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How to understand the kingdom of God is necessary. The Kingdom of Heaven is taken by force, Kingdom of Heaven, John the Baptist, Matthew, Anatoly Ermokhin

“From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and those who use force take it by force.”

(Matthew 11:12)

Read below the interpretation of the holy fathers of the church on this verse. Trinity leaves of Abbot Panteleimon So, Christ has come, the Kingdom of God has already opened, John the Baptist, who announced His coming, no longer belongs so much to the Old Testament as to the New Testament: from the days of John the Baptist, from the time he pointed out to everyone the coming of Christ, until now, and now the Kingdom The heavenly is no longer expected only as something to come, but is also taken by force, with such jealousy as cities are taken by storm, because it has already arrived.

And everyone who exerts effort on themselves admires him

. He is admired by all repentant sinners who, with heartache, part with the flattering expectations of the conquering Messiah and sensual bliss in His kingdom, and condemn themselves to repentance and a difficult change in their entire moral life. Grigory Dvoeslov What is the Kingdom of Heaven if not the place of the Righteous? For only the Righteous are given the rewards of the Heavenly Fatherland, so that the humble, pure, meek and merciful may achieve the Highest Joys. When someone, either inflated with pride, or defiled by carnal iniquity, or angry, or a cruel wicked man, after guilt, turns to repentance and receives Eternal Life, then the sinner takes on a place that is, as it were, someone else’s. So, from the days of John the Baptist, the Kingdom of Heaven is taken by force, and the strong achieve it because the one who preached repentance to sinners, what else taught them if not to take the Kingdom of Heaven by force?

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So, beloved brethren, let us think about the evil that we have done and crush ourselves with incessant weeping. We will steal the inheritance of the righteous, which we did not retain with our lives, through repentance. Almighty God wants to tolerate such violence from us. For he wants the Kingdom of Heaven, to which we have no right based on our merits, to be delighted with our tears. So, let no quality, no quantity of our sins distract us from the fidelity of hope. Great hope for forgiveness is presented to us by that venerable thief, who is venerable not because he is a thief—for he is a thief by cruelty—but venerable by confession. So, think, think, how incomprehensible is the mercy in Almighty God. This robber, removed from the narrow path with bloody hands, was hung up on the gallows of the cross; on it he made a confession, on it he was healed, on it he deserved to hear: today you will be with me in paradise (Luke 23:43). What is it? Who can sufficiently express and appreciate such goodness of God? From the very punishment for crimes it moves on to rewards for virtue. But Almighty God allowed His chosen ones to fall into certain crimes in order to show the hope of forgiveness to others who lie in iniquity, if they turn to Him with all their hearts, and thereby open the way to piety through tears of repentance. So, let us exercise ourselves in crying, we will destroy the crimes we have committed with tears and fruits worthy of repentance; May we not waste the time given to us for correction, because, looking at many who have already been healed of their iniquities, what else do we gain if not a guarantee of Supreme mercy? - So, may there be honor and glory to our Lord I. Christ with the Father and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages. Amen.

Discourse 20, spoken to the people in the Church of St. John the Baptist on the fourth Saturday before the Nativity of Christ.

Lord Jesus Christ and John the Baptist

We read:

Feofan the Recluse

Why did the Lord say that since the time of John the Baptist the kingdom of God will take force, but before John, wasn’t it taken by force?

Answer: Take by force- the translation is not accurate. For in the divine orders of salvation you cannot take anything by force. The Slavic translation is more accurate: it's necessary, with need, with self-coercion, is being sought with great effort. The Greek “needs” means that. The thought is: they are squeezing through to the kingdom, just as they are squeezing through a crowd. In practice, this is true: self-coercion and self-resistance are integral features of the search for salvation and the kingdom of God. And only those who are like this achieve the kingdom. It is not given to anyone at ease. Why this is from the days of John, or, as elsewhere, after the law and the prophets, one need not look for it, admitting one’s powerlessness to explain it.

