Who was a student of Theodosius of the Caves. Kyiv: new life

May 3 (16), August 14 (27) (Transfer of relics), August 28 (September 10) (Cathedral of the Holy Fathers of the Kiev Caves), September 2 (15)

Path to monasticism

Theodosius Pechersky revered by the Church as an outstanding saint of God, a teacher of monks, a shepherd.

According to the Tradition, he was born in the town of Vasilkov, located about 50 fields from Kyiv. Exact date His birth is unknown to us. With the approach, it is designated as the year 1009.

Theodosius spent his childhood in Kursk, where his father was transferred due to official necessity.

From an early age, Theodosius strove for the Lord, attended the temple, was attentive to divine services, loved to listen to sermons, and generally heeded the word of God.

Children's games, as well as luxury goods, did not interest him. As soon as he grew up, he began to beg his parents to give him for literacy. The parents, seeing this as a good omen, fulfilled their son's wish.

Theodosius studied diligently and diligently; at the same time, he behaved modestly, was not arrogant with his peers, was obedient and meek with his elders.

At the age of fourteen, he lost his own father, and all the hardships of upbringing fell on the shoulders of his mother, a domineering and strict woman. She loved her son, but it was a biased, in many ways blind maternal love. The mother could not, and did not seek to measure her influence on her son with his deepest inclinations and aspirations.

Theodosius's desire to serve God from the bottom of her heart met with disapproval and even resistance from her side. She did not want to agree that her son would give up happiness in her understanding of the word. But the son saw happiness in something else: in service and union with the Lord.

One day, the Providence of God brought him together with a group of wanderers who told him about sacred places. Carried away by the story, Theodosius asked them to take him with them, and they agreed. Having discovered the disappearance of her son, the mother rushed after him, and having overtaken, scolded, beat and locked him in the hut. There he spent about two days without food. Then she fed him, but did not let him out, but left him in bonds in a seclusion, where he spent several days.

When the mother was convinced that Theodosius would not run away again, she released him. He again began to go to God's temple.

Having learned that the church often does not have enough prosphora and this shortage negatively affects the schedule of services, Theodosius undertook to make them and deliver them to the temple. At first, the mother reacted to this with displeasure, and later this new occupation of her son began to annoy her. She told him that the neighbors were laughing at him, and not only at him, but at the family in general.

Theodosius, burning with the desire to help the Church and participation in her life, decided to run away from his parental home again. He hid in another city, finding shelter with a priest, and there he continued to bake prosphora. But the mother, persistent in her truth, found her son there too, returned him to his parental shelter and strictly forbade him to make prosphora.

The pious life of Theodosius attracted the attention of one important nobleman, the city chief, who invited him to work at his church. It happened that the chief gave Theodosius good clothes, seeing that he was walking in rags, but Theodosius immediately hurried to give the clothes to one of the beggars.

Imitating the ascetics, he began to wear chains on his body, which caused the body to bleed from time to time. The attentive mother, finding blood on her clothes and finding out the reason, immediately tore off the chains from her son, maternally beat him, and resolutely dissuaded him from putting them on again.

life turn

Once, while standing in the temple at a divine service, Theodosius heard the words that whoever loves his father or mother more than Christ is not worthy of Him. These words sunk deep into his kind, grown-up soul.

And he decided to run again. Having seized the moment when his mother was not at home, he left his city and went in the direction of Kyiv. Not knowing the way, he stuck to the wagon train and so reached his destination.

Arriving at the place, Theodosius began to look for a monastery where they would be ready to accept him as a novice. The abbot of one of them, assessing, by the tattered rags, his appearance, but not appreciating the virtue and piety, sent him home. Someone refused him because of his young age.

When the saddened young man heard about the cave-dweller Anthony who was working nearby, he immediately went to him and began to tearfully beg to take him to him. The Monk Anthony, after listening to Theodosius, tried to dissuade him, saying that it would be difficult for him, still a young, spiritually weak person, to live among the gloomy silent caves.

However, Theodosius showed firmness, expressed his readiness to endure the hardships and sorrows of hermit life. Anthony, seeing in him a vessel of the Holy Spirit, gave his paternal blessing.

In 1032, Nikon, at the direction of the elder, tonsured Theodosius into monasticism, in the twenty-fourth year of his life. The young monk zealously fulfilled his obedience, prayed much and willingly, observed vigils and fasts.

Four years later, a sensitive maternal heart found Theodosius among the stones and caves. Theodosius refused to meet with his mother, saying that from now on he belongs to God, that he is a monk, a caveman. Then the mother turned to Saint Anthony, and he already convinced Theodosius of the appropriateness of the meeting. Seeing her beloved son, she begged him to return home, but he not only insisted on his own, but also managed to convince her to enter the monastery. When the mother entered the convent of St. Nicholas, he thanked God.

Priesthood, Abbess

The brethren marveled at the fortitude of the spirit and the exploits of Theodosius. And so he was ordained a priest and ordained hegumen of the Kiev Caves Monastery. During this period, he further strengthened the monastic feat, cared a lot about the improvement of the monastery, improving spiritual life. Under him, for example, a spacious temple was erected in the name of the Assumption Holy Mother of God.

The inner life of the Kiev-Pechersk monastery was built under Theodosius in accordance with the charter of the cenobitic Studian monastery. Everything was done according to a strict rank and order.

According to one of the rules, it was necessary to keep the monastery gates locked from dinner to vespers and not open them (without a special blessing) for anyone. Once, Prince Izyaslav experienced this rule on himself, when, having come with the youths before Vespers, he had to wait until the gatekeeper (who knew that it was the prince in front of him) reported to the abbot and received permission to let him through.

Theodosius often personally participated in monastic work, together with the monks. He worked in a bakery, carried water, chopped wood.

One day he was returning from the prince in a cart, and the coachman, seeing his old clothes, did not think that in front of him was a famous hegumen, moreover, respected by the prince. Believing that in front of him was a simple black man, he accused him of being a slacker, as opposed to him, a coachman, working in the sweat of his brow. Having said this, he invited Theodosius to sit on the horse, and he settled himself comfortably to rest.

The elder humbly took the place indicated by the coachman. Along the way, they met nobles who bowed to Theodosius. The coachman was perplexed at first, and then, realizing what, in fact, the matter was, he was seriously frightened. To calm him down, Theodosius changed places with him. When they arrived at the monastery, the monks greeted him with honor, which made the coachman even more uneasy, but the abbot again reassured him and ordered him to treat him.

