What is human activity briefly. Activities

15.10.2019 Society and culture

Types of human activity are very diverse. Depending on the various criteria it is divided into practical, labor, educational, playful, material, spiritual, moral, immoral, progressive, reactionary, and also includes creativity and communication.

From the school course of social science it is known that one of the main hallmarks human, in comparison with highly organized animals, expedient activity is recognized as the constant performance of certain tasks in order to change the world around, resulting in the creation of the so-called "second nature".

Any activity is based on four main elements:

  • object (an object that is subject to change);
  • subject (the one who performs the activity);
  • goals (the intended result of this or that action);
  • motives (reflects what a person's will to act is based on).

Main human activities

These include material and spiritual. The purpose of the first is to change the surrounding reality, including nature and society. In turn, it is subdivided into production (the goal is to change natural objects) and socially transformative (the goal is to change and improve the system of social relations).

An example of the first variety is the creation of goods for public consumption.

Socio-transformative is manifested in various socio-political phenomena, such as: state reforms, revolutions, the creation of parties, participation in elections.

Spiritual activity seeks to change human consciousness both in the face of one person and the whole society. It is difficult to overestimate its impact on our lives. This view helps to unite people, orients each individual to find their own path and happiness.

  • value (ideological);
  • prognostic (planning for the future);
  • cognitive (obtaining knowledge about the surrounding world) activity.

The assignment of material and spiritual activities to different categories is conditional.

In practice, these phenomena are nothing but two sides of the same coin. Any of them assumes a material embodiment, and is based on planning, defining goals, methods and ways to achieve them.

Practical activities

It consists in the transformation of the entire surrounding world, including nature and society.

Socio-transformative activity

The main goal is to change the structure of society, social phenomena. The subject is society, class, group or individual.

They perform activities and tasks that have importance for society, pursue public interests and goals, using economic, political, ideological tools for this.

spiritual activity

  • impact on creative thought and scientific knowledge;
  • formation, change of views on life;
  • planning for future events.

The spiritual life of a person is based on:

  • scientific;
  • creative;
  • religious activity.

The second includes art, music, acting, architecture, directing.

Social activity

One of its manifestations is political activity, which is based on public administration. The life of people included in social processes is necessarily influenced by political parties and government decisions.

They, in turn, are influenced by various forms of people's participation in political life countries through which citizens express their will and civic position, present their political demands to representatives of the authorities.

predictive activity

It is building a model of future actions and events, an assumption about possible changes in reality. The source of this type of activity is human fantasy, which precedes reality, builds a model of the future.

The design results are:

  • plans, tables, diagrams for inventions and various building structures;
  • ideal models for social change;
  • ideas of new forms of state and political structure.

Leading activities - play, communication and work

The game is characterized by the performance of real actions with the help of fictitious means.

Communication is the process of transferring information as a result of interaction. People are forced to contact each other in order to satisfy the need for joint activities.

It consists not only in the exchange of information, but also in the transfer of emotions, experiences to each other, the manifestation of one or another attitude to people and things, the expression of an assessment of the behavior of others, their actions.

Work is aimed at obtaining results that are of practical use.

Types of professional activity of a person

Professional activity is characterized by organization, in most cases it is monotonous, regulated by standard rules. The person who implements it has detailed, in-depth information and practical skills in a certain field of knowledge.

The results of such activities are of great social significance, as they affect the lives of many people.

The concept of "profession" includes various types of activity. There are five types in total professional activity:

  1. Technic man. Man's work with mechanisms, materials, energy.
  2. Man is man. Education, training, service, guidance.
  3. Man-nature. Interaction with the five kingdoms of wildlife (animals, plants, fungi, viruses,), as well as inanimate objects (minerals, minerals, etc.).
  4. Man signs. Working with numbers, languages, signs.
  5. Man is an artistic image. Creation of music, literature, acting, painting, etc.

An example of progressive activity

Depending on what consequences the activity had on the course of history, the development of the state and society, progressive (implies development, improvement, creation) and reactionary (destructive) activities are distinguished.

As an example of progressive activity, one can cite the industrial transformations of Peter I, the abolition of serfdom by Alexander II, as well as the reforms of P. A. Stolypin.

reactionary activity

Unlike progressive, leading to development, regressive (reactionary), on the contrary, leads to decline, ruin, for example:

  • introduction of oprichnina;
  • decree on the establishment of military settlements;
  • introduction of a food embargo, etc.

material activity

This is the result of changes and processing of the surrounding world, including natural objects and social phenomena.

The simplest examples of this type are: cultivation of plants, cultivation of the land, fishing, construction, etc.

Collective activity and its examples

Activities are divided into separate groups depending on the number of subjects performing it. The opposite of collective action is individual action.

The first is based on the unification and coordination of the activities of each member of the team. The task of integration lies with the leader. Efficiency is evaluated by the results of production. IN this case an important role is played by the psychological factor, namely, the personal qualities of the manager, on which the labor efficiency of the team depends.

