How to make slime with your own hands without glue. Shampoo slime. Toothpaste slime, the coolest

11.02.2018 This is interesting

Funny sticky slime toys are familiar to many since childhood. More often they were sold in the form of multi-colored balls that funny “clapped” on the surface and then slowly bounced off. The so-called “handgam”, invented back in 1976, is still popular today, especially after the release of the film about Ghostbusters.

And many parents, of course, are interested in whether it is made from toothpaste or other accessible and safe ingredients? Making a bright toy takes a few minutes, and the fascinating process can be entrusted to a child. Moreover, this is an excellent training for fine motor skills and creative thinking.

Total toothpaste and PVA

Recently, a toy made from toothpaste has become a hit among slimes. It is absolutely safe, pleasant to the touch, and most importantly, making a slime from paste couldn’t be easier.

  1. Squeeze about half a tube of paste into a small bowl.
  2. Add a little PVA glue there. For some reason, exact proportions are difficult to find. Rather, they depend on the quality and type of ingredients.
  3. It is advisable to knead the mass thoroughly so that it becomes completely homogeneous, sticks very slightly to your hands and stretches well.
  4. After a short time spent in the refrigerator, the slime can be used.

Unfortunately, not everyone succeeds in making slime from toothpaste the first time. In most cases, it turns into a liquid incomprehensible substance. Dont be upset. According to the lucky ones who succeeded, there are reasons for this. How to make slime from toothpaste correctly?

  • Experience shows that it is better to choose a gel paste with minimal impurities.
  • It is important that the glue is fresher, it will delaminate over time and nothing will come of it. Some people managed to make slime from paste and office glue.
  • You'll have to experiment with proportions. There should be much less glue, about 1/3 of the total mass.

If everything is done correctly, when cold, the slime resembles the consistency of soft plasticine, and at room temperature it is a pleasant jelly-like mass. At first, the toy has a “vigorous” smell of toothpaste, but it dissipates fairly quickly.

Tips on how to make slime from paste didn’t help you? Try other simple recipes for creating toys. Moreover, it can be made from improvised materials that are always at hand: from glue, borax and water, from ordinary plasticine or starch, from gelatin and even shampoo. Try it, and let these experiments bring only joy to you and your children.

Did not work out?

It doesn’t matter whether you decide to make a slime using paste and glue or some other method, the toy may not work out the first time. This does not mean at all that you have “crooked hands.” Most likely, you slightly miscalculated the proportions of the ingredients or did not take into account their characteristics. After all, the same paste can be more or less thick, regular or gel, with various additives, which affects the final result.

The correct slime is initially heterogeneous, but if you mix it well it becomes a pleasant to the touch, viscous, homogeneous mass that slightly sticks to your hands. When you take it out of the container, it should not tear or separate, but be a single substance.

Don't despair if something goes wrong. This is usually easy to fix. Perhaps, by trying new formulations, you can make a slime from toothpaste and other ingredients that is better and more interesting than the original. What is recommended to do if something is wrong with the slime? Of course, experiment by changing the proportions:

  • If the toy is too “sticky” and it is difficult to pull it off your hand, or if it is pulled by fingers and a spoon with loose threads, you need to add liquid to the composition. It can be just water or diluted starch. It all depends on what you are making the toy from.
  • What to do, how to make a slime from paste and glue correctly if, as a result of your efforts, it does not stick at all, but simply slides off? This indicates an excess of liquid component. Depending on the recipe, you can simply drain off some of the water or solution from which the slime was made. You may need to add more glue, flour, or another binding ingredient.

When you have mastered the technique and learned how to make slime from toothpaste and other toys, we suggest improving your creations and learning the rules for their proper use and storage.

  1. What's great about slime is the ability to endlessly experiment with colors. Even when using only toothpaste, the toy changes its color depending on the consistency and shade of the paste. You can additionally add various dyes, sparkles, stars or phosphor paint to make the paste and glue slime bright, original and even glow in the dark.
  2. It’s even more fun if your toy smells nice. There are plenty of options here too. Choose any essential oil that you like the smell of and add just a couple of drops to the mixture.
  3. The lifespan of homemade slime is short - about a week. So that during this period it does not lose its properties, take care of a tightly closed container for it. This way it will not get dirty and dry out quickly. It is better to store the toy in a cool place. And, of course, take care in advance of materials for making new slimes when the old one becomes unusable.
  4. Although homemade slimes are safe and non-toxic, be careful not to get them into your child's mouth. And after the fun, don’t forget to wash your baby’s and your own hands.
  5. If your jumper gets dirty, and this will definitely happen, minor dirt can be removed with a needle, and then go over it with a cotton swab and alcohol. When a toy is forgotten about and left in a closed container for a long time, mold appears on it. Naturally, it must be thrown away immediately.
  6. Usually, slime does not lose its plasticity and stickiness with proper care. If you notice that it has become harsh, most likely the liquid has evaporated and it has dried out slightly. This can be easily fixed by adding a little water to the container and shaking well. As a drastic measure, soaking the slime in warm water for a short time will help bring it back to life. Try to remove any remaining fluid after resuscitation.
  7. On the contrary, ordinary salt will help remove excess moisture. Two or three grains placed in a container are enough for the slime to reach a normal consistency.

