Lunar calendar for house cleaning. The influence of the four elements

08.09.2019 State

Every day we have to do household chores: clean, wash, clean, cook. And from large quantity With all the things that have befallen us, sometimes it seems that this everyday life will simply drive us crazy. Well, where is the justice? You spin and spin like a squirrel in a wheel, trying to make the house cozy and clean, but things don’t get smaller, and everything still falls out of hand. Every housewife has encountered this situation. And all because we do not spend energy correctly, we do not know how and at what time to do certain household chores. Because of this, we create a lot of fuss around household chores and get nervous.

General information about the lunar cycle

The moon is the patroness hearth and home, therefore, having information about the location of the Moon, you will easily cope with household chores. As you know, the Moon affects water (ebb and flow). The human body is 80% water, so each individual and the entire society as a whole reacts to lunar days. One lunar cycle is 29 or 30 days. From 1st to 15th lunar day the moon is waxing, and from 17th to 30th it is waning. Day 16 or 17 is a full moon. The critical days of the lunar cycle are days 9, 13, 19, 23, 26, 29. These days, astrologers do not advise starting important things, signing contracts, or quarreling. It is best to focus on yourself, on solving your problems. The 19th lunar day is very good for cleaning and washing: things will remain clean much longer, and the consumption of detergents will be less.

Advice for those who have wooden floors at home: schedule cleaning during the waning moon. The basic lunar rule: it is better to do big cleanings and throw out unnecessary things from the house during the period when the Moon is in decline. If you get rid of trash while the Moon is waxing, then it will suit you in such a way that they will start giving you completely meaningless things, or you yourself don’t know for what reasons you will buy them. In general, your house will soon become overgrown with junk again.

What is a blockage? These are things that you have saved for years “for a rainy day” or “just in case.” When cleaning, select only what you need “here and now.” Things should please their owner and serve as a source of great support and powerful energy. From the point of view of a psychic, a blockage is a concentration of “stagnant” negative energy. This energy infects the residents of the house, making them lethargic and apathetic.

The rubble that is located on the closet seems to personify problems that are ready to fall on your head at any moment. Higher power They love subtle symbolism. When clearing your living space, say these words: “I create new conditions for future abundance, cleanse my home of evil and attract prosperity, happiness and love.

When the moon is waxing, you can quickly sweep the floor and wipe it with a damp cloth. This should be done when the celestial body is in one of the “air signs” (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra). It is not recommended to wash floors during the waxing moon, since during this period dampness penetrates faster into the cracks, the wood warps and becomes damp. During the period of the waxing Moon, it is better to start repairing old things, buying new ones, and rearranging them. With the waxing Moon, you need to start a new life, wealth and grace at home arrives during this period.

The position of the Moon in the signs of the Zodiac has a significant influence and significance:

Moon in Aries

During this period, any household chores are completed faster and with less energy loss; the work simply burns in your hands. When the Moon is in this sign, start repairing mechanical devices that make life easier, and believe me, they will last for a long time. This is also a suitable period for washing lighting fixtures, sharpening scissors and knives.

Moon in Taurus

A favorable period for light cleaning of the house, putting art objects in order, creating a favorable environment and buying beautiful things.

Moon in Gemini

Moon in Cancer

This time is favorable for wet cleaning, laundry, and window washing. You can safely purchase or repair items that are related to water.

Moon in Leo

When the Moon is in Leo, it is favorable to clean up things that decorate your home, replace pale objects with bright ones, paint interior items and the facade of the house.

Moon in Virgo

During this period, you will be able to restore perfect order in the house and determine each thing its place. The most profitable thing to do is clean the kitchen: wash the refrigerator and hood, get rid of the blockage in the sink.

Moon in Libra

Doing household chores during this period will bring you fatigue and will discourage you from doing household work for a long time. It’s better to spend time enjoying the comfort and beauty of your home, think about what other things will bring harmony to your home.

Moon in Scorpio

Moon in Sagittarius

This zodiac sign very far from earthly problems, so take a break from household chores and reflect on philosophical topics.

Moon in Capricorn

Good and right time for overhaul, general cleaning. Capricorn does not like anything superfluous, so during this sign you can easily say goodbye to old things.

Moon in Aquarius

Good period to buy new technology, experiments in changing the interior, giving comfort to the home.

