This day is completely dominated by complex emotions. The “heavy” character of Scorpio becomes the cause of confusion of feelings and mood swings, intertwined with heightened intuition. A day under the influence of the Moon in Scorpio will not be easy. A depressed state, unreasonable fears, a feeling of defenselessness against the aggressiveness of the surrounding world can lead to depression. However, all thoughts, sad conclusions and tedious introspection will go exclusively for the good. Thanks to them, one comes to understand oneself, one’s problems and the true roots of these problems. You will be able to look into yourself, free your thoughts from garbage, and learn lessons that will play a decisive role in the future.

Lunar day

10th lunar day: It’s time to maintain a clear balance between work and rest. The moon will give a lot of energy to solve complex issues. The day is expected to be busy and productive. However, you should not push yourself to the point of exhaustion; the body requires rest. A bath or a good massage will ideally relax you.

11th lunar day: In terms of energy potential, this day is considered one of the most powerful in the entire calendar. This energy is enormous, but the result depends on how it is used. It will either help you create something brilliant, or it will allow you to destroy something that took months to build. On this day, every minute is worth its weight in gold; it is forbidden to indulge in laziness and inaction.

Moon phase

The phase of the growing (young) Moon is associated with the element of Water and symbolizes summer, that is, the most productive time. In this week of the lunar calendar, the implementation of plans enters an active stage. You have to work hard and energetically, change your life, and communicate intensively. At the same time, you need to periodically review your goals in order to adjust your future course if necessary. The second phase (waxing Moon) of the lunar calendar causes psychological stress. Too active work requires appropriate rest and recuperation. There is a need for understanding and mental balance. Indifference is perceived very painfully. The waxing Moon favors the resolution of conflicts. It makes it easier to communicate with difficult people. During this period, compromises are easier, difficult meetings are easier, and negotiations are more productive.

On this day, the Moon will be in passionate, active, zealous Scorpio. This will give people more energy, but at the same time make the day somewhat stressful. The bright, joyful 10th lunar day will continue until 15:57 Moscow time. After 15:57 Moscow time, the energy peak day will begin - 11 lunar day. Phase 2 of the Moon continues, the Moon is waxing.

10 lunar day June 23, 2018

Symbols of the day: Source, Fountain

Bookmark thoughts: I find love in abundance and share it with my family and loved ones. I focus my energy on strengthening family ties and increasing love in my life.

The 10th lunar day is a special time when traditions and family values ​​come to the fore. Today is the right time for family and everything connected with it. On the tenth lunar day, the connection with the family strengthens and the power of protection of the ancestors increases. Therefore, it is important to communicate with parents, show respect for elders, and remember your family. On this day it is good to make a Family Tree.

Everything that happens today becomes a tradition, so you can safely get rid of bad habits and introduce positive ones. On the tenth lunar day, our every action becomes a strong foundation for the future, so it is important to carefully consider everything that happens today.

Quarrels and conflicts are dangerous - they can drag on and take root. But new acquaintances and contacts with people will be the beginning of a strong friendship.

The 10th lunar day symbolizes the Fountain, the Source, because on this day the male Yang energy intensifies. Today there is a sense of love for oneself and for humanity in general. This is the day of the father of the family, the male breadwinner, parent and protector.

  • Financial affairs can improve greatly. Today it is favorable to make any purchases/sales and deal with money.
  • It is especially important to prevent conflicts and quarrels today - they can drag on for centuries. Don’t swear and direct your energy into a creative direction, because it’s in full swing today.
  • Establish new habits - today's actions can become a tradition in your life.
  • You can’t deny yourself food, because today is a day of satiation.
  • Recommended physical exercise, you can start leading an active lifestyle.

11th lunar day June 23, 2018

Symbol of the day: Labyrinth

Goal of the day: Do as much as possible at work, be active and determined, achieve goals. Use the energy of the day to achieve your goals, be active, and solve many problems.

Bookmark thoughts: I direct my energy to work and activity. Today I feel the desire to act and move. I am active and purposeful. Everything works out for me.

The 11th lunar day is the time of peak energy, when the energy of the Earth merges with the energy of the Moon and this force passes through a person along all his energy channels along the spine. Many cannot cope with such pressure of the pulsating power of 11 lunar days and become aggressive and inadequate.

Tip of the day: move and act more, be active. Laziness and apathy will destroy those who do not direct energy in a creative direction, because if it remains in the body, it can only do harm. Its goal is to pass through a person and return to the Universe. Today you can take control of your destiny and influence your life through active actions.

You need to remain calm and not get into arguments, don’t swear, the day is dangerous for conflicts. The body feels energy changes and emotions heat up. If you don't slow down and don't give in, you can achieve a lot. Dynamism and rhythm are the best medicine for the eleventh lunar day.

Everything that was started today must be completed today. Don't start anything long term. Be decisive and take risks. Use the resource of this lunar period to benefit yourself and your life.

