Beg the child from God for feedback. Prayer for God to give children

Religious reading: how to ask God for a child prayer to help our readers.

Nowadays, more and more married couples are faced with the problem of conceiving a child. Very often medicine turns out to be powerless. Tests, expensive courses of treatment, hormonal drugs have no result. Many people in such situations despair and lose all hope. In no case should you give up, and if people are unable to help, you should turn to the Lord and prayer for conceiving a child will help.

Not all people believe in the great power of the Lord, capable of working miracles. And when faced with a problem, they look for help in different places. And, often, only in despair, they turn to Heaven.

Living without the joy of motherhood is very difficult. It can be simply unbearable to look at the surrounding parents with fidgety toddlers if a woman cannot have her own child. Sometimes prayers to the powers of the Lord are the only chance for salvation. There are several saints who are patrons of the conception and birth of a child. You can contact someone specifically, or everyone at once.

Why can't I conceive?

According to the Bible, it is believed that the birth of a child is a gift from God, given from above. Perhaps infertility is a kind of punishment for one’s sins or those of one’s family. It can also be a consequence of promiscuous sexual intercourse, multiple infidelities, and a promiscuous life. In any case, this is some kind of sign, providence from above. It is necessary to show patience and humility in your prayers.

How to pray to conceive a child?

There is no one-size-fits-all plan. First of all, it is necessary to accept the will of God, humble yourself and obey. This should not be a selfish request, but an act of giving in return. It is necessary to completely trust the Lord, believe in his power and grace. And have patience, don’t despair.

It often happens that an infertile couple takes a child from an orphanage and through a short time a miracle happens, the woman becomes pregnant. It is not for nothing that the church says that prayer to conceive a child works miracles, although it can be difficult to accurately interpret which ones.

Also, it is advisable for a married couple to confess their sins, repent and receive communion. And then, with a pure soul, begin to pray. At the same time, it is necessary to adhere to the commandments of the Lord, lead a righteous life, and you can adhere to fasts.

You should pray not only in church, but also at home, especially before the act of conception, be sure to say the words "Thy will be done". After all, the birth of a child is nothing other than the will of our Lord.

What prayers are there?

There are several common prayers for conceiving a child. The most famous:

  • prayer to the Lord
  • Saint Xenia of Petersburg
  • To Mother Matrona
  • Holy Mother of God
  • Alexander Svirsky

Prayer to the Lord

Naturally, the Lord is capable of performing miracles. We turn to him for every reason, asking for help and protection. The first person to hear our requests for a child will, of course, be the Lord. Therefore, young spouses always appeal to him for the gift of an heir.

Lord, remember me, Your unworthy servant, and deliver me from my barrenness, so that you can become my mother. Give us a child who would be both a joy in life and a support in our old age. God, I bow before Your Greatness, forgive me for all my sins and send me a healthy, full-fledged child, and if You give him to me, then save him and help me bring him to term, and I will always glorify and praise You. Amen, Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, forgive me, a sinner and a daring one, have mercy on my fierce weakness and listen to my prayer! Accept this prayer of mine and fulfill the desire of my heart, give me my child for my good and help me bear the cross of motherhood for our salvation. Amen.

Prayer to Mother Matrona

Very often, young and unmarried virgins ask for blessings from Mother Matrona of Moscow. It is believed that she is the patroness of suffering girls. She helps young people get married, and mature couples help them conceive. Why is that? If you read about Matrona’s earthly life, you can understand that she always helped the suffering and is a strong intercessor before the Lord. But only those who sincerely repent should turn to it. And the icon in the Moscow church, where part of her shirt is kept, has the greatest effect.

Oh, blessed mother Matrona, we resort to your intercession and tearfully pray to you. As you who have great boldness in the Lord, pour out a warm prayer for your servants, who are in deep spiritual sorrow and asking for help from you. Truly is the word of the Lord: ask, and it will be given to you, and again: even if two of you take counsel upon the earth, whatever you ask, it will be given to you from My Father who is in Heaven. Hear our groanings and convey them to the throne of the Master, and where you stand before God, the prayer of a righteous man can do much before God. May the Lord not completely forget us, but look down from the heights of heaven on the sorrow of His servants and bestow the fruit of the womb for something useful. Truly, God wants, so do the Lord to Abraham and Sarah, Zechariah and Elizabeth, Joachim and Anna, pray with him. May the Lord God do this to us, out of His mercy and ineffable love for mankind. Blessed be the name of the Lord from now on and forever. Amen.

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Oh, Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord Most High, quick to obey intercessor of all who come running to You with faith! Look down from the height of Your heavenly majesty upon me, indecent, falling to Your icon, quickly hear the humble prayer of me, a sinner, and bring me to Your Son; beg Him to illuminate my gloomy soul with the light of His Divine grace and cleanse my mind from vain thoughts, to calm my suffering heart and heal its wounds, to enlighten me to good deeds and strengthen me to work for Him with fear, to forgive all the evil I have done, May He deliver eternal torment and not deprive the Heavenly One of His Kingdom. Oh, Most Blessed Mother of God! You deigned to be named Georgian in Your image, commanding everyone to come to You with faith, do not despise the sorrowful me and do not allow me to perish in the abyss of my sins. According to God, all my hope and hope of salvation is in You, and I entrust myself to Your protection and intercession forever. I praise and thank the Lord for sending me the happiness of a married state. I pray to You, Mother of the Lord and God and my Savior, that with Your Motherly prayers you will send me and my husband my beloved child. May He give me the fruit of my womb. May it be arranged according to His will, to His glory. Change the sorrow of my soul to the joy of conception in my womb. May I glorify and thank You, Mother of my Lord, all the days of my life. Amen.

Holy Prophet Zechariah and Elizabeth

Oh, holy saints of God, prophet Zechariah and righteous Elizabeth! Having fought a good fight on earth, we have naturally received in heaven the crown of righteousness, which the Lord has prepared for all who love Him. In the same way, looking at your holy image, we rejoice at the glorious end of your life and honor your holy memory. You, standing before the Throne of God, accept our prayers and bring them to the All-Merciful God, to forgive us every sin and help us against the wiles of the devil, so that, having been delivered from sorrows, illnesses, troubles and misfortunes and all evil, we will live piously and righteously in the present We will be worthy, through your intercession, even though we are unworthy, to see good on the land of the living, glorifying the One in His saints, the glorified God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Prayer of spouses for the gift of children

Hear us, Merciful and Almighty God, may Thy grace be sent down through our prayer. Be merciful, Lord, to our prayer, remember Your Law about the multiplication of the human race and be a merciful Patron, so that with Your help what You have established will be preserved. By Your sovereign power You created everything out of nothing and laid the foundation for everything that exists in the world, created man in Your image and, with a sublime mystery, sanctified the union of marriage and the foreshadowing of the mystery of the unity of Christ with the Church. Look, O Merciful One, on these Thy servants (names), united in a marital union and begging for Thy help, may Thy mercy be upon them, may they be fruitful and may they see the son of their sons even to the third and fourth generation and live to the desired old age and will enter the Kingdom of Heaven through our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom all glory, honor and worship is due with the Holy Spirit forever.