Another interpretation

The Kingdom is necessary, that is, it is achieved with need, with difficulty, effort and difficult feats; That’s why only those who lead a difficult, ascetic life achieve it. This, on the path to the Kingdom, denies all kinds of consolation. Pleasures of all sorts are removed from the Kingdom, but now we only care about pleasures, sometimes spiritual, but more carnal: eating, drinking, having fun, walking and luxuriously in everything. They told the kingdom: “I beg you, forgive me,” although there is a feast in it, and a royal feast, which no one would even think of preparing, but our tastes are not the same. What is considered sweet there is bitter for us; What’s pleasant there is disgusting to us, what’s fun there is painful to us—we’ve completely separated. And the Kingdom, with the needy women who delight it, departs from us. We are glad, we would even be ready to drive them away as quickly as possible and are already starting to talk about it, but the evil one still doesn’t manage to settle this.


John Chrysostom

What connection do these words have with what was said before? Great, and very cramped. The Savior forces and compels His listeners to believe in Him, and at the same time confirms what he said before about John.

Another interpretation

Christ said: “those who make effort delight the kingdom of heaven”(Matthew 11:12). Of course, where spiritual acquisition is meant, perseverance is appropriate and effort is commendable.

Another interpretation

...I beg you, we will try in every possible way to correct our lives, to cleanse our souls, so that nothing unclean will serve as an obstacle for us. Shine the light of knowledge within yourself, and do not throw seeds among the thorns. Who does not know that covetousness is a vice, how will he know anything more? Whoever does not turn away from this (earthly) how will he desire that (heavenly)? It’s good to admire, but not perishing things, but the kingdom of heaven: "using effort", it is said, "delight him"(Matt. 11:12); therefore, one can achieve it not by laziness, but by diligence. What does it mean: "using effort"? A great effort is required, because the path is narrow, you need a youthful and vigorous soul. Those who admire want to precede everyone, do not look at anything, neither at censure, nor at condemnation, nor at punishment; they think of only one thing, how to take possession of what they want to delight, and warn everyone in front. Let us begin to delight the kingdom of heaven. This admiration is not sinful, but praiseworthy; The sin here is not to admire. Here our wealth does not harm others. Let us try to delight, and if we are oppressed by anger, if we are disturbed by lust, then we will conquer nature, we will become meek, we will work a little in order to calm down forever. Do not steal gold, but steal wealth that makes gold look like dirt. Tell me: if lead and gold lay before you, what would you steal? Isn't it obvious that it's gold? So, in the case when the kidnapper is punished, you prefer the better thing: then, when the kidnapper deserves honor, will you not give preference to the better? After all, wouldn’t you choose (out of two things) preferably this (better), if there was a punishment for stealing one and the other? But there is nothing like that here, but on the contrary, there is bliss. How can you, you ask, steal (the kingdom of heaven)? Drop what you have in your hands. As long as you hold it, you cannot kidnap it. Imagine me a man whose hands are filled with silver: will he be able to steal the gold while he holds the silver, and not throw it away and become free? The kidnapper should not be tied to anything in order not to be detained. After all, even now there are hostile forces that attack us and try to take away (the kingdom of heaven) from us. Let us run away from them, let us run away, leaving nothing behind us for them to grab onto. Let us cut off the threads and expose ourselves to the objects of everyday life. What need do you have for silk clothes? How long will we wrap ourselves in these ridiculous clothes? How long will we bury gold in the ground? I would like to stop talking about this every time; but you don’t allow it, always giving reason and motivation for it. Now, at least, let us leave this, so that, having taught others through our lives, we may receive the promised blessings, by the grace and love of our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom and with whom be glory to the Father with the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Another interpretation

How so? "Kingdom of heaven", says (the Lord), “It is taken by force, and those who use force take it away”(Matthew 11:12). Be a strong seeker here, be a predator here; what is stolen here does not decrease. Virtue is not divided, piety is not diminished, nor is the kingdom of heaven. On the contrary, virtue increases when you plunder it; material goods decrease when you plunder them. This can be seen from the following: let there be countless people in the city; if they all plunder virtue and righteousness, they will multiply it, because it will be in thousands of righteous people; and if they don’t plunder it, they will reduce it, because it will not be visible anywhere.

