Give away your old equipment in exchange for a new one. How to return equipment to Eldorado

23.02.2018 Technique

The functioning of household appliances is not affected by the place of purchase. Modern models of devices include many technical characteristics and are reliable. But an unpleasant purchasing situation can happen to anyone, since there are factory defects. Moreover, the item may not fit according to some criteria. Each consumer has the right to return the product within 14 days after purchase. If you look at the reviews on the Internet, among the many positive ones there will still be a few negative ones. And this is not surprising, because everyone takes into account certain characteristics in the product.

Eldorado stores: advantages

The stores of the largest company, Eldorado, are located in all cities of Russia, and in large ones there are dozens of them. In each branch you can purchase equipment, accessories and other necessary goods. The sales area is divided into several departments: for kitchens and bathrooms, digital products, television, video, audio equipment, car accessories, and climate control equipment. For each product, you can also select care products, additional components, and accessories here. You can buy products for the whole family.

Purchase returns

You can return a purchase for various reasons. First of all, the item may not suit you according to some parameters. In the store, the salesperson influences the buyer by talking about the benefits of the product. However, he does not say anything about the shortcomings that could cause incorrect choice. The consumer may not understand the technical properties of the item, and therefore he is forced to call the seller for help in choosing.

Another reason for a return is the purchase of a product of inadequate quality due to a defect. During warranty period The buyer can expect an exchange or return of the product.

And the third reason may be the desire of the consumer. For example, he came home and realized that he had purchased the wrong thing that he wanted. There are few positive reviews about it, or for that kind of money it was possible to purchase a newer model.

Seller information

When purchasing any item in a store, few buyers are interested in questions. Some people only ask such a question and hear only an affirmative answer. But in reality, everything turns out to be much more complicated, especially for those who have not encountered this procedure and do not have the slightest idea about it. When purchasing a product, you should immediately find out about all the questions of interest. In the Eldorado store, this responsibility lies with special trained employees who provide any information.

The law stipulates that the buyer can familiarize himself with the purchase within 14 days. This applies to a quality product that simply did not meet some criteria.

If the product is of poor quality, it can also be returned within 14 days. "" indicates a list of products that are not subject to exchange. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the product, and only then decide on a return.


The consumer can contact the store within 14 days. At Eldorado, issues related to the protection of consumer rights are resolved by special employees. They know all the laws and features of the procedures. In stores, you most often have to deal with the exchange and return of products. The return of goods is regulated by the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”. Based on it, a sequence of actions is identified.

First of all, you should write a statement. This must be done even if there are no disagreements with the seller. The maximum period is 10 days during which this issue is resolved. The employee prepares a package of documents, which indicates the reasons for the return and all the nuances of the event. With this set of papers, the buyer can go to the checkout, where they will make an exchange or return the money.

When exchanging, you must select the product in advance, after which a sales receipt will be drawn up for it. Based on this, the client will be provided with a cash document. It is necessary to remember that you need to contact only the Eldorado store where the product was purchased, otherwise a refusal may follow. Each branch has its own accounting department. An exception includes cases when the store was closed, and then all issues must be resolved elsewhere. If the store is located in another city, then you can contact the nearest Eldorado company, where you will need to process the return of the goods. Only this process will drag on for some time.

Equipment and documentation

The reason for the return affects the requirements for the packaging and accompanying documents. The differences lie in whether the product is of high quality or not. When products of appropriate quality are used." Then the consumer needs to bring the complete set that was included with the purchase to the Eldorado store. The package includes packaging, accessories, documentation, etc. This happens over a period of 14 days.

If you need to return a product of inadequate quality, you only need to provide only the product. This is the only way to make a claim. By law, you are not required to take accessories and packaging into the store, but employees there may require them. If disputes arise in this situation, you must contact lawyers at the Consumer Rights Protection Society or Rospotrebnadzor. In this case, the situation will be resolved in favor of the buyer.

If there is a manufacturing defect, the return of the product is usually hassle-free. This fact is confirmed by service centers, which, after examination, issue a special conclusion.

Purchase on credit

The Eldorado store often offers to purchase goods on credit. Many banks cooperate with this company. Individual loan terms can be selected for each client. This is a very convenient service, but there may be problems with returns. Both with a regular purchase and with a credit, the product is returned within 14 days. The consumer needs to remember that even with this method of purchase, employees do not have the right to refuse. Products can be returned as standard within 14 days. This applies if the product is of inadequate quality or the seller's information on the product does not correspond to reality.