Every prayer for conceiving a child will be valid if you sincerely believe in our Lord and have pure thoughts and soul!

The Holy Spirit, solving all problems, shedding light on all roads so that I can reach my goal. You, who give me the gift of forgiveness and oblivion of all evil. Done against me, in all the storms of life staying with me. In this short prayer I want to thank You for everything and once again prove that I will never part with You for anything, despite any illusions of matter. I want to dwell with You in Your eternal glory. Thank you for all your good deeds to me and my neighbors. I ask you this and that.

Prayers for conceiving a child: when only hope remains

When a long-awaited pregnancy still does not occur, many women remember that there is a prayer for conceiving a child. Unfortunately, a woman’s mere desire to give birth to a baby is often not enough. Chronic diseases of the reproductive system, previous abortions, bad habits and poor lifestyle - all this often reduces the likelihood of getting pregnant easily and without difficulty.

Orthodox believers say that in addition to drug treatment, the power of prayer to Saint Matrona or other Saints for conceiving a child is very great importance. Or maybe sometimes you really need to put your skepticism aside and just believe in a miracle?

How to pray correctly for conceiving a child?

It is rare that despair does not lead a person to search for any possible ways to solve the problem. When expensive tests and treatment do not bring results, and pregnancy still does not occur, women and her family members often turn to God in prayer to conceive a healthy child, hoping that this will help them achieve what they want. According to Orthodox believers, the power of words spoken with sincere faith and humility brings great fruit. Often the human mind cannot explain how this happens.

When reading prayers for conception and the safe birth of a healthy child, there is no need to stop treatment with traditional medicine.

There is no significant difference where and how a person will pray. This can be done both in the temple and at home. When turning to God, you should calm down, retire, turn off the TV and other objects that may distract you from prayer. It is believed that when pronouncing her words, you must believe with all your heart and imagine the pregnancy that has taken place.

What prayers are there?

You can make prayers for infertility and other problems associated with the inability to bear and give birth to a baby to many Saints. It is believed that the prayer before the conception of a child, addressed to the Saints, has great power, since God's righteous people in heaven intercede before the Lord on behalf of the person asking.

Prayer to the Mother of God

The Mother of God is a model of feminine and maternal perfection. It was her who was chosen by the Almighty to carry and give birth to Jesus Christ. It is she, more than anyone else, who is able to understand the grief of a woman who cannot get pregnant. Many believe that praying to the Mother of God for the conception of a child allows a miracle of life to happen and save the baby in the mother’s womb.

"ABOUT Most Holy Virgin, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, intercessor of all sinful faithful who ask! Look down from the heights of your heavenly throne, turn your gaze to the obscene me who stands before your icon. Hear my humble prayer, and lift it up to the Almighty Lord. Pray to Your only Son to lower his eyes on me, a sinner! May He illuminate the sinful soul with the light of heavenly grace, may He cleanse my mind from worldly burdens and indecent worries. May He forgive all the evil deeds I have done, may He protect me from eternal torment and not deprive me of Kingdom of Heaven Yours!

Blessed Mother of God! You deigned to be baptized in Your image, and commanded me to come to You with every prayer and request. In You, Lord, is all my hope, and all my hope. I run under Your Cover, and present myself under Your intercession forever. I praise and thank our Lord, who has granted me the happiness of marriage. I pray to You, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, may the Almighty send me and my husband a child. May He give me the fruit of my womb. Change the sorrow in my soul, and grant me the joy of motherhood. I praise You all the days of my life! Amen".

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow

When it is not possible to get pregnant, many believers advise turning to Matronushka of Moscow and asking her to conceive a child. From childhood, she had the gift of seeing people's sins and healing their illnesses. To this day, when women suffering from infertility turn to Saint Matrona in prayer, healing occurs.

If there is such an opportunity, then it is better to go to a temple under the patronage of this saint, for example, in Moscow, and light a candle in front of her image and read prayer words about the gift of a child.

“Blessed is Mother Matrona! We resort to Your intercession and tearfully pray to You. Shed a sincere prayer to the sinful servants of the Lord before the Throne of our Almighty Creator. For the Word of God is true: ask and it will be given to you. Hear our groans and bring them to the throne of Heaven, for the prayer of His righteous man can do much before God. May the Master hear our requests, may he have mercy, may he send us the long-awaited child, may he place the fruit in the mother’s womb. Truly, just as the Lord sent descendants to Abraham and Sarah, Elizabeth and Zechariah, Anna and Joachim, so did he send them to us. May the Lord do this according to His mercy and boundless love for mankind. May it be so forever and ever. Amen".

The prayer to Matrona for conceiving a child must be read with complete faith and trust in the power of the Holy Intercessor.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Prayers for conception and the appearance of a healthy child in the family are offered not only to Matrona. Saint Nicholas is also the patron of families, mothers and small children. He is advised to make prayers if he fails long time get pregnant.

The text of the prayer for conceiving a child, read in front of the icon to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker:

“Oh, Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker! Beloved saint of the Lord! Our intercessor before the Heavenly Father and our helper in our earthly sorrows! Hear my weak prayer, and exalt it to the Almighty! Beg the Lord our God to turn His Royal gaze on your sinful servant, to grant forgiveness of all my sins and evil deeds. I have sinned greatly since my youth, in my life in words, deeds, thoughts and feelings. Help me, the accursed one, beg our Heavenly Creator, the Creator of all earthly creatures, that he may hear my prayer. All the days of my life I glorify our Lord Almighty: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, may your merciful representation be present now and ever and ever. Amen".

Prayer to Saint Luke

If you can't get pregnant, then don't despair. When following doctors’ prescriptions, you can reinforce your efforts with a prayer to the Matrona of Moscow, the Mother of God and Saint Luke for the granting of a miracle of conceiving a child.

