Getting to know kids in a playful way. Various types of games

13.08.2019 Style and fashion

Ekaterina Sukhinina
Dating games (for children 5-8 years old)


Purpose of the game: get to know each other. Rules: the leader says his name, and the next one standing next to the leader says the name of the leader and his own, and so on in a circle. The very last player will have a difficult task, to list all those standing in a circle.


Children are divided at will into pairs. Their task is to learn as much as possible about each other in 2 minutes. Then the couples alternately go to the middle of the room and begin to tell everything that they remember about each other.


Each of the children calls his name and says that he would like to eat now (for example: Katya - potatoes, Yana - berries, Lena - onions, etc.)


Children stand in a circle. Everyone should come out in a circle, say their name and show some kind of gesture. Condition: do not repeat gestures.

"Let's get to know each other"

Children become in a circle. The facilitator starts the game with the words: “You rather hurry. What is your name, tell me. ”, while throwing the ball to one of the players. He catches the ball, calls his name, then he throws the ball to another player, while the words are again pronounced: “What is your name, tell me.” etc.

"Dating phone"

The players become in a circle. The facilitator whispers any name to the player on the left. Everyone will recognize this name along the chain. After that, the leader says: “1,2,3, run in a circle!” The players whose name was called must run into the circle, the neighbors try to keep them. Those who were able to run out to the center of the circle tell a little about themselves, and those who could not, complete the tasks given to them by other players. The game is repeated, but with new names.

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Children from different schools, different cities gather in the summer camp, but they have to relax together, have fun, and in order for the vacation to be successful, you need to get to know each other very quickly. The proposed games will help them quickly get to know each other.

GAMES FOR DISCOVERY (within the group and between teams)

dating games

The organizers and leaders are teachers or counselors. They explain the rules of the game, correct its course. The game allows the guys to remember each other's names, reveals creative and organizational skills

Name-color, name-association

All participants are in a common circle. Everyone in turn must name his name and color (image: object, animal, plant), which, in his opinion, he looks like, and justify his similarity (list similar qualities).

Tell me about me

We divide everyone into pairs. For several minutes, the pairs tell each other about themselves. Then they tell everyone about their couple, then vice versa.

Let's get acquainted

All players are invited to find their namesakes and unite in groups by name. Those who have rare names, united in the group "Assorted". Each group is given the task of imagining their name creatively.

We're going camping

The player, having named his name, names an item that begins with the first letter of his name, which he can take with him on a hike. For example: "My name is Katya, I go hiking and I take a compass with me." The next player says: "My name is Serezha, I'm going camping and I'm taking a sleeping bag with me, and also Katya with a compass," and so on, until everyone has been named by name.

My favorite thing

The player calls his name and favorite thing. The next player reports his attitude to the named case, then introduces himself and says what he likes. For example, the first participant says: "My name is Andrey, and I like to play the guitar." Next member: “I can't play the guitar. My name is Reja, I love to play football.” And so on.


All players sit in a circle on chairs. The leader stands in the center of the circle, leaving one chair free. The task of the player sitting to the right of the free chair is to hit it with his hand and name any player. The player whose name is called moves to an empty chair. The leader must take a new free chair until the player sitting on the right hits it and calls the name. If he succeeded, then the player, with right side whose chair is occupied by the leader becomes the leader.

Count to thirty

The players sit in a circle with the leader. The leader suggests counting up to 30 by the whole detachment, necessarily specifying that it is rare for anyone to cope with this task. The conditions are as follows: players take turns calling one number out loud. In this case, the players who fall on the numbers ending in "3" or divisible by "3" without a remainder, instead of the number, call their name. The player who makes a mistake stops playing and the game starts from the beginning.

Who can

The presenter hangs out a pre-prepared poster, consisting of a field divided into 9 squares. In each square, the question is: Who can play the guitar? Who is dancing? Who is drawing? Who plays sports? and others. Only 9 (according to the number of squares) questions. All players take pens and pieces of paper, draw a similar field, number the squares.

