Why is there no voice message icon on my phone? We are on VK

19.02.2019 Internet

More recently, VK made an interesting feature for users to create messages. Now, if you are too lazy to type the answer, you You can record a voice message on VK. This option is available not only to those who are used to using a PC, but also when sending messages from a gadget. You can send messages to all users you have or

  1. . When recording a voice message for the first time:
  2. Expand the dialogs and select the person you are going to send the recording to.
  3. You will see a microphone icon in the message field.

Click on it.

VK will ask you for permission to use your microphone. Tap the Allow button.

Now you can talk. The entry will be created online. Once you finish the message, click on the “Stop” button. You can listen to the message before sending. However, it will not be possible to correct it or cut out individual pieces from the recording. If you don't like something in a post, there's a cross icon on the left. Touch it and the message will be deleted. How to send a voice message in VK To

send a voice message to VK, .

You will find a help section for the new design in the header of the site. In the window with your avatar on the right you will see an arrow; by touching it, you will see a help section. Click on a section. Select the category that is responsible for messages. Open any of the general questions and click on the “This doesn’t solve my…” button. Here you will have the opportunity to write to VK admins and attach a screenshot with the error. Technicians will try to help you solve this problem.

How to send a VK voice message from an iPhone If you can't record messages from your PC yet, but you really want to use the new feature, You can send a VK voice message from an iPhone.

To do this, also move to the dialogue. Next to the send field you will see the already familiar voice recording icon. Touch and hold the microphone while you speak. Once the message is ready, you can send it. If you change your mind, swipe the message left and it will be removed from your conversation. It is important that at this moment you have sound installed on your iPhone, and also have the new iOS installed. Also in the settings of the application itself, turn on all sounds. Allow VK to interact with your microphone.

There are cases in which writing a text message is extremely inconvenient, but you need to notify a person about something important. Especially for such situations, the VKontakte service recently introduced a new “Voice Message” tool. All you need to do is record a short audio file and send it to your interlocutor. Such audio correspondence will be a convenient replacement for text messages. Learn to send these types of files in four easy steps.

Go to the “Messages” tab.

Select your interlocutor from the list of your chat histories. Click on it.

You will see a correspondence with the selected person. Notice in the message input field, to the right of it you will see a small blue microphone icon. Click on it and the message recording will begin immediately. Don't let go of the icon until you've written down everything you wanted.

As soon as you remove your finger from the microphone button, the message will be recorded and sent immediately.

You can listen to the audio file that appears. It will be visible in correspondence with the interlocutor.

You can see all sent audio files in correspondence with a specific person in the “Show attachments” tab. Be careful, the file is sent as soon as you recorded it. You will not be able to cancel the action. For a clearer example, watch the video below:

Oh, how many were not happy with the new contact and its design.
I know that there was even a group of young people who gathered to write a petition to our president about dissatisfaction with this social network and the new design and asking him to change everything as it was).

I must admit, at the beginning I wasn’t particularly happy about the new contact either.
Now I can say with confidence that the new VKontakte is better, much better, than the previous one!
I think that with the departure of Pavel Durov, this social network did not lose its position, as Apple lost after the departure of Steve Jobs.
Every day I find in this social network. the network is something new), I like the new functionality.

It comes with a lot of cool features.
For example, you can in messages

There are many more functions, if I list them all, this will not be an article on sending a voice message, but on new VKontakte functions).

3. After pressing the microphone, sound recording will begin immediately.
Accordingly, the “stop” button is on the left and send on the right.

The maximum recording time is 5 minutes.

If you send, there is no option to delete, so be careful), I tried several times, I messed up once).

That's all.
Questions are welcome, write in the comments, I will always answer.
Bye guys!

Despite the fact that this function was introduced quite a long time ago, many users do not know how to send a voice message to VKontakte.

This function is quite useful and convenient. You don't have to enter text, but simply dictate it into your computer's microphone or phone/tablet speaker. The user will receive from you an audio file with recorded speech.

This opportunity is available both in the computer version of VK and in the telephone version. Let's consider both of these options.

1. How to send a voice message from your phone

It is important that you do not need to install any additional programs to send a voice notification. This feature is available both on the vk.com page in the browser and in installed VK clients, such as, for example, Kate Mobile.

For users mobile devices you need to do the following:

Rice. No. 4. Microphone icon in the computer version of VK

  • Recording will begin. To stop it, you need to click on the “Stop” button (red button). To the right of the entry is a button to send a file. You can also delete an entry using the cross button on the left.

Thanks to these actions, you can very quickly and easily send a voice message to VKontakte. The video below clearly shows the above-described procedure for sending from a computer.

In this article you will learn how to send a voice message to VK. We will try to tell you step by step how you can send voice messages to social network VKontakte, we will clearly demonstrate how to send a voice message to VK from a computer, iPhone or Android.

How to send a voice message on VKontakte

Voice messages on VK appeared not long ago, and according to VKontakte statistics, only 7% of people use this function. total number social media users networks.
For many of us, it is easier to write a text than to record a voice, but in some situations, voice messages are simply not replaceable. Here are some examples where voice messages are really useful:

  • Please your loved one and sing a song or recite a poem.
  • When there is an urgent need to record instructions or speech important person, such as a lecturer or boss.
  • Send your husband or wife a shopping list.
  • Record a long message that takes a long time to write by hand.
  • Just to chat with a friend.

How to send a voice message to VK from a computer

  • In order to send a voice message to VK from a computer, you need to go to messages and open a dialogue with the person to whom you want to send a message.
  • Before sending and recording a voice message, make sure that your microphone is configured and working.
  • Think over the text of the message or what you want to send to your interlocutor
  • Click on the microphone sign in the right corner where the emoticons are and hold it while the microphone is pressed while the voice is being recorded

As you can see, there is nothing complicated!

How to send a voice message to VK from your phone

VK voice messages are not sent

If you encounter a problem and you are unable to record and send a voice message, now we will try to solve it.
The problems can be divided into two parts:

  • Software problems (problems related to software, browsers, drivers, etc.)
  • Mechanical problems (microphone is broken or not working, burnt-out port on PC, etc.)

We hope our article was useful to you and you learned how to send voice messages to social network VK from your computer and phone, we will be glad to see your comments