The most sacred places where people are helped. Miraculous healing

18.08.2019 Health

No other country in the world has as many Christian values ​​as Russia. We will begin our “filing of materials” from the capital. The holy places of Moscow are a prominent page in the list of famous churches in Russia. There are also miraculous icons, healing relics, and healing water from holy springs. To touch these shrines, people come not only from other regions, but even countries. In this article we will talk about the most famous and most revered holy places in Moscow.

Temples of Russia: Temple of Sergius of Radonezh.


An exact copy of the Cross on which Christ was crucified. Made from Palestinian cypress and lined with gold, silver and precious stones.

But for Christians, the main value of this holy place is that inside the cross are hidden particles of the relics of almost four hundred saints.

Interesting detail: After the revolution, the cross was kept for a long time in the anti-religious museum in the Solovetsky camp.

What does it help with?

People come to this Cross with all their troubles. They also touch it to gain strength not only spiritual, but also physical.

Where is

Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh, Krapivensky lane, 4 (metro station "Pushkinskaya" or "Chekhovskaya").

Monasteries of Russia:Danilov Holy Trinity Monastery.


Pieces of the remains of Russia's most revered saint are kept in a silver reliquary at St. Daniel's Holy Trinity Monastery. There are many known miracles that happened thanks to these relics. But even scientists consider the mere fact that they have not been touched by decay for many centuries to be a phenomenon.

What do they help with?

They pray to Nicholas the Wonderworker for help to those floating, traveling and prisoners. In poverty and need. Coming to this holy place, they ask for peace in the family and the intercession of widows and orphans.

Where are they located?

Danilov Holy Trinity Monastery, Danilovsky Val, 22 (Tulskaya metro station).

Temples of Russia:Cathedral of the Assumption Mother of God.


One of the most important Christian shrines. It is believed that this nail is one of those that nailed Christ to the Cross. Kept in the Assumption Cathedral in a silver ark.

What does it help with?

For believers, touching such a shrine means strengthening their faith. This Holy place- a blessing for Moscow, since it is believed that the cities in which such nails are stored receive strong defense from epidemics and wars.

Where is

Kremlin, Cathedral of the Assumption of the Mother of God (metro station "Borovitskaya" or "Alexandrovsky Garden").

Temples of Russia:Church of the Resurrection.


After martyrdom Panteleimon's relics were spread in pieces throughout the world. In Moscow there are two churches with relics and miraculous icons.

What do they help with?

The saint was recognized as a great healer during his lifetime. And since then people have turned to him with prayers for various illnesses.

Where are they located?

Church of the Resurrection of Christ, Sokolnicheskaya Square, 6 (Sokolniki metro station).

Church of the Great Martyr Nikita, st. Goncharnaya, 6 (metro station "Taganskaya" or "Chistye Prudy").

Some holy springs are very reminiscent of chapels.


There are about 30 holy springs in Moscow. The most famous - Kholodny - is located in Teply Stan, not far from the Konkovo ​​metro station. It has long been believed that the water of the holy spring, if drunk from Kholodny on an empty stomach in the morning and evening, helps to quickly cleanse the kidneys and liver. This water also quickly relieves headaches.

Another equally famous holy spring is located in the Tatar ravine, near the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin. The water in it is the cleanest of all the springs in the capital. Cures many ailments, even mental disorders.

There are more than 20 springs in Kolomenskoye. One of them - Kadochka - hits next to the famous Church of the Ascension. According to legend, it was this water of the holy spring that saved one of the wives of Ivan the Terrible from infertility.

There are also healing holy springs near the Voikovskaya metro station, in the Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo forest park, in Filevsky park, St. Danilov Monastery, Neskuchny Garden, Serebryany Bor, Bitsevsky forest park, Kuntsevo, Medvedkovo and Tsaritsyn.

However, even confessors advise drinking water from holy springs with caution.

With today's ecology, no one can vouch for the purity of the springs, explains Archpriest Nikolai (Remzovsky). - Therefore, before drinking from a healing holy spring, draw water from it and consecrate it at a prayer service in the temple.

How is it decided that a relic or an icon is miraculous?

The ruling bishop, either himself or through authorized persons, not only collects information about miracles, but also conducts their examination. It also provides the commission with documentary evidence of the former miracle (whether medical documents or eyewitness testimony before the Cross and the Gospel).



It is believed that it was written by the Apostle Luke. The icon saved Rus' more than once: both during Tokhtamysh’s raid and during the atrocities of Batu’s soldiers. And even when the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir burned down during a fire, the icon lay on the ashes intact and unharmed.

What does it help with?

This icon is considered one of the symbols of Russia, so it is customary to turn to it not only with personal requests. Many come to intercede for the well-being of the entire country (especially officials, especially in front of television cameras).

Where is

In the Church of St. Nicholas (by the way, here is also Rublev’s most famous icon “Trinity”). Maly Tolmachevsky lane, 9 (Tretyakovskaya metro station).


It is kept in the Conception Monastery - it was erected in 1584 by the childless Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich and his wife Irina Godunova. Soon they had a daughter. Since then main shrine the “Merciful” icon is considered here (it was in front of it that the queen prayed for the birth of a child).

What does it help with?

Childless people come to this icon from all cities to ask for help in conceiving.

Where is

2nd Zachatievsky lane, 2 (metro station “Kropotkinskaya” or “Park Kultury”).


Kept in the temple Novospassky Monastery, built in the 13th century.

What does it help with?

They pray to her for those suffering from drug addiction and cancer patients.

Where is

Peasant Square, 10 (metro station “Proletarskaya” or “Peasant Outpost”).


For a long time, her place of “registration” was the Church of the Nativity of Christ. When it was destroyed in 1937, the icon was saved. Now it is located in one of the oldest Moscow churches - the Resurrection of the Word.

What does it help with?

Brides turn to her when they get married. They also pray for children suffering from drunkenness and poverty and for dying children.

Where is

Bryusov Lane, 15/2 (Okhotny Ryad metro station).


Several years ago, in the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, the face of Christ unexpectedly appeared on the glass of the iconostasis. This is where the icon of John the Baptist is located.

What does it help with?

People turn to this saint for various pains. And especially if you have a headache.

Where is

Petropavlovsky lane, 4 - 6 (metro station "Kitai-Gorod", "Chistye Prudy").


Previously, there were three such icons in Moscow, and all were considered miraculous. But after the revolution, one disappeared without a trace.

What does it help with?

They pray to the icon for the health and happiness of children. They ask for help to resolve troubles.

Where is

* Temple of the Icon of the Mother of God " Unexpected Joy", st. Sheremetyevskaya, 33.
* Temple of Elijah the Prophet, 2nd Obydensky lane, 6 (Kropotkinskaya metro station).


She became famous in Moscow for many miracles, especially during the plague of 1771. In the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, where the icon is still kept, there is even written evidence of its miracles.

In Moscow there are four more holy copies (complete copies) of the icon: in the churches of St. John the Baptist on Pokrovka; St. Apostles Peter and Paul on Basmannaya; St. Tikhon of Amafuntsky at the Arbat Gate and in the Church of St. Sergius.

What does it help with?

They pray to her during life’s adversities and misfortunes.

Where is

Church of the Saint on Pupyshi, Vishnyakovsky lane, 157 (metro stations "Paveletskaya", "Novokuznetskaya").


The first high-profile miracle associated with this icon happened at the end of the 17th century. The sister of Patriarch Joachim suffered from a terrible illness: she had a deep wound on her side. The girl turned to the icon and was soon healed. Since then, Orthodox Christians have annually celebrated the day of the icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow” (Oct. 24/Nov. 6).

What does it help with?

Survive severe operations and skin diseases. It has been witnessed more than once that after praying to her, wounds healed faster.

Where is

Church of the Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow”, st. B. Ordynka, 20 (metro station "Tretyakovskaya").

Holy places - Monasteries in Moscow

Monasteries have always been an integral part of the appearance of Moscow. Among the architectural monuments preserved in Moscow, monasteries occupy a special place. They have spread throughout the Moscow streets, hidden behind high-rise buildings and green trees, they continue to lead their quiet, holy lives.

Monasteries(from the Greek monasterion - hermit's cell), communities of monks ( monastery) or nuns (nunnery), accepting uniform rules of life (charter). The first Christian monasteries arose as settlements of hermits (III - IV centuries in Egypt). Monasteries contributed to the spread of literacy and book production. In Russia, the largest monasteries are called laurels.

How old are the monasteries?

It is believed that Danilov Monastery- the first monastery in Moscow. It was founded at the end of the 13th century by the youngest son of Alexander Nevsky, Moscow prince Daniel, who was later canonized. Here he was buried in 1303. The Epiphany Monastery was also founded at the end of the 13th century. Extensive monastic construction began in Moscow in the second half of the 14th century. It was at this time that monasteries such as Andronikov, Chudov, Rozhdestvensky, Simonov, and Sretensky were built. The main part of Moscow monasteries was founded in the 16th-17th centuries.

In Rus', the role of monasteries in the life of the people has always been significant. They were centers of spiritual life. Usually the suburban monastery was turned to face (the wall in which the Holy Gate with the gate church was built) towards the main road leading to the capital. The role of the central road was often played by a navigable river or lake.

Moscow monasteries - place prayer appeal to the saints and wonderworkers of Moscow. The relics of St. rest in them. blgv. book Daniel of Moscow, St. Tikhon Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', Venerable. Andronicus and Savva of Moscow, St. icon painter Andrei Rublev and others. The monastic necropolises of our city are unique monuments to the history of not only Moscow, but also the entire Fatherland. Over the course of seven centuries, more than fifty monasteries were erected on Moscow soil, of which only a few have survived to this day. Their doors are open to those who want to enter the blessed world of Orthodox Moscow.

Monasteries of Moscow:

  • St. Andrew's Monastery
    • Address: Andreevskaya embankment, 2
  • Epiphany Monastery
    • Address: Bogoyavlensky lane, 2
  • All Saints Monastery
    • Address: sh. Enthusiastov, 7
  • All-Sorrow Monastery
    • Address: Novoslobodskaya st., 58
  • Vysokopetrovsky Monastery
    • Address: Petrovka st., 28/2
  • Danilov Monastery
    • Address: Danilovsky Val, 22
  • Donskoy Monastery
    • Address: Donskaya sq., 1
  • Zaikonospassky Monastery
    • Address: Nikolskaya st., 7-
  • Conception Monastery
    • Address: 2nd Zachatievsky lane, 2
  • Znamensky Monastery
    • Address: Varvarka str., 8-10 (cathedral - 8a)
  • Ivanovo Monastery
    • Address: M. Ivanovsky lane, 2
  • Kazan Golovinsky Monastery
    • Address: Kronstadsky Blvd., 29-
  • Nikolo-Perervinsky Monastery
    • Address: Shosseynaya st., 82
  • Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery
    • Address: Dzerzhinsky, St. Nicholas Square
  • Nikolsky Monastery
    • Address: Preobrazhensky Val, 25
  • Novo-Alekseevsky Monastery
    • Address: 2nd Krasnoselsky lane, 7
  • Novodevichy Convent
    • Address: Novodevichy Ave., 1
  • Novospassky Monastery
    • Address: Krestyanskaya square, 10
  • Pokrovsky Monastery
    • Address: Taganskaya st.
  • Nativity Monastery
    • Address: Rozhdestvenka st., 20
  • Simonov Monastery
    • Address: Vostochnaya st., 4
  • Spaso-Andronikov Monastery
    • Address: Andronevskaya square, 10
  • Sretensky Monastery
    • Address: B. Lubyanka st., 19, building 1

Moscow monasteries:

  • Novospassky stauropegial monastery
    • Address: Krestyanskaya square, 10. (metro station Proletarskaya).
  • St. Daniel's stauropegic monastery
    • Address: St. Danilovsky Val, 22. (metro station Tulskaya).
  • Sretensky stauropegial monastery
    • Address: St. Bolshaya Lubyanka, 19. (m. Turgenevskaya).
  • Donskoy stauropegial monastery
    • Address: Donskaya sq., 1. (metro Leninsky Prospekt).
  • Nikolo-Ugreshsky stauropegial monastery
    • Address: R.p. Dzerzhinsky, st. Dzerzhinskaya, 6.