They place a candle in front of the image of the Holy Saint and read the words of the prayer:

“Beloved of the Lord, miraculous Luke, intercede for me before our Heavenly Creator! Exalt my prayer to the throne of our Lord Almighty. May He grant me the happiness of conception. How great is your power, so I need the blessing of the Lord! Amen".

The prayer to Saint Luke for the gift of conceiving a child can be read at home. To do this, you need to light nine candles and fill a container with Holy water. While saying the words of the prayer, they stroke their belly and imagine as if pregnancy has already occurred. After reading, you need to cross yourself and drink water.

Prayer to Peter and Fevronia

Saints Peter and Fevronia represent a symbol of love and fidelity. They serve as models of marital relations and are protectors of families. Many believe that the prayer for conceiving a child, said to Peter and Fevronia, allows not only the birth of a new life, but also strengthens family ties.

“Holy Pleasants of the Lord, Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia! I come running to you, sinner, and with tears I pray for your gracious mercy! Offer my prayers for (it is necessary to name the spouses), and ask the Most High King to send us various graces: right faith, good hope, sincere love, unshakable piety, and prosperity in good deeds. Do not despise my prayer, but exalt it before the heavenly Throne of our Lord Jesus Christ. May I exalt the immeasurable love for mankind of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit throughout all centuries. Amen".

When saying a prayer not only to Matrona of Moscow, but also to Saints Peter and Fevronia for conceiving a child, you must mentally imagine the pregnancy that has taken place or the future baby.

Why doesn't conception occur?

Many people believe that children are born precisely when the spouses are truly ready to accept them. Sometimes it happens that, according to medical reports, an absolutely healthy woman cannot become pregnant, carry or give birth to a baby. Psychologists advise the expectant mother in this case to look at her life from the outside and think, does she really passionately want children in the family? Is there something or someone that takes up her time and does not allow her to psychologically prepare for the birth of a new life?

Often a woman simply does not want to admit to herself that she is afraid of changing her usual lifestyle, does not want to lose a well-paid and promising job, or the desire to have children is primarily not her own, but that of one of the family members. Many people believe that turning to God with a prayer for the conception and safe birth of a child will help, first of all, to recognize their true desires and thoughts, and will also bring a miracle closer, if this is what should happen. However, if a woman is diagnosed with some kind of illness due to which she cannot bear and give birth to a baby, then she cannot refuse medical treatment and rely only on prayers.

Dreaming of having a baby, but again and again encountering failures, a woman can resort to in various ways. Orthodox priests claim that a prayer read before the conception of a child by a truly religious person can help the miracle of the birth of a new life happen. However, if a person does not believe in God, then relying on prayer as a magical method of fulfilling desires is not only pointless, but also sinful.

especially for

Useful video with prayer for conceiving a child

The Holy Spirit, solving all problems, shedding light on all roads so that I can reach my goal. You, who give me the Divine gift of forgiveness and oblivion of all evil committed against me, are with me in all the storms of life. In this short prayer, I want to thank You for everything and once again prove that I will never part with you for anything, despite any illusoriness of matter. I want to be with you in your eternal glory. Thank you for all your good deeds to me and my neighbors. I ask you, grant me a chance to become parents of a healthy baby. Amen

Prayer to get pregnant (read clearly three times, once in a lifetime, then be sure to write it somewhere so that others can use it) “The Holy Spirit, solving all problems, shedding light on all roads so that I can reach my goal. You, who give me the Divine gift of forgiveness and oblivion of all evil committed against me, are with me in all the storms of life. In this short prayer, I want to thank You for everything and once again prove that I will never part with you for anything, despite any illusoriness of matter. I want to be with you in your eternal glory. Thank you for all your good deeds to me and my neighbors. I ask you, grant me a chance to become parents of a healthy baby. Girls, pray. I believe that it will help someone find their baby.

How to ask God for help

But at some point it will inevitably turn out: your friends are running about their own business, your mother is very sick and you don’t want to upset her, and your hubby has gone off to work, slamming the door goodbye and explaining that you’ve annoyed him with your whining.

And then what? Where?

Straight to God. This is the third and most direct, most reliable, most indisputable path. How is this done?

Voice of the people. Revelations from the Internet

– I don’t know how to pray.

How it's done?

Where are the words written?

What if in your own words?

Our most common mistake is that we think that prayer is a certain action: stand in a certain position, pronounce strictly defined words in a certain order. And then Someone up there will hear and something in life will change.

Nothing like that.

Prayer is not that at all.

Prayer is to direct your whole heart to the Lord. This is to fall to your knees and - forehead to the floor: save us - both me and my child, protect him from my despair and mental weakness. Give me strength!

Prayer means screaming through disbelief, anguish, screaming into the blue sky, into the gray sky, into the black night sky, into the bloody dawn: I can’t cope! My heart is breaking! Help! I can’t bear my misfortune, my grief!

Or, raising your hands, as you saw? - priests during the service, with the gesture of a child in front of the Father: take me in your arms, love me, don’t leave me! Hold us to Your chest and protect us both! Give me strength for my baby! Give me joy, give me love!

And sometimes - face into the pillow, which has long been wet through with tears: help, don’t leave me, let everything be fine, let it become easy for me, let them love me - and I will love my child, I can’t, I can’t stand it alone - help .

This is prayer.

And what will help?

Give it a try.

In fifteen minutes, in half an hour maximum, you, already chirping cheerfully, will be minding your own business, or sleeping peacefully, or quietly reading a book... Note, having completely forgotten about your recent horror and cry to the Savior.

And here - stop, sisters. There is no need to forget about this. Not healthy.

Firstly, ingratitude is generally a bad thing. Ugly.

Secondly, do not deprive yourself of the memory of a successful way to get rid of trouble. Having remembered this experience, the next time we find ourselves in the same state of powerlessness and grief, we will cry out much more confidently to the One who helped us so much before.

And He will help again.

Thus, let us constantly strengthen ourselves in faith and know more and more immutably that the One who can truly do anything is always next to you.

And His Mother.

And His saints.

All of them are always with you.

Prayer to the Mother of God

Blessings to my queen, my hope to the Mother of God, friend of the orphans and strange intercessors, those who grieve with joy, those who are offended by the patroness!

See my misfortune, see my sorrow, help me like the weakest, feed me like the country. Weigh my offense, resolve it as if by will: for I have no other help except You, no other intercessor, no good comforter, except You, O Mother of God, for you will preserve me and cover me forever and ever. Most Holy Theotokos, enlighten me with the light of Your Son. Amen.