After Prince Izyaslav was expelled from Kyiv by Vsevolod and Svyatoslav, Saint Theodosius began to denounce the last brother who had taken possession of the throne. At first he continued to commemorate church prayers Izyaslav, but Svyatoslav refused. But then, at the request of the brethren, for the attention and help of Svyatoslav to the Church, he began to commemorate.

Subsequently, their relationship improved. Once Father Theodosius, visiting Svyatoslav in the palace, heard loud music and songs. Sitting next to the prince, the monk with good feeling and pastoral humility asked, would it be so in the next world? The prince shed tears and ordered that no such music should be played in the presence of Theodosius in the future.

With the increase in the number of brothers, Theodosius expanded the boundaries of the monastery, organized the construction of new cells. Before the death of earthly life, the monastery already possessed many possessions.

The monk was informed in advance of the approach of death. Just before his death, he called the brethren from their obedience, warned them that he would soon leave the earthly world, gave a pastoral blessing and instruction, and then let them go in peace. After giving a few more private orders and praying fervently, he lay down on the bed, again turned to the Lord and rested. This happened on May 3, 1074.

Troparion to the Monk Theodosius of the Caves, tone 8

Having risen to virtue, having loved the monastic life from childhood, / you have reached the desire of valiantly, you have settled in a cave / and, decorating your life with fasting and lordship, / in prayers, as if incorporeal, you remained, / in the Russian earth, like a bright luminary, shining, Father Theodosius, // pray to Christ God that our souls be saved.

Kontakion to the Monk Theodosius of the Caves, tone 3

Today we honor the Russian Star, / which shone from the east and came to the west, / enriching this whole country with miracles and kindness, and all of us / with the deed and grace of the monastic charter, // blessed Theodosius.

John troparion to the Monk Theodosius, tone 8

Orthodox mentor, / piety to the teacher and purity, / universal lamp, / divinely inspired fertilizer of the bishops, / Theodosius the wise, / with your teachings enlightened all of you, spiritual spring, / pray to Christ God that our souls be saved.

In kontakion to the Monk Theodosius, tone 8

You were the heir of the fathers, reverend, / those following the life and teaching, / custom and abstinence, / prayer and standing. / With them, having boldness towards the Lord, / ask for forgiveness of sins and salvation for those crying out to you: // Rejoice, Father Theodosius.

Troparion to the Monk Fathers of the Kiev Caves, Tone 4

The mental sun and the bright moon, / of the original Caves, / with the entire cathedral of the saints today we honor, / thie bo, illuminating the church firmament, / enlighten the needy in the darkness of the passions, / and give help from Christ God with their prayers in all sorrows, / and souls ours are asked for deliverance.

Kontakion to the Monk Fathers of the Kiev Caves, Tone 8

Chosen from all generations, the saints of God, / holy reverend Pecherstia, / on these mountains with virtues shone, / the earth did not hide you, / but Heaven opened up to you and a paradise village. / The same we praise songs to God, who glorified you, / we bring in your memory; but you, as if you have boldness, / intercede with your prayers for your cathedral of those who honor from all troubles, / as our intercessors and intercessors to God.

Troparion to Saints Theodosius and Anthony of the Caves, tone 4

Stars of the mind, / shone on the firmament of the Church, / Russian foundation monks, / songs, people, we honor, / joyful praise to this, / rejoice, blessed fathers, Anthony with Theodosius the God-wise, // praying incessantly for those who follow and honor your memory.

John troparion to the Monks Theodosius and Anthony of the Caves, tone 3

Let us honor the pair of primary Russian luminaries, / Antony, sent by God, and Theodosius, bestowed by God: / thie first, equal to the angels in Russia, shone with life from the mountains of Kiev, / illuminating our fatherland all the ends, / and showing the right path to Heaven to many, / and , the first fathers were a monk, having brought the faces of the saved God, / and now, coming in the highest to the unflickering Divine Light, they pray for our souls.

Kontakion to the Monks Theodosius and Anthony of the Caves, tone 8

The pair of great fathers and the bright rule of the monks, / the smart dawn, which enraged the Russian Church, / who will sing praises according to the heritage? Tii are coming to the Throne of God. / But like those who have boldness to Holy Trinity/ Blessed Anthony and Theodosius of ever-memorable, / pray for prayers for those who bring you // and for those who bless you with love songs.

In kontakion to the Monks Theodosius and Anthony of the Caves, tone 2

Let us praise the firm pillars of piety, / the immovable monastic statutes of law, and the invincible walls of Russia: / Anthony, beloved of God, and Theodosius, beloved of God: / for one’s labors and fasting feats are more pleasant than any all-fruitfulness, / One in the saints is glorified.

Kyiv is called "the mother of Russian cities". This is not surprising to any of us, because it was he who was once the capital of a great country called Rus - an invincible power, which later broke up into Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. The Kiev-Pechersk Lavra is rightfully considered the pearl of Kiev, famous for the many underground caves dug by its monks in its time and giving the world the names of a myriad of strong Orthodox saints. One of the founders of the monastery was the Monk Theodosius of the Caves. This is an outstanding elect of the Lord. The Memorial Day of Theodosius of the Caves is celebrated annually on May 16.

Life of Theodosius of the Caves

On the day of the remembrance of the monk, let's dwell on the life of Theodosius of the Caves.

The Monk Theodosius of the Caves was born in the 11th century not far from Kyiv, in the town of Vasilkovo, or otherwise - Vasilevo. However early years The life of the saint and adolescence passed in Kursk, where soon after the birth of the baby the parents of the ascetic of piety moved. While still quite a baby, the Monk Theodosius already differed sharply from his peers. The boy was cool about childish games and fun, preferring contemplation and reflection to fun. He enjoyed going to the temple and did it every day. Theodosius liked to listen Holy Bible, and, having begun to learn to read and write, the child quickly mastered the basics of reading and began to independently learn the truth of theological works.

The monk was left without a father early: according to some sources, at 13, according to others, at 14. Since then, the mother raised her son alone. I must say, she was a rather strict and domineering woman, but she simply adored her only child. Therefore, naturally, the mother of the monk did not at all like the fact that Theodosius, after the death of his father, began to behave in his father's house like a servant: he dressed in simple, coarse clothes, did hard work. But she couldn't do anything.

As time went on, the chosen one of God grew and matured. The idea of ​​leading an ascetic way of life not only did not fall asleep, but became even stronger in the head of the young man. One day he had an urgent desire to visit the Holy Land as a pilgrim. Theodosius began to ask the Almighty for the fulfillment of his desire day and night. The Lord soon heard the boy's prayers: suddenly, wanderers descended on Kursk, going just the same to Jerusalem. The future saint joined them and left the house without telling anyone. When the mother discovered the loss of her son, she threw all her strength into searching for him. As a result, Theodosius was returned home and severely corporally punished for his act, and then put under lock and key. True, this did not last long: the woman forgave her son and lifted the ban on freedom.