Women's monasteries in Moscow

  • Mother of God-Nativity Stauropegic Convent

Address: St. Rozhdestvenskaya, 20. (metro station Kuznetsky Most).

  • Zachatievsky Stavropegic Convent

Address: metro Park Kultury

  • Pokrovsky Stavropegial Convent (formerly Ubozhedomsky)

Address: Taganskaya metro station

  • John the Baptist Convent

Address: metro station Kitay-Gorod

  • Marfo-Mariinskaya Convent of Sisters of Mercy

Address: m. Tretyakovskaya

Some Holy Springs of the Moscow Region

Moscow is not just a capital and an economic center. Moscow is the Orthodox center of a huge state. And, if you have never visited the holy places of the Moscow region, this gap in spiritual education urgently needs to be filled.

Why is it important?

For Russian people, religion, traditionally, was something more than just a ritual. Russia is a believing land. The entire history of Russia as a state is closely connected with Orthodoxy. They suffered and died for religion, wars were fought for religion, they relied on religion in difficult days. We have inherited from past times many historical monuments, monasteries, and holy places. The holy places of the Moscow region are incredibly popular places in terms of visiting. Why? Apparently, even now, people find answers, calm their souls and hearts by coming there.Orthodoxy begins with water. Water cleanses and gives strength. Holy water is believed to cure diseases. I don’t know what the secret is here, either in the belief in a miracle, or indeed, water from holy places has some kind of medicinal effect. What is known for certain is that according to GOST, water supplied to apartments through the water supply system can contain up to 600 bacteria. In water from holy springs, bacterial contamination is zero. In addition, this water has high biological activity. That is, in everyday language, strength-strengthening, energy-giving properties. That is why holy springs attract so many people. There are more than 100 holy springs in the Moscow region.

The most visited consecrated springs in the Moscow region.

Chekhovsky district.

  • David's Hermitage - Talezh. refers to the Holy Ascension David Hermitage.

Podolsky district.

  • Source "Erinsky". Brick chapel of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa above a spring with a font. Located near the Erino sanatorium.

Leninsky district.

  • Holy source of Russian new martyrs and confessors. A wooden chapel over a spring with a font next to the Church of the Intercession of the Mother of God in the village. Desna-Petrel.
  • Holy spring "Ilyinsky". A small overhead chapel of Elijah the Prophet in a ravine next to the Church of the Nativity in the village. Conversations.Dmitrovsky district.
  • Holy spring Tikhvin icon Mother of God. A chapel over a spring with a font near the Church of the Nativity in the village. Ilyinskoe.
  • Holy spring of the Hieromartyr Harlampius. Located near the Church of the Resurrection of the Word near the village. Karpovo. Named after Harlampy of Nicomedia, whose chapel existed in the church. You can find it by the worship cross near the temple, which usually marks the beginning of the path to the source.

Pushkinsky district.

  • Holy spring "Gribanovo". Chapel of Peter and Paul over the spring. Located near the village. Gribanovo.
  • The holy spring "Muranovo", also known as the "Barsky Well". Located in the Tyutchev museum-estate. When clearing the spring, they found that water was breaking through in 12 places. There is a font over which a chapel is built.
  • Holy spring "Sofrino". Located on the territory of the Sofrino health complex, the former estate of the Gagarin princes, near the Temple of St. John the Warrior.

Mozhaisk district.

  • Holy source of the Miraculous Icon of the Mother of God of Kolotsk. There is a wooden chapel above the spring. There is no font, but there is a place and buckets for dousing. Located next to the Assumption Monastery near the village. Kolotskoe.
  • Holy spring of St. Ferapont. Located right in front of the Luzhetsky Monastery in Mozhaisk, on “Brykina Mountain”. A wooden chapel over a spring, which was called “the well of St. Ferapont.”

Sergiev Posad district.

  • Holy spring St. Sergius of Radonezh in the Holy Trinity Lavra of Sergius. Located on the territory of the monastery.
  • Holy spring of John the Baptist. Located next to the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Sergiev Posad.
  • Holy spring of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Located next to the monastery, on the shore of the Kelarsky pond.
  • Holy spring of Savva Storozhevsky. Located next to the laurel.
  • Holy spring St. Sergius of Radonezh "Gremyachiy". Located near the village. Vzglyadnevo. The source is surprisingly similar to a waterfall. There is a plunge pool and shower.
  • Holy spring "Radonezh". Located in the village of the same name near the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord.
  • Holy spring of the Chernigov monastery. In the underground temple of the Archangel Michael, a vein of living water flows.

Schelkovsky district.

  • Holy source of the Passionate Icon of the Mother of God. Located near the village. Crumbs. Before the revolution there was a chapel above it. Now only the spring remains.
  • Holy spring of Paraskeva Friday. Located behind the village. Kostyshi, on the road to Fryanovo. It was considered healing, the water from it helped treat eye diseases.

Stupinsky district.

Each of these places carries an amazing story.

  1. David's Hermitage - Talezh. By car - Along the Simferopol highway, 80 km south of Moscow. By train - Kursky station to Chekhov station, then by bus No. 25 to the turn to Talezh, from there on foot 1.5 km. The monastery was founded on May 15, 1515 by the Monk David from the family of princes of Vyazemsky. Not far from the monastery, in the village of Talezh, there is a desert courtyard. There a spring comes out of the ground, consecrated in the name of the Monk David. A whole spring complex was built next to it: the temple of St. David, a belfry and two indoor baths - men's and women's. It is believed that healing from eye and liver diseases occurs at the source.
  2. Holy springs of the Sheremetev estate. By car - along Novoryazanskoye Highway, turn left at the Small Concrete Ring. By public transport - from the Vykhino metro station by bus No. 402, 403 to Malin, then by bus No. 34. Many sources. The most famous two. The first is “Joy to all who mourn.” Be in a low place. The uniqueness of the spring is in the concentration of silver, it is 20 times higher than the norm. The second is the ancient miraculous source of the prophet Elijah of God. This source is a witness and keeper of the events of the 18th century. Mentioned in many historical accounts.
  3. Holy spring St. Sergius of Radonezh "Gremyachiy". 14 km southeast of Sergiev Posad. (near the village of Vzdglyadnevo). By car - along the Yaroslavl highway. Then follow the signs. At the 65th km from the Moscow Ring Road, turn right. The name “Gremyachiy” arose due to the fact that the springs flow from a height of 25 meters. Among the people, each of the key streams has its own name - Faith (heals heart diseases), Hope (nervous system), Love (heals women's diseases). The composition of the water resembles the springs of Kislovodsk, so it is often not worth getting carried away and drinking it. The water contains healing radon, which in moderate doses has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, helping to cope with chronic diseases. It is especially indicated for diseases of the cardiovascular cycle and the musculoskeletal system. Helps cope with stress. Swimming in the spring is not recommended for pregnant women.

Traveling to holy places is relaxation for both soul and body. Remember that holy springs are still not a beach, and you shouldn’t come there to swim. You need to go with a special mood, with peace in your soul, and then you, too, will believe in the miraculous power of water.


Serpukhov – Zachatievskoye – David’s Hermitage – Talezh

Acquaintance with the city of Serpukhov: Cathedral Mountain: Trinity Cathedral and the remains of the white stone walls of the Serpukhov Kremlin of the 16th century, Vladychny Vvedensky Convent and Vysotsky Conception Monastery. Ascension David's Hermitage, founded in 1515. student of Paphnutius Borovsky Davyd. Not far from the monastery, in the village of Talezh, there is a desert courtyard, where an abundant source of spring water flows out of the ground, consecrated in the name of the Monk David.

Sergiev – Posad - Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius

Excursion to the Trinity-Sergeev Lavra. The Trinity Cathedral (1422) houses the relics of St. Sergius; it was for this cathedral that Andrei Rublev’s “Trinity” was written. The decoration of the cathedral contains fresco paintings of the 17th century and a copy of Rublev’s “Trinity”.

Zvenigorod - Savino-Storozhevsky Monastery

Acquaintance with the city of Zvenigorod: the Church of the Assumption on Gorodets - the most valuable monument in the Moscow region (XII century), Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery - the most beautiful monastery of the 17th century, most of the buildings of which were created by order of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich

Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery – Bykovo

Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery is a functioning monastery. Founded according to the vow of Dmitry Donskoy in the 14th century. False Dmitry was hiding in the monastery, Archpriest Avvakum was imprisoned, and Polish troops were stationed. The unique Jerusalem Wall, the 18th-century St. Nicholas Church, the 20th-century Spassky Cathedral, and the chapel on the site of Dmitry Donskoy’s tent have been preserved.
Bykovo is a manor palace, reminiscent of a Gothic English castle. The Temple of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God has no equal in its original volumetric composition.

New Jerusalem

Historical and architectural museum and active monastery. The monastery in Istra, near Moscow, built by Patriarch Nikon, embodies the Russian Holy Land. Nikon gave the surrounding places biblical names: the river Jordan, the garden of Gethsemane.

Conversations – Island – Znamensky Skete

Acquaintance with the tented churches of the southeast of the near Moscow region. The Church of the Nativity of Christ in Besedy and the Transfiguration of the Lord in the village of Ostrov is a unique architectural monument from the time of Ivan the Terrible.
Visit to the Seraphim-Znamensky monastery, which is decorated with an Art Nouveau style tented temple, built at the beginning of the 20th century. In the village of Bityagovo there is a white stone church of the 17th century, a source.

Radonezh – Khotkovo - Chernigov monastery

Church of the Exaltation, Church of the Transfiguration, the place where St. Sergius of Radonezh spent his youth, V. Klykov’s monument to St. Sergei of Radonezh. Khotkovo: Pokrovsky Convent, place of tonsure of the parents of Sergei of Radonezh. The history of the foundation of the Chernigov monastery, the Gethsemane monastery, the famous caves - a place of solitude for the monks of the Trinity-Sergei Lavra, an underground temple with a miraculous spring. Isakovskaya Grove.

Sukhanovo - Catherine's Hermitage

Sukhanovo: the territory of the Volkonsky estate, external inspection of the main house with two outbuildings, a park, the Volkonsky family mausoleum. Active male monastery of Catherine Hermitage. In the middle of the last century, the notorious “Sukhanovka” was located here - one of the most terrible execution prisons.

Vinogradovo - Nikolo-Peshnoshsky Monastery - Medvedev Hermitage

With. Vinogradovo: Church of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, necropolis of the Benckendorff family. Kiovo-Spasskoye: Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands; Nikolo-Peshnoshsky Monastery of the Medvedev Hermitage: Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, St. source; With. Ozeretskoye: St. Nicholas Church.

Modern medicine has a large number of technologies and means for treating infertility. However, no pill can compare with the power of faith. Where even reproductive medicine cannot cope, one can only rely on higher powers - holy places for pregnancy.