The task of the players is to interview the players and find among them those who really know how to play the guitar, draw, etc. write in the appropriate box on your sheet the name and surname of this player. You cannot write the name of the same person in more than one square. The host after the game summarizes and learns about the skills of the guys in the squad.

Name in a circle

The participants stand in a circle. Everyone in turn takes a step to the center, calls his name and shows any movement. Then all participants simultaneously repeat his name and the movement that he just showed.

Children become in a circle. (This contributes to openness, attention of children to each other, gives a sense of unity in the team. To enhance this feeling, you can join hands). The first child says his name, the second says the name of the first and his own, and so on. The first calls the names of all.

This game can be played with adults. This helps everyone who comes to make friends and feel like one team. Do not be embarrassed that it is still difficult for some children to pronounce the name and patronymic of adults and remember all the names. Help them with this. The main goal of the game is to unite the team, overcome the barrier between children, inculcate communication skills.

This game can become more difficult over time. Ask for your name and a few words about yourself on a given topic. Children repeat what they heard about each other, but not in the 3rd person, but in the 1st.

Your name is Lena. You are in 1st grade and love to draw.

2. The game "Who called me."

Children become a group, one child leaves the group, steps back a few steps and turns his back to the group. The teacher chooses a child who must loudly call the departed. The departed returns and says who called him, in the 1st person:

You called me, Anton.

If the child guessed who called him, but does not remember the name, invite him to ask the caller about it.

Children's first reaction is usually to point the finger. This needs to be corrected.

Such dialogues are important for children. They instill in them communication skills.

3. The game "Girls-boys"

The boys sit on one bench and the girls on the other. Boys call any names of girls. If these names are girls, then they get up and tell a little about themselves. Then the girls call any names of the boys. This continues until the names of all the children have been named.

4. Game "Chairs"

Place the chairs in a circle close to each other. Players stand on them. At the signal of the host, all players must change places so that all names are arranged alphabetically. Players, without touching the floor, move on the chairs.

5. Noisy game

At the signal of the facilitator, all players begin, shouting their names, to look for their namesakes in order to get together in a team faster than others. The most noisy and agile win.

6. The game "Crib-reminder"

Each player receives a card with his name. Players are divided into 2 or 3 teams. Group 1 enters the game. All the players in this group introduce themselves, giving their first and last names, and tell a little about themselves. After that, all cards with the names of the players of the 1st team are given to the opposing players. After conferring, they must correctly distribute the cards to the players of the 1st team and remember the name of each. For each correct answer, the team receives a point. Then the 2nd team is introduced.

7. The game "Who is who"

Each player receives a piece of paper and a pencil. 5 minutes after the leader's signal, the players must get to know each other, recognizing the name of who they want to become. The received data is recorded. The winner is the one who managed to learn and write down the most.

8. Relay

Before the match, the players are divided into 2 teams. Each player takes a step forward and clearly pronounces his first and last name.
Stage 1: team players take turns running up to their paper sheet and writing their last name, returning back, shouting their name. Keep doing this until all players have signed up.
Stage 2: the teams must exchange sheets of drawing paper. Running up to a piece of drawing paper, you need to write his name against the corresponding surname of the opponent. The team with the fewest mistakes wins.

9. Game "Helpline"

The boys sit opposite the girls in pairs. The girls whisper their name to the boy from their couple. After that, the boy sitting in the 1st row tells the neighbor the name of his partner. He speaks quietly so that the rest of the boys won't hear. The 2nd boy tells the 3rd the name of the 1st girl and the one sitting opposite him. So until they reach the last boy: he calls the names of all the girls in turn. If the name is called correctly, then the girl gets up, if not, it remains to sit. Then the girls learn the names of the boys, and so on. the team that was more accurate wins.

10. Game "Postman"

Children are divided into 2 teams. The 1st players each run up to their chair, on which small envelopes lie (according to the number of participants). The name of the addressee from another team is written on the reverse side. After reading the name of the addressee, the “postman” shouts it out loud, and the addressee raises his hand and shouts: “It's me!” Then he goes for another letter. The fastest team wins. The organizers can write the meanings of the names on the back of the cards. These cards at the end of the game can be announced and presented.