In addition, the performance of the brigade depends on the quality of interpersonal relationships, well-coordinated work, psychological compatibility participants labor activity.

A striking example of collective activity is the construction of the Great Wall of China.


The presented types of human activity and the criteria for their division into various categories are generally accepted, but not universal. For psychologists, some types of activity are basic, for historians - others, for sociologists - still others.

Thus, there is a wide variety of classifications of human activities that characterize it from the position: useful / harmful, progressive / regressive, moral / immoral, etc.


“The more you live a spiritual life, the more independent of fate, and vice versa.”

L. N. Tolstoy (1828-1910). Russian writer

" 5. " Activity is the way people exist

Can a person do nothing in his life? Is there activity outside of consciousness and consciousness outside of activity?


Activity is a form of interaction inherent only to man with the outside world. While a person lives, he is constantly acting, doing something, busy with something. In the process of activity, a person cognizes the world, creates the necessary own existence conditions (food, clothing, housing, etc.), satisfies their spiritual needs (for example, doing science, literature, music, painting), and also engages in self-improvement (strengthening the will, character, developing one's abilities).

In the course of human activity, there is a change and transformation of the world in the interests of people, the creation of something that does not exist in nature. Human activity is characterized by such features as consciousness, productivity, transformative and social character. These are precisely the features that distinguish human activity from the behavior of animals. Let us briefly characterize these differences.

First, human activity is conscious in nature. A person consciously puts forward the goals of his activity and foresees its result. secondly, the activity is productive. It is aimed at obtaining a result, a product. These, in particular, are tools made and constantly improved by man. In this connection, they also speak of the opioid nature of activity, since for its implementation a person creates and uses tools. Thirdly, activity is transformative: in the course of activity, a person changes the world around him and himself - his abilities, habits, personal qualities. Fourthly, in human activity its social character is manifested, since in the process of activity a person, as a rule, enters into various relationships with other people.

Human activity is carried out to satisfy his needs.

A need is a need experienced and realized by a person for what is necessary to maintain his body and develop his personality.

IN modern science different classifications of needs are applied. In the very general view they can be grouped into three groups.

natural needs. In another way, they can be called innate, biological, physiological, organic, natural. These are the needs of people in everything that is necessary for their existence, development and reproduction. The natural ones include, for example, human needs for food, air, water, shelter, clothing, sleep, rest, etc.

Social needs. They are determined by a person's belonging to society. Social needs are considered to be the needs of a person in labor activity, creation, creativity, social activity, communication with other people, recognition, achievements, that is, in everything that is a product of social life.

ideal needs. In another way they are called spiritual or cultural. These are the needs of people in everything that is necessary for their spiritual development. The ideal ones include, for example, the need for self-expression, the creation and development of cultural values, the need for a person to know the world around him and his place in it, the meaning of his existence.

Natural social and ideal human needs are interrelated. Thus, the satisfaction of biological needs acquires many social facets in a person. For example, when satisfying hunger, a person takes care of the aesthetics of the table, the variety of dishes, the cleanliness and beauty of dishes, a pleasant company, etc.

Describing human needs, the American psychologist Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) described a person as a “desiring being.), which rarely reaches a state of complete, complete satisfaction. If one need is satisfied, another one rises to the surface and directs the person's attention and effort.

The same feature of human needs was emphasized by the Russian psychologist S. L. Rubinshtein (1889-1960), speaking of the "unsatisfactory" needs that a person satisfies in the course of his activity.

The theory of activity in domestic science was developed by the psychologist A. N. Leontiev (1903-1979). He described the structure of human activity, highlighting in it the goal, means and result.


Every human activity is determined by the goals that he sets for himself. We have already talked about this, touching upon such a feature of human activity as its conscious character. The goal is a conscious image of the anticipated result, the achievement of which is directed by the activity. For example, an architect first mentally imagines the image of a new building, and then embodies his idea in the drawings. The mental image of the new building is the anticipated result.

Certain means of activity help to achieve the desired result. So, in the educational activity familiar to you, the means are textbooks and study guides, maps, tables, layouts, devices, etc. They help the assimilation of knowledge and the development of the necessary learning skills.

In the course of activity, certain products (results) of activity arise. These are material and spiritual goods. forms of communication between people, social conditions and relationships, as well as abilities, skills, knowledge of the person himself. A consciously set goal is embodied in the results of activity.

And why does a person put forward a particular goal? He is motivated to do so. “A goal is that for which a person acts; a motive is why a person acts, ”explained the domestic psychologist V. A. Krutetsky.

A motive is a motive for an activity. At the same time, the same activity can be caused by different motives. For example, students read, i.e. they perform the same activity. But one student can read, feeling the need for knowledge. Another - because of the desire to please parents. The third is driven by the desire to get a good grade. The fourth wants to assert itself. At the same time, the same motive can lead to different activities. For example, in an effort to assert himself in his team, a student can prove himself in educational, sports, and social activities.

Usually human activity is determined not by any one motive and goal, but by a whole system of motives and goals. There is a combination, or, one might say, a composition, of both goals and motives. And this composition cannot be reduced to any of them, nor to their simple sum.