  • Financial affairs today can be improved significantly, but it is not recommended to engage in trading.
  • Finish all the things you start, don’t open anything new. What was started today must be completed today.
  • Assertiveness, strength and risk are the motto of the eleventh lunar day at work.
  • It is recommended to move a lot, play sports, and be active. Swimming, running, cycling are useful. It is important not to overeat, you can even go hungry.

Moon in Scorpio June 23, 2018

Planets: Mars, Pluto

Element: Water

During the transit of the Moon in the sign of Scorpio appears a large number of energy. This can be expressed in the form of irritability, aggression and excessive emotionality. Often people during this period are overcome by bad mood and dissatisfaction.

The dangers of the day are injuries, quarrels, conflicts, crowds, pressure, stress, psychological influence and violence. The Moon in Scorpio is suddenness, riskiness, audacity, dramatic and rapid changes.

Sensitivity to people and insight also appears. You can easily reveal deception and “read” those around you. During the Moon in Scorpio, jealousy and sexual activity intensify. There is a high risk of injury now.

No matter how great the craving for extreme sports may be, try to protect yourself as much as possible and not once again put your life and health in danger. Now the desire for power and level of passion is increasing, this can lead you to victory.

Hair cutting and coloring June 23, 2018

June 22 14:43 - June 23 15:57 Moscow time - 10th lunar day: Ohair dye is timely, it will give you self-confidence and help strengthen the foundation of your life. It is not recommended to cut your hair, as you may lose touch with your family.

June 23 15:57 - June 24 17:09 Moscow time - 11th lunar day: Withhaircut and hair coloring will be favorable. They will make you more attractive and charming. You will be more interesting in the eyes of the opposite sex.

The meaning of dreams from June 22 to June 23, 2018

Dreams from June 22 to June 23, 2018 may indicate problems of an intimate nature. They can also carry secret signs and oddities. You can get information about inheritance.

Until June 23, 15:57 Moscow time, dreams concern clan and family, the foundation of life. After June 23, 15:57 Moscow time, dreams can indicate the state of your internal energy: it is in balance or undergoing stagnation.

What to plant on June 23, 2018?

The ideal time to water the plants and fertilize them with organic fertilizers. This is also a good time to plant leafy plants and greenery. The seeds will sprout quickly and amicably, become resistant to diseases, the stems of the plants will be strong and powerful, this is a fairly fruitful period. Many crops can be sown. This is also an ideal time for harvesting and mowing lawns.

Affirmations and meditation for June 23, 2018

Affirmations of the day:

I am a successful person, full of energy and strength, inspiration and inner joy. I move towards my goals and see how dreams become reality in my life.

I am willing and able to move, work, act, achieve a lot. I enjoy my activity and activities. I can do a lot, I can achieve my goals.

Today I get great pleasure from moving forward. I act, I develop, I direct my attention and all my energy to movement and work. I am a confident, sincere, kind person.

Meditation of the day:

Meditation is best done while moving, walking, walking.

Walk forward and feel how your internal energy carries you, your lungs open like wings, your back straightens, your legs become light, mobile, you seem to fly thanks to your internal energy. Now imagine your deepest desire in front of you. It is this desire that you are approaching with every step; it is this desire that will soon become your reality. Keep the image of your desire in front of you all day, no matter what you do. Let every action you take brings you closer to its implementation.

Latitude: 55.75, Longitude: 37.62 Time zone: Europe/Moscow (UTC+03:00) Moon phase calculation for 06/1/2018 (12:00) To calculate the phase of the moon for your city, register or log in.

Characteristics of the Moon on June 23, 2018

On the date 23.06.2018 V 12:00 The moon is in phase "Waxing Crescent". This 10 lunar day in the lunar calendar. Moon in zodiac sign Scorpio ♏. Illumination percentage Moon is 79%. Sunrise Moon at 15:56, and sunset at 01:48.

Chronology of lunar days

  • 10th lunar day from 14:42 06/22/2018 to 15:56 06/23/2018
  • 11th lunar day from 15:56 06/23/2018 until the next day

Moon influence June 23, 2018

Moon in the zodiac sign Scorpio (+)

Moon in a sign Scorpion. The time has come to make the most important decisions. Improved mental performance, increased ability to concentrate on the essence of the problem and high level self-criticism is the best way to separate the truly important from the superficial and insignificant.

You can safely take on new endeavors, develop business plans for new projects, and assign yourself all sorts of obligations that will be within your power.

10th lunar day (+)

June 23, 2018 at 12:00 - 10 lunar day.

A favorable time for creativity, love and spiritual quests. Absolutely any business, both important and not so important, is progressing well. If unpleasant events happen, which in itself is unlikely, they will be short-lived and will not cause any significant harm.

Waxing Moon (±) The moon is in phase. The second lunar phase is the interval between the first lunar quarter and the full moon. During this period, the active growth of the Moon continues. The second phase is characterized by an even more significant increase in energy and internal forces, and strongly expressed activity.