Theodosius did not become discouraged because his desire did not come true. He began to work for the good of the church: he baked prosphora for the temple. Moreover, the young man also bought wheat himself and ground the grain into flour. The young man distributed the extra prosphora to the poor. With all this, he caused ridicule from his peers, but did not pay attention to them. The mother of the saint seemed to have been possessed by a demon. She forbade her son to engage in charitable deeds, subjecting her to punishments for disobedience. The monk could not stand it one day and fled to a city near Kursk, where a familiar presbyter lived, but was quickly returned home by an imperious woman.

The meekness and desire for asceticism of Saint Theodosius drew attention to his person as the ruler of Kursk. He began to favor the chosen one of God with rich outfits, which the monk himself did not wear, giving away to the destitute. Theodosius preferred to walk in simple clothes, and once put on an iron belt to fight passions. The body of the saint was bleeding from this, but in order to strengthen his spirit, the monk patiently endured voluntary torments.

Kyiv: new life

Until the age of twenty-three, the Monk Theodosius of the Caves lived in his father's house. After that, the young man again, as already happened in the past, secretly left him, but this time forever. The young man went to Kyiv, where he wanted to take monastic vows. Upon arrival at the place, the future saint appeared to the Monk Anthony himself. He gladly accepted the young man, because he saw in Theodosius God's chosen people. The wish of the latter came true in 1032. He was tonsured a monk by a disciple of the Monk Anthony - Nikon. From that moment began an even more difficult life of the saint. He diligently performed monastic deeds, guided by Reverend Anthony. The nights of the young man were spent in prayers, during the day Theodosius was engaged in needlework. The young monk constantly fasted, cultivating humility in himself.

But what about the saint's mother? Had she come to terms with her son's escape? No, of course, the woman went herself in search of the young man. And she found her child in Kyiv, in the monastery where he stayed. The woman began to exhort Theodosius, to persuade him to return to his parental home, promising not to put up any obstacles for him from now on. The monk, in response, turned to his mother with a request to stay in Kyiv and take monastic vows. It cost him great difficulty to convince the willful woman of the wisdom of such a decision. As a result, the mother of the monk became a nun at the Kyiv Nikolsky Monastery, where she also passed away to the Lord in due time.

But back to Theodosius. In 1054 the saint was consecrated to the rank of hieromonk. Now he could celebrate the Divine Liturgy, which he did with due diligence, being an example for the brethren. At the same time, the Monk Theodosius of the Caves continued to perform other work that was part of the duties of the monks, not disdaining even the hardest work. Three years later, at the request of the monks, the saint was made abbot of the monastery. But this status did not in any way affect the meekness and diligence of the reverend. The number of brethren in the monastery at the time of the management of the monastery by Theodosius increased significantly. There was no longer room in the cave cells for ascetics. Then the Monk Anthony blessed the monks to build cells in a nearby mountain, which, at his request, was given by Prince Izyaslav. There also appeared a wooden church in the name of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The monks happily settled into their new place. As you probably already guessed, the monastery that arose was the famous Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. Through the efforts of the Monk Theodosius, for the first time in the history of Rus', the Charter of the Studian Monastery was introduced here, which was located in the capital of Byzantium - Constantinople.

Governing the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, the saint showed himself to be a fully merciful and at the same time just, strict rector. Theodosius built a house near the monastery for the poor and destitute. A tenth of the monastery's income went to provide for its inhabitants. The monk also took care of the prisoners in prisons, sending every week, on Saturdays, cartloads of bread to the dungeons. The brethren also never needed anything. And this was explained, mainly, by the fervent prayers of the rector of the Lavra.


The Monk Theodosius died peacefully on May 3, 1047, in the early morning of Saturday, at the moment of prayer. Three days before this, the saint fell into a state of intense relaxation. For some time, the ascetic predicted his death, about which he informed the monks, having gathered them all together and said a parting speech. After his death, the body of the monk was buried in a cave, where, as a rule, Theodosius prayed. He was canonized as a saint at the Church Council of 1108.

Theodosius Pechersky(c. 1036 - 1074), hegumen, reverend. Founder of the cenobitic monastic charter and founder of monasticism in the Russian land. Commemorated on May 3 (May 16), August 14 (August 27) transfer of relics, September 3 (September 16), in the Cathedrals of all the venerable fathers of the Kiev Caves, the Fathers of the Far Caves and the Kursk Saints.

Born in Vasilevo (now the city of Vasilkov, 35 miles from Kyiv) and came from a well-born family. Neither the worldly name nor the year of birth is known; the latter is roughly dated to 1036.

The early years of St. Theodosius flowed in Kursk, where, at the command of the prince, his parents moved: his father was one of the princely tiuns at the Kursk mayor. Having reached the age of 7, he began to learn to read and write, and then he was assigned to a school, where he stayed until the age of 13. Acquainted from books and stories with the life of the great ascetics of monasticism, Theodosius took the firm intention of imitating them. At the age of 14, he lost his father, and this had such an effect on him that he decided to start fulfilling his cherished dream - to renounce the world. Opposition to the ascetic inclinations of the young man came from the mother: she loved her son very much, but did not sympathize with his aspirations for an ascetic life and tried by all means to deflect him from this.

Theodosius decided to leave his mother's house and, carried away by the stories of wanderers about St. places of Palestine, left home with them. An attempt to go with the wanderers to Jerusalem was unsuccessful: overtaken by his mother, he, beaten and bound, was returned home; so that he would not run away again, his mother put shackles on his feet and took them off only when he gave his word not to run away from home. But these oppressions only strengthened the ascetic aspirations of the young man. Secretly from his mother, Theodosius began to wear chains, but she noticed this and tore off his chains. Theodosius fled to Kyiv, where he was received by the Monk Anthony and tonsured. Then the name Theodosius was given to him; this happened around 1056-1057. High spiritual feats of St. Theodosius pushed him so far from a number of other brothers that, after the removal of hegumen Varlaam, Anthony appointed Theodosius as hegumen, despite the fact that he was no more than 26 years old.

From the very beginning of his abbess, he set about building a monastery. The number of brethren increased from 20 to 100, and as a result, it became necessary to introduce a strictly defined charter. At the request of Theodosius, he was sent from Constantinople a list of the charter of the Studian monastery, which was laid at the foundation of life in the Caves monastery. The charter prescribed the full and strictest community life; the monks had to be content with a common meal and have the same clothes; all property of the brethren must be common; time was spent in unceasing labor. Theodosius was stricter with himself than with others; in addition to the general feat, he subjected himself to extremely ascetic trials and exercises of the will. As a young man, he began to wear chains.

