Peter's day is fast or not. When and why was the post installed?

Every year, a week after the Feast of Pentecost, Peter's Fast begins. From what date it begins depends on the day of Easter and the following Pentecost after 50 days. Its end always coincides with the day of remembrance of the holy apostles Peter and Paul, in whose honor it was established - July 12. Thus, the beginning of Peter's Fast changes, but the end does not. For this reason, its duration can be from 8 to 42 days. People often call this post Petrovka.

and Pavel

These greatest servants of God, called the supreme apostles for their merits, in their earthly life were completely opposite people, not only in terms of belonging to different social strata of society, but also in their development and mental make-up. Moreover, if one of them - Peter - was a disciple of Christ in the days of his earthly life, then the other - Paul - was never privileged to personally contemplate the Savior and became involved in serving him after the Ascension.

It is known about Apostle Peter, the elder brother of Apostle Andrew the First-Called, that he was a simple fisherman, poor and illiterate. He never learned anything other than his craft, and all his life’s worries came down to his daily bread, which he earned through hard work. Peter immediately believed in Christ with all his soul and followed him all the days of his earthly ministry. He was an ordinary weak man and, out of cowardice, denied the Teacher three times, but his deepest repentance allowed him to become the stone on which the building of the Church of Christ was erected.

Unlike Peter, he had a noble origin, was a well-read, educated man, and at the beginning of his life, an implacable persecutor of Christians. When the Lord filled his heart with true faith, he directed all the heat of his soul and the power of his mind to preach his teaching. With the same fervor with which he had previously persecuted the disciples of Christ, having believed, he became their mentor and support. Peter's Fast was established in memory of these two people, personifying selfless faith and cold intelligence, multiplied by strength and energy - the qualities that make up a true missionary.

Establishment of Peter's post

The veneration of these great servants of God began in the first centuries of Christianity. At the same time, the Church established the Peter's Fast. It became especially widespread after temples were erected in their honor in Rome and Constantinople. It was the day of the consecration of the Constantinople Temple - July 12 - that was chosen to celebrate the memory of these supreme apostles.

In Russia, this holiday and the Peter the Great Fast that preceded it appeared in ancient times. In common people he was often called “Petrovi”, and sometimes even “Petrovka-hunger strikers”. There is no disrespect for religion here, it’s just that in those days when Peter’s Fast began, the reserves of last year’s harvest were coming to an end, and there was still a very long time left before the new one - hence the famine and the bitterly ironic name.

Explanation of the name

Sometimes people who are not churchgoers, but show an interest in Orthodox values, have a question related to the title of this post. Their bewilderment is caused by the fact that the Fast of Peter, established on the eve of the holiday dedicated to the two greatest pillars of the church, bears the name of only one of them. Doesn't this indicate the dominant role of the Apostle Peter? Of course not, they are absolutely equal in their deeds and merits, and the name of the post was established solely because of its euphony.

Establishment of God's New Covenant

We should also dwell in more detail on this important question: why does the day when Peter’s Fast begins follow the Feast of Pentecost? The answer to this can be found in the works of the holy fathers of the church. They indicate that what happened on the fiftieth day after the exodus of our Savior Jesus Christ from the tomb is the fulfillment of the New Testament of God with people.

This new Zion Law, inscribed in the hearts of people, replaced the old one - the Sinai Law, the commandments of which were carved on stone tablets. On this day, the grace of the Holy Spirit was sent down to strengthen the children of the Holy Church in their battle of Christ. It was for the purification of soul and body before carrying out such an important mission that Peter’s Fast was established. On the days of the Feast of Pentecost itself, it would be inappropriate, since this is the period of the Savior’s stay with his disciples.

And some more important information for everyone. The question that everyone who intends to hold Petrovsky for the first time these days is asking? It should be immediately noted that it is not as strict as Lent. Only eating meat and dairy foods is not blessed. Fish dishes are allowed on all days except Wednesday and Friday. Moreover, on Saturdays, Sundays and on temple holidays the consumption of wine is not prohibited.