In the motives of human activity, his needs, interests, beliefs, ideals are manifested. It is motives that give meaning to human activity.

Any activity appears before us as a chain of actions. Integral part, or, in other words, a separate act, activity is called an action. For example, learning activity consists of such activities as reading educational literature, listening to teachers' explanations, taking notes, doing laboratory work, doing exercises, solving problems, etc.

If the goal is set, the results are mentally presented, the procedure for carrying out actions is outlined, the means and methods of action are chosen, then it can be argued that the activity is carried out quite consciously. However, in real life, the process of activity takes it out of the shores of any goals, intentions, motives. The emerging result of activity turns out to be poorer or richer than the initial plan.

Under the influence of strong feelings and other stimuli, a person is capable of acting without a sufficiently conscious goal. Such actions are called unconscious or impulsive actions.

Human activity always proceeds on the basis of previously created objective prerequisites and certain social relations. For example, agricultural activities during Ancient Rus' fundamentally different from modern agricultural activity. Remember who owned the land in those days, who cultivated it and with what tools, what crops depended on, who owned agricultural products, how they were redistributed in society.

The conditionality of activity by objective social prerequisites testifies to its specific historical character.


Depending on the variety of needs of a person and society, a variety of specific types of human activity is also formed.

Based on various grounds, there are various types of activities. Depending on the characteristics of a person's relationship to the world around him, activities are divided into practical and spiritual. Practical activity is aimed at the transformation of real objects of nature and society. Spiritual activity is associated with a change in people's consciousness.

When a person's activity is correlated with the course of history, with social progress, then they single out an aggressive or reactionary orientation of activity, as well as a constructive or destructive one. Based on the material studied in the history course, you can give examples of events in which these activities were manifested.

Depending on the compliance of the activity with the existing general cultural values, social norms, legal and illegal, moral and immoral activities are determined.

In connection with social forms associations of people in order to carry out activities distinguish collective, mass, individual activities.

Depending on the presence or absence of novelty of goals, results of activities, methods of its implementation, monotonous, template ones are distinguished. monotonous activity, which is carried out strictly according to the rules, instructions, new in such activity is minimized, and most often completely absent, and innovative, inventive, creative activity. The word "creativity" is used to denote an activity that generates something qualitatively new, previously unknown. Creative activity is distinguished by originality, uniqueness, originality. It is important to emphasize that elements of creativity can find a place in any activity. And the less it is regulated by rules, instructions, the more opportunities for creativity it has.

Depending on the public spheres in which the activity takes place, economic, political, social activity, etc. are distinguished. In addition, in each sphere of society, certain types of human activity characteristic of it are distinguished. For example, the economic sphere is characterized by production and consumer activities. Political are characterized by state, military, International activity. For the spiritual sphere of society - scientific, educational, leisure.

Considering the process of the formation of the human personality, domestic psychology identifies the following main types of human activity. Firstly, it is a hierarchy: subject, plot-role-playing, intellectual, sports. Game activity is focused not so much on a specific result, but on the game process itself - its rules, situation, imaginary environment. It prepares a person for creative activity and life in society.

Secondly, this teaching is an activity aimed at acquiring knowledge and methods of action.

Thirdly, it is labor - a type of activity aimed at achieving a practically useful result.

Often, along with the game, learning and work, communication is distinguished as the main activity of people - the establishment and development mutual relations, contacts between people. Communication includes the exchange of information, assessments, feelings and specific actions.

Studying the features of the manifestation of human activity, they distinguish external and internal activity. External activity is manifested in the form of movements, muscle efforts, actions with real objects. The internal occurs through mental actions. In the course of this activity, human activity is manifested not in real movements, but in ideal models created in the process of thinking. There is a close relationship and complex relationship between these two activities. The inner activity, figuratively speaking, plans the outer one. it arises on the basis of the external and is realized through it. this is important to take into account when considering the connection between activity and consciousness.


Consciousness is the ability inherent only in man to reproduce reality in ideal images.

For centuries, the problem of consciousness has been the scene of sharp ideological disputes. Representatives of different philosophical schools give different answers to the question about the nature of consciousness and the features of its formation. The natural-scientific approach opposes religious-idealistic views in these disputes. Proponents of the natural-scientific approach consider consciousness to be a manifestation of the functions of the brain, secondary in comparison with the bodily organization of a person. Supporters of religious-idealistic views, on the contrary, consider consciousness to be primary, and the “corporeal” person is its derivative.

But, despite the differences in the interpretation of the nature of consciousness, both of them note that it is associated with speech and goal-setting human activity. What consciousness is, what it is, is evidenced by the language of people and cultural objects - the results of labor, works of art, etc.

Based on the natural-scientific approach, domestic psychology has developed a doctrine of the formation of stable structures of human consciousness at an early age through communication with adults. According to this teaching, each person, in the course of individual development, joins consciousness, i.e., joint knowledge, through the acquisition of language. And thanks to this, his individual consciousness is formed. Thus, a person from his birth enters the world of objects created by previous generations. As a result of communication with other people, he learns the purposeful use of these objects.