Boyars and princes were especially disposed towards the reverend. Influence of Rev. Theodosius was very beneficial to them. The time of Theodosius' monasticism coincided with a difficult and troubled period in relations between the princes. The feuds were in full swing. Theodosius was respected. book. Izyaslav, who loved pious conversation with the monk. Theodosius did not remain a passive spectator of Svyatoslav taking away the Kyiv table from his older brother Izyaslav and expelling the latter. Theodosius opposes violence with a range of denunciations; also wrote accusatory "epistoles" to Svyatoslav. Taking care of the internal organization of his monastery, Theodosius did a lot for its external improvement. After 11 or 12 years as abbess Theodosius, due to the multiplication of the brethren and the poverty of the former monastery buildings, he decided to build a new, vast monastery. The place for it was chosen near the second cave of St. Anthony. A great stone church was founded on this site (1073).

On May 3, 1074, the Monk Theodosius died. He was buried in the cave in which, under the guidance of Antony, he began his exploits.

Opening of the relics of St. Theodosius followed in 1091. In 1089 the church, founded by St. Theodosius, was consecrated, and the monastery was transferred to her; the former cave monastery has now become a tomb for the burial of the dead. Founded Rev. Anthony and arranged by Rev. Theodosius, the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra became a model for all other monasteries.


voice 8

Having risen to virtue, having loved the monastic life from childhood, you have reached the desire to valiantly, you have settled in a cave and, decorating your life with fasting and lordship, in prayers, as if incorporeal, you were, in the Russian land, like a bright luminary, shining, Father Theodosius, pray Christ God be saved for our souls.


voice 8

Canto 1

Irmos: Pharaoh's charioteer sometimes immerse the miraculous Moses rod, striking the cross in the form and dividing the sea, but save Israel, the fugitive, the pedestrian, singing the song of God.
Having acquired a charitable feat, Father Theodosius, the God-seer appeared to you. The same pray to God, You pleased Him, drive away the darkness of my ignorance, breathe in the blessed word, praise you.
Holy Father Theodosius, pray to God for us.
From the mother of the womb you cleaved to God, reverend, like the wise Paul and the prophet Jeremiah of old. The same is the Divine grace in the mouth, Theodosius, God's servant I called.
Glory: Having listened to the Savior's commandments from youth, wiser, putting this life to nothing, desiring to carry the cross on your shoulders, you hated all the earthly, looking at heaven, Theodosius.
And now: Be incarnated from Your most pure beds, Most Holy Virgin, God's Word to all, enlighten the love of God and the people, vouchsafe the triumph of the Angelic face, raise it to Heaven.

Canto 3

Irmos: The heavenly circle of the Verhotvorche, Lord, and the Church of the Builder, You confirm me in Your love, desires to the edge, true affirmation, One Humanity.
Holy Father Theodosius, pray to God for us.
Incorruptible and spiritual gifts, holy, your divine and blessed soul is enriched, you wished to see the tomb of the Lord, but from above you were forbidden by God's watching.
Holy Father Theodosius, pray to God for us.
The sacrifice is perfect, true and blameless.
Glory: Charters you are a hoarder from a verst of youth, father, having been an autocrat of the mind, having avoided the abysses of the world, you received instruction from the Divine Spirit.
And now: Rejoice, having given birth to the One of all the Lord: Rejoice, proclaiming joy to man; Rejoice, tabernacle and uninhabited city, the faithful affirmation, One Prepetaya.

Lord, have mercy (three times).


voice 4th

More than the mind of man, you appeared, reverend, on earth, God's sacred garden, standing in the midst of the Lord's house, give the fruit of your illnesses to your disciples: from your mouth, the grace of the Spirit increased you, the image of being exploits and the charter of those who love the Lord. Now do not stop praying for him to be saved by those who sing to you.
Glory, and now: Having thundered the Divine Incarnation of Christ, you have denounced the fleshless enemies to the end, wonderful Theodosius, for this sake of all, faithfulness, we piously cry out to you: pray unceasingly for all of us.

Canto 4

Irmos: You are my fortress, Lord, You are my strength, You are my God, You are my joy, do not leave the bowels of the Father and visit our poverty. To those with the prophet Habakkuk I call Thee: glory to Thy power, Lover of mankind.
Holy Father Theodosius, pray to God for us.
The grace of the Spirit has grown in you, father, when you have seen the birth of you, weeping and weeping strong, you, standing in streams of tearing tears, the pillar is unshakable and you remained motionless.
Holy Father Theodosius, pray to God for us.
Fierce people, the all-sly enemy, daring to tear you away, Theodosius, from the nest is prettified, desired by you, but you imputed this to nothing, driving away this regiment with your prayers and singing: glory to your power, Humane.
Glory: Sprinkling yourself with spiritual rain, and getting drunk with an animal source, and with the language of the mentor Anthony, the Divine class vegetated and nourished the multitude, the truly inexhaustible granary of Joseph was.
And now: Who utters with dignity the possibility of Your miracles, Pure, depth? By you, the whole world, bringing praise to Ty, will have mercy and get rid of the troubles of fierce and various evils, the enemy and misfortunes.

Canto 5

Irmos: Thou hast thrown me away from Thy face, Light Necessary, and an alien darkness has covered me, accursed, but turn me and direct my path to the light of Thy commandments, I pray.
Holy Father Theodosius, pray to God for us.
With virtuous deeds, ascend your correction, father: for the habitation, which was bad in ancient times, you have created extensively, many worshipers have brought God, who gives them all the satisfaction of your prayers.
Holy Father Theodosius, pray to God for us.
With the bright dawns of your exploits, your multitude of demons would be driven away from your dwelling, the grace of the Spirit descended to the Creator of all and glory to you, Theodosius.
Glory: Savior of the Generous in the midst of the church sang thou, the same bounty of His rich sent to you, resolving the sadness of impoverishment, exuding gifts of ever-flowing to your flock.
And now: Exceeding the speed of the Highest Powers, God-graceful, conceiving the Word, creating every word with a word, and giving birth from the Father before the age, unspeakably born.

