Russian female name meaning happiness. most powerful names for girls

04.09.2019 Career and Work

It is not entirely true to say that only when we reach a certain age we are literally “covered by a wave of nostalgia” when we hear the melody of our youth or see some attributes of that time. Even completely Small child begins to yearn for his favorite toy if someone took it or hid it. We are all, to some extent, in love with old things, because they contain the spirit of an entire era. It is not enough for us to read about this in books or on the Internet. We want to have a real antique thing that we can touch and smell. Just remember your feelings when you picked up a Soviet-era book with slightly yellowed pages that emitted a sweetish aroma, especially when flipping through them, or when you looked at black and white photographs of your parents or grandparents, the same ones with an uneven white border. By the way, for many, such shots remain the most beloved to this day, despite the low quality of such images. The point here is not in the image, but in the feeling of spiritual warmth that fills us when they catch our eye.

If there are no “objects from the past” left in our lives due to endless moves and changes of place of residence, then you can buy antiques in our antique online store. Antique stores are especially popular now, because not everyone has the opportunity to visit such outlets, and they are concentrated mainly only in large cities.

Here you can buy antiques of various subjects.

To dot the i's, it should be said that antiques store is a special establishment that purchases, sells, exchanges, restores and examines antiques and provides a number of other services related to the sale of antiques.

Antiques are some old things that have a fairly high value. This could be: antique jewelry, equipment, coins, books, interior items, figurines, dishes, etc.

However, in a number of countries, different things are considered antiques: in Russia, the status of “antique thing” is given to an item that is more than 50 years old, and in the USA – items made before 1830. On the other hand, in each country, different antiques have different values. In China, antique porcelain is of greater value than in Russia or the USA.

In other words, when buying antiques It should be remembered that its price depends on the following characteristics: age, uniqueness of execution, manufacturing method (everyone knows that handmade work is valued much higher than mass production), historical, artistic or cultural value and other reasons.

Antiques store- quite a risky business. The point is not only in the laboriousness of searching for the required product and the long period of time during which the item will be sold, but also in the ability to distinguish a fake from the original.

In addition, a store selling antiques must meet a number of standards in order to gain the proper reputation in the market. If we are talking about an antique online store, then it should have a wide range of products presented. If an antiques store exists not only on the World Wide Web, then it must also be large enough for the client to feel comfortable wandering among the antiques, and, secondly, have a beautiful interior and a pleasant atmosphere.

Our antiques store has very rare items that can impress even a seasoned collector.

Antiques have magical power: once you touch it, you will turn into its big fan, antique items will take their rightful place in the interior of your home.

In our antique online store you can buy antiques most various topics at affordable prices. To make searching easier, all products are divided into special groups: paintings, icons, rural life, interior items, etc. Also in the catalog you will be able to find antique books, postcards, posters, silverware, porcelain dishes and much more.

In addition, in our antique online store you can purchase original gifts, furniture and kitchen utensils that can enliven the interior of your home and make it more sophisticated.

Antiques for sale in Russia, as in many European cities, such as Paris, London and Stockholm, has its own characteristics. First of all, these are the high costs of purchasing antiques, but the responsibility of a store selling antiques is also quite high, since these things represent a certain material, cultural and historical value.

When purchasing antiques in our store, you can be sure of the authenticity of the items you are purchasing.

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We strive to make our antique online store interesting for collectors, for fans of antiquity and for the most ordinary connoisseurs of beauty who have good taste and know the value of things. Thus, one of our priorities is the constant expansion of the range both through dealers and through cooperation with other companies involved in the sale of antiques.

Confirmed by history and statistics.

Already at the stage of the ultrasound results, having received the news that a girl is expected, mothers begin day and night to choose the most unique and inimitable name for their future princess. Something that would define her good fortune and was a talisman for life. We have collected here the ten happiest Russian female names.


Maria Sharapova

One of the most popular and oldest names in the world. This name can be given to a newborn girl in almost any country in the world, and it will not sound alien or hurt the ears. According to the most common version, this name is of Hebrew origin, and in Old Testament it is referred to as Mariam. There is a lot of debate about the meaning of this name. Linguists claim that it comes from the word “bitterness”, that is, it can be translated as “bitter”, “rejected”. But there are other translation options - “desired”, “serene”.

One way or another, many consider it an honor to name a daughter after the mother of Jesus - a name, as they say, “prayed.”

The name Maria is femininity personified. This is a name with a very strong charge, with a long history. A woman named Maria lives a colorful life.

Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya went down in history as the wife of a Decembrist who followed him into exile. Maria Dmitrievna Raevskaya-Ivanova became the first woman in Russian Empire, to whom the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts awarded the title of artist.

Athlete Maria Butyrskaya became the first Russian world champion in women's single skating, three-time European champion, and six-time Russian champion.


Elena Letuchaya

The Greek name most likely comes from the word "helenos", meaning light. This means that Elena is “bright”, “shining”, “chosen”.

There is even an opinion that the name Helen comes from the name of Helios, the sun god of the ancient Greeks. If we continue to consider those times where tunics were still worn in Greece, then the first thing that comes to mind is Queen Helen of Troy, because of whom the Trojan War began.

They say that Elenas are kind, amorous, very attractive to men and are often inclined towards creative professions. For example, one of the founders of the famous Gnessin Russian Academy of Music was Elena Fabianovna Gnesina, a Soviet pianist and teacher.

“The first after Chaliapin” was called by contemporaries the singer Elena Obraztsova, mezzo-soprano, People's Artist of the USSR. There are a great many famous actresses under this name: Elena Proklova, Elena Solovey, Elena Tsyplakova, Elena Safonova, Elena Yakovleva and many, many others.


Larisa Verbitskaya

In A. Ostrovsky’s play, the homeless woman Larisa Ogudalova cried and cried and died. In life, Larisas are most often active, assertive, purposeful, and with the bookish Larisa they are connected only by pride and the desire for moral purity. Larisas are very sacrificial, at least they will never leave without their help. These are people you can rely on.

Larisa is a Greek name and means “seagull”, although many say that it should not be written off Greek word"laros" which means "sweet". Larisa is always a bright individual.

The fate of the communist, writer, revolutionary Larisa Reisner was unusual: as a commissar of the General Staff of the Fleet, she traveled with the Volga-Caspian military flotilla along the entire battle route along the Kama and Volga to Baku and wrote a book about it.

The name of athlete Larisa Latynina is known all over the world: gymnastics coach, absolute world champion (1958, 1962), European champion (1957, 1961), USSR (1961, 1962).

Larisa Luzhina, Larisa Udovichenko, Larisa Shepitko, Larisa Golubkina - our cinema would not be the same without these talented Larisas. Songwriter Larisa Rubalskaya and singer Larisa Dolina also contributed to the list creative success Russia.


Olga Buzova

Most likely, this name was brought to Rus' by the Vikings. This is a pair name for male name Oleg, they believe that among the Scandinavians the “progenitors” of these names sound like Helga and Helgi. Both names mean “holiness.” Therefore, Olga means “sacred.”

The “main” Olga for Christians is the Grand Duchess, the wife of Igor Rurikovich, who ruled Kievan Rus for her son Yaroslav and was canonized.

According to eyewitnesses, Olgas are active, strong-willed, independent women.

Soviet chess player Olga Rubtsova became the world champion and the first champion of the USSR, and then confirmed this title four more times.

Poet Olga Berggolts survived the hell of the Leningrad blockade and dedicated her best lines to this page of the war. Olga Mashnaya, Olga Kabo, Olga Knipper-Chekhova proved that this name brings success on stage and in films.


Victoria Bonya

The name, derived from the Latin word for "victory", was especially popular in Russia in post-war years. With such a name, a woman has every reason to go through life with her head held high. Victoria is a contradictory person. Stubborn, with a keen sense of justice, collected, shy and sometimes even a little extravagant.

Victoria is ambitious, and her ambitions are completely justified.

Even the era was called Victorian after the Queen of Great Britain, who ruled England for 64 years.

The famous traveler Victoria Ostrovskaya, a full member of the Russian Geographical Society, created three sailing clubs for children and teenagers in Moscow and Kamchatka.

And thanks to Victoria Ruffo, Russians learned how intelligent and beautiful Mexican actresses are.


Anna Netrebko

Hebrew name meaning "grace". Among Christians, Anna is revered as the grandmother of Jesus Christ - that was the name of the mother of the Virgin Mary.

Anna doesn’t sit idle for a minute, she’s always busy. Anna is compassionate and capable of sincere sympathy. Most often, women with this name have an analytical mind. It is difficult to influence Anna - she is a “thing in herself”, she adheres to her own opinion in everything.