Medical ways to get pregnant are undoubtedly very effective. Today it is possible to cope with many pathologies of the reproductive system. At the planning stage, parents take vitamins, go on a diet, and give up their habits. And all for the sake of the baby.

However, neither these nor more expensive measures always make it possible to get rid of diseases of the reproductive system that prevent conception and bearing a child. Often, couples, having tried all the possibilities of medicine, turn with their last hope to holy places that have given healing to thousands of ordinary people.

It is difficult to judge the real influence of these places, but a person’s ability to heal through self-hypnosis and faith has been proven. In any case, who knows, maybe higher powers really help pure and kind hearts.

There is no guarantee that after visiting the first holy place a couple will be able to conceive a child. Each case is individual. God grants mercy to some immediately, while to others it takes time. You need to believe that the baby will appear at the time appointed by fate, and this time should not be rushed. You just have to believe and wait.

You should absolutely not go to a holy place with doubts and skepticism. Not only will this not help, but it will also bring sin to the soul—an offense to the Holy Spirit. You should first pray and cleanse yourself of sins, asking for forgiveness for all mistakes and bad deeds.

Many couples who had lost all hope were able to receive the blessing of a child in such places. The experience of these couples helps others not to despair and to believe. The saints not only help you get pregnant, they give you strength to trust in God.

Spouses, exhausted by constant consultations and procedures, find peace in holy places, replenish their energy reserves, looking at their relationship in a new way. Therefore, a trip to the holy place will be effective not only in terms of pregnancy.

Rules for visiting holy places

You cannot simply come to a holy place and ask the Lord for mercy. Incorrigible sinners will not be able to achieve a miracle, even if they visit all the shrines on the planet. Only with a clear conscience and humility can you ask the Almighty child.

How to behave during a pilgrimage to holy places

  1. Buy a children's item and take it with you. The item can be consecrated in the temple and given to your child in the future. This way he will be protected from the evil eye, and parents will be able to feel his presence even before conception.
  2. The main thing is not how many places the couple visited, but how much they became spiritually imbued with it. Therefore, there is no need to rush.
  3. During the process, you can drink tinctures of medicinal herbs.
  4. Don't concentrate on the problem. The desire to confess and communicate with God should come first.
  5. By choosing a holy place in the south, you can not only ask for help from the Almighty, but also relax and communicate with your spouse. This will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the body and speed up the process of conception.
  6. In holy places it is useful to communicate with kind people and pregnant girls. This will give you the opportunity to gain positive energy from them.
  7. It is worth doing good for free. This is how people are attracted to you good wishes and thoughts.
  8. Learn prayers to help with conception. These are appeals to Anna and Joachim, Peter and Fevronya.
  9. In holy places you can sanctify water and drink it before conception.
  10. It is worth letting go of the problem, stop thinking about it. An obsessive state can only worsen the situation, and then the spouses will not be able to concentrate on prayers.
  11. Negative thoughts must be avoided.
  12. It is recommended to add light foods to the diet: vegetables, fruits, eggs, cereals, nuts, seeds. At the same time, give up meat.
  13. Saints often send messages to expectant mothers good dreams. It is believed that pregnancy dreams include fish, children, grains, eggs, and children's things.
  14. It is better to come to holy places to ask for a child after entering into a spiritual marriage.
  15. In a holy place, you should try to make friends with children, play with them (only with the permission of the parents, of course).

What not to do

  1. You cannot use profanity or make statements that there will never be children in the family.
  2. You cannot blame the Almighty for your illness, you need to thank him for the test of faith.
  3. You cannot ask the Lord for a child to manipulate a man. It is better to ask for strength to solve the problem.
  4. In holy places you cannot wear provocative clothing or wear makeup. When they come to God, they need to be humble in everything.
  5. You should not talk about the purpose of the trip. This time should be devoted only to God and your spouse.

Holy places in Moscow

Pokrovsky Monastery

This holy place is located almost in the heart of the capital - on Taganka. The monastery attracts many sufferers, so there is a long queue to see it almost any day. Most believers receive answers to their prayers.

Even in appearance, this building involuntarily evokes admiration and awe. Infertile couples come to ask for a miracle, pregnant girls beg for an easy birth and health for the baby. In such a wonderful place, not a single prayer remains forgotten.

The power of the temple lies in its history. Once the blessed Matrona of Moscow managed to revive it, thereby endowing the walls of the monastery with spiritual strength. The purpose of the temple is to help the suffering, because Matrona made a vow to help all people during earthly life and after it. The difficult fate of Matrona proves that the power of faith is capable of much. This woman was able to convey to people some of her wisdom and love during times of persecution.

To this day, the promise of Matrona of Moscow is being fulfilled. Her power is so amazing that even doctors recommend hopeless patients with infertility to visit the temple and her grave in order to be imbued with this spirit.

Conception Monastery

The peculiarity of the temple for infertile couples is that it was built precisely for this need. The last representative of the Rurikovich family prayed to God for the birth of an heir, since his wife suffered from infertility. After construction, the temple was consecrated, and after a while Rurikovich’s wife gave him a daughter. The girl was named Feodosia, but, unfortunately, her fate was short and difficult. Thus the Rurik family came to an end, but people’s faith in the power of the temple only grew stronger.

One cannot help but believe in the healing energy of this place, since even in times without IVF and good medicine, a woman was able to fulfill her dream. The Conception Monastery is considered a holy place specifically for couples who dream of having a baby. Here lie the relics of Saints Anna and Joachim, to whom you can pray for your children, because they are the parents of the Mother of God. Also in the monastery they keep a miraculous icon of the Mother of God - a saint who certainly will not refuse such a wish.

Holy places in Russia

Trinity Convent

This monastery is considered one of best places in order to ask for family happiness and a child. The temple was founded in 1643 at the request of the wealthy merchant Bogdan Tsvetnoy. It is located in the city of Murom, Vladimir region. The monastery includes three functioning churches. Here are gilded crossbills, which are considered masterpieces of the 17th century.

The strength of the monastery lies in the relics of Saints Peter and Fevronia, who are the patrons of marriage and strong love. During their lifetime they were a prince and princess. The best day for prayer is considered to be July 8, on which Peter and Fevronia were elevated to the rank of saints.

Every Sunday at exactly six in the morning a water prayer service is performed in front of the relics of the saints. On the day of veneration of the saints, the Divine Liturgy is held at the walls of the monastery in the square.

It is recommended to visit the monastery in the warm season. This way you can not only be nourished spiritually, but also admire the beauty of the building itself. In summer it is also more pleasant and easier to drink water from the source named after Peter and Fevronia, which is located on the territory of the monastery.

Anno-Zachatievskaya Church

The holy place is located in the city of Chekhov, Moscow region. It is an architectural monument of the 17th-19th centuries. In 1694, Savva Vasilchikov built this church according to a vow: he asked God for a child, and almost immediately after construction began, his wife became pregnant. The girl was named Maria, and other heirs of the Vasilchikovs followed her.

The Anno-Zachatievskaya Church houses the famous Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, as well as the icon of St. Nicholas and the image of Seraphim of Sarov. Childless women have been asking icons for help for many decades, receiving healthy and strong babies in return. Visitors note the special atmosphere of the church, the condescension of grace and peacefulness.

Holy Trinity Monastery

It is also called the Lot of the Most Holy Theotokos or the Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery. It is located in the village of Diveevo, Nizhny Novgorod region. The relics of Seraphim of Sarov, who founded the temple and acted as its patron, are kept here.

A very significant story is connected with the Holy Trinity Church. According to some reports, when Nicholas II and his wife had difficulties conceiving an heir (four daughters are proof of this), they visited this temple, and Tsarevich Alexei was soon born.

The chapel is located at the Smolensk cemetery in St. Petersburg. During her lifetime, Saint Xenia the Blessed chose the path of foolishness (wandering monks and ascetics). At the age of 26, the girl donated her property to the church, put on the clothes of her late husband and told people that her husband was alive, and Ksenia herself had died. At first she was considered crazy, but Ksenia’s words began to come true. She warned against troubles and helped everyone, although she herself did not accept help.

The burial places of Xenia and the chapel named in her honor are considered holy. People believed the woman so much that after her death they removed the earth from her grave, and later the pebbles from the stone slab. In order for Ksenia to hear her request, you need to put a note with a wish in the chapel, light a candle and walk around the building three times.

Tomb of Saint Dunyasha (Evdokia)

Calling this woman a saint is not entirely correct; she is remembered for helping everyone who asked. Evdokia is still not canonized, but this does not prevent people from all over the world from visiting her grave in the village of Chudinovo, Chelyabinsk region.

Source of the Great Martyr Paraskeva

It is believed that the spring in the village of Salaur, Ryazan region, helps infertile women become pregnant. Every year a religious procession is held here, which brings together mostly childless women.

Healing places in Russia

Holy springs of Krasnodar

The Krasnodar region has long been famous for its healing springs. They help with various ailments of all body systems, but you must first figure out which source to go to.

Bathing in the Holy Hand spring, which is located in the city of Novorossiysk, helps with infertility. Here, childless spouses ask God for blessings, washing their soul and body from sins. The water in it is incredibly cold, but this does not stop people. Near the source there is the holy cross of Theodosius, to which it is customary to place your wishes.


The Caucasus Mountains have long been considered the center of spirituality and higher power. Here are Ullu-Tau and Mother Mountain - sources of hope for childless couples. It is recommended to try all the mountain living conditions: leave worldly pleasures, live in a house without amenities, fast and pray. After humility, a ribbon is tied to a tree under the mountain, with a wish for a daughter or son.

Women note the amazing influence of these mountains. There are thousands of cases of miraculous healing from infertility after living in this area. You should climb the mountains humbly, giving up meat food and bad habits.

Blue stone

This miraculous place is located near Lake Pleshcheevo in the Yaroslavl region. The history of the appearance of the stone is unknown, but its amazing effect has been tested over the years. Annually Blue stone sinks into the ground, despite all the ways of man to stop it. Women with infertility need only sit on a rock and dream about their future child.


In the Moscow region there is a place called Kolomenskoye, which is located on the territory of the museum-reserve. Here are healing stones known throughout Russia. A stone that can help a woman is called Maiden. To make your wish come true, you need to scoop up spring water in your palm, sit down on a stone, whisper your wish and drink the water. Men can ask Stone-Goose for health. The stones are believed to be most powerful on St. George's Day (6 May).

Stele of stones at Shapsug waterfall

This place has a special energy. Located in the resort area of ​​Sochi, stones near the Shapsug waterfall are capable of giving women a child. One has only to lean against them and say words of wishes.

The Crimean peninsula itself has incredible attractiveness and spirituality. For a long time, saints made pilgrimages here, temples were built, and amazing places of power were located. Therefore, many couples seek God’s mercy in Crimea.

Once here, it will be useful to visit the famous heart-shaped stalactite, which is located in the Red Caves (Perevalnoe). Many pilgrims celebrate the results after a trip to Sudak. It is believed that if you tie a ribbon on an apricot tree under the Genoese fortress, every wish will come true.

In Simferopol, spouses should visit the Church of the Holy Trinity or the Church of St. Luke. Here are the relics of St. Luke, who has long fulfilled the wishes of childless spouses.

Belt of the Holy Virgin

In all Orthodox countries The world has its own holy places, but Russia is truly rich. If it is not possible to visit a holy place, it is recommended to wear the belt of the Holy Mother of God. They are consecrated near the relic of the Mother of God - the only object that remains on earth from her.

The belt is expensive and rare, but really effective. You need to not only wear it, but also constantly pray and try to cleanse your soul. The Mother of God will certainly give a strong baby to couples who are honest before God.

