Laws of spiritual hierarchy. The soul on its own plane of existence

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Who is Maitreya's "boss"? Is Maitreya the real boss of the entire Hierarchy? (July-August 1996)

Hierarchy is Maitreya's ashram. He is the head of the Hierarchy, the Teacher of all Masters of Wisdom. They treat Maitreya the same way we would treat our Master of Wisdom.

There are three main "offices" in the Hierarchy, which are occupied by the three Great Lords: 1) Manu - the example of our race, the Master who embodies the racial goal to perfection; 2) Bodhisattva or Christ - World Teacher, Lord Maitreya; 3) Lord of Civilization.
These three Lords form the triumvirate that governs the Hierarchy.

Three departments are subordinate to the Three Great Lords: 1) the first ray of Power; 2) the second ray of Love-Wisdom, the ray of Christ; 3) the third ray of Active Intelligence or Adaptability. From the 3rd ray emerge four more rays (the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh), and 49 ashrams, which together carry out all the work of the Hierarchy. So it is a huge organization and there is a constant exchange between these three departments and the forty-nine ashrams.

Maitreya's teacher is Sanat Kumara, the Lord of the World. Sanat Kumara has many other names: the One Initiator, the Youth of Eternal Summer, the King, and when we speak of “our Heavenly Father,” it is Him we mean; He is the Jehovah of the Old Testament. Sanat Kumara lives in Shambhala, a center of etheric matter in the Gobi Desert. He is a "young" man. He arrived from the planet Venus 18.5 million years ago, bringing with him the energy of the Mind: we are the sons of the Mind.

Is the hierarchy subordinate to Maitreya completely filled with specific names and personnel? (July-August 1996)

/59/ The hierarchy consists of 49 ashrams: there are 7 main ashrams with Masters of the 6th degree at the head, who are called Chohans. From each of the seven main ones there are 6 more [auxiliary] ashrams, so that together they number 49 ashrams. These ashrams are not yet fully staffed.

In your book "The Return of the Masters and Masters of Wisdom", on pages 30 and 31 you state: "... The Planetary Hierarchy of the Masters of Wisdom... has reached a stage of evolution which requires the resumption, this time in collective form, of the experience of life in the physical world. This is the main reason hidden in the planned and inevitable return..."

Here are my questions: (1) The original reason for Maitreya's return was to benefit the Hierarchy of the Masters of Wisdom, and is that still true? (2) Considering that the Masters of Wisdom will be of great benefit to humanity, an option for Their power structure is a hierarchy of people, aristocratic rule from above? (3) Is this democratic? (4) Is this selfless? (5) Doesn't this mean that Humanity is only of secondary importance? (6) Humanity must learn humility and stop arrogant claims to its primary importance? (July-August 1993)

(1) The statement you quote from my book refers to the return of the Hierarchy as a whole, and not just Maitreya. He returns not for the benefit of the Masters of Wisdom (He is always with Them anyway), but returns like one of them, at the head of Them, as Their Leader. The externalization [materialization] of the Hierarchy is carried out not only to help humanity, although this most important event is very beneficial for us, which is undoubtedly. This remains valid.

(2) No. The Spiritual Hierarchy of Masters and initiates forms a Kingdom - the Kingdom of Souls (or the Kingdom of God, in Christian terminology). Its structure, in contrast to despotism or authoritarianism, is based on the reality of Spiritual relationships. All its participants (as well as humanity as a whole) are recognized as equal, and equally divine, but still expressing this divinity to varying degrees, depending on individual evolutionary achievement. It is the reality of this fact automatically(and so throughout the cosmos) determines the initiation status of each participant in the Hierarchy. In the Hierarchy there are initiates of many different degrees, the less advanced learning from the more advanced. And everyone wants from Christ, Lord Maitreya, to receive guidance (not orders or commands), as from the most advanced and experienced.

/60/ (3) The hierarchy operates on the basis of a synthesis of democratic and hierarchical principles. Each Master has the democratic right to bring forward any general question for discussion, but inevitably, due to superior knowledge and experience, the final decision must be made by the most advanced members of the Hierarchy. However, the consensus decision is made by the majority.

(4) Yes, absolutely and completely disinterestedly. Masters of Wisdom have no desires at all for myself personally.

(5) No. Humanity forms only one of the kingdoms in the general system and general Plan, which is the most important.

(1) In the new world community, in which everyone will be included, there will still be a hierarchical system (since it apparently exists at the level of the Masters of Wisdom, according to esoteric philosophy); And

(2) won't there be the same difficulties associated with inequality? (December 1994)

It should be understood that the Hierarchy, which includes the Masters of Wisdom and their disciples, is not based on powers and privileges, but on the level of spiritual development. For the Masters of Wisdom, all people are equal, but are at different stages of expression of Divinity; and Divinity itself is one and indivisible. In the new political economic system, the degree of participation and democracy that it considers necessary and fair will depend on humanity itself. All in our hands; no system will be imposed on us by the Hierarchy of the Masters of Wisdom.

Do Masters of Wisdom have any noticeable markings on their bodies that distinguish them from other people? (July-August 1996)

There is only one difference, not birthmarks, but Their birthright, that They are perfect people, without flaw. They know only all-encompassing unconditional love. They are the senior representatives of that Center where the Love of God is expressed. This is true for all Masters of Wisdom, regardless of Their ray. Some of Them demonstrate other virtues: Strength, Purpose, Intelligence various types; some inspire scientists of our world, some inspire teams of teachers, politicians, economic thinkers, etc. In human appearance, They also differ from each other, just like ordinary people. They are full of mercy, kindness, readiness to endlessly serve and save. They shine in a way few can imagine. Their intelligence and wisdom penetrate to the core of any problem. They are endowed with spiritual power, which is capable of inducing action and energizing all groups of students.

Are the Masters of Wisdom endowed with the power of destruction as much as healing? (July-August 1996)

Creation is a process of creation and destruction. This is carried out by the Logos of each specific planet, solar system or galaxies. When the Logos decides that His work of creation is "finished" at this "stage" and He desires to return the creation to Himself, then this is exactly what happens when the destructive stage begins.

The Masters of Wisdom themselves are not destructive, but They understand the laws of the universe, which include the laws of destruction. Here we can name specific Masters of Wisdom, especially the Masters of the 1st ray of Purpose or Will, which is often called the destructive ray. Masters of this ray often work to destroy outdated forms, outdated systems, in order to prepare the place for the entry of new life, in the form new energy, creating new forms.

(1) Please explain why the Masters of Wisdom still have astral bodies? (2) What is the astral body used for after the second initiation has been taken? (3) How is the astral body related to the creative imagination? (July-August 1995)

/62/ (1) For the Masters of Wisdom, the astral vestment serves as an instrument of feelings, sensations and a mirror of Buddhi. (2) This is the mechanism of feelings and sensations in everyone of people. But he's just starting to obey control on the part of the person himself when the second initiation can be taken. (3) Astral imagination usually brings great amount energy into the creative act. The more developed a person is, the less this happens.

How long will it be before the Masters of Wisdom appear in women's bodies, once our evolution is accelerated by the presence of Christ in our world? (March 1996)

Why is the existence of the Spiritual Hierarchy mentioned only in the esoteric teachings of the West, but not in the teachings of all the great sages and avatars of India (Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo, Premananda, Sai Baba)? (December 1995)

Because it was in the West that knowledge of the existence of great spiritual Teachers was lost. In addition, avatars are not members of the Spiritual Hierarchy of our planet. They come to our planet “from outside”.

The Masters of Wisdom concerned with the Western world are members of the Trans-Himalayan Lodge. Unlike the members of the separate South Indian Lodge, the Masters of the Trans-Himalayan Lodge do not work openly, and therefore teaching about Them is necessary.

Spiritual hierarchy can also be built on the nine beatitudes (Matthew).

One of the teachers of the Catholic Church, the medieval scholastic, mystical philosopher Bonaventure (1217-1274), who also leaned toward Neoplatonism, is the author of “The Soul’s Guide to God.” This treatise describes the path spiritual enlightenment along six steps of the spiritual hierarchy - from the world of slavery to the world of freedom:

  1. The created world, where God is known through expression in nature.
  2. Knowing the harmony of all things.
  3. Seeing God in your soul.
  4. Transformation of the soul.
  5. Contemplation of the glory of God.
  6. Merging of the soul with God.

In Islam

In Islam there is no generally accepted hierarchy of angels, following the example of the three angelic faces and nine ranks outlined by Christian theologians. This is not considered important since there is no direct instruction about it in the Qur'an. Be that as it may, there is a certain angelic hierarchy, determined by the various works that Allah entrusts to the angels.

Angels in Islam are divided into several classes, each of which performs its own task. The four main angels - Archangels Jabrail, Mikail, Israfil and Azrael are the prophets of angels.
Human prophets are superior to angelic prophets. At the same time, prophet-angels are higher than ordinary people. But simple people, leading a righteous lifestyle, firmly following the instructions of the Koran and Sunnah, in turn, are higher than ordinary angels.

In Hinduism

Hierarchy in Hinduism is represented by a pantheon of gods and rishis.

In philosophy

In the philosophy of Plato and the Neoplatonists

The Great Chain of Being

  • abundance- the universe is abundant, showing the maximum diversity of types of beings (lives);
  • continuity(integrity) - the universe is made up of countless rows of forms, each of which shares at least one characteristic feature with the neighboring form in the row;
  • gradation- rows of forms are arranged in hierarchical order from the smallest life to God.

The great chain of being was also considered by Descartes (1596-1650), Spinoza (1632-77), Leibniz (1646-1716).

Other philosophers

Hierarchy, as a principle of the unity of the universe, was considered by Confucius, Leibniz, Gnostics, and Russian cosmists.

The French thinker and researcher of esotericism Rene Guenon (1886-1951) believed that there is power granted from above, approved by a spiritual hierarchy that does not take part in the life of society, but guides it through incomprehensible but effective means.

In occultism

The Occult Hierarchy, which governs, teaches and directs the worlds, is an Order with many degrees, each having its own numerous duties, performed in perfect harmony; These duties relate to the implementation of one or another part of the plan of the Logos of our world system.<..>Their ["Masters of Wisdom and Compassion"] business is to direct evolution, to form races, to guide these races and distribute them among the various continents prepared for their life, to carry out laws that cause the rise and fall of peoples, empires and civilizations.<..>At the head of the department of Teachers is the “Enlightened One”, Buddha,<..>This Supreme Teacher is that ever-living Being who overshadows and inspires all the world's religions, who founds them as needed for the guidance of humanity and who, with the help of his Helpers from among the Adepts, governs every religion as far as is possible in the ignorance and stubbornness of people.

In the books of Alice Bailey

The Spiritual Hierarchy of our planet (the invisible Church of Christ) is not a center of peace, but a whirlpool of loving activity, a meeting place of energies coming from the center of the divine will and from humanity, the center of the divine intellect.

In her works, Alice Bailey described the Spiritual Hierarchy, headed by Christ (Maitreya), and one of the main goals of which is to prepare humanity for New Appearance of Christ. The hierarchy exists “for the sake of service and active work” and is engaged in the opening of the consciousness of people and their spiritual realization.

In Agni Yoga

The cosmology of Agni Yoga represents the Universe as a multitude of worlds in which life exists at different stages of development of consciousness, and three main planes of existence are distinguished:

  1. World Dense (physical),
  2. The Subtle World (astral),
  3. Fiery World (mental-spiritual).

In agni yoga, it is believed that there is a “Hierarchy of Light” (united “High Spirits”), thanks to the efforts of which human beings striving in spirit are improved, expanding and purifying their consciousness.

In modern esoteric teachings

One of the modern esoteric dictionaries defines hierarchy as “Spiritual power of the Higher World protecting our planet."

Drunvalo Melchizedek believes that above all levels of life and "higher selves" is what is called the Spiritual Hierarchy, which he describes as consisting of "beings who have accepted responsibility for the organization and operation of the government of the Universe."