Canto 6

Irmos: I will pour out a prayer to the Lord and to Him I will proclaim my sorrows, for my soul is filled with evil and my stomach draws near to hell, and I pray, like Jonah: from aphids, O God, raise me up.
Holy Father Theodosius, pray to God for us.
With prayers, and vigils, and psalm singing, the Divine Paradise unceasingly created your soul, having grown the life-bearing tree of honest Java, the Savior and the Lord.
Holy Father Theodosius, pray to God for us.
Thou hast deigned secret humility, like the Master of poverty, blessed: by thy will, walking the path, by the command of a lazy slave to carry a cart to the Divine place, thou hast accepted, where worship from those who meet, thou hast known.
Glory: Like the feet of the one who washed his disciple, the God-wise, draw water and carry it on the frame, you deigned to bring the tree with your hands and cut the chief of labors as a monk, you showed yourself.
And now: Mortified was, O Theotokos, by Thee the many-witted enemy, who had destroyed all creation before smoldering, but the dead by Thee sighed to life, for Thou hast truly given birth to the life of all, Lord.

Lord, have mercy (three times). Glory, and now:


voice 3

Today we honor the Russian Star, which shone from the east and came to the west, enriching this whole country with miracles and kindness, and all of us with the work and grace of the monastic charter, blessed Theodosius.


Who will utter your deeds, father? Or who will count your many works and wondrous wonders? Even more in the flesh, You saw the Bodiless, talking to you in a carnal form and bringing you a gift, God-sent gold. More than a man, you appeared to be humble and meek in disposition and filled with spiritual wisdom. Those who received the Spirit in themselves, were seen in the light, like the sun, shining. And to me, singing to you, enlighten with your radiance, reverend, monastic charter, Divine Theodosius.

Canto 7

Irmos: From Judea it came down, the children in Babylon sometimes, by faith of the Trinity flame, the cave of the cave, singing: God of the fathers, blessed be Thou.
Holy Father Theodosius, pray to God for us.
To your prayers, blessed, everyone resorting to faith will never be ashamed: receiving the grace of petition, father, and returning, rejoices, singing: blessed is the God of our fathers.
Holy Father Theodosius, pray to God for us.
You are a father and an intercessor for orphans, and hope for widows, and for those who are sick, father, you were the uprising of all. We also sing: Blessed be the God of our fathers.
Glory: You were the fertilizer of a monk and the way of salvation for a man: having enriched all your verbs of Divine mysteries, you taught to say: blessed is the God of our fathers.
And now: Incarnate from a virgin's womb, O Christ, Thou hast appeared for our salvation. To those, Your Mother leading the Mother of God, we thankfully sing: blessed be the God of our fathers.

Canto 8

Irmos: The sevenfold cave of the Chaldean tormentor is fiercely kindled by the Godly, but by the power of the best they are saved, seeing this, crying out to the Creator and Redeemer: youths, bless, priests, sing, people, exalt for all ages.
Holy Father Theodosius, pray to God for us.
Like a divine prophet, foreseeing, Theodosius, you appear, more blessed, for you command in spirit to bring the Gospel scripture to you, and cry out, confessing with pure meaning the sacrifice of the Most Pure Theotokos.
Holy Father Theodosius, pray to God for us.
To your dwelling, a refuge, like a deer to a source, ever-flowing imperishable food, a pious prince will receive, and keep this land. Although, then, shine for him, blessed, but I cry out to the builder with poverty, but your vessel is filled with honey at your command.
Glory: Your feats are glorified by the Angelic Forces, Theodosius, and your life is the face of the venerable praise, the joy of the monks is bright and adorned. Therefore, now, rejoicing in Him, rejoice, singing according to: youths, bless, priests, sing, people, exalt for all ages.
And now: Thee, Most Pure Theotokos, I offer my life the Guardian and Intercessor of the invincible, my Helper from troubles and sorrows, delivering Your unworthy servant, singing with love: boys, bless, priests, sing, people, exalt the Pure forever.

Canto 9

Irmos: Fearing every hearing is the inexpressible condescension of God, as if by the will of the Most High, even down to the flesh, from the Maiden's womb was a Man. Same Most Pure Mother of God, return, magnify.
Holy Father Theodosius, pray to God for us.
Your memory today is to us, like the sun, reverence, reverend: we rejoice, kissing your cancer, and, all around, like a Divine kivot, we faithfully sing your Assumption with the Most High Chinmi, Theodosius.
Holy Father Theodosius, pray to God for us.
Rejoice, land of Russia, receive the treasure unstoppably from the Lord, the helper of the great God-blessed and protector of the warmth of Theodosius, and you, the beginning of the city of Russia, rejoice with a fasting countenance.
Holy Father Theodosius, pray to God for us.
Gathering triumph now in your memory to sing to the Lord, having given you good deeds, even though you have endured. The same pray to Him, holy, deliver your flock from the temptation of the enemy, even if you have acquired thou, wiser, with your prayers.
Glory: Save me, the only Redeemer, the harlot and the harlot receiving warm repentance and publican, Savior, sigh, and be merciful, Christ, to me, the prodigal, with the prayers of Your saint, driving away my many sins.
And now: Have mercy on me, be born Savior, preserving Thee who gave birth without aphids after Christmas, when you sit down to judge my deeds, despising my sins and iniquities, Sinless and Merciful, like a Lover of mankind.

In 1091, the relics of St. Theodosius were moved to the Pechersk Church of the Assumption of the Virgin. Even before this event, 10 years after the death of the monk, his disciple Nestor wrote his detailed life, and thus the memory was left for the believers to imitate in future centuries. The Monk Theodosius of the Caves is the founder of Russian asceticism. All Russian monks, in one way or another, oriented their spiritual life along the direction set for them.

Childhood Theodosius

The presbyter at the birth of the boy prophetically gave him the name Theodosius, which means " Given to God". The holy land of Palestine, on which Jesus walked when incarnated on earth, from early childhood attracted the youth Theodosius. In the end, the boy ran away, seduced by the tales of wanderers. The attempt was unsuccessful, as were those following it. In general, in the biography of the saint, we see a large volume that describes his childhood more than other saints.

The basis of the story of Theodosius's youth is a meek struggle with his mother for a spiritual calling, the tortures endured by him, three attempts to escape. They write about his childhood that the boy spent a lot of time in church, did not play street games with children, avoided children's companies. Theodosius of the Caves strove for the sciences and quickly learned grammar, surprising with reason and wisdom. The lad's love of books was preserved throughout his life and manifested itself when he wrote books day and night in the monastery.

"Thinness Reese"

One more interesting feature from the childhood of Theodosius, which, given his religiosity, takes on a new meaning, was the wearing of bad, darned clothes. Parents gave him clean new clothes and asked to wear it, but this is the only thing in which the lad did not obey them. Further, when on duty he had to wear bright and clean clothes, he wore them with a heavy heart, giving them away to the poor a few days later. He himself changed into old and patched clothes. "Thin robes" in general occupy not the last place in the life of the monk, showing his extraordinary humility from childhood. Theodosius of Kiev-Pechersk from childhood fell in love with the thinness of the vestment, made it a part of his life behavior and passed it on to all Russian asceticism.