Icons helping with conception

The Tabyn Icon of the Mother of God helps childless women become pregnant and safely bear a child. You can pray for your health in the churches of Bashkiria. Grace is also noted when praying for existing children.

Lists (copies) of the icon are kept in the Ascension Church in the village of Tabynskoye, the Mother of God-Tabynsky Monastery, the Temple-Chapel of the Icon of the Mother of God of Tabyn in Orenburg, the Temple of the Tabyn Icon on the Holy Springs in Krasnousolsk (Bashkortostan), the Church of the Mother of God of Tabyn in the village of Maloyaz, Salavsky district .

In Russia there are many icons that are considered sources of strength for childless spouses.

Icons granting healing from infertility

  1. Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God. Located in the Epiphany-Anastasia Monastery in Kostroma. It is the creation of the hand of the Evangelist Luke. The power of the icon has been proven more than once: the face survived the fire and withstood the war.
  2. Quick to hear. The face was created on Holy Mount Athos, today it is kept in the Dochiar monastery (Greece). Lists of icons in Russia can be found in the Athos Chapel at the Vladimir Gate in Moscow, in the Trinity Buttercup Monastery in Przemysl, in the church at Kosmodemyansky convent, Alexander Nevsky Lavra, in the temple of the village of Sharkan, in the Spaso-Preobrezhensky Monastery in the city of Murom.
  3. Serafimo-Diveevskaya. The icon is located in the Patriarchal residence. You can pray to the face on the Feast of the Praise of the Most Holy Theotokos, when the icon is taken to the Epiphany Cathedral of the Patriarchate.
  4. Ksenia Petersburgskaya. The icon is kept in the chapel of the Smolensk cemetery. People come to her to pray for the strengthening of marriage, the birth and raising of children, humility and success.
  5. Matrona of Moscow. The icon of Saint Matrona (and particles from the relics) is located in the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Moscow. Here you can pray in front of the faces of Peter and Fevronia, who also help in childbirth.
  6. Alexander Svirsky. The relics and face of the saint are located in the Holy Trinity Monastery in the village of Zelenets, Leningrad region. Lists can be seen in the temple Life-Giving Trinity and the Church of St. Alexander of Svirsky in Moscow.
  7. Assistance during childbirth. The icon of the Mother of God is located in cathedral St. Nicholas in Serpukhovo, Moscow region. In Moscow, the icon “Helper in Childbirth” is located in the Transfiguration Church. In the icon, the Mother of God holds the Child of God. Her majestic and calm appearance alone pacifies women and gives them strength.
  8. Icon of the Godfathers Joachim and Anna. The face depicts the parents of the Mother of God, who for a long time could not have a child, but through humility and prayer received a blessing from the Lord. The icon is located in the Conception Monastery in Moscow. The couple are depicted not only as humble, but loving.
  9. Icon of St. Roman. During his lifetime, the saint became famous for giving healing to barren women.

Turning to the saints and praying before these icons especially helps women dreaming of pregnancy. It is impossible to dissemble before the faces of the saints. Even if the spouses do not know what to ask for, the spirits will guide them on the path of mercy. Standing in a temple, inhaling the smell of candles, a person begins to feel unity with God.

Turning to the saints and God through prayer helps those who are pure in heart and believe in soul. When saying a prayer, a special contact is made that can enrich a person spiritually and physically.

It has been proven by many people: if you believe strongly and unconditionally, pregnancy will occur quickly and the child will be born healthy. It is believed that a prayer to a saint, said in a place associated with him, strengthens contact.

To understand who to offer prayer to, you can contact the priest, sisters or parishioners in the temple. You can’t jabber a prayer; you need to say it slowly and thoughtfully. If strong emotions come up while reading the prayer, they cannot be restrained.

Prayers for conception:

  1. Prayer for pregnancy. Implies a request for forgiveness and mercy from the saint. Thus, the woman asks to be relieved of ailments that prevent fertilization.
  2. Prayer of Xenia of Petersburg. It is best to say the prayer while standing in the monastery.
  3. Prayer to Matrona of Moscow. A woman can simply turn to the saint and ask for the treasured baby.

Sometimes childless women are advised to use pregnancy spells. Reading them is more difficult than prayers, since they require a special pace, special conditions and knowledge of the intricacies of the process. It's best to invite knowledgeable woman wash away infertility.

During the waxing moon, you need to open the window, stand in the center of the room in an empty basin and pour holy water on your head. In the process, you need to pronounce the words of the conspiracy, requests to wash away diseases and infertility, cleanse the body and help bear a child without complications.

The meaning of visiting holy places

You can pray at home, but the bustle of everyday life often distracts. Your lips say a prayer, but your head thinks about dinner, work and noisy neighbors. In a holy place, all thoughts rush to heaven, trying to catch the voice of the Almighty. It is not surprising that such requests are fulfilled more often. No, not because God doesn’t hear, but because in church people begin to pray more sincerely and humbly.

You cannot bring evil intent, cunning or malice into a holy place. All grievances must be left behind, because they are what prevent a woman from getting pregnant. You need to let go of the past, free yourself from the burden of quarrels and establish contact with God so that you never break it off again. And you shouldn’t beg the saints for a child in return for something if you don’t want to keep your promise. It's better to just ask for mercy. Cheating can lead to more serious consequences than infertility.

We offer readers some of the testimonies about the miracles, healings and divine visits that happened to the Russian pilgrims on Athos at the St. Panteleimon Monastery, which they testified in writing in notebooks for such records.

As the Russian Athos portal has already reported, a book with such testimonies is being prepared for publication at the St. Panteleimon Monastery. The unusual thing about the book is that the entries were made by pilgrims on their own initiative, voluntarily, without leading requests, questions or prompts. They were recorded by pilgrims in a thick common notebook located in the monastery shop of the Russian monastery on Athos.

This collection contains testimonies of pilgrims recorded by them in the period from 2007 to 2009. In the Panteleimon Monastery on Mount Athos, entries in the general notebook are replenished daily, so each pilgrim can testify to the events of healing and divine visitations that happened to him.

Book of Miracles and Healings (Part 1. 2007–2009)

I smoked 2 packs of cigarettes a day for about 40 years. I used obscene language for about the same number of years. After visiting Mount Athos (the monastery of St. Panteleimon) in 2003, I completely got rid of these habits.
Lashnevich E.

Thanks to the medicine bought in the monastery shop, my mother’s headaches and chronic runny nose disappeared.
Brothers Alexey and Konstantin

I came to Mount Athos with daily injections (Volgoren). From the first day the pain in the joints of my legs went away. I feel great and even walked down Stary Rusik.
Prot. Andrey.

Thanks to a visit to Athos, my stomach was completely healed (and this was after the removal of the gallbladder, daily pain and mountains of pills eaten). B.A.

After his seventieth birthday, due to circumstances, he walked on the night of November 15-16 from Karyes to the Panteleimon Monastery for 5 hours in the rain without signs of heart fatigue and with heartfelt joy.

Sinful Archpriest Valerian

While in the monastery, I received news that my son in Odessa had broken his leg, an x-ray was taken, etc. After prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos and the Great Martyr. Panteleimon learned in the morning that there was no fracture.
Servant of God Vadim. Odessa

In 1992, my mother r.b. Lyudmila was in the St. Nicholas Cathedral (St. Petersburg) and put 10 rubles in the church mug instead. 100 rub. And the sick baby Seraphim was healed from increased intracranial pressure.
R.b. Boris Teplyakov

Around 1994-95. injured his hand and was miraculously healed at the shrine of the Holy Righteous One. John of Kronstadt in St. Petersburg. By the grace of God and through the prayers of Fr. John I am now on St. Mount Athos, for which I thank God and His Most Pure Mother and Their faithful servant Fr. Isidora.
Unworthy prot. Andrey Ermilov

Miraculous oil, mvro and prayer to the healer Panteleimon healed R.B. Oleg from eczema overnight. Thank you Lord, thank you Great Martyr Panteleimon!

Servant of God Victor (Sevastopol) anointed 16-year-old goddaughter Elena with myrrh from the Holy Mountain and at the disco a cross shone on her forehead, which they could not wipe off with napkins and alcohol. Subsequently she came to faith.
R.b. Anatoly
P.S. One of the goddaughters (there were two of them) washed off the mvro while taking a shower, but Elena did not wash it off and the cross appeared among many witnesses.

R.b. Alexy fell from a 5-meter pole onto his back and did not die, after which he realized that God had helped him. Came to faith. Amen.
R.b. Sergiy, 10 years old

More than 10 years ago, during a cough, a left inguinal hernia, the size of egg. The surgeons looked and said that a hernia on the right would soon appear, then they would operate on both at once. He walked holding the prolapsed hernia with his hand in his pocket. 9 years ago at the monastery they gave me blessed oil, I drew a cross on the hernia with my finger dipped in oil. And I forgot about it. A week later I lifted something heavy at work, and the staff reminded me that I shouldn’t lift anything heavy. Then I remembered that I had forgotten about the hernia - it disappeared and has not reminded me of itself since then. Immediately after the disappearance, I went to see a doctor who was going to operate. He said that the tissue does not scar; medicine does not know of such cases. Sooner or later a hernia will appear. 9 years have passed...
R.b. Alexander Kurguzov (Klimovsk, Moscow region)

This year, during the Week of the Cross in the church, the Cross of the Lord was decorated with cut flowers (tulips and daffodils, etc.), which naturally withered after a couple of hours. At the next Sunday service, everyone saw withered flowers on the lectern at the foot of the Cross, and on top, flowers that had come to life at the end of the Liturgy, rising 10-20 cm.
Anatoly, Izmail, Ukraine

Three weeks before the trip to Mount Athos, the royal family appeared twice. First time all together (all children). The second time - Tsar Nicholas II and Tsarevich Alexy in old soldiers' tunics. They didn't say anything. They just stood and looked at me. Save me, God.
R.b. Alexy.

