Why vomiting during pregnancy. Drug treatment of vomiting. Vomiting on an empty stomach

19.08.2018 Relationship

Vomiting during pregnancy does not mean that everything should be attributed to toxicosis, especially when the result of vomiting is bile.

Most pregnant mothers experience vomiting in the first trimester of pregnancy, but there are cases when a pregnant woman begins to vomit in the last months.

Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy are temporary; this illness usually goes away on its own.

Preventing food poisoning during pregnancy

Severe intoxication In case of repeated vomiting and diarrhea, the pregnant woman must be immediately hospitalized at any time and treated in the intensive care unit. Suffice it to remember that preventing any poisoning is limited to washing your hands before eating and using only high-quality and proven products. Only then will there be unpleasant consequences of poisoning during pregnancy.

Expectant mothers, be especially attentive to your health, and then all the problems surround you and your child! The main culprit behind these diseases is the natural hormonal changes during pregnancy. Find out how to eat while pregnant to minimize unpleasant symptoms.

Vomiting in the early stages

According to statistics, approximately 60% of women begin to vomit during pregnancy. early stages, some of them vomit bile in the morning.

In addition, until the placenta is completely formed around the fetus, all waste products of the unborn child penetrate into the mother’s blood, thereby causing intoxication of her body.

In case of nausea and vomiting, small portions are recommended, but often - try to eat about 5-6 times a day. You can use foods such as: warm milk, water, banana, crackers, crusty bread, rice waffles, cookies, cereal. Healthy ginger. You can prepare tea and drinks. Ginger tea recipe - ginger root, freshly grated. Just cut it into one teaspoon. Then sprinkle boiling water over the ginger and heat on very low temperature for 3-5 minutes. After that, keep it covered for another 5 minutes. After this time you are ready to drink. Do not drink while eating. This may cause an increase in symptoms. Drinks are taken in small sips between meals.

  • Eat breakfast before getting out of bed.
  • Have breakfast and leave it on the nightstand.
  • After breakfast, wait a few minutes before getting out of bed.
Eating too much may increase the frequency of nausea and vomiting.

The second main cause of vomiting during pregnancy is a sharp increase in progesterone.

Additionally, vomiting during pregnancy can be triggered by an increased sense of smell - during this period, women begin to perceive all odors differently.

Nausea and vomiting in pregnant women are symptoms of toxicosis that can manifest themselves against the background of psychological and physiological causes.

Foods that most often cause nausea and vomiting

Ideally, your diet will consist of 5-6 small, easily digestible dishes. Avoid frying and fats and long meals. Boil in water, bake without added fat - these should be your favorite cooking techniques, not just for pregnant women. Among them are fried meats, citrus fruits, and drinks. They can also improve products with high degree processing, since they often have an odor and aroma from irritating effects. Often other odors are also irritating that are not food related, such as perfume, toothpaste.

During pregnancy, a woman's emotional state changes significantly. As soon as a pregnant woman learns about her situation, conflicting feelings begin to visit her.

All her thoughts are mixed up, it is at this time that she can simultaneously rejoice, doubt and fear.

Such an emotional whirlwind provokes the appearance of toxicosis, which begins to recede when peace of mind occurs.

Nausea in the afternoon, mainly after eating

Try to avoid them and report them to them. Sometimes in such cases it helps to chew almonds, tea or water with ginger, and dry snacks. You should eat at least 2 hours before bed and should consist of mainly protein foods, i.e. yogurt, lean meat or cold meat or eggs.

Foods that most often cause nausea and vomiting

Ideally, your diet will consist of 5-6 small, easily digestible dishes. Avoid frying and fats and long meals. Boil in water, bake without added fat - these should be your favorite cooking techniques, not just for pregnant women. Among them are fried meat, citrus fruits, and drinks. They can also improve highly processed foods, as they often have odors and odors from being irritating. Often other odors are also irritating that are not associated with food, such as perfume, toothpaste.

The psychological problems that are on the minds of every pregnant woman include:

  • change of habitual lifestyle;
  • relationship with husband;
  • material issues;
  • career growth;
  • change in appearance.

As for the physiological causes of toxicosis, they come down to a malfunction internal organs and disorders in the central nervous system.