Precisely because a person relates to the objects of the external world with understanding, with knowledge, the way he relates to the world is called consciousness. Any sensual image of an object, any sensation or representation, having a certain meaning and meaning, becomes a part of consciousness. On the other hand, a number of sensations, human experiences are beyond the scope of consciousness. They lead to little conscious, impulsive actions, which were mentioned earlier, and this affects human activity, sometimes distorting its results.

Activity, in turn, contributes to changes in human consciousness, its development. Consciousness is formed by activity in order to at the same time influence this activity, determine and regulate it. Practically realizing their creative ideas born in consciousness, people transform nature, society and themselves. In this sense, human consciousness not only reflects the objective world, but also creates it. Having absorbed historical experience, knowledge and methods of thinking, having acquired certain skills and abilities, a person masters reality. At the same time, he sets goals, creates projects for future tools, and consciously regulates his activities.

Justifying unity. activity and consciousness, domestic science has developed a doctrine of activity, which is leading for each age period of a person's life. The word "leading" emphasizes, firstly, that it is she who forms the most important personality traits at this age stage. secondly, in line with the leading activity, all its other types develop.

For example, for a child before entering school, the leading type of activity is a game, although he already studies and works a little (at home with his parents or in kindergarten). The leading activity of a student is teaching. But, despite the fact that work occupies an important place in his life, in his free time he still continues to play with pleasure. Many researchers consider communication to be the leading activity of a teenager. At the same time, the teenager continues to learn and new favorite games appear in his life. For an adult, the leading activity is work, but in the evenings he can study, and devote his free time to sports or mind games, communication.

Concluding our conversation about activity and consciousness, let us once again return to the definition of activity. Human activity, or, what can be considered a synonym, conscious activity, is the activity of a person aimed at the implementation of the set goals related to the satisfaction of his needs.


1 Learn to set specific goals and determine the best means to achieve them. This gives the activity a conscious character, allows you to control its course and, if necessary, make certain adjustments.

2 Remember: it is important to see not only the immediate, but also the distant goals of your activities. This will help to overcome difficulties, will not let you stop halfway without reaching the goal.

3 Show concern for the diversity of your activities. This will make it possible to meet different needs and develop different interests.

4 Do not forget the importance of inner activity in people's lives. This will help you to be attentive to the opinions, emotions, feelings of others, to show delicacy in your relationships with other people.

From the work of the modern domestic psychologist V. A. Petrovsky "Personality in psychology: the paradigm of subjectness."

For example, we are convinced that any activity has an author (“subject”), that it is always directed to one or another thing (“object”), that at first it is consciousness, then activity. In addition, we have no doubt that activity is a process and that it can be observed from the outside, or, in any case, “from within” - through the eyes of the person himself. Everything is so, as long as we do not take into account the progress of a person towards an already accepted goal ... But if we make the movement of activity the subject of attention, then it suddenly turns out that everything said about its structure loses its distinctness ... The author loses "sharpness" ; the orientation of activity toward an object gives way to orientation toward another person... the process of activity breaks up into many branching and again merging "brooks-transitions"... instead of consciousness preceding and directing activity, it itself turns out to be something secondary, derived from activity ... And all this is due to the tendencies of its own movement, self-development of activity ...

There is always an element of discrepancy between what you strive for and what you achieve ... Regardless of whether the idea turns out to be higher than the embodiment or, conversely, the embodiment surpasses the idea, the discrepancy between the aspiration and the effects of the actions taken stimulates the activity of a person, the movement of his activity. And as a result, a new activity is born, and not only one's own, but, possibly, other people's.

Questions and tasks for the document

1. Based on the text of the document, explain what an object and a subject of activity are. Give specific examples of objects and subjects of activity of various types.
2. Find in the text of the document the lines where the author talks about the movement of the activity. What meaning does he put into these words? What appears as a result of the movement of activity?
3. How, according to the author, are activity and consciousness related?


1. What is an activity?
2. What features are inherent in human activity?
H. How are activities and needs related?
4. What is the motive of activity? How is motive different from purpose? What is the role of motives in human activity?
5. Define the need. Name the main groups of human needs and give specific examples.
6. What can be attributed to the results (products) of human activity?
7. Name the types of human activities. Open to concrete examples their diversity.
8. How are activities and

Human modern society is engaged various kinds activities. In order to describe all types of human activity, it is necessary to list the most important needs for a given person, and the number of needs is very large.

The emergence of various types of activity is associated with the socio-historical development of man. The fundamental activities in which a person is included in the process of his individual development are communication, play, study, work.

  • * communication - the interaction of two or more people in the process of exchanging information of a cognitive or affective-evaluative nature;
  • * game - a type of activity in conditional situations that imitate real ones, in which social experience is assimilated;
  • * learning -- the process of systematic mastery of knowledge, skills, abilities necessary to perform work;
  • * labor is an activity aimed at creating social useful product that satisfies the material and spiritual needs of people.