Anna is one of the popular “royal” names. Annas were in power or married to kings in many countries - Spain, France, England, and in Russia it was the famous Anna Ioannovna, the niece of Peter the Great.

It was a woman named Anna (Kern) who inspired the poet Pushkin to write immortal lines: “I remember a wonderful moment, you appeared before me...”

Anna Pavlova - this name doesn’t even need explanation. This woman became a symbol of classical ballet of the 20th century.


Anastasia Zavorotnyuk

The most popular female name in Russia at the moment is confirmed by statistics. “Reborn”, “immortal” - this is how it is translated Greek name. In Russia, people have long prayed to the Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker when it was necessary to give birth safely or to quickly get out of prison.

They say that the name Anastasia helps its bearer to very naturally imitate the South Russian dialect and do the most spectacular splits. Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and Anastasia Volochkova took advantage of this.

But, thank God, history has preserved information about Anastasia’s more useful skills. Thus, the wife of Ivan the Terrible, named Nastasya, knew how to soften his strict disposition like no one else.

The singer of romances Anastasia Vyaltseva at one time pretty much turned the heads of fans of her talent.

And we looked at Anastasia Vertinskaya in the role of Gutierre in the film “Amphibian Man” with our mouths open in admiration. It's amazing how good she is!


Tatiana Navka

Maybe getting a name that means “organizer” won’t seem so romantic. However, do not rush to wrinkle your nose.

Tatyana is a rock name. It carries enormous strength and hardness. It, like a huge invisible wing, protects its bearer.

For example, Tatyana Pronchishcheva, who lived back in the 18th century, became the first female polar explorer of the Arctic, a participant in the Great Northern Expedition as part of the Lena-Yenisei detachment.

And on the birthday of archaeologist Tatyana Passek, the author of many valuable monographs, who worked during the construction of the Moscow metro, all archaeologists now celebrate their professional holiday.


Ekaterina Strizhenova with her husband

Pure, immaculate - that’s what the Greeks wanted to say many centuries ago when they named their daughters Katerina. Although you cannot live by purity alone and you will not become famous.

Thrones and thrones - that’s what the famous Catherines of the world headed. For example, the Queen of France Catherine de Medici, the Portuguese princess, the wife of the English king Catherine of Braganza and, finally, two Catherines - the wife of Peter the Great and the second, who went down in history under the name the Great. Catherine the Second became famous as the most educated woman. It is to her that Russia owes the emergence of the Smolny Institute of Noble Maidens and, in principle, such a concept as “Smolyanka”.

The reign of another Catherine occurred during the era of the existence of the USSR: until 1974, the post of Minister of Culture of the USSR was held by Ekaterina Furtseva.


Natalya Vodyanova

“Native” and even “Christmas” - this is how this tender name is translated from Latin. Probably, apart from this, there is no need to say anything about Natalya - everything will be little and everything will be inaccurate.

Actress Natalya Gundareva is the real Natalya. You watch films with her - and it’s really like she’s family to everyone. Natalya Fateeva, Natalya Krachkovskaya, Varley, Selezneva, Andreichenko, Vavilova - these stars of Soviet cinema are also like family members for many, because their faces are familiar from childhood.

Let’s not forget about the sex symbols Natalya Negoda, Natalya Vetlitskaya, Natalya Gulkina, Natalya Rudina (singer Natalie), Natalya Ionova (singer Glyuk’oZa) and, of course, Natasha Koroleva. This is who was truly born to decorate this world.

Fame and success accompany Natalia, and the name for them acts as a lucky amulet.

Many astrologers and psychics are sure that a person’s name to a certain extent influences his destiny. In their opinion, each name emits its own energy, which can have a positive or negative effect on the owner of this name.

Because of this, some names have maximum positive influence, while others can bring a lot of problems to their owner.
Here are the happiest male and female names that bring good luck.

Female names

This name is considered one of the happiest. Most women with this name are awarded an easy fate. It is quite easy for them to move up the career ladder; they easily find mutual language with the people around you. Owners of this name are usually loved, appreciated and respected by family and friends.
Natasha is also quite lucky. They are confident in themselves and know how to defend their point of view. Thanks to this, they steadfastly overcome all difficulties and solve problems easily.
The name Tatyana also brings good luck. The owners of this name always live positively. Despite any difficulties in life, they always remain in a good mood. It is this attitude towards life that helps them cope with problems and feel happier than others.
This name radiates a strong energy of activity and determination. Thanks to this, its owners can easily achieve great success both in their personal lives and in their careers. They set bold goals and skillfully achieve them.
Olga is another beautiful and happy female name. Its owners have all the prerequisites to live in happiness, love and wealth. Although they trust their feelings and intuition, they often commit serious actions under the influence of the conclusions of their minds. Thanks to this approach, they successfully solve problems and emerge victorious from difficult life situations. Catherine
The name Ekaterina not only brings happiness, it endows its owner with an analytical mind, determination and the ability to achieve her own. That is why most women with this name are ambitious, active and positive, which helps them achieve a lot in life.