Moon in Pisces

Your intuition and strength will be aimed at improving living conditions, giving comfort and coziness to your home.

All celestial objects in one way or another interfere with the cycle of human affairs and concerns. Even cleaning the house lunar calendar to some extent depends on the position and phase of the night star. You yourself probably noticed this, but did not find an explanation for natural phenomena. Find out which lunar days may be more favorable for cleaning the house.

Even medieval scientists proved that there are favorable days days when work is going well, and days when everything literally falls out of hand. The phases of the moon are to blame for this, and cleaning the house depends very much on them. If you start cleaning on an unfavorable day, the result may be disastrous.

So when is the best time to clean your house according to the lunar calendar, you ask. On those days when the moon is full, or when it is not visible at all?
Neither phase of the moon is suitable for successful cleaning. Astrologers explain that the new moon and full moon are stressful periods when you should not take on important matters. These are unfavorable lunar days for cleaning the house; they reflect the complexity of the interactions between the Sun and the Moon, which, in turn, reduces our productivity. Favorable for household chores lunar days experts consider the phase of the waning moon.

It is most important to take into account the influence of the night light on New Year's Eve, when you are trying to cleanse your home of the trash and dust that has accumulated over the past year. If you use the lunar calendar wisely, cleaning and preparing your home for the new year will be much easier for you.

On the eve of cleaning, look at the sky

During the full moon and until the 17th lunar day, it is not useful to do household chores. Wait for the favorable period to increase, which reaches its peak by the 21st day. Your house cleaning according to the lunar calendar, therefore, should coincide with these days. Further, a decrease in favorable conditions will again be noticeable.

It is believed that during the period of the waning moon, which is favorable for general cleaning, water exhibits especially active properties. It easily dissolves and washes away contaminants, taking them away from our home. And the waxing moon, on the contrary, causes the water to behave inertly - it does not dry out for a long time and accumulates in puddles.

The influence of the four elements

Making a circular path, the Moon alternately passes through all 12 zodiac constellations. They are divided into 4 groups, each of which patronizes one of the elements: Fire, Earth, Air and Water. When planning when is the best time to clean your house according to the lunar calendar, do not forget to also take into account the influence of the elements.

  • Cleaning will be successful when the Moon travels through the “air” constellations: Aquarius, Libra, Gemini.
  • Plan wet cleaning on the days of the “water” signs: Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio.
  • It will be easier for you to wash your windows clean on days of Air, as well as Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius).

When you pay close attention to the phases of the moon, cleaning your home will be the key to cleanliness and good mood. Try checking the lunar calendar every time spring cleaning looms on the horizon at home. Use the worldly experience accumulated over centuries, and it will immediately become easier for you to cope with not very pleasant, but so necessary work!

Every housewife knows the feeling that no matter how much you clean, everything becomes dirty again. And the feeling of regret that there are only 24 hours in a day, and you are only one and you have only two hands :) And these hidden corners that hands never reach? How to manage EVERYTHING? How not to miss anything?

Well, first of all, always plan your time, familiarize yourself with time management techniques, write down goals and tasks. And secondly, turn to the Moon for help! Take a look one day Lunar calendar of household chores and try to adapt to its simple rules. You will feel that there is at least another hour in the day, and you have at least one more hand! 🙂

Home comfort is one of the treasures of the world
Theodore Dreiser

Lunar calendar of household chores - unfavorable days

Let's start with the fact that there are days on which the Moon strongly recommends that we take a break from household chores. These lunar days are completely unfavorable for cleaning and washing. If you start cleaning on such days, most likely everything will fall out of hand, and even if it goes well, the results of your efforts will very soon come to naught. Remember them and put off household chores until 15, 20, 26, 30 lunar days. The lunar calendar will tell you which areas of life are best to devote this time to.

Find out what dates these lunar days fall on in 2018 in the Hostess Lunar Calendar >>

Lunar calendar of household chores - general rules

The housewife's lunar calendar is built on. As you know, the waxing Moon has the ability to provoke active growth and development of anything that began in the first quarter of the lunar cycle. The waning Moon, on the contrary, takes away everything superfluous and unnecessary, cleanses, slows down, shortens... Based on this rule, the Lunar calendar of household chores advises most plan household chores for the waning moon, for the last quarter of the cycle.