As a result of improper functioning of the central nervous system, a pregnant woman becomes moody and irritable, but the changes are not limited to this.

There is an activation of the subcortical structures of the brain, which ensure the bearing of a child within the period established by nature.

Subcortical sections are areas that are responsible for the sense of smell, control the gag reflex, the functioning of the stomach, the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Due to the increased work of subcortical structures, other organs subordinate to these parts of the brain are also activated.

This factor causes toxicosis in the early stages. IN in this case symptoms, in addition to nausea and vomiting, are: rapid heartbeat and increased activity of the salivary glands.

Science has proven that nervous system pregnant women undergoes changes, as a result of which the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted.

The main symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders due to nervousness are: increased salivation, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

If the pregnant woman had any chronic diseases of the digestive system, then they will only contribute to the development of early toxicosis.

Late toxicosis

As a rule, a woman stops vomiting in the second trimester of pregnancy, and by 14-15 weeks she no longer feels sick. But it is not a fact that vomiting will not recur in late pregnancy.

If early toxicosis was caused by a change in hormone levels and the body getting used to its new position, then at the end of pregnancy the causes of nausea and vomiting come down to an increase in the size of the uterus.

The uterus grows as long as the baby grows inside it. As it grows, it props up organs that come its way, including the stomach, liver, and intestines.

Considering this factor, we can conclude that nausea and vomiting are often provoked by ordinary overeating.

There is such a thing as gestosis or late toxicosis. This type of disease is more dangerous than ordinary toxicosis.

Preeclampsia is the result of the mother’s body’s inability to provide the unborn child with the necessary amount of oxygen and nutrients.

Against the background of this pathology, seizures may develop, which are considered unsafe for both the mother and her unborn baby. Doctors call this condition preeclampsia.

Vomiting blood during pregnancy also occurs with preeclampsia.

But it may be accompanied by other symptoms, including:

  • hypertension;
  • swelling of the body;
  • headache;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • decreased vision;
  • disturbance of night sleep.

Typically, the development of preeclampsia can begin after 30 weeks of pregnancy. Exact reasons There is no explanation as to why pregnant women are exposed to this type of disease.

All that scientists have established on this matter is that the disease most often appears in pregnant women who are prone to hypertension and have weak immune defenses.

Since severe vomiting of blood may indicate an attack of a stomach or duodenal ulcer, differential diagnosis is prescribed to clarify the diagnosis of the pregnant woman.

Most often, vomiting during pregnancy is not a symptom of a dangerous pathology, which allows a woman to alleviate her condition by using a number of simple actions.

For example, to avoid morning sickness, it is enough for a pregnant woman to have breakfast with her favorite foods in bed in the morning.

Her morning can start with a cup of fruit compote and a cracker, an apple or a banana, but all this needs to be prepared in the evening. All pregnant women should eat fractionally, that is, eat in small portions, but 6-7 times a day.

For breakfast and lunch, women carrying a child are recommended to eat food that is a source of proteins and carbohydrates.

In the first case it is kefir, cottage cheese, chicken eggs and hard cheese, in the second - fruit. Fatty, spicy, too salty and sweet foods are excluded from the morning menu.

Why do pregnant women vomit bile?

Vomiting bile during pregnancy can be caused by several factors, but usually the root cause is an empty stomach.

Pregnant women may lose their appetite in the morning due to nausea, leaving the digestive organ empty.

During vomiting on an empty stomach, the walls of the organ contract, which first leads to the release of gastric juice, and then bile, which is “sucked in” from the bile ducts as a result of contractile actions.

Vomiting bile during pregnancy can be a symptom of the development or exacerbation of cholecystitis, but this is provided that the pregnant woman feels pain in the right side.

Another sign of cholecystitis is the appearance of nausea and vomiting on a full stomach, usually after a pregnant woman has eaten fried or fatty foods. For cholecystitis, vomiting in pregnant women is treated with emphasis on diet.

During pregnancy, exacerbation of pancreatitis may occur - this type of disease is associated with inflammation of the pancreas.

Symptoms of pancreatitis resemble signs of toxicosis, manifesting themselves as nausea and vomiting with bile.

But unlike real toxicosis, with pancreatitis there is pain in the right hypochondrium, which intensifies when the pregnant woman takes an upright position, and almost disappears when the woman lies down.