Communication is a type of activity consisting in the exchange of information between people. Depending on the age stage of human development, the specifics of the activity, the nature of communication changes. Each age stage is characterized by a specific type of communication. In infancy, an adult exchanges an emotional state with a child, helps to navigate in the world around. At an early age, communication between an adult and a child is carried out in connection with object manipulation, the properties of objects are actively mastered, and the child's speech is formed. In the preschool period of childhood, a role-playing game develops interpersonal communication skills with peers. The younger student is busy with educational activities, respectively, and communication is included in this process. In adolescence, in addition to communication, a lot of time is devoted to preparing for professional activities. The specificity of the professional activity of an adult leaves an imprint on the nature of communication, demeanor and speech. Communication in professional activity not only organizes, but also enriches it, new connections and relationships between people arise in it.

The game is a kind of activity, the result of which is not the production of any material product. She is the leading activity of a preschooler, because through her he accepts the norms of society, learns interpersonal communication with peers. Among the varieties of games, one can single out individual and group, subject and plot, role-playing and games with rules. Games have great importance in people's lives: for children they are mainly of a developmental nature, for adults they are a means of communication, recreation.

Teaching is a type of activity, its purpose is to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities. In the process of historical development, knowledge was accumulated in various fields of science and practice, therefore, in order to master this knowledge, teaching became a special type of activity. Teaching affects the mental development of the individual. It consists of assimilation of information about the properties of surrounding objects and phenomena (knowledge), the correct choice of techniques and operations in accordance with the goals and conditions of activity (skill).

Labor is historically one of the first types of human activity. The subject of psychological study is not labor itself as a whole, but its psychological components. Usually labor is characterized as a conscious activity, which is aimed at the implementation of the result and is regulated by the will in accordance with its conscious purpose. Labor performs an important formative function in the development of the individual, as it influences the formation of his abilities and character.

The attitude to work is laid in early childhood, knowledge and skills are formed in the process of education, special training, and work experience. To work means to show oneself in activity. Work in a certain field of human activity is associated with a profession.

Thus, each of the above activities is the most characteristic for certain age stages personality development. The current type of activity, as it were, prepares the next one, since it develops the corresponding needs, cognitive capabilities and behavioral characteristics.

Depending on the characteristics of a person's relationship to the world around him, activities are divided into practical and spiritual.

Practical activity is aimed at changing the surrounding world. Because the world consists of nature and society, it can be production (changing nature) and social transformation (changing the structure of society).

Spiritual activity is aimed at changing individual and social consciousness. It is realized in the spheres of art, religion, scientific creativity, in moral deeds, organizing collective life and orienting a person towards solving the problems of the meaning of life, happiness, well-being.

Spiritual activity includes cognitive activity (obtaining knowledge about the world), value activity (determining the norms and principles of life), prognostic activity (building models of the future), etc.

The division of activity into spiritual and material is conditional. In reality, the spiritual and the material cannot be separated from each other. Any activity has a material side, since in one way or another it correlates with the outside world, and an ideal side, since it involves goal setting, planning, choice of means, etc.

By spheres of public life - economic, social, political and spiritual.

Traditionally, there are four main areas of public life:

  • § social (peoples, nations, classes, gender and age groups, etc.)
  • § economic (productive forces, production relations)
  • § political (state, parties, socio-political movements)
  • § spiritual (religion, morality, science, art, education).

It is important to understand that people are simultaneously in different relationships with each other, connected with someone, isolated from someone when solving their life issues. Therefore, the spheres of the life of society are not geometric spaces inhabited by different people, but the relationship of the same people in connection with different aspects of their lives.

The social sphere is the relationship that arises in the production of direct human life and man as a social being. The social sphere includes various social communities and relations between them. A person, occupying a certain position in society, is inscribed in various communities: he can be a man, a worker, a father of a family, a city dweller, etc.

The economic sphere is a set of people's relations arising from the creation and movement of material goods. The economic sphere is the area of ​​production, exchange, distribution, consumption of goods and services. The relations of production and productive forces together constitute the economic sphere of the life of society.

The political sphere is the relations of people connected with power, which provide joint security.

The elements of the political sphere can be represented as follows:

  • § political organizations and institutions - social groups, revolutionary movements, parliamentarism, parties, citizenship, presidency, etc.;
  • § political norms - political, legal and moral norms, customs and traditions;
  • § political communications - relations, connections and forms of interaction between participants in the political process, as well as between political system in general and society;
  • § political culture and ideology - political ideas, ideology, political culture, political psychology.

The spiritual sphere is the sphere of relations that arise during the production, transfer and development of spiritual values ​​(knowledge, beliefs, norms of behavior, artistic images, etc.).

If the material life of a person is connected with the satisfaction of specific daily needs (for food, clothing, drink, etc.). then the spiritual sphere of human life is aimed at meeting the needs for the development of consciousness, worldview, and various spiritual qualities.

The inclusion of society - mass, collective, individual.