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Complete collection and description: prayer for God to give children for the spiritual life of a believer.

A child is a continuation of the family, a new round of the spiral of life. This is probably why almost every married couple dreams of sons and daughters. But not everyone is immediately given such happiness. Many have to go through examinations, procedures and drugs, and still there is no benefit. We will not talk about why the opportunity to be pregnant is not available to all women. But we will try to help in this matter.

Infertility: then and now

The problem of infertility did not arise in our time. And although now there are more and more childless families, such misfortune was well known in ancient times.

Therefore, for many centuries there has been a prayer to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy child. It was said by millions of women at completely different times, and it helped many.

But not only the Mother of God is asked to give a child. There are prayers addressed to the Holy Spirit. The goal is the same: to beg heaven for the opportunity to feel the joy of motherhood. All texts will be given below.

Such prayers are living evidence that at all times some couples have had problems getting pregnant. To realize their cherished dreams, many wives and husbands knelt before the icons and prayed to God for this. And he responded, helped, gave the child.

There were also prayers for the birth of a healthy child. They were already read by those lucky women who managed to get pregnant. We will talk about them too, but only a little later.

To get pregnant

So, if you really want a child, but it just doesn’t work out, try turning your request to God or the Virgin Mary. Words coming from the depths of the heart, sincerely begging and asking for help, are always heard. The energy of millions of the same unfortunate people is concentrated in one prayer, and therefore it will easily reach heaven.

Getting pregnant and giving birth is natural, but sometimes very difficult. Conception may be impossible because a woman is tormented by various illnesses, fears, and is gnawed by unbelief. Our ancestors understood and knew this. They came up with special prayers to help a woman get pregnant, carry and give birth to a beautiful and healthy child. It is important for a person that his dreams come true. The above texts can help in achieving the main thing - becoming a mother and father.

To the Blessed Virgin Mary about the conception of a child

This is an appeal to the Queen of Heaven - the patroness of not only pregnant women, but also women in labor, the protector of the family. It must be said only in front of the corresponding icon, which you can purchase in a church shop. Women read, in complete silence, alone. To ensure that your request is heard as quickly as possible, read every day, with with an open heart

and sincerely believing in the power of his words.

Before you begin your prayer, light a candle. Kiss your cross, cross yourself according to Christian custom - and proceed. Words are very powerful if they are supported by faith, and very soon all illnesses will subside and conception will occur.

There is a shorter version of this prayer:

“Most Holy Mother of God, have mercy on me, Thy sinful servant (name), and accept my prayer, which I offer to You with heartfelt contrition, I humbly pray to You, grant healing from my ailments that prevent the conception of children. Amen" This prayer is somewhat different from the previous one. It focuses on healing from various female diseases, the presence of which prevents pregnancy. Such words, coming from a woman’s heart, revealing her soul, can work miracles.

They are aimed not only at helping to get pregnant, but also at carrying the child to term normally.

Holy Spirit

This text has been known for a long time. It is not known for certain who invented it, but words carry enormous power. With their help, many childless couples finally managed to find the happiness of fatherhood and motherhood: “Pure heavenly blood, wonderful divine power. Any word of His is to action, and our prayer is to a new body. Help God's servants

yours, baptized (names of spouses), begotten by mother and father, have a child 9 months later. In the name of our Lord. Amen"

The prayer comes on behalf of both spouses, but it is recommended for a woman to read it. It is recommended to recite the text early in the morning, immediately after waking up. Don’t forget to do this every day, exactly until the test shows the coveted 2 stripes. Don't forget about gratitude.

Helping to carry out

Future mothers have experienced all this from time immemorial. And that is why the prayer for the birth of a healthy child still lives in our society and brings happiness to many families. There are a large number of her texts, and all of them are effective.

Here is a prayer addressed to the Lord. This is a more modern, shortened version, but no less effective:

“Lord Almighty! I sadly pray to you for only one thing: may my future child not know the troubles of either his flesh or his spirit. Forgive me, a sinner, but grant me the joy of motherhood and strength to my offspring! Amen!"

Mother of God

Prayer for the birth of a healthy child is usually addressed to Mother of God. She is considered the patroness of pregnant women and also grants good childbirth. That is why many expectant mothers turn to the Mother of God, praying to her for their unborn child.

And, of course, many variants of such prayers have been invented. All of them are aimed at bearing a healthy baby and becoming a mother on time, without severe pain and possible pathologies. One of the most popular is the following text:

“Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God! Hear the mother's prayer for her child! Ask Our Lord to send him good health, mental and physical! Take away illness and sorrow from my child! To the glory of our Lord, Amen"

Basically, we are talking about asking for health for the unborn baby. But the Mother of God also takes care of the mother, therefore, by reading this prayer daily, you will protect yourself from difficulties and unforeseen problems in childbirth.

In addition, the birth itself will be easy.

Not only prayers can be addressed to God to get pregnant, but also requests from the expectant mother for the health of the fetus she is carrying. The Lord can grant the long-awaited conception, help to easily bear a child, and send down a successful birth. Therefore, if you managed to conceive a child, be grateful and do not forget to turn to God with requests for a healthy child.

Childbirth is a complex process, often unpredictable, therefore, it is important to be prepared for it. Expectant mothers can ask the Lord for help in this difficult matter. And then everything will be fine. Here is one of the most ancient prayer texts:

He turns to the Lord with a request that the birth would not be difficult, and that everything would go well under his great protection. Expectant mothers read this prayer with trepidation, hoping for the best. They managed to get pregnant, they managed to carry them to term, and now they would like to bring a child into this world with God’s help.

Without pain. Without problems and suffering. Here is another text, invented specifically for expectant mother

, anxiously waiting for her child. He prays to carry the child to term, giving birth to him without complications. Previously, not only conception itself frightened women (or rather, its impossibility), but also childbirth. After all, it was a big risk, so, preparing for motherhood, they turned to the mercy of God.

“I do not pray to You, but spare me the fate of our entire female race, for whom You have determined to give birth to children in illness, for there is a common law for us who sin. For this I pray to Thee: when my hour comes, grant me weakness and an easy solution, deliver me from unbearable illnesses. Fulfill, O Lord, the desire of my heart, together with the desire of my husband, whom you have given to me. Give us the joy of the birth of a new person into Your world. May the baby appear whole, healthy and strong, and may we who do not remember the sorrow for the joy, grace and generosity of Your Only Begotten Son, Who for our sake was incarnate from the most pure blood of the Virgin Mary, in wombs we bear speed and receive birth in the flesh, to Him glory befits the Holy Spirit forever. Amen"

This is an ancient prayer, written in Old Church Slavonic. Now it is perceived quite difficult, and some designs remain not fully understood. It's called "The Prayer of the Spouse Who Has the Fruit of the Womb."