When his father died, Theodosius chose for himself a new feat of humiliation and simplification: he went out into the field with the slaves and humbly worked with them, thereby showing his ascetic ingenuity.

The image of mother Theodosius

When Theodosius made his third escape, he ended up in Kyiv, in the cave of St. Anthony. The elder did not want to accept him as a student due to his youth, and Theodosius returned home. After that, there was a dramatic meeting with the mother, full of life's truth. Imperious despotism does not cause severity in Theodosius, but uncertainty in his abilities and timidity. From the defeated in this struggle, he turns into a winner. As a result, he does not return to his mother, but she takes the tonsure in one of the Kyiv monasteries.

monastic labors

Nestor, when he wrote the life of Theodosius of the Caves, liked to tell more than describe, therefore little is written about Theodosius’s personal exploits and his spiritual appearance in different places storytelling. Combining these scattered facts, one can form an idea of ​​the ascetic life of St. Theodosius. The most severe feats of self-mortification of his body are written in the annals of the first years of his cave life. At night, struggling with carnal temptations, naked, the monk gives his body to mosquitoes and gadflies, while singing psalms. In the later life of Theodosius, one can see the desire to exhaust the body. Hiding his austerity, he wore a sackcloth, slept sitting on a chair, and prayed intensely at night. Comparatively small ascetic exercises Theodosius of the Caves made up for by the continuity of his labors. Strong and strong since childhood, he works both for himself and for others. Being in the monastery under Abbot Varlaam, he grinds grain at night for the entire monastery brethren. And even later, Theodosius, hegumen of the Kiev Caves, often took up the ax himself to chop wood or draw water from the well instead of sleeping or resting.

Spiritual life of Theodosius of the Caves

Many pages of the rather extensive life of the saint are devoted to his working and active life, balancing the exploits of the spiritual life. He devotes all his nights to prayer. Prayer is reserved exclusively for the time of Great Lent, which the monk spent alone in a cave. Nestor does not show any miraculous qualities of prayers or lofty contemplations. Prayer helped Theodosius gain complete fearlessness in front of dark forces and allowed him to help his students in getting rid of night demonic visions.

Theodosius, hegumen of Kiev-Pechersk

In the spiritual life of Theodosius there was one very important milestone for him - he put an end to the monastery in the caves, founded by Anthony. After hegumen Varlaam founded the first wooden church on the surface of the earth, Theodosius set up cells over the cave, which were left for Anthony and a few hermits. He belittles the silence and contemplation of a cramped cave for the sake of a working and fraternal life in order to build some kind of harmony. In this harmony, there are also personal notes of humility, meekness, and obedience. The Monk Theodosius of the Kiev Caves, as Nestor notes, for all his spiritual wisdom, was a simple mind. The “thin robes” that accompany him even during his abbess bring on many ridicule.

There is a story about a princely servant who mistook the monk for one of the poor and ordered him to change from the cart to the horse. Social humiliation and simplification was from childhood one of the features of his holiness. Put at the head of the monastery, Theodosius did not change his temper. With his quietness and self-deprecation, he teaches a lot in sermons, which are distinguished by their simplicity of form and content. Theodosius also tries to observe the monastic charter to the smallest detail in all its details and wants everything to be done according to order and with reverence. However, for all his exactingness, Theodosius did not like to resort to punishment. He was gentle even to those who, having run away, returned with repentance. The only certain image of severity was in relation to the economic affairs of the monastery.

Nestor describes the stories of the cellar Fyodor about how the holy abbot saved the monastery from various needs. These miracles, along with the gift of insight, are the only ones performed by St. Theodosius of the Caves. Through all the hegumen's miracles runs the saint's prohibition to worry about tomorrow, his wasteful mercy. For example, the miraculous filling of the bins takes place in accordance with a natural law: while the monastic housekeeper despairs of what to cook dinner from or where to find wine for the liturgy, an unknown benefactor brings cartloads of wine and bread to the monastery. From the life of the saint, one gets the impression that the monastery exists only due to the inexhaustible flow of alms.

Saint Theodosius is very much concerned about statutory poverty - he takes away all the extra food and clothes from the cells and burns it all in the oven. He does the same with everything that is done without a blessing. The all-forgiving and kind abbot becomes severe with disobedience, which follows from It is noteworthy that even here he does not punish the guilty, but destroys only material goods, which, as he believed, absorbed the demonic principles of greed and self-will.

Mercy of Saint Theodosius

Remaining meek and merciful always and in everything, treating equally the robbers who came to rob his monastery, or the sinful and weak monks, Saint Theodosius of the Caves not only did not isolate his monastery from the world, but also created the closest ties with worldly society. This is one of his testaments to Russian monasticism.

Near the monastery was built a house for the blind, lame and sick with a church in the name of St. Stephen. A tenth of the entire income of the monastery went to the maintenance of this almshouse. On Saturdays, Theodosius sent a whole cartload of bread to the city for prisoners in prisons.

The Monk Theodosius was the spiritual father of numerous laity, including princes and boyars, who came to confess their sins. He initiated the tradition of choosing spiritual fathers among the monks. Since that time, the clergy began to exert even greater influence on the moral state of the people.

A quiet and meek mentor could be firm and relentless when it came to the outrageous truth. One of Nestor's last stories tells about his intercession for an offended widow who came to him for help and, not recognizing him in shabby clothes, spoke about her misfortune.

Truthfulness of Saint Theodosius

Irreconcilability to untruth leads the abbot to clashes not only with judges, but also with princes. His spiritual confrontation with Prince Svyatoslav, depicted in his life, completes the spiritual portrait of Theodosius and is a symbol of the relationship of the Church to the state. Ancient Rus'. When two brothers expel the elder from the throne of Kiev, take possession of the city and invite Feofan to the feast, he refuses and denounces the brothers in the sins of murder and illegal possession of power, compares Prince Svyatoslav with Cain, and his brother with Abel. As a result, Prince Svyatoslav becomes angry. There are rumors about the exile of Theodosius.

Svyatoslav could not raise his hand against the righteous and, in the end, comes with humility to the monastery to Theodosius with an attempt to reconcile. Many times the righteous Theodosius unsuccessfully tried to beg Svyatoslav to reconcile with his brother, trying to reach the heart of the Kyiv prince. In the monastery, he orders everyone to pray for the legitimate exiled prince, and only after long requests from the brethren does he agree to commemorate Svyatoslav in second place.