When Princess Marya entered the room, Prince Vasily and his son were already in the living room, talking with the little princess and m lle Bourienne. When she entered with her heavy gait, stepping on her heels, the men and m lle Bourienne rose, and the little princess, pointing to her to the men, said: Voila Marie! [Here is Marie!] Princess Marya saw everyone and saw them in detail. She saw the face of Prince Vasily, who stopped seriously for a moment at the sight of the princess and immediately smiled, and the face of the little princess, who read with curiosity on the faces of the guests the impression that Marie would make on them. She also saw M lle Bourienne with her ribbon and beautiful face and her gaze, more animated than ever, fixed on him; but she could not see him, she only saw something large, bright and beautiful, moving towards her when she entered the room. First, Prince Vasily approached her, and she kissed the bald head bending over her hand, and answered his words that she, on the contrary, remembered him very well. Then Anatole approached her. She still hasn't seen him. She only felt a gentle hand take her firmly and lightly touched her white forehead, over which were anointed beautiful Brown hair. When she looked at him, his beauty struck her. Anatop, having laid thumb with his right hand behind the buttoned button of his uniform, with his chest arched forward and his back arched back, shaking one outstretched leg and slightly bowing his head, silently, cheerfully looking at the princess, apparently not thinking about her at all. Anatole was not resourceful, not quick and not eloquent in conversations, but he had the ability of calm and unchangeable confidence, precious for the world. If a person who is not self-confident is silent at the first acquaintance and shows an awareness of the indecency of this silence and a desire to find something, and it will not be good; but Anatole was silent, shaking his leg, cheerfully observing the princess’s hairstyle. It was clear that he could remain silent so calmly for a very long time. “If anyone finds this silence awkward, then talk, but I don’t want to,” his appearance seemed to say. In addition, in dealing with women, Anatole had that manner that most of all inspires curiosity, fear and even love in women - a manner of contemptuous consciousness of his superiority. It was as if he was telling them with his appearance: “I know you, I know you, but why bother with you? And you would be glad!” It may be that he did not think this when meeting women (and it is even likely that he did not, because he did not think much at all), but that was his appearance and such a manner. The princess felt this and, as if wanting to show him that she did not dare think about keeping him busy, turned to the old prince. The conversation was general and lively, thanks to the little voice and the sponge with a mustache that rose above the white teeth of the little princess. She met Prince Vasily with that method of joking, which is often used by talkatively cheerful people and which consists in the fact that some long-established jokes and funny, partly not known to everyone, funny memories are assumed between the person who is being treated like that and oneself, then as there are no such memories, just as there were none between the little princess and Prince Vasily. Prince Vasily willingly succumbed to this tone; The little princess involved Anatole, whom she hardly knew, in this memory of funny incidents that had never happened. M lle Bourienne also shared these common memories, and even Princess Marya felt with pleasure that she was drawn into this cheerful memory.
“At least now we’ll make full use of you, dear prince,” said the little princess, in French, of course, to Prince Vasily, “it’s not like at our evenings at Annette’s, where you always run away; remember cette chere Annette? [dear Annette?]
- Oh, you can’t talk to me about politics like Annette!
– What about our tea table?
- Oh yeah!
- Why have you never been to Annette? – the little princess asked Anatole. “And I know, I know,” she said with a wink, “your brother Ippolit told me about your affairs.” - ABOUT! “She shook her finger at him. - Even in Paris I know your pranks!
- And he, Hippolytus, didn’t tell you? - said Prince Vasily (turning to his son and grabbing the princess by the hand, as if she wanted to run away, and he barely had time to hold her), - but he didn’t tell you how he himself, Hippolyte, wasted away for the dear princess and how she le mettait a la porte? [kicked him out of the house?]
- Oh! C "est la perle des femmes, princesse! [Ah! this is the pearl of women, princess!] - he turned to the princess.
For her part, m lle Bourienne did not miss the opportunity, when she heard the word Paris, to also enter into a general conversation of memories. She allowed herself to ask how long ago Anatole left Paris, and how he liked this city. Anatole very willingly answered the Frenchwoman and, smiling, looking at her, talked to her about her fatherland. Having seen the pretty Bourienne, Anatole decided that here, in Bald Mountains, it would not be boring. “Very pretty! - he thought, looking at her, - this demoiselle de compagn is very pretty. [companion.] I hope she will take it with her when she marries me,” he thought, “la petite est gentille.” [little one is cute.]
The old prince was slowly dressing in his office, frowning and pondering what he should do. The arrival of these guests angered him. “What do I need Prince Vasily and his son? Prince Vasily is a braggart, empty, well, he must be a good son,” he grumbled to himself. He was angry that the arrival of these guests raised in his soul an unresolved, constantly suppressed question - a question about which the old prince always deceived himself. The question was whether he would ever decide to part with Princess Marya and give her to her husband. The prince never directly decided to ask himself this question, knowing in advance that he would answer fairly, and justice contradicted more than a feeling, but the entire possibility of his life. Life without Princess Marya was unthinkable for Prince Nikolai Andreevich, despite the fact that he seemed to value her little. “And why should she get married? - he thought, - probably to be unhappy. There's Lisa behind Andrey ( better than my husband now it seems difficult to find), but is she happy with her fate? And who will take her out of love? Dull, awkward. They'll take you for your connections, for your wealth. And don’t they live in girls? Even happier!” This is what Prince Nikolai Andreevich thought as he got dressed, and at the same time, the question that was being postponed demanded an immediate solution. Prince Vasily brought his son, obviously with the intention of making an offer and, probably, today or tomorrow he will demand a direct answer. The name and position in the world are decent. “Well, I’m not against it,” the prince said to himself, “but let him be worth it. That’s what we’ll see.”
“We’ll see about that,” he said out loud. - We'll see about that.
And he, as always, entered the living room with cheerful steps, quickly looked around everyone, noticed the change in the little princess’s dress, and Bourienne’s ribbon, and Princess Marya’s ugly hairstyle, and the smiles of Bourienne and Anatole, and the loneliness of his princess in the general conversation. “I got out like a fool! – he thought, looking angrily at his daughter. “There’s no shame: but he doesn’t even want to know her!”
He approached Prince Vasily.
- Well, hello, hello; glad to see you.
“For my dear friend, seven miles is not a suburb,” Prince Vasily spoke, as always, quickly, self-confidently and familiarly. - Here is my second one, please love and favor.
Prince Nikolai Andreevich looked at Anatoly. - Well done, well done! - he said, - well, go ahead and kiss him, - and he offered him his cheek.
Anatole kissed the old man and looked at him curiously and completely calmly, waiting to see if the eccentric thing his father had promised would soon happen from him.
Prince Nikolai Andreevich sat down in his usual place in the corner of the sofa, pulled an armchair towards him for Prince Vasily, pointed to it and began asking about political affairs and news. He listened as if with attention to Prince Vasily’s story, but constantly glanced at Princess Marya.
– So they’re writing from Potsdam? - He repeated the last words of Prince Vasily and suddenly stood up and approached his daughter.
- You cleaned up like that for the guests, huh? - he said. - Good, very good. In front of guests, you have a new hairstyle, and in front of guests, I tell you that in the future, don’t you dare change your clothes without my asking.
“It’s me, mon pire, [father,] who is to blame,” the little princess interceded, blushing.
“You have complete freedom,” said Prince Nikolai Andreevich, shuffling in front of his daughter-in-law, “but she has no reason to disfigure herself - she’s so bad.”
And he sat down again, no longer paying attention to his daughter, who was brought to tears.
“On the contrary, this hairstyle suits the princess very well,” said Prince Vasily.
- Well, father, young prince, what is his name? - said Prince Nikolai Andreevich, turning to Anatoly, - come here, let’s talk, let’s get to know each other.
“This is when the fun begins,” thought Anatole and sat down next to the old prince with a smile.
- Well, here's the thing: you, my dear, they say, were brought up abroad. Not the way the sexton taught me and your father to read and write. Tell me, my dear, are you now serving in the Horse Guards? - asked the old man, looking closely and intently at Anatole.
“No, I joined the army,” answered Anatole, barely restraining himself from laughing.
- A! good deal. Well, do you want, my dear, to serve the Tsar and the Fatherland? It's war time. Such a young man must serve, he must serve. Well, at the front?
- No, prince. Our regiment set out. And I'm listed. What do I have to do with it, dad? – Anatole turned to his father with a laugh.
- He serves well, well. What do I have to do with it! Ha ha ha! – Prince Nikolai Andreevich laughed.
And Anatole laughed even louder. Suddenly Prince Nikolai Andreevich frowned.
“Well, go,” he said to Anatoly.
Anatole approached the ladies again with a smile.
– After all, you raised them there abroad, Prince Vasily? A? - the old prince turned to Prince Vasily.
– I did what I could; and I will tell you that the education there is much better than ours.
- Yes, everything is different now, everything is new. Well done little guy! Well done! Well, let's go to my place.
He took Prince Vasily by the arm and led him into the office.
Prince Vasily, left alone with the prince, immediately announced to him his desire and hopes.
“What do you think,” said the old prince angrily, “that I’m holding her and can’t part with her?” Imagine! – he said angrily. - At least tomorrow for me! I’ll just tell you that I want to know my son-in-law better. You know my rules: everything is open! I’ll ask you tomorrow: she wants it, then let him live. Let him live, I'll see. - The prince snorted.
“Let him come out, I don’t care,” he shouted in that shrill voice with which he shouted when saying goodbye to his son.
“I’ll tell you straight,” said Prince Vasily in the tone of a cunning man, convinced of the needlessness of being cunning in front of the insight of his interlocutor. – You see right through people. Anatole is not a genius, but an honest, kind fellow, a wonderful son and dear one.
- Well, well, okay, we'll see.
As always happens for single women who have lived for a long time without male society, when Anatole appeared, all three women in the house of Prince Nikolai Andreevich equally felt that their life had not been life before that time. The power to think, feel, and observe instantly increased tenfold in all of them, and as if it had hitherto been happening in darkness, their lives were suddenly illuminated with a new light, full of meaning.
Princess Marya did not think or remember at all about her face and hairstyle. The handsome, open face of the man who might be her husband absorbed all her attention. He seemed to her kind, brave, decisive, courageous and generous. She was convinced of it. Thousands of dreams about the future family life constantly appeared in her imagination. She drove them away and tried to hide them.
“But am I too cold with him? - thought Princess Marya. “I try to restrain myself, because deep down I feel too close to him; but he doesn’t know everything that I think about him, and he can imagine that he is unpleasant to me.”
And Princess Marya tried and failed to be polite to the new guest. “La pauvre fille! Elle est diablement laide,” [Poor girl, she’s devilishly ugly,] Anatole thought about her.
M lle Bourienne, also raised to a high degree of excitement by Anatole's arrival, thought in a different way. Of course, a beautiful young girl without a certain position in the world, without relatives and friends and even a homeland, did not think of devoting her life to the services of Prince Nikolai Andreevich, reading books to him and friendship with Princess Marya. M lle Bourienne has long been waiting for that Russian prince who will immediately be able to appreciate her superiority over the Russian, bad, poorly dressed, awkward princesses, fall in love with her and take her away; and this Russian prince finally arrived. M lle Bourienne had a story that she heard from her aunt, completed by herself, which she loved to repeat in her imagination. It was a story about how a seduced girl introduced herself to her poor mother, sa pauvre mere, and reproached her for giving herself to a man without marriage. M lle Bourienne was often moved to tears, telling him, the seducer, this story in her imagination. Now this he, a real Russian prince, has appeared. He will take her away, then ma pauvre mere will appear, and he will marry her. This is how her entire future story took shape in M ​​lle Bourienne’s head, while she was talking to him about Paris. It was not calculations that guided m lle Bourienne (she didn’t even think for a minute about what she should do), but all this had been ready in her for a long time and was now only grouped around the appearance of Anatole, whom she wanted and tried to please as much as possible.

Spiritual Hierarchy. Channeling VIII.

Per. from English V. Tsiple. - K.: “Sofia”, 1999. - 160 p.

18VK -5

The eighth collection from the popular “Channeling” series includes materials dedicated to the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Earth and Cosmos: Ascended Teachers and Chohans, Elohim and Archangels, the Order of Melchizedek and the Ashtar Team, Manu and Logoi - what is behind these names? What roles do they play in the life of the Universe and what roles can they play in the life of every earthling? These questions are answered by Master Djwhal Khul (who previously transmitted the book series through Alice Bailey) and Vivamus - the highest aspect of the living being embodied on our planet Earth. But even more questions should arise for the serious reader. So this book is not a final answer, but rather an invitation to reflection and broad discussion about the paths of human evolution in the New Era.


MILLENNIUM (Foreword by the compiler)................... 7

MONAD, SOUL AND PERSONALITY (Djwhal Khul)............. 11

MONAD................................................. ........................................................ .......... AND

SOUL................................................. ........................................................ ............... 12

HOW THE SOUL ACQUIRES A BODY.. ,......:.................................... ........................... 15

OLD SOULS.................... ;......"........ ............................................... 16

CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SOUL.................................................... ............................... 16

LIGHT OF THE SOUL................................................... ........................................................ ...... 16

SOULHIERARCHY.................................................... ........................................... 16

EARLY STAGES OF EVOLUTION OF EMBODIED PERSONALITIES.................................... 17

SPIRITUAL TRIAD................................................... ......................................... 18

SOUL AND MONAD.................................................... .............................................. 18

ANTAHKARANA................................................... ................................................. 19

THE SOUL ON ITS OWN PLANE OF EXISTENCE.................................... 19

THE SOUL AND ASHRAM OF THE TEACHER.................................................... ................................ 20

SOUL AND DIVINE WILL.................................................... ....................... 20

SOUL AND DARK FORCES.................................................... .................................... 21

ALIGNMENT OF THE SOUL AND PERSONALITY.................................................... ............ 21

THE PATH OF PROMOTION OF THE SOUL.................................................... ............................... 22

SOUL AND DISCIPLESHIP.................................................... .................................... 23

SPIRITUAL IMPRESSIONS FROM THE INNER PLAN.................................... 23

SUTRATMA................................................... ........................................................ ....... 23


THE TWELVE RAYS (Djual Khul)................................... 25

RAYS OF ASPECT AND RAYS OF ATTRIBUTE.................................................... ............... 25


CREATURES......................................................... ........................................................ ....... 26

GENERAL ANALYSIS OF TWELVE RAYS.................................................... .......... 29

HOW TO USE THE RAYS.................................................... ........................... 43

RAYS AND THEIR CORRESPONDING PROFESSIONS..................................................... 45

CONNECTION OF RAYS WITH CHAKRAS.................................................... ................................... 46