Unlucky female names.

These experts include the names Nadezhda and Lyudmila. Nadezhda's problems in life may arise due to the fact that she is too passive in nature and tends to simply go with the flow. The energy of the name Lyudmila can attract various troubles.

Lucky male names:

Alexander, Alexey and Anatoly
All these names are in first place in the ranking of the luckiest. Men with these names are endowed with special strength, both physical and moral. Most of them are strong in spirit and capable of achieving significant success, unless, of course, they miss the opportunities that fate itself gives them.
The name Ivan can also be called one of the luckiest. Those with this name are lucky to have a very strong guardian angel. It is thanks to him that they easily overcome even serious difficulties, because they have a protector who helps and protects them from troubles.
The owners of this name can also be classified as happy people. The name is endowed with strong energy - it helps these men to always be ahead of everyone and achieve their goals. Strength of character and the ability to find a common language with people greatly help them in life.
Oleg and Mikhail
The owners of these names have strong heavenly protectors. Guardian angels help them in everything, sometimes situations even arise when they miraculously manage to avoid trouble. It may seem as if someone is leading and directing them, suggesting the right path and protecting them from troubles.

Unlucky male names

Yaroslav, Stanislav, Boris and Bogdan.
From birth, Yaroslav is under the influence of the energy of aggression of the name; it will control him throughout his life and often interfere with his personal relationships and career. Because of the influence of his name, Stanislav becomes impulsive and finds it difficult to contact people. Bogdan can be too closely connected with his mother, which can interfere with his adult life. Boris's whole life will be filled with difficulties that he will have to overcome.


I've been reading the forum for a long time. Got a question. Many have been planning a child for years and undergoing treatment to no avail. Have you ever thought about simply changing your partner, rather than struggling for so many years and ending up with IVF and late parenthood?
Topic to speculate on. I don't think I could do that.

170 feijoa...

Good day. When you were planning a baby, did you give up alcohol? And if so, how? Just completely or just reduced the quantity? I’m especially interested in how future dads reacted to this? I just mean that refusal means not a bit at all. Maybe I'm exaggerating too much?


Lena Lena

A month has passed since the divorce through the courts. Such confusion in my soul... How to build a relationship with the father of your children so as not to “lose face and cave in.” Meetings with children on our territory (apartment in half).
I am 38. Two children: a 13-year-old son, a 1-year-old and 7-month-old daughter. Now on maternity leave. I have always worked (except for the first maternity leave for 2.5 years and now), I am preparing to start a part-time job: 2 full days in the office, the rest at home (I am a narrow specialist - Ph.D.). My children and I are fully supported: 20,000 rubles per month for three of us for all expenses, including rent (in winter - 5,000, in summer - about 3,000). They paid about 7,000 for up to 1.5 years. Married for 13 years. Everything is banal: we didn’t get along in character, or rather, I couldn’t tolerate my husband’s lifestyle. Work for him is his life: business trips, night trips, constant telephone conversations, late returns from work. And the family, yes, there is, everyone is wearing shoes, dressed, constant phone calls to see how we are there. Yes, he loves (loved?), he didn’t give reasons for jealousy, well, sometimes a beer after work... And live communication, such as to hold a hand, to be together without beer and calls, to knock with a gavel (and I’m happy next to you), cook together - no, that never happened. Only work. I'm stressed out...
Share your experience.


On my own mind

Damn, just now I met new neighbors living behind the wall. It turned out somehow inconvenient. My daughter and I went to bed and I heard the child screaming, “Daddy, I’m afraid.” At first I decided not to pay attention, not much. But the further you go, the louder the scream. I couldn't stand it. She knocked on the door. A sober man opened the door and asked if everything was okay? The answer is yes. OK. All. The child stopped screaming. It turned out somehow awkward, I probably took everything to heart, because before my eyes there was a picture that today is a holiday, dads are celebrating, and what if a drunk dad decided to get the child’s life, of course, all our fears come from childhood, that’s what “dad” taught me life with a rubberized black cord, and not a single neighbor stopped by to ask if everything was okay. And now there’s a bit of a residue left, I should probably come back tomorrow and apologize for such a late visit.