The life of Saint Theodosius shows that the saint was ready to go into exile and death for the truth, obeyed the law of love and expediency in life. He considered it his duty to instruct the princes, and their duty to obey his teachings. But Theodosius appears in relation to the princes not as having power, but as the embodiment of the meek power of Christ. Prayer to Theodosius of the Caves calls for unshakable piety of souls and bodies, help and intercession, piety of the main persons of the country.

Such was Theodosius, living a holistic spiritual life, pouring out the Light of Christ from the depths of his soul, measuring exploits and virtue with the gospel measure. So he remained in the memory of Russian asceticism, such is the life of Theodosius of the Caves.

We publish the testament of one of the greatest Saints, glorified by the Russian Orthodox Church, written in the XII century to the Grand Duke of Kiev Izyaslav as the head of the Orthodox Kiev state, and through him to all the Russian people united at that time by Kievan Rus, according to the collection of Paisievsky of the Kirillo-Beloezersky library:

“God bless! I am Theodosius, a thin servant of the Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit - born in pure and righteous faith and raised in good teaching by an Orthodox father and mother. Do not partake of the Latin (Catholic) faith, do not adhere to their customs, run away from their communion and avoid all their teachings and abhor their manners.

Beware, children, of the Krivovers and all their conversations, for our land is also filled with them. If anyone saves his soul, it is only by living in Orthodox faith for there is no other faith better than our pure and holy Orthodox Faith.

Living in this faith, you will not only get rid of sins and eternal torment, but also become a partaker of eternal life and without end you will rejoice with the Saints. And those who live in a different faith: in the Catholic, or Muslim, or Armenian - will not see eternal life.

It is also not fitting, child, to praise someone else's faith. He who praises someone else's faith is the same as blaspheming his own. If someone begins to praise both his own and someone else's, then he is a two-believer, close to heresy. But you, child, beware of such and unceasingly praise your faith. Do not fraternize with them, but flee from them and strive in your faith good deeds. Give alms not only to your own by faith, but also to those who believe in others. If you see a naked or hungry or in trouble, whether it be a Jew or a Turk, or a Latin, be merciful to everyone. Deliver him from trouble as best you can, and you will not be deprived of a reward from God, for God Himself in this age pours out His mercy not only on Christians, but also on infidels. God cares about pagans and non-believers in this age, but in the future they will be alien to eternal blessings. We, who live in the Orthodox Faith, and here we receive all the blessings from God, and in the next century our Lord Jesus Christ will save us.

Child, if you even need to die for your holy faith, boldly go to your death. So the Saints died for the faith, and now they live in Christ. But you, child, if you see non-believers arguing with the faithful, flattery wanting to lead them away from the right faith, help the Orthodox. This is like delivering a sheep from the lion's mouth. And if you keep silent and leave them without help, then it's the same as if you took the redeemed soul from Christ and sold it to Satan.

If the one who opposes you says: “Your faith and our faith are from God,” then you, child, answer like this: “Krivover! Or do you think God is two-faith! Do you not hear, corrupted by evil faith, as the scripture says: “One God, one faith, one Baptism” (Ephesians 4:5).

Can't you hear the Apostle Paul saying: "If an angel who comes from heaven blesses you, but if we bring good news, let him be cursed" (Gal. 1:8).

But you (the Latins), who rejected the preaching of the Apostles and the Holy Fathers, accepted an unrighteous and corrupt faith, full of destruction. That is why you are rejected by us. Therefore, it is not befitting for you and me to serve and to approach the Divine Mysteries together, not for you to ours, not for us to yours, because you are dead and offer a dead sacrifice, and we to the living God - pure, blameless, so that we inherit eternal life.

So it was written: “Anyone is rewarded according to his deeds” about Christ Jesus our Lord. Glory to him. Amen".

Word of St. Theodosius, hegumen of the Caves, on the Christian and Latin faith

In the first half of the 11th century, the Western Church finally fell away from the Eastern Church. Then the Orthodox Greeks were deeply offended by the proud messengers of the pope, not only in their faith, but also in their popular feelings. (How deeply offended the Greeks were at that time by the papal ambassadors, to comprehend this, it is enough to read the letter of excommunication drawn up by Cardinal Humbert in Constantinople, in which all the heresies that have ever been are attributed to the Orthodox Greeks. - Note comp.). At the same time, in the very writings of both sides, harsh comments about the opposite side began to be noticed. It is precisely in this mood that we know the Epistle of St. Theodosius († 1074) to the Grand Duke Izyaslav about the Varangian or Latin faith, remarkable all the more because it represents the very first experience in a accusatory kind, written by a Russian proper.

This message has been preserved in many lists, and everywhere it is assimilated by the famous hegumen of the Caves (Kormch. Rum. music No. 233, fol. 377; Collection of Tsarskogo No. 393, fol. 513 on the reverse; Paterik Kassianovsky edition of 1462; imp. Publication Library No. 271, Novgorod Soph. Library No. 502, etc. Description by Tolstov, Department of IIIIII, No. 70, pp. 599, 600).<…>There is no reason to doubt its authenticity.

The reason for writing the message was given by himself Grand Duke Izyaslav, as can be seen from the beginning of some lists: “The question of Prince Izyaslav, the son of Yaroslavl, the grandson of Volodimerov, hegumen of the Pechersk Theodosius about Latin. And Izyaslav said: tell me, father, the Varangian faith ”; or: “The question of the blessed prince Izyaslav about the Latins. The once faithful and great prince Izyaslav, son of Yaroslavl, grandson of Volodimers, came to our holy father Theodosius. What prompted Grand Duke Izyaslav to ask the famous hegumen about the Varangian faith?

In 1068, the Grand Duke Izyaslav, expelled from Kyiv by the people, fled to Poland. King Boleslav II of Poland, accepting Izyaslav with all signs of sincere friendliness as an unfortunate sovereign and close relative willingly agreed to help him. In the spring of 1069, Izyaslav, together with Boleslav, appeared within Russian borders. With the help of the Poles, he again sat on his throne. The Poles were sent to fodder in the volosts, where the inhabitants began to secretly kill them because, probably, they, like the victors and the Latins, had little respect for the faith of the vanquished and did violence to them. (The words of Theodosius’ epistle indicate this: “Our land has been filled with the evil (i.e. Latin) faith; if you see some non-believer with a faithful prue, acting with flattery, wanting to lead them away from the right faith, help the faithful, if you help them, then save them like a sheep from the mouth of the lions". - Note. sost.). As a result, Boleslav returned to his land. Izyaslav did not sit on his throne for long; in 1073, having quarreled with his brother, Svyatoslav of Chernigov, he decided to flee again to Poland and seek help from the Latins. In this position, the conscience could not help disturbing the pious prince with perplexities about the faith of those with whom he wanted to enter into communication again; the respect that the prince had for St. Theodosius, could force him to seek resolution of doubts from the great abbot, especially since Met. George was then in Greece (Full collection of Russian chronicles I. 78–79).