You should read it at least once a week, you can do it in front of the icon of the Lord, but this is not a prerequisite. The main thing: an open soul and faith. The words ask you to conceive and go through an easy pregnancy and healthy birth. Every expectant mother is recommended to write down the text and carry it with her. But if this prayer is quite difficult for you, and much of it is not entirely clear, more have been suggested above simple options

. They are also an appeal to the Lord with a request to help bear a healthy baby.

“The Holy Spirit, solving all problems, shedding light on all roads so that I can reach my goal. You, who give me the Divine gift of forgiveness and oblivion of all evil. Done against me, in all the storms of life staying with me. In this short prayer, I want to thank You for everything and once again prove that I will never part with You for anything, despite any illusoriness of matter. I want to dwell with You in Your eternal glory. Thank you for all your good deeds to me and my neighbors. I ask you to grant me a chance to become parents of a healthy baby."

Prayer to get pregnant

(read clearly three times, once in a lifetime, then be sure to write it somewhere so that others can use it).

“The Holy Spirit, solving all problems, shedding light on all roads so that I can reach my goal. You, who give me the Divine gift of forgiveness and oblivion of all evil. Done against me, in all the storms of life staying with me. In this short prayer, I want to thank You for everything and once again prove that I will never part with You for anything, despite any illusoriness of matter. I want to dwell with You in Your eternal glory. Thank you for all your good deeds to me and my neighbors. I ask you to grant me a chance to become parents of a healthy baby."

(the prayer is read clearly three times, once in a lifetime, then be sure to write it somewhere so that others can use it). “The Holy Spirit, solving all problems, shedding light on all roads, so that I can reach my goal. You, who give me the Divine gift of forgiveness and oblivion of all evil. Done against me, in all the storms of life staying with me. In this short prayer, I want to thank You for everything and once again prove that I will never part with You for anything, despite any illusoriness of matter. I want to dwell with You in Your eternal glory. Thank you for all your good deeds to me and my neighbors. I ask you to grant me a chance to become parents of a healthy baby."

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December 17, 2017 30th lunar day – New Moon. It's time to bring good things into life.

How to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy child with the help of prayer

A child is a gift from Above, a miracle from Heaven, given by the Lord God. With the arrival of a baby in the house, everything around begins to spin at incredible speed: breast-feeding, first trip to kindergarten, school, etc. Therefore, every married couple dreams of children. However, not everyone succeeds in getting pregnant on their first try.

Powerful Prayer to get pregnant

Some are forced to undergo constant examinations, procedures and take medications, but there is no benefit from this. For what reason pregnancy is not available to all women, we will not say. But we will try to help with this problem. Prayer to get pregnant is one of the most effective options for stimulating pregnancy.

The problem of inability to conceive a child

The problem of infertility existed several centuries ago. And, despite the fact that nowadays there are more and more childless families, they knew about infertility in ancient times. But if today this problem can be dealt with with the help of medicine (IVF, stimulation, etc.), then then such procedures were not even thought about. To get pregnant, some used a conspiracy, others - folk remedies, and still others preferred to pray to the Saints, asking them for God’s blessing to conceive a baby as soon as possible. For many centuries, prayer to get pregnant has been popular among those married couples who want to become happy parents as quickly as possible. It was pronounced by millions of women at completely different times, and it helped many achieve their desired goal.

There were also prayer requests for the birth of a healthy baby. Those parents who were already able to get pregnant resorted to their help. But first things first.

Prayer will help a woman become pregnant in the near future, if you adhere to the rules for carrying out acts of this kind, which we will talk about now.

Praying correctly

Whether to pray mentally or in a whisper is up to everyone to decide for themselves. And if you have come across reviews where people recommend saying prayers out loud, then this is all fiction. A person can address the Almighty the way he wants, either out loud or mentally. If you choose the right words, the Almighty will hear you, even if you just mentally ask him for help. And yet, in order for prayer to help you get pregnant quickly, you must adhere to the following tips:

  1. Before asking God for help, both future parents should confess in church and receive communion. With a purified soul, your prayers will be heard much faster.
  2. When saying a prayer to get pregnant, and it doesn’t matter at all whether it is Muslim (Islam) or Orthodox, you should turn to the Lord not only on your own behalf, but also on behalf of the man from whom you want to get pregnant. It is good if your spouse himself expresses a desire to pray with you.
  3. When turning to the Saints with prayer requests to speed up the process of conceiving a fetus, you need to find out as much information as possible about them, so that it does not turn out that you are asking to become pregnant from the face of that Saint to whom people pray for repentance or the repose of the soul of the deceased. Therefore, it is very important to know who to pray to in order to get pregnant.
  4. Sincere intentions will help you become happy parents faster. If you want to become parents by dryly reading a set of phrases, then, unfortunately, you will not achieve your desired goal. Only sincere faith and the power of the Lord will help you find the happiness you ask for.
  5. You need to read the prayer consciously. Only sincerely believing people receive what they ask from the Almighty. And it’s better not to tell anyone that you are going to turn to God for help. Just believe in what you are asking from the Almighty. Your faith will be enough for the Lord to hear your prayers. And evil tongues and thoughts will only make things worse.
  6. Do not resort to the help of all the Saints with prayers while in a negative mood. Thus, the prayer should be read only when a person can fully open up before the Almighty, getting rid of angry thoughts, resentments, anger and hatred.
  7. Ask the Saints to grant you good health, endurance and patience, thanks to which you will be able to survive all difficulties.
  8. First of all, you need to consult qualified doctors who know what medications are prescribed for infertility, and can also indicate the causes of this kind of problem.

Prayers to get pregnant

There are many prayers that can speed up the process of conceiving a fetus. We will look at some of them, which, according to the public, are the most effective.

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

This prayer must be said before the icon Holy Mother of God. You can go to church, or you can turn to the Saint at home if you have an icon of the Mother of God in your house.

