Sberbank ATMs will charge a commission. Exceptions to the rules. Limits and tariffs for gold cards

30.04.2018 Finance

Almost all newly made holders plastic cards SBRF first of all asks the question: “ What is the commission at Sberbank ATMs?. A clear answer to this question does not exist, since the size of the commission at Sberbank ATMs depends on the type of bank card (see) from which cash is withdrawn.

Commission at SBRF ATMs for cash withdrawals from Sberbank debit and social cards

Sberbank is quite loyal to its clients, allowing them to withdraw funds from its ATMs for free for almost all types of debit and social cards(). Without commission at Sberbank ATMs you can withdraw cash from the following types of cards (naturally issued by the Security Council of the Russian Federation):

  • Visa (Gold, Classic, Platinum)
  • MasterCard (Standard, Gold, Platinum)
  • Microprocessor card SBERCARD
  • Maestro "Social"

Commission at Sberbank ATMs is also absent when cashing out funds from payment cards issued by one of the subsidiary banks of the SB of the Russian Federation - in Kazakhstan, Ukraine or Belarus.

Customers interested in what commission they will have to pay at Sberbank ATMs for withdrawing money using other Sberbank payment cards (Maestro, Visa Electron, PRO100 “STANDARD”, Maestro “Momentum”, Maestro “Student”) should know that the cash withdrawal service may turn out to be paid and free:

  • at ATMs that are serviced by the territorial bank that issued the payment card, free cash withdrawal Money
  • when using other Sberbank ATMs, a commission is provided - 0.75%

Therefore, if you issued a payment card in Moscow and also withdraw money from Moscow ATMs, the commission will be 0%, but, for example, in St. Petersburg this service will cost you 0.75% of the cashed amount, but in the Moscow region, by the way, cash withdrawals at ATMs in the city of Pushkino will be free.

Commission at Sberbank ATMs for withdrawing cash from its credit cards and payment cards of other banks

A 3% commission is imposed on the service of withdrawing cash from Sberbank ATMs from its credit cards:

  • Visa (Gold, Gold Aeroflot, Classic, Classic Give Life, Classic Aeroflot)
  • MasterCard (Standard, Standard "MTS", Gold, Gold "MTS")

You can find out exactly what commission is charged at Sberbank ATMs for cashing out funds using a specific third-party payment card only at the issuing bank of this payment instrument. However, on average, this commission is 1% of the amount cashed out.

In some cases, the service of withdrawing money from ATMs of the SB of the Russian Federation from payment cards of other banks* may not be subject to a commission. For example, you can now withdraw cash for free using cards issued by three subsidiary banks of Sberbank of Russia**.

*As Sberbank concludes and breaks relevant contractual relationships with other banking structures.

**SB Sberbank JSC (Kazakhstan), Sberbank of Russia JSC (Ukraine) and BPS-Bank OJSC (Belarus).

Many bank customers believe that charging fees for withdrawing cash from ATMs is an unlawful act. If you look at the situation from the other side, it turns out that servicing these ATMs requires resources: both human and material.

As for the amount of commission for withdrawing cash from an ATM, each bank sets its own limits and has every right to do so.

Usage bank cards implies that the client has read the rules and tariffs specified in the contract upon receipt of the card and fully agrees with them.

Those wishing to cash out a certain amount at the nearest Sberbank ATM should remember that the commission will be debited from their account without fail and no exceptions are provided.

Using a credit card to cash out is not particularly profitable: the commission for withdrawing cash from a Sberbank ATM in this case reaches 3% and at least 390 rubles.

Moreover, if the customer has previously enjoyed a grace period on the card, withdrawing cash will void the grace period. So, in addition to the commission, you will have to pay interest on the borrowed funds spent according to the tariff on your credit card.

It does not matter exactly how much money you need to cash out. The commission percentage is always fixed, and there is also a mandatory payment. This means that 390 rubles will have to be paid in any case.

Calculation example

Example: you withdraw 5,000 rubles from a credit card, which means the commission amount will be equal to 150 rubles, but due to the fact that the minimum amount according to the bank’s tariffs is 390 rubles, then minus this money in your hands you will receive 4,610 rubles.

As a result, the smaller the amount that needs to be withdrawn, the less profitable it will be to carry out the operation. Judge for yourself: after withdrawing 500 rubles, after paying the minimum commission of 390, you will only have 110 rubles left.

This is true for small amounts. In this case, it will be much easier not to use an ATM, but, if possible, pay by bank transfer with a card.

Debit card fees

The commission for withdrawing cash through a Sberbank ATM if a debit card with the holder’s personal funds is used is reduced. So the tariff is only 1% and a minimum of 100 rubles.