Archbishop Averky (Taushev)

Here the law and the prophets, that is, the Old Testament Church, are contrasted with the New Testament Church of Christ. With John, who stood at the turn of two covenants, the Old Testament, which had only a temporary, preparatory meaning, ended, and the Kingdom of Christ opened, which includes everyone who made an effort for this.

From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven is taken by force, and those who use force take it. ( 11, 12.)

Law and Prophets before John; From now on, the Kingdom of God is preached, and everyone enters into it with effort. ( 16, 16.)

My son! Everything good, everything honest, everything just is achieved through labor, effort and struggle. This good, this honest thing that you will do in the name of Christ and His Church - these are the seeds from which the Kingdom of God grows and is created: it is within us, according to the words of the One who called to Him all who labor and are burdened. Take it upon yourself my son This is a good and kind yoke, and bear it with difficulty and effort. “The Kingdom of Heaven is taken by force” - remember this always and everywhere, wherever you are, whatever you do.

It's morning. 5-6 hours. A bell sounded in the parish church, calling Christians to prayer. And you’re lying in bed, you hear the gospel message as if in a dream, but you think: “I’ll lie down for a while! It’s still early. By the time the priest comes, while the clock reads, I’ll have time to get up, get dressed, and come to church. And what’s the trouble? , if I come, well, to the Gospel or Cherubim, both the one who came at 12 o’clock and the one who came at 9 o’clock receive the same price, according to Christ...” All this quickly flashed through your head, too. would be through a dream. Remember here, my son, that the Kingdom of God is taken by force.

Force yourself, get out of bed quickly, soon... So you came to church. God, how crowded, how they crowd, push each other, and they step on your foot, it’s annoying, the heat in the church, stuffiness, and sometimes bad smell

from tar, leather or something else. “What kind of prayer is this?”

- you think. Remember here, my son, that the Kingdom of God is taken by force.

It is difficult for you to pray in the Church of God, prayer does not come to mind: in that church it is too formal, everyone looks at you as soon as you move, and in this church it is dirty and uncomfortable; they read - you can’t understand anything, they sing badly, so badly that it would be better if they read instead of sang. Remember here, my son, that the Kingdom of God is taken by force.

You didn't get along with your friend. Both are to blame, each in their own way. And the time has come for you to turn to him. Don't waste this time, my son. Don't be proud and quick to judge people. Conquer your hot heart, curb it.

Remember that the Kingdom of God is taken by force...

You're busy with your own business. It's urgent. We need to finish this evening, but there is still a lot of work. And then, in the midst of your work, in a strong surge of your energy, in an interesting and precious moment of the flight of your thoughts, your feelings, one of your close relatives, or acquaintances, or comrades turns to you for a solution to some perplexity, to your view of something insignificant, or for help, for which, apparently, it was not worth bothering you.

My son, do not set your heart on fire, do not lift up your eyes in anger.

Do not be like a lion in your house, in the organization of your affairs. Remember that the Kingdom of God is taken by force.

You are back at your job and working honestly, conscientiously, you do as your heart, right, and pure mind tells you. But you see that no one wants to notice your work, that no one gives you approval, support, encouragement. Moreover, someone standing above you comes up to you and reprimands you, corrects you where, it would seem to you, no correction is needed... Your soul hurts. But remember, my son, that the Kingdom of God is taken by force, that everything good, everything honest, comes with obstacles, temptations, adversity...

Perhaps, my son, you will teach others the truths of faith and science. You will speak, but they will not listen to you, but they will tell you something different from what you said. Your students will study poorly: mistakes, sometimes gross, will often be found in their answers to you. Do not be sad about this, my son: work and instruct continuously, repeating your teaching several times. Do not raise your heart to anger, and with love and a spirit of meekness, enlighten and admonish your disciples who do not listen to you. Remember that any truth is given to a person with great difficulty, that mistakes are always possible, and especially at a young age; remember here that the Kingdom of God is taken by force... strong enemy! What is everyone calling for?!