The prayer goes like this:

“Oh, Great Martyr, Most Holy Mother of our Most High Father, our protector. I submit my prayers to Your face and bow with sincere faith. Our most humble one, look into my eyes, which have sinned more than once, I fall before Your face. I want to ask, may my unforgettable prayer be heard by you. I pray that they trust in Your Son to illuminate my darkened darling with the face of Divine grace and may he help to cleanse my mind from dark thoughts, may he pacify my yearning heart and heal the deepest wounds on it. May he put my thoughts in order, direct me to all sorts of good deeds and strengthen my darling with healthy thoughts, may I be forgiven for all the evil I have committed. I ask you, O Glorious Mother of God, deliver me from torture and beg Your Son, may He not deprive me of His Heavenly Kingdom, may He descend to me. As a mother, I rely on you, Healer. Do not refuse my request, help me find the miracle of Heaven, give me the desired child. Oh, our Holy Great Martyr, You complained to everyone to turn to You with purified and sincere faith. Do not let me drown in the deepest routine of my grave sins. I complain about You and sincerely believe in my salvation and hope for Your protection, O Glorious Mother of God. I thank and glorify our Lord for sending boundless marital happiness to me. I beg you, Most Holy Virgin, only through your prayers will the Almighty send a miracle from Heaven to me and my husband, the long-awaited child, may God bestow fruit on my womb. May he be strengthened in me by the will of the Lord and for His Glory. Change the grief of our souls for the happiness given to our parents. Amen".

Prayerful appeal of a childless couple to the Lord

A powerful prayer to help speed up the process of pregnancy. If you believe in the Power of the Lord, your prayer appeal will be heard, and you will be able to become pregnant with a child.

“I pay attention to You, our Almighty. We appeal to all saints. Hear the prayers of me and my husband, Your servants (your name and the name of your spouse), Lord, Merciful and Almighty. Yes, answer our prayers, send Your help. We beg you, descend upon us, the Almighty, do not ignore our prayer speeches, remember Your laws on the prolongation of the race and the increase of the human people and become our patron, help with Your help to preserve what You have predicted. God, You created with Your mighty power everything out of nothing and laid the foundation for everything in this world that has no edges: You created the human body in Your likeness and awarded the marital union with the church with the highest secret. Our Lord, have mercy on us, united in conjugal marriage and trusting in Your help, may Your Most High mercy come to us, may we also be ready for reproduction and we will be able to become pregnant with a girl or a boy and look at our children, up to the third and up to the fourth generations, and we will live to a very old age and come to Your kingdom. I ask You, hear me, O our Almighty Ruler, come to me and give my womb a child. We will not forget Your grace and will serve You obediently together with our children. Amen".

After the prayer is said, it is advisable to regularly visit churches and receive communion. A prayer to help conceive a child is read constantly until pregnancy occurs.

Prayer to Matrona for a speedy pregnancy

Many people who want to become happy parents in the near future resort to the help of Matrona of Moscow, turning to her with prayer requests.

So, in order to get pregnant faster, a woman and a man need to go to the temple and make requests to the Matrona of Moscow, standing in front of her face. Or if you have an icon of this Saint in your house, then you can pray at home. But before this, it is advisable to confess and take communion.

So, with a purified and communion soul, in order to quickly feel parental happiness, you need to read the following prayer:

“I turn to our Blessed Matronushka. You, the Most Humble One, always accepting and listening to those who have renounced everything, listen to the prayers and hear me, the grief melting in my soul, bowing before You. Even now Your compassion towards me, a sinner and disobedient woman, will not be taken away. I pray, help us heal the illness of our friendly and sincerely believing family, deliver us from torture and unclean things, help us convey our Cross, given by the Lord God to us. Our most blessed one, trust in the Almighty, pray to him to have mercy on our sinful souls, may he forgive us for all the evil we have done. May he forgive us our sins, anger, hatred, resentment and unclean thoughts. Hope he gives us a healthy and kind boy or girl. We believe and lament the condescension of Yours and our Lord God to have a strong family that looks correctly into the future and exudes warm feelings towards all our neighbors. I turn to the Blessed Matrona. Hear our prayers, do not refuse us our request. Amen".

Prayer to Matrona for the rapid conception of a child

There is another prayer to help you become pregnant with a child in the near future. You can pray to Matrona in any Orthodox church, where the relics of this Saint or her face are present.

We address Matrona with these words:

“Oh, our Blessed Matronushka, standing as Her darling in heaven before the Lord’s throne, resting with her relics on earth, and endowed with grace from Above, radiating all sorts of miracles. Look with Your condescending gaze at me, who has sinned more than once, in sorrows, illnesses and various temptations of the Unclean One. Comfort my exhausted prayers, help me heal from a terrible illness, deliver me from my misfortune, which is eating me up from the inside. Let me, as a woman, feel the happiness of a mother who has a son or daughter. Pray for me before the Lord God, may I be forgiven by him for all the evil I have committed, for all the falls and iniquities, for I am guilty before Heaven and I bow before you, Blessed One, I ask for your Heavenly mercy. Don't leave me alone with my problem. I hope and lament for the help of Yours and our Almighty, I place my hope in Your Heavenly strength. I turn to Matrona Merciful. Amen".

Appeal to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for help on conceiving a child

In order to become happy parents, people often turn to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for help, in the hope of his pardon and miracle-working power. After all, becoming pregnant with a child is nothing more than a miracle given from Heaven by the Lord God himself.

To bring the moment of conception closer, you need to come to the temple and pray to the Lord, asking for his Blessing. And only when you turn to God, you can stand in front of the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and read the following prayer:

“Oh, our Good Shepherd and God-wise mentor, Saint Nicholas of God. Hear our prayers, hear us sinners turning to Your face and asking for a miracle. We call on You for help, Servant of Christ, help us become happy parents, give us a daughter or son healthy and kind, like You. Do not refuse those who ask You for Blessings. Let the mother feel the troubles of parenting. Help me heal from this terrible disease. Saint Nicholas, Servant of God, pray to the Lord for us. Amen".

Prayer to Matrona to get pregnant with a girl

Many families, at the stage of planning a baby, want to become pregnant with a child of a certain gender. According to statistics, most of representatives of the stronger sex want to have a girl. And if the wife agrees with her lover in this desire, then she wonders how to get pregnant with a girl through prayer. From time immemorial, in order for a life of the same sex to be born in the womb of a mother, it was necessary to pray to the Holy Matrona.

So, before going to bed, a woman should put on pinkish-red underwear, spread a blanket in the same color and try not to get up until the first rays of sunlight appear. In the morning we wash ourselves with soap Pink colour and drink a pink liquid - fresh juice, berry decoction, etc. Afterwards, say the following prayer:

“Matronushka Great Martyr, Strong in Soul. I listen to your Heavenly gaze. You, who help all those who suffer and protect all those in need, help me in solving this pressing problem. I ask the Almighty through You, cling to Him with prayers for me and ask that He have mercy on me and my sinful soul. I ask that I (my name) give birth to a new life, a healthy and good-natured daughter. You helped many become happy parents of their daughter, so help me, no matter what I am. I am a sinner before You, but I complain about Your mercy and condescension. Be a Miracle Giver for us. Amen".

