How to bewitch a guy without consequences at home - white magic. Love spells and conspiracies for love

29.08.2019 Business

Love rituals of white magic will help you find harmony in relationships and revive faded feelings. Light methods are safe both for the one who bewitches and for the object of the love spell. But this does not mean that rituals can be carried out thoughtlessly.

With the help of white magic it will not be possible to separate a strong couple or subjugate a person to your will. Such love spells are not done out of revenge, self-interest or with the aim of stealing someone else’s man. All light conspiracies are aimed at changing the feelings of the target without harming him or other people.

How to read love spells correctly -

There are a number of rules that are advised to adhere to esotericism when reading love conspiracies:

  1. White love spells are not performed after sunset, on Lent, Sunday and church holidays.
  2. The period of the waxing of the moon or the full moon is more suitable for reading love conspiracies.
  3. It is not recommended to perform more than one ritual during the day.
  4. To perform the ceremony, be alone so that no one disturbs you.
  5. Before reading the plot, say any prayer (for example, “Our Father”). This will help you cleanse yourself of negativity and tune in to the love spell.
  6. Before the ceremony, untie your belt, remove all jewelry, let your hair down and put on light-colored clothes.
  7. The conspiracy is pronounced in an undertone or in a whisper, without faltering or interruption.
  8. It is advisable to learn the entire text by heart.
  9. The effectiveness of the conspiracy will increase wax candle (natural color or red). At the end of the ritual, it should burn out completely, unless the conditions of the love spell require other actions.
  10. After the ceremony, thank the higher powers.

White magic spells for a man's love

Magical actions with the call of light forces do not break a person’s will and do not cloud his consciousness. The plot enhances already existing emotional and sexual attraction. The ritual performed will eliminate doubts and fears and remove the psychological barrier between you. The object of the love spell will perceive what is happening as a natural process.

Don't expect the love spell to work quickly. On average, it will take 3-4 weeks for the first results to appear. If there is no effect, try another method. If you do everything right, your man will soon reciprocate your feelings.

Conspiracy for a man's strong love

The conspiracy is pronounced at a deserted intersection of two roads. Hold a photo of a man in your hands. Cross yourself three times and bow to all four directions, observing the order: west, east, south, north. After this, read the plot three times and immediately leave the intersection.

I will become (name) blessed,
Bowing to the four sides.
On the eastern side there will be a church,
And in it is the Throne.
The Mother of God stands on the Throne,
She folded her hands and looked at me.
You yearn, Mother Mary, for your Son Christ,
Crucified on a high cross.
So the servant of God (name) would yearn for me and grieve,
I didn’t know peace and joy on earth without me,
I didn’t sit at the oak table,
I didn’t lie down on the wide bed.
If only I could give him bread, water, salt,
Fish and meat food.
How people don’t live long without food and water,
How do they get food and water?
This is how the servant of God (name) would come to me:
At night with the moon, in the morning at dawn,
On a clear day in the sun,
I would be the most beautiful to him.
My word is molded and strong, tenacious to the servant of God.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen. (three times)

Strong love spell

Light a wax candle and say the text seven times. While reading the plot, keep in front of you an image of the man you want to bewitch.

Repeat the ritual for three days, take a new candle every time.

God's house. God's threshold. God's throne.
The power of love is mighty, the tear of jealousy is flammable.
Go, melancholy, to every hair, to the servant of God (name),
On his crown, on his temple, on his liver and on his heart,
On the blood and on the vein,
On all his joints,
For all his thoughts and thoughts,
On his white chest, rosy cheeks,
For lust and sighs.
He wouldn't be able to sleep,
He wouldn't be able to eat.
Ten winds, the tenth is a whirlwind.
Twist his brains
So that you don’t eat, don’t sit, don’t lie,
And he rushed and ran towards me from everywhere.
Locks won't hold him
The bolts won't stop it.
Darlings will not cajole you,
The aunts won't persuade you, the guys won't understand.
He would keep me, slave (name), in his head,
I didn't let go of my mind.
Let him hear my voice everywhere,
Without me he can't breathe clean air.
Like a fish on the shore without water, it dies
Grass dries without mother earth,
There is no sky without clouds,
So may slave (name) never
And he doesn’t forget about anyone.
And whoever begins to treat him will be tired from the first day.

Conspiracy to return love

If a man has lost interest in you, use this simple love spell. He will revive feelings and send love-sickness to your chosen one.

The plot is read three times at dawn, facing the rising sun. Suitable days of the week: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday.