These shiny shop windows, these shameless paintings, these dandy carriages, etc., etc. What does all this call for, if not to live above our means, above our position, to which our feelings incline, if not to so that they can lie in the warm bed of sweet sin? Do you see how the arrows of the evil one are kindled? Remember here, remember always and everywhere, that the Kingdom of God is taken by force, that great work and great efforts are needed to preserve the breath of God in yourself: to have everything good, everything honest, everything true.

St. John Chrysostom

Although Christ was born from a wife, but not in the same way as John, because he was not an ordinary man, and was born not as people are usually born, but by an extraordinary and wonderful birth.

What connection do these words have with what was said before? Great, and very cramped. The Savior forces and compels His listeners to believe in Him, and at the same time confirms what he said before about John. In fact, if everything was fulfilled before John, it means that I am coming. For everything , - speaks, - the prophets and the law prophesied before John

. The prophets, therefore, would not have ceased to appear if I had not come. So, do not stretch your hopes into the distance and do not expect another (Messiah). That I am coming is evident both from the fact that the prophets have ceased to appear, and from the fact that faith in Me increases every day; it has become so clear and obvious that many admire it. But who, you say, delighted her? All those who come to Me with zeal.

Conversations on the Gospel of Matthew.

St. Hilary of Pictavia

From the days of John the Baptist until now However, the people do not believe John, the works of Christ are not revered, the future cross was a temptation. Prophecy is already ceasing, the law is already being fulfilled, all preaching is already being restrained, the spirit of Elijah is already being sent forth in the voice of John. Some preach Christ, and others recognize Him, from some He is born, and others love Him. His own people reject Him, strangers accept Him, loved ones persecute Him, and enemies embrace Him. Adopted people rush to the inheritance, but the family rejects it. The sons refuse the will, the slaves acknowledge it. So, The Kingdom of Heaven is taken by force, and the exerting forces snatch it away

, because the glory of Israel, deserved by the fathers, proclaimed by the prophets, presented by Christ, is seized and stolen by the faith of the Gentiles.

Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew.

St. Anthony the Great

From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and those who use force take it by force.. What does the Lord command when he says: “ From the days of John the Baptist until now, the Kingdom of Heaven has been taken by force, and those who use force take it."? We know that every invader is worthy of judgment and damnation; How will we understand what the Lord said?

Answer. John came before that day, preaching the Kingdom of Heaven to people, and when the Savior came, those who without hesitation and truly believed, with great asceticism and suffering, surpassed the institutions of nature, and passed over the body to dispassion and, having flown over the stumbling of the body, mortified bodily lusts , walking in virtue along a narrow and painful path. They force themselves, performing the feat for the crown of the highest calling, as the holy Apostle said.

Questions from St. Sylvester and the answers of St. Antonia. Question 196.

St. Isidore Pelusiot

St. Anthony the Great

Why the kingdom of heaven is in need?

The rewards are above all human dignity and exceed in great abundance the reward that would follow for one’s labors (since are unworthy of the passion of the present time for the glory that desires to appear in us(Rom. 8:18) - said the vessel is chosen(Acts 9:15)), and they seem to force the weakness of nature. Therefore it is said: The kingdom of heaven is in need, and the needy women delight it. What are these needy women? These are people who force their body to fast, to chastity, to some other virtue, subordinate it to the laws of the spirit, make it an aid and encouragement to virtue.

Letters. Book III.

St. Hesychius of Jerusalem

St. Anthony the Great

However, those who, through some need, abstain from sin by deed, are blessed before God, Angels and men: because boring yourself admirers of the Kingdom of Heaven (Matt. 11:12).

Rev. Hesychius, presbyter of Jerusalem, to Theodulus, a soul-helping and saving word about sobriety and prayer.