When purchasing products on credit, there are two options:

  • The loan has been paid. You must obtain a certificate from the bank confirming payment of the debt. Receipts may not be suitable due to the fact that sellers do not know all the intricacies of interest and payments. In addition, it is unclear whether the payments were received by the bank. Then the exchange or return of goods occurs in the same way as in the case of purchasing products in cash.
  • The loan has not been paid. In this case, exchange and return are separated. During the exchange, it should be taken into account that the other product must be worth more than the amount specified in the contract. Then there will be no need for partial or complete termination of the document for a different amount. If an expensive product was chosen, the client makes an additional payment in a way convenient for him.

Since when purchasing an item on credit, its cost is paid by the bank, when returned, it is transferred to the account where all loan payments are located. This ensures early repayment of some part of the loan. If the remaining amount is less than the cost of the product, then all payments are made by the bank, and the Eldorado store does not participate in this.

Others no less important issue is the purchase of a product on credit or debit card. According to the law, store employees may refuse to return money in cash. In this case, the purchase price is transferred using bank details.


Many buyers do not want to go through a lengthy registration procedure large quantity documents when a product is returned or exchanged. After all, it doesn’t even take that much time to buy. But after re-registration, the client is given a new check with the remaining documents, including the guarantee. The new product includes its own set.

The Eldorado store processes the return of products of any quality in accordance with all the rules accounting. For this purpose, papers are drawn up for reports, including before government agencies. Because due to this procedure, the profit becomes less, and, naturally, the tax. Each document is drawn up in accordance with all the rules of the legislation of the Russian Federation.


There are many subtleties of this procedure that the consumer should definitely know. The store of this company has an internal procedure according to which, if the price of a product exceeds a certain amount, the transaction must be agreed upon with management. Especially if it is located in another city. This takes time, and according to the law, 10 days are allotted for this.

As a rule, you have to wait if the item was purchased on credit. To terminate a transaction, a lot of work is done. The client receives money on the day when all the papers are signed, but no application is made. When returning money to a bank card, you must wait up to 3 days for the transfer. During this period, all bank payments are received, but there may be more due to weekends. A similar procedure is carried out upon termination of the loan agreement. For the entire time the money is received, the client must pay interest. In all situations, the return decision is made within 10 days after submitting the application.


The process of exchanging products is also not simple compared to returning. But the store employees are interested in this way out of the situation. It is also drawn up according to documents, with a description of each event. When purchasing a product for cash, the exchange is much easier. Employees provide the client with a new check. The buyer is required to make an additional payment if the item costs more, or receives change when choosing a cheaper item.

The same procedure occurs with the exchange of products purchased on credit. It can be of any quality. You only need to provide a certificate of full payment of the loan. The situation becomes more complicated if payment has been made for the item by bank card(no difference, debit or credit). In this case, you need to remember the time of transferring money to the card. If the process does not take much time, for example, with Sberbank of Russia cards, then the buyer has the opportunity to issue new thing immediately. But this happens extremely rarely, because the situation is considered for 3 days.

Usually for purchase new products You must have cash or a card with a sufficient amount. The purchase is made practically from scratch, and the money upon return is transferred a little later. In case of purchasing an item by loan agreement When exchanging, the same price for the product is selected. If an expensive item is chosen, the client pays the difference.

Only when all the intricacies of the procedure for returning goods are known, will it be easier for the buyer to act in such situations. And it will no longer be perceived as something irreparable.

Making a claim for product return

A claim to return the product to a hardware store may be required at any time. To draw it up, you just need to know some rules of the law and use a few simple tips.

Within 14 days, the buyer can return a defective or serviceable item. When it comes to talking about the first case, a claim is made. Article 18 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” establishes that the buyer can return the product if it has defects. Then the issue of return or exchange is resolved. If the item has a defect and the buyer agreed to take it, then this fact must be recorded in the guarantee or receipt.
To draw up a claim, you can use the free form. You can design it according to the sample.