Zarya-lightning, red maiden,
Take away from me, servant of God (name),
Longing for melancholy, dryness for dryness
And put it on the servant of God (name),
On his white face, soft lips, bone teeth.
So that he is about me, about God's servant (name),
He was sad, he was grieving,
I was sad - I was grieving,
I was sad - I was grieving,
I was sad - I was grieving,
I didn’t know the Light of God
I didn’t sleep for days or nights,
I didn’t go to see my mother and father,
I didn’t wander through the forests, through the fields,
I didn’t know my girlfriends and friends,
I didn’t hug my lovers,
He rushed from corner to corner,
The snake wriggled on the ground.
I looked at the sky - there I am,
I looked at the water - there I was,
I looked at the ground - there I am God's slave (name).
How they suffer for the dead,
How bitter tears are shed for him,
So my husband would suffer for me,
He shed his bitter tears
For me, for God's servant,
After his married wife (name).
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Strong love plot

The next plot is read on strong wind. Lunar day and the day of the week do not matter. Take the man's photo and go outside.

Turn in the direction from which the wind is blowing and read the plot loudly one or three times. After that, turn over your right shoulder and go home.

How do you, the wind, pull smoke from the stove,
You fan the fire with your strength,
Blow up and heat three furnaces with a bright flame.
One oven is sadness, the other oven is melancholy,
Third oven to heart
Kindle the servant of God (name).
The baptized servant of God (name)
Take a soul, bring a soul
And bring his soul to my soul,
Body with body, and flesh with flesh.
Send a fierce drought at him,
Unmerciful, incurable,
So that he will dry for me, God's servant (name),
Drier than dry grass in the field.
Take his will away from him,
No locks, no doors,
So that he stands next to me,
You missed me and suffered
I knew no peace either day or night.
My molded words cannot be spoken, cannot be interrupted,
Do not soak in water, do not steam in a bathhouse.
Be, my words, strong, sculpting.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Sometimes you hear that words can hurt, comfort, heal, create love and destroy it in the blink of an eye - this is completely true. Even our ancestors, who lived dozens of centuries ago, knew that to create a high-quality love spell, sometimes you just need to say the right phrases at the right time. In addition, love spells also have their own reading rules, strict adherence to which will help ensure proper safety and achieve high-quality results.

Ignoring such requirements will not only lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of the love spell, but also to possible damage to both participants in the ritual.

Spoken words can involve both white and black magic, so it is necessary to clearly distinguish which tradition a particular ritual belongs to, and be prepared for the corresponding consequences:

To create a high-quality love spell, you will need to track the current phase of the moon - in particular, if you are using a light ritual, you need to focus on the growing celestial body, and in the case of attracting dark forces - on the full moon.

In addition, the words must be spoken at a certain time of the day - in the first case, you will be able to bewitch a guy at midnight, and in the second, at sunset. You also cannot use love spells of any type on Sunday, which has long been considered a church day - you will incur a grave curse that can remain on your immortal soul forever.

The power that a verbal love spell has also depends on the type of ritual chosen. Light magic will help you establish a romantic connection and also attract attention, but will not help you create an irresistible sexual desire or achieve complete mind control. At the same time, with the words of a love spell participating in a dark ritual, you can turn a person into your devoted slave, meekly following your every instruction.

Safe and effective ritual

If turning to black otherworldly entities is undesirable for you, you should pay attention to the effect of the following love spell. It allows you to achieve excellent results in the following cases:

  • you need to bewitch a guy with whom you are good friends or often communicate in the same company;
  • you need to create an impact on a work colleague with whom you have no negative aspects in your relationship;
  • you need to push the person to the first step - calling or asking for a date.

The duration of the achieved effect is at least a year, and the first results appear after a week from the moment the words are spoken. A love spell is completely safe and is not capable of having a significant impact on a person’s energy balance.

To bewitch a guy, you need to choose something for him that he will stop using in about a week - this could be a lighter, pen, or other similar disposable item. You need to buy it yourself at the beginning of the waxing phase of the moon.

If you need to remove a love spell, you should use a similar method, only the purchase should be made on the waning moon - this will be an excellent turnaround, allowing you to break off an unnecessary relationship.

When buying an item, pay with a small bill and ask for change in change - choose the most shiny coin from the whole handful, and leave without taking the rest. If they shout after you, do not pay attention to these words and quickly leave the room so as not to disturb the quality of the love spell.