St. Seraphim of Sarov

St. Anthony the Great

It is not for nothing that the Word of God says: The Kingdom of God is within you(Luke 17:20) and it is necessary to eat it, and women in need do not admire. That is, those people who, despite the bonds of sin that bind them and do not allow their violence and excitement to commit new sins to come to Him, our Savior, with perfect repentance to suffer torture with Him, despising the entire strength of these sinful bonds, are forced to break the bonds them, such people then really appear before the face of God whiter than snow(see Ps. 50:9) By His grace.

Conversation with Motovilov about the purpose of Christian life.

Right John of Kronstadt

From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and those who use force take it by force.

From what Kingdom of heaven, kingdom of peace and joy, taken by force, and only those who use effort admire him? Because there is a lot of internal, natural evil in us that needs to be eradicated and which, like a snake that they want to kill, resists and hurts us; that there is a strong enemy of the Kingdom of God, who, by all means, is constantly trying to expel the Kingdom of God from us and establish his kingdom in us, the kingdom of sin, darkness, confusion, sorrow and oppression. Don’t be surprised that you always have to go straight to the Kingdom of Light.

The Kingdom of Heaven is taken by force, and those who use force take it away. These words must also be applied to the Holy Mysteries of the Body and Blood. Since with them we accept the Kingdom of God into ourselves, then without need, without effort, we cannot accept them with dignity, but we must experience an internal struggle before accepting them: the enemy constantly, relentlessly tries to steal faith in the Holy Mysteries from our hearts, so that we accept them in judge yourself because everything that is not of faith is sin(Rom. 14:23) The above words must also be applied to all other mysteries, to all prayers, to good thoughts, desires and actions.

The word of the Savior is true that The Kingdom of Heaven is taken by force, and those who use force take it away. In order to do good, I must constantly fight with my heart, which is always ready to incline me to evil: good is always achieved with need, but doing evil is always easy, just give up. Our heart is the source of evil, according to the Savior.

The Kingdom of Heaven is taken by force. This means that life by faith does not come for nothing, but one must work to have internal signs of the Kingdom of God within oneself.

Diary. Volume II. 1857-1858.

A person is constantly affected by two invisible forces: good and evil; the power of God, the power of grace and the power of the devil, the evil and all-destructive power. Man is placed in this world as if between two fires, one of which is life-giving, about which the Lord says: I came to bring fire "to the earth"(Luke 12:49); and the other is a scorching and burning fire. A person must exert effort on himself in order to arouse in himself the fire of God, the fire of faith and love for God and neighbor. Man lost his first Divine dignity, his rightness, holiness, goodness, meekness and filled his soul with all sorts of sins. You don’t have purity of heart - this is a big loss, you need to acquire it; there is no sympathy for your neighbor in his sorrow, misfortune, misfortune, disaster, illness - change yourself, be sympathetic; you do not have zeal for prayer, for God, you do not have a spiritual taste for prayer, you do not have a spiritual ear for listening to the Word of God - transform yourself, develop a spiritual taste, a spiritual ear, so that you can listen to the Word of God with love, in order to feel the sweetness of prayer and the sweetness of good deeds . If you are proud, humble yourself; if you are greedy for food and drink, be abstinent, etc. Evil strongly fights a person and forces him to do evil, but good attracts him to himself with his moral beauty, spiritual peace, spiritual freedom; good attracts promise eternal life for victory over passions: “To him who overcomes I will give to sit with Me on My throne...”(Rev. 3:21) . " the Kingdom of heaven", that is, holiness and purity, righteousness, abstinence, prayer, chastity, love for God and neighbor - " taken by force“, that is, by the power of God’s gracious help and their own zeal, and “those who use effort” acquire it. The flesh resists the spirit(Gal. 5:17), that is, all virtue, so that we do not do what we want for the sake of God and the salvation of the soul and for the good of our neighbors. Man is placed in this life between two currents: good and evil, between two fires: the fire of God, life-giving, and the fire of the devil, scorching and tormenting. What is required is human resistance to all evil, all passion of the flesh and spirit, all lust and learning, the assimilation of all virtue. Real life is a spiritual school, a struggle, a feat, a battle with sin or "with the spirits of wickedness in high places"(Eph. 6:12) who fight us against evil. Everyone needs to learn to overcome sin within themselves with the help of God, for without God there is no way to reach the threshold. And God has given us all the Divine powers for life and piety; we just need to not be lazy in using them. – Do you want to learn how to delight the Kingdom of Heaven with force? – Learn from the saints, how they labored, how they used every effort on themselves; what selflessness they had, what impartiality to wealth, to worldly honor and glory, to carnal pleasures; what abstinence they had, what zeal for God, what constant prayer, what work, what humility, kindness, obedience, patience, mercy towards their neighbors. And how by faith they reached the Kingdom of God! None of them were put to shame; everyone has received incorruptible life and eternal glory, eternal bliss and are beyond any fear of losing the acquired Kingdom of Heaven. Imitate you too, each according to his own strength; read, listen to the Word of God, delve into it, understand it, strive tirelessly towards the goal of your life - and you will receive eternal salvation. After all, you all work one way or another for the earth, for earthly prosperity; strive especially to obtain eternal life; “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and this is all” all earthly blessings "will be added to you"(Matt. 6:33) . Amen.