In connection with the social forms of association of people in order to carry out activities, collective, mass, and individual activities are distinguished. Collective, mass, individual forms of activity are determined by the essence of the acting subject (a person, a group of people, a public organization, etc.). Depending on the social forms of association of people in order to carry out activities, they establish individual (example: management of a region or country), collective (ship management systems, work in a team), mass (example mass media is the death of Michael Jackson).

Dependence on social norms - moral, immoral, legal, illegal.

Conditionality from the conformity of activities to existing general cultural traditions, social norms differentiate legal and illegal, as well as moral and immoral activities. Illegal activity is everything that is prohibited by law, the constitution. Take, for example, the manufacture and production of weapons, explosives, distribution of drugs, all of these are illegal activities. Naturally, many try to adhere to moral activity, that is, to study conscientiously, to be polite, to value relatives, to help the old and the homeless. There is a vivid example of moral activity - the whole life of Mother Teresa.

The potential of the new in activity is innovative, inventive, creative, routine.

When human activity affects the historical course of events, with social growth, then progressive or reactionary, as well as creative and destructive activities are distributed. For example: The progressive role of the industrial activity of Peter 1 or the progressive activity of Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin.

Depending on the absence or presence of any goals, the success of the activity and the ways to accomplish it, they reveal a monotonous, monotonous, patterned activity, which in turn proceeds strictly according to certain requirements, and a new one is most often not given (Manufacturing of any product, substance according to the scheme at the plant or factory). But the activity is creative, inventive, on the contrary, it carries the character of the originality of the new, previously unknown. It is distinguished by specificity, exclusivity, originality. And elements of creativity can be applied in any of the activities. An example is dancing, music, painting, there are no rules or instructions, here is the embodiment of fantasy, and its implementation.

Types of human cognitive activity

Teaching or cognitive activity refers to the spiritual spheres of human life and society. There are four types of cognitive activity:

  • ordinary - consists in the exchange of experience and the images that people carry in themselves and share with the outside world;
  • Scientific - characterized by the study and use of various laws and patterns. The main goal of scientific cognitive activity is to create an ideal system of the material world;
  • Artistic cognitive activity consists in the attempt of creators and artists to assess the surrounding reality and find shades of beauty and ugliness in it;
  • Religious. Its subject is the man himself. His actions are judged from the point of view of pleasing God. This also includes moral norms and moral aspects of actions. Given that the whole life of a person consists of actions, spiritual activity plays an important role in their formation.

Types of human spiritual activity

The spiritual life of a person and society corresponds to such activities as religious, scientific and creative. Knowing the essence of scientific and religious activity, it is worth considering in more detail the types of human creative activity. This includes artistic or musical direction, literature and architecture, directing and acting. Every person has the makings of creativity, but in order to reveal them, you need to work long and hard.

Types of human labor activity

In the process of labor, the worldview of a person and his life principles. Labor activity requires planning and discipline from the individual. Types of labor activity are both mental and physical. There is a stereotype in society that physical labor is much more difficult than mental work. Although outwardly the work of the intellect does not manifest itself, in fact these types of labor activity are almost equal. Once again, this fact proves the diversity of professions that exist today.

Types of professional activity of a person

In a broad sense, the concept of a profession means a diverse form of activity performed for the benefit of society. Simply put, the essence of professional activity is that people work for people and for the benefit of the whole society. There are 5 types of professional activity.

  • 1. Man-nature. The essence of this activity is in interaction with living beings: plants, animals and microorganisms.
  • 2. Man-man. This type includes professions in one way or another related to interaction with people. The activity here is to educate, guide people, and provide them with information, trade and consumer services.
  • 3. Man-technique. A type of activity characterized by the interaction of a person and technical structures and mechanisms. This includes everything related to automatic and mechanical systems, materials and types of energy.
  • 4. Man - sign systems. The activity of this type consists in interaction with numbers, signs, natural and artificial languages.
  • 5. Man is an artistic image. This type includes all creative professions related to music, literature, acting, and visual arts.

Types of economic activities of people

Human economic activity has recently been strongly contested by environmentalists, since it is based on natural reserves, which will soon exhaust themselves. The types of human economic activity include the extraction of minerals, such as oil, metals, stones, and everything that can benefit a person and cause damage not only to nature, but to the entire planet.

Types of human information activity

Information is an integral part of human interaction with the outside world. The types of information activities include the receipt, use, dissemination and storage of information. Information activity often becomes a threat to life, because there are always people who do not want third parties to know and disclose any facts. Also, this type of activity can be provocative in nature, and also be a means of manipulating the consciousness of society.

Types of human mental activity

Mental activity affects the state of the individual and the productivity of his life. The simplest type of mental activity is a reflex. These are habits and skills established through constant repetition. They are almost imperceptible, in comparison with the most complex type of mental activity - creativity. It is distinguished by constant diversity and originality, originality and uniqueness. Therefore, creative people are so often emotionally unstable, and professions related to creativity are considered the most difficult. That is why creative people are called talents that can transform this world and instill cultural skills in society.

