Is it possible to go to temple on time? The Old Testament and menstruation. Why is a woman considered unclean during her period?

08.10.2018 Society and culture

Is it possible to go to church during menstruation? A question that interests many girls who are planning or are invited to a baby’s baptism, wedding, and the days of menstruation fall on the planned date. Deeply religious women know the answer to this question, and for those who are not yet enlightened, this article was written.

Going back centuries or where did this rule come from?

The Church performs the Bloodless Sacrifice within the walls of the temple (prayer), and any bloodshed is unacceptable. This is the main argument that does not allow a woman on her period to be in the Church.

Hire more pastors and secretaries to work only in the new branch and keep the match schedule there, including outside of worship, with the difference that you do not need to visit the branch every week. With the money you make now, you can open several branches a year, because the empire can't stop, can it? Then get to work and open multiple branches at once, covering your entire city and your church through branches located in strategic locations. If it is a large area, consider making the temple larger than the matrix, away from those that are comparable to large gyms in size.

If you dig deeper, the rule of not allowing an “unclean” woman into the temple has its roots in the Old Testament. It was during those times when all kinds of leprosy reigned in the world, Special attention paid attention to physical cleanliness. Even lepers, people with purulent and bleeding wounds, and women with menstrual flow were not allowed into the church.

And if all goes well, your church will be more influential than the Universal Church in your city. Finally, it will be possible to establish branches in other cities in Brazil when there is no longer space in your own environment. Of course this will do a lot more work. To transfer your project to other regions, you will need last step this leadership, which must conquer the media.

Chapter 10 - Media Snatch

An example of a genre publication. Finally, to turn your church into a national power, you must assume the power of means mass media for yourself, and it will do some work for your colossal church. Even Catholic Church will tremble before the Multi-National Church of the Mafia of God. After that, try to buy a TV clock to broadcast your services throughout the state and then throughout the country. Buy a few hours of programming will cost several hundred thousand reais a month, but now his church is a millionaire and it will be nothing for your treasure.

Why are women with menstruation included in this category of patients? This is explained very simply. In those distant times, they didn’t even know about personal hygiene and the products used today for menstruation. And women did not wash during these days, since doctors claimed that washing could cause an infection. Therefore, a woman exuding a stench was not allowed into the Church and was considered “unclean.”

Finally, as a final blow to success in your evangelical career, simply buy a television station and stream all of its services and alternative download sessions. Enjoy and also discover discs of different styles, such as Satanic gospel. When that day comes, your church will be immortalized and you will go down in history.

How to establish a church legally: a report on the establishment of the Heliocentric Church of the Holy Gospel. The presence of many Muslims in France and the problems arising daily from the growth of Islam and the claims of Islamists cannot leave Christian communities indifferent.

Another theory of an “unclean” woman

The rule forbidding church attendance during menstruation is based on a prayer over a woman in labor, which is read on the 40th day. According to the text of the prayer, there are words that indicate that Until the days of postpartum cleansing, a woman should not enter God’s temple. Although the prayer speaks of the release of postpartum lochia, the clergy, guided by this legend of God, from the time of the baptism of Rus' forbade “unclean” girls to come to Church.

Of course, in these few lines it is impossible to give a satisfactory picture of Islam and solve all the problems that may arise in dialogue with Muslims. Our purpose is simply to give guidelines, points of reference, that a Christian should keep in mind when he seeks information, when he meets a Muslim, and when he takes a position on a current issue.

To present Islam, we will leave behind what is most accessible and understandable to us, beliefs and practices. All non-Muslim observers can see as facts the reality of these beliefs and practices that are widespread throughout the Muslim world and make it one. But beyond these beliefs and practices, at the heart of Islam there is a book, the Quran, which in the eyes of Muslims deserves the highest reverence. We will have to tell you most of what you need to know about this book, which is so foreign to most of us and whose interpretation is so delicate.

It should also be noted that in villages in Rus', according to the rules of the Old Testament, women were not allowed into the Church for 40 days after the birth of a boy, and 80 days if a girl was born.

What does the modern Church say?

Different Churches give different answers. Eg:

  • The Catholic Church does not see anything reprehensible in this, since the New Testament focuses on spirituality, not physical cleanliness. Even in the Bible there is a record, that everything created by the Lord God is beautiful, and the processes occurring in the body are natural. Also in the Holy Scripture there is a record of how Christ allowed a bleeding woman to touch himself, healing her.
  • The Orthodox Church has its prejudices and promotes abstinence from going to Church during menstruation. Although modern views allow the presence of an “unclean” woman in the temple, but on the condition that she will not touch the shrines.

