I dreamed of a large turtle in the water. Turtle interpretation of the dream book. Why do you dream about Turtle in dreams?

16.08.2019 Animals

Many different symbols and signs can appear in our dreams under the guise of animals, plants, natural phenomena and the elements. The most vivid and memorable dreams are filled with strong emotions and unusual phenomena.

Those dreams where we see exotic animals also become surprising for us. It's not every day that residents of our country see a turtle. In the meantime, a dream in which a turtle is involved foreshadows a lot of interesting things, and its interpretation will be very interesting to you.

Another interpretation of dreams involves a quiet personality rather than a smile or seriousness. Turtles have a hard shell that is difficult to break, so it may represent the nature of your mind in this regard. Dreaming with a very big turtles means that what is explained above occurs with greater intensity. You don't like to reveal any of your intimate details or those close to you. The giant animal is nothing more than an “amplification” of the original explanation.

If the reptile is very small, then you must look at other aspects to clarify the interpretation of the dream. to distinguish the size, your mind will make you feel what you will remember the moment you wake up. Dreaming about dead turtles can be a pretty nasty nightmare. This means you have a fragile character, find it difficult to say no to others and can be a long-term problem. It is very easy to convince or influence you to do something you don't like because the shell of a dead reptile is not the same as that of a living reptile.

Seeing a turtle in a dream

The turtle is a twofold symbol. On the one side, if you dreamed of a turtle, then you can say that you are lucky. But, on the other hand, the meaning of a dream about careful examination can have a fatal meaning.

If a woman was destined to see a turtle in a dream, then she is guaranteed a comfortable future with.

Why do you dream about a sea turtle?

You can also reach out to trusted friends, your parents or your partner and tell them about your problems. However, if you dream of turtles that bite you, they attack you, they are aggressive or even murderous, and you fight to protect them until you kill them, this is interpreted that you are the person who solves all the problems that arise. In this case, you are strong and persistent.

Other interpretations of turtle dreams

If they are born or are being born, it could signify your desire to have a child or become pregnant with your partner. Animals that are born represent the need to bring new life to the world. The same thing happens if you dream of turtles breeding, mating or giving birth, you want to consummate your relationship with a new family member. This means that you need to rest and neglect your routine for a while. Especially if you see them swimming freely with fish. Consider a break and go to the mountain where you breathe fresh air and renew your mind within. You may be dreaming of turtles flying, or they are running. Again, you need to get rid of Everyday life or change habits. If you have already done this, the subconscious mind shows you this peaceful dream while you sleep because you have accepted correct solution, and you feel more free.

  • Are they in the water?
  • Aquatic turtles in the sea symbolize freedom.
Those and their interpretation are what we care very much about in esotericism.

If the role of the turtle is to characterize a person, then we will say about him as wise and strong.

If in a dream you are hunting for a turtle, then such a dream can predict illness and misfortune.

If you managed to catch a turtle, there are big problems and troubles.

Turtle in clear water

Dream about a swimming turtle in - big profits that will go to you by right.

We know that depending on what appears in a dream or what we do in it will vary as we analyze each case in detail, and this time we want to focus on what it means to dream about turtles.

I dreamed of a turtle in the water, what is it for?

Typically a dream in which turtles appear can represent how we move through life and can also relate to the area of ​​what personal power is and having to balance with many other things. When a turtle appears in a dream, there are many ways to interpret its presence.

Another interpretation of the dream is that all your problems will be solved, but you will have to wait.

If in your dream a turtle lives in, then you are given a sign that your life is very limited. You yourself have erected boundaries that you cannot overcome now. You should not change your life, but your attitude towards it. Try to accept minor adversities more easily and relax without worrying about problems. You need to learn to have fun.

At first glance, the turtle appears to be moving slowly. When a turtle appears in a dream and notes the speed at which he is moving, either fast or slow, this is due to the fact that we are moving through a specific situation. Are you moving faster than in nature? You have to interpret it in relation to your life. Or maybe it's the other way around. Are things being done too quickly and the turtle seems to remind you to go at your own pace?

If so, you must set your life at your own pace. On the other hand, a turtle may appear in a dream to remind the dreamer not to be afraid to move forward, albeit at a slow and steady pace. It's important to pay attention to detail, even if it takes longer than others, avoiding mistakes or pitfalls can mean the difference between a positive or negative outcome.