It is also important to take into account such a detail that if the calendar of the Petrine Fast in a certain year was developed in such a way that its end - the feast of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul - falls on Wednesday or Friday, then this day is also part of the fast, although with some relaxations. In all other cases, there is no fasting on the holiday.

Work on yourself

But not only food restrictions include Peter’s fast. It’s not difficult to find out what you can eat and what you can’t. It is important to deeply understand that fasting is, first of all, work on the state own soul, in which the rejection of ordinary worldly entertainment is only an auxiliary means. This rule is fully consistent with each of the fasts established by the Orthodox Church, but Petrovsky has its own characteristics in this regard.

Obedience to the Gospel

The fact is that fasting was established in honor of the feast of the holy apostles - the heralds of the resurrection of Christ, who opened the doors of the Kingdom of God to all who believed in him. It is in serving the word of God that the main task of the apostleship is defined. Over time, this obedience was entrusted to the hierarchs of the church - bishops and priests. They became the successors of the apostles and continue their great work. However, this does not mean at all that the laity have the right to avoid it.

Bringing the word of God to people is work worthy of reward at any time of the year, especially during the period of fasting, which is the eve of the feast of the supreme apostles. Every Orthodox Christian these days I could try my hand at this noble field. There is a very wide scope of activity here.

Apostleship internal and external

Everyone must direct this apostolic service primarily to himself. There is even such a term - “internal apostolate.” It means work, the purpose of which is to convey the good news to one’s own consciousness. Success in this endeavor will enable a person to internally accept everything that the Holy Church teaches him. He will gain the ability to sincerely perceive God's Church like a mother, and prayer will become for him true communication with God.

He who has succeeded in internal apostolate will also be capable of working in the field of external apostolate, that is, preaching Christian truths among his neighbors. This, undoubtedly, is the duty of every Orthodox person, because we are responsible before God for everyone who surrounds us and for everything that happens around us. Here it is very important not to succumb to the temptation that comes from the enemy of the human race and sometimes tries to convince us that our weak forces will never be enough to complete such a task. The main thing is to believe in God, and he, if it is his will, will send down strength.

As for those food and other restrictions mentioned above, they help us during Lent to renounce the bustle of earthly life and devote ourselves entirely to holy work. Everyone these days should become an apostle to one degree or another and precede their service with fasting and prayer. Yes, we are frail, weak and often simply ignorant, but so were the apostles. Their strength lay in faith, and they acquired everything else through the invasion of the Holy Spirit and the grace of God poured out on everyone who is ready to receive it.

Is it possible to eat fish
Fish is allowed on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, Sundays and on the Feast of the Nativity of John the Baptist (July 7).

Can I drink wine?
The consumption of this alcoholic drink is allowed in small quantities on Saturdays and Sundays and on the Feast of the Nativity of John the Baptist.


During the fasting period, you should avoid noisy companies and parties, and try not to quarrel.

It is not advisable to cut your hair, otherwise your hair will become thin.

Is it possible to baptize a child
Baptism of children is allowed absolutely on any day of the year.

Is it possible to have a wedding?
Registration of marriage is allowed, but if the young people are believers, then it is advisable to postpone the wedding to other days of the year. The Church does not bless this event during the period of Lent. There is a belief that a couple who tied the knot in fast days, will not be able to find happiness in family life. Weddings do not take place during Peter's Fast.

Sayings and signs

Petrovka (Petrov post) - hunger strike, Spasovka (Uspensky) - gourmet.

Petrovka is on a hunger strike for bread.

Noble blood even freezes (chills) in Petrovka.

When was Petrov's fast established?

The establishment of Petrov's fast dates back to the first times Orthodox Church.

The church establishment of this fast is mentioned in the apostolic decrees:

“After Pentecost, celebrate one week, and then fast; justice requires both rejoicing after receiving gifts from God, and fasting after relieving the flesh.”