Culture includes all types of transformative human activity. There are only two kinds of this activity - creation and destruction. The latter, unfortunately, is more common. Many years of man's transforming activity in nature have led to troubles and catastrophes.

Only creation can come to the rescue here, which means at least the restoration of natural resources.

Action distinguishes us from animals. Some of its types are beneficial to the development and formation of the personality, others are destructive. Knowing what qualities are inherent in us, we can avoid the deplorable consequences of our own activities. This will not only benefit the world around us, but will also allow us to do what we love with a clear conscience and consider ourselves people with a capital letter.

classify all human activities It is not possible, but it is possible to single out the main types of activity characteristic of all people. They correspond to general needs and are found in almost all people without exception. There are three genetically replacing each other and coexisting throughout life types of activity:.

Within the framework of the active approach, the authors define the concept of “leading activity” as an activity in which the emergence and formation of the main psychological neoplasms at one stage or another of its development takes place and the foundations are laid for the transition to a new leading activity.

Each age has its own leading activity, which basically determines the dynamics of development in a given life period.

Being born, the child is immediately included in the game activity, then, growing up, is included in the educational one, and as an adult, he starts.

These types of human activity differ in the final results (product of activity), in organization, and in the characteristics of motivation.

The game is organized freely, unregulated. It is very difficult to regulate the content of the game, the involvement of the child in it, the cessation of the game. The child usually moves from one game to another on his own.

Teaching and labor proceed in organizational forms that are obligatory for a person. Work begins at a precisely set time, and during it, in accordance with the plan and the given productivity, the products of labor are produced. The same picture is observed in teaching. Classes begin according to the schedule, and throughout the lesson the student is engaged in this particular subject.

Different forms of organization of human activities are also associated with their different motivations. The motive of the game is the pleasure that the child experiences from the very process of the game.

The main motive for learning and work is a sense of duty, a sense of responsibility. These higher feelings are no less a strong stimulus for activity than interest. However, both in teaching and in work, one should arouse in a person an interest in the very process of activity or in its results.

A variety of activities complement each other, coexist, interpenetrate.

A game. A game is a kind of unproductive activity, where the motive lies not as a result of it, but in the process itself. The game accompanies humanity throughout its history. Children start playing from the moment they are born. Games become more difficult with age. For children, games are primarily educational. In adults, the game is not a leading activity, but serves as a means of communication and relaxation.

There are several types of games: individual, group, subject, story, role-playing and games with rules.

Individual games - a type of activity when one person is engaged in the game.
Group games - several individuals are involved in the activity.
Subject games - are associated with the inclusion of any objects in the gaming activity.
Story games are game activities according to a certain scenario.
Role-playing games are human behavior limited to a specific role that a person takes on in a game.
Games with rules - a game activity regulated by a certain system of rules for the behavior of their participants.

These types of games can be mixed: subject-role-playing, plot-role-playing, story-based with rules.

At first, the child's play activity is objective. However, the need to master the system of human relationships and the desire to participate in them lead the growing child to use games with increasing mental content. Children begin to role-play role-playing games, which require them to have significantly greater knowledge of the imaginary objects involved in the game, and cause deeper experiences. This is the developing power of this type of games.

With age, games are replaced by more serious activities and work. However, even here the game does not disappear completely.

Teaching. Teaching is an activity, the purpose of which is the acquisition by a person of knowledge, skills and. Teaching can be both organized in special institutions, and unorganized and carried out spontaneously, together with other activities.

In there are two sides: the activity of the teacher and the activity of the student (teaching). At school, the child not only acquires a set of knowledge, skills and abilities, but, no less important, he learns to live, understand life in all its complexity and take part in it.

The driving force behind learning is the contradiction between what the child knows and what he wants or needs to know. So, for example, in infancy, manipulations with objects and toys allow the child to learn how to use them in accordance with their intended purpose. Most of the actions the child learns according to the model. In one case, the child sees how adults act and reproduces them himself. In the other, adults specifically show the techniques of action and help to master them. As a rule, there are much more samples that children independently master than those that they master on the initiative and with the help of adults. Here there is a close connection between the game and learning, the constant transition of the game and learning into each other, the inclusion of elements of one activity into another.

Teaching as a world and play are inextricably linked from the very first days of a child's life.

Work. Labor occupies a special place in the human system. Labor is an activity aimed at transforming material and intangible objects and adapting them to meet human needs.

Game and learning are only preparation for work and originated from work, since it is work that is the decisive condition for the formation of the personality, its abilities, mental, moral qualities, its consciousness. In labor, those personal qualities of a person develop, which in his process are necessarily and constantly manifested by him. Labor develops physical strength: the ability to endure great physical exercise, muscle strength, endurance, agility, mobility.

According to the nature of the main efforts expended, labor activity can be divided into several types:
- physical work;
- intellectual work;
- spiritual work.

In theory and practice, by labor, in fact, to the greatest extent, physical labor is understood.