If we talk about “non-native” ATMs of the network, the client should prepare for the fact that the amount of the commission fee may be increased and Sberbank itself does not have any influence on this. A customer who decides to use a third-party ATM must remember that:

  1. the commission is debited according to the Sberbank tariff for a debit or credit card;
  2. A commission from the bank that owns a particular ATM may be charged on top, so you will have to pay more.

In most cases, the percentage increases by an average of 1-3%, but there are unpleasant exceptions. Therefore, it is important to familiarize yourself with the tariffs in advance and decide for yourself whether such an operation will be profitable, using third-party ATMs only when absolutely necessary.

Clients who do not wish to pay a commission fee at all must follow simple rules:

  • monitor Sberbank tariffs and check if they change;
  • before cashing out money at a third-party organization, first ask its employees about the size of the commission;
  • find out if there are partners whose ATMs do not charge commission or its amount is minimal.

Limits and tariffs for gold cards

It is worth noting that Sberbank privileged cards are issued under exactly the same conditions as regular ones. This means that the commission for withdrawing money from network ATMs is 3%, minimum 390 rubles, and about 4% when withdrawing cash through a third-party ATM.

But the limit on withdrawing money may vary depending on the chosen method of cashing out: through a bank cash desk or at an ATM.

However, if you need to withdraw a large amount in cash, you can use the following algorithm:

  1. first top up any Qiwi-type electronic wallet using the Sberbank Online system;
  2. then, using an electronic wallet, top up your debit card, when cashing out money, you will be charged not 3%, but only 1%;
  3. then use the ATM to cash out.

Slightly different tariffs may apply to Sberbank card products if you use ATMs to withdraw money while abroad. Most likely, the tariffs will be less favorable; in any case, you need to find out about them in advance.

As for foreign currency accounts, all restrictions regarding them also apply based on the current exchange rate. If you have any questions regarding withdrawals, we advise you to call hotline bank and chat with a consultant.

Often, when withdrawing money from ATMs, customers are charged a certain commission percentage. Naturally, this fact does not cause anyone joy, however, the commission for cash withdrawal is quite natural, since it is determined by the bank’s expenses for:

  • purchasing paper bills;
  • collection services;
  • payment of salaries to staff, payment of electricity, consumables, etc.

Part of the costs is paid from the bank's income, and part is borne by clients in the form of commission.

The amount of commission charged when withdrawing cash is determined by the class of Sberbank cards, which can be:

  • debit;
  • credit

In case of servicing debit cards, Sberbank commission for cash withdrawals is not charged. However, this is the rule does not apply to the following debit cards presented outside the region of their opening:

  • MasterCard Maestro;
  • VisaElectron with the “Momentum VisaElectron” service package;
  • Maestro with the Transport package.

Commission fees for the cards listed above outside the opening regions are 1% of the cash withdrawn.

Sberbank clients should not forget about such a concept as a daily limit on cash withdrawals. If it is exceeded, commissions are paid even when using debit cards, and their size is 0.5% of the withdrawal amount.

The commission for withdrawing cash from a Sberbank card classified as a credit card is paid by clients in the amount of 3% of the withdrawn amount. An important nuance is that the amount of commission cannot be less than 199 rubles.

The amount of commission charged by “other people’s” ATMs

In the event that a Sberbank client is forced to withdraw cash from other ATMs, he must take into account the likelihood that a commission may be charged:

  • the bank that owns the specific ATM;
  • the bank that issued the card, i.e. Sberbank;
  • both banks at once.

As for Sberbank, when servicing its cards with “other people’s” ATMs, they deduct a 1% commission from the client’s account (at least 150 rubles, 3 dollars or 3 euros).

Commission charged from “foreign” clients

No commission is charged for cash issued by ATMs owned by Sberbank, or from VisaElectron, Visa, AmericanExprtess, MasterCard cards issued by other banks.

In cases where clients of other banks want to receive cash at one of the Sberbank branches, the amount of the commission charged is 4%. This write-off is immediately included in the expenditure authorization amount.

Serving Sberbank clients in subsidiaries

Being one of the largest Russian banks, Sberbank has banking subsidiaries and representative offices in the following neighboring countries:

  • Republic of Belarus;
  • The Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Ukraine.

Commissions at ATMs of subsidiaries in the above countries are not paid by Sberbank clients. If cash is withdrawn at branches of banking institutions, then the fee paid is 1%.

Despite the fact that Sberbank is the largest bank in the Russian Federation and its ATMs are located everywhere, they are even installed at bus stops (at least in big cities), you can often find yourself in a situation where there is no Sberbank ATM nearby or the money has run out. Then the question naturally arises: is it possible to withdraw money from a Sberbank card at the ATMs of another bank? We answer: this can be done for almost every Sber card, although with a commission. And so that everything is very clear to you, we will put everything “on the shelves” below.