  • You need to make it in two copies: for yourself and the seller. Your document must have a receipt stamp from the seller.
  • First of all, you need to describe the circumstances of the purchase, indicating the date, time and place.
  • The product must be fully described: name, brand, model, color, size, etc.
  • The motivation part includes defects and when they were identified. It is also noted here that the product cannot be used for its intended purpose.
  • Since the seller may have doubts about the reasons for the appearance of defects, the claim should indicate the obligation of the store to conduct an examination. You must be guided by the following provisions:
  1. Article 18 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” establishes the buyer’s right to return a product with defects.
  2. Article 309 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation regulates the fulfillment of the seller’s obligations.
  3. According to Article 310 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, there is no unilateral refusal to fulfill obligations under a purchase and sale agreement.
  4. According to Article 503 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, it confirms the provisions of Article 18.
  • If there is a sales or cash receipt, this should be noted. Otherwise, you need to write that, according to clause 5 of Article 18, the buyer cannot be denied a claim due to the lack of a receipt.
  • If an item with a large weight is returned, then the claim should indicate the methods of delivery to the retail establishment. According to clause 7 of the consumer protection law, this obligation applies to the seller. If the buyer delivered the products himself, he may demand reimbursement of expenses for this procedure.
  • The circumstances must be described in detail correctly and concisely. At the end there is a signature with a transcript and a date.

It must be noted there that the consumer has the right to return the product within 14 days after purchase. Before writing a complaint, you should find out the full name of the store where the purchase was made. It is advisable to note the name of the manager there. Such information is located on the official website and in the store itself. To do this, there must be a consumer corner in the sales area.

After writing a claim, you should check the correctness of the data and the presence of all items. There may be other options for writing a document, but it is better to stick to this one.

Usually, after filing a claim, the buyer's requirements are satisfied. To do this, the employee checks the quality of the product, packaging and payment documents. If this method does not help solve the problem, then you should go to court. To make it easier to go through this process, you can contact the consumer protection society. A lawyer will help you draw up statement of claim and will control the entire process. If violations of consumer rights are detected, the buyer is paid the cost of the product. In addition to this, compensation for moral damage is awarded. Since stores do not want to deal with this procedure, they solve the problem before the trial.

There are a lot of offers to buy equipment now. Online shopping is especially popular among consumers. There you can buy goods cheaper than in real places, and there is more choice. However, customers of online portals sometimes encounter cases when defective goods arrive. The first thing that comes to mind is: “I was deceived.” But we should not dramatize what is happening, since the law protects the rights of clients. Let's learn all the intricacies of equipment returns using the example of the Eldorado store.

Eldorado is a large chain of stores in different cities; for the convenience of consumers, a shopping portal with the same name was created. So, you're out of luck: the equipment you purchased turned out to be faulty. Before going to the sellers, prepare in advance, study your rights in order to correctly defend your point of view.

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From practice it turned out that sellers are very reluctant to accept damaged goods back. In most cases, they offer free repair services. Therefore, before talking with store employees, the client should also contact specialists, who will advise you on how to behave with sellers. After all, cases are different.

If the technique does not suit you, it is completely fine. You have the right to return it within ten days. In case of breakdowns, returns are allowed until the product warranty expires. The item must be used correctly and no external damage is allowed. The seller has the right not to accept an item of trade with visible damage. It is important to know that if there is no receipt for the equipment, the seller has no reason to refuse to accept the equipment.

For the convenience of servicing its customers, Eldorado has increased the delivery time for faulty goods to 30 days. The client should contact either a retail outlet, an online store, or the point where they purchased the equipment. Take with you your passport, receipt, defective item in the package and documentation for it. Explain your problem to employees. They outwardly appreciate your purchase, and you ask them for a return form. Use a blue pen to write the claim correctly, in two copies (one will remain with you).

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If your item weighs more than five kilograms, the seller must pay for delivery of the purchase. However, not right away - you will first pay for delivery to the store, and then take this amount into account in your claim. If Eldorado employees are unwilling to record your complaint, contact Rospotrebnadzor. You will have to wait from ten to forty-five days for payment for the goods, depending on how long it takes for the examination.

Only by knowing his rights will the buyer be able to return the defect to the store. Quarrels alone will not solve the problem. In difficult situations, do not retreat, contact the lawyers directly. The court will issue an order, and the merchant will not be able to refuse to pay for defective goods.

The operation of household appliances does not depend on the place of purchase. Current models have a large number of functions and good reliability. But no one is immune, both from manufacturing defects and from errors in selection.