11. Game "Mathematics"

Children sit in a circle. The counselor gives the task: “Let's start counting in a circle. The one who has a number that is a multiple of three pronounces his name instead of the number. This game can be used to develop memory and attention. Play around and you will see that this is true.

12. Game "Name"

Everyone stands in a circle with their arms outstretched in front of them. The starter of the game throws the ball through the center of the circle to one of the participants and at the same time calls his name. After the throw, he lowers his arms. After the ball goes around everyone, and everyone lowers their hands, the game begins in the second round. Each of the participants throws the ball to the person to whom he threw it for the first time, and again calls his name.

The third round of this game is somewhat modified. Again, everyone stands in a circle with outstretched arms, but now the participant who threw the ball must say his name, the one who caught the ball does the same, etc.

After conducting this game (it takes 10-15 minutes to conduct it), it is quite possible to remember up to 20 names.

Unfortunately, in life it often happens that after a divorce, a woman is left alone with her child. Even if after a divorce ex-husband maintains a relationship with his own child, the absence of a man in the house affects the upbringing of both the boy and the girl. For some time, the personal life of a mother does not intersect with the life of a family where there are only two members: a mother and her child. But over time, a man will appear who wants to enter this family as a husband and, perhaps, even a father. How can a woman combine two loves under one roof?

The first thing a woman cares about is whether two important people for her can find mutual language? Will the baby be offended by a new person for him? Will the new husband be able to accept the child as his own? The answers to these questions determine whether the baby will be comfortable in the new environment. After all, the depth of the problems that she will have to face depends on how the baby reacts to the appearance of a stranger in the house. A The reaction of the child depends on his perception of the usefulness of your family even before you introduce him to your future husband. Maybe he hoped that you would make peace with his own dad, so your love even for yourself good man take it as a betrayal. Maybe he got used to undivided attention and now he will just be jealous. Or maybe he is afraid of losing you and will accuse the stranger of depriving him of his mother. A child may not only not accept even a person who is tuned in to contact, but with resentment he will close himself from communication with his mother.

It is better to introduce a child and a future husband on neutral territory, and you need to present a man as an acquaintance, in extreme cases, as a friend. Before meeting, tell your child about your chosen one as much as possible, let him get to know him in absentia. by the most the best option will, if they make friends before living together, how it will become mandatory after marriage. It’s great if, as a result of this friendship, the child himself offers to take this uncle into the house as a dad.

Remember that even with the outward well-being of all circumstances, the appearance of a new, uninvited family member is stressful for a child. Therefore, first of all, you need to show that his opinion is very important to you. Do not put the child in front of the fact of the appearance of a new husband, but talk, tell about your desires and aspirations, ask about his vision of the situation. What he will answer you may well surprise you, the child will reveal himself to you from the other side, and you will see your situation through his eyes. And maybe you will see something that you did not notice before. Or they didn’t want to notice, inspired by love and the desire to get married. The negative traits of your chosen one, noticed by a child, may turn out to be quite real, and not just the result of childish jealousy. Consider and analyze his words, guided by a cold mind. Is it worth spoiling the relationship with the little man dearest to you for the sake of a not very worthy candidate? Maybe it's better to look for another?

In any case, you should not rush with quick and final conclusions and the formalization of your relationship. After all, those love relationship, which seem natural to you, may be completely incomprehensible and unnecessary to the child. Therefore, give him the opportunity to get used to the person, letting him into your house and into your life gradually. He must understand and accept the fact that now your attention does not belong solely to him, but is shared with one more person. But this does not mean at all that mom began to love him less, and that control will be weakened.

Undoubtedly the device personal life takes time. And this time is taken away from the child. In addition to resentment, the child may have the illusion of permissiveness and lack of control. A child, especially an older one, may even be pleased that his mother is not up to him and he is free. Unfortunately, children often use this freedom to their own detriment. Therefore, the mother needs to reconsider her approach to control and her daily routine in such a way that the child always feels mother's participation in his life.