In 2008, while visiting Mount Athos, during a prayer service at the head of St. Panteleimon, asked Fr. Macarius to consecrate oil on the honest head for healing possible illnesses of people close to me. In the summer of the same year, I fell ill - I had a fever, my throat began to hurt more and more, and by the evening the illness progressed very quickly. After reading the evening rule, the hope for recovery was gone. Gathering my spiritual strength, I took a bottle of blessed oil and venerated the icon of St. Panteleimon (consecrated along with oil), anointed himself and tearfully asked St. Panteleimon about his recovery (this was on the day of remembrance of the saint). As soon as I lay down on the bed, literally within a few seconds I realized that the illness had left me. Kneeling down, he tearfully thanked the saint for the gift on the day of his memory.
R.b. Nikolay Vas. Maslov

Before visiting the Holy Mountain, I became very ill - pain appeared in the sixth section of the spine. The head practically did not turn. It was especially difficult to turn it even half a turn to the left. Upon arrival in the city of Uranople, I asked my travel companion R.B. Vladimir, so that he could somehow relieve my pain and show me how to do it. But after this procedure there was no relief and with severe pain I arrived at the St. Panteleimon Monastery. At the evening service, with a great request, I asked the great martyr to help me in my situation, falling to my knees. After about 20 minutes, I was surprised to find that my neck could easily and freely turn left and right. I was amazed and began to turn my head in all directions - the pain really disappeared. And today my neck turns normally, there are no headaches. Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee. God is marvelous in His Saints. Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon, pray to God for us!
O.Petr Saranyuk (I am a doctor myself)

While making a pilgrimage on foot from Iveron to the Panteleimon Monastery, we discovered undelivered notes for mass. They tried to give them to the monks they met, receiving only blessings and smiles in return, but they could not help, because they were not heading to the monastery. Lost from long attempts main idea, that it is simpler and more reasonable to ask the Mother Superior of the Mountain for help. After 30 sec. After the prayer, a car stopped with a Greek priest, who confirmed that he was going to Iveron and with a blessing confirmed that he would fulfill our request. Thank God for everything!!
R.b. Oleg, Konstantin

By the grace of God, the Mother of God and Saint Panteleimon, and at the same time Father Isidore, who gave me the icon of St. Great Martyr Artemy the Great, I was saved from certain death. In February 2007 there was a biting frost. I was driving in a Kamaz truck to pick up firewood for the stove at the dacha and was thinking about how I could get to work in Moscow in the evening, where a good dozen people were waiting for me, a journalist. We couldn’t find workers to unload and quietly drove to the same house with local Uzbeks doing various day labor. And suddenly we see a jeep rushing towards us along a narrow rural road - it’s impossible to pass each other - at a speed suitable for accurately reaching the next world. I froze, pressed my work briefcase to my heart and didn’t think about anything, I just prayed: Lord Jesus Christ, save me and have mercy! He said it once or twice, and the jeep was already ten meters away. Suddenly the jeep pulled away, diving steeply into the snow to my left. The driver and I jumped out. There was an obscenely drunk driver sitting behind the wheel. We returned to Kamaz and then I found a briefcase and gasped. I remembered that when leaving in the morning I accidentally took - for the first time in 9 years - my icon on the road. What else can I say if not a miracle.
R.b. Artemy

By the grace of God, the Mother of God of Athos and Saint Panteleimon, I received and brought home oil from the lamp of the Great Martyr Panteleimon. Having received a bruise, he broke his eyebrow and began to bleed. I anointed it with oil and it went away! Miracle! Save me, God.
R.b. John

He received healing from the relics of the healer Panteleimon while the relics were in Moscow.
R.b. Michael

The icon of the Mother of God Quick to Hear was purchased in 2008 on Mount Athos for the hospital church in Vsevolzhsk. The construction of the temple stopped due to the fault of the builders. And one day the Mother of God personally appeared to the leader of the brigade with the words: You are a careless builder and I have been waiting for a long time for you to build a temple. You will be seriously ill for your negligence until you build a temple. According to this man, in the morning he had a temperature of 39 and a complication on his kidneys. After this, construction proceeded quickly.

The miracle of the prayer of the elder abbot. In the spring of 1968, Fr. Bogdan caught the fire. So the whole forest began to burn. Hegumen Ilian prayed strongly at this time in the Pokrovsky building and many people testified to the great mercy of God. Fr. told Father Olympius. Nikon that the captain of the ship was amazed that a cloud appeared just above the monastery, and everywhere there was sun. The downpour extinguished everything, pouring like buckets. Such a strong prayer was the prayer of the holy abbot Ilian. Three years after his death, his relics were dug up. The head was dark yellow. Without a signature

06/07/2009, Holy Trinity Day
The novice George several times, by the providence and mercy of God, became a witness to the miraculous healings performed by our great martyr and healer Panteleimon to our pilgrims. Entering our hospitable shop, I saw a layman who wanted to ask Fr. Isidora, how can you give the martyr. Panteleimon one gold thing (I think it’s a watch). He said: a year ago I was here in the monastery on a tour, not knowing anything about the healer. And, entering his temple, passing under the arch dividing it and turning to the main icon (which I had never seen), I felt as if I was pierced all over with arrows and I was healed of my serious illnesses. He promised the saint to come in a year with a gift for him. Here he fulfilled his promise. Just awesome!!

The miracle of the prayer of the brethren of the monastery from the employee in Graz (Austria) Fr. Arseny Chernikina gave birth to two twin daughters. One is absolutely healthy, and the second had a cerebral hemorrhage. She lay in an incubator in intensive care and the Austrian doctors did not give her any chance of survival. Father Arseny called Athos and asked to pray for his daughter. They promised to pray to him and asked him to be sure to provide a service to any person who came to him. On this day, an Austrian came to him and asked him to consecrate his house (Orthodox). O. Arseny went and consecrated it. The next morning, when he came to the hospital, he found the amazed doctors there - the girl was white-faced and absolutely healthy.
According to Fr. Arsenia, Vladislav Dobrosotsky

About the storm and about my daughter. In October 2008, we were caught in a force 9 storm within a 200-mile zone off West Africa in Atlantic Ocean. After 10 hours of storm and downpour with hurricane winds, we read the akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. After 40 minutes, the ocean calmed down and we safely reached Morocco and further to Agadir. In 2006, there was a fire in my house. The entire floor burned out and the fire was supposed to spread to the upper floors, but it reached the place where the icon stood and stopped. After the fire, we found an icon printed on ordinary cardboard and left untouched. Although the frame and frame were completely burnt. It was an icon of the Smolensk Mother of God. In 2008, on March 22, my daughter fell while riding a horse. X-ray showed a fracture of the femoral neck. After fervent prayer in front of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God, a repeat MRI examination revealed no damage at all! Thank God for everything! Mother of God, save us.
Goncharov Daniil, Voronezh

Places of power have interested people for a long time. Some of them are considered beneficial, healing, bright, and full of positive energy. But there are others - people call them lost or dark places, since they are saturated with depressing energy that can harm a person...

Most cases of mysterious healing of people from various ailments that modern medicine could not cope with are associated with holy places, which include monasteries, churches, and springs with blessed water. In addition, many people were healed of various diseases with the help of prayers and various spells...

Temples were built in bright, energetically positive places; it was not without reason that people were drawn to the church. It is not for nothing that so many mysterious and wonderful stories are associated with them.

Temples and monasteries contain a large number of shrines that help people in difficult times.

For example, the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Stogovsky Pogost. It arose in ancient times. Tradition says that one day the miraculous icon of St. Nicholas mysteriously appeared in a haystack. That is why the village and the entire surrounding area received the name Stogovo. Ancient documents mention that the village of Stogovo and the monastery, which was previously a small desert, were founded by the monks of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, now unknown ascetics and followers of St. Sergius of Radonezh. During the Time of Troubles, when Polish invaders besieged the Sergius Lavra and captured Alexandrov Sloboda, small monasteries were destroyed (the Stogovsky Monastery also belongs to them).

According to written sources that have survived to this day, the church has been here since about the beginning of the 17th century. In 1799 it was rebuilt and remained in this form until early XIX century. The church was built of wood, it became very dilapidated, and the decision was made to rebuild it. Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Novgorod Ambrose (Podobedov), a native of the Stogovsky churchyard, was responsible for these works. In 1813, a temple with a bell tower was erected. The temple has been preserved in this form to this day. Many people come to the temple not only to pray, but also to hear about the numerous miracles performed here.

There are two altars in the church: the so-called warm one - in the name of St. Ambrose of Milan and the cold one - in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Of the surviving shrines, two icons are noteworthy: the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, as well as the icon of the Exaltation of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. The icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is considered “revealed” to be miraculous.

This can be confirmed by the story of healing recorded by N. S. Stromilov from the words of Pyotr Maksimov. One day Pyotr Maksimov visited a village where the eldest of the peasants said that he had suffered from deafness for many years. And then one day he had a vision: the peasant dreamed that a certain voice was talking to him, who told him to go to the Sergius Lavra and find there the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Stogovo and bow to him, and only then would he be healed of deafness. The peasant listened to the advice and went to the Lavra, where he managed to find a guide who showed him the way to the Stogovskaya Church. In the church, a peasant approached the priest and asked to perform a prayer service in front of the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. And as soon as the priest began to read the Holy Gospel, the peasant heard his words and realized that he had finally been healed.

Not only healings but providences took place in the church.

Svetlana from a nearby village once came to church to pray for a successful release from her burden. While she was praying, a vision came to her: she saw two little children playing in the field. And indeed, soon she gave birth to twins.

The Icon of the Exaltation of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord is notable for the fact that it contains a particle of the life-giving wood of the Cross of the Lord. This cross was sent to Ambrose in 1816 by the Patriarch of Constantinople Polycarp. On Sundays and holidays A large number of believers come to worship this icon. The icon also has amazing properties and is capable of healing various diseases. Believers come to her, and their cherished desires are fulfilled, many recover from illnesses. Many saw how the icon streamed myrrh. They say it's a magical sight and you can't take your eyes off it.

Books also have amazing power, for example the Altar Gospel. It is very ancient, printed in 1634 under Patriarch Filaret. Handwritten inscriptions have been preserved on the Gospel: “he gave this book to the Trinity Monastery of St. Sergius” and also: “Drag the Gospel of the Trinity Archimandrite Nektariy (1633-1640) and attach the Evangelists, give it to the church, where there is a scarce place”... and one more: “ given to the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the good village of Stogovo for himself and for his future parents for the sake of repentance and eternal blessings of pleasure." This book is unique in itself, and it unusually attracted various people; many wanted to have it. But the book, as if by magic, could disappear somewhere; after a while it disappeared completely. But they say that the Gospel will still find its way to true believers.

Another of the most revered temples is the Assumption Cathedral. It is located on the site of the first stone cathedral in Moscow, which was built by Ivan Kalita in 1326-1327. The predecessors of this first stone cathedral were a wooden church (XII century) and a stone church (XIII century). Previously, various miracles had been performed at this place more than once; people felt the special power of this place and came here again and again, then they decided to build a temple.

Construction of the cathedral took place in 1475-1479. For four centuries, the Assumption Cathedral was the most important temple in Rus'. This is a special place that can not only heal, it gives inner strength and confidence to a person: it is not for nothing that the heirs to the throne were crowned here, state acts, metropolitans and patriarchs were elected at church gatherings, and many other solemn events took place. Moscow patriarchs and metropolitans are buried in the Assumption Cathedral, the relics of some turn out to be incorruptible and there are even more miracles. Their tombs are located along the walls. The main entrance to the cathedral is located from the cathedral square. The entrance to the building is guarded by images of the Guardian Angel and Archangel Michael. A little higher are the figures of three saints, above which the image of the Mother of God and Child can be seen. All these beautiful, colorful frescoes were made by unknown Russian artists late XVII century. The interior of the cathedral is separated from the altar by a five-tiered iconostasis of the 17th century, the height of which reaches almost 16 meters. IN late XIX The iconostasis was covered with chased gilded silver. The iconostasis was entirely created by the hands of the craftsmen of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery. In 1682, as a result of a severe fire, part of the iconostasis was severely damaged, but they were restored.

Over many centuries, a large number of magnificent icons of Russian icon painters have accumulated in the Assumption Cathedral. The most ancient of all is considered the icon of “St. George”. They say that St. George helped the Russians defend their homeland. At that time, icons were often carried along with the army on campaigns, and before important battles they walked around the future battlefield with them.

In 1812, during Patriotic War against Napoleon, the cathedral was devastated by enemy troops, but subsequently, from part of the silver that the Russian Cossacks managed to recapture, craftsmen forged a large chandelier, which to this day is located in the very center of the temple. In addition, the southern doors of the Assumption Cathedral are the oldest architectural monument. They were brought to Moscow from the Suzdal Cathedral. The doors date back to the beginning of the 15th century; 20 images of biblical scenes are painted on them in gold over black varnish.

Another interesting shrine is associated with the Church of St. Nicholas. According to legend, the first church was built over the grave of Prince Askold by Princess Olga, but it has not survived to this day.