Waning Moon and household chores

So, general cleaning is best done in 24 lunar day , washing windows and mirrors - in 21 , large wash - in 23 , cleaning cages and aquariums of pets - in 27 lunar day.

Stand apart 19th and 29th lunar days, which are generally unfavorable for household chores, but are exceptionally good for decluttering. Down with everything old, superfluous, unnecessary!

Waxing Moon and household chores

On the waxing Moon it is good to take care of indoor plants(3, 9 lunar days), reorganization of everyday life, rearrangement of furniture (5 lunar day), organizing things and papers (5 and 14 lunar days). And for culinary feats it is considered the best 13th lunar day— baked goods, exotic dishes, something new will turn out with a bang!

Housekeeping according to the lunar calendar - a simple way to save time and energy by distributing them correctly and in harmony with the energy of the Moon. We have collected recommendations for you on household chores for each lunar day in the Housewife's Lunar Calendar.

Using the hostess's Lunar Calendar over several lunar cycles, you will understand its logic and make sure that each lunar day with its own character is in its place:

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Let's look at how repairs and the Moon are astrologically connected. The ideal option is to make repairs approximately every three to four years. It is not at all necessary to radically change the appearance of your apartment every time, investing heavily in its transformation. And we should never strive at any cost to renovate our house according to European standards - most of us do not need this inanimate standard imposed on us for our souls.

Repair and the Moon: what is best to do and when

It’s better to constantly, albeit little by little, update something in your home. Let it be inexpensive wallpaper, but choose the color that pleases you, and spare no effort, re-paint your room that has not been renovated for a long time.

Just be sure to first remove all the layers of old wallpaper that have accumulated there from the walls. You'll see how new life will enter your home, as all the heaviness, all the sorrows and problems of the past years will leave it. The energy of the house will be renewed, it will begin to live, breathe - and this is the main thing.

Repair and Moon. It is important to start repairs on a suitable day, for example when the Moon is in Taurus. Then the repair will be successful and you will be less tired and avoid overstrain, both physical and moral.

It must be remembered that all work related to plastering, pasting and painting must be carried out on Air days (that is, when the Moon is in Aquarius, Libra or Gemini) or on Fire days (when the Moon is in Aries, Leo or Sagittarius), avoiding days of Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). On Water days, paint does not dry well, wallpaper gets wet, but at the same time it is difficult to stick, since there is a lot of moisture in the air.

Slightly correcting the plaster, painting windows, doors, hanging wallpaper - all this can be done by a woman on her own. The main thing is to believe in yourself! For major repairs, of course, it is better to invite a team of craftsmen, but minor work on basic home improvement can be done independently, and you can even turn it into pleasure.

It is known that changing the type of activity has a very good effect on the psyche and is best vacation. Especially if you have a sedentary job, DIY repairs will improve your mood, add variety to your life and make you believe in yourself. It's always a small victory over yourself, a small celebration - when you realize that you can do something with your own hands.

How does the Moon affect repair times?

The main thing is not to get bogged down in repairs, not to delay it to such an extent that it begins to tire you. Remember: work should be a pleasure, not a burden. Don’t try to cover the whole apartment at once, start small, for example, wallpaper one room. Then take a break repair work for six months to a year, then cover the hallway. And so on.

Never try to impress someone with the new look of your apartment; remember that you are doing this for yourself. It is important that you enjoy being in your home. And you don’t always have to blindly and recklessly chase fashion - first of all, take into account your own taste, your habits and the characteristics of your apartment.

I know one family who, in pursuit of fashion, covered their bedroom walls with white wallpaper, and then it turned out that it was impossible to stay there. A deadly cold wafted from the walls. The room became somehow official, soulless, like an office. I had to tear off the expensive white wallpaper and glue on cheerful pink ones with flowers. The room immediately came to life, became habitable and cozy.

When you approach repairs as a game and creativity, repairs become not hellish work, but a holiday. And the apartment will definitely respond with gratitude to your care, and you will always feel warm and comfortable in your home.

It is better to start repairs in the days of Taurus. Plastering, pasting and painting should be done on the days of Air or Fire, but not on the days of Water.

Removing paint on the moon

A “peaceful” nuclear reactor is the same as a “peaceful” atomic bomb. Nuclear energy is a technology that will never be conquered by man. All serious scientists know this, but for various reasons they all suffer for even one century. That’s why the ability to remove paint and stain is so popular at all times.