When you come home, put the coin and the purchased item on the table - they should lie there untouched until midnight. To carry out a love spell, you will also need a clean white towel, a faceted glass of spring water without sediment, a saucer with a golden edging and church candle. You will be able to bewitch a guy if you put a candle on a saucer, light it and look at the flame for at least 2-3 minutes, imagining the image of your beloved in all details.

After this, the love spell must be started by pronouncing the words loudly and confidently:

“As I want, so it will be!”

While waiting until the candle burns out completely, read the words of the Lord’s Prayer, and also try to completely get rid of negative emotions. As soon as this happens, throw a coin into a glass of water and watch with your eyes how it sinks to the bottom. If she falls flat, continue the love spell, and when your edge touches the bottom of the glass, cross yourself three times and say the words:

“Holy, Holy, Holy! Amen!"

In order to bewitch a guy, say the following spell:

“People pay in gold and silver
Yes, these people fall in love with money
Yes, they add up with this money
I don't need riches
No need for fame
I only want my beloved,
Him alone
And so forever!

After this, add words that you would like to say to your beloved in reality, but did not dare until this moment. Leave the glass on the table until the morning and go to bed - to achieve maximum effectiveness of the love spell, no one should touch it or move it to another place.

When you wake up, sprinkle the gift with a few drops of water without filling it to the top, and also wash your face with water from a glass. The ritual will begin to take effect immediately after presenting your loved one with the enchanted object.

Smoking is not harmful!

If you and your loved one smoke, then you can try the following dark love spell, which works almost flawlessly. Prepare the ransom in advance - it should contain one silver coin and as many large coins from another metal as you are, minus one. To bewitch a guy and not be exposed to strong negative consequences, after the ceremony, take them to the cemetery and place them on the path between any two graves.

To perform the spell, you will need the following items:

  • two strong cigarettes;
  • a photograph of the person for whom the love spell is intended;
  • a silver dish or plate of similar metal;
  • sterile medical needle;
  • silk scarf.

At sunset, lay out all the above things in front of you, and place the photograph, resting it on some large object. For a love spell to be effective, you should undress and put on the most beautiful underwear that you have in your wardrobe. Focusing on the image of the guy, place cigarettes on the handkerchief and say the following words:

“Like tobacco burns with fire
And so a passionate desire consumes you!”

Take a needle - it must be sterile so as not to introduce an infection into the body. Prick your finger and write your name in blood on one cigarette, and on the other the name of the guy you decided to bewitch in this way. Z Having completed such a love spell, pierce the photograph with a needle, trying not to catch the image of a person - especially his face.

Take the cigarette on which you wrote the guy's name in blood and light it - you should take a deep drag, but don't rush. While smoking, imagine scenes of passionate sex to achieve extremely high effectiveness of the love spell.

No words should be uttered - this will completely destroy the magical power of the love spell, so it is better to remain silent and shake off the resulting ashes onto the photograph pierced with a bloody needle.

After completing all the actions, all that remains is to treat the guy with the remaining cigarette in order to take over his thoughts for a long time.

IN modern world Interest in conspiracies is growing more and more with every new day. Literature about them is published in huge editions and they can be found in almost every third store in any town.

Almost every day new publications are created in which you can find new spells for all occasions. And it is important to be able to read conspiracies correctly for them to work.

People find collections of spells, believing that with their help they can quickly solve all their problems without particularly straining: just read the words on paper that the author provides us with - and the problem will be solved by itself.

By the way, if everything were so simple, humanity would not have any questions or problems, and would not have any chance of survival. Neither poverty, nor grief, nor illness would touch him, everyone would live happily and with true love. And heavenly Paradise will come on earth. However, this is still not happening. Why?

Conspiracies are an art

A long time ago, the art of conspiracy was a secret, not accessible to everyone. Not many could boast of knowledge of the tradition of the spell word, but there were exceptions: sorcerers, wise men, healers, and so on. There were never many such people, and if there were, they enjoyed their former popularity: people were constantly drawn to them, they were respected. But it is worth noting that it was difficult to find them, and they did not disturb them over trifles.

It is worth noting that words, like thoughts, have a remarkable ability to materialize. And it must be added that thoughts that we do not pronounce out loud, but put a lot of emotions and energy into them, are even more dangerous than speaking them out. It’s worth remembering this and from now on controlling yourself during quarrels. What can we say about a conspiracy?