If you carefully study reviews on the Internet, few products avoid at least one or two negative opinions. Moreover, they may not be confirmed by reviews of other buyers. Everyone views the same functions from their own perspective.

Eldorado network: features and benefits

The Eldorado chain company owns a large number of stores throughout the country. In large cities there may be more than a dozen of them. This is explained simply: by visiting any of them, you can buy equipment, accessories and many different related products, including children's and computer games.

Any Eldorado store is divided into departments:

  • Kitchen and bathroom appliances (refrigerators, washing machines, coffee makers, etc.).
  • Digital equipment (computers, game consoles, cameras, phones, etc.).
  • Television, video, audio equipment (TVs, DVD players, acoustics, etc.).
  • Car electronics (radio tape recorders, GPS navigators, etc.).
  • Equipment for climate control (air conditioners, fans).

For each product you can purchase care products, additional cartridges, and many different, albeit optional, accessories. Every family member will be happy.

Purchase returns

The desire to return a purchase appears for various reasons. Firstly, when you get home, it may well turn out that you didn’t buy exactly the product you really wanted.

In a store, the buyer is under the peculiar influence of the seller, who explains everything possible about the advantages of the product, often keeping silent about significant disadvantages, so it is not difficult to make a mistake. Yes and specifications are not always clear, which is why you have to rely only on the words of a store employee.

Secondly, any device can fail due to a manufacturing defect. Within the product warranty, you can easily count on an exchange or return of a broken purchase.

The third reason is the buyer’s banal desire. Having come home and finally read all the reviews and reviews of the purchased item, a person may understand that he could buy a newer model for almost the same money. In this situation, no one is to blame, it’s just a coincidence.

Seller information

When purchasing any product, be it Appliances, accessory, disk with computer game etc., the buyer is rarely interested in the intricacies of such a procedure as returning them to the seller. Often they limit themselves to asking whether this can be done, and are guaranteed to receive an affirmative answer. But in practice, not everything is so simple, at least for those who do not have experience in such a procedure.

Of course, if the buyer is faced with the need to exchange goods, then he will no longer need advice.

In most cases, it is advisable to ask the sellers in more detail before paying for the purchase. In Eldorado stores, these issues are dealt with by individuals who have reliable information on all emerging nuances.

It is worth dividing all situations for returning goods into several categories:

  • Any product of normal quality within 14 days from the date of purchase.
  • Any quality product after 14 days from the date of sale.
  • The product is defective.
  • A complex technical product has broken down.

Each item has its own rules and restrictions. It is enough to allow a delay of just one day and the possibilities for returning completely change.


In the Eldorado trading network, all issues related to the return or exchange of goods or money for services that were not used are resolved by specially dedicated employees who have full knowledge of detailed information about the exchange/return rules. And, most importantly, about all the requirements.

The whole procedure usually comes down to the following sequence of actions:

  • Write. Even if the issue of exchange was agreed upon without disagreement on the part of the seller, this is a document necessary for execution. Sometimes several days may pass from the moment it was written (maximum period 10 days).
  • The store employee draws up a separate package of documents in the accounting program, which indicates what is being changed or returned, for what reason, etc.
  • With the prepared papers, the client goes to the cashier, where he knocks out a new check in case of an exchange or receives cash upon return.
  • When exchanging, you must first select the goods, write out a sales receipt for it, on the basis of which the cash receipt will be issued.

It is worth noting separately that when a product was purchased in another store, a return may be refused, because... each is a separate division with separate accounting department.

The exception is situations when a particular store is closed, in which case a “legal successor” is appointed, where all claims regarding the quality of goods are accepted.

Another exception is contacting a retail chain in another city. Then, when writing an application, it is possible to receive service without traveling to the place of purchase. This usually takes a long time (needed to verify the fact of sale), but it allows you to contact the store closest to your place of residence.

Contents and accompanying documents

Depending on the reason for the return, there are different requirements for the kit or accompanying documents. The differences mainly concern the moment - whether the product is working or not.

If the goods are of proper quality and the exchange is carried out within the framework of Art. 25. Law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights", then the buyer must provide the entire set that was with the product at the time of purchase.

Starting from packaging (box, bags, etc.), ending with various accessories, documentation (instructions, advertising brochures, manufacturer's warranty card) - all this must be handed in at the time of return.