But this post was especially established when churches were built in Constantinople and Rome, which had not yet fallen away from Orthodoxy, in the name of the supreme apostles Peter and Paul. The consecration of the Constantinople temple took place on the day of remembrance of the apostles on June 29 (according to the new style - July 12), and since then this day has become especially solemn in both the East and the West. The Orthodox Church has established the preparation of pious Christians for this holiday by fasting and prayer.

Since the 4th century, the testimonies of the Church Fathers about apostolic fasting have become more and more frequent; St. , and in the 5th century - and.

St. Athanasius the Great, describing in his defensive speech to Emperor Constantius the disasters caused to Orthodox Christians by the Arians, says: “The people who fasted in the week following St. Pentecost, he went to the cemetery to pray.”

Why is this post called apostolic?

This summer post, which we now call Petrine, or Apostolic, was previously called the fast of Pentecost.

The Holy Spirit who descended on the apostles, the Spirit of truth, the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, instead of Sinai, inscribed a new Zion law, not on tablets of stone, but on tablets of flesh of the heart(). The place of the Sinai law was taken by the grace of the Holy Spirit, law-giving, giving strength to fulfill the Law of God, pronouncing justification not by works, but by grace.

We do not fast on Pentecost because on these days the Lord was with us. We do not fast because He Himself said: Can you force the sons of the bridal chamber to fast when the bridegroom is with them?(). Communication with the Lord is like food for a Christian. So, during Pentecost we feed on the Lord who deals with us.

“After the long feast of Pentecost, fasting is especially necessary in order to purify our thoughts through it and become worthy of the gifts of the Holy Spirit,” writes St. . - This festival, which the Holy Spirit sanctified with His descent, is usually followed by a nationwide fast, beneficially established for the healing of soul and body, and therefore requiring that we accompany it with due good will. For we have no doubt that after the apostles were filled with the power promised from above, and the Spirit of truth dwelt in their hearts, among other secrets of heavenly teaching, at the inspiration of the Comforter, the teaching of spiritual abstinence was also taught, so that hearts, purified by fasting, would become more capable to the acceptance of grace-filled gifts, ... it is impossible to fight with the upcoming efforts of persecutors and the fierce threats of the wicked in a pampered body and fattened flesh, since what delights our outer man destroys the inner one, and on the contrary, the more the rational soul is purified, the more the flesh is mortified.

That is why the teachers, who enlightened all the children of the Church with example and instruction, marked the beginning of the battle for Christ with a holy fast, so that, going out to battle against spiritual corruption, we would have a weapon for this in abstinence, with which we could kill sinful lusts, for our invisible opponents and bodiless enemies will not overcome us if we do not indulge in carnal lusts. Although the tempter has a constant and unchanging desire to harm us, it remains powerless and ineffective when he does not find in us a side from which he can attack...

For this reason, an unchangeable and saving custom has been established - after the holy and joyful days that we celebrate in honor of the Lord, who rose from the dead and then ascended into heaven, and after receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit, to go through the field of fasting.

This custom must be diligently observed in order for those gifts that are now given to the Church from God to remain in us. Having become temples of the Holy Spirit and, more than ever, having been watered with Divine waters, we must not submit to any lusts, must not serve any vices, so that the home of virtue is not defiled by anything ungodly.

With the help and assistance of God, we can all achieve this, if only, by cleansing ourselves with fasting and almsgiving, we try to free ourselves from the filth of sin and bear the abundant fruits of love.” Further St. Leo of Rome writes: “Of the apostolic rules that God Himself inspired, the church leaders, at the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, were the first to establish that all deeds of virtue should begin with fasting.

They did this because the commandments of God can be fulfilled well only when the army of Christ is protected from all temptations of sin by holy abstinence.