How to learn to read conspiracies

A conspiracy is a special language, imbued with secrets and complexities, it is unlike anything else: no poem, no song can compare with it. It is precisely because of ignorance of this language that most conspiracies do not work. They are composed in such a way that when pronounced into the environment, special vibrations are created that influence the destinies of people. With their help, a person turns to spirits and angels. These spirits are the special energy with which nature harnesses, they work to keep nature alive. And the person who reads the plot forces him to work for himself. You need to behave with him politely and with respect, and he will act kindly towards the person. It is worth noting that conspiracies should not be spoken, but whispered.

That's right, whisper.

In other words, you need to study long and hard to whisper for years. A special way of pronunciation, control of breathing and feelings, a sense of the subtle world - this and much more needs to be learned. Important points to observe for whispering a conspiracy:

1. Breath control.

The plot must be read correctly, in one breath, literally. Continue to whisper as you inhale and exhale. There should be no pauses or stops. You need to study this hard, because not every person can do this. In addition, the voice should sound methodical, both when exhaling and inhaling. There is one useful exercise: sit with a straight back, keep your hand on your stomach. Take a couple of deep breaths, and then, as you exhale, begin to speak (you can even sing) in capital letters. Do this exercise regularly. Second exercise: you also need to sit straight. Place your hand on your heart and breathe along with its heartbeat. For example, two heartbeats - inhale, then three heartbeats - exhale.

It is worth noting that a person should exhale air from the lungs longer than he inhaled. Nothing is impossible, you just have to want it. And breath control is an important factor that affects the conspiracy as a whole and can even change its essence. There is another useful exercise - shouting. You need to shout in capital letters. For example: go out of town, get rid of all the fuss and shout: “a-a-a”, “oo-oo-oo”, etc. As soon as you learn to control your breathing, you can begin to cast spells.

2. As you know, conspiracy is a gift from God.

We pronounce it quietly so that good, holy beings, angels can hear us, and if we just speak, then the demons will hear us and will do everything wrong, however, there is nothing surprising here, the demons only want to harm people. Strictly speaking, faith plays an important role. When people read a conspiracy, they turn specifically to heavenly powers, and they, in turn, are happy to help people and will fulfill their requests. Therefore, if a person is an atheist, he should not undertake conspiracies. If the wrath of God does not descend on him, the conspiracy simply will not work. Faith connects us to the world. By the way, faith in one’s strength plays an important role. You need to believe with all your heart and everything will work out.

3. Evil will return as evil.

There is no need to use negative conspiracies, because, as you know, there is such an unsafe thing - karma. Evil will return with double force. In other words, Divine and natural forces will turn away from man, and evil forces and demons, on the contrary, will stick. It's no secret that demons are not to be trifled with; they can not only inflict the opposite of that, what was discussed in the conspiracy, but also to devastate it. There is no need to play with fire, and if you don’t know how to do it, don’t do it. Bottom line: if a person does not want to be rude to himself, he will not use the help of dark forces.

4. Control of feelings.

When whispering a conspiracy, you need to control your feelings - they play almost the most important role. The stronger the feelings, the stronger the conspiracy will work. Strictly speaking, with our feelings we feed the conspiracy and the stronger this feed, the better plot will work.

5. First you need to learn how to help yourself with conspiracies.

Important condition. And only then will everything start to work out for you.

6. Word control.

It is important to watch your words in real life. Don’t lie, speak consciously and clearly.

7. Before spells you should go into a trance.

It is important. Spells are read correctly in the ASC when internal chatter is stopped, the body is relaxed, and emotions are also stopped.

When a person has mastered the art of whispering, it is recommended to read simple spells. For example, a conspiracy to protect against evil spirits or people (thieves, murderers, maniacs). It’s also worth repeating short spells every day, for example:

  • “Guardian angels, pray to God for me, save my sinful soul, guide me on the right path, to the right beginning. Save me from the wrath of God. Amen.”
  • “God, help my sinful soul get out of the networks of demons. Open my eyes, let me not fall for their tricks. Save me from the unclean. Amen.”
  • “Son of God, help me, God’s servant, guide me on a bright path. Forgive all my sins, just as I forgive my debtor and enemy. Amen.”

12 rules for reading conspiracies

  • Cast spells according to the lunar cycle. For example, rituals to attract love and money are performed during the waxing moon. And cleaning, or getting rid of bad things, is done in a decreasing manner.
  • Before the conspiracy, to strengthen it, you can read the “Our Father” prayer.
  • End the spell with words such as “Truly”, “Amen”, etc.
  • Pronounce the texts with your back to the west.
  • Before the ceremony, wash yourself and remove all jewelry.
  • Open the window.
  • Spells are cast an odd number of times.
  • Belief in magic is required.
  • The best time is sunrise and sunset. Spells also work well if whispered in the moonlight
  • See the end result. Visualization enhances magic words.
  • Extreme concentration on words.
  • Fasting is advisable before the ritual.