As much as you would like, do not immediately enter your man into the status of "new dad" after meeting you. Firstly, it can scare off a contender for your hand, who, quite possibly, is far from thinking of taking on such a responsibility. Secondly, with your categorical attitude, you can offend the feelings of a child who loves his own father, and even if this is not so, he does not need a new one. But do not rush to the other extreme and try to alienate the child and husband from each other. A family consisting of two unconnected parts is not a family, but a surrogate. All problems concerning any member of the family must be resolved jointly. And remember what the cat Matroskin said: “Joint work - it unites!” Which means come up with joint business, do homework together, especially the one that was not done before due to the lack of male power in the house. And, of course, a joint vacation, and preferably an active one (hiking, walking, skiing).

Often the stepfather, trying to win the favor of the child, tries to please him in everything. Gifts for the slightest reason, purchases at the first word, and it comes to the fact that the stepdad intercedes when the mother scolds and allows what the mother has forbidden. This will not bring love, but it is possible to grow a consumer and a manipulator in this way. In addition, such a stepfather will never become a person whom the child will respect, since the blackmailer will never respect his victim. Result: the child, having scared the new dad, gets everything he wants, and a scandal is brewing in his relationship with his mother, which the stepfather just wanted to avoid, pleasing the child with permissiveness.

Of course, the degree of difficulty for a child to accept a new dad depends on the age of the baby. It's easier with babies. The appearance of a new, good, affectionate person is natural for him, he gets used to him in a matter of hours and later believes that he always had this dad.

A two-year-old baby is already wary of strangers. Children at this age intuitively feel and perceive a person, and it’s good if a child likes a man at first sight. In the future, the child often focuses on the reaction and mood of the mother - if she feels good, she is cheerful and calm, then the child also perceives the person who gives the mother this mood.

It is more difficult with a child of preschool and primary school age. He is either used to the fact that his mother belongs only to him, or he is still waiting for the return of his father. In both cases, even the most excellent applicant will be perceived as a competitor and an unwanted guest in the house.

But the most difficult thing is to introduce a new person into a family where there is a teenager. IN this case you can encounter a whole bunch of unwanted emotions - rejection, fear, guilt, despair due to inability to compete, jealousy. This situation is so complex, so many-sided.

Do not frighten the child with an abundance of complex information that he is not able to immediately understand. Gradually, every day, a small fragment, acquaint him with such cardinal changes in his life. And only after making sure that the child calmly accepted one thing, move on to another. But by no means the other way around. For example, it is not necessary immediately after the message about the "new dad" to please the child with the news of the upcoming birth of a brother.

remember, that a child cannot be an obstacle to your personal happiness. If already at the very early stage relations between you and a man there are frictions because of the child, which can lead to a break, which means that this relationship is so unreliable and fragile that it is not worth risking the love of a child for them. No need to waste your time and emotions on a man who cannot understand that you and your child are one.

But if your chosen one wants to start a family and believes that your child is his from now on, then now your main task is to show the baby that your love has remained with him and will always be so. But even a child, and even more so a teenager, must understand that a mother has both personal desires and a personal life. Only by uniting in one family and woman's happiness, and motherhood, you will be happy.


Helps women with children take the first step towards a new happiness - go on a date. And with those who were chosen by the children themselves. And how to act in life? After all, the comfort of the child is the main thing for the mother, but not everything always works out so that both the mother and her new companion, and the children, are satisfied with the changes in the family way of life.

How to bring a man into the house, introduce it to children and create comfort again? Is it worth it to listen to the opinion of the child completely, or is it impossible to indulge his whims? How to make sure that the appearance of a man does not affect the psyche of the child in the future, and the new partner finds a wonderful common language with them? Moms have a lot of questions. The situation is commented by an expert.