We withdraw money from a Sberbank credit card at someone else's ATM

If you have ANY credit card from the largest bank in the Russian Federation, then for withdrawing credit funds from an ATM of another bank you will be charged a commission by Sber 4% of the amount (minimum 390 rubles) + commission of the financial institution that owns the ATM. Do not forget that it does not apply to cash withdrawals, i.e. Interest will immediately begin to accrue on the borrowed money given to you (you should know your annual rate very well!). The situation is the same abroad, but you still need to take into account the current Sberbank conversion rate.

The withdrawal amount is limited by the credit limit.

We receive cash using a Sberbank debit card at an ATM of another bank

From almost all Sberbank debit cards you can withdraw money from ATMs of another bank, including abroad. As in the case of credit cards, a commission will be charged from the cardholder, but a little less. Sber itself will take it 1% of the withdrawal amount (at least 100 rubles) + possible commission of a “foreign” bank(usually it can be found out immediately before issuance).

You cannot withdraw money from ATMs of another bank using the following cards: and. For everything else - please.

Do not forget about daily and monthly limits and about ATM restrictions (they can only dispense a limited amount at a time). More detailed information You can get information about limits and commissions for all Sberbank cards

Oct 14 2014, 23:18

Every owner debit card I'm interested in the fee for withdrawing cash. How much is it and can it be minimized?

What are the bank fees for cash withdrawals?

The amount of the commission fee depends on the amount withdrawn and the bank’s tariffs. In this case, a minimum commission fee is often set (for example, 5%, minimum 60 rubles).

When calculating the commission, it is also important which ATM you use - your credit institution or a third-party one.

What is the commission at your bank's ATMs?

As a rule, credit institutions do not charge anything for withdrawing funds from their ATMs. The exception is exceeding the limit. This means that, depending on the status and type of card, a maximum daily or monthly limit is set, exceeding which is subject to a commission.


Using a Visa Unembossed card, a client can withdraw 75,000 rubles per day without commission. If the limit is exceeded, 4% will be withheld from the bank card holder. When withdrawing 100,000 rubles, the client will pay 1,000 rubles in commission (25,000 * 4%).

Commission for withdrawing cash from “other people’s” ATMs

At third-party ATMs, cash withdrawal fees may be charged by the bank that owns the ATM, the card issuing bank, or both.

Is there a withdrawal fee from your bank? The third-party lender will not answer you. You need to clarify this issue with your bank.

For third-party ATM withdrawal fees, these fees must be displayed on the screen before funds are dispensed.

Which ATMs do not charge a commission?

1. Sberbank tariffs

Sberbank does not charge a commission for using its ATM from owners of other cards.

If you have a Sberbank card, then when withdrawing from a “foreign” ATM, 1% of the transaction amount will be debited from your account (minimum 150 rubles, 3 American dollars or 3 euros).

The commission is written off by Sberbank.

2. Tariffs of Otkritie Bank

Otkritie Bank does not charge owners of other cards a commission for using its ATM.

For Otkritie Bank cardholders who withdraw cash from third-party ATMs, the following commission is provided:

  • for withdrawal from an ATM member of the United Settlement System (abbreviated as OPS) – 1%, minimum 4 US dollars;
  • for using other ATMs - 2.5% of the amount, but not less than 7 US dollars.

The commission is written off by Otkritie Bank.

3. Gazprombank tariffs

There will be no commission from Gazprombank for withdrawing money from its ATM.

For Gazprombank cardholders there is a commission for withdrawing money from a third-party ATM. Amount - 0.5% of the amount (minimum 150 rubles). The commission is written off by Gazprombank.

4. Tariffs of VTB 24 bank

VTB Bank does not charge cardholders of other issuers a commission for using its ATM.

When withdrawing from a third-party bank, the owner of the VTB 24 card will be charged a commission of 1% of the amount, but a minimum of 100 rubles. The commission is written off by VTB 24.

5. Rosbank tariffs

For holders of cards from “foreign” issuers, Rosbank provides the opportunity to use its ATMs without commission. The exception is currency cards. For dollars and euros the commission will be 2%.

If the owner of a Rosbank card withdraws money from a third-party ATM, then from 0.5% to 1.5% will be debited from his account, but not less than 99 rubles. The commission is written off by Rosbank.

Tariff data is current as of 10/14/2014. The commission amount varies depending on the type of card, and is adjusted at the initiative of the bank

If you want to withdraw money from ATMs without commission, then you need to:

  • closely monitor the updating of your bank’s tariffs;
  • before withdrawing funds, ask the employees of a third-party bank about the commission amount;
  • find out which partners your credit institution cooperates with. As a rule, there are ATMs operating within the “union” that do not charge a commission.