Message from Rev. Theodosius can be divided into two parts: in the first, he calculates to the prince various deviations of the Latins from the Orthodox faith and their evil customs; and in the second he proposes rules for how the prince should behave towards the Latin faith and its followers.<…>Having outlined the deviations of the Latins from the Orthodox faith and their unkind customs, and saying that our land was “filled with that evil faith,” St. Theodosius gives instructions on how to behave towards the Latin faith and its followers.<…>In addition to these general instructions, prep. Theodosius, addressing the Grand Duke Izyaslav himself, commands: “You, child, keep them, and unceasingly praise your faith ...”<…>.

This epistle clearly expresses the idea that one cannot be saved in the Varangian or Latin faith and that one should not have communion with the Latins in matters relating to faith. That's how Rev. Theodosius, and he was such a person before whom all of Russia was in awe!

The same teaching about the Latin Church was held by other monks of the Kiev Caves Monastery, in which St. Theodosius was abbot for twelve years, and from this monastery came the best people of that time, who scattered as preachers of Christianity to the pagans, founders of monasteries and in the dignity of bishops, spreading the teaching that they had learned in the monastery. Doctrine of the Latin Church Theodosius was reflected in its entirety in the annals of St. Nestor. Read one of his stories about what was inspired to the Grand Duke Vladimir about the Latins at his baptism in Korsun (Ibid. 49-50); and the chronicle of Nestor was also read and copied by all of Russia.

<…>The tone of the epistle, completely in agreement with the spirit of that time and with the zeal of Theodosius, burning with a fiery desire to enlighten and convert the erring to the Orthodox faith, not only cannot serve as a sign of the unauthenticity of the epistle, on the contrary, rather vouches for its authenticity.

Venerable Theodosius of the Caves, the founder of the cenobitic monastic charter and the founder of monasticism in the Russian land, was born in Vasilevo, not far from Kyiv.

WITH young years he discovered an irresistible attraction to the ascetic life, leading an ascetic life while still in his parental home. He did not like children's games and hobbies, he constantly went to church. He himself begged his parents to give him to learn to read sacred books and, with excellent abilities and rare diligence, he quickly learned to read books, so that everyone marveled at the mind of the lad.

At the age of 14, he lost his father and remained under the supervision of his mother - a strict and domineering woman, but who loved her son very much. For striving for asceticism, she punished him many times, but the Reverend firmly took the path of achievement.

The Lord led the young Theodosius to St. Anthony, the founder of the Russian monks, to learn Christian humility and monastic obedience. After all, it was from the cave of St. Anthony, as from a certain Russian "Bethlehem", that the great Lavra began, without which it would be unthinkable to root the Christian gospel in barely converted pagan Rus'.

In the 24th year, he secretly left his parents' house and took the vows, with the blessing of the Monk Anthony, in the Kiev-Pechersk monastery with the name Theodosius. Four years later, his mother found him and with tears asked to return home, but the saint himself persuaded her to stay in Kyiv and accept monasticism at the monastery of St. Nicholas at Askold's grave.

The Monk Theodosius labored in the monastery more than others, and often took upon himself part of the work of the brethren: he carried water, chopped wood, ground rye, and brought flour to each monk. IN hot nights he exposed his body and gave it to mosquitoes and midges as food, blood flowed through him, but the saint patiently did needlework and sang psalms. He appeared in the temple before the others and, standing in place, did not leave it until the end of the Divine service; I listened to the reading with great attention.

The young Theodosius was led by the Lord to Saint Anthony, the ancestor of the Russian monks, to learn Christian humility and monastic obedience. After all, it was from the cave of St. Anthony, as from a certain Russian "Bethlehem", that the great Lavra began, without which it would be unthinkable to root the Christian gospel in barely converted pagan Rus'.

In 1054 the Monk Theodosius was ordained to the rank of hieromonk, and in 1057 he was elected abbot. The fame of his exploits attracted many monks to the monastery, in which he built a new church and cells and introduced the Studium cenobitic charter, written off, on his behalf, in Constantinople. In the rank of abbot, the Monk Theodosius continued to fulfill the most difficult obediences in the monastery.

The saint usually ate only dry bread and boiled herbs without oil. Nights passed with him without sleep in prayer, which the brethren noticed many times, although the chosen one of God tried to hide his feat from others. No one saw that the Monk Theodosius slept lying down, he usually rested while sitting. During Great Lent, the saint retired to a cave located not far from the monastery, where he labored, unseen by anyone.

His clothes were a stiff sackcloth, worn directly on the body, so that in this poor old man it was impossible to recognize the famous abbot, who was revered by all who knew him. Once the Monk Theodosius was returning from Grand Duke Izyaslav. The driver, who did not yet know him, said rudely: “You, monk, are always idle, but I am constantly at work. Go to my place, and let me into the chariot." The holy elder meekly obeyed and took the servant away. Seeing how the boyars who met him were bowing to the monk, getting off their horses, the servant was frightened, but the holy ascetic calmed him and, upon arrival, fed him in the monastery.

Hoping for God's help, the monk did not keep large supplies for the monastery, so the brethren sometimes endured the need for daily bread. Through his prayers, however, unknown benefactors appeared and delivered to the monastery what was necessary for the brethren.

The Grand Dukes, especially Izyaslav, loved to enjoy the spiritual conversation of St. Theodosius. The saint was not afraid to rebuke the mighty of the world this. The unlawfully convicted always found in him an intercessor, and the judges reviewed cases at the request of the abbot, revered by all. The monk was especially concerned about the poor: he built a special courtyard for them in the monastery, where anyone in need could receive food and shelter.

Foreseeing his own death in advance, the Monk Theodosius peacefully departed to the Lord in 1074. He was buried in a cave dug out by him, in which he retired during fasting. The relics of the ascetic were found incorrupt in 1091.

Saint Theodosius was canonized as a saint in 1108. From the works of the Monk Theodosius, 6 teachings, 2 epistles to the Grand Duke Izyaslav and a prayer for all Christians have come down to us. The Life of St. Theodosius was compiled by the Monk Nestor the Chronicler, a disciple of the great abba, a little over 30 years after his repose, and has always been one of the favorite readings of the Russian people.