RAYS THAT INFLUENCE HUMANITY.................................... 46

RAYS AND SOLAR SYSTEM.................................................... ........................ 47

RAYS AND PLANETS.................................................... ..................... ,........................ 48

MANIFESTED AND UNMANIFESTED RAYS.................................................................... .... 48


OF HUMANITY................................................... ................................................... 49

FIVE GROUPS OF SOULS.................................................... ............................................... 50

A BRIEF OVERVIEW OF THE TWELVE RAYS.................................................... .......... 51


HIERARCHIES (Djwhal Khul).................................................. .... 52

HISTORY OF KRISHNAMURTI.................................................... ........................... 54

THE GREAT CALL................................................... ........................................... 55

LORD MAITREYA................................................... ........................................ 62

EVEN MORE EXTRAORDINARY EVENTS.................................................................... .64

EXTERNALIZATION OF THE SPIRITUAL HIERARCHY.................................................... .65

EVOLUTION OF HUMANITY.................................................... ........................... 66

CHRIST COMES IN THREE WAYS.................................................... ............. 67

THREE HIGHEST ENTITIES ON THE PLANET.................................................... .......... 67

A NEW GROUP OF WORLD SERVANTS.................................................................... ....... 67

MISSION OF TEACHERS................................................... ........................................... 68


RESULTS........................................................ ........................................................ ................ 70

TRAINING OF SANATAKUMARA (Vivamus)............................ 72

SANATKUMARA................................................... ........................................................ 73

FINAL TRANSITION TO EARTH.................................................... ......... 79


MANU: FIRST RAY.................................................... ............................................... 86

WORLD TEACHER, CHRIST: SECOND RAY.................................................... .... 87

MAHACHOHAN, LORD OF CIVILIZATION: THIRD RAY.................................... 88

FOURTH RAY AND FOURTH SECTION.................................................... ............ 91

THE FIFTH RAY AND THE FIFTH DIVISION.................................................... ........................... 92

SIXTH RAY and SIXTH DIVISION.................................................... ......................... 93

SEVENTH RAY AND SEVENTH DIVISION.................................................... .................... 94

GOD AND THE COSMIC HIERARCHY (DjualKhul).......... 97

PLANETARY HIERARCHY.................................................... ................................ 97

INTRODUCTION TO ESOTERIC COSMOLOGY.................................................... 99

METATRON................................................... ........................................................ ....


(Vivamus)......................................................... ...........................

VIVAMUS......................................................... ........................................................ ......

MELCHIZEDEK................................................... ...................................................

ADONIS................................................. ........................................................ ......

TLANTO................................................... ........................................................ .........

AVERRAN......................................................... ........................................................ .......

RESULTS........................................................ ........................................................ ............

BECOME PART OF THE WHOLE (Atlanto).........................


VIEW YOURSELF AS LIGHT (Sandalphone)....

Meditation................................................. ........................................................ ......

MELCHIZEDEK PRIESTHOOD....................................



SHILD - SHARUL AND EARLINE CHENEY.................................................... ........

COSMIC ORDER OF MELCHIZEDEK.................................................... ......

SOLARA AND THE ORDER OF MELCHIZEDEK.................................................... ................

DRUNVALO MELCHIZEDEK.................................................... ............................

TEAM ......................................................... ........


(Foreword by the compiler)

E that collection "Channeling" We decided to dedicate the eighth one to the Spiritual Hierarchy, since recently a lot of interesting new information about this has appeared in the world. This collection, like all our previous ones, does not pretend to provide complete and comprehensive coverage of the topic. Our task is to provide the reader with fresh information. After all, the first book, which explained the tasks and structure of the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Earth, was written in 1922. This "Human and solar dedication" dictated by Master Djwhal Khul and transcribed by Alice Bailey. Many years have passed since then. Much has changed - both in the Hierarchy and in humanity. And it’s time to start thinking about these changes. Moreover, the same Teacher calls for this!

For those readers to whom his name does not yet mean anything (and this is an unforgivable omission that urgently needs to be made up for), here is a short explanation.

Djwhal Khul, or D.K., or Tibetan Teacher, or simply Tibetan, is an Ascended Teacher whose main task is to teach esoteric teaching.

IN last life on the physical plane of the Earth, Djwhal Khul was the abbot of a small lamaistic monastery in Tibet, not far from Shigatse. At the same time, he helped the two, as they were then called, a lot, Mahatmam- El Morya and Kuthumi Lal Singh.

In one of his past lives, he was a student of Pythagoras (who at that time was the Ascended Master Kuthumi). Djwhal Khul

was also one of the three wise men who came to worship the newborn Jesus. Then his name was Kaspar. The other two wise men were El Morya (Melchior) and Kuthumi (Balthazar). The Tibetan has always been a devoted student, helper and messenger of these two great beings. At the end of the nineteenth century he prepared much material for and personally dictated significant portions of it to her by channeling. "The Secret Doctrine".

Master Djwhal Khul

Upon his ascension, Djwhal Khul chose the Path to Sirius, one of the seven paths of higher evolution that will be discussed in this book. Sanat Kumara (Planetary Logos of the Earth) asked D.K. to refrain from going to Sirius and to help him in a certain line of service on the earthly plane that he was developing at that moment. Djwhal Khul agreed to Sanat Kumara's request and remained on Earth. The Ascended Morya and Kuthumi had their own high positions in the Spiritual Hierarchy of the planet. The Tibetan was to head a special training center - the Synthesis Ashram - and acquaint the public consciousness of humanity with the fact of the existence and directions of activity of the Spiritual Hierarchy.

Work with Blavatsky was only a preparatory (1875-1890) stage of his mission. The intermediate stage (1919-1949) was a collaboration with the Englishwoman Alice Bailey, through whom he donated 24 books*. Final stage work, as promised by Djwhal Khul, will begin after 1975. The teaching "will be spread worldwide by radio."

This was written in the early 40s, when even television had not yet been invented, not to mention worldwide computer network. So the word “radio” should not be taken in the literal sense, but as a symbol of future inventions of mankind in the field of information technology.

In the late 70s and early 80s, Djwhal Khul began to make contact with new disciples around the world. These are Janet McClure, Dorothy Roeder, Peter Craig and many, many others. They began to disseminate the next part of the teaching not only through books, but also through audio recordings and videos, CDs and the Internet. Information given decades ago through Helena Blavatsky and Alice Bailey has been refined and expanded. For example, there are no longer seven cosmic rays in the Djwhal Khul system, but twelve!

Now that the Tibetan is “broadcasting” not through one but through many channels, the information transmitted becomes more easily accessible, but also requires more careful cross-checking. In this book we have collected some modern materials from Djwhal Khul, which, in our opinion, do not contradict the classical materials of previous decades, but develop and complement them. In addition, the collection includes materials dictated by Vivamu - the highest aspect of Sanat Kumara, the Planetary Logos of planet Earth. Messages from Vivamus have already been included in collections "Channeling". This volume places Vivamus in the general perspective of the Spiritual Hierarchy. Vivamus, Mahatma and other high Hierarchs who were actively involved in the spiritual process on Earth relatively recently, they are working in close contact with Djwhal Khul and other Ascended Teachers, whose names have long been known to people - El Mori, Kuthumi, Saint Germain, Maitreya...

* See more about this: DjualKhul. My work / Ascended Masters. Channeling Sh.

K.: “Sofia”, 1998, p. 163-175.

This collection also includes some interesting information about the Order of Melchizedek and the Ashtar Command, hierarchical structures about which people knew little or nothing at the time of Blavatsky and Bailey.

A lot of interesting and fairly recent information about the Spiritual Hierarchy is contained in the publications of the “I AM” tradition. These are messages from the Ascended Masters, transmitted through the Ballard spouses, the Prophet spouses and several others messengers. We did not include materials from this tradition in this collection, since Prophet’s books are now being published quite actively in Russian, and we intend to dedicate a separate collection to the Ballards. In this volume, we decided to “give the floor” to Djwhal Khul and Vyvamus.

We hope that all these materials will give our readers food for thought, reasoning and independent research. Moreover, all the Ascended Teachers and other Hierarchs discussed below are now more open than ever for group and individual contact. And more than ever they need our understanding and assistance. Because they are us in the future. And now is the time for us to take the next step on this endless path.


Djwhal Khul


IN in the beginning, the incomprehensible Great Source created what in esoteric teachings is called monads- individual pieces of Yourself. The greatest secret of Creation is that these particles of the Great Source, being individual, at the same time do not differ from the Source Itself, just as sparks do not differ from the fire that gave birth to them, and waves do not differ from the ocean. The Monad is what in metaphysics is called the “I AM Presence,” or spirit. This is the core of every individual living being, his Divine Self.

A person is born on Earth in the final (or rather, in initial) ultimately because his monad, or spiritual spark, possessing free will, decided to gain experience of being in a denser world than the world of the Great Source. With the power of its consciousness the monad created twelve shower. You can imagine it as a flame releasing twelve tongues of fire. At the end of each tongue is a separate soul. Each soul is a representative of the monad that created it, a kind of “branch” of the main institution. The soul is the Higher Self of a person, his superconscious mind.

So, the Source created an infinite number of monads, or spiritual sparks, and then each monad created twelve souls to gain experience of being on the denser planes of the universe. But the formation of souls from the monad is only the first stage of this process. Each soul, wanting to gain experience of life in an even denser material universe, created twelve personalities, or expansions of the soul,.who embodied on the densest plane of existence. Every person on Earth is an extension of the soul, just as every soul is an extension of a greater consciousness - the monad. And each monad is an expansion of an even greater consciousness - God, the Source of the entire universe.

Thus, every person on Earth has a "soul family" - eleven other extensions of the same soul. These eleven expansions can be embodied both on Earth and on other planets infinite universe. Some of them at any given moment may not be embodied on the physical plane, being on more subtle planes of existence.

In addition, each person is part of a “monadic family”, which, as can easily be counted, has 144 members.

There are 60 billion monads operating in the earth's planetary system. If we multiply this number by 144, we get the number of soul extensions, or personalities, participating in the process of evolution on Earth.


There are many ways to define and understand the soul. To begin with, for example, we can say that soul- is an intermediary between the embodied personality on the ground and monad, or in spirit in heaven. For all human incarnations, up to the fourth initiation, the soul serves as the mentor and teacher of the personality. However, at the fourth initiation, the soul body, or causal body, is mystically burned up and the soul returns above to the monad, and its purpose and function for all the many reincarnations throughout the ages is completed. The Monad, or spirit, now becomes the guide and teacher of the soul.

Matter is the vehicle for the expression of the soul on the physical plane, just as on a higher plane the soul is the vehicle for the expression of the spirit. The soul is neither spirit nor matter: it is attitude between the two of them. She is the link between God and form. Soul is one of the names aspect of Christ.

The soul is also that quality which every form exhibits. It is that elusive quality that distinguishes one element from another. In the plant world, it determines whether a flower or a carrot will emerge from the ground. The soul performs the same function in the animal world. Everything that was created has a soul. The conscious soul of man is interconnected with the souls of all things. It is an integral part of the universal soul.

Process contact with the soul starts when aspiring receives emotional impressions for the first time; and then the soul is allowed more and more to take control of the threefold personality. Finally, complete identification with the soul is achieved at the third initiation, which is called merging with the soul.

It is interesting that the soul, or Higher Self, does not really pay much attention to the embodied personality until the embodied personality begins to pay attention to spiritual issues. The soul is busy with meditation and other matters of service. But once the embodied personality begins to show interest, the soul begins to play a very active role. The same can be said about the relationship between the soul and the monad. The Monad does not pay much attention to the soul until the moment of the third initiation, when monadic contact begins to arise.

Soul can be defined as the attractive force of the created physical universe that holds all forms together so that God can manifest and express Himself through them. The physical, emotional and mental bodies that make up the personality are a kind of “garment” of the soul. In the process of spiritual evolution they become the robes of the monad.

The soul can be described as the child of Father God and Mother Earth who came to Earth to reveal the nature of God, who is love. The soul can also be described as the principle of intelligence that inhabits all forms. In the human kingdom, this principle manifests itself as thinking, with the capacity for analysis, discrimination and self-awareness.

The soul, or the Higher Self, like the personality, is constantly evolving, that is, it is in the process of learning and growth. Not all souls are at the same level of evolution. One of the main factors determining the course of soul evolution is that the twelve soul extensions do in their material incarnations.

Some believe that the soul is perfect. This is wrong. She has evolved much higher than embodied personalities, but she also evolves further. The same can be said about the monad - it evolves on its own plane. Not all monads are at the same level of evolution. Some of them have evolved higher than others. This, again, largely depends on what twelve of them managed to do shower and one hundred forty four soul expansions in their material incarnations. What is important here is that people personalities their souls and monads depend on their guidance, just as their monad and soul depend on them.

Job aspiring is to learn to view oneself as a soul, and later, in the process of Initiation, to see oneself as a monad, spirit, or God in embodiment. To fully realize this, it is extremely important to learn to see this in others. What we see in others is really just a mirror image of what we see in others. we see in ourselves e.


The soul takes possession of the physical, emotional and mental bodies (which make up the personality) gradually, over a slow and long process. The soul enters the body immediately before birth or the phase after it. Typically, between four and seven years of age, the soul makes contact with the child's physical brain. The soul takes possession of the astral body approximately between the ages of 21 and 25. Soul contact usually occurs between 35 and 42 years of age. The potential for contact with the monad begins after the soul has undergone the third initiation. This process, however, can be somewhat accelerated.