Most best advice, which can be extracted from this dream - go to hot countries, to islands and enjoy beautiful beaches and exotic things. This will give you back your zest for life and give you the strength to change for the better.

land turtle

If you dream of a land turtle slowly crawling on land, then your life is very stagnant. It seems to you that the days are monotonous, and you yourself are wasting your energy on things that no one needs. It’s worth thinking about your life and bringing some revitalization into it. Find a hobby, play sports, expand your social circle.

If a turtle moves in your sleep, ask yourself if you are happy with your life. Because there may be much more than was previously proposed. On the other hand, if the turtle came to remind you of your roots and where home is, it is also good to pay attention to how we move through life. Do we allow others into our “home”?

A turtle may appear in a dream to remind us that we don't need to move much in life, but we do need what is important.

Dreaming of a turtle shell, one of the most characteristic elements of this animal, can be connected with ourselves and with the world around us. A turtle's shell is hard and protects against most predators, so dreams remind us that sometimes we have too much on the outside and we need to be a little gentler when necessary.


Dead turtle - symbol of missed opportunities and wasted time.

It is possible that the goal to which you have been working long and hard will lose all meaning or become unattainable.

Such a dream can appear as a strong longing for the past, when you want to go back a few years and do everything differently.

You have to know when to be firm and know when to be gentle and gentle. Being over-armored and having too much attitude or that nothing can penetrate our inner being can cause us to be sidelined by people who are perhaps more “vulnerable” and can defeat us. We don't always have to act defensively or use the "shell" of our heart. Better to relax.

On the other hand, for those who are in a situation where they feel the opposite, which means they feel insecure, the turtle's dream is to remind them that it has a natural source of protection if they are resilient.

If you dream of a turtle without a shell, then you are now completely defenseless against your enemies and rivals. Why this happened can be found out if you study the dream in detail.

It is not necessary that your defenselessness manifests itself precisely in front of someone who wishes you harm. It is possible that you are mentally exhausted. Problems, worries, stress - anything can bring a person to the point where the slightest gesture from others in your direction causes irritation. You need to rest and gain strength.

Dreaming of swimming or water in a turtle, we think that even though your environment may be a little "messy" or confusing, the chances are for growth. It's important to harmonize your perception of your environment and better evaluate what works for you and what doesn't. Turtles also remind us that opportunities cross our paths if we go out and look for them. It's the natural cycle of life, and sometimes it's just a matter of waiting.

Dreams of a turtle sunbathing

Turtles bask in the sun to warm their bodies and digest their food. This dream reminds us that even if we have a life, we still need the warmth of love and kindness to make things work. Therefore, it is important to ask; Do we offer kindness and warmth where there is otherwise natural cold? For example, in personal or business relations it's important to take the time to share warmth and kindness. It is also important to remember that tanning can be good, but too much can compromise the health and well-being of the spirit.


A small turtle in a dream symbolizes a happy occasion.

To you suddenly lucky in life, but this moment must not be missed. If you overstep and do not notice your luck, then there may never be a second chance.

Keep in hand

If you dream that there is a turtle in your hands, then now in your life the most favorable period in order to act. Time itself plays for you. If you wanted to do something important, but put it off until later, then it’s time to decide.

The turtle knows when it is time to dive into fresh water for more food or to release heat. Grab something light and let the balance of life take you by doing more for your soul. As with any other dream, if you dream about turtles, either because you have recently had an experience with this animal, or because you have seen documentary or you visited a zoo, for example, it appearance based solely on experience, and there is no special interpretation of dreams. However, when a turtle appears in your dreams spontaneously, for no apparent reason, this article can help you interpret its meaning.

Turtle bites

If a turtle bites you in a dream, it means they want to rush you. Something is happening in your life that you persistently miss or ignore. And time is running out. This is exactly what the turtle wants to tell you. Act now before it's too late.

There is another understanding of sleep - sudden and short-term changes await you. They will happen suddenly, but they will not leave a trace of themselves, like a turtle bite.

Typically, when we dream about animals, our dreams tend to involve the perception of people having an animal in particular, or the thought of what we have made of an animal from our personal experience. In the case of turtle dreams, the meaning is therefore closely related to longevity and good health because they are animals that live for many years, moving slowly towards achieving our goals with care. Turtle is the wisdom to go slowly, carefully taking every decision or choice we make to go slowly to achieve our dreams, but predicting success and prosperity.

This the dream foretells the end of the matter, which took a large number of time.

If healthy offspring are born, the result will be good.

If the offspring is stillborn, all efforts were in vain. What you worked on for a long time will be unclaimed.