Prayer to Alexander Svirsky to conceive a boy

And for a woman to give birth to a boy or become pregnant with twins, she should make a prayer request to Alexander Svirsky.

A prayer to help conceive a son is as follows:

“Oh, Alexander, who helps all those who suffer, assistant to the Heavenly guardian angels, God-bearing, humble servant of our Mother of God. We, like others who live with Thy mercy, with faith and sincere feelings towards You, turn to prayers for help. Complain about our souls to the Lord Almighty, ask him for mercy and condescension towards us. May He grant us, the servants of God, the much-desired child, new life of Your sex. Ask Your side, Alexander, for peace and harmony for our family union. Amen".

Prayers to bear a healthy baby

In addition to prayers that help speed up the process of conception, there are other prayers that help to safely endure pregnancy and give birth to a healthy child.

prayer to get pregnant – “Amazing”

In this video you will learn which icons of the Mother of God and how

Very powerful prayer in accompanied by a mantra to take

Prayerful appeal to the Blessed Virgin Mary for the preservation of pregnancy

When a woman’s pregnancy is difficult, tormented by toxicosis or threats of termination, she can pray to the Holy Mother of God and ask her blessing for support.

The prayer looks like this:

“Oh, Most Holy Mother of God, have mercy on me, the servant of God (your name), help me in difficult times. I trust in Your mercy and support before the Lord God. You, as the mother of the Most High, who gave him life, Savior of troubled souls, have mercy on me and bring my prayer service to Your attention. And according to Your inexhaustible Mercy, grant me, Your servant, God’s Grace. Just as you helped others, help me feel joyful feelings maternal. Hear me, O Most Holy One, take my prayer service from my lips and lift your gaze upon me, exhausted, with Your Grace. Amen".

Rating 4.3 Votes: 62

About how faith in God and hope for a miracle can cancel out the diagnosis of Infertility. A story written by a Real Woman, with an unfinished but very happy ending.

Every girl dreams of meeting a prince on a white horse, creating a strong and friendly family with him, having children, becoming a loving wife and caring mother.

I dreamed about this too.

As a child, I was an introverted and uncommunicative child, completely immersed in books and diligently studying the underground world of great sciences. All ten long school years, I was the favorite of teachers, won first places at competitions, it was my diligence and hard work that helped me graduate from school with a gold medal and go to university. Since the eighth grade, I dreamed of becoming an economist who could calculate costs and determine the projected profit, deduce financial results and do analytical analysis. As a result higher education confirmed by a honors diploma and good work.

I had very few friends; at school they talked to me only to cheat homework. And the boys didn’t pay any attention to me at all. Of course, modest clothes (my mother raised me alone and could not buy expensive and fashionable things), hair tied in a ponytail, a bag with a bunch of textbooks, dark circles under the eyes from chronic lack of sleep and constant thoughtfulness would hardly attract anyone to my a modest person. I wanted to be beautiful, to prove to everyone who pushed me and mocked me that I was worth something in this life.

At seventeen, I decided that I could and wanted to be happy. She changed her appearance, fell in love first of all with herself, threw away all conventions and fears. I now have real friends who will help if you ask them for it. But deep down there was an emptiness; there was still no loved one nearby.

Without hoping for anything, the first, pure, only love, love for life, came to me. I was eighteen then, he was twenty-eight. I fell in love with him at first sight. Light brown, blue-eyed, slender. On the first date, we walked for a long time around the local environs of Rostov-on-Don, on the second we dreamed, and on the third he asked me to marry him. And I immediately agreed. We had to prove our love to many, but after 2 months we got married. I was a second-year student at the time, and he was working.

We started our family life with my mother-in-law, in a room two by two meters, in which there was nothing but a bed and a table, the roof was constantly leaking, it was cold and uncomfortable. We tried to live with my mother and grandmother twice, but he felt like a stranger there. A year after the wedding, we went to live in an apartment that we took on credit. There I built my cozy nest, filled it with warmth and happiness.

Another visit to the doctor ended with me being diagnosed with infertility. How, where, why me? Such questions were spinning in my head, but I could not answer them.

I never had an abortion; my husband was the only man in my life.

But I believed in a miracle, God always helped me and could not ignore me in such a situation. I started taking hormonal pills, brewing herbs, doing gymnastics, and eating a lot of greens. I went to church and asked God for a child. Six months later I found out that I was pregnant.

My happiness knew no bounds, I was all glowing and shining. I wanted to flutter, because inside me there was a little man whom I had been waiting for so long. But the pregnancy was very difficult, doctors constantly put me in hospitals for preservation with a diagnosis of “acute threat of miscarriage.” Endless drips, injections, kilograms of pills taken. And every day the doctors scream that I will start bleeding and won’t give birth. But I continued to pray, because I knew for sure that since God gave me a child, he would help me give birth and raise me.

The time to give birth never came, the doctors gave me a planned birth. I gave birth myself, I will never forget the first look of my daughter, her blue eyes and toothless mouth, with which she screamed as best she could. I thought that this was the end of my torment. But it turned out that they had only just begun. On the fifth day we were discharged from the hospital. My child was all yellow, refused to eat, constantly screamed and cried, and only fell asleep for a few minutes from powerlessness. And again ambulance

, doctors, tests. We ended up in the hospital again for a long month. My daughter was diagnosed with blood poisoning; the infection was contracted in the same maternity hospital when she was vaccinated. What I experienced in those long thirty days cannot be expressed in words.

With every cell of my body I felt that cold from the endless sleepless nights, when the whole city was sleeping, and I still walked around with my little daughter in my arms. If at night I saw a lonely light in someone else's window, I felt better. Someone also did not sleep, perhaps they were also sitting by the baby’s crib or preparing for exams...

In February my beauty will be six years old. , for which I live. I will do everything to make my family happy.
Faith and willpower are enormous, they help to create miracles!

The most important thing for parents, to whom the Lord, through their prayers and desire, will nevertheless give a baby, is to never forget that their child is truly begged for.

Begging children is a special responsibility, both spiritual and physical. After all, asking a child from God, hoping for His miracle, we often make many promises and vows to the Lord.