So, beloved, we must practice fasting primarily at the present time, in which we are commanded to fast, after the end of the fifty days that have elapsed from the resurrection of Christ until the descent of the Holy Spirit and which we have spent in a special celebration.

This fast is commanded to protect us from carelessness, which is very easy to fall into due to the long-term food permit that we have enjoyed. If the field of our flesh is not constantly cultivated, thorns and thistles easily grow on it, and such fruit is brought forth that they are not gathered into the granary, but are doomed to be burned.

Therefore, we are now obliged to carefully preserve those seeds that we have received into our hearts from the heavenly Sower, and to beware lest an envious enemy somehow spoil what was given by God, and thorns of vices do not grow in the paradise of virtues.

This evil can only be warded off by mercy and fasting.”

Bl. Semyon of Thessaloniki writes that fasting was established in honor of the apostles, “because through them we were granted many blessings and they became for us leaders and teachers of fasting, obedience... and abstinence. The Latins also testify to this against their will, honoring the apostles with fasting in their memory. But we, in accordance with the apostolic decrees drawn up by Clement, after the descent of the Holy Spirit, celebrate for one week, and then, the next week, we honor the apostles who gave us over to fast.”

Why are the apostles Peter and Paul called supreme

According to the testimony of the word of God, the apostles occupy a special place in the Church - everyone should understand us as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God ().

Endowed with equal power from above and the same power to forgive sins, all the apostles will sit on twelve thrones next to the Son of Man ().

Although some of the apostles were distinguished in Scripture and tradition, for example Peter, Paul, John, James and others, not one of them was the main or even superior in honor to the rest.

But since the Acts of the Apostles primarily narrates the works of the apostles Peter and Paul, the holy fathers, reverent at the name of each of the apostles, call these two supreme.

The Church glorifies the Apostle Peter as the one who began from among the apostles to confess Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God; Paul, as if he labored more than others and was numbered among the highest of the apostles by the Holy Spirit (); one - for firmness, the other - for bright wisdom.

Calling the two apostles supreme, according to the primacy of order and works. The Church inspires that its head is Jesus Christ alone, and all the apostles are His servants ().

The Holy Apostle Peter, who before his calling bore the name Simon, the elder brother of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called, was a fisherman. He was married and had children. In the words of St. , he was a fiery man, unbookish, simple, poor and God-fearing. He was brought to the Lord by his brother Andrei, and at the first glance at a simple fisherman, the Lord predicted for him the name Cephas, in Syriac, or in Greek - Peter, that is, stone. After the election of Peter to the number of the apostles, the Lord visited his poor home and healed his mother-in-law from a fever ().

Among His three disciples, the Lord deigned Peter to be a witness of His Divine glory at Tabor, His Divine power at the resurrection of the daughter of Jairus () and His humiliation according to humanity in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Peter washed away his renunciation of Christ with bitter tears of repentance, and was the first of the apostles to enter the tomb of the Savior after His resurrection, and the first of the apostles was honored to see the Risen One.

The Apostle Peter was an outstanding preacher. The power of his word was so great that he converted three or five thousand people to Christ. According to the word of the Apostle Peter, those convicted of a crime fell dead (), the dead were resurrected (), the sick were healed () even from the touch of one shadow of a passing apostle ().

But he did not have primacy of power. All church matters were decided by the common voice of the apostles and elders with the entire Church.

The Apostle Paul, speaking about the apostles, revered as pillars, puts James in first place, and then Peter and John (), and counts himself among them ()

and compares him with Peter. The Council sends Peter to the work of ministry in the same way as other disciples of Christ.

The Apostle Peter made five journeys, preaching the Gospel and converting many to the Lord. He ended his last journey in Rome, where he preached the faith of Christ with great zeal, increasing the number of disciples. In Rome, the Apostle Peter exposed the deception of Simon the Magus, who pretended to be Christ, and converted two wives loved by Nero to Christ.

By order of Nero, on June 29, 67, the Apostle Peter was crucified. He asked his tormentors to crucify himself head down, wanting to show the difference between his suffering and the suffering of his Divine Teacher.