Each name has a certain energy, and the fate and future of a person depends on it. Lucky names for girls will bring good luck, health and prosperity into the lives of their owners.

Some parents try to choose beautiful or rare names for their children, but many of them can ruin the life and future of the child. Caring fathers and mothers give preference to those names that will have a positive impact on the character and destiny of the child. In most cases, names with strong energy are chosen for boys, which give the future man courage and strengthen his strength. Female name should endow the owner with harmony, positive energy and health, and there are not many such names. The site's experts bring to your attention the most lucky names for girls.


The meaning of the name is winner. It is not surprising that from birth the name gives girls leadership qualities, purposefulness and strong character. As a rule, Victorias are very brave. The energy of the name gives the owners an internal magnetism, thanks to which they easily make new acquaintances and are popular among members of the opposite sex.

In addition, girls named Victoria are very stubborn, but stubbornness allows them to achieve career success, easily prove that they are right and get into leadership positions.

In Victoria's personal life they occupy the position of leader. Their innate lust for power can suppress the character of even the strongest man. But, as a rule, women with this name are in no hurry to start a family and decide to take this step only when a worthy man appears in their life. For her children, Victoria becomes the most caring and moderately strict mother.

Women named Victoria can achieve success in any area of ​​life, and the strong character of a born winner helps them in this.


Translated from ancient Greek it means “immortal”. At all times, this name has enjoyed great polarity, because it promises its owner a happy destiny. The very meaning of the name suggests that no difficulties in life can break Anastasia’s spirit and make her lose faith in herself. Girls with this name are good-natured and sympathetic, so they are rarely left alone. They usually make new acquaintances easily and have many friends.

Anastasias are very capable girls. They can develop any talent, which gives them the opportunity to realize themselves in different areas. If Anastasia sets a goal for herself, she will definitely achieve it. This trait distinguishes Anastasia from other girls and allows her to achieve dizzying success.

For Anastasia, family values ​​are above all. Owners of the name easily find a common language with the opposite sex, but take a responsible approach to choosing a life partner. Becoming Anastasia's chosen one is not so easy, since women with this name have good intuition, so it is almost impossible to mislead them.

Anastasias have a bright and strong character, but at the same time do not lose their femininity. Fate is often favorable to them, so in life they rarely face insurmountable difficulties.


There are several meanings for the name Olga, and one of them, more than others, reflects the nature of its owner - wise. Indeed, such women are endowed with wisdom and intelligence beyond their years. IN childhood Olga easily adapts to any conditions, greedily absorbs knowledge and tries to be at the center of any events. Such curiosity helps Olgas gain skills that they can easily apply in practice. This is what allows them to become richer, more successful and happier.

The name Olga gives its owners strong positive energy, so Fortune always accompanies them in any endeavor. Even if Olga faces obstacles, her internal energy allows her to quickly overcome them.

Often the owners of this name are very family-oriented, but personal life does not prevent them from performing well at work and developing. When choosing a permanent partner, Olgas rely not only on their own taste, but also on the personal qualities of a potential partner. Therefore, becoming a favorite, and even more so Olga’s beloved husband, is not so easy. Such pickiness only works to her advantage, because it helps her find a worthy life partner and create a strong family.


The meaning of the name Tatyana is peacemaker. The main weapon of its owners is communication. They easily find a common language even with the most difficult people and resolve conflicts without much difficulty. Women with this name can achieve success in the field of communications, become good politicians and wonderful speakers.

Laziness is a trait that is completely unusual for Tatyana. From the very early years girls with this name are very hardworking, and as adults, they are ready to take on any job and do it with the highest quality possible. However, Tatiana soberly assesses her capabilities and will never take on a task that she cannot handle.

Tatyanas are very good psychologists, which helps them establish connections with others and determine the strengths and weaknesses of a person within the first minutes of communication. The owners of this name are natural dominants, but in relationships with their lover they allow him to remain the only leader. Thanks to the strong energy of the name, Tatyana is able to quietly control her beloved man, directing him on the right path.

In many ways, the fate of a child depends not only on parental attention, but also on the name. If you want your child's life to be easy and happy, choose a name according to his Zodiac Sign. We wish you all the best,and don't forget to press the buttons and