This reference to the Qur'an is what makes Islam unity as well as its diversity. This also makes dealing with various Muslim groups so difficult that they invoke the authority of the Qur'an from different points of view. Despite the difficulties, there is still a need to engage in dialogue with Muslims. To do this, we first need to specify what we call dialogue. We will be able to outline some great prospects for dialogue with Muslims.

It is clear that this file is only a sketch. It can be said that there is a core of beliefs common to Judaism, Christianity and Islam. First, there is faith in a creative, omnipotent God who rules the world. Then this God has a moral requirement, and he judges people. Finally, this God is recognized as merciful.

So is it still possible or not?

Based on the above, the question becomes rhetorical and each woman must decide for herself what to do:

  • come to Church and stand aside and simply pray;
  • fully defend the service, skipping only the communion and fitting to the icons.

One way or another, you should remember that you should not during menstruation:

In relation to Christianity, Islam proclaims uncompromising unity and divine unity. He views Trinitarian doctrine as an attack on divine unity. First of all, he cannot imagine the eternal generation of the Son. He is willing to accept that Jesus is the Word of God, but rejects the idea that God can be the Father and have a Son. He accepts the virgin concept of Jesus and his ascension, but rejects the mystery of the cross.

In relation to Judaism, Islam rejects the idea of ​​a chosen people.

The Five Pillars are the five basic practices that Muslims set. This is undoubtedly The best way determine the identity of a Muslim. These are profession of faith, prayer, almsgiving, fasting and pilgrimage to Mecca. What distinguishes this practice from similar practices, for example, in Christianity, is their extremely precise regulation.

  • participate in baptism;
  • get married;
  • take communion.

Is it possible to go to church during menstruation? This is a question that is quite controversial. However, there is no clear answer to it, which complicates the situation, since very many people face this situation every day. a large number of women.

The confession of faith is very simple. It is about the uniqueness of God and the role of Muhammad as his messenger. To become a Muslim, it is enough to pronounce this affirmation of faith in the presence of witnesses. It is performed five times a day at specific times. This follows a very precise ritual of gestures and formulas.

Legal mercy is a kind of tax that helps maintain solidarity in society. Starvation. During the month of Ramadan, a Muslim should not eat or drink from sunrise to sunset. Now we come to the most characteristic element of Islam. This book is the Koran. It should be noted right away that the status of the Koran is not at all comparable to the status of the Bible. For us Christians, the Old Testament announces the coming of Christ and the New Testament testifies that Jesus is the Christ declared by the Old Testament.

As for supporters and opponents, they are roughly divided into two large groups: some, in turn, defend the rights of women who cannot do anything against the natural biological process, while the second defend laws established by the church over the centuries.

What the Old Testament Forbids

As for such a question as why you can’t go to church during your period, its roots go far back in history, back to the times of the Old Testament. This holy book was the holiest in the Christian world and was its original Constitution.

For us, the Bible is subordinated to the person of Jesus Christ. Such submission does not exist in Islam. Muhammad is revered because he received and transmitted the Quran and organized the first Muslim community, but the Quran is more fundamental to the Muslim than the man Muhammad.

The Qur'an is a text written in Arabic from the seventh century AD. This language is the basis of the so-called literary Arabic language, which should not be confused with the various dialectal forms of Arabic spoken in the periphery of the Mediterranean basin. The Quranic text is written in rhythmic prose, which, according to experts, has great beauty. This literary beauty, in the eyes of Muslims, is a decisive argument in favor of the divine origin of this text.

Thus, as for whether it is possible to go to church with menstruation, here the Holy Scripture highlighted certain types of people who were not particularly clean and were subject to the ban on entering the temple of the Lord:

  • people affected by leprosy;
  • parishioners who were infected with any infectious diseases or had purulent wounds;
  • men who have various pathologies of the prostate gland, which are caused by uncontrolled ejaculation;
  • people who worked with the dead and constantly touched them;
  • women who were at the stage of menstrual bleeding;
  • the most varied flow of blood that could be recorded in either men or women.

Regarding the question of how to attend church during menstruation, this process is considered biological and requires special consideration. This is due to the fact that this condition of a woman is connected directly with the reproductive system, and therefore in the most direct way with childbirth.

Not a single person, they say, could write such an amazing text. They often insist that Mohammed was illiterate and that he himself could not have written the sacred text. This is why it is not easy to really know Islam. Only those who have studied literary Arabic can read the Qur'an. It is a difficult language that most Muslims do not understand. And among non-Muslims, very few can make the effort to learn this language. To truly know Islam, we need to turn to experts.