The story of the conversion of the Holy Apostle Paul, who previously bore Jewish name Saul.

Saul, brought up in the Jewish law, hated and tormented the Church of Christ, and even asked the Sanhedrin for the power to find and persecute Christians everywhere. Saul tormented the church, entering houses and dragging out men and women, handing them over to prison(). One day, “Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, came to the high priest and asked him for letters to Damascus to the synagogues, so that whoever he found following this teaching, both men and women, would be tied up and brought to Jerusalem. As he walked and approached Damascus, a light from heaven suddenly shone around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him: Saul, Saul! Why are you persecuting Me? He said: Who are you, Lord? The Lord said: I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. It's hard for you to go against the grain. He said in awe and horror: Lord! what do you want me to do? and the Lord said to him: Arise and go into the city; and it will be told to you what you need to do. The people walking with him stood in a daze, hearing the voice but not seeing anyone. Saul got up from the ground, and with his eyes open he saw no one. And they led him by the hands and brought him to Damascus. And for three days he did not see, and did not eat, and did not drink” ().

A persistent persecutor of Christianity becomes a tireless preacher of the Gospel. Paul's life, actions, words, epistles - everything testifies to him as a chosen vessel of God's grace. Neither sorrow, nor distress, nor persecution, nor famine, nor nakedness, nor danger, nor sword, nor death could weaken the love for God in Paul’s heart.

He made constant journeys to different countries to preach the Gospel to the Jews and especially to the pagans. These travels were accompanied by extraordinary power of preaching, miracles, tireless work, inexhaustible patience and high holiness of life. The labors of Paul's apostolic ministry were unparalleled. He spoke about himself: he worked harder than all of them (). For his labors, the apostle endured innumerable sorrows. In the year 67, on June 29, at the same time as the Apostle Peter, he suffered martyrdom in Rome. As a Roman citizen he was beheaded by the sword.

The Orthodox Church venerates the apostles Peter and Paul as those who enlightened the darkness of the West, glorifies Peter’s firmness and Paul’s mind, and contemplates in them the image of the conversion of those who sin and those who are corrected in the Apostle Peter - the image of one who rejected the Lord and repented; in the Apostle Paul - the image of one who resisted the preaching of the Lord and then believed.

How long does Petrov's fast last?

Peter's Fast depends on whether Easter occurs sooner or later, and therefore its duration varies. It always begins with the end of the Triodion, or after the week of Pentecost, and ends on July 12 (June 29, Old Style), if the feast of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul is not on Wednesday or Friday.

The longest fast is six weeks, and the shortest is a week and one day.

Antioch Patriarch Theodore Balsamon (12th century) says: “Seven days or more before the feast of Peter and Paul, all the faithful, that is, laymen and monks, are obliged to fast, and those who do not fast will be excommunicated from the communion of Orthodox Christians.”

How to eat properly during Peter's Fast

The feat of Peter's Fast is less strict than Pentecost: during Peter's Fast, the charter of the Church prescribes weekly, for three days - on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays - to abstain from fish, wine and oil, and dry food at the ninth hour after Vespers; on other days you should abstain only from fish.

On Saturdays, Sundays During this fast, as well as on the days of remembrance of some great saint or the days of a temple holiday, fish is also allowed.

The day after Orthodox holiday All Saints Cathedral begins Petrine (Apostolic) Fast, which in 2017 due to the peculiarities of the calendar and early Easter It will last quite a long time - a whole month.

When does the Petrine (Apostolic) Lent begin and end in 2017?

In 2017 Petrov (Petrovsky) post begins 12 June and lasts until July 11 inclusive.

The day after the end of Peter's fast - July, 12- a holiday is coming, which is called the Day of Peter and Paul, or Peter's Day (on folk tradition Peter-Paul). This holiday is celebrated on the day of remembrance of the apostles Petra And Pavel.