Some pregnant women feel very sick in the evenings, but do not vomit, in addition to this, women who are expecting a child develop an aversion to certain types of foods.

When vomiting begins, after the urge stops, you need to drink some water with lemon and lie down to rest. There is no other way to relieve nausea, for example, with medication, since this method is unsafe.

To relieve nausea, you can use folk advice, which says that during pregnancy it is advisable to drink mint and yarrow tea.

Tea with lemon has a good effect on the body. If you really want to, a woman can drink a few sips of sparkling mineral water.

Surprisingly, diarrhea can be a symptom of pregnancy - this is how the body tries to inform the woman about the changes occurring inside her.

In specific cases, diarrhea and vomiting become a sign of impending labor.

A direct symptom of the onset of labor can be considered the appearance of diarrhea in a pregnant woman, but in the absence of nausea and fever - this is how the body of the expectant mother is cleansed before childbirth.

Approximately 90% of women experience toxicosis during pregnancy. Vomiting can continue until 13-16 weeks of pregnancy and occur 1-2 times a day. Bile in vomit is usually present in the morning, before the first meal. Or at another time of day, again on an empty stomach. Vomiting up to the 16th week of pregnancy, 1-2 times a day, is normal and does not require drug treatment. But there are many ways to alleviate your condition and reduce attacks.

Causes of vomiting bile

As a rule, nausea during pregnancy occurs on an empty stomach. The walls of the stomach begin to contract and suck in bile from the gallbladder and duodenum, which is then excreted along with gastric juice. The presence of bile in this case does not signal any problems in the body.

But if bile appears in the vomit after eating, then this is not just toxicosis, most likely you are faced with one of the following diseases:

  • inflammation of the pancreas;
  • exacerbation of chronic liver diseases;
  • inflammation of the gallbladder;
  • duodenal stenosis;
  • appendicitis;
  • poisoning or intoxication.

In these cases, vomiting is accompanied by abdominal pain from the affected organ. If you encounter this situation, be sure to consult a doctor. Flushing the stomach with two liters of warm water will help stop bile vomiting. After the procedure, drink still mineral water, chamomile or rosehip infusion in small sips every 10-15 minutes. Without eliminating the underlying disease, such vomiting will not disappear. If you have previously treated diseases of the liver, gall bladder or other organs, do not repeat the prescriptions yourself; many drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy. In case of poisoning or intoxication, after gastric lavage, take activated charcoal at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of weight.

How to avoid vomiting bile

If vomiting bile is caused by ordinary toxicosis, then the following techniques will help prevent its occurrence:

  • When you wake up in the morning, without getting up, eat a few crackers, cookies or a crust of bread and lie down for 15 minutes.
  • Eat small, frequent meals so that your stomach does not remain empty. If such food is not possible, use sandwiches for snacks. Don't skip main meals.
  • If vomiting occurs from the smell of food, then while preparing food, turn on the hood at full power and open the windows. If this doesn't help, ask someone else to cook for you for a certain period of time. Eat food at room temperature; it won't smell as strong as hot food.
  • If you feel like vomiting, try breathing over a slice of lemon or over ginger.
  • Drink liquids frequently throughout the day, in small sips.
  • Get plenty of rest and try to lie down during the day. Vomiting may worsen due to fatigue.
  • Walk outdoors often and avoid the heat.

Drug treatment for vomiting

Many women try to avoid taking medications during pregnancy, but lifestyle and dietary changes may not help. If the frequency of vomiting attacks is more than 10 times a day, the body expectant mother dehydrated, there is a weight loss of more than 5% of body weight before pregnancy, we can talk about a severe degree of toxicosis (hyperemesis of pregnancy). In such cases, the doctor may prescribe drug therapy. Treatment is aimed primarily at restoring fluid volume in the body. An important condition during the therapy period is psychological support for loved ones and the elimination of any negative emotions. Acupuncture and acupressure, simultaneously with taking vitamin B6, have a good effect. Medications that block vomiting may be prescribed.

Most often, there is no need to worry if you experience a bitter feeling in your mouth after vomiting. This is a common occurrence in the mornings during pregnancy, as the expectant mother’s body adapts to the new condition. The above methods will help you cope with this problem yourself and not harm either yourself or the baby.