The Qur'an, like all texts that enjoy prestige and authority within a community, raises problems of interpretation. For us Christians, the problem of biblical interpretation is as old as Christianity. Thanks to its internal organization, Christianity was able, not without crises and without sometimes violent conflicts, to develop an official interpretation of its fundamental texts. There is nothing like this in Islam. There is no magisterial equivalent that can tell the official meaning of the disputed passages.

Thus, in most cases, the church responds to it in the following way: during menstruation, a born child is rejected, which could have been born under other conditions. Therefore, normal biological menstruation is considered the death of the unborn child.

Of course, there are doctors and scientists. But it doesn't go any further. The lack of doctrinal mastery in Islam explains the problem posed by Islamism. There are passages in the Koran and the Old Testament that call for violence. It would be desirable for the authorities to condemn offensive interpretations.

We have discussed the main points that can characterize Islam. But we have also highlighted the complex issue of Qur'anic interpretation. The lack of a master's degree explains that Islam can be experienced in many ways. Moreover, the lack of internal organization did not give rise to the distinction that appeared in the history of Christianity between spiritual power and temporal power. The big question on the agenda is whether such a difference can manifest itself or not. We are not responsible for the answer to this question.

In other words, this can be characterized as the fact that a woman must constantly be in a state of pregnancy and give birth to children. And if she starts menstruating, it is her fault that this time the flesh is rejected and the child is considered dead. Biologically normal bleeding is considered a sin, although if you look from the human side, such an accusation is considered unjustified and not even fair.

But we must avoid predicting Islamic ideas that are characteristic of our tradition and which are not adapted to this reality. Geopolitically, Islam is an extremely complex reality. Simplification and simplicity should be avoided. One should also think that evolution is always possible. The Church and Western states are trying to meet with senior Muslim leaders. There is no doubt that this is really necessary.

In the minds of many people, the word dialogue evokes a meeting where everyone expresses their point of view and leaves with the satisfaction of better understanding the point of view of others. This practice is not bad, but it is not enough for genuine dialogue. Too often, dialogue is indeed a reason to abandon evangelism. On the contrary, it often happens that in response to relativism environment some Christians proclaim the Gospel without paying too much attention to what the people they are addressing live and think.

If we explain the situation precisely from this point of view, it should be noted that such an accusation is completely unfair and can be compared to a kind of discrimination.

The second version of such oppression based on gender, when women are not allowed to enter the church, is when a child is born: thus, if a woman has a boy, then she is not allowed to enter the temple for forty days, but if a girl, then for eighty days. - you must agree, women were treated quite unfairly here too. For this “unclean” period of time, a woman must wait within her home and wait for her body to be completely cleansed of blood effusions.

In any dialogue, a Christian must remember that he and his interlocutor have common ground. We belong to the only human family created by God and which God wants to gather in his Son. Of course, sin has brought many tears into the human family. But we must claim that human nature not destroyed. Natural law is written into the heart of man, even if it is often partially unknown. Dialogue conducted in the name of reason should help us better understand this natural law in its entirety.

Dialogue can help us understand that our interlocutor is a desire and openness to the Gospel. And also what blocks and misunderstands. Conversion will ultimately be the work of God in that person's heart. But God can and wants to use our word.

However, the church still made certain exceptions - these were women who were on their deathbeds or were very seriously ill. Here the church made exceptions and allowed such women to enter the temple of the Lord.

What amendments did the New Testament make to this prohibition?

At the time when such government came into its legal rights holy scripture, How New Testament, made minor amendments to the prohibited law of church attendance by unclean people. Consequently, the clergy became more lenient towards women and if she began to have menstrual bleeding, then this was treated exclusively. Like poor personal hygiene.

This is due to the fact that after Jesus Christ died for the sake of humanity, thereby taking upon himself all his sins, and after that he was reborn again, only one thing became clear, that the human shell, which is called the body, should not be considered at all, but the value has only a soul that strives towards God with its whole being.

In other words, the church should not pay attention to what appearance a person has or what state of his body, the most important thing is what kind of soul this person has, and its crystal purity was especially valued. Consequently, after this adjustment, it became possible to go to church with menstruation and it was no longer considered a mortal sin.

The Church did not oppose the woman’s desire to go to God’s temple on “unclean days,” but still remained on the side of the woman’s decision during menstruation to refuse to go to God and stay at home.

How does the church today treat women going to church during menstruation?

Modern points of view of church representatives, just like many centuries ago, do not coincide at all. Just as then, some are opposed to a woman visiting the temple, while others, in turn, believe that there is nothing reprehensible in this. Thus this question and today there is no clear answer to the question of whether it is possible to go to church when one is menstruating. Thus, there is no clear answer today, and neither supporters nor opponents can justify their position very clearly and clearly.