The beginning and duration of Peter's Lent depend on the day of Easter, which in 2017 came on April 16. Peter's Fast always begins on Monday, the 57th day after Easter and a week after the holiday Trinity, which this year was June 4.

The longest Petrov fast can last one and a half months, the shortest - only eight days. So, although the upcoming month of fasting, which is sometimes popularly called the Petrovka hunger strike, is a lot, it is not the limit.

History of Petrovsky post

The tradition of fasting after Trinity (Pentecost) was established by the apostles, which is why Peter's fast is called apostolic. The disciples of Christ, who witnessed his resurrection and ascension, and then the holy spirit descended on them, called on their fellow believers to celebrate one week (week) after Pentecost, and then fast in order to prepare to bring the word of God to other nations. According to gospel sources, after the descent of the holy spirit, the apostles began to speak in languages ​​that they did not know before, and thanks to this they were able to carry the light of the Gospel different peoples. Since that time, Christianity has become a world religion.

The tradition of fasting for such a long period at this time is established in Orthodoxy. Peter's Fast is dedicated to the memory of two apostles - Petra And Pavel. Lent ends with the Day of Peter and Paul (in the folk tradition of Peter and Paul, Petrov's Day), which was very important for the Slavs because it meant the middle of summer and was associated with many signs, rituals and beliefs.

What can you eat on Petrovsky fast?

Peter's Fast is considered not as strict as the Great Fast. Firstly, during Peter’s Fast there are many days when serious relaxations are allowed, in particular, you can eat fish. Wine is allowed on some days. Secondly, at this time there are already a lot of fresh berries, fruits and vegetables, which allows you to make the Lenten table varied, healthy and tasty. Therefore, today the expression “Petrovka-hunger strike” already has a rather historical meaning.

What you can’t eat on Peter’s Fast

The prohibitions during this period are the same as during Lent. Meat and meat products, eggs and all dishes made from them, as well as all dairy products are completely prohibited. All restrictions in principle corresponding to the post also apply. Believers remember that fasting is not a diet, but a way to cleanse your soul and body, a test that helps you imbue yourself with the ideas of Christian humility. Therefore, even plant-based substitutes for those products that are prohibited are undesirable: “soy meat” and similar modern delights. It is also recommended to give up fast food, and children should limit their consumption of store-bought sweets, replacing sweets and cakes with berries and fruits.

Peter's fast and holidays

There is always a holiday on Peter's Fast Nativity of John the Baptist which is celebrated July 7. On this day you can eat fish and seafood, regardless of what day of the week the holiday falls on.

The Day of the Apostles Peter and Paul, which comes after the end of Lent on July 12, is also fast if it falls on Wednesday or Friday. In this case, believers are allowed fish and seafood, hot food with vegetable oil and wine, but meat and dairy are still prohibited. In 2017, Peter's Day falls on Wednesday, so all these restrictions apply.

Petrov fast - 2017: nutrition calendar by day

Strict days: Monday, Wednesday and Friday(12, 14, 16, 19, 21, 23, 26, 28 and 30 June, 3, 5 and 10 July).

These days, for those who are fasting, it is recommended to adhere to dry eating - that is, not to eat boiled or generally hot food, including those with vegetable oil. For those who strictly observe fasting, you can eat only once a day after 15.00 (Moscow time).

On these days you are allowed to eat bread, fresh fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, nuts and honey. Need to drink more water, you can consume compotes, fruit drinks and freshly squeezed juices, but store-bought juices and especially carbonated sweet drinks are extremely undesirable, neither from the point of view of the meaning of fasting, nor for health. With a milder version of fasting on Mondays, you can eat hot cooked food without oil once a day - porridge, soups, stewed vegetables, boiled mushrooms, etc.

Friday, July 7- this is a holiday - the Nativity of John the Baptist, on this day you can eat boiled fish and seafood, as well as hot lean food without oil.