Physical labor can be classified as follows:
- self-service work (maintenance of housing, clothing, workplace, cooking for oneself, etc.);
- domestic family work;
- productive work.

Self-service work is mastered earlier than others in childhood and accompanies a person throughout his life.

Household family work - work is longer, complex in content and requiring more effort. Often it can only be conditionally separated from self-service work. The main sign of its allocation is the performance of work not for oneself or not only for oneself.

Productive labor acquires a mass character, in which handicraft labor (using the simplest machines, tools, equipment) and industrial labor (the highest form of productive labor) are singled out.

Intellectual work. Mental labor (and only it) allows a person to know the world and his place in it.

Spiritual work - work on self-improvement, constant self-control, reflection can also be attributed to this type of work.

Only in labor - physical, intellectual and spiritual - does a person become a person.

Nature has laid in us the main differences from animals - mind and activity. Constant inaction inevitably leads to the degradation of the individual, so activity is the most important tool for development. The types and forms of human activity today are quite diverse - this is a game, teaching and work. The game has the function of entertainment and recreation. Teaching helps in acquiring skills and knowledge. And work contributes to the formation and growth of personality. Activity plays a major role in human life. And in order to know where to direct our energy, let's figure out what types of activities exist in nature.

Types of human cognitive activity

Teaching or cognitive activity refers to the spiritual spheres of human life and society. There are four types of cognitive activity:

  • ordinary - consists in the exchange of experience and the images that people carry in themselves and share with the outside world;
  • scientific - is characterized by the study and use of various laws and patterns. The main goal of scientific cognitive activity is to create an ideal system of the material world;
  • artistic cognitive activity consists in the attempt of creators and artists to assess the surrounding reality and find in it shades of beauty and ugliness;
  • religious. Its subject is the man himself. His actions are judged from the point of view of pleasing God. This also includes moral norms and moral aspects of actions. Given that the whole life of a person consists of actions, spiritual activity plays an important role in their formation.

Types of human spiritual activity

The spiritual life of a person and society corresponds to such activities as religious, scientific and creative. Knowing the essence of scientific and religious activity, it is worth considering in more detail the types of human creative activity. This includes artistic or musical direction, literature and architecture, directing and acting. Every person has the makings of creativity, but in order to reveal them, you need to work long and hard.

Types of human labor activity

In the process of labor, a person's worldview and his life principles develop. Labor activity requires planning and discipline from the individual. Types of labor activity are both mental and physical. There is a stereotype in society that physical labor is much more difficult than mental work. Although outwardly the work of the intellect does not manifest itself, in fact these types of labor activity are almost equal. Once again, this fact proves the diversity of professions that exist today.

Types of professional activity of a person

In a broad sense, the concept of a profession means a diverse form of activity performed for the benefit of society. Simply put, the essence of professional activity is that people work for people and for the benefit of the whole society. There are 5 types of professional activity.

  1. Man-nature. The essence of this activity is in interaction with living beings: plants, animals and microorganisms.
  2. Man is man. This type includes professions in one way or another related to interaction with people. The activity here is to educate, guide people, and provide them with information, trade and consumer services.
  3. Technic man. A type of activity characterized by the interaction of a person and technical structures and mechanisms. This includes everything related to automatic and mechanical systems, materials and types of energy.
  4. Man - sign systems. The activity of this type consists in interaction with numbers, signs, natural and artificial languages.
  5. Man is an artistic image. This type includes all creative professions related to music, literature, acting, and visual arts.

Types of economic activities of people

Human economic activity has recently been strongly contested by environmentalists, since it is based on natural reserves, which will soon exhaust themselves. The types of human economic activity include the extraction of minerals, such as oil, metals, stones, and everything that can benefit a person and cause damage not only to nature, but to the entire planet.

Types of human information activity

Information is an integral part of human interaction with the outside world. The types of information activities include the receipt, use, dissemination and storage of information. Information activity often becomes a threat to life, because there are always people who do not want third parties to know and disclose any facts. Also, this type of activity can be provocative in nature, and also be a means of manipulating the consciousness of society.

Mental activity affects the state of the individual and the productivity of his life. The simplest type of mental activity is a reflex. These are habits and skills established through constant repetition. They are almost imperceptible, in comparison with the most complex type of mental activity - creativity. It is distinguished by constant diversity and originality, originality and uniqueness. Therefore, creative people are so often emotionally unstable, and professions related to creativity are considered the most difficult. That is why creative people are called talents that can transform this world and instill cultural skills in society.

Culture includes all types of transformative human activity. There are only two kinds of this activity - creation and destruction. The latter, unfortunately, is more common. Many years of man's transforming activity in nature have led to troubles and catastrophes. Only creation can come to the rescue here, which means at least the restoration of natural resources.

Action distinguishes us from animals. Some of its types are beneficial to the development and formation of the personality, others are destructive. Knowing what qualities are inherent in us, we can avoid the deplorable consequences of our own activities. This will not only benefit the world around us, but will also allow us to do what we love with a clear conscience and consider ourselves people with a capital letter.