The Last Diary (1908).

The Kingdom of Heaven is in need- and the kingdom of Satan is forced, that is, sin constantly forces us to follow its lusts, and even with impudence, with force, with bitterness; fight against it constantly: if you don’t fight, sin will completely overcome, and the Kingdom of God will weaken.

Diary. Volume X. 1866–1867.

Blzh. Hieronymus of Stridonsky

From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven has been taken by force.(vim patitur = undergoes violence), and those who make effort delight him

If, as we said above, the first John proclaimed the need for repentance to the nations, saying: Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand(Matt. 3:2), then, therefore, from this time The Kingdom of Heaven is undergoing violence(vim patitur), that is, it is acquired by force, and those who use force steal it. Indeed, great effort is revealed in the fact that we are born on earth, but strive for a place in heaven and master through deeds of virtue what we did not receive from nature.

Blzh. Theophylact of Bulgaria

St. Anthony the Great

This does not seem to be relevant to what was said earlier, but in reality it is not. Pay attention: by telling His listeners about Himself that He is greater than John, Christ arouses in them faith in Himself, showing that many delight in the Kingdom of Heaven, that is, faith in Him. This matter requires a lot of effort: what effort is needed to leave your father and mother and neglect your soul!

Interpretation of the Gospel of Matthew.


Art. 12-13 From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and those who use force take it, for all the prophets and the law prophesied until John

The days of John and Jesus should not be understood in the sense of time, but in the sense of the state of mind of the listener of divine Scripture. The word “today” refers to the days of Jesus, which the psalm describes as follows: In his days righteousness and abundance of peace will shine until there is no end.(Ps. 71:7) . The one who undergoes preliminary training, starting with the rudiments of the words of Jesus and walking along a path that seems rocky and difficult to beginners, seizes the Kingdom of Heaven with the power of patience. For taken by force used here not in the real, but in the passive sense. If the perfect Word, having accepted the one who awaits freedom under the law and the prophets, who [for him are a kind of] schoolmasters and stewards, hands over to him the paternal inheritance, then it is rightly said: law and prophets before John.


Evfimy Zigaben

From the days of John the Baptist until now, the Kingdom of Heaven has been in need, and the needy women have taken it away.

Chrysostom says that here he called faith in Himself the Kingdom of Heaven, as a guarantee of the Kingdom of Heaven, i.e. enjoyment of heavenly blessings. Needs, i.e. forcibly admires people when they do violence to themselves and overcome the need of their own passions or the tyranny of unbelief. Explaining this, he added: needy women admire her. Such laudable violence began, he says, from the days of the preaching of John, who proclaimed to the people: repent, the Kingdom of Heaven is drawing near(Matt. 3:2) . Christ said this both to praise John, who, as it were, laid the foundation for the salvation of people, and to encourage his listeners to use a similar effort on themselves.

Interpretation of the Gospel of Matthew.