And what comes next? We educate, as usual, for ourselves and our quiet old age, forgetting about the vows we have given, but it is very important to fulfill your promise and, above all, in the name of the begged child, because from now on he is your spiritual sacrifice to the Lord. In order to set an example of a worthy life for the future child, the parents themselves should live according to Christian laws.

The fate of the begged children will depend entirely on your spiritual life and the attitudes passed on to the children. The more you remove him from the Creator, raising him incorrectly and teaching him to be acquisitive and focusing, say, only on a career, the more tragic his fate may turn out. Prayed children must serve God in their lives. And parents need to gradually lead them to this, guide them to a godly life.

We see examples of saints - they, fulfilling exactly the vow given to the Lord, brought their begged children to serve God. The main thing is to raise a Christian. After all, the Lord quickly takes begged souls back to Himself if He sees a bad influence on them, so as not to harm them at all with the worldly deeds of their parents and society.

Therefore, you need to thoroughly think and weigh everything, reviewing your life again, before asking for the miracle of motherhood. Sometimes it can happen naturally, unexpectedly, if you work on yourself spiritually, don’t grieve, and help people in their needs. Praying for a miracle always requires suffering and maturity—mental and spiritual—otherwise it will be impossible to appreciate and understand the miracle that has occurred.

Let us tell three cases to illustrate the above.

One woman had no children in her first marriage, and doctors gave her an inexorable diagnosis - complete infertility. She tried all the methods. And she decided to take an extreme measure for herself - to beg the saints for a child. She succeeded, her happiness knew no bounds, the family, which had been shaken, was reborn again. But time passed, the son grew up, and then the parents decided to push him along a dishonest criminal path, forgetting about their promise to the saints to raise him as a spiritual and honest person.

Gradually, problems began: first, the son became seriously ill, then he had an accident, but survived. And this was the first warning from Heavenly Powers. His mother repented of breaking her vows and begged for his life, but then everything returned to normal again, and an emergency immediately occurred: the son again had an accident in his car and again miraculously survived. And then he was already thinking about whether he was living correctly, and partly decided to change his life, but his parents intervened - they had a very important deal planned and they needed their son’s help. And the deal took place, and already the last in the life of their son. My son was hit by a car on the street. The Lord took him back, returned the soul that had once begged from Him to His bosom, so that it would not completely perish spiritually. And those people returned again to their devastated, now truly, mental state, and now there was no one to save material wealth for.

In another case, a woman was abandoned by her husband due to infertility. But she did not despair, but accepted it as a given from above and turned her life into a different direction - spiritual. She visited the temple, many holy places, and helped those who were physically worse off than she was. And the Lord Himself first sent her a man worthy of her, and then blessed her with a child, a girl, who now visits churches with her mother, helping all the disadvantaged. This is the true happiness of motherhood for the Lord’s sake, not overshadowed by any vices or passions, this is where you can live happily (because with God!) and wait for a calm old age and, God willing, grandchildren.

And the last case. The married couple already had two children, but after the last birth a complication occurred, and the wife could no longer give birth to children, which did not suit both of them, because the family was Eastern, and therefore striving for large families.

Finally, prayers for another child were crowned with success. A boy was born, healthy and beautiful, but, as in the first case, the family went off the rails of Christian spirituality and completely forgot about the vow given to God, and this story ended tragically. When the sons grew up, a drama occurred: the eldest son accidentally killed his begged brother in a fight, having become jealous of his bride. In this way the Lord ended his earthly life.

Truly, the Lord endures for a long time, but it hurts. Therefore, we should under no circumstances forget our vows made to God when we ask Him to give us long-awaited children (or something else). If we ask Him for something, we must understand perfectly well that we ourselves, and our future children that we will have, and our entire family must guard in Orthodox faith and the commandments of God, to pray, to confess, to receive communion, to go to Temple. We must not forget about this.

There cannot be such a relationship with the Lord God: “You are for me, I am for you.” Prayer and the fulfillment of prayer are not a transaction; you cannot receive something from God, thank Him and “go in different directions.” You need to devote your life to God, to become a real Christian. This is what God calls us to through hardship and sorrow. There are amazing words: “Listen to God in the commandments, so that He will listen to You in prayers.” This means, always follow the commandments and fulfill all the promises you make to God.

Why is the Lord slow to answer us, to give us what we really, really want, what we need? This - Divine Providence about Us. The Lord expects that through this need and sorrow we will draw closer to Him, strengthen ourselves in faith, correct ourselves, and take the path of salvation. And we will dedicate our lives “to the glory of God.” But you can’t then stray from this correct path! Nothing is impossible for God.

I know of one family that had no children for a long time. And so, the couple, no longer hoping to give birth to their children, took the child from the orphanage. And - a miracle - a few months later the wife finds out about the pregnancy and gives birth to a child. After a while - pregnancy again! And... she has an abortion - she kills her child. Excuses: “How will we cope, there are already two, age, weather...” But this is a miracle of God! The long-awaited miracle that you have been waiting for! This is the Lord’s reward to you for the kindness and mercy that you showed to the orphan child by taking him into your family. The Lord favors you! The Lord is sending a second opportunity to experience the miracle of motherhood! After all, you’ve been waiting for this for so long, you’ve fought so hard! It's easy, take it! And everything is on time!

We all need to know and remember the words of Archimandrite John Krestyankin: “With God, everything happens on time, especially for those who know how to wait.” ...It turns out: “No, Lord, I don’t need any more...” This is cold, icy human egoism... And how will those two children grow up, in fact, next to their murderous parents!? If the parents have the blood of the brothers or sisters they killed? How, in such a terrible state, which is subconsciously and consciously felt by living children, to raise these very children? This is a sin, a violation of God’s Commandments, a descent onto the path of evil, which leads the whole family to destruction. But that is another topic...

So remember, your bold prayer will be heard, but do not forget about your responsibility for your children, for whom the Lord will ask you in due time.

(Materials used from the book by E. Dudkin “A mother’s prayer reaches from the bottom of the sea”)

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, You said with Your most pure lips: “Truly I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in Heaven, for where there are two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Your words are immutable, O Lord, your mercy is unconditional and your love for mankind has no end.

For this reason, we pray to You: grant to us, Your servants: (the names of those praying at the same time should be mentioned), and to all those who are now offering conciliar prayer with us, You know their names, Lord, who have agreed to ask You for the gift of a child. We pray to You for the fulfillment of our request. But let it be not as we want, but as You, Lord, may Your will be done forever. Amen.