Main parts of the plot

A conspiracy is the use of certain words to produce the desired effect. Conspiracies were used back in Ancient Rus'. They had the properties of protection or damage.

There is an opinion that it is enough to simply pronounce a spell correctly or read it from a piece of paper without errors. This is fundamentally wrong. You can read a spell on paper only if it is written in your own hand; in other cases, the spell is learned by heart and read from memory.

Energy plays a big role in reading a plot. The energy of the one who pronounces the conspiracy and the forces to whom they turn for help. In principle, a conspiracy is needed so that the person who reads it is correctly attuned to the impact. When reading a conspiracy, all spoken words pass through the magician, thereby making the task easier for influence. Thus, the energy reaches the goal in the right way.

The conspiracy consists of several parts:


Lock, bartack,


Introduction. As a rule, these are the words of prayers “In the name of the father and son...”. These words warn about the beginning of the reading of the conspiracy, prepare the reader and the person being charmed to perform the action.

Beginning (beginning). This describes a magical, special place where power is concentrated. It could be an island: Ocean, Buyan, or a mountain: Athos, Sinai, etc. These power places are located on the border of the worlds. It is important to feel everything that is said. With correct pronunciation and penetration into the words, a change in physical sensations (mild chills, trembling) is also possible.

The beginning also talks about when and how the one who reads the plot gets ready to travel. Typically, dawn, dawn, or the time before dawn is mentioned.

The beginning also highlights the difficulties encountered on a long journey.

It is important to note the use of the word “I will go out” instead of “I am going.” There must be a house, a real one, where the storyteller will then return after all the deeds have been completed. He will return so as not to remain in another world.

The next main part of the conspiracy is the core, which is also a statement of requirements. This part reflects all will and desire. The desire can be expressed directly or using keywords.

To enhance the magical effect of the spell, they resort to the help of magical assistants. For example, they can be forces related to the feminine side - the forces of nature, the world, the elements. The wind is a symbol of fate and movement.

Helpers use words that are conductors of desires into another world. These words must be strong and carry a special magical meaning. When reading the plot, it is important to imagine an assistant standing nearby and hear the words spoken by him. At the same time, it is worth drawing a picture of what is happening in the subconscious.

The last part of the plot is called the lock or tack. This part is designed to secure magical power words In this part, words such as lock and key are often mentioned. The ending (lock) text may not have a connecting semantic link with the main part.

Sometimes a separate part is called jamming. Taken from the prayers “Amen. Amen. Amen” is pronounced at the very end of the conspiracy, thereby indicating the end of the conspiracy.

In most cases, all these parts in one plot are quite rare. Mostly there is a combined version of several parts.

The conspiracy must be alive. It must work through the power of the one who reads it.

Any conspiracy must contain:

Appeal to the Forces that will help in making your desire come true;

Announcement of the desired result;

Clarification of the actions performed with the one against whom the conspiracy is being made;

Gratitude to the Forces for achieving the desired result;

An anchoring statement that sums up the entire plot and puts the plot into action. For example, “so be it,” “nima.”

The texts of conspiracies necessarily contain means of expressive speech: symbols, epithets, comparison, personification. They play a spellcasting role. With their absence, magic words lose their effectiveness.

Conspiracies often contain Christian themes that interact with ancient spells. Prayer words could be combined with spells, or could be integrated into the text in small parts.

It is important that in this case, the difference between a magic spell and a prayer always remained. In prayer you can see a request for support from Higher Power and Saints. A conspiracy in magic more persistently wanted to have a certain result, resorting, for example, to the Forces of the elements.

If, when choosing a spell, you can’t remember the words or it seems unpleasant, then you shouldn’t use it. This will not lead to a positive result; moreover, it can be dangerous.

You should choose the option that you like, into which you penetrate with all your energy. In this case, your work will be easy, and most importantly, your intention will be realized.

Reading spells and the moon

On the decline, they use spells to get rid of something negative. They carry out cleansing, cleanse themselves of damage and curses, get rid of diseases and bad habits, do cold spells and lapels.

During the waxing moon, they pronounce magic words to attract money, perform rituals for love, perform love spells, and perform protective magic.

New moon magic is used to start. Conspiracies for pregnancy, for new beginnings, and for the fulfillment of desires work here.

Some magicians do not consider this phase to be powerful; it is better to wait until the moon begins to grow. In the meantime, start planning your magical activities.