IN business sphere A favorable time begins for carrying out planned activities, solving difficult issues and problems. Things that require a lot of activity will not be difficult.

During the second lunar phase, physical activity can be useful; it is during this period that it is good to start new workouts. Changes in absolutely all areas of activity are favorable, both in relationships on a personal level and in business.

Not a bad time to move, travel, change your activity. Life energy gathers more and more and closer to the full moon its peak is noted. This period is characterized by emotional outbursts, increasingly frequent conflicts, and the emergence of traumatic situations.

Day of week influence (±)

Day of the week - Saturday, this day falls under the influence of Saturn, a planet with strong, heavy energy, in charge of work and learning.

On this day, it is best to start resolving the tasks that have accumulated over the week, making plans for the following days, figuratively speaking, unraveling the knots that have arisen. Estimates of upcoming costs, as well as business plans drawn up on Saturday, most often turn out to be successful.

Try to hold business meetings on Saturday, never postpone them until Sunday.

Lunar horoscope - the calendar for today determines favorable or unfavorable days depending on what lunar day it is today, what is the position of the moon in a certain zodiac constellation and what is the phase of the moon. Astrological forecast for today for each zodiac sign will help predict unforeseen events and protect yourself from troubles

Moon in the sign of Scorpio

The lunar horoscope for today portends successful decisions. if you If there is any mental activity ahead, do not doubt that it will go well. In some people, the level of self-criticism will increase, in connection with this, it will be possible to distinguish what is important to you this moment. The lunar calendar suggests that new beginnings in the form of projects and business plans will be successful! Office work will be fruitful and favorable.

Lunar day today

10th lunar day

The day is conducive to any creative endeavors and love adventures. This helps to quickly solve not only personal problems, but also work tasks. All the troubles that may arise today will be very short-lived.

It is advisable to spend today as fruitfully as possible. You might get more done than you did all week.

The dream seen this night does not have any special meaning.. You should not pay more attention to it than to the reflection of your mood. Most likely, the dream shows the current state of the nervous system.

This figure at this point is approximate . Exact value the beginning and end of the lunar day, for regions in different time zones, differ significantly. What lunar day is it today for each city in its time zone, you need to find out online in the section. To do this you just need to select city ​​name and fill in the time, date, month and year.

Waxing Moon - phase of the moon on this day

The current phase of the moon today is the Waxing Moon. The period has a powerful energy charge that spreads its influence to implement plans. Big things don't take too much physical effort. This happens because the Moon itself is just beginning to grow in height. A great time to bring to life the creative ideas that arose the day before. Space helps in the successful completion of undertakings. Business runs smoothly and without problems, without requiring any special energy expenditure from you.

Plans postponed since last month should be given attention on the lunar day today. This situation is conducive to active activity not only in the business sphere, but also in personal relationships. Long-term relationships are likely to lead to new stage of its development. If there was no strong couple before, then there is a high chance of making more than one interesting acquaintance. The state of health also depends quite significantly on what lunar day it is today. All yours internal organs prepare for long work, accumulating strength. This may feel like a slight sluggishness in the body.

Lunar horoscope Saturday

Saturday is under the influence of Saturn. The planet has strong potential; it carries the energy of new knowledge and is in charge of work and learning. Saturday will be suitable for those who have unresolved matters from the previous week.
The lunar horoscope for today foretells the emergence of strength to solve complex problems. In the first half, you can “untangle the knots”; in the second half, you can do things that you have put off for the coming week.
Writing reports and business plans will prove fruitful. Business meetings can be held on this day; it is not recommended to postpone them until Sunday.

Sleep from Friday to Saturday can also find application in reality. The abundance of happy events and pleasant impressions given by Morpheus indicates that you will receive a lot of positive emotions in the coming days. Often visions on this night characterize events of the near future not only for the dreamer himself, but also for his close friends or family members.
The lunar day also suggests the likelihood of dreams coming true, depending on which lunar day the dream occurred.

Astrological forecast for June 23rd

Today you have a unique chance to surprise your loved ones and family. To do this, you just need to be yourself and get rid of the usual smile.

According to the horoscope today, you can easily allow yourself to relax, since the world will be able to do without you for some time. Give yourself an extraordinary vacation, even if it’s short-term.

Today you will be pathologically unlucky with any electrical equipment. At least try not to use electrical appliances at home. There is a great risk that they “will not live to see the morning.”

If you don't want to be alone for the rest of your life, take a forced march outside. Today you can find yourself a true friend.

Indecision overwhelms you. It’s better for you to wait out this day, sitting quietly and not bothering others with your questions. All the same, you will not hear a sensible answer.

Of course, life is wonderful. Although sometimes it can be incredibly difficult. There is no need to rack your brains over serious questions. The answers will soon come by themselves.

Today you will be incredibly talkative. The horoscope advises to pause at least occasionally. Otherwise, you will not understand the reaction of others to your monologue.