Lopukhin A.P.

St. Anthony the Great

(Luke 16:16) Verses 12-15, difficult to explain, serve as a connection between 11 and 16. By “the days of John the Baptist” we mean the time he went out to preach. The words “Kingdom of Heaven” are used here, obviously, in the sense of “Kingdom of God” established by the Savior on earth. Chrysostom interprets this verse as follows: “The Savior forces and compels with them (i.e., these words) His listeners to believe in Him, and at the same time confirms what he said before about John. In fact, if everything was fulfilled before John, then it means that I am coming. For, he says, the prophets and the law prophesied everything before John. The prophets, therefore, would not have ceased to appear if I had not come. So, do not stretch your hopes into the distance and do not expect another (Messiah). That I am coming is evident both from the fact that the prophets have ceased to appear, and from the fact that faith in Me increases every day; it has become so clear and obvious that many admire it. But who, you say, delighted her? All those who come to Me with zeal.”

Explanatory Bible.

God's Kingdom is being taken by force!

Nothing is insignificant for God, even if you just offered a prayer for a loved one, this is already success in the Lord’s work. God wants us to be successful people in His work. With the Lord is knowledge and wisdom, power and authority. The main success that God has called us to is joy and peace in the heart. Jesus once said: For what is it to a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul? For what will a man give in exchange for his soul?(Mark 8:36,37)

We happy people, the Holy Spirit lives in us! We are filled with love, you just have to step into it. No matter what kind of spiritual disciplines you practice, it will definitely not be in vain.

So, my beloved brothers, be strong, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.. (1 Corinthians 15:58)

From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has suffered force, and those who use force have taken possession of it...(Matthew 11:12)

He who makes the effort enters the Kingdom and possesses it. We are called to live in God's Kingdom already here on this earth, which is also the Lord’s. If you put in the effort, you will enter the Kingdom, and He has everything you need.

For many are called, but few are chosen.(Matthew 22:14)

God chooses from those who come to Him who open their hearts to Him. It is important for you to understand that you are not reading this by chance, God foreknew, predestined and chose you. Your heart pleases God! God is impartial, He does not look at your flesh, He looks much deeper, inside you, at your heart, and this is precisely what is precious in His eyes! In this world, everything is fleeting, everything changes and you simply cannot keep up with trends and opinions. In fact, you don’t need this, because God has already created you very beautiful both inside and out, He created you in His image and likeness! And God saw everything that He had created, and behold, it was very good… (Genesis 1:31)

We need to realize the greatness of God and understand that God himself is our Father. God, who created the universe, everything we see and do not see, is our Father. Strength, creativity, desire and ability to study and cognize - all this comes from Him. He who did not spare His Son, but gave Him up for us all, how will He not also freely give us all things with Him?(Romans 8:32) God can give you everything you need.

God has endowed you with a great gift - to dream. Everything you can imagine is real!(Pablo Picasso)

You can achieve anything you can imagine, but there is one very important point, Jesus says about it: I am the vine, and you are the branches; He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.(John 15:5)

Without God it is impossible to hit the very target! Often in life we ​​seem to hit the target, but not the top ten; the result doesn’t seem bad, but we would like it to be better. Don't forget, you have a Father who can do anything! Everything in the universe is held together by His Word! Do you really think that God, who gave his Son to suffer, will not take care of you, for whose sake he did it? God knows you and everything about you better than you know yourself!

So if you, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask Him.(Matthew 7:11)

God gives you good and you need to be confirmed in this. It is important to know the truth—to connect with Jesus. Only in this way will you become free from everything that oppresses you. You are freed from the bondage of sin and death. You live in the law of the Spirit and life - this is freedom from any oppression or torment.

You need to hold on to Him and then everything around you will be arranged, no one and nothing will be able to harm you. God is our Father, He takes care of us, but we ourselves can let go of His hand and He will not hold us back. God is great and He respects your choice, He gives you the opportunity to decide for yourself what to do and how to act.