The full moon is the most powerful time, the results of conspiracies are strong. They do love spells, love magic, and attract money.

Time is responsible for long-term requests and permanent results.

Days and conspiracies

If you are reading a conspiracy against a woman, then it is better to say it on Wed, Fri or Sat.

Mon - start cleansing, love spells, rituals for attractiveness, water magic. Challenges, all kinds of confusion and blind spots are good on this day.

VT - protection, victory, conspiracies for potency, strength. Black rituals, such as punishing the enemy, doing damage, etc.

CP - trade, profitable acquaintances, communication skills, spells for good luck in business. Also self-initiation, spiritualism.

CT - rituals for success, money conspiracies, assistance in training, you can get rid of competitors on this day.

PT - rejuvenation, love spells, harmonization, all the magic of love.

SB - fertility, cemetery spells, getting rid of negativity, meditation, punishment of enemies, spells connected with social institutions.

Sun - all good rituals, protective talismans you can speak, attract good luck and success.

Let’s take a closer look at the guy’s love spell yourself with words - with detailed description all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

Powerful love spells at home to bewitch your beloved guy

Often, situations in life do not turn out the way we would like. Most Such cases constitute love vicissitudes. And it’s not always possible to solve a problem by talking. Therefore, when it comes to unrequited love, many girls and women resort to magic. Such means of energy influence are sometimes more effective than traditional ones. And therefore it is not surprising that they are more in demand. In today’s article we will talk about exactly these methods of influencing representatives of the stronger sex. In particular, we offer several popular recipes on how to bewitch a guy at home.

Bewitching a specific guy to yourself using special rites and rituals is quite simple. The main thing is to strictly follow the recommendations and believe in the fulfillment of your plans.

Rituals for bewitching a lover if he is far away

Separation often ruins relationships. Especially if they are on early stage development. As a rule, being at a distance, a guy succumbs to temptation and is able to get carried away by another. To prevent this from happening, you can try this method of bewitching a guy.

Having waited until the full moon stage, you need to do the following at midnight at home. Open the window and kneel next to it. Looking at the sky (it must be cloudless), first say your lover’s name loudly 12 times in a row. After this, take a piece of black coal. Use them to write the guy's name on your hand. After this, look at the sky again and read the love words:

Lady Luna, take away my melancholy for yourself, and give me back his smile. Keep our love forever.

After this, you need to wash off what is written on your hand. When you go to bed, read more prayers. Closing your eyes, think only about your lover, who is at a distance from you. This way, you will not only make the guy think only about you, but also strengthen the relationship.

Ritual with a photo

There is another method that allows you to quickly win the heart of your loved one and bewitch him to you forever. In all years it was considered the most effective and reliable. With its help, a woman will bewitch a guy if she has his photo. However, it is not carried out at home. In order to bewitch a guy through this ritual to be successful, you will need to go to the cemetery.

To do this, take a photo that will show only the guy you are interested in. Taking it and a small shovel, go to the cemetery in the evening. Having found a grave there in which a guy with the same name was buried, begin the ritual. First, dig a small hole near the grave. After that, put the photo in it, saying:

You rest in a cold grave, and my beloved (boyfriend’s name) walks the earth. Let the love spell work and let (the name of your boyfriend) be attracted to me, so that he will be with me forever, and will not see or want others.

The spirit of the deceased will bewitch your beloved guy to you. But to do this, you should bury a hole with the photo in it and quickly leave. On the way home, you should not talk to anyone and you should not turn around.

Ritual with blood

I don’t need this blood anymore, but the guy (his name) needs it. As soon as he tastes my blood, he will give me his will and thoughts. Let my blood bewitch him so that love will unite us forever. Amen.

As soon as the guy tastes the love dish, the magic will begin to work. The effect of the magical drink (food) will appear in the coming days.

Ritual with stitched photos

The most powerful rituals are those during which a love spell is applied to a photo of your beloved guy. To make the effect of bewitching a guy at home last for many years, use this ritual. To carry it out you will need:

  • photo of a lover;
  • a photo with your image;
  • a few drops of blood;
  • needle;
  • Red thread.

You definitely need to carry out this ritual yourself, left at home alone. Towards evening it is worth preparing the necessary items and taking blood (menstrual bewitches faster). After smearing blood on the edges of your loved one’s photo, place your photo on it so that your eyes touch. Then stitch along the edge of the photo, making sure the last stitch is where the seam started. After this, say love words at home:

As my flesh comes into contact with yours, as my eyes look into yours, as my blood penetrates into you, so you are no longer subject to yourself. From now on and forever I am your mistress. Everywhere and always your will is with me.