The church has an interesting shape: it is an octagon with beveled corners, and at the top it is crowned with a tent with a gilded onion roof. Inside the temple there are a lot of beautiful and perfectly preserved paintings, which depict the Last Supper, as well as various scenes from Gospel parables. In this church there was an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, carved from wood in full height. Alas, this icon was lost during the invasions of the Poles and Swedes. Many said that Nicholas left the desecrated place, but the church continued to stand as it still stands. One beautiful legend is associated with this icon:
One day, a villain encroached on the gifts brought by parishioners to the temple and decided to steal them. He waited for the right moment and was already completely ready to commit this atrocity, when he suddenly ran out of the temple into very frightened. The villain said that at the very last moment an old man came down from the wall and looked straight into his eyes with an intense, stern gaze. That is why he ran away from the church in horror. However, the monks knew who prevented the theft of the gifts and frightened the villain: in the place where the man stood, once upon a time there was a lost icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

In July 1991, the relics of St. Seraphim were transported from Moscow to Diveevo. Miracles began in Moscow. Many saw how doves, forming a cross, descending steeply three times, flew over the shrine with the relics of the miracle worker of all Rus'. These were apparently Angels.

In Moscow and on the road to Diveevo, with a gathering of pilgrims from all over Russia, miracles of healing took place. The great saint guided many on the righteous path.

On July 19, the relics of the Reverend were laid to rest in Diveyevo. It was here, in the Trinity Cathedral, that the mass healing of pilgrims and the exorcism of demons began.

The cathedral was overcrowded. The possessed barked, bleated, and growled. Dozens of people were healed before our eyes.

Since then, the sick in soul and body constantly come to Diveevo and receive healing. The sick are healed not only at the shrine of the Venerable One, but also in four holy springs: St. Seraphim, the Kazan Mother of God, the Iveron Mother of God and Mother Alexandra of Diveyevo.

There are many miraculous cases of healing, it is impossible to describe them all. The Seraphim-Diveevo Monastery has been famous for its holiness since the day of its foundation. It was established by the Mother of God herself, as Her Fourth inheritance on earth.

And then, from July 1991, a new wave of miracles began.

It is impossible to describe all the miracles. How many “incurables” were cured, how many demons were driven out by holy water, how many visions there were at the springs!

Everything is given to people according to their faith. I will describe only a few cases.

In the summer of 1996, I somehow had to squat for a very long time near my house. Then he stood up abruptly. Something crunched in my right knee. There was pain. Every day the pain intensified, I could hardly move. I didn’t go to the doctors - I began to pray intensely to Father Seraphim. I asked the Reverend to pray to the Lord for me, for the forgiveness of my sins.

At this time I had a lot of worries about renovating the house that I had recently bought. This repair work gradually began to replace both prayers and the temple - I began to pray less and go to temple less often. And I forgot about the healing springs. So the Lord advised me, reminded me of Himself. After all, many know that our illnesses are our sins.

I remembered the source of the holy Venerable Seraphim. I got into the car and went to pay my respects to Father Seraphim.

From the stories of many healed people, I remember that you need to plunge into the holy spring three times, for three days in a row. This is the plan that has matured in my head. I hobbled to the source (dragging my right leg along the ground), lit a candle at the cross and prayed to our Lord Jesus Christ, the Most Pure Virgin Mary and St. Seraphim of Sarov. Then he took three dips and, without drying himself, got dressed. And - lo and behold! — my knee immediately felt better. The pain went away and it became easier to walk. I joyfully thanked St. Seraphim here. In the next two days I repeated this and began to walk freely and calmly. And I forgot about my illness; my knee never reminded me of itself. Glory and thanksgiving to the Lord for everything!

Unusual healing

One pilgrim suffered from illness for many years. She was treated by different doctors and in different clinics and hospitals. However, there was no improvement in her health, but, on the contrary, every year she became worse and worse. She was especially tormented by pain in her stomach.

And then someone told her about the miraculous healings in the spring of the holy saint of God Seraphim. She arrived in Diveevo and immediately went to the source. With prayer, strong faith in God and in the healing of holy water, she plunged three times and immediately felt severe nausea. When she came out of the water, she started vomiting. Together with the vomit, a lump the size of a chicken egg of an ominous green color came out of the stomach.

The sufferer's stomach pain stopped, and she left Diveevo healthy.

The monk defeated the serpent

This incident occurred in the early autumn of 1996. They brought it to the Diveyevo Monastery sick woman. As it turned out later, she was possessed. She was brought to the Trinity Cathedral and twice brought to the shrine with the holy relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov, the wonderworker.

When they helped her venerate the relics, her whole body trembled and beat as if under electric current. When they began to lead her to the shrine for the third time, she suddenly shouted in a rough male voice:

Why did you bring me to this holy place? Don't let me down a third time! You should all be afraid of me. I'm a scary big snake. Don't let me down again! If you fail me again, it will be death for me.

With difficulty they brought the possessed woman to the shrine for the third time and forced her to the relics. Some kind of inhuman animal cry escaped from her chest, and she lost consciousness.

The woman recovered, the possessor was defeated by the Venerable Seraphim of All Rus', the wonderworker.

Healing a Moldovan woman

First of all, naturally, everyone went to the Trinity Church. And in the temple, first of all, everyone began to venerate the relics of the Sarov elder. At that time I was standing at the shrine and saw everything clearly.

When one young woman began to venerate the relics, she suddenly shuddered all over, and she began to thrash like a bird in a net.

I advised my friends to take her to the relics two more times. They listened to my advice and, despite resistance, brought the possessed woman to the relics again. When she was helped to venerate the relics a second time, everything was repeated, as in the first case, only more vividly.

But when they brought her by force and applied force to the relics of the Reverend for the third time, the picture changed somewhat. Two friends held her by the arms on both sides and leaned her forward towards the relics. Mother nun, who was on duty at the shrine, put her head to the shrine and held it tightly with both hands. At this time, the friends let go of the sick woman’s hands. The possessed woman squirmed, moaned, beat herself on the thighs with her fists and jerked her left leg, and in the direction opposite to the cancer.

Father Seraphim,” I somehow spontaneously burst out, “help this poor woman get rid of the demon.”

I think that everyone who observed this struggle prayed for the unfortunate woman, asked Jesus Christ and the Queen of Heaven to forgive her sins and heal her.

And finally, the sick woman raised her head, threw her arms up, straightened up... and lost consciousness.

The demon left the unfortunate woman.

The demoniacs scream and squeal like pigs...

These words are in the song “Father Seraphim” by composer and poet Gennady Ponomarev. An amazing song, it is impossible to listen to it without tears, especially the chorus:

And all around are Angels,
Like Cherubim,
The light of the native side -
Father Seraphim.

August 1 is the day of remembrance of St. Seraphim of Sarov. On this day, pilgrims from Russia and many other countries come to Diveevo, where his relics rest.

But on August 1, 1998, something completely unusual happened. So many people came that Trinity Cathedral could not accommodate even half of the believers. The rest all listened to the service in the monastery courtyard through the speakers. The service was truly amazing. How many cleansing tears were shed on this day, how many sick people were healed, how many demons left the unfortunate possessed!

I especially remember one woman who shouted loudly in a male voice:

Everything, everything! I can't do it anymore, I can't do it anymore. You tortured me with your prayers. I'm leaving, I'm leaving!

The service lasted a long time. It was hot and crowded. But no one noticed this, because the joy was great.

And people also expected a miracle. All Orthodox world knows that in the last days the Monk Seraphim must rise again. This was predicted by Blessed Pelageya of Ryazan. The Reverend himself prophesied this: “It is a wonder that my death will be like the youths of Ephesus, who slept in a cave for 300 years. Just as they rose in the assurance of the General Resurrection, so I will rise before the final end and lie down in Diveyevo...”

Until this happened, his time had not come. But it will happen, Orthodox Christians firmly believe in it.

While Father Seraphim is still sleeping, people say. No, Father Seraphim is not sleeping.

He had already met with believing men in Diveyevo several times. He told one that he began to expel non-believers from Diveyevo more energetically. He instructed another (a truck driver) to convey something to the abbess of the monastery, Mother Sergius.

He thinks about us sinners, he helps us, he prays for us.

The wart is gone

I am God's servant Nadezhda, from Nizhny Novgorod in 1996 I sent my daughter and grandson to Diveevo.

The grandson has kindergarten There was a wart on my palm. And as he grew, so did the wart, it grew so much that it was unpleasant to look at the hand.

The kid, having arrived home, came to me on the second day and said: “Grandma, I bathed in the spring of Father Seraphim and prayed as you taught me. Look: there is nothing on my palm. Grandma, you yourself said that I have an ugly palm, but now my palm is clean.”

I am so grateful to this source that I don’t know how to express it.

The wart was gone, nothing remained except a small speck.

The bell rang itself

In the Holy Trinity-Seraphim-Diveevo convent, a bell suddenly rang. Everyone was perplexed; there was no reason for the ringing. Then they began to find out who called and why. It turned out that no one approached the belfry (no one was even close). Everyone was surprised. There was only one conclusion: the bell rang on its own.

And at this very moment, when everyone was trying to solve this riddle, a communications worker brought a telegram to the monastery: “The Most Reverend John, Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga, has died.”

It was mournful bell ringing, and, presumably, the Angels called.

Nicholas the Wonderworker helped

Late autumn In 1996, I was driving my car from Diveevo to the source of St. Seraphim of Sarov. In Tsyganovka (15 km from Diveevo) a woman stood on the road with her hand raised and a pained face.

Take us to the spring of Father Seraphim. I’m in Diveevo, I fell behind the excursion bus, and my bag with money and documents was left on the bus.

When she got into the car, she immediately drew attention to the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Here he is, my savior. In Diveyevo, I prayed to him and asked him to help me catch the bus. And immediately one driver picked me up. His name is Nikolai. He took me to Tsyganovka. And in your car I meet St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Now add to everything that my name is also Nikolai.

We arrived safely at the source. The bus was still there and the woman calmed down.

Glory to you, Nicholas the Wonderworker. It is not for nothing that you are considered one of the most revered saints in Rus'. There is no end to your miracles. In an instant, you responded to my request and sent two cars and two Nikolaevs to help me.

On the verge of life and death

In September 1991, due to constant stressful situations, I was on the verge of life and death. Almost all the time there was a black, sticky veil of fear for my family and friends before my eyes.

One day I walked past the Trinity Church and suddenly woke up in the temple on the floor on my knees. I don’t remember how I ended up in the temple, but I was there for two hours - that’s for sure. I woke up from the answer that was coming to me to one of the questions: “How should I live further?” The answer was: “Fast for eight days!” I was so exhausted that I said: “I can’t stand it!” “You will bear it,” was a voice coming from inside and from somewhere above. Looking up, I saw an old man in blue and white robes and realized that it was he who was speaking. She stood up and read “Seraphim of Sarov” on the icon.

In January 1996, I was near death. I was admitted to intensive care. For two nights, two women I knew were on duty at my bedside, moistening my chapped lips. I was dying both mentally and physically. And all this time I felt the presence of the elder. He seemed to pass his hands over my body, sometimes touching it, easing the suffering.

She felt unworthy of his presence and sometimes asked for relief from suffering, but heard in response: “It’s not the time.”

After the second night, a miraculous healing took place. At 6 o'clock in the morning I woke up strong and healthy, feeling enormous, simply extraordinary spiritual and physical strength. I heard one of the nurses outside the door getting ready to leave. I suddenly wanted to accompany her. I got up and went out into the corridor. She stepped back from me, not believing her eyes. The woman was amazed by the light in my eyes and extraordinary physical strength as I hugged her tightly and thanked her. “I would never have believed it if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes!”