When exchanging or returning goods of inadequate quality, the situation is a little different. To make a claim to the store, it is enough to provide the product itself. There is no legal requirement to hand over packaging and various accessories, although the store may require them.

If misunderstandings arise about this, you may need to contact either a private human rights organization or Rospotrebnadzor, then it will be easier to resolve the situation in favor of the buyer. It is worth noting that in most cases, when the product actually has a factory defect and service centers confirm this with an appropriate conclusion, the return is carried out without hindrance.

Purchased on credit

Many controversial situations arise when trying to return goods purchased on credit, which when a huge number credit promotions are not uncommon in the Eldorado network. You can return purchases purchased in this way, both under warranty and in the event of a discrepancy between the functions declared by the sellers or other options with inaccurate provision of data about the product.

If a product is purchased on credit, then two situations are possible.

  1. The loan has been repaid. A certificate from the bank confirming that there is no debt will be required. In this case, payment receipts will not be suitable, because... The store employee does not know the nuances of calculating interest and other payments, and it is also unknown whether all payments on the loan have reached the bank. In this case, the exchange/return procedure is carried out exactly as when purchasing in cash.
  2. The loan has not been repaid. This is where exchanges and returns are separated. When exchanging for another product, it is necessary that its value is no less (or more) than that included in the loan agreement. Then you can do without partial or complete termination and renegotiation for a different amount. When choosing a more expensive purchase, an additional payment is made using the method chosen by the client (cash, card).

When returning a product, given that the money for it was initially paid by the bank for the buyer, the amount of the cost of the returned purchase is transferred to the account where all credit payments are accumulated.

This ensures partial early repayment of the loan. If the remaining unpaid amount is less than the price of the goods, then the bank makes mutual settlements with the buyer independently, without the participation of the store.

There is a separate issue of purchasing with a credit or debit card. According to the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, the store may refuse to return the product in cash, and the amount for the purchase will be transferred to the bank details from where it was withdrawn at the time of purchase.

How to solve a problem?

Some buyers are confused by the need to complete a whole package of documents in case of returning goods. On the one hand, this is fair, because the purchase often takes much less time.

On the other hand, as a result, the buyer receives a completely new receipt and other documents (warranty, PDS, etc.) with the date the new product was issued to him.

The store requires (according to accounting rules) all paperwork for future reporting, including to the state, because each return reduces the profit and, accordingly, the tax base. In fact, every piece of paper is the consequences of work in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.


There are still a lot of nuances that the buyer will have to face.

In addition to the need to provide certificates of loan repayment and write applications for exchange/return.

  • Eldorado has some internal regulations, according to which, if the cost of a product exceeds a certain amount, approval may be required from senior management, including those located in another city. This takes time, so it is possible that you will have to wait, but within the framework of the legislation 10 calendar days. Usually this even applies to the termination of loan agreements.
  • When returning in cash, the client receives the money on the day when he signs all the papers, i.e. The return itself is issued, not the application. When you need to return money to a bank card, you should be prepared to wait up to three banking days. This is how long the bank payment takes (sometimes more due to weekends). The same applies to termination of the loan agreement. During the entire period while the money is transferred, the buyer will have to pay all accrued interest.

In any case, the decision on return or reasoned refusal is made no later than 10 days from the date of writing the application.


Exchange of goods is not always easier than returning Money, despite the store's interest in this. The point is in the details of documenting everything that happens.

So, if an exchange of goods purchased for cash is carried out, then no questions usually arise here. A new cash receipt is simply issued. The buyer either pays the difference when the product is more expensive, or receives it in cash (when choosing a cheaper product). This also applies to the exchange of goods purchased on credit, in case of full repayment and provision of a certificate about this.

It is more difficult if the purchase was made by paying with a bank card (either debit or credit). Here you have to take into account the time required to transfer money to the card. If the procedure takes place over a short period of time, as, for example, happens with Sberbank cards, then the buyer will be able to order a new product immediately. But you shouldn’t count on this, the standard is 3 days.

In most cases, to purchase a new product you need cash or the same card, but with free money on it.

In fact, the purchase is made from scratch, and the money for the returned product is received a little later. When exchanging under a valid credit agreement, you often have to select an item with the same price as indicated in it, or buy a more expensive item, paying separately the difference between them.

Having figured out all the details of the exchange/return, it is not difficult to do this, so buyers who have once gone through such a procedure are usually more loyal to the procedure.