All monads, or individual spiritual sparks, were created “in the beginning,” at one and the same moment. In this sense, all monads have the same age. The term "old soul" refers to how many lives the soul has lived in earthly or material incarnation. The average soul on Earth, with all its twelve personalities, or soul extensions, has lived about two thousand lives. Older souls lived 2500 and even 3000 lives.


Unconditional love, self-sufficiency, joy, happiness, divine indifference, impersonality, detachment, freedom, serenity, inner peace, responsibility, wisdom and intuition - these are the characteristics of the soul.


The Teacher's attention is drawn to the embodied personality by the radiance of that Light that resides in this individual. When the Light reaches a certain intensity, the aura reaches a certain shade, and the general vibration reaches a special frequency, then the Teacher comes. In choosing a student, the Teacher is guided by karma, past connections, as well as the ray on which the embodied personality is located.


The Spiritual Hierarchy is basically the world of souls. In relation to the soul, there are three types of hierarchical workers:

1. Souls: those initiates who have taken the fourth initiation

and in whom is the body of the soul, or causal. the body is already destroyed. They are the guardians of the Plan.

2. Personalities under the influence of the soul: those disciples and initiates of the first

three initiations through which souls work towards the realization of the Plan.

3. Intelligent Aspirants: Those who are not yet under the influence of the soul, yet recognize the Divine Plan and strive to help the welfare of others.


The earliest state of evolution is the opening of the line of communication between personality and soul, so that the soul can increasingly assert itself through that personality. The expansion of the soul (personality) develops more and more, and finally the soul gains the ability to completely dominate and controls the personality so much that it will no longer have thoughts and will separate from it.

An ordinary earthly person has practically no connection with the soul. This is partly why people do such terrible things. They have no connection with the soul, so they are controlled by the personality, or negative ego*. They are cut off from intuition, from conscience, from the will to goodness and love that the soul contains. And just as the evolution of the personality consists in learning to express only the soul, so the evolution of the soul consists in learning to express only the monad. The undeveloped extension of the soul, or embodied personality, forgets this connection with his soul and feels himself to be a completely separate and independent individual.


The positive ego, or simply Ego in Djwhal Khul terminology, is the same as the Higher Self, or soul.

The soul is caught up in a whirlpool of activity on its own plane. If one wishes to attract its attention, he must show the soul that he can make his personality useful to it. The soul knows that certain stages of its evolution can only be accomplished through its personalities on Earth. If we look at many of the personalities here on Earth, we will see such extensions of the soul, whose astral bodies are filled with negative emotions, and whose mental bodies are only interested in money, power, pleasure and entertainment. It is not difficult to see that the soul may not be interested in them, but will turn its attention to one of the eleven other extensions of it.

The soul on its plane is so expansive that it is impossible for it to fully manifest itself through just one of its expansions. In the same way, the monad on its plane is not able to fully manifest itself through only one soul.


The spiritual triad is the threefold spirit through which the monad expresses itself. The threefold spirit includes spiritual will, intuition and higher intelligence. The Monad expresses itself through these principles in the same way that the soul expresses itself through the lower spiritual triad of the threefold personality - the physical, emotional and mental bodies.


The student must learn to control and train his thinking in order to receive messages from three sources:

1. From the ordinary material world.

2. From the heart, thus consciously becoming a student, a worker in one of the Teacher’s ashrams.

3. From the spiritual triad (spiritual will, intuition, higher mind), which acts as an intermediary between the monad and the brain of the embodied personality on Earth. This is because at the third initiation the personality and soul are fused so that guidance can now come from the spiritual triad and monad. Duality replaces triplicity (soul expansion - soul - monad), making a higher level of leadership possible.


At the fourth initiation construction is completed antahkaranas, a bridge connecting personality, soul and monad. After the completion of the antahkarana, the causal body burns out and the soul merges with the monad.


The soul on its own plane consciously carries out its relationship with the Master and strives to communicate this awareness to the embodied personality. Time and space for the soul are not a hindrance. At the soul level, time and space do not exist in such a linear sense as they do here on Earth. On its own plane the soul also has relationships with other souls, usually on the same ray. (Concept beam will be discussed in detail in the next chapter.) The soul works on group formation and group consciousness. Group consciousness is something that the soul especially wants to see on the physical plane as well. This will occur when most of the soul expansions on this plane have taken their third initiation.

From the point of view of the Teacher, the greatest interest is the ability of the soul to control its instrument - the embodied personality - and carry out its work through it.


Many of the Ascended Masters have ashrams on the inner planes. An Ashram is an international group consisting of souls who are both in and out of incarnations. The ashram includes initiates of various levels, as well as accepted disciples. In the Master's group one can meet many people, but the members of the ashram are the chosen ones from this group. In the ashram there is only what is from the heart. Nothing from the personality (lower self) is allowed there.

Thus, the ashram is fundamentally formed from those who, through their devotion to the path, have opened themselves up from the general group to the inner center, which is the ashram. Ashrams are groups of souls brought together for the purpose of service.

The most important thing for the student is to make the nature of his life such that it contributes to the achievement of the goals of the group, so that it increases the strength of the group and thereby brings closer the achievement of the goal for which the group is formed. The student must also try to be useful in carrying out the Teacher's plans.


When the force of attraction of matter fades away and desires are overcome, the force of attraction of the soul becomes dominant. The importance of the individual is replaced by the supreme importance of group goals and efforts. The force of attraction of the soul now also coincides with the attraction of the Spiritual Hierarchy and the work of the Ascended Masters. When such a change of polarity occurs, then the influence of the dynamic force of the "will aspect of the Deity" comes into play and is clearly felt.


Dark brothers are those souls who got lost and chose left hand path instead of right hand paths, that is, the path of serving one’s self instead of serving God and the unity of all things.

The dark brother views other people not as kindred spirits, but as objects of exploitation that serve to achieve his selfish goals. He doesn't care if he causes them suffering or pain. The task of everyone else is to protect themselves from such lost souls - both on the physical plane and on the internal planes. The Laws of Karma will eventually overtake them, and the pain and suffering they will go through will force them to seek the truth in the future.

Another very important point concerning the dark brothers is that if the embodied personality remains on such a false path for too long, he may bring upon himself destruction before the end of the manvantara, or great cycle of evolution. Somehow in this process the “physical permanent atom” is completely destroyed and the soul is deprived of contact with the Divine Self for zones of time.


Ideal for the embodied personality would be level, or harmonize all three of your bodies (physical, emotional and mental) with the Higher “I”, with the soul. When is this leveling achieved, the mental body will be calm and peaceful, the emotional body will be stable, even, joyful, and the physical body will be healthy, with good, even energy throughout the day. For the student there is also more high degree alignment. It is as follows:

1. Alignment of the soul and personality with the corresponding ashram, as a result of which a conscious relationship is established with the Teacher of the ashram.

2. The alignment of the higher-level initiate with his spiritual triad (spiritual will, intuition, and higher consciousness), resulting in conscious recognition of monadic energy.

3. Alignment of all chakras in ethereal body student.


The development of the embodied personality, which she can achieve in the time of life allotted to her, has practically no limit. It depends entirely on her ability to be in a state of concentration and discipline, to be unconditionally devoted to the spiritual ideal. Very often soul expansions make great progress also due to what they have already achieved in previous lives.

While this growth may seem super-accelerated to some, even they are just preparing for the next period of slow, gradual, and diligent growth. This gradual and often labor-intensive effort is an effective method for all walkers on the spiritual path, regardless of their level of spiritual evolution. There are no workarounds here. Minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day we move towards achieving our goal. And very often the most important thing here will be such a little thing as a smile, a friendly hug or a hand extended to help.


There are three main goals to which the student must be devoted above all else:

1. Service to humanity.

2. Cooperation with the Plan of the Great Ones.

3. Development of the powers of the soul and obedience to the soul, and not to the three lower bodies

and negative ego.



There are four sources of spiritual impressions of which the aspirant and disciple must be aware:

1. Impressions coming from the student’s own soul.

2. Impressions coming from the ashram to which the student is attached.

3. Impressions coming directly from the Teacher.

4. Impressions coming from the spiritual triad and monad through



Sutratma is the silver thread that descends from the monad and passes through the soul into the embodied expansion of the soul on Earth. The soul controls its form through the sutratma, also called the thread of life. The sutratma should not be confused with the antahkarana. Sutratma exists in people from birth. This is an energy line directed from monad to personality, that is top down. It is a kind of spiritual electrical wire that gives the personality energy and maintains life in the physical, emotional and mental bodies.

The Antahkarana is a kind of bridge that the personality must build Through meditation, study, spirituality and spiritual work. Although the personality receives help in this from the soul, and later from the monad, most of it must be done independently. Thus the antahkarana is directed down up.


Djwhal Khul

WITH The seven rays are the first and most fundamental manifestation of God. They contain the entire “palette” of His self-expression in manifested form. The seven rays represent the seven types of forces that demonstrate the seven qualities of God. These seven qualities have a sevenfold effect on matter and form in every corner of God's vast universe.

Spiritual Hierarchy. Channeling VIII.
Compiler of the series A. Kostenko
Per. from English V. Tsiple. - K.: “Sofia”, 1999. - 160 p.

Favorite Moments

Djwhal Khul


At first, the incomprehensible Great Source created what in esoteric teachings are called monads - individual particles of Itself. The greatest secret of Creation is that these particles of the Great Source, being individual, at the same time do not differ from the Source Itself, just as sparks do not differ from the fire that gave birth to them, and waves do not differ from the ocean. The Monad is what in metaphysics is called the “I-AM Presence” or spirit. This is the core of every individual living being, his Divine Self.
A person is born on Earth ultimately (or rather, initially) because his monad, or spiritual spark, possessing free will, decided to gain the experience of being in a denser world than the world of the Great Source. With the power of its consciousness, the monad created twelve souls. You can imagine it as a flame releasing twelve tongues of fire. At the end of each tongue is a separate soul. Each soul is a representative of the monad that created it, a kind of “branch” of the main institution. The soul is the Higher Self of a person, his superconscious mind.

So, the Source created an infinite number of monads, or spiritual sparks, and then each monad created twelve souls to gain experience of being on the denser planes of the universe. But the formation of souls from the monad is only the first stage of this process. Each soul, wanting to experience life in an even denser material universe, created twelve personalities, or soul extensions, which incarnated on the densest plane of existence. Every person on Earth is an extension of the soul, just as every soul is an extension of a greater consciousness - the monad. And each monad is an expansion of an even greater consciousness - God, the Source of the entire universe.
Thus, every person on Earth has a "soul family" - eleven other extensions of the same soul. These eleven expansions can be embodied both on Earth and on other planets of the infinite Universe. Some of them at any given moment may not be embodied on the physical plane, being on more subtle planes of existence.
In addition, each person is part of a “monadic family”, which, as can easily be counted, has 144 members.
There are 60 billion monads operating in the earth's planetary system. If we multiply this number by 144, we get the number of soul extensions, or personalities, participating in the process of evolution on Earth.


There are many ways to define and understand the soul. To begin with, for example, we can say that the soul is the intermediary between the incarnate personality on earth and the monad, or spirit, in heaven. For all human incarnations, up to the fourth initiation, the soul serves as the mentor and teacher of the personality. However, at the fourth initiation, the soul body, or causal body, is mystically burned up and the soul returns above into the monad, and its purpose and function for all the many reincarnations throughout the ages is completed. The Monad, or spirit, now becomes the guide and teacher of the soul.
Matter is the vehicle for the expression of the soul on the physical plane, just as on a higher plane the soul is the vehicle for the expression of the spirit. The soul is neither spirit nor matter: it is a relation between the two. She is the link between God and form. Soul is one of the names for the aspect of Christ.

The soul is also that quality which every form exhibits. It is that elusive quality that distinguishes one element from another. In the plant world, it determines whether a flower or a carrot will emerge from the ground. The soul performs the same function in the animal world. Everything that was created has a soul. The conscious soul of man is interconnected with the souls of all things. It is an integral part of the universal soul.
The process of soul contact begins when the aspirant first receives soul impressions; and then the soul is allowed more and more to take control of the threefold personality. Finally, complete identification with the soul is achieved at the third initiation, which is called soul fusion.
It is interesting that the soul, or Higher Self, does not really pay much attention to the embodied personality until the embodied personality begins to pay attention to spiritual issues. The soul is busy with meditation and other matters of service. But once the embodied personality begins to show interest, the soul begins to play a very active role. The same can be said about the relationship between the soul and the monad. The Monad does not pay much attention to the soul until the moment of the third initiation, when monadic contact begins to arise.
Soul can be defined as the attractive force of the created physical universe that holds all forms together so that God can manifest and express Himself through them. The physical, emotional and mental bodies that make up the personality are a kind of “garment” of the soul. In the process of spiritual evolution they become the robes of the monad.
The soul can be described as the child of Father God and Mother Earth who came to Earth to reveal the nature of God, who is love. The soul can also be described as the principle of intelligence that inhabits all forms. In the human kingdom, this principle manifests itself as thinking, with the capacity for analysis, discrimination and self-awareness.
The soul, or the Higher Self, like the personality, is constantly evolving, that is, it is in the process of learning and growth. Not all souls are at the same level of evolution. One of the main factors determining the course of soul evolution is what the twelve expansions of the soul do in their material incarnations.
Some believe that the soul is perfect. This is wrong.
She has evolved much higher than embodied personalities, but she also evolves further. The same can be said about the monad - it evolves on its own plane. Not all monads are at the same level of evolution. Some of them have evolved higher than others. This, again, largely depends
from what their twelve souls and one hundred and forty-four expansions of souls managed to do in their material incarnations. What is important here is that people as individuals depend on the guidance of their souls and monads, just as their monad and soul depend on them.
The work of the aspirant is to learn to regard himself as a soul, and later, in the process of Initiation, to see himself as a monad, spirit, or God in embodiment. To fully realize this, it is extremely important to learn to see this in others. What we see in others is really just a mirror image of what we see in ourselves.