This ritual will also help those who want to know how to bewitch a guy from a distance. Blood will bewitch your loved one, no matter where he is. Therefore, you will notice the effect of magic in the near future.

Love spell

Rituals that involve food or drink are very powerful. This includes this love spell at home. During it, you should speak to an apple, which will bewitch your loved one.

Having bought a fresh red beautiful apple, bring it home. In addition to the fruit, prepare for the ceremony:

  • red thick thread;
  • a small piece of red paper;
  • pencil/pen;

To quickly bewitch your lover, you will need to split an apple in half with a knife at home. Next, place a piece of paper between the halves with the names written (yours and your loved one’s). After putting them together to form a whole apple again, tie them together. When wrapping a red thread around a fruit, you can say:

Just as this apple dries up, so will my beloved (guy’s name) miss me and find no place for himself.

After this, place the apple in the sun. The more intensely the sun affects the fruit, the faster it will bewitch your lover to you. Warm summer days are best for a love spell. But the ceremony can be performed at other times. True, in such cases the effect will not come so quickly.

Effective love spell with candles

If you want to unite your hearts with your lover forever, you can use a stronger ritual. For this, you will first need to select a suitable intersection. Subsequently, to complete the ceremony, you and your boyfriend will need to meet at it. Therefore, look for a crossroads on the road your loved one walks on every day.

Having decided on the place, you can perform a love spell. Prepare at home:

  • two red paraffin candles;
  • 0.5 m satin ribbon same color;
  • igloo

Having tied both candles together approximately in the middle of the length, scratch your loved one’s name on one and yours on the other. Then set them on fire and for an hour, close your eyes, think about how you and your lover are spending time together.

After an hour, extinguish the candles at the same time. Then put them away in a dark, hidden place until the next day. Repeat the ritual the next evening. Do this every evening until the candles reach the level of the ribbon. Then put them out. In order to bewitch your loved one forever, now the cinders will need to be taken to the crossroads. When burying them on the side of the road, say the words:

You (name of your loved one) are my light, my secret. Let you be drawn here until you see me, and when you meet me, you will understand that you will not find me more beautiful.

The ritual should be completed only at night. After burying the candle stubs tied together, leave the intersection. At the same time, do not look around and do not talk to anyone. It is also forbidden to call anyone or even answer calls. Otherwise, the guy will not be bewitched by the ritual and the actions you perform.

When you meet a guy at the same intersection, the love spell will start working without consequences. This ritual, although not performed at home, will help you quickly achieve what you want and win the heart of your loved one. Therefore, those who are interested in how to bewitch a guy on their own need to select as much strong love spell, as far as the current situation requires.

Love spells for a man's love


The following free love spells for a man’s love, which you can read on your own at home, are very powerful magical rituals of white and black love magic that affect a man at any distance.

  • If a man already has a family, he needs read a love spell married man .
  • All love spells on a man that you make yourself at home will impose irreparable consequences on a person, completely replacing his inner world.
  • Before performing a love spell, be prepared for the fact that after it is carried out, people around this person will notice obvious signs of a love spell. Most likely, they will try to remove the effect of a love spell from a strong magician, who, having removed the love spell, will direct all the consequences to the one who did it.
  • You shouldn’t immediately make a black love spell on your own for a man’s love; it’s better to start with an easier one – a white love spell, or seek help from magicians who offer similar services.

The most powerful black love spell for a man's love

Before you independently read a strong love spell to kindle a man’s love, learn the words of the love spell by heart and you should read it without hesitating or swallowing letters - this is very important, otherwise the ritual will not succeed and will have to be redone.

When performing love spells for a man’s love on your own, if you read them at home on candles, you need to complete the following points:

  • To perform a love spell ritual of black magic, you need to go to church and buy any 3 candles, and you will perform the love spell at home.
  • You need to read the words of a love spell on a man seven times, three days in a row.
  • In the room where you will perform the love spell, close all the mirrors and curtains, remove all amulets (crosses and icons) from yourself. Now let's talk about how to bewitch a man which you and he like without consequences.

While at a distance from your loved one, light a candle yourself and begin to read the black and most powerful love spell for a man’s love:

God's house. God's threshold. God's throne. The power of love is mighty, the tear of jealousy is flammable.

Go, melancholy, to every hair, to the servant of God (name)

On his crown, on his temple, on his liver and on his heart, on his blood and veins, on all his joints.