On Tuesday and Thursday, you are allowed to eat hot cooked food without oil twice a day. These days, fish and seafood are allowed, which can be boiled or baked in the oven or over coals.

On these days, you can eat hot boiled food with vegetable oil twice a day; fish and seafood are also allowed, which can also be cooked with the addition of oil. Adults are allowed to drink some wine.

Fasting is allowed on all days fresh vegetables and fruits, and it is recommended to pamper children with fresh strawberries, cherries and other berries.

The Orthodox religion implies following a certain set of rules, which include fasting. This is the time when not only the body is cleansed, but also thoughts. It is the exclusion of large food consumption from the diet at a certain period that leads to spiritual enlightenment.

Orthodox people fast several times in one year. In this article we'll talk about which fast ended on July 12, 2017, when it begins and how it should be carried out. What should believers know about this event? How to properly spend the time of Orthodox Lent?


In ancient times, when Rus' had just adopted Orthodoxy, Peter's Fast was called Pentecost. The whole point is that the Roman emperor and conqueror Constantine, on the territory of the Roman Empire, erected and consecrated churches dedicated to the memory of the apostles of Jesus - Peter and Paul. The celebration took place on July 12. Now this date is of key importance.

The date of Peter's fast followed the feast of the Holy Trinity. It was previously called Pentecost, because Trinity fell on the fiftieth day after the Nativity of Christ.

History of the name

Peter's Fast is also called the Apostolic Fast, since it is dedicated to the two apostles of the Lord - Peter and Paul. They, like true Christians, spent a lot of time in prayer, ignoring all litigation.

The common people call the Apostolic Fast “Petrovka”, and also “Petrovka-hunger strike”. And this name is due to the fact that the fast falls in early summer: reserves from last year’s harvest have practically dried up, and the new one is still far away.

Hypotheses about the origin

It is not known exactly how Peter's Fast arose. Orthodox people There are a couple of versions about its origin:

  1. The first version says: Peter's fast is an imitation of all the apostles of the Lord. They most They spent their lives in prayer and fasting. And after the Feast of the Holy Trinity, they also fasted for some time before preaching the Gospel.
  2. The second version claims that Petrov's fast was created for those who, due to certain circumstances, were unable to observe the Christmas and Lent. Starting from June 12 and until July 12, when the fast ends, Orthodox Christians fulfill all the instructions and pay honor to Christ. This period can be observed with some relaxations if there are health problems.

When does fasting begin and end?

The beginning of the celebration of Petrovka falls on the second Monday after Pentecost. As for what date the fast ends, this date usually falls on July 12th. In 2017, this day fell on July 11th. It started on June 12.

In 2018, the start date of fasting will fall on June 4th. Its duration can vary and range from 8 to 42 days. In 2017, the duration of the fast was 30 days, the end of which coincided with the holiday of veneration of the apostles Peter and Paul. Peter symbolizes confidence and strong will, and Paul symbolizes high intelligence and ingenuity.

Compliance with the rules during Petrovka

Modern church regulations state the following rules that believers must adhere to during Peter’s Fast:

  1. Do not work and refuse to have fun during the liturgy and Orthodox worship in churches.
  2. Work conscientiously on weekdays and rest on weekends.
  3. Clear your mind of obscene, frivolous desires and thoughts.
  4. Do not have fun, do not visit entertainment venues.
  5. Refrain from intimate relationships.
  6. Do not allow emotions such as anger, rage, aggression, jealousy to take over your mind and control your feelings.
  7. Dedicate a large amount of time to prayer, both in church and at home.
  8. Don't shorten your hair.
  9. Avoid handicrafts.
  10. Do not give or borrow.
  11. On one of the days of fasting you need to go to confession and receive communion.
  12. While the time of spiritual and bodily cleansing lasts, it is strictly forbidden to perform various types of magical rituals, fortune telling.
  13. It is necessary to limit yourself from gambling and drinking for a while alcoholic drinks(the exception is red wine).
  14. It is worth visiting church as often as possible and honoring the saints.
  15. At this time, it is recommended to engage in charity work and provide assistance to those in need and those asking.