Yulia Vasilkina, psychologist, sociologist, author of books for parents

“Divorce is a difficult test for both spouses and their children. But now time has passed, emotions subsided, and there was a desire to find new love. Relationships begin to develop, thoughts about the possibility of a new “happiness in personal life” appear, when suddenly an obstacle arises: mothers have to face opposition from their children.

Everyone suffers: both the woman and her new partner, and the children themselves. Mothers regularly turn to psychologists with questions: why is this happening and what to do in this difficult situation for everyone. Is the behavior of boys and girls different? Of course, there are certain features.

Boys 11-14 years old become very attached to their mother after a divorce, and the appearance of a new partner is perceived by them with hostility. Boys have more high level aggressiveness, and a surge in the production of the main male hormone testosterone at 11-13 years old (800 times higher than infancy) makes them even more conflicted.

They begin to feel real men», and competition comes to the fore. This is why boys have such a hard time accepting their mothers' new partners: they see them as competitors.

Also, boys tend to solve any problems by way of escape. from them. Therefore, when a new man appears in the family, cigarettes, drugs disappear from morning to evening (or even until morning) on ​​the street. However, in adolescence, boys (as well as girls) have a period when they need an adult friend-mentor of the same sex as them, but not a parent. And if the mother's new partner manages to win the boy's trust, they can become real friends.

Girls are naturally much more adaptable., caring, finer feel the nuances, focused on the harmonization of relationships. This leaves less room for contention. They tend to adapt to whatever situation they find themselves in rather than react by running away like boys. Therefore, even if the daughter expresses negativism towards the mother's new partner, it is easier to negotiate with her than with the boy. Girls are also characterized by the fear of a "foreign" man, especially in adolescence.

However, these are only general trends. In each specific case, it can be completely different: an aggressive dominant girl is able to “run away” into alcohol, drugs, start studying poorly in order to draw her mother’s attention from her boyfriend to herself. There are also sensitive anxious boys going into illness.

Both boys and girls can be spoiled and be the "navel of the family", and there are no gender differences. Parents use both boys and girls as a buffer, trying to “pull” over to their side after a divorce. Mothers “revenge” their husbands by not allowing them to meet with their children, regardless of the gender of the children. And children, in turn, can take revenge by not accepting the mother's new partner.

Joint activities bring everyone together. If they are interesting to children, it is unlikely that tension will arise in the relationship. Photo:

Dating rules

“We have all heard about the importance of first impressions. As the saying goes, you can only make a first impression once. Therefore, it is important to properly introduce the child to a new partner. How to do it?

1. Tell your child in advance that you want to get married. Explain the benefits of being married. Answer all the child's questions.

2. If you meet a worthy person, talk about it with your child. Tell us what is interesting about this person, what attracted you to him. Tell this not to "ask for permission" of the child to continue the relationship, but to inform.

3. If your relationship is developing, then periodically tell your child about this person. And tell the man more about your child too: let him know what an important place this child occupies. small man And

4. If you decide to introduce a new partner and your child, then according to your stories, they will already know each other in absentia. You will be able to predict the possible reaction of the child. If the child is negative, postpone the acquaintance for now.

5. Let the person who comes to the house bring a gift to the child, but not too expensive. It is better if the gift is in the interests of the child. If you have told your partner about the interests of the child, they will have something to talk about.

6. After getting to know each other, discuss with your child how it went. Answer all questions. If the reaction was negative - do not rush to scold and reproach. Think about what could be wrong here.

Many women are hesitant to enter into a new marriage (and even relationship), "protecting" the child. But remember that such a closed system as "mother-child" is pretty bad for his development. In such a system, the child often occupies a non-childish role at all.

A boy, for example, may be given the role of an adult man, and when it comes time for him to build his family, this may reflect badly on his relationship with his mother, who will consider herself "betrayed." A girl may also have difficulty entering into a relationship, because. she remains the only close person for her mother. And to let such a person go into adulthood, oh, how difficult!

Therefore, boldly look around, and perhaps you will see. If you are honest with your child, appreciate and love him, but do not forget about yourself, your family will be able to find harmony. And if there are problems - there are psychologists, right? Good luck!"

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