If the craftsmen wanted to succeed during repairs, they always paid attention to the position of the Moon. Problems associated with these works have appeared quite recently, because previously it was enough to thoroughly clean the wood with a brush at the right moment (during a debilitated Moon).

Today, varnish coatings made from chemical paints (artificial resin, acrylic) are often used, so removing them from a wooden surface requires the same chemicals. Paying attention to the right timing becomes especially important.

Basic repair rules

  • Good: with a debilitated Moon.
  • Bad: during the young moon.
  • Very bad: when the Moon is young in the sign of Leo.

If you choose the right time: the work is easy, the paint comes off the surface well. The lungs and the body as a whole do not so actively perceive toxic fumes. Possible consequences of incorrectly chosen time: paint residues are poorly removed from the surface, sometimes they even adhere more strongly to the base.

Damage appears on the wood, toxic fumes penetrate into the lungs and the entire body. Special tips for removing stain: sometimes it is easier and more reliable during repairs to remove stain with a stream of hot air from a special pneumatic gun, while the varnish layer is freely removed. But this patented method is only possible with a certain age and composition of the coating.

In astrology, the Moon and cleaning are connected. The house requires periodic general cleaning, especially since in the spring the effect of harmful microorganisms that threaten the health of your family intensifies.

General cleaning according to the calendar

All the nooks and crannies, pantries and cabinets, loggias, cellar and garage are waiting for the moment when the housewife takes a bucket, a rag and begins to put things in order, when all the corners in the house are thoroughly ventilated and cleaned.

Like any business, you shouldn’t put off spring cleaning until tomorrow. The more order you have in your home, the easier it is for you to focus on other concerns and, most importantly, the easier it is to relax and unwind.

Dear women! Never keep old and unnecessary things at home. The house where stagnant energies reign is very bad. First of all, we need to clear the rubble. The whole world is permeated with energies. Junk and disorder are a blockage in the path of beneficial energy.

Symbols are a very powerful thing. So think about what symbol dust, dirty laundry, unnecessary things can serve in your home?! What if the house is clean, fresh air, flowers and sunshine? Clutter is things that have been accumulated over the years “just in case”, “for a rainy day”, etc. Select only those things that you really need now. Fill your home with lovingly selected necessary things. Let these things bring you joy and your home will become a source of very strong energy and support.

At the energetic level, a blockage is a clot of negative energy that infects all the inhabitants of the house.

Cleaning Tips

If you want to bring harmony to the atmosphere of your home, clean according to the lunar calendar. It's easy to do!

A wooden floor is good, but wood is less durable, wooden floors can become damp, lose their appearance, and, in addition, they are more difficult to clean. Do you have parquet flooring and are you afraid that moisture may damage it? And here the lunar calendar will come to your aid.

Cleaning according to the lunar calendar. So, if you have wooden floors in your house, try to time the cleaning to coincide with one of the days falling on the III and IV phases of the Moon, that is, during the waning Moon. If you want to keep your house clean during the waxing Moon, you can simply sweep the floor or wipe it with a damp cloth in one of the Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius).

If you wash the floors while the Moon is waxing, especially if the Moon is in the signs of Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), dampness will easily penetrate into the cracks, the wood will become damp, warp, and after some time mold may grow there or a damp smell may appear.

On other days, it is enough to vacuum or sweep such floors.

Fill your home with scents! Make a mixture from the set essential oils: geranium, juniper, orange. If you are tired, lavender, jasmine, rosemary will help you.

If you need to increase your productivity, lemon and sandalwood are at your service! Cypress, eucalyptus, rose and lavender can easily cope with irritability.

When to do ventilation according to the lunar calendar

  • For general cleaning, plastering work and ventilation, the most favorable days are the days of Light (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) with the waning Moon.
  • Since the days of Light are always followed by days of Water (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces), begin to destroy dirt and thoroughly cleanse at this time.
  • It is in early spring that the Air sign Aquarius is located in the waning Moon. These days are optimal for starting spring cleaning because the following Water (Pisces) days are ideal for thorough cleaning.
  • Debris on the closet represents problems that are ready to suddenly fall on your head. The universe loves symbolism. While clearing the rubble, say: “I create space for new abundance, I cleanse my home of all evil and call for goodness, love, happiness, prosperity.”
  • Try to do deep cleaning twice a year.
  • Always do house cleaning with pleasure and confidence that, according to the law of conservation of energy, a new, clean one will definitely come to the vacated space.