What could be more enjoyable than having fun with the whole family? Make a “cool” toy with your children, and then have a lot of fun. And our recommendations will help you keep your slime longer.

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It can spread like a liquid substance, and jump like a ball, and also accept other various forms, while remaining within its structure. Next we will look at how to make slime yourself, using ordinary components that are available in any apartment. It’s not always possible to find such “handmade chewing gum” on the counter of a small town store. But every child will love the opportunity to have a toy from which they can make a ball, but at the same time see how it turns into a liquid substance.

Method 1: How to make slime from toothpaste

If you want to try to make a slime that is no different from a store-bought toy, then make sure that all the necessary ingredients are on hand. You can make an original toy with all the properties, just involve children in its making. In this case, the whole process will turn into some kind of exciting and funny game.

Method 2: Prepare slime using water

How to make slime

You will have to buy some of the components, but this toy, made at home, will be almost the same as the store-bought one. You need to take:

  • PVA glue – 100-200 ml. Be sure to look at the expiration date and pay attention to the color; buy only white glue.
  • Slightly warm water - a glass;
  • Dye. You can take brilliant green, gouache or food coloring.
  • 4% solution of sodium tetraborate (Borax) – 2-3 bottles.

Despite its name, you can easily find it in almost any pharmacy. You can also use powdered Borax as an analogy.
Plastic container with stirring stick.
Plastic bag or gloves (rubber).
Are you prepared? Fine! Now you can make a slime; we start this process by mixing the ingredients. Shake the glue and pour it into the prepared container. The size of your future toy depends on its quantity. Dissolve food coloring and add to glue. If you take brilliant green or gouache, then just drop 2-3 g into the glue. If you do not use dye, the mixture will turn out milky. Mix it all to form a homogeneous mass. If you don't like the color, then you can add more dye.

Next you add sodium tetrabonate. If you use Borax, dilute it (tbsp and a glass of water). These substances, when reacting, change the structure of the glue, making it harder and more elastic. To obtain the desired viscosity, add water and stir all the time. When you see that the mass has become homogeneous and has the required density, put it in a bag or take it into your hands with rubber gloves and remember it. Then you will need to wash your hands thoroughly.

The new fun toy is ready and you and your children now have an idea about the possibility of making slime very in an accessible way. Place the finished toy on paper and let it rest for a while.

Method 3: How to make slime using plasticine?

This manufacturing method is very simple and cheap. You need to take:

  • plasticine and gelatin;
  • a cup and a stick with which you will mix;
  • water - half a glass.

Initially, you need to dissolve the gelatin. Leave the mixture for about an hour. Now you can put the gelatin on the fire and bring to a boil. Pour the resulting mass into a clean container. Next, melt the plasticine. Pour about 50 g of water into a cup and place it on low heat. As soon as the water begins to boil, throw plasticine in there, stirring all the time until it completely dissolves, in small portions (100 g). Now pour the gelatin here and stir everything well.

When this mass cools, it will be viscous. But keep in mind that the components from which it is prepared are simple, and the mass itself will not be as elastic as we would like. And this toy will not last long - about two days.

And although plasticine has plasticity, it, being in a state of immobility, does not change shape, because the ingredients from which it consists are quite durable. You are unlikely to be able to make high-quality slime from plasticine.

Method 4: How to make slime from starch

Making a toy from an ingredient such as starch is not very difficult, but it will require painstakingness and time. Take:

  • Starch;
  • PVA glue – 100 ml;
  • Enamel cup with spoon;
  • Water - half a glass;
  • Dye;
  • Plastic bag.

You need to pour a glass of warm water into a cup. Gradually add starch, stirring to prevent lumps from forming. When the mass is of the desired thickness, you can add dye. Leave the mixture until it cools, you can put it in the refrigerator. When it cools down, you need to pour it into a bag and pour the same amount of glue. Shake and shake the bag well - this is necessary so that the mass is mixed until smooth.

If excess liquid appears, it must be drained. This simple method gives you the opportunity to figure out how to make slime using starch.

Method 4: How to make slime without glue

This method, which is used at home, takes the longest, but the toy turns out to be as similar as possible to the original. You will need to take:

  • Polyvinyl alcohol – in powder;
  • Sodium borate – powder;
  • Metal bowl with spoon;
  • Gauze;
  • Plastic glass;
  • Dye.

First of all, to make slime, you need to take and dilute powdered alcohol in a bowl of water. For this process, read the instructions on the package. And keep in mind that later you will mix two solutions - alcohol and borate. Therefore there is no need to take a large number of alcohol

Boil the resulting mixture on the stove over low heat, stirring constantly. Watch the sediment that forms at the bottom - it should not burn. This solution should be prepared in about 40-45 minutes. Next, remove it from the heat and wait for the mass to cool. Now we prepare borate powder, which we dilute in warm water. The proportion is: 2 tbsp. l. borate powder per glass of water. It is necessary that the crystals dissolve completely. If this does not happen, strain the resulting mass through cheesecloth.

Now the two solutions need to be mixed. Take three parts of the alcohol mass and mix it with one part of the borate solution. After they react, you can add a little dye. To make a high-quality toy at home, stir the mass until it becomes viscous and viscous. Due to the fact that all these concentrates do not have a very pleasant smell, you can add essential oil.

This slime, if treated with care, can serve your child for more than seven days.

Today we will try to make slimes without glue, borax and liquid starch.
Let's start with toothpaste. Today, glue is not needed, and the paste can also be ordinary. Let's try the example of Aquafresh and Oral-B.

Let's start with Oral-B. Divide the paste into two containers. We’ll cook one in the microwave, and try the other in a water bath. Pour water into the container and wait for it to boil over low heat. Afterwards we put the container with toothpaste. Stir the paste frequently, for 10-15 minutes. It has become somewhat dry and when you scoop it onto a spoon, it doesn’t fall off. Like porridge at summer camp. Let it cool, it was in a water bath.

AND last step. Take the cooled pasta. We apply oil to our hands, maybe sunflower oil, but we use baby oil because it smells nice. Knead for about two minutes. As a result, we get a slime that is soft and pleasant to the touch. The color is beautiful.

We try to cook the pasta in the microwave at medium power for 2 minutes. We take it out and stir it. For 3 minutes. Do you see what it has become? Wrinkled and dry, that's what you need. After it has cooled, apply oil and knead. It works too. Let's add sparkles. They painted the toy turquoise and yes, the glitter doesn’t stick to your hands. This is good.

Aquafresh. We’ll only do it in the microwave, because it’s faster. Set it for 2 minutes. Stir and set again for a couple of minutes. It’s not dry enough, so we’ll put it on a third time. It turned out 3 times for 2 minutes. Pay attention to what the paste looks like. She's ready. After cooling, use the oil and knead.

I decided to apply oil to my hands not once, but three times and knead the slime, after which it began to stick to my hands. Don't do this, once is enough. I've already made a mistake, I need to correct it. To do this, add starch.

So, if you compare all three slimes that I made, plus one made from paste with PVA glue, I liked the one made with Oral-B the most, made by steam.

The second version of slimes.

Nowadays slimes are popular on Western YouTube, like butter. Moreover, one gets the impression that only the stars are cooler. Let's try to do it. I found a recipe that doesn't require glue.

Pour in starch. Add food coloring, detergent and body lotion. If the mass is dry, add more detergent and lotion. If it turns out liquid, then it’s starch. I had to suffer to come to the golden mean. I tried everything, I broke my plastic spoon and the result, in any case, didn’t turn out very well. This is what happened. It looks like slime, but at the same time it’s not, because it crumbles.

Good afternoon, dear readers of the blog! Today we will talk about how to make slime at home to the delight of yourself and your children. You will find all the recipes, without specific components or with them, the necessary materials, tips and recommendations on how to easily make simple and complex slimes at home in this article.

Lizun, or Slim, Handgam, is a toy that became famous thanks to the release of the famous animated film for children - “Ghostbusters”. One of the main characters in this picture was a ghost named Lizun. The film was created by Mattel, which originally released it under the name Slime.

After the film was translated into Russian, this toy began to be called “ Lizun" The peculiarity of the toy is that it can stretch, spread, and take any shape. You've probably seen that similar toys can be thrown at a wall or other object, and it will stick to it.

How to make slime at home: materials, conditions, tips

An extraordinary, very curious Lizun quickly gained popularity among children, which led to its mass release around the world. Slime is still very popular today. Buy one funny toy You can do it in a store, but it’s much more interesting to make it yourself.

Making slimes at home from scrap materials is not at all difficult. To make it, methods are often used: with shampoo, with water, from plasticine or soda, with or without the use of sodium. In the process of preparing the toy, you can independently regulate its density and color by using food coloring and gouache.

How to make slime at home for children: recipe, tetraborate, PVA

Materials to make your own slime at home

The choice of materials is large, these include:

  1. gum;
  2. water with starch;
  3. flour;
  4. gouache;
  5. condensed milk (to add flavor to the toy).

Is not full list all materials, we’ll talk about this in more detail below. Now we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the basic tips and tricks for making a toy if you want to get a quality product.

  1. the main condition for storing slime is a closed container: a small jar with a tight-fitting lid;
  2. the toy should not be left in direct sunlight, near room heaters or radiators (lizun feels comfortable at low temperatures);
  3. do not place the slime on a fluffy surface (carpets, woolen clothes), because the fluff will stick to the slime, which will lead to disruption of the uniformity of its surface;
  4. in order to make the toy unique, when creating it, add a small amount to the recipe essential oils, they give the slime a pleasant aroma;
  5. to make the slime more original, you can add a small amount of cosmetic glitter to the mixture being prepared, this will give the toy a certain “glamor”;
  6. the craft will taste good if you add sugar or condensed milk and salt to the recipe;
  7. for greater plasticity and ductility of the toy, so that it does not leave marks, add a few drops of table vinegar to the paint solution;
  8. to make the slime more natural, add a little glycerin, this will make it slippery;
  9. hydrogen peroxide, when added, will make your homemade slime light and airy;
  10. To “revive” the toy, when making it, take several rubber buttons and stick them on the place where the slime’s eyes and nose are planned. It all depends on your imagination: use improvised means, make your home craft as believable as possible.

How to make slime at home: recipes

There are many materials for making slime, we will look at the simplest and most popular methods.

We make a simple slime from water, PVA and sodium tetraborate

The simplest and most popular way. At the end of the day, the slime differs little from the one sold in the store.

To make it you need:

  1. 100 grams of PVA glue. It's good that the glue is fresh.
  2. Sodium tetraborate solution (4%), or powder made from it will do. Sodium tetraborate can be purchased at a pharmacy, is inexpensive and is always available. This solution is often used in jewelry workshops; Tetraborate is sold in radio products and chemical reagents.
  3. Dye the color you want. It is better to use food coloring, it is safer. Or use gouache, methylene blue, brilliant green.

The creation process consists of 3 stages:

  1. First, prepare a small container for the craft solution. Pour one quarter glass of some warm water into it.
  2. Take 100 grams of PVA glue and pour it into a container of water. The thickness of the toy will depend on the amount of glue; determine this yourself. If the mixture seems too runny, add a little more glue than needed. Mix everything well.
  3. Then add sodium tetraborate. When you use a tetraborate solution, per 100 g. One bottle of glue is enough. If using tetraborate powder, dissolve 1 tablespoon in half a glass of water and rinse into a container.
  4. When finished, add coloring.

Well, the mixture is ready. Now you can take a container with the mixture, pour all its contents into a plastic bag and knead well.

Now you have a toy - a simple slime made from water, PVA glue and sodium tetraborate.

How to make slime from baking soda

When you don’t have sodium tetraborate at hand, this method is perfect. But keep in mind that such a slime is short-lived; you can play with it for no more than 4 days.

Required components:

  1. PVA glue.
  2. Soda.
  3. If necessary, use food coloring.
  4. Plastic container.
  5. Stirring stick. If you mix manually, use rubber gloves.

Creation method:

  1. Take a plastic container, mix one-fourth of a glass of warm water and 50 grams of PVA glue in it until a homogeneous mass is obtained;
  2. Then add the dye of the desired color and mix again;
  3. Take another separate container, mix in it one quarter glass of water and one tablespoon of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda);
  4. Pour the contents from the second container into the main container and mix thoroughly.

The whole process is completed, the soda slime is ready!

Making slime from plasticine

A plasticine toy differs from other slimes in that it can perfectly hold the shape given to it.

To create such a slime you need:

  1. food gelatin;
  2. plasticine;
  3. container, would be better suited plastic dishes;
  4. additional metal container;
  5. mixing spatula.

Process of creation:

  1. First you need to pour a certain amount into a metal container cold water and add gelatin to it. The required proportions of the components can be read on the packaging. Afterwards, let the gelatin sit in the water for one hour;
  2. After an hour, place the container on the fire and bring the contents to a boil. As soon as the water boils, remove the container from the heat;
  3. then take 100 grams of plasticine in your hands and knead it well so that it warms up;
  4. then take a plastic container and pour 50 grams. tolerable hot water, mix the plasticine in it well with a spatula;
  5. Next, pour the contents of the metal container into a plastic container and mix well until smooth;
  6. Place the resulting mixture in the refrigerator until completely cooled.
  7. The process is complete, you have a plasticine slime.

How to make slime from shampoo

This method is easy to prepare, but not reliable, although it is very popular among the population.

You will need:

  1. Glue "Titan". When choosing this type of glue, be sure to check the expiration date; expired glue can ruin the toy. You can purchase this glue at any office supply or household goods store;
  2. Any shampoo;
  3. Latex gloves.

The process of creating a toy:

  1. Take a plastic bag, pour shampoo and glue into it in a ratio of 2:3;
  2. Stir the resulting mixture until it thickens completely.

Take the finished toy out of the bag and make your child happy!

How to make slime without sodium

If you don’t have sodium tetraborate at home, use this method. To make it you need:

  1. warm water;
  2. starch;
  3. dye;
  4. glitter;
  5. essential oils.

How to do

  1. take starch and water and mix them in a 1:1 ratio;
  2. add a small amount of dye and mix again;
  3. Use sparkles as desired, they add brightness and unusualness to the craft;
  4. essential oils are needed to aromatize the toy to give it a pleasant smell.

Mix all of the above and you get a new type of slime.

At the end of the publication, I would like to say that the Lizun toy is very exciting, capable of giving joy and interest to your child, to a loved one. Lizun helps children develop fine motor skills of their hands, and through this the functions of the brain - central nervous system. The toy is calming.


How to make slime at home without tetrabor

Hi all! You are on the Miss Melodi channel. In this video I will show you how to make slime at home without sodium tetraborate.

How to make slimes from sugar and toothpaste without glue and tetraborate

Toothpaste slime, the coolest!

On the video channel of Alex Boyko.

Good luck and success to you!

Slime is a very popular toy among children, giving them a lot of positive emotions. Therefore, many parents, wanting to please their child, purchase fun in the store.

But it is there that they receive a similar product, which is made in a standard way, using PVA glue, as well as others chemical elements . Such elements can negatively affect the child's health. And money, albeit small, also has to be spent.

Read also:

Do it yourself

In this regard, a reasonable question arises: is it possible to make slime at home without using glue? The answer is yes, but for this you need to have certain knowledge in such a matter.

In order to make a fun game, you must first prepare the following: main components:

  • starch;
  • dye;
  • boiled water.

Glueless manufacturing technology, slime is quite simple, but at the same time environmentally friendly.

  1. Starch is placed in heated water. Their proportions should be approximately the same.
  2. After this, the resulting mixture is mixed and a special dye is added to it.
  3. As soon as such a composition is completely ready, a ball is formed from it. This ball transforms into a full-fledged slime that you can give to your child!

Considering that this method of making a toy is quite simple, children can even make such a toy for themselves. The only drawback is that the average lifespan is 1 week.

Second option

The next technology, which allows you to make slime without PVA glue, is to use for these purposes plasticine as the main component. Moreover, plasticine can be of any color. You also need to have gelatin powder and half a glass filled with water.

First of all it is necessary prepare the jelly. Here it is advisable to adhere to the basic recommendations that are written directly on the pack containing gelatin powder. This jelly, still in a liquid and uncooled state, is poured into a clean container specially prepared for its containment.

After this, the process of boiling water begins.

Also, do not forget that the water in which the plasticine is placed must be stirred thoroughly.

As soon as the plasticine is completely dissolved in water, gelatin is added to the resulting composition. Then the solution is thoroughly mixed again. The result of the entire described process will be a slime that will not contain PVA components.

Third option

Another way to get slime quickly and easily is to use polyvinyl alcohol in the toy production process. dry. Among the other elements that will be involved in this technological process, we should highlight a glass of water and two tablespoons of borax.