Food allowed during fasting

Fasting is a time of limiting oneself in food. The diet is reduced, helping to cleanse the body and thoughts. When Peter's Fast ends, then all restrictions are lifted.

So, what can you eat during this period?

  1. Monday. On this day, it is customary to eat hot porridge cooked without oil, that is, with water alone. To dilute the bland taste, you can add dried fruits, mushrooms, nuts, vegetables and fruits.
  2. Tuesday Thursday Saturday. These days you can eat fish and fish dishes. The use of vegetable oil is allowed. But, meat, eggs and dairy products are prohibited.
  3. Friday. This day is very modest. If not everything, then much is prohibited: meat, fish, animal products, oil. Most believers “purify themselves” on this day with only bread and water.
  4. Sunday. If eating most foods is prohibited on Friday, then on Sunday you can compensate for these restrictions. Eggs and dairy products are not allowed. You can add dry red wine in small quantities to the Lenten menu. You cannot drink other alcoholic beverages. It is worth noting that red wine is intended to be consumed as a drink for communion.

Some may feel that fasting is too restrictive of human food needs. However, the benefits of such a diet are great both for the whole body and for spiritual enlightenment. The Church allows people with serious illnesses and children not to fast, as this could harm their health.

When fasting ends in July, you can safely return to your usual menu.

The connection between Easter and Peter's Lent

Why do people remember the feast of the Resurrection of Christ when mentioning the Apostolic Fast?

The thing is that the date of Petrov's fast is calculated taking into account the date Happy Easter. For example, in 2017, Easter was celebrated on April 16, and nine Sundays later, Peter the Great’s Lent began. The day of veneration of the apostles Peter and Paul itself does not relate to fasting, that is, it is not part of it. The holiday begins when fasting ends in July.

What does the church say about weddings during Lent?

Since the Apostolic Lent falls in the summer - the season large quantity weddings, then many people getting married are interested in the question of whether it is possible to celebrate weddings during this period. Or will we have to wait for the time when Peter's fast ends?

Orthodox people, in order not to anger God, know that weddings cannot be celebrated during fasting. A wedding involves abundant food for guests, as well as moments of intimacy between the newlyweds. Ignoring the prohibition can lead to adverse consequences for spouses: their family life can be subjected to various tests.

Petrov's fast is also the time period when it is worth abandoning the wedding celebration. However, the church does not put forward a categorical ban on weddings, but at the same time establishes a number of certain restrictions and rules.

Rules for holding weddings in Lent

If, nevertheless, Orthodox Christians decide to celebrate the wedding, without waiting for the time when Peter’s Fast ends, they must follow some rules:

  1. Among the invited guests there may be those who sacredly honor the regulations observed during gastronomic restrictions. And of course, they will fast until the moment the fast ends. So that fasting guests do not feel disadvantaged, you need to take care in advance about the presence of lean food on the table.
  2. As an alcoholic drink, red wine should be present on the tables, ideally Cahors.
  3. Since a wedding is still fun, it’s impossible to do without songs and competitions. But remember that everything should be done with restraint, in moderation. Songs and competitions must not contain sexual overtones. This also applies to the clothing of guests: more restraint and decency in attire.
  4. You should not drink excessive amounts of alcohol to avoid becoming highly intoxicated.

Many couples wish to have a wedding sacrament. But it is prohibited to do this during Petrov’s Fast. It’s better to wait until the moment when Peter’s fast ends.


Peter's Fast is one of the few periods of the year when Orthodox Christians free their bodies and minds from oppressive thoughts and are completely cleansed. Those who decide to join the ranks of fasting should remember that the start date is always different. And it’s worth knowing what date Peter’s Fast ends - it’s always July 12 (twelfth).