In September 1997, 6 years after my meeting with Seraphim of Sarov, I went to Diveevo to thank Father Seraphim for his miracle - rebirth to life.

Healed by the Queen of Heaven

My name is Nina. I want to tell you about one miracle of healing that I witnessed.

The healing springs of Diveevo have been known for a long time. They have already cured many thousands of people. But, as a rule, these miraculous healings remain unknown, since those cured go home, and that’s the end of it.

A good friend of mine had bilateral pneumonia. The situation was critical, as the temperature had already reached 42 degrees. She was on the verge of death.

I trust in God in everything. Everything is His holy will.

It was very cold outside, but after praying, she got dressed and went to the source of the Kazan Mother of God. At the source she prayed again.

Mother of God, Queen of Heaven, pray to God for me, for the forgiveness of my sins, for healing me with this Your holy water.

She plunged into icy water three times, prayed some more and went to the monastery, where she carries out obedience.

Before going to bed, she prayed again, and a miracle happened: in the morning she was completely healthy. The temperature was normal and my health was excellent.

We were all very surprised and even more delighted.

Glory to Thee, Lord, glory to Thee, Most Pure Holy Mother of God!

The Reverend's stone grows

This amazing incident occurred in the late summer of 1996. Even many residents of the Diveyevo district do not know that currently there are two huge stones of Father Seraphim that heal people.

The stone on which he prayed for a thousand days and nights was broken into small pieces after his death. These pieces of the holy stone, having healed thousands of people, were taken to all directions of the earth, and they treated and are still treating the sick.

But we are not talking about that stone, but about two others. Shortly before his death, the Reverend brought two small stones and placed them in different places and said that these stones would grow and heal people.

And the people reached out to the holy healing stones, and healing began. The miracle was not only in the many healings, but also in the fact that the size of the stones increased noticeably from year to year. One of these stones is located in the forest, 7 km from the village of Glukhovo.

We arrived in Glukhovo in a passenger car in the morning. It turned out that few local residents know about the holy stone.

We found a guide and set off. It took about five hours to cover these 7 km. For me all this was business as usual. It is not easy to get to holy places. The enemy places all sorts of visible and invisible traps and obstacles on our path.

Here, on this short road, our Zhiguli had difficulty making its way through the sands, and then off-road. Towards the end of the journey, the car sat on its belly, burying its wheels in the sand. You would have thought we were in the Sahara.

We didn't have a shovel. We shoveled sand out from under the car with our hands and still made it to the treasured stone.

Now it is not just a stone, but a huge block of stone, on which several people can lie down at once. This block has grown deep into the ground. Apparently, Father Seraphim also made sure that no one would take away this stone.

Near the stone stands a massive wooden cross more than 4 meters high with icons of the Mother of God and St. Seraphim. On the stone were various vegetables and fruits that previous visitors had left for us. And we had to leave something for those who followed us. Everything that lay even a little on the stone became healing. The holy place is surrounded by a fence, and there is a lot of wax from candles on the stone.

After the prayers, we took turns falling down on Father’s stone. Each of us lay face down on a stone with outstretched arms, hugging the shrine with our palms. And each of us felt relief, a wonderful cleansing. And we rejoiced, and laughed, and cried.

And on the way back, the Lord sent us a believing woman who showed us better road, along which we quickly got to Glukhov, and then along the asphalt to Diveevo.

The second stone of the Reverend is located somewhere near Pervomaisky Satis. We still have to find him.

Now a monastery is growing not far from the treasured stone. And on the stone itself, in August 1998, construction of the temple began.

Swimming in a snowstorm

I, servant of God Taisiya, from Nizhny Novgorod. I came to Diveevo for the first time in 1996. Not knowing anything yet, I joined some women, and they helped me get settled.

The next morning they went to swim at the spring. I also went with them. But we were caught on the road by a snowstorm. I had a fever, I was coughing, sneezing, and I couldn’t breathe.

When they arrived at the spring, they began to swim. I also started swimming with them. I prayed, crossed my arms over my chest and said: “Father Seraphim, I will not die, I will not die,” and bathed my head.

Well, I think now my head will freeze, my hair will become a spike.

But no - like water off a duck's back, everything has flowed off me, my hair is completely dry. It came out dry from the water. Then warmth spread throughout my body, and the temperature disappeared as if by hand. She neither coughed nor sneezed. She recovered immediately.

V. Yashchenko about the miracles of Diveyevo

I would like to warn you that I prepared this material only for believers and for those who still want to think about the salvation of their soul. And for everyone else whom I upset with what is stated below, I ask in advance for Christ’s sake to forgive me and not judge me harshly.

I will tell you about those unforgettable, happy, bright days of my pilgrimage to the village of Diveevo, Nizhny Novgorod region on the occasion of the transfer of the holy relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov.

I describe the events with the blessing of the priest Father Anatoly from Moscow, a participant and witness of those events.

In the forty years of my life, nothing has ever happened to me that could shake me to the core. This amazing time spent in the village of Diveevo remains a good memory for me for the rest of my life.

As we know, on January 11, 1991, after many years of concealment, the holy relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov were rediscovered and on February 7, solemnly transferred to Moscow, and on July 23 procession of the cross transported to the Trinity Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery, to the place of the elder’s earthly exploits. The history of our church has never seen such a procession!

By God's grace, I, a great sinner, had the opportunity to arrive at the Seraphim-Diveevo Monastery a week before the arrival of the holy relics of the Venerable One.

At this very time, Christians came there from all over the country, arranged for housing, and also helped put the monastery in order.

These were amazing people of different ages, both men and women.

I have never met people of this type before, and in such numbers. I was surprised by many things about these people; even out of habit, I was struck by the true, kind, brotherly relationships between them.

After talking with them, I realized what we had lost! We have lost the most valuable, the most important and the most necessary. And we cannot replace this loss with anything. This is faith in God.

Having settled in the monastery, I became better acquainted with Christians. These people made an unusual impression on me with their culture and extraordinary mercy, simplicity, kindness, cordiality and other qualities.

They observe fasts strictly. The posts make them happy. Their attitude towards confession is especially important. One elderly woman told me that she confessed to her spiritual father on 40 sheets.

Yes, these Christians who strive for such confessions are really trying to save their souls. As I have seen, the Lord reveals a lot to them.

I was lucky enough to visit the spring of St. Seraphim with them.

Upon arrival at the Venerable Spring, we began to swim in clean, cool water. The day was sunny. There were all of us about 25 people. Among us were singers who, having bathed with us, moved aside, into the shade under the trees, and began to hum divine melodies and psalms. After bathing in the spring, I headed towards the cross that stood nearby. Suddenly one young girl exclaimed anxiously, pointing to the sky with her hand: “Look, look, what’s wrong with the sun?”

Everyone ran up to her and saw: the sun was changing color. The light from the sun diverged over large limits and was evenly scattered.

The sun changed color so brightly that we all shouted with one voice after each color change: “Red!”, “yellow!”, “blue!”, “green!”, “purple!”.

For me it was an unexpected, incredible sight! When could my eyes see something like that? An unusual, unearthly, blazing joy shook our souls. Tears filled my eyes, my heart experienced an unusual state. It captured everyone who was nearby.

Suddenly someone shouted loudly: “Look behind you!” I turned around and shuddered in surprise. I felt that the hair on my head began to rise from what I saw. The whole sky behind us took on a fiery color. This sight made my body uncontrollable. My feet carried me along the path to the edge of the forest towards this fiery glow.

Finding myself in a clearing where nothing could interfere with me (neither trees nor bushes), I saw it all with all my eyes. The spectacle was breathtaking. This huge fiery color, similar to the color of molten metal, above my head at that moment began to smoothly turn into a uniform yellow, and then began to dissipate and disappear.

Yes, indeed, great are the works of the Lord!

Later, when we returned to the monastery, I learned that the name Seraphim means Fiery, and the miracle at the source took place just at the time when the fourth cross was raised on the cathedral in Diveevo. It was approximately around 16:00 in the afternoon.

Next to the cathedral (about fifty meters) there is another cathedral, but it has not yet been repaired. But what it looks like is a sight for sore eyes!

Anyone who has read the chronicle of the Seraphim-Diveevo Monastery knows what time and hour he is waiting for.

So we, sinners, by the grace of God had the opportunity to live there. And about 300 of us lived there. At that time, the God-loving Father Anatoly was temporarily assigned to the temple, to whom I turned and told about what I saw. He was not surprised by this, but listened and rejoiced. And he told me that when they raised the first main cross, he himself personally saw the miraculous image of our Lord Jesus Christ near the dome.

And he also told me that tomorrow they will raise the last cross, and it is advisable for us to organize and attract all pilgrims to a common prayer during the raising of the last, 5th cross on the dome. “At this time, various miracles can happen,” said the priest.

The next day the weather was exceptionally sunny. From the very morning, the climbers set to work to install the cross.

And then the 5th cross was brought to the dome on ropes. People began to fuss and look around. In the gap between the trees around, the color of the sky begins to change. A rainbow appears above the dome, as if ordered. Everyone can see her very well. The cross begins to be attached to the dome. It is strengthened throughout the day until the evening. The people do not disperse. Everyone is waiting for something. I am also waiting to see what will happen next.

The sun is shining like on Easter. And now it touches the horizon. In the distance an unusual beautiful sunset appears with strange elongated shapeless clouds. The sun sets behind the horizon, and from the clouds translucent in color, a surprisingly beautiful city suddenly appears unnoticed by everyone.

In this city I clearly see a beautiful cathedral with its slender columns. Although the sun has set below the horizon, it still continues to pierce this city and the golden dome with its rays, from which the sun’s ray is reflected in our direction.

A woman in black standing in front sharply extends her hand in that direction and loudly shouts: “Jerusalem!” People standing nearby support her with loud, joyful voices: “Jerusalem!”

Yes, this is indeed the Jerusalem that is depicted in religious books. It was he, Jerusalem!

Help from above

When we were going to the Diveyevo Monastery, I had a vision. I saw a tall staircase of pure white marble, reaching into the sky and illuminated by an unearthly light. An old man in black clothes was walking near the stairs and was waiting for me. I felt it. The elder walked and hurried. I think he wanted to leave and rise above - leave this world. When we arrived at the Diveyevo Monastery, I learned that there was an elder, and his name was Father Jerome. God brought me to him so that I could see him and bow down to him.

As we approached, I saw the white bell tower of the monastery, exactly the same as it was in the vision. And I recognized the old man.

It was a miracle how I got here. I had to borrow a lot of money for the trip. But on the last day I accidentally found out about a group of schoolchildren who were going to the Diveyevo Monastery. There were no places in the group, and only in last minutes I found out that I was going with them because someone refused the trip. I returned the ticket and God's help and with little money I made this wonderful trip, which will remain a bright ray for the rest of my life. I paid back all the money I borrowed.

Sister Lydia, Chelyabinsk

The land of Kanavka helped

I work as a tinsmith in the Church of John the Baptist in Saransk. We have been restoring this temple for two years now. In the fall of 1998, a misfortune happened to me. I hit my fingers hard with a hammer. The pain was unbearable. But I didn’t go to the doctors, I endured it. I knew that I received this for my sins. The hand was swollen, the wound was festering. It was especially difficult in the evenings, before bed. At this time, the pain intensified and did not allow me to sleep. I already began to think that I had gangrene.

One day the pain intensified to such an extent that I did not sleep for half the night, I held my arm outstretched upward: it was a little easier.

In the morning I remembered that, while in Diveyevo, I dug up some soil in a ditch and brought it home. Having found the purse with this holy land, which, to my shame, I had forgotten about, I went to bed.