The soul takes possession of the physical, emotional and mental bodies (which make up the personality) gradually, over a slow and long process. The soul enters the body immediately before birth or the phase after it. Typically, between four and seven years of age, the soul makes contact with the child's physical brain. The soul takes possession of the astral body approximately between the ages of 21 and 25. Soul contact usually occurs between 35 and 42 years of age. The potential for contact with the monad begins after the soul has undergone the third initiation. This process, however, can be somewhat accelerated.


All monads, or individual spiritual sparks, were created “in the beginning,” at one and the same moment. In this sense, all monads have the same age. The term "old soul" refers to how many lives the soul has lived in earthly or material incarnation. The average soul on Earth, with all its twelve personalities, or soul extensions, has lived about two thousand lives. Older souls lived 2500 and even 3000 lives.


Unconditional love, self-sufficiency, joy, happiness, divine indifference, impersonality, detachment, freedom, serenity, inner peace, responsibility, wisdom and intuition - these are the characteristics of the soul.


The Teacher's attention is drawn to the embodied personality by the radiance of that Light that resides in this individual. When the Light reaches a certain intensity, the aura - a certain shade, and the general vibration - a special frequency, then the Teacher comes. In choosing a student, the Teacher is guided by karma, past connections, as well as the ray on which the embodied personality is located.


The Spiritual Hierarchy is basically the world of souls. In relation to the soul, there are three types of hierarchical workers:
1. Souls: those initiates who have taken the fourth initiation
and in whom the body of the soul, or causal body, is already destroyed. They are the guardians of the Plan.
2. Personalities under the influence of the soul: those disciples and initiates of the first
three initiations through which souls work towards the realization of the Plan.
3. Intelligent Aspirants: Those who are not yet under the influence of the soul, yet recognize the Divine Plan and strive to help the welfare of others.


The earliest state of evolution is the opening of the line of communication between personality and soul, so that the soul can increasingly assert itself through that personality. The expansion of the soul (personality) develops more and more, and finally the soul gains the ability to completely dominate and controls the personality so much that it will no longer have thoughts and will separate from it.
An ordinary earthly person has practically no connection with the soul. This is partly why people do such terrible things. They have no connection with the soul, so they are controlled by the personality, or negative ego*. They are cut off from intuition, from conscience, from the will to goodness and love that the soul contains. And just as the evolution of the personality consists in learning to express only the soul, so the evolution of the soul consists in learning to express only the monad. The undeveloped extension of the soul, or embodied personality, forgets this connection with his soul and feels himself to be a completely separate and independent individual.


The positive ego, or simply Ego in Djwhal Khul terminology, is the same as the Higher Self, or soul.
The soul is caught up in a whirlpool of activity on its own plane. If one wishes to attract its attention, he must show the soul that he can make his personality useful to it. The soul knows that certain stages of its evolution can only be accomplished through its personalities on Earth. If we look at many of the personalities here on Earth, we will see such extensions of the soul, whose astral bodies are filled with negative emotions, and whose mental bodies are only interested in money, power, pleasure and entertainment. It is not difficult to see that the soul may not be interested in them, but will turn its attention to one of the eleven other extensions of it.
The soul on its plane is so expansive that it is impossible for it to fully manifest itself through just one of its expansions. In the same way, the monad on its plane is not able to fully manifest itself through only one soul.


The spiritual triad is the threefold spirit through which the monad expresses itself. The threefold spirit includes spiritual will, intuition and higher intelligence. The Monad expresses itself through these principles in the same way that the soul expresses itself through the lower spiritual triad of the threefold personality - the physical, emotional and mental bodies.


The student must learn to control and train his thinking in order to receive messages from three sources:
1. From the ordinary material world.
2. From the heart, thus consciously becoming a student, a worker in one of the Teacher’s ashrams.
3. From the spiritual triad (spiritual will, intuition, higher mind), which acts as an intermediary between the monad and the brain of the embodied personality on Earth. This is because at the third initiation the personality and soul are fused so that guidance can now come from the spiritual triad and monad. Duality replaces triplicity (soul expansion - soul - monad), making a higher level of leadership possible.


At the fourth initiation, the construction of the antahkarana, the bridge connecting the personality, soul and monad, is completed. After the completion of the antahkarana, the causal body burns out and the soul merges with the monad.


The soul on its own plane consciously carries out its relationship with the Master and strives to communicate this awareness to the embodied personality. Time and space for the soul are not a hindrance. At the soul level, time and space do not exist in such a linear sense as they do here on Earth. On its own plane the soul also has relationships with other souls, usually on the same ray. (The concept of the ray will be discussed in detail in the next chapter.) The soul works on group formation and group consciousness. Group consciousness is something that the soul especially wants to see on the physical plane as well. This will occur when most of the soul expansions on this plane have taken their third initiation.
From the point of view of the Teacher, the greatest interest is the ability of the soul to control its instrument - the embodied personality - and carry out its work through it.


Many of the Ascended Masters have ashrams on the inner planes. An Ashram is an international group consisting of souls who are both in and out of incarnations. The ashram includes initiates of various levels, as well as accepted disciples. In the Master's group one can meet many people, but the members of the ashram are the chosen ones from this group. In the ashram there is only what is from the heart. Nothing from the personality (lower self) is allowed there.
Thus, the ashram is fundamentally formed from those who, through their devotion to the path, have opened themselves up from the general group to the inner center, which is the ashram. Ashrams are groups of souls brought together for the purpose of service.
The most important thing for the student is to make the nature of his life such that it contributes to the achievement of the goals of the group, so that it increases the strength of the group and thereby brings closer the achievement of the goal for which the group is formed. The student must also try to be useful in carrying out the Teacher's plans.


When the force of attraction of matter fades away and desires are overcome, the force of attraction of the soul becomes dominant. The importance of the individual is replaced by the supreme importance of group goals and efforts. The force of attraction of the soul now also coincides with the attraction of the Spiritual Hierarchy and the work of the Ascended Masters. When such a change of polarity occurs, then the influence of the dynamic force of the "will aspect of the Deity" comes into play and is clearly felt.


Dark brothers are those souls who have lost their way and have chosen the left-hand path instead of the right-hand path, that is, the path of serving their self instead of serving God and the unity of all things.
The dark brother views other people not as kindred spirits, but as objects of exploitation that serve to achieve his selfish goals. He doesn't care if he causes them suffering or pain. The task of everyone else is to protect themselves from such lost souls - both on the physical plane and on the internal planes. The laws of karma will eventually overtake them, and the pain and suffering they will go through will force them to seek the truth in the future.
Another very important point concerning the dark brothers is that if the embodied personality remains on such a false path for too long, he may bring upon himself destruction before the end of the manvantara, or great cycle of evolution. Somehow in this process the “physical permanent atom” is completely destroyed and the soul is deprived of contact with the Divine Self for zones of time.


The ideal for the embodied personality would be to align, or harmonize, all three of its bodies (physical, emotional and mental) with the Higher Self, with the soul. When this alignment is achieved, the mental body will be calm and peaceful, the emotional body will be stable, even, joyful, and the physical body will be healthy, with good, even energy throughout the day. There is also a higher level of alignment for the student. It is as follows:
1. Alignment of the soul and personality with the corresponding ashram, resulting in the establishment of a conscious relationship with the Teacher of the ashram.
2. Alignment of the initiate who is more high level, with its spiritual triad (spiritual will, intuition and higher consciousness), resulting in conscious recognition of monadic energy.
3. Alignment of all chakras in the student’s etheric body.


The development of the embodied personality, which she can achieve in the time of life allotted to her, has practically no limit. It depends entirely on her ability to be in a state of concentration and discipline, to be unconditionally devoted to the spiritual ideal. Very often soul expansions make great progress also due to what they have already achieved in previous lives.
Although this growth may seem super-accelerated to some, even they are just preparing for the next period of slow, gradual and diligent growth. This gradual and often labor-intensive effort is an effective method for all walkers on the spiritual path, regardless of their level of spiritual evolution. There are no workarounds here. Minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day we move towards achieving our goal. And very often the most important thing here will be such a little thing as a smile, a friendly hug or a hand extended to help.


There are three main goals to which the student must be devoted above all else:
1. Service to humanity.
2. Cooperation with the Plan of the Great Ones.
3. Development of the powers of the soul and obedience to the soul, and not to the three lower bodies and the negative ego.


There are four sources of spiritual impressions of which the aspirant and disciple must be aware:
1. Impressions coming from the student’s own soul.
2. Impressions coming from the ashram to which the student is attached.
3. Impressions coming directly from the Teacher.
4. Impressions coming from the spiritual triad and monad through the antahkarana.


Sutratma is the silver thread descending from the monad and passing through the soul into the embodied expansion of the soul on Earth. The soul controls its form through the sutratma, also called the thread of life. The sutratma should not be confused with the antahkarana. Sutratma exists in people from birth. This is an energy line directed from the monad to the personality, that is, from top to bottom. It is a kind of spiritual electrical wire that gives the personality energy and maintains life in the physical, emotional and mental bodies.
Antahkarana is a kind of bridge that a person must build through meditation, study, and spiritual work. Although the personality receives help in this from the soul, and later from the monad, most of it must be done independently. Thus, the antahkarana is directed from bottom to top.

What follows is a chain of individualized God-free beings who embody the attributes and aspects of God’s infinite Self-Existence. Their names: - Presence of the One, Presence Unconditional Love, Beloved Alpha, Pallas Athena, Goddess of Freedom, Mighty Cosmos, Mighty Victory, Surya, Helios, Lord Shiva, etc. Included in the cosmic hierarchical scheme are the Solar Logoi, the Elohim, the Universal Buddhas, the Sons and Daughters of God, the Ascended and Unascended Masters with their surrounding chelas, the Cosmic Beings, the twelve solar hierarchies, the Archangels and angels of the sacred fire, the children of Light, the nature spirits called elementals, and twin flames of Alpha-Omega polarity, providing protection to planetary and galactic systems. This universal order of the Father's own Self-Expression is the means by which God in the Great Central Sun gradually lowers the Presence and Power of His Universal Being-Consciousness, so that subsequent evolutions in time and space - from the least to the greatest - may come to know the miracle of His Love. The criterion that establishes one's position on this ladder of life, called the hierarchy, is the level of spiritual-physical achievement, measured by his own balanced self-knowledge, hidden “with Christ in God,” and demonstrating the Law of God in the Spiritual-Material cosmos through His Love.

In the third century AD. Origen of Alexandria outlined his concept of a hierarchy of beings - from angels and people to demons and beasts. This famous scholar and theologian of the early Church, who laid the cornerstone of Christian doctrine upon whose writings subsequent church fathers, doctors and theologians built their traditions, taught that souls have assigned appointments and duties based on previous actions and merits, and that everyone can be promoted or demoted. Many beings of the heavenly Hierarchy are named in the “Book of Revelation.” Alpha and Omega; Seven Spirits; angels of the seven churches;

Of those beings who reach the degree of adept, only a few remain on our Earth as members of the Occult Hierarchy in order to further the evolution of life on Earth according to the Divine Plan. Fifty or sixty of these supermen are currently engaged in this work, and in her pamphlet on the “Masters,” Annie Besant writes of their work as follows: “In innumerable ways they aid the progress of mankind. From a higher sphere they pour forth light and life, which can be received and assimilated as freely as sunlight by all who are receptive enough to do so. Just as the physical world lives a divine life, which has its focus in the Sun, so the spiritual world lives the same life, and it is focused in the occult hierarchy.

Moreover, Masters specially associated with religions use these religions as reservoirs which they fill with spiritual energy so that it is distributed among the believers of each religion through duly appointed "means of grace." They are also engaged in great intellectual work, sending out thought forms of great intellectual power, accepted and assimilated by brilliant people who give them to the world; at this level they also send their wishes to their students, notifying them of tasks to be undertaken. They also have work in the lower mental world - this is the creation of thought forms that influence a specific mind and direct the affairs of the world in a useful direction, and this is also the work of teaching those living in the heavenly world. Then, the great activity in the intermediate world connected with the assistance of the so-called dead, the general management of the work of the younger disciples, the supervision of their activities, and the sending of help in countless cases of need. In the physical world, this is the observation of trends in events, their correction, as well as the neutralization - to the extent that the law allows - of harmful currents, the constant balancing of forces working on the side of evolution and against it, the strengthening of good and the weakening of evil. They also work in cooperation with the angels of nations, guiding the spiritual forces, while others direct the material ones.”