Therefore, it is a sign of good luck to dream about turtles and is associated with the arrival of good times in our lives in all areas. On the other hand, turtles can also represent the image we have. They are animals that protect themselves and hide behind a hard shell so that we can feel identified with them when we are faced with a problem or we are very reserved with some sensitive subject.

Interpretation and meaning of dreams with turtles

However, while this will be the most general interpretation, there may be variations depending on specific sleep characteristics. Depending on the type of turtle we are in, the meaning may change. A very old tortoise usually symbolizes good news, as giant tortoises are associated with greater intensification of your reserves and difficulty expressing your feelings. However, dreaming about a dead turtle or a broken shell is not good sign, as it represents confusion in our lives or that we may be hit by some unfortunate event.

This dream may be related to relationships and in the case of the birth of healthy little turtles, or a painful breakup in the case of stillborn offspring.

Turtle with babies

This dream means that you shouldn't rush now. This period of your life will be favorable if you devote yourself to planning and thinking about the situation.

The behavior of an animal or our own in relation to it also speaks of the significance of the dream. If we dream that a turtle is slowly approaching us and making us feel uncomfortable, this could symbolize someone close to us who we respect, but who is trying to make us feel intimidated. However, if the turtle stops when it reaches our height and its presence does not disturb us, it is a sign of success in any project we have, be it personal or professional.

Miller's Dream Book

According to Miller's dream book, meeting a turtle in a dream - to a pleasant surprise, which will bring you many happy emotions and will affect the further development of your life. Such a dream means a change in fate, almost always for the better.

Dream Interpretation of Juno

According to Juno's dream book, a turtle in a dream has several meanings.

The turtle could mean that you will have a wise advisor and if you listen to him, then your life will go in the right direction.

Another meaning is that your life is passing you by. You urgently need to change something in order to feel the taste of life again.

Another meaning of sleep is related to achieving a goal. A turtle in a dream means that, albeit slowly, you are still moving towards your goal.

The turtle belongs to the oldest animals. It is reliably protected by a shell in which it hides from danger, moves slowly but steadily, can live both on land and in water, and gets by with a small amount of food. The Russian language is not very kind to the turtle, noting mainly its slowness and habit of hiding under its shell. At the same time, according to ancient beliefs, it is the turtle that is the foundation on which the earth’s firmament rests. In oriental fairy tales, the turtle symbolizes wisdom, prudence, and reliability. A dream about a turtle, as a rule, does not have a negative connotation, although it may carry a warning about situations that will require endurance and patience.

Dream book of Gustav Hindemann Miller. What does a dream about a turtle portend?

If you dreamed of a turtle, expect an unforeseen event that will make you happy, serve to strengthen your spirit, and, ultimately, to success in your work. If you dreamed that you were eating turtle soup, the entertainment you want to do will be of a very dubious nature.

Dream book of Zhou Gong. Turtle in a dream - what is it for?

If you dreamed that a turtle lived in a well near your house, this portends nobility and wealth. To see a snake entwined around a turtle in a dream means your wealth will improve, you will become richer than you were. For a woman, a dream about a turtle foretells that she will occupy a high position. But if in a dream you caught a turtle and were able to catch it, mourning awaits you.

Dream book of Evgeniy Tsvetkov. Interpretation of the dream “Turtle”

A dream in which a turtle appears speaks of a crisis and a slowdown in business. An upside down turtle is a very bad harbinger.

Dream book of Sigmund Freud. What does the turtle symbolize?

If in a dream you rode on a sea turtle, then this indicates anxiety that has been haunting you lately to such an extent that you involuntarily infect everyone around you with it. Try to look at the world more optimistically. A dream in which a turtle does not want to come out of its shell means that you are inclined to blame anyone for your problems, but not yourself. Remember that you yourself are far from ideal. For a man such a dream can also mean a violation erectile function. If in a dream you watched a slowly crawling turtle, beware of your hot temper, it can lead to illness.


The main sign of a turtle is slowness, so a dream in which you see it moving indicates that you cannot control the situation and have missed some important points to control it. Attempts to catch a turtle indicate opposition to someone who is clearly weaker than you. A killed turtle portends big trouble, and boiling it means getting involved in a serious conflict.

A turtle hiding in its shell suggests that you do not want to solve other people’s problems, and would prefer to hide away from your own. A swimming turtle is a symbol of wisdom that you will soon need to show, so listen to the advice of older and more experienced people.