From the stories of Diveyevo residents and pilgrims, I knew that this wonderful land had healed many people. Even seriously ill people with “incurable” diseases were healed.

I put my hand in my purse and buried it in the ground. The pain immediately subsided and after a few minutes completely faded away. Sleep immediately enveloped me. I slept blissfully, and my hand rested in my bag with healing earth.

When I woke up in the morning, I didn’t recognize my hand. The abscess was ruptured, and the earth drained all the pus from the arm. The tumor subsided and the hand was completely healthy. I looked at the hand and couldn’t believe my eyes.

Thank you, Queen of Heaven, thank you, Venerable Seraphim of Sarov, Wonderworker. Pray to God for us!

Brother Vladimir's story

Groove of the Queen of Heaven

The Mother of God herself measured this Groove with her belt... Who is the Groove with it will pass with prayer Yes, one and a half hundred “Theotokos” will be read, so everything here is “Athos, and Jerusalem, and Kyiv” (Reverend Seraphim of Sarov). People walk and walk along the Kanavka. In spring and summer, autumn and winter. In recent years, people have increasingly begun to walk barefoot (even in the snow in winter). Russians, Ukrainians, Moldovans, Georgians, Armenians, English, Germans, French, Americans are coming... Kanavka, Diveevo, the whole world knows St. Seraphim of Sarov. The groove heals, the groove cleanses, the groove enlightens.

The greatest grace is received by those who, while passing the Kanavka, read (on the advice of Athonite elders) prayers in the following sequence: “Our Father”, “Open the doors of Mercy for us...” and ten times “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice...”. Then everything repeats again. And so only 15 times.

The land of Kanavka also heals people. They drink it, mixing it with water from holy springs, and apply it to sore spots. Kanavki soil is placed in beds, in the corners of the house, and buried in trenches around houses. This holy land protects people from evil spirits. The Monk Seraphim said that the land from Kanavka is more valuable than gold.

The icon painter Victor said that he saw people walking along the Kanavka, who were glowing with a soft divine light, and a bright light was visible around each of them.

The best time to walk along Kanavka is from three to four in the morning. At this time, the Queen of Heaven herself is here and sometimes appears to the chosen one. Once the sexton Andrei, having walked the entire Kanavka after three o’clock in the morning, saw the Mother of God in the sky above the Kanavka in a shining silver cloud.

It is not for nothing that the elders advise pilgrims to pray at night. Schema-abbot Jerome from the Sanaksar monastery says:

From three to five o'clock in the morning there is gold, from five to six - silver, from six to seven - bronze.

The Monk Seraphim is also sometimes encountered on Kanavka by pilgrims and local residents.

"...This groove is the piles of the Mother of God, here the Queen of Heaven herself walked around it. This Groove is high to the skies... and how Antichrist will come, will go everywhere and will not jump over this groove"

(Reverend Seraphim of Sarov).

Holy places and demoniacs

I have lived in Diveevo since 1988. I helped restore the monastery from the first to last days these difficult and at the same time joyful works pleasing to God. Constantly visiting temples and springs, I saw many miracles. It is, of course, impossible to describe everything.

The sick are mainly healed by venerating the relics of St. Seraphim, as well as in holy springs and on Kanavka.

One demoniac even had a conversation with the pilgrims at the source of Mother Alexandra. Her voice was heavy, masculine:

I wonder why not everyone bathes in the holy springs. We feel so bad from holy water! And there are even many local residents who need to swim. But they have never taken a dip here before!

I saw one demon-possessed woman in the Zadonsk Monastery while I was there on obedience. She staged whole concerts there: she screamed in a wild male voice in the temple, and in the courtyard of the monastery, and at the holy spring. But the enemy did not leave it. She brought him to Diveevo and began to regularly apply to the Reverend’s cancer every day. At that time I was already in Diveyevo.

A few days later she came up to me in the temple and with a smile, in a normal female voice, said:

I was healed. Father Seraphim cast the demon out of me. I am healthy!

It is impossible to listen to such words without tears. Once in the Trinity Church one woman complained in a plaintive male voice:

You drag me around monasteries and churches, you have exhausted me, I have almost no strength anymore. Why did you bring me here?

Recently, two priests brought a demoniac to Diveevo. Every day they applied it by force to the relics of the Reverend. She kicked and resisted. But every day she resisted less and less. In the end, she herself began to approach and apply herself to the cancer. One fine day, the enemy could not withstand the influence of Saint Seraphim and left his home.

Reverend Father Seraphim, pray to God for us!

Monk Joseph

Healing a scary face

In 1997, I witnessed an unusual healing.

In the Trinity Cathedral, at the shrine of St. Seraphim of Sarov, I saw a group of people who tried to cover the boy’s face with their bodies.

Frankly speaking, it was not a face, but the semblance of a face. Instead of eyes, small slits were visible, the nose was completely gone, only two small holes remained in its place. The ears had shifted and were of incredible size, they hung like a donkey’s. The skin of the face was not visible; instead there was some kind of huge abscess of an ominous color.

I was told that this terrible degeneration occurred after the operation. Many doctors agreed that an infection was introduced during the operation.

After many months of torment and difficult attempts at treatment, the boy heard a clear, distinct voice: “You need to go to Diveevo, where holy spring water will heal you.”

The boy told everything to his parents, who had never heard anything about Diveyevo. But they found this holy place and brought their son here.

They lived in Diveyevo for about a month. They attended services, placed the boy at the shrine of St. Seraphim, and bathed him in all the springs. But there was no healing.

And so, on the day of departure, they decided to dip him “farewell” in the Kazan spring. After dipping, the boy was instantly healed. A donkey's head dipped into the water, and a normal human face emerged from the water.

Almost all residents of Diveevo know about this unique case of healing.

Story Zoe's sisters

The Virgin Mary opens her eyes and cries

In Jerusalem, in the temple where the tomb of Christ is located, there is an icon of the Mother of God.

Along the route of the temple, in its eastern part, there is a dungeon where the Savior and two robbers were temporarily imprisoned while the instruments of execution were being prepared. Before entering the dungeon, on the right is the Stone Bonds Chapel. In it, under the throne, lies an ancient stone slab with two holes where the Sufferer’s feet hung in stocks. Somewhat lower is the place where the Mother of God stood, crying and grieving.

The icon of the Mother of God has been standing there for a long time. Not long ago, a layman of other faiths saw tears in the eyes of the Mother of God. He reported this to the Metropolitan and Patriarch, and everyone saw a great miracle. And to this day, the Mother of God opens her eyes and sheds tears to her faithful, God-fearing children. The icon measures approximately 1.4 - 1.2 m.

One infidel, in anger, even slashed at the icon with a knife.

I live in a holy place, in Diveyevo. A color photo of this icon streamed myrrh in my house twice. The Mother of God opened her eyes, and tears flowed from them. The two Diveyevo priests had the same thing.

I gave a photo of this icon to one churchwoman. And right there in front of me, the Queen of Heaven opened her eyes and tears flowed from them.

I gave such photographs to many Diveyevo residents, and many of them were myrrh-streaming. Moreover, the Queen of Heaven cries bitter tears.

Sister Fotima's story

Major miracles are ahead

According to the prediction of St. Seraphim of Sarov, in recent times the Tsar Bell will fly from Moscow by air to Diveevo. He is also called Ivan the Bell. This giant will ring throughout the world. Its ringing will be heard in all countries of the globe. All the bells of all continents will pick up this ringing - they will ring themselves. The worldwide ringing of bells will awaken spiritually sleeping people and announce to the whole world about the resurrection of the great Russian saint, Venerable Seraphim of Sarov, the Wonderworker.

He himself wrote about this miracle, and Blessed Pelageya of Ryazan spoke in even more detail.

Nowadays, most people on our planet do not know that St. Seraphim, as a child, fell from a bell tower, but remained safe and sound. They don’t know that he spent ten years in seclusion, that he spent a thousand days and nights in a row in the heat and snowstorm on his knees in prayer, that he walked on air, and many of his other miracles are not known.

First he will be resurrected after the reign of the Antichrist Venerable Sergius Radonezh in the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra. He will rise from the shrine, walk in front of everyone to the Assumption Cathedral and then ascend to heaven.

And then in Russia there will be a second worldwide miracle. The Monk Seraphim of Sarov will rise in Sarov and will live for a considerable time. Whoever wishes will see it. He will walk from Sarov to Diveevo (18 km). It will be a worldwide wonder. “There will be no number of people.” He will be accompanied by Archangels and Angels, as well as the last Sovereign and high priests. There will be many foreigners, because this miracle will be broadcast on television and radio throughout our planet.

On the road to Diveevo, the Monk Seraphim will perform many miracles. And around him there will be a sea of ​​people. Imagine the sun shining throughout the world! There will be something similar.

Diveevo will become the only women's monastery on earth, and the villages around Diveevo will become cities.

He will open four relics and lie down between them. “...I will rise before the final end and lie down in Diveevo. Diveevo will be called not after the village, but after the world Div” (Seraphim of Sarov).

"The Antichrist will appear in America. The whole world will bow to him, except the kingdom Orthodox Church, which will first be in Russia through the prayers of St. Seraphim and other saints. And then the Lord will give his small flock victory over the Antichrist and his kingdom."

Blessed Palageya of Ryazan

Appearances of the Reverend to people

Father Seraphim appears to many people in dreams and visions. He advises, he warns, he shows us what we “seeing - do not see and hearing - do not hear.”

Several pilgrims told me that the Reverend began to appear to them in dreams and visions after reading the book “The Life of Elder Seraphim.”

As soon as I read this book, says Father Victor, at night I heard a call. I open the door - Seraphim Sarovsky is standing on the threshold.

And my room at that time was a terrible mess. The bed was not made, all things were scattered, dirty shoes, dirty laundry and some sawdust and garbage were lying on the floor. There is dust and dirt all around.

I really wanted to invite him to my room, but I was very ashamed of the mess I had caused.

This is your soul,” said the Reverend, pointing his hand towards my room, “put things in order in your soul.”

After these words, the vision disappeared.

At that time, I already believed in God, but I often sinned, lived recklessly, almost didn’t pray, was always in a hurry somewhere and never had time to get anywhere, didn’t fast, etc.

After this vision, I began to live completely differently and through many efforts I reached the rank of priest. How grateful I am to Father Seraphim for his advice!

The Venerable Seraphim of Sarov began to appear to me sometimes after I read his life in 1990.

And recently, before the publication of this book, I saw myself in a dream in the Trinity Cathedral of the Diveyevo Monastery, at the shrine of the Reverend. I saw the priest in cancer. He was completely full and felt very tight. Myrrh flowed from his shrine to the floor in streams, but people passed by and no one noticed anything.

I had a huge basin in my hands. I placed it under the crayfish, and the basin quickly filled up. People began to come up to me with mugs, plates, jars, and I filled their dishes with a priceless gift.

There was also such a miracle. When I was restoring a temple in the village of Selyavny, Voronezh region, after work I always went home to the city of Liski in my car.

One day I got into the car, started it and drove off. Immediately at this time I begin to read prayers: three times “Our Father”, three times “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary” and “I Believe”. And then, suddenly, at the very beginning of the prayers, I see, without turning around, St. Seraphim Sarovsky. He was sitting in the back right of my car.

It's very difficult to explain. I saw the Reverend clearly and clearly with some kind of inner, incomprehensible vision. But not with the eyes!

This vision was repeated a few days later, and then again. Each time it lasted only a few seconds.

At that time I had various troubles, difficulties, and Father Seraphim strengthened my faith that we will still restore the temple.