Although the number of adepts is small, they have arranged so that not a single manifestation of life throughout the world is left unattended or neglected. They divided the Earth into separate regions, just as the Church had previously divided the country into dioceses and parishes, so that wherever a person lived, he fell into one of these geographical divisions, and a certain spiritual administration dealt with his spiritual, and sometimes physical needs. However, the “parishes” of adepts are not rural areas or parts of cities, but large countries or even continents. Regarding the current division of the world, they say that one of the great adepts takes care of Europe, another has India in his care, and so the whole world is distributed. These divisions do not follow our geographic or political boundaries; but in his territory the adept has to take into account all the different forms and degrees of evolution - not only ours, but also the great kingdom of angels, the different classes of nature spirits, animals, plants and minerals below us, the kingdoms of elemental essence and many others about which humanity has not yet which I haven’t heard of, so the amount of work is very large.

In addition to the guardianship of the adepts, each race or country receives the assistance of a race spirit, a deva or guardian angel, who watches over it and helps guide its growth. In many respects he corresponds to the ancient concept of a tribal god, although he stands on a much higher level. This was, for example, Pallas Athena. At the service of the Logos there are many different categories of influences acting on the evolution of man, and it is natural that they all act in the same direction and help one another. We must never make the mistake of attributing to these great active forces the calamities which sometimes befall countries, as e.g. French revolution

or a coup in Russia. They are entirely indebted to the savage passions of a people who begin to revolt and work on destruction instead of creation, and illustrate the danger to which the work of the adepts and the spirit of the race is exposed when they make experiments in a democratic direction. (in Sanskrit it means “eternally young”, aka the biblical Ancient of Days, aka the Lamb in the Apocalypse, aka Veles for the Russians, Osiris for the Egyptians, real name - Akhur Mazda) is one of the Seven Saints Kumaras., because the souls of her children no longer worshiped the Trinity in the three-petalled flame of Life, (the sacred Trinity of Power, Wisdom and Love, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit). They became lost sheep.

Having focused their attention on the external manifestations of life, they, out of self-will and ignorance, abandoned internal communication with God. After much discussion, the Cosmic Council and the Ineffable One gave an affirmative answer to Sanat Kumara's petition, and the dispensation of a new divine plan for the Earth and its evolution came into effect. For cosmic law states that when a hierarch of a certain level and breadth of cosmic consciousness voluntarily agrees to become the shepherd of the life waves that are the lost sheep, permission must be granted.

Sanat Kumara held the post of Lord of the World from the time he took charge of the humanity of the Earth until his disciple Gautama Buddha achieved sufficient achievement to assume this position.

On January 1, 1956, Gautama Buddha was crowned as the Lord of the World, and Sanat Kumara returned to Venus to his twin flame, Lady Venus. There, in another dimension of the “physical-etheric” octave - together with other Holy Kumaras, the Mighty Victory and his legions, many Ascended Masters and light-bearers of Venus - he continues his service together with the Great White Brotherhood for the benefit of planet Earth. On May 25, 1975, Lady Venus announced that she had come to "live for a while on Terra" to reconsecrate the fires of the Mother while Sanat Kumara kept the flame on Venus. We owe everything to Sanat Kumara and live only thanks to Him. Fenugreek., the ancient Sanctuary of Sanat Kumara, was from the very beginning a physical copy of the Venusian City of Kumara. The volunteers who came to Terra before Sanat Kumara erected Shambhala on an island in the sparkling blue Gobi Sea (now the Gobi Desert). From the mainland to Shambhala one could walk across a beautiful marble bridge. Terraces, flame fountains and seven temples, each for one of the seven rays, surrounded the glorious temple, noticeable with its golden dome, in which thousands of years ago Sanat Kumara established the focus of the three-fold flame. Each year, people came from far and wide to witness the visible, physical sacred fire and take home a piece of wood blessed by Sanat Kumara to light their fires for the coming year. This is where the tradition of burning a log on Christmas Eve originates, which marks a return to the fire of Christianity. In subsequent dark eras, the sanctuary of Shambhala was transferred from the physical octave to the etheric.

On December 31, 1976, Gautama Buddha, the hierarch of Shambhala and successor of Sanat Kumara, declared that America was the place where “we will transfer Shambhala.” He said that “One day we will bring this city of light here. This will be the embodiment of the now secondary force field, the Omega aspect of Shamballa, while the Alpha aspect will remain located where it is... in the sea of ​​light above the Gobi Desert.". Recently Lord Gautama established his Western Shamballa in the etheric octave above the Inner Sanctuary near Yellowstone National Park. On April 18, 1981, he announced: “I send an arc of light from Shambhala. I would like to establish the land of the Ancient of Days... Now I have planned - pay attention to this - the formation of the arc of the flame of Shambhala to the Inner Sacred Abode, the Western abode of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and Future Bodhisattvas, who are adherents of the light of the Mother.".

Lords of Karma.

The ascended beings who make up the Karmic Board. Their names and the rays they represent on the Board are as follows:
The first ray is ;
Second ray - Goddess of Freedom;
Third ray - Ascended Lady Nada;
Fourth Ray - Elohim Cyclopea;
The fifth ray is Pallas Athena, Goddess of Truth;
The sixth ray is Portia, Goddess of Justice;
Seventh ray - Goddess of Mercy;
The eighth ray is Buddha Vairocana.
The Lords of Karma administer justice in this system of worlds, determining karma, bestowing favors and assigning retribution on behalf of and for the benefit of each lifestream. All souls must appear before the Karmic Board, both before and after each incarnation on Earth, accepting their purpose and karmic share for each subsequent period of life and reviewing their lifetime of life at its conclusion. Through the Keepers of the Scrolls and the angelic chroniclers, the Lords of Karma have access to the complete records of the incarnations of every lifestream on Earth. They decide who will incarnate, and when and where. They send souls into families and societies, measuring out the load of karma, which must be balanced as an "iot and a tittle" of the law. The Karmic Board, operating in concert with the individual I AM Presence and Christ Self, determines when a soul earns the right to become free from the wheel of karma and the cycle of rebirth. Twice a year, during the winter and summer solstice, the Lords of Karma meet at the Royal Teton Shrine to review petitions from unascended humanity and bestow graces to assist people.

An Ascended Master whose achievement in cosmic consciousness has determined him to animate the flames of divine guidance for the benefit of the evolutions of the Earth and the myriad life waves beyond. Founder of the House of Rakoczy, Master of Saint Germain, patron and Manu of the coming seventh root race, this Cosmic Being maintains the focus in the Cave of Light in India and in his sanctuary in Transylvania - the focus of freedom for Europe. The Great Divine Director represents the First Ray in the Karmic Board.


(Plural of “Eloah” - God.) One of the names of God or gods; used in Old Testament about 2500 times, means – Mighty, Strong. Elohim is a singular noun denoting the twin flames of the Divine Principle, which includes the “Divine We.” When speaking in particular about the male or female half, the form is preserved, by this it is meant that any half of the Divine Whole contains and is a bisexual Self (the Divine We). The Seven Mighty Elohim and their female complements are the builders of form;

hence Elohim, the name of God used in the first verse of the Bible: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Directly under the command of the Elohim are four elemental beings, the “Four Cosmic Powers,” who have dominion over the elementals - gnomes, salamanders, sylphs and undines. The Seven Mighty Elohim are the "seven Spirits of God" mentioned in the Book of Revelation, and the "morning stars" who sang together in the beginning, as the LORD revealed them to his servant Job. There are also five Elohim that surround the white fiery core of the Great Central Sun. In the Hierarchy, the Elohim and Cosmic Beings carry the greatest concentration and highest vibration of Light that can only be perceived at our level of evolution. They represent - together with the four beings of nature, their consorts and the elemental builders of form - the power of our Father as Creator (blue ray). The seven Archangels and their divine complements, the great seraphim, cherubim and all the angelic hosts represent the love of God in the fiery intensity of the Holy Spirit (pink ray). The seven Chohans of the Rays and all the Ascended Masters, together with the unascended sons and daughters of God, represent the wisdom of the law of the Logos in the ministry of the Son (yellow ray). These three kingdoms form a triad of manifestation, working in balance to step down the energies of the Trinity. Chanting the sacred word "Elohim" releases the awesome power of their God-Self-Knowledge, brought under our control for our blessed use through the Cosmic Christ.
The names of the Seven Elohim, the rays on which they serve, and the location of their etheric abodes: First Ray, Hercules and Amazonia
, Half Dome, Sierra Nevada, Yosemite National Park, California, USA. Second Ray, Apollo and Lumina
, western Lower Saxony, Germany.
Third Ray, Eros and Amora, Lake Winnipeg, Canada. Fourth Ray Purity and Astraea
, near the Dvina Bay - the south-eastern bay of the White Sea, Russia. Fifth Ray Cyclopea and Virginia
, Altai Range, where Siberia, China and Mongolia meet, near Tabyn-Bogdo.
Sixth Ray, Peace and Aloha, Hawaiian Islands. Seventh Ray Arcturus and Victoria

, near Luanda, Angola, Africa. (Rev. 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6; Job 38:7.)

Hierarchs of the angelic hosts; the highest rank in the rank of angels.

Each of the seven rays has a guiding Archangel who, together with his divine complement, Archeia, embodies the God-consciousness of the ray and directs the groups of angels who serve under them on that ray. The Archangels and Archaeans of the rays and the location of their sanctuaries are as follows: The first ray, blue, Archangel Michael and Vera, who, exercising control over human virtue, commands nations. In one of the Dead Sea Scrolls, entitled “The War of the Sons of Light with the Sons of Darkness,” Michael is presented as a powerful ministering angel through whom God promises to send constant help to the sons of Light. In Muslim teachings, he is called Mika'il - the angel of nature, bringing food and knowledge to people. Saint Michael, revered by Christians as the patron and protector of the Church, was also a heavenly healer, revered in the early Christian community for his miraculous healings accomplished through his intercession. And this beloved Archangel was one of three heavenly aliens who revealed to the young peasant woman Joan of Arc her mission to liberate France. The twelfth chapter of the “Book of Revelation” speaks of the key role of Michael as the protector of the “woman clothed with the sun”, overthrowing the enemy of her Son -baby from the heavenly domains: “And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought against them, but they did not stand, and there was no longer room for them in heaven.” (16:1) he is the first of the seven angels who pour out the bowls of God's wrath upon the Earth - marking the descent of the calamities of humanity's karma, returning to his doorstep human abuses of the Light of God. As the Archangel of the First Ray, Michael is the embodiment of God's consciousness of faith, protection, perfection. and the will of God. From his sacred abode on the etheric plane in Banff (Alberta, Canada), he goes with legions of angels of blue lightning to any part of the world to protect the children of Light and freedom on Earth. With his armies, he descends into the depths of Death and Hell to bind the enemies of the Christ Consciousness and transport them to the Court of Sacred Fire for final judgment. It rushes through astral plane, binding demons and disembodied ones, casting spells on unsuspecting souls, and providing incomparable assistance to those who are surrounded by dark forces. Its key note is "Anthem navy

" (US Navy anthem) and "Eternal Father, Strength in Salvation." The key note of his sanctuary is “Chorus of Soldiers” from “Faust” by Charles Gounod. The name of his female complement is Vera. Banff, near Lake Louise in Canada. Second ray, yellow,.

We've all seen it in cartoons: bam! - and a sheaf of sparks falls on someone’s head. In this case they say: “It dawned on me!” Even Einstein had a sudden flash of insight that inspired him to discover the theory of relativity. But where does inspiration come from? Many of our ideas come from Archangel Jophiel and the angels of illumination who allow us to get in touch with the mind of God - the source of all creativity. These angels provide us with our greatest inspiration and life-changing revelations. They help us establish contact with our Higher Self, facilitate the perception of information and the development of new skills. Their main goal is to save us from ignorance, which can be defined as the inability to see our oneness with God. south of the Great Wall of China near Lanzhou, north central China. Third ray, soft pink, deep pink and ruby, Archangel Chamuel and Love

, Love can be both tender and violent, and so can Archangel Chamuel and his angels. They are able to appear in a thin, gossamer-like glow of light in order to comfort a frightened child. And they can put on the armor to fight the forces of cruelty and hatred that cause many problems in families and human relationships. Angels of love will help you combat the forces of anti-love that lead to addictions and psychological problems such as depression and mania. When you feel the urge to smoke, when your self-esteem is low, or when you lack the will to resist the forces of racial division and tension around you, read the powerful decree to Chamuel and the angels of love. Repeat the final part - "Away, forces of anti-love!" - nine or more times. St. Louis, Missouri, USA. The fourth ray, white and pearlescent,, Gabriel and the angels, guiding you on the true path, will help you understand and fulfill your calling. The Book of the Prophet Daniel says that Gabriel assisted the prophet in interpreting the revelations and gave him wisdom and understanding. According to the Gospel of Luke, it was Gabriel who told Mary that she would become the mother of the Son of God. Muslims believe that this Archangel instructed the prophets and dictated the Koran to Muhammad. Gabriel and his angels will help you understand the plan that you, your Higher Self, and the council of spiritual beings laid out for your life before you were born. These angels will help you remember what needs to be done in order to fulfill this plan and meet people who will help make it come true. Between Sacramento and Mount Shasta in California, USA.

Fifth ray, green, Archangel Raphael and Mary, Raphael is the angel of science, knowledge and healing. One Jewish text tells how he revealed to Noah the healing powers of plants; another tells how he healed a blind man and bound a demon. Catholics honor him as the angel who healed the sick at the pool of Bethesda. The Book of Enoch says that his duties include healing from illnesses and wounds. Raphael works with the healing angels and Mary, Queen of Angels, to heal illnesses of the body, mind and soul. Fatima, Portugal.

Sixth ray, purple and gold, Archangel Uriel and Aurora In 1985, Soviet cosmonauts reported that from the window of the Salyut 7 space station they saw seven large angels with wings like those of jumbo jets. One female astronaut said: “They smiled as if they knew a wonderful secret.” These angels are reminiscent of Archangel Uriel and the angels of the world. They are so big and strong that the light of their kind smiles can dissolve seemingly insurmountable problems - even on a global scale. Uriel is not mentioned in the Bible, but he is described in other Jewish and Christian texts. In Jewish traditions, Archangel Uriel is called “the bringer of light to Israel.” He is also known as the angel of justice, thunder and earthquakes. In the Fourth Book of Ezra, Uriel initiates Ezra into the secrets of the universe. You can imagine Uriel and the angels of the world as gigantic creatures, like those seen by the astronauts. They can bring peace to troubled areas, your home, and a troubled mind or soul. They act quickly and with enormous power.

By entrusting them with the work, you will see that your problems disappear as quickly as clouds after rain. When you ask them to solve global problems, millions of angels take action. With the precision of microsurgeons they work in the home, family and psyche. They will soften disagreements and help you eliminate pockets of tension in your family. They will help you drain all the anxiety from your soul, giving you the strength to let go of old grievances and overcome anger, irritation, self-destruction, feelings of helplessness and conscious or unconscious fear. See the difference they can bring when you invite them into your life! Tatra Mountains, south of Krakow, Poland. Seventh ray, violet and purple, Archangel Zadkiel and Saint Amethyst

, Lord Zadkiel, Archangel of the Seventh Ray, calling the violet flame singing, made it clear that the chelas of the new era will know the joy of this fire. This fiery presence actually causes the very atoms and molecules of your being to “sing” as they regain their normal frequency and, as a result, come into tune with the keynote of your own lifestream. This key note is born from the sound of the string of your own I AM Presence. And when you, through the action of the violet flame, release the energies of your four lower bodies in response to the sound of this string, the wonderful world of the microcosm moves in harmony with the great Macrocosm of your I AM Presence and Causal Body. Cuba.

Bodhisattva Maitreya. Lord Maitreya, whose name means kindness or compassion, took over the post of Bodhisattva when Lord Gautama resigned. One of his first steps in accepting this post was to take advantage of the enormous magnetism created in the world by the presence of the Buddha in order to arrange for the simultaneous appearance of great Teachers in many different parts of the Earth, so that in a comparatively short space of time we meet not only the Buddha himself, Sri Shankaracharya and Mahavira in India, but Mithra in Persia, Lao Tzu and Confucius in China and Pythagoras in Ancient Greece. Twice he himself appeared - as Krishna on the plains of India and as Christ among the hills of Palestine. In Krishna's incarnation the main characteristic was love; the child Krishna attracted people who felt the deepest and strongest affection for him, and when he was born in Palestine, love was the main feature of his teachings. He said, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, as I have loved you.” He asked that his disciples be as one with him as he was one with the Father. His closest disciple, St. John, very insistent on the same thing, “Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love.” Ascended Master. Together with Gautama, Maitreya followed the teachings of the Buddha under the shadow of Sanat Kumara. He occupies the position of Cosmic Christ and Planetary Buddha, in the Hierarchy he is under the command of Lord Gautama, directing the service of the World Teachers. For the benefit and on behalf of evolving humanity, he demonstrates the cosmic consciousness of Christ in all areas of human activity and its universality for the entire cosmos. He is known as the Great Initiator and was the initiator of Jesus in his individualization of the Christ Flame when he appeared in his final incarnation as the Savior of the world and the image of the Way, Truth and Life for all aspirants on the path of personal Christhood. Beloved Maitreya was the LORD God in Eden, the Guru of twin flames. Long awaited. On May 31, 1984, he dedicated the Heart of the Inner Sanctuary and all of Rancho Royal Teton to the Path and Teachings of the Cosmic Christ, so that those who had left his care by choosing the ways of the Serpents (the fallen angels who misled Eve) might return, and that the children of Light, having been reborn, followed the Son of God. As the patron of twin flames, he is a friend to all initiates of the sacred fire. When called upon, he gives the illumination of Christ and the power of the Word to undergo initiations under his auspices. This is what humanity awaits as the second coming of Christ.

Ascended Lady. Known as the Goddess of Mercy, animating the God Flame of mercy and compassion; keeps the flame of the Divine Mother for the benefit of the peoples of China, Asia and the whole world. As the representative of the Seventh Ray in the Karmic Board, she radiates qualities of mercy, forgiveness and compassion to the evolutions of the Earth from her etheric temple above Beijing in China. Kuan Yin held the position of Chohan of the Seventh Ray for two millennia until Saint Germain assumed the position in the late 1700s. In Chinese Buddhism, Guan Yin is the female hypostasis of the Indian and Tibetan Avalokiteshvara, an emanation of Buddha Amitabha. She is identified with Tara, the White Goddess of Tibet. Guan Yin ascended thousands of years ago. She took the Bodhisattva vow to serve planet Earth until all children of Light are free.

"Great Lord" of the seven rays. Representative of the Holy Spirit for the planet and its evolutions. The one who embodies the Trinity and the Mother flame of the seven rays and chakras and has the authority to be the Chohan - the Lord - of each individual or all seven rays. He is called the Maha Chohan, the Great Lord, because he presides over the Seven Chohans who embody the Law, the Word and the Christ Consciousness of their respective rays. The Ascended Lord, who now occupies the position of Maha Chohan over the Seven Lords (Chohans) of the rays, was incarnated by the poet Homer. As a shepherd on the mountain slopes of India during his final incarnation on Earth, he brought forth the Light (Christ Consciousness) that was a blanket of comfort to millions. The Maha Chohan maintains an etheric shrine with a physical focus on the island of Sri Lanka (Ceylon), where the flame of the Holy Spirit is anchored.

World Teacher.

The position in the Hierarchy held by those ascended beings whose achievements authorize them to represent the universal and personal Christ to unascended humanity. The office of World Teacher, formerly held by Maitreya, passed to Jesus and his disciple Saint Francis (Kuthumi) on January 1, 1956, when the mantle of the Lord of the World was transferred by Sanat Kumara to Gautama Buddha, and the office of Cosmic Christ and Planetary Buddha (formerly held by Gautama) was assumed by the Lord Maitreya. Jesus and Kuthumi, serving under the shadow of Lord Maitreya, are responsible for transmitting the Teachings in this two-thousand-year cycle leading to individual self-mastery and Christ consciousness. They provide patronage to all souls seeking union with God, instructing them in the fundamental laws governing the cause and effect course of karma, and teaching them how to confront the daily challenges of their individual dharma - the human duty to realize Christ potential through sacred work. World Teachers patronized the education of souls in the Christ Light at every level, from preschool and school to college and university. In every nation on earth, they have inspired teachers, philosophers, scientists, artists, professionals and laypeople alike with age-old wisdom that finds special application in each culture, for the many cultures of the world serve to bring out the many facets of the Christ consciousness. The term "world teacher" (with a small T) refers to an embodied disciple who has dedicated himself to the lifelong calling of enlightening the planet under the direction of the Universal Christ. This name characterizes the sacred work chosen by the student and his dedication to it. It is not an indication of his achievements or that he necessarily determined to share the office or mantle with Jesus and Kuthumi.

World Teacher Jesus Christ. The Avatar of the Age of Pisces, an example of the Christ Consciousness, showed everyone the Path that each of us can follow and that lies in our hearts. O went through two more Initiations: crucifixion and ascension, and realized the fullness of the Christ Self, and was therefore called Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was the Savior of the world and at the moment of his incarnation held the balance for all mankind.

He came to reveal the individual Christ Self to every person and to show the works of the Father (I AM Presence) that can be performed by His sons and daughters in and through the flame of the individual Christ Self. In the Hierarchy, Jesus holds the position of World Teacher, which he shares with the Ascended Master Kuthumi, incarnated by Saint Francis. The shrine of Jesus is the Temple of the Resurrection, located in the ethereal realm above the Holy Land. He also serves at the Arabian Shrine, located above the Arabian Desert, northeast of the Red Sea.

Kuthumi Ascended Master. Serves with Jesus as World Teacher; formerly the Chohan of the Second Ray; master psychologist; patron of youth; head of the Order of Brothers and Sisters of the Golden Robe and the ethereal Temple of Illumination in Kashmir, also known as the Cathedral of Nature. The Lord maintains a focus in Shigatse in Tibet, where, playing the great organ, he brings out cosmic harmony with the sacred fires of his heart. With this celestial music he sends healing and peace throughout the planetary body to souls in a state of transition (particularly at the hour of death), and leads them to the etheric sanctuaries of the Great White Brotherhood for instruction in preparation for subsequent earthly lives. It inspires architects, poets and scientists, awakening a mystical memory of their own spiritual harmony in the celestial geometry and rhythm of the stars. Incarnations of Kuthumi during the evolution of his soul on the path of self-mastery: Thutmose III, reigned ca. 1503-1450 BC. in Egypt. The greatest of the pharaohs, a skilled ruler, conqueror, patron of the arts. He is considered the architect of the Egyptian Empire. Pythagoras, OK. 582-approx. 507 BC, Greek philosopher and mathematician. He founded the Mystery School in Crotone (now in Italy), where he taught initiates in his community. His doctrines influenced a great many philosophers. Belshazzar, 1182-1226, Italy. Founder of the Franciscan Order, “divine mendicant”, betrothed to “Lady Poverty”; the first saint to receive stigmata. Shah Jahan, 1592-1666, India. The Mughal emperor who led India to a golden age of art and architecture, exemplified by the Taj Mahal, erected in his capital Agra as the tomb of Shah Jahan's twin flame wife. Koot Hoomi Lal Singh, Kashmiri Brahmin (Brahmin), nineteenth century, Shigatse, Tibet; also known as K.H. In 1875, together with El Morya, he founded the Theosophical Society, the purpose of which was to reacquaint humanity with the ancient wisdom that underlies the religions of the whole world. (See Kuthumi, Jval Kul, “Human Aura”; in the book “Pearls of Wisdom”, vol. I, Kuthumi “My Pilgrimage to the Altar of the Cosmic Virgin”; M., “Eighth Ray”, 1999.)

Archeia of the Fifth Ray, divine complement of Archangel Raphael, Queen of Angels and Blessed Mother of Jesus Christ. Her name means “Mother Ray.”* Called by the Father to incarnate on Earth to give birth to Christ, who will save souls misled by the Luciferian rebels, Mary is one of the representatives of the armies of the LORD, who served in all her incarnations on Earth as a shining example of the Motherhood of God . From the early days of Atlantis, she prepared for her final incarnation, waiting to cherish in the baby of Bethlehem the “son” (soul) of David, born again to become the Savior (Avatar) of the Age of Pisces. On Atlantis, Mary served as a priestess in the Temple of Truth, studying and teaching the art of healing, and through her Immaculate Heart she channeled the light of the unspoken Word to the untold millions who inhabited that continent. She was also the mother of David, king of Israel. On Atlantis, Mary achieved mastery in the science of the immaculate concept, which she had previously practiced in heaven, which helped her become the servant of the LORD and prepare the four lower bodies for the incarnation of the Word in Jesus Christ, her son. At the end of that blessed life, having fulfilled her divine plan, Mary ascended into the heart of the Father. Now she serves humanity and patronizes Russia along with the hierarchies of angels and Ascended Masters who make up the Great White Brotherhood.

Chohans and rays

The above describes some of the many areas of work of the great Teachers, but there are, of course, many more, some of which we know nothing about. However, what we know indicates that their work is extensive and varied and that adepts perform it in different ways, according to their preferences and temperaments. There is a sevenfold division running through all things, as I will explain in more detail shortly, and it is also observed in the Great White Brotherhood. There are clearly distinguished Seven Rays in the Hierarchy. At the head of the first or ruling ray is the Lord of the World; at the head of the second ray is Lord Buddha; and below them stand respectively the manu and bodhisattva of that root race which predominates in the world at a given time. Parallel to them stands the Mahachohan, who oversees the other five rays, each of which nevertheless has its own head. The title of Chohan is given to those adepts who have taken the sixth initiation, but the same word is also applied to the heads of rays from the third to the seventh who occupy certain and high positions in the Hierarchy. Among the adherents of the Brotherhood, this difference in the rays is much more noticeable than in other people, and is visible in their aura; the ray to which the adept belongs definitely influences not only his appearance, but also the work he has to do.