If it does not please you to serve the Lord, then choose for yourself now whom to serve, whether the gods that your fathers served who were beyond the river, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you live; but I and my house will serve the Lord.(Joshua 24:15)

God asks the question whether you want to serve Him and how serious you are in your intention. .. no one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the Kingdom of God. ( Luke 6:9 )

Today God is looking for the faithful because such a person can be trusted. ... You have been faithful in small things, I will put you over many things;(Matthew 25:23)

He who is not faithful in a little cannot be faithful in much. The Kingdom of God is taken by force, and everyone who makes an effort delights Him. Effort is a firm, unshakable intention that you remain true to, no matter what the circumstances.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God, and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.(Philippians 4:6,7)

There is no lack in Christ; everything is in Him. First of all, you need to abide in Christ.

For this reason, brethren, we ask and plead with you by Christ Jesus, that you, having received from us how you ought to act and please God, may be more successful in doing so...(1 Thessalonians 4:1)

The answers to any questions are in Christ.

The greatest value today is not money, it is time. And the most terrible question that one can ask at the end of life is: “What did I live for?”

If you prosper in God, you will not be disappointed! Your work before the Lord will never be in vain. Your reward may overtake you already here, on this earth. God will not keep you waiting for rewards for success in Him. Prosperity is expressed in the state of your soul - it is peace, joy, love, tranquility.

God's Kingdom is taken by force! Set yourself apart for God! Prosper in the work of the Lord! Succeed in knowing God and He will reveal to you something new that you do not yet know.

This week on Wednesday evening Orthodox churches A service will be held, which can only be attended once a year. This long and unusual church service is not like all services and is especially called: the standing of Mary of Egypt.

With Great Lent in the middle of the fifth week, it is no coincidence that the Church reminds us of the feat of this truly amazing saint. How is she so different from other Christians who pleased God?

After the parable of the sons, one of whom promised his father to fulfill his request, but remained as he was, and the second at first refused, and then repented and fulfilled his father’s order, Christ says “that tax collectors and harlots go ahead” of others to the Kingdom of God ( Matthew 21, 31). These words of His were fulfilled by the Venerable Mary, who showed the Christian world an example of the deepest and selfless repentance.

In her way of life, she was a perfect Cynic, but not out of a desire for human wisdom, but out of a complete striving for Christ, by whose suffering on the cross and death all people without exception were redeemed from the snares of sin. The feat of the Venerable Mary might have remained unknown to the world, but by the Providence of God the holy monk Zosima saw in the desert a man who, in strength of spirit and prayer, surpassed all the hermits known to him. Just three meetings with the ascetic deeply shocked the experienced elder.

And indeed there is something to be surprised in her life! Lacking not only theological education, but even basic literacy, she is in knowledge Holy Scripture reached the learning of the Apostle Paul. Without receiving even a hint of a righteous upbringing, she acquired an equal life like the Baptist of the Lord John. In fact, having fulfilled the commandment of Christ that “the Kingdom of Heaven is taken by force, and those who use force take it away” (Matthew 11:12), she became the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit and, while still in the body, overcame the limitations of space-time laws. She knew the past, present and future equally. The waters of the Jordan allowed the saint to cross the river as if on dry land, and gravity did not keep her on the ground during prayer.

Using the example of this woman, immeasurably steadfast in her repentance, the Church reminds how the ancient prophetic promises were fulfilled on the true followers of Christ that “they will all be taught of God” (John 6:45), and that “the Lord gives the Spirit without measure” (John 3, 34) to those who sincerely believe in Him. No matter how petrified the hearts of sinners may be, they, like ice in the spring sun, melt from the grace that abides in the Church of Christ. You just need to repent with all your heart and earnestly seek and thirst for the Kingdom of God, just as the Venerable Mary sought and thirsted for it in the Jordanian desert.

Remembering this ascetic, let us force ourselves to rise from spiritual slumber and physical laziness, from a relaxed and distracted life in the spirit of the times, so as not to become like the careless son from the Lord’s parable and not ultimately lose the promised Kingdom, and so that the days of Great Lent will bring us closer to God.