Wet cleaning according to the rhythms of the moon

Let's see how wet cleaning and the Moon are related. It is generally accepted that wet cleaning should be done once a week. But if you try to do wet cleaning at least once during the most favorable time according to the lunar calendar, you will see that the apartment will shine clean for much longer, and next time you will not have to do a general cleaning, it will be enough to lightly walk on the floor with a damp cloth.

You, of course, remember that at the new moon the Moon acts on the Earth in such a way that the largest tides occur. The closer to the new moon, the more water fills the surface of the Earth, the more ready it is to cleanse it.

In addition, as you already know, it is precisely when approaching the new moon - during the waning moon - that the Earth takes a breath, at this moment it accepts and absorbs water better than at other times. That is, the closer to the new moon, the more water and earth move towards each other, the more they are ready to connect and penetrate each other.

The same can be said not only about the earth itself, but also about all earthly objects, which are usually called inanimate nature (after all, people do not always realize that everything in nature is living, only life forms are different). That is, our house itself and its furnishings will also better accept water during the waning Moon. From this we can conclude: it is better to do wet cleaning during the waning Moon. At this time, the water will show its best properties, clean off any dirt in the best way and very easily.

After all, all things, all objects at this moment will easily let water into themselves, easily allow it to cleanse themselves. And if we also choose the days of Water during the waning Moon (days of Pisces, Cancer or Scorpio), then success is guaranteed to us.

Wet cleaning and moon phases

You yourself have probably noticed: sometimes after a seemingly easy cleaning, the house shines. And sometimes you wash and wash, rub and rub, you are exhausted - all the same, there is dirt here, then there... Again you rub ten times in the same place - no result. In the end, you get tired, exhausted, and you feel like you didn’t even clean it up: the dust has settled somewhere again, and stains appear again on a seemingly clean surface.

The reason for this failure is the incorrectly chosen lunar day. After all, there are times when water literally doesn’t want to wash anything: it doesn’t absorb and doesn’t clean. But on the days of Water, when the Moon is waning, it will wash everything itself with minimal effort on your part.

How to do wet cleaning? Here, each housewife, of course, has her own technology. But the most acceptable rules are as follows.

  • First, be sure to ventilate the apartment well.
  • Then sweep the floor.
  • After this, use a damp cloth to wipe off dust from window sills, radiators, and furniture.
  • Remove dust from chandeliers and other lamps.
  • After this, you need to vacuum upholstered furniture and carpets.
  • And only then start washing the floors.

It is enough to do such general cleaning once a month. If you do it on one of the Water days during the waning Moon, the rest of the weekly cleanings throughout the month will be very easy for you and will not require much effort.

Wet cleaning and the Moon. Remember that wet cleaning removes not only dirt - water washes away all dark negative energy. Sometimes, if people who are unpleasant to you have come to your house, it is enough to do a wet cleaning, and it will become easier to breathe in the apartment, and your mood will improve. It is better to carry out wet cleaning of the apartment during the waning Moon on the days of Water.

Secrets of autumn cleaning

Autumn imposes great responsibility on the owner of the house.

Nowadays, after the advent of batteries and electric stoves, a warm stove or a beautiful fireplace are still favorite relaxation spots for the whole family. To ensure that your home is always warm and cozy in winter, to drive dampness and cold out of your home and to establish good traction, you need to remember the following rule.

  • The first heating in the fall should be done on one of the Heat days (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) during the waning Moon. It is especially important for new residents to remember this: heating the premises during these days will drive away the remaining dampness from the walls of the new house.
  • Installation of second (winter) frames. Summer is over, and the cold of autumn is penetrating more and more into the house. It's time to install the second frames. The glass of winter frames often fogs up and becomes covered with plaque. And if you install winter frames in accordance with the lunar calendar, then in winter the windows will delight you with cleanliness and transparency.
  • It is recommended to install winter frames when the Moon is rising in the sign of Aquarius or Gemini.
  • If you are building new house, then we must not forget that it is advisable to install frames in new buildings during the days of Light (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra).