Available methods. How to activate a Sberbank card? Detailed guide.

20.03.2018 Finance

Card activation is a concept that indicates the possibility of using it. For all Sberbank cards, the rules are the same: when issued, they are considered “blocked”, so that no one except the cardholder can use the funds or otherwise use the card.

How to activate a new bank card Sberbank?

A new bank card is activated automatically - the next day after it is received by the holder. Additionally, the user himself can make it active - for this, it is enough to use the nearest device (terminal, ATM), and perform absolutely any operation that requires entering a pin code (usually this is checking the balance or obtaining other information). After that, the new card is considered activated and can be used for any purpose.

How to activate a Sberbank credit card online?

Unfortunately the activation credit cards not provided for in the Sberbank-Online system. The first transaction must necessarily take place at a bank branch, ATM or terminal. As a rule, people choose to activate the card directly at the Sberbank branch, where at any time you can resort to the help of an employee. In this case, the operator will take the card, request the balance, and the holder will simply enter the pin code for the first time. The bank employee will make sure that the card is working (its activation), and will return it to the owner. The credit card will automatically be activated no later than the next business day, and you will be able to pay for any credit card purchase.

Activate a Sberbank card via the Internet

The card received at Sberbank can be activated independently - using a terminal or ATM. To do this, perform any operation by entering a pin code - after that, the financial institution will make sure that the card holder is not a bank employee or an outsider, but the card account holder. After that, the card will be considered activated. Or you can wait for it to be activated after receiving it - this can take up to one business day. In any case, it is important to check the performance of the card and ensure its activation (or verify it) before making any payments or before transferring funds.

Do I need to activate a Sberbank card

It is not necessary to activate the card at all - the bank can perform this procedure on its own. After you complete everything Required documents, the operator will independently indicate the fact that you received the card in your hands, and after a relatively short period of time (strictly up to 1 business day), your new card will be fully functional, and money can be credited to the account (or you can pay for goods and services using the received card product if it's not a debit card, but a credit card). Carefully inspect the front of the card, study the full name and number, after which you can safely use your debit or credit product.

How to activate a Sberbank salary card?

Getting a salary card is accompanied by filling in a number of documents. Among them there are the most important ones - an envelope containing your personal PIN code and an agreement with a card number and an account number. In order to activate the salary card and not run into problems in the future, be sure to check the data specified in the contract with the data indicated on the card itself. After that, either wait for automatic activation (up to one business day), or enter a pin code using a card at an ATM or payment terminal. After activating the card, you can finally send funds to it or receive them from the employer.

How to activate a Sberbank Visa card

Visa card activation (enough high level) is no different from activating other types of cards. Namely: a credit or debit card will be available almost immediately. Other ways to activate cards are using them at an ATM or terminal. Entering the pin code for the first time, you guarantee the bank that it is you who owns this card, and not third parties. Therefore, after entering a personal pin code (it is generated once and is unknown to bank employees at any level), you can be responsible for the movement of funds on it, for its use and all operations related to it.

How to activate a Sberbank Momentum card

An important point when activating entry-level Momentum cards is the verification of the data that is indicated on the “face” of your card with passport data. Be careful: any typo in one character can cause quite lengthy proceedings with your bank. After making sure that everything is correct, wait for the card to be activated during the working day (if automatic activation by bank employees is convenient for you) or insert it into an ATM and enter the pin code. After this action, the card is considered activated, and you can continue to use it.

How to activate a Sberbank debit card?

Activation debit cards necessary - otherwise they can not receive funds. Do not rush to place money on a debit card from Sberbank - with this action, they may not get to their destination. Before that, make sure that the card is already automatically "connected" (you can call the bank's hotline at 8-800-555-55-50) or simply use the nearest terminal or ATM. After the first use of your pin code, information will appear on the use of the "card - pin code" pair, and the activation will be considered successfully completed. Don't forget your signature on the back of the card!

How to activate a Sberbank Mastercard card?

The issuance of a Mastercard card of a sufficiently high level should end with the owner's signature on the back of the card and activation of the card product. Both activation components are performed in the same way as for card products of any other levels. Sberbank guarantees that within just one working day (maximum) from the moment of receipt, your card will be completely ready for use. Otherwise, no one will stop you from activating Mastercard from Sberbank on your own - using a pin code. From this moment on, you can put money on the card, use it for payments.

How to activate the Maestro card of Sberbank?

"Maestro" is an entry-level card that limits the holder in some aspects. However, no more than 1 working day will pass from the moment the card is received and the agreement is approved, and it will be automatically “launched”. Don't forget to sign on the magnetic stripe side - a card without your autograph is considered invalid. You can always activate the new Maestro yourself - by using it to access your card account at the nearest Sberbank ATM. Or just wait for automatic activation if you do not need to rush to pay for purchases or use credit.

How to activate golden card Sberbank?

Sberbank gold cards are a rather interesting product, however, they are activated in exactly the same way as any other card product - either during the working day or independently (by a gold card user). To do this, you can use not only a terminal or ATM, but also, without leaving the Sberbank branch, contact the teller. Your card is used to check the balance, and you will be prompted to enter a pin code on a special device. From now on, in any case, you will be considered to be the owner of the card and responsible for its use.

How to activate social card Sberbank?

When receiving social cards (for example, pensioners) there is the largest number difficulty in activating them. However, the social card is activated in exactly the same way as any other. An important point: be sure to check the condition of the card, the inscriptions on front side(number, full name of the owner, date of validity) for compliance with those specified in the contract. The card is automatically activated within 1 working day, in the "manual" mode - after the first use of the ATM, for example, to check the current balance or any other actions. Entering the PIN code activates the social card as quickly as possible!

If you have become a client of Sberbank, then you will be interested in all the nuances of service in this financial institution. And taking into account the fact that this is one of the largest banks in Russia, issues related to its work are always relevant. So, for example, many are interested in how to activate a Sberbank card.

Getting "plastic"

If you become a client of the bank, then most likely you will be issued a card. The procedure for issuing registered personalized copies is quite complicated. First, the “plastic” itself is made, then a special magnetic strip is applied to it with personal information. After that, an individual PIN code is generated. The specified cipher, necessary for working with a personal card, is enclosed in an envelope that can only be printed by the client of the bank. Moreover, for the period of delivery of "plastic" to the direct recipient, the card is temporarily blocked. They are delivered to the bank branch separately.

The client must pick up the card and the sealed envelope personally. The recipient confirms in writing that he was given an unopened PIN code and the "plastic" itself. After that, you can already begin to figure out how to activate a Sberbank bank card.

Automatic services

Ideally, a bank teller who issues cards should tell each customer in detail what needs to be done next. But, despite this, many questions remain regarding how to activate a Sberbank card.

So, it is worth noting that it will be blocked until a special department - the processing center - receives confirmation that it was transferred to the client. A bank employee engaged in issuing cards offline sends him information that the “plastic” and the PIN code attached to it were received by the owner.

If you are not in a hurry to find out how to activate a Sberbank card, this will be done automatically within a day without any of your intervention.

Acceleration of the procedure

Often there are situations when a client wants to use the card on the day it is received. In this case, it is important to figure out how you can make sure that there is no need to wait for automatic activation.

The easiest way is to ask the bank teller to do all the necessary procedures. To do this, the processing center needs to present the card and PIN code directly through a special online device and perform any operation related to access to the account. As a rule, it is enough just to view the balance. If the card and the entered code fully correspond to the account linked to them, then the blocking is removed. From now on, you can freely use the card. But if for some reason you did not do this procedure together with a bank employee, then you should not be upset. This is not the only approach to how to activate a Sberbank card.


One of the popular methods of gaining access to an account linked to a card is to activate it through special self-service terminals or ATMs. If you are using them for the first time, it is better to ask a bank employee for help. If you already know what and how to do, then you should not have any problems with how to activate a Sberbank credit card. To do this, simply insert it into an ATM or terminal and enter the PIN code.

If you do everything right, then access to the account will be open. Try to do something right away. Even if there are no funds on the account yet, then you can simply view the balance. If you have activated a card that already has money on it, such as a credit card, then all operations will be immediately available to you. You can pay for the selected services, withdraw cash or simply top up your account on your phone.

Online opportunities

Many people are interested in how to activate a Sberbank VISA card without leaving home. Separately, it is worth noting that the methods of gaining access to account management do not depend in any way on what kind of "plastic" you have been issued. The procedure will be the same for both debit and credit cards.

Many people want to get instant access to their account by visiting Sberbank Online. This service can be found on the official website of the financial institution. But, unfortunately, the bank opens access to the cards only after entering the PIN code. Therefore, activating a Sberbank card via the Internet without visiting a branch will not work. But on the other hand, immediately after gaining access to the account, you can log in to the Sberbank-online system and manage the funds in the account at your discretion, without leaving your home.

Possible problems

In some cases, situations arise when access to the card cannot be obtained. As a rule, they are associated with incorrect PIN code entry. For correct operation, it is necessary to press 4 numbers in the correct order, which are written on the form in the sealed envelope.

In addition, it is important to check that all the data indicated on the card are reliable. Check the data on its front side with those indicated in the contract issued to you. It is necessary to check the full name, card number and its validity period. If they do not match, you must contact the bank to reissue the "plastic". Separately, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the account number and card number, contrary to popular belief, should not be the same. The first will consist of 20 digits, and the second - of 16.

To avoid possible mistakes, it is better to carry out all card activation procedures together with bank employees. This will prevent possible problems. You also need to know that you can always get advice if you contact the bank's hotline at 8-800-555-5550.

The card comes to the user in a blocked form. The measure is provided so that the owner has access, an outsider cannot use the card. Access to the funds in the plastic account is possible after activation.

There are already funds on the account of the inactive card. For payment in the store, transfers, cash withdrawals, activation of the card is required.

Ways to activate a plastic card

The debit card is activated automatically, the credit card starts working automatically. The written activation instructions are suitable for all types of cards:

  • Visa Gold;
  • Visa Classic;
  • Mastercard (Mastercard);
  • Momentum (Momentum);
  • Aeroflot Bonus;
  • Troika
  • Maestro;
  • and etc.

How to activate a card at an ATM

How to activate a Sberbank card? In the event of an immediate need for Money oh, it’s really possible to activate it yourself in any branch through an ATM. We paste into the terminal. Hole highlighted in green. Then perform any operation, show the account balance on the ATM monitor, pay for services mobile operator no commissions, put about any amount of money. When executed, the system will ask you to enter an individual code. After entering the code on the keyboard, the card becomes active.

Today, any branch of Sberbank offers a POS terminal service. To perform the operation, you need to enter a PIN code. The cashier will assist you in activation when you receive or deposit cash.

How to activate a Sberbank card via the Internet

Clients are interested in this issue. In life, it happens that there is no way to get to an ATM, the operation must be carried out in urgently no time to wait. To the general regret of the customers, the procedure is not possible. Sberbank reliably protects customer accounts from fraudsters. The presence of a terminal, entering a pin code with your own hand are the main requirements for proper activation.

Information on the Internet, recommends activating the card by phone hotline, over the Internet is not relevant. Bank officials say there is no service. The right way- through the terminal, when entering a personal pin code. Or expect the moment of activation 24 hours after signing the contract.

Tips for use. If in the process of using a credit card your passport data changes, you lost a document, restored it, changed your last name, be sure to report all the information to Sberbank. Each change must be documented. In the event of a dispute over a discrepancy between the personal data specified in the agreement and these passport data, the bank has the right to withdraw the card from the client and cancel the agreement. To avoid such a situation, try to correct and submit information in time.

If you have a credit card, you are not going to spend money in the near future, you should not activate it. You will be charged the amount for the annual service, in case of inattentive handling, a debt may accumulate, late fees will be charged.

Do I need to activate a Sberbank card after receiving it?

Cards received by mail must be carefully studied. Familiarize yourself with the tariff that is offered to you, approach the activation time responsibly plastic card. Discuss all incomprehensible moments with the call center operator of the Sberbank hotline.

To successfully start using a Sberbank card, you need to receive it, activate it. The easiest, most convenient way to do this is through the terminal at the nearest branch of Sberbank of Russia to you. If you have not completed the card activation procedure yourself, everything will happen automatically one day after signing the service agreement.

Start activation:

A thick envelope is in hand. Inside is a piece of paper with secret pin numbers. Try to remember the code, to be sure, write it down on a piece of paper, keep it in a secret place. Do not sign the numbers on the back of the card. If the combination is difficult, change to an easy one.

Keep the contract signed at the time of the transaction until the end of the validity. The document contains a secret word. It is the key to personal account. If a dispute arises, contact the Sberbank operator, you will definitely need a code word.

Check the front of the card carefully. Last name, first name must be spelled correctly. The credit card must be signed on the back. The absence of an autograph is a reason for refusing to make monetary transactions. If there are no complaints, proceed to activation. Bank employees are always happy to help. The consultant will install the card in the terminal, turn away, type the pin code yourself, you will be prompted which keys to press. The map is then active.

After activation. If the card was activated in automatic mode, you did not dial the secret code on your own, the number possible operations abbreviated:

  • The card can be topped up with cash. Making a transfer to a credit card is available to everyone.
  • Make and pay for all purchases made in online stores. Only Sberbank Online will not be able to carry out such an operation.
  • Without providing a secret code, get cash at the cash desk of Sberbank.
  • To expand the possibilities, take the time to activate the plastic card. The list of available operations will expand.

How to make sure there is money on the card

At the branch, contact a bank representative, you will need passport data, a plastic card. The employee will answer: the card is functioning or its action is suspended. Find out the reason for blocking. Use the hotline phone by providing the call center operator with full information, personal data, secret word, twelve digits on the front of the plastic. The operator will answer any question of interest.

You submitted an application, more than a day has passed, the funds have not been received. Nothing to pay for purchases. It is necessary to declare to any branch of Sberbank, make a call to the call center operator, inform about the problem.
You probably misused the plastic. There are unforeseen maintenance works on the server. Before finding out the reason, you should not panic.

It rarely happens that you need to top up the card to start using it. The deposit amount is 100 rubles.

How to activate a Sberbank card after reissue

The card is usually given for a certain period of time. In Sberbank is three years. , the card is reissued automatically, where the user originally received it or by registration. You can find out this information on the bank's hotline or at the main office of the city's bank. You can pick up with a passport. If the card is a credit card, then it is issued at the request of the client with a positive credit rating. If the client owes the bank a certain amount, then the bank has the right not to issue a new one, and the funds that he owes will be written off to.
You need to activate the card by entering a special code from the envelope at an ATM or at the checkout. The code can be changed or left the same.

Sberbank credit card activation

If you have a credit card in your hands, then within one day the activation will take place automatically. The ability to use the amount of money will appear tomorrow. When accepting the card, you sign a document for the consent of the annual service. Sign in the column that the document is in your hands. Upon completion of all formalities for registration, an employee of Sberbank transfers information to the central office, and the credit card will be unlocked soon.

How to activate a Sberbank gold card

The card is activated when used mobile device. If you own a gold or premium card, use the USSD command on your smartphone. To do this, dial the combination of numbers *900*01#, then call. A successful activation icon will appear on the monitor.

How to activate a Sberbank salary card?

To get a card from a bank, you need to fill out a number of documents. Of these, two are very important - the paper on which the personal code and contract. This agreement contains a personal account and a corporate card number. After filling out the documents, you need to enter the pin code at the ATM and activate the card. It will be faster, but you can wait for automatic activation. It will take one day (working). The only thing you can do with the card is withdraw or put money on it. After filling out the documents, you need to carefully verify all the data so that there is no confusion in the future.

How to activate a social card as a bank

What is the purpose of activation? After the bank employee issues a plastic card to the client along with an envelope that contains a secret code inside, the client must activate the card. To do this, you need to open the envelope and find a code on its back that you can not tell anyone, show or even save. It is best to remember it, and discard the paper on which it is written, having previously torn it. This will ensure the reliability of funds on the card and eliminate problems with the card in the future. If third-party people know the pin code from the card, then it will be easy to withdraw money from it.

After the client enters the pin code through an ATM or bank cash desk, it will be necessary to carry out any operation with the card, for example, view the balance or change the pin code. It's best to come up with a code that's easy to remember, but doesn't consist of four identical digits, such as four zeros or ones. The code should be easy for the card user only, like someone's birthday or some significant date.

Activating the card is the easiest and. the main thing is safer, to make it inside the bank at an ATM or at the checkout, so that the bank employee prompts in case of questions. If the ATM is somewhere in an uninhabited place on the street, then the person will be nervous and afraid.

If the user does not need to activate the card on the same day, then you can simply wait a day for the card to be activated automatically. If you have questions about activation, you can call the bank's 24-hour customer support service. The telephone number of the service is indicated on the map.

How to activate a Sberbank corporate card

Sberbank corporate card has its pros and cons. Its undoubted advantage is that it can be activated immediately after receiving it from the bank. Also, it is not nominal, so the process of issuing it is simplified. And most importantly - it is issued for free.
Among the shortcomings are the following. If it is lost, as well as if it is blocked, for example, at an ATM, or by calling the operator on your own, it can no longer be restored. Well, one of the main drawbacks is that it does not connect to SMS banking. That is, it is impossible to pay with it at the terminal in supermarkets and make purchases on the Internet. And this is very inconvenient today, since most plastic owners, in order not to stand in lines at ATMs, withdraw funds from their accounts using terminals and the Internet.

The process of activating a plastic card is a very important, mandatory and time-limited procedure. However, often, holders neglect the recommendations of bank officials and delay this process, which leads to problems when making purchases via the Internet, since the card is actually not activated. After card activation:

  • The possibility of third-party access to its assets is completely excluded;
  • Full safety of the available balance is guaranteed;
  • Operations on the card are available only after it is issued to the owner.

Bank card activation rules

The Bank reserves the right to make deductions for the annual maintenance of an open card that has not gone through the activation process. If you change your decision to use a credit card, you must contact the bank as soon as possible to close it. After all, under such circumstances, a debit payment card will be blocked in a year, and a credit card can become a source of such problems as:

  • Penya;
  • Fine.

Features of bank card activation

The activation process is carried out by requesting a balance at an ATM and does not require additional material costs on the part of the holder - that is, it is free. The authenticity of the card is guaranteed by the signature of its owner, for which a special field is intended on the reverse side. If necessary, detailed information on how to activate a bank card will be provided to you by bank employees.

extradition new card accompanied by documents such as:

  • Service contract;
  • Envelope with secret .

The PIN code allows you to freely use all the features of the card, besides, you can always change it to a more convenient and memorable one. However, its initial task is to complete the activation process for all types of bank cards, which is most easily carried out using an ATM immediately after the card is in your hands. This must be done so that in case of a problem, a bank employee will promptly help to solve it.

How to activate a bank card in different ways

Activation method No. 1.

Consider the basic rules for handling a bank card when withdrawing funds from an ATM and completing the activation process:

  • Take the card in such a way that the magnetic strip is located at the bottom;
  • The logo of the payment system should be in the right corner of the card closest to you;
  • Insert the card into the ATM;
  • A special field will appear on the screen where you will need to enter a pin code (information about it is confidential, therefore, when entering secret numbers, the keyboard should be covered with your hand);
  • In the menu that opens, select the "Request card balance" item - now the activation process has been successfully completed;
  • Click the "Finish" button;
  • Take the card (if the card is not taken within 45 seconds, it will again be inside the ATM).

The most requested features of the card are:

  • Payment ;
  • Making purchases in online stores (the availability of this option should be checked with bank representatives).

In the event that the card account is replenished immediately after its activation, the bank will automatically deduct from its balance an amount equal to the cost of servicing for 12 months. In order to stabilize the balance, experts recommend making an immediate replenishment of her account in the amount of the debited funds.

Activation method No. 2

In the event that for some reason you are afraid to activate the card yourself, there are 2 possible algorithms of action:

  • Ask a bank employee for help (in this case, he will perform the operation using a pin code reader, but in no case do not tell him the secret number and enter it yourself);
  • Use the services of the bank's support service (specify the hotline number).

Be prepared for a support person to ask you:

  • Confirm your identity (name the card number, which consists of 16 digits displayed on its front side);
  • Specify your surname and initials;
  • Dictate the password (indicated when filling out the agreement at the bank);
  • State your passport details.

Before dialing the technical support number, prepare all the specified documents so that the operator can provide assistance as quickly as possible, and you do not have to waste time and nerves searching for suddenly lost documents.

It should be recalled once again that the PIN code is forbidden to be disclosed even to bank employees. Requests to voice it should be regarded as an attempt to scam, and this will need to be immediately reported to the management or security representative of this financial institution.


When issuing a new card, the bank blocks transactions with it in order to prevent its use by third parties in case the card suddenly falls into their hands, and not into the hands of the immediate owner. Therefore, you cannot immediately start using the card, you first have to activate it or remove banking restrictions.

There are several activation methods:

  • at a bank branch (passport and card required);
  • at an ATM (you need to enter a personal PIN code);
  • using a 24-hour support service (you will need to provide a card number and some personal data);
  • using an automated service voice messages;
  • on the bank's website.

Once the card is activated, the customer must sign on the paper strip on the back. Let's consider all these methods in detail below.

How to activate the card?

In order to remove the restriction on conducting transactions using a new card received by the client in an envelope, you will need to carefully open the envelope (along special lines), unfold it and find it on it (usually 4 digits).

The personal identification code of the card does not always come with it, in some banks (especially when the card is delivered by courier or by mail) only the card comes, and the code itself is sent by SMS during the activation process.

The PIN code must not be shown or transferred to third parties, including bank employees (note that many tell it to bank employees upon receipt of the card in order to activate it at the branch ATM), otherwise they will be able to use the funds that are on the card. In case of disclosure of this information, you must immediately change the PIN code at an ATM or at a bank branch (if possible).

At an ATM(if the cardholder is not sure of his actions, then you can choose an ATM located inside the branch of the bank that issued the card, and if there are problems, contact the consultants);

At the bank teller(you need to enter the PIN code at the terminal, and the cashier will tell you the sequence of actions);

Help Desk(the hotline phone number can usually be found on the card itself, in the contract and on the bank's website). The operator needs to say (all 16 digits or the last 4), the full name and code word of the client that he indicated when drawing up the contract for the card (for example, the mother's maiden name). We remind you that the PIN code is not allowed.

Using an automated voice messaging service. Having dialed the number of the automated voice service (to go to the bank card activation menu, you will be asked to press a certain number on the phone), you must follow the instructions.

On the bank's website. Some banks (for example, Tinkoff) offer to activate the card directly on the site - its owner enters the card number, its expiration date and subsequently receives an SMS message with a personal identification code (see the article on Tinkoff card activation).

Secrets of the first use of the card at an ATM

In order to successfully work with an ATM to activate a plastic card, pay attention to the following recommendations.

First, observe other ATM users (the card is inserted with a magnetic strip downwards or a chip - to the top and “away from you”), carefully study all the prompts on the screen and the first operation after entering the PIN code is to request the account balance, and not direct cash withdrawal ( which do not exist yet).

Features of activating a card received by mail

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Article 434) allows concluding an agreement by exchanging documents using any type of communication (postal, telegraph, telephone, teletype, electronic). Therefore, a bank card can be handed over to the client by mail along with an agreement and other documents (memos, tariffs and conditions, etc.). After that, the client fills out the contract and sends it to the bank's address.

Card activation in this case is the acceptance by the client of the terms of the card agreement with all the “ensuing consequences” (just kidding, but credit card holders should use them very carefully and avoid delays).