How do supporters of the ban justify their point of view?

People who are supporters of prohibiting a woman from visiting such a holy place as the Temple of the Lord during menstruation believe that the Old Testament had its power in this matter, relying on the fact that during menstruation a woman throws out the remains of a born child. However, even supporters of the ban cannot give a clear answer to exactly how the spiritual shell is connected with the physiological characteristics of the female body.

Thus, these skeptics believe that representatives of the fair sex during menstruation should not even appear on the floor of the Temple of the Lord. They clearly distinguish between this physiological process and the spiritual shell of a person. Consequently, a woman should not go to church or touch sacred objects, since this will initially be considered a very big sin, which will be very difficult to atone for later.

What women's menstrual advocates say

As for the defenders of the fair sex during menstrual bleeding, such people consider this prohibition to be incorrect and inappropriate. They also believe that this attitude towards women is considered wrong and completely unfounded.

God initially pays attention to the purity of the human soul only then to the purity of his body. Therefore, if a person believes, then it does not matter at all what kind of body he has or appearance, the most important thing is that his soul remains crystal clear in any case. If a woman needs to turn to God, she can do this at any time, despite the fact that some consider visiting temple during menstruation to be wrong.

Also, all people are God’s creations and all processes in their bodies were originally intended by the Creator. Consequently, no one can prevent a person from visiting the temple, no matter what state he is in. If we want to come to our Father. Then we can do this at any moment of our life, and God will always accept us.

As for the fact that it is not hygienic, today you can buy a variety of personal hygiene products, which will completely make it invisible that a woman is menstruating during this period. Previously, this attitude of skeptics was justified, because people were afraid to go to church during menstruation, because they did not want hemorrhages within the walls of the temple, which could initially be considered a sin. Thus, it was necessary to abstain for a month and stay at home.

Do's and don'ts during menstruation in women

As for the common view on the prohibition of going to the temple of God during menstruation, it is very upsetting that the priests still cannot come to a common opinion on this issue. Although it is necessary to note that the Christian faith is one and the prohibitions and permissions should also be exactly the same. But, alas, not everything is permitted in the same way, just as it is prohibited.

Today the church is open to all females, regardless of what their menstrual cycle is and what day of their biological calendar it falls on at the moment. Thus, every woman can go to the temple and pray when he considers it necessary, no one will forbid her from doing so.

The most basic rule for God is maintaining spiritual purity, and the fact that human physiology takes its toll is a process that is also provided for by the Creator and there is nothing reprehensible here. If a person needs to pray, he can do it at any time in any Church.

However, even today some women are considered deeply religious and adhere one hundred percent to the prohibitions of entering church during menstruation. They believe that they should not allow themselves such things if they can be excluded quite effectively. Such representatives of the fair sex believe that it is better to abstain and not go to church, than to then bear a mortal sin for the rest of their lives.

Consequently, today there is no clear answer to this question, which makes it open for many centuries. According to the priests, a woman should independently decide on the advisability of going to church during menstruation, and only she knows what her thoughts are. Consequently, if a woman experiences an urgent need to turn to God precisely during her critical days. Then she should not even doubt it and boldly turn to the Holy Face.

How do other religions view this issue?

As for Islam, then most of from his teachings believes that visiting the mosque during menstruation is strictly prohibited. However, this rule does not apply to all women. This is due to the fact that some skeptics believe that such a ban should not exist at all and considers this to be real discrimination against women.

Even those representatives of the church who strictly forbade women from going to the mosque during menstruation assure that their ban has not been confirmed in any way and can be considered in favor of the woman.

However, if blood begins to spill directly into the mosque, then this is an undeniable prohibition, since in any religion bloodshed in a Holy place is strictly prohibited and is a mortal sin. But, in the case when hygiene is observed, a woman can come to prayer without prohibition and do everything in accordance with the law of the mosque. The most basic rule is cleanliness and accuracy, then it is not a sin to go to the mosque to pray.

As for Buddhism, there is absolutely no such thing as a ban on a woman visiting a holy place during menstruation. However, Hinduism, on the contrary, believes that going to temple during critical days is completely unacceptable and is not possible at all.

Thus, this question remains open and also remains for the consideration of the woman herself. If she believes that there is nothing terrible in the fact that she will come to God during her critical days, then she needs to boldly go and turn to the Creator with prayer. No one has the right to prohibit you from doing this if your consciousness and peace of mind require such holy treatment.