Chohan. Lord, Ruler, or Master; chapter. Each of the seven rays has its own Chohan, which focuses the Christ consciousness of the ray, which is truly the law of the ray governing its righteous use in man. The candidate who has embodied and demonstrated this ray law through numerous incarnations and has taken initiations both before and after ascension is appointed to the office of Chohan by the Maha Chohan - the Great Lord, who is himself the representative of the Holy Spirit on all the rays. The names of the Ray Chohans (Ascended Masters, each representing one of the seven rays to earthly evolutions) and the location of their physical-etheric foci are as follows:

First ray

(Blue) - Will of God, Protection, Faith, Perfection, Power, Strength - Lord, (his incarnations - ABRAHAM. Jewish patriarch, ancestor of the twelve tribes of Israel (c. 2000 BC).. It was Melchior, bowing before the will of God in the radiance of the Son of God, who brought to perfection the science of celestial bodies and the cycles of cosmic astrology. With mathematical precision he followed the star of the Presence of the Child Son born of the Virgin Mary, and offered the precious gift of gold - the golden electrode of the Mind of God, that mind which was to manifest itself perfectly in the universal consciousness of Christ Jesus, the gold of the King of kings, the Prince of Peace; the gold of the teaching of the eternal Christ, the Son emerging from the golden Sun of Righteousness, the gold the abundant life which he would restore to all, his offering to the Mother and her children. ARTHUR, KING OF ENGLAND . Arthur came to a war-weary and superstitious people as a powerful conqueror. In fact, the Arthurian era is the starting point of British history. The deep love and devotion of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere, manifested in the relationship of their souls as guru and chela, was the focal point of the flame of the Father-Mother God at the center of Camelot. Arthur led his knights in search of the Holy Grail - the cup from which Jesus drank at the Last Supper. After his ascension, the Grail was lowered into a well at Glastonbury by a group of disciples who, together with Mother Mary and Joseph of Arimathea, traveled by ship from the Holy Land to establish shrines on the European continent and the British Isles for the spread of Western Christianity during the subsequent two-thousand-year cycle. THOMAS BECKETT. . Lord Chancellor of England in the 12th century during the reign of Henry II.. He was born in the city of Rostov (Veliky) in 1314, in that dark hour of the Russian land, when it, completely devastated by the Horde, was still groaning from the horror of the Tatar invasion, and its people seemed numb with grief. Named Bartholomew at baptism, this future protector of Rus' showed miracles of holiness from birth. On Wednesdays and Fridays, the baby in swaddling clothes invariably fasted, refusing mother's milk. In his adolescence, he spent all his free time in prayer. At the age of 23, having distributed to the poor the rich inheritance left from his deceased parents, he became a monk, receiving the name Sergius, retired to a deserted place near the city of Radonezh and built a small cell and a small temple there. The fame of the ascetic spread quickly among the people, and people went to him for spiritual food. A monastery soon grew around the cell, in which Sergius became abbot. Nowadays it is the famous Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Great were the modesty, patience and humility of this Light-Bearer. Having begun to rule over the brethren who had gathered to him, the Monk Sergius was for her a cook, a baker, a miller, a woodcutter, a tailor, a carpenter, and served her, as the author of his “Life” puts it, “like a bought slave.” There are many eyewitness accounts of the miracles that the saint performed. He raised the dead and healed the sick. At the touch of his hand the blind could see. When the monastery grew and began to lack water, through prayer St. Sergius In a completely waterless place near the monastery, a powerful spring began to flow. It exists to this day, and today the water of the spring brings healing to many people. The disciples saw and witnessed how one day, during the Divine Liturgy, an angel appeared in a bright radiance at the altar of the temple and served together with Sergius. appeared to him, Mother Mary with two apostles and gave farewell to the holy ascetic. Possessing the gift of providence, Sergius blessed Prince Dmitry for the battle with the Tatar Khan Mamai on the Kulikovo Field and predicted a great victory for the Russian army. That victory marked the beginning of the maturation of Muscovite Rus'. And its inspirer and spiritual architect was the greatest mind of his time - Sergius of Radonezh. Today, thanks to Helena and Nicholas Roerich, we know that the humble Russian abbot was directly connected with the Lords of Shambhala and, under their leadership, gave impetus to unity and exaltation of the mighty Russian state. For half a century, Sergius of Radonezh quietly did his job in the Radonezh desert. He died at the age of 78. When they opened the coffin 30 years after the burial, they saw his incorruptible relics, from which a fragrance emanated; even the clothes on the deceased were unharmed, although the coffin was standing in water. The moral influence of this saint on the Russian people is difficult to overestimate. He breathed into Russian society a feeling of moral vigor, spiritual strength. N.K. Roerich called him the builder of Russian spiritual culture. It is not for nothing that people revere Sergius of Radonezh as one of the prophets. It is not for nothing that today they go to venerate the shrine that holds his relics. SIR THOMAS MORE, now hailed as "a man for all seasons", was born in 1478 in the heart of London. His father, a prominent lawyer and judge, gave him an excellent education. At eighteen, Thomas More left Oxford with a thorough knowledge of the classics - ancient languages ​​and literature, and devoted himself to the study of law. Young Thomas was a close friend of the outstanding Dutch humanist Erasmus of Rotterdam and enjoyed the favorable attention of King Henry VIII, who involved him in activities in foreign missions. While engaged in literature, More gained fame as the first writer of belles-lettres in English prose with his work "The Life of Richard III", an accurate historical document that Shakespeare followed to the letter. AKBAR THE GREAT born in Dublin in 1779. A prolific prose writer and poet, he gifted the land of Ireland with his tender love to God and man. In 1799 he graduated from Trinity College and went to London. The execution of close university friends during the United Irishmen rebellion awakened the impressionable young man"with a lively Irish temperament", a patriotic fervor that gave him his greatest literary inspiration. The directness of his style and youthful exuberance made him useful to the British liberal movement as a witty satirist; his poems served as political caricatures of the time, causing heated controversy. Among Thomas Moore's greatest works is his brilliant biographical masterpiece, based on the confidential memoirs of Lord Byron. His own Memoirs, Diary and Correspondence are an invaluable testimony social life England and Ireland in the first half of the nineteenth century. ASCENDED LORD EL MORYA. Describing the final victory of his ascension and his work with humanity from the ascended state in a message dictated on April 16, 1976, the Master said: “Through countless incarnations and service given to the Hierarchy, studying the ways of this world and the ways of the cosmos, I have come to the place from which was able to follow the ray of my own God Presence, back to the heart of the Flame. So, at the end of the last century, I followed this ray to the white-fiery core and did not return to the Mother (Matter) with the dawn of morning light, but accepted the ritual of ascension with one purpose. : to serve the will of God to a greater extent than what I was capable of while in incarnation."

El Morya ascended around 1898, after his collaboration with Master K.H. work on the founding of the Theosophical Society. Today, Ascended Master El Morya holds the position of Chohan (Lord) of the First Ray of God's Will. It represents the Divine attributes: courage, confidence, strength, determination, independence, reliability, faith and initiative. They are the essence of the qualities of the Father principle - a statesman, a leader, a ruler. Sacred monastery - Darjeeling, India.

Second beam (Yellow) - Wisdom, Illumination, Enlightenment, Lord - - Teacher of Wisdom, who taught the path of wisdom in, teaches the path of achievement through enlightenment, clarity of interpretation and mastery of the crown chakra. Lanto was and remains a Master who has mastered the power of precipitation - the alchemical process by which cosmic light and substance drawn from the universe are fused into physical form (a pre-established matrix of matter) through the science of the spoken Word. Knowing the Lord's love for art and music and the mastery he achieved, we will not be surprised to hear from his own lips memories of the journey from the Evening Star [Venus] and the construction of Shambhala, knowing that he was there! Yes, the Venusian Lanto, one of the original Keepers of the Flame, joined Sanat Kumara's efforts from the very beginning to save humanity from its descent into ever greater darkness. His incarnation as the high priest of the temple of the Divine Mother on the lost continent of Lemuria, which once occupied most Pacific Ocean, as well as subsequent incarnations on Atlantis. Lanto later incarnated as the ruler of China and was a contemporary of Confucius (551-479 BC, last incarnation Lao Tzu). Sacred Abode - Royal Teton, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA.

Third ray

(Pink) - Divine Love, Devotion, Worship of God, Adaptability and Tact, Lord - , (which was embodied by the Italian artist Paolo Veronese, is the Lord of the Third Ray of divine love. His chelas study the art of painting, music, architecture and master the flow of creative forces through the heart chakra. Those who have advanced along this ray have great tact and a rare ability to do the right things at the right moment. In addition to the arts, astrology is associated with this ray, for as far as an outsider can understand it, it is a science that makes it possible to find out at what exact time it is better to do this or that, to put any forces into action, and what time is not suitable for certain things, which allows get rid of many worries and make yourself more useful. In previous incarnations, Pavel served in the government of Atlantis, heading the department of culture; in Peru in the Inca Empire he was an artist; master of architecture in Egypt during the construction of the pyramids. Sacred monastery - Chateau de Liberte, southern France.

Fourth ray

(White) - Divine Purity, Discipline, Ascension, Master - a Spartan in every sense of the word, whose fiery determination has saved many souls from the quagmire of self-indulgence. His incarnations (high priest who served in the Temple of the Ascension in Atlantis more than 11,500 years ago. Amenhotep III, OK. 1417-1379 BC, Egyptian pharaoh, nicknamed "The Magnificent". Raised Egypt to the heights of diplomatic prestige, prosperity and peace. Among the many monuments, palaces and temples he built is the Luxor Temple. Leonid, OK. 480 BC, king of Sparta, a state with high morality. With only three hundred warriors, he resisted the advance of the huge Persian army of Xerxes at Thermopylae. Although the Spartans were ultimately defeated despite their Herculean efforts, this battle to the last man is celebrated in literature as the perfect example of heroism in the face of vastly superior odds. Known as a great disciplinarian, Serapis tests and trains candidates for the Path of Initiation. Serapis classes in the etheric octaves are attended by those serving in the military, security services and police, they learn to protect the Flame of life and self-sacrifice. It is Serapis who teaches the correct use of sexual energy.

Sacred monastery in Luxor, Egypt.

Fifth ray (Green) - Truth, Wholeness, Healing, Abundance, Precipitation, Lord - Hilarion Previous incarnations: was the high priest in the Temple of Truth during Atlantis; later Hilarion was incarnated as Saul of Tarsus; then by the Apostle Paul; in the fourth century he was the healer Hilarion; Giordano Bruno with his magnificent quality of upholding the truth. Hilarion works with atheists, skeptics and many others who are disillusioned with life and religion. It exerts its influence on most of the great scientists of the world, and people who are well advanced along this ray are distinguished by the ability of accurate observation, and can be completely relied upon when it comes to

scientific research

. He is the patron of medicine. Temple of Truth, Crete. Sixth ray(Purple-gold) - Service, Spiritual guidance, Lord - . Her last incarnation was back in the times of Atlantis as a priestess in the Temple of Love, her ministry was law and justice. As a member of the Karmic Board, she is a defender of cosmic justice. Its motto is the golden rule:

“In everything that you want people to do to you, do so to them.”

She patronizes lawyers, missionaries, lawyers, and government officials. Sacred Abode - Arabian Desert northeast of the Red Sea, Saudi Arabia. Seventh ray; initiate of souls into the science and ritual of alchemy and transmutation through the violet flame through the power of the spoken Word, meditation and visualization. Below are some incarnations of Saint Germain's soul: Ruler of a golden age civilization in the Sahara Desert region 50,000 years ago. High Priest in Atlantis 13,000 years ago. He served in the Order of the Lord Zadkiel in the Temple of Purification, located where the island of Cuba is now. Prophet Samuel , eleventh century BC, Israel. A great religious figure who was a prophet, priest and the last of the Hebrew judges. Saint Joseph, first century AD, Nazareth. Patron and protector of Jesus and Mary. Saint Alban, late third or early fourth century, town of Verulam, renamed St. Albans, Hertfordshire, England. The first British martyr. He sheltered a persecuted priest, became a faithful convert and was put to death for impersonating this priest in order to save him. Teacher Proclus(Proclus Diadochus). The last great Greek Neoplatonist philosopher, Proclus (c. 410-485 AD, Athens) headed Plato's Academy; he wrote extensive works on philosophy, astronomy, mathematics and grammar. Merlin, circa fifth or sixth century, Britain. Magician, seer and advisor at the court of King Arthur, who inspired the founding of the Order of the Knights of the Round Table. Roger Bacon, approx. 1220-1292, England. Philosopher, educational reformer and experimental scientist; predecessor modern science, who became famous for his diverse research in alchemy, optics, mathematics and linguistics. Christopher Columbus, 1451-1506, probably born in Genoa, Italy, later settled in Portugal. Discovered America in 1492 during the first of four voyages to the New World, which were patronized by the Spanish King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella. Francis Bacon, "the wonder man of Europe" in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. According to Prince Charles of Hesse, the count presented himself as the son of Prince Ferenc II Rakoczi of Transylvania, others suggested that he was a Portuguese Jew or the son of the King of Portugal. Prominent alchemist, scientist, linguist, musician, artist and diplomat; carried out secret work to create the United States of Europe and prevent the bloodshed of a brutal revolution. His abilities included bilocation (the ability to be in two places at once), he could appear at court and then disappear by dissolving his form at will, remove blemishes from diamonds and other precious stones and precipitate an anti-aging elixir. He was equally fluent in both hands and could simultaneously write a letter with one hand, poetry with the other, or one text with both hands at the same time. He visited Marie Antoinette and her close friend, Madame d'Adhemar, who subsequently described his skill and talked about the warnings he gave regarding the impending disaster and death of the king and queen. His shrine in North America is the Cave of Symbols on Table Mountain, Wyoming. He also uses the Royal Teton Sanctuary (above Grand Teton, Jackson Hole, Wyoming), the Cave of Light in India, the sanctuary of his Guru the Great Divine Director, and Rakoczy Castle, a focal point in Transylvania.