On all his thoughts - thoughts, on his white chest, rosy cheeks, on lust and sighs.

He wouldn't be able to sleep, he wouldn't be able to eat.

Nine winds, the tenth is a whirlwind.

Twist his brain so that he doesn’t eat, doesn’t sit, doesn’t lie down, but rushes and runs to me from everywhere.

Locks won't hold him, bolts won't stop him.

Darlings - darlings will not cajole, aunts will not persuade, uncles will not understand.

He would keep me, the servant of God (name), in his head, and would not let me go out of my mind.

Like a fish on the shore without water, it dies. Grass without soil - its mother dries up.

There is no sky without clouds. So may the servant of God (name) never forget me with anyone.

And whoever begins to treat him will be tired from the first day.

After reading the words of the love spell, the candle should burn out completely, the next day a new candle is taken.

Read love spells for men at home from a distance

Unlike the ritual for a love spell on a man at home for an apple, in our case, you need to read a love spell on the fire of a church candle at home. To do this, light a candle and, looking at its flame, read the words of a love spell to kindle love in a man’s heart:

The fire is burning, the candle is crackling, the wax is melting, my spell is getting stronger every minute.

Four roads, all kinds of rapids, forests, meadows, steppes and fields,

Be the sun and moon of the thoughts of God's servant (name) always with me.

Your heart will burn with fire for me, your soul will grieve for me,

Your mind melts at the thought of me.

To be your slave of love, to adore you, servant of God (name),

Me, the servant of God (your name) in the morning, and in the afternoon, and in the evening, and every night.

I will take away your peace, I will steal your heart, I will take away your soul, I will plant slavish love in you.

She will gnaw you, burn you, whip you like a whip.

Will you love me more than yourself? stronger than father and mothers

You will idolize me from now on, you will be my slave of love.

I conjure with fire, burning wick, melting wax, church and cemetery,

By four roads, by all kinds of thresholds, the servant of God (her name) commanded to always be as I am.

No one can debug it, finish it off or redo it in any way. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

  • When you finish reading a love spell that works at any distance, leave the candle to burn out completely.
  • If for some reason the candle goes out during a love spell, then you can no longer redo this ritual; you will also have to read other love spells for a man’s love that are given in this article at home.

White love spell for men

If you want to bewitch your loved one, use a white love spell on a man’s love, which will have a very strong and quick effect on a man in the form of a proposal and marriage.

For the magical action, you need to go outside and, while reading a love spell, stand so that the wind blows the words in the direction where the man lives. You need to read a strong love spell for a man’s love three times and cross the air three times, following the words of the love spell that fly away from you:

On the sea-ocean, On the island of Buyan, there are now green oak trees.

Under those mighty oaks. There live three kings of the omnipotent winds.

They are princes to all kings, princes to any kings.

I, servant of God (name), will go to those three oak trees,

I bow low to those three kings, I will adhere to their faith.

You, father-winds, are strong, mighty heroes!

You will do me a great service! Do me a service and I will return it!

You will send your ambulance ambassadors to the servant of God (name).

Take away my melancholy, dry dryness,

Inescapable sadness, unspeakable groaning of the soul,

Take them away from me, servant of God (name),

Through deep rivers, through wide valleys,

Through the high mountains to the servant of God (name).

Don’t get lost anywhere, don’t give your burden to anyone else

Neither in the streets, nor in the alleys, do not get confused, do not get caught.

Neither on frequent crossings, nor in deep forests,

Neither in rotten swamps, nor in high dams.

Bring everything to the servant of God (name), give everything to him,

Pass on my sadness and my love to him!

Fathers, violent winds, mighty heroes,

Your hands are strong, your wings are zealous.

I call on you, Luke, Marco, Matthew and Gavrilo, I call on the fifth whirlwind:

Blow out, wrap in white the body of the Servant of God (name),

In the obstinate heart, in the liver and hot blood, in the black eyebrows,

Seventy-seven joints, seventy-seven veins,

To live without me, the Servant of God (name), could not,

He was sick of being without me.

Both day and night the Servant of God (name) could not.

Not an hour to pass, not a minute to pass!

Learn the words in advance so that you don’t stumble while reading, which will make the ritual ineffective.

A simple love spell on a man's hair

To perform a love spell on your hair yourself, you will need several hairs from your beloved man; the hair must be his, so it is best to remove it from his clothes. To make a love spell stronger, you will need a church candle, a photo of your loved one and an envelope, but for a quick love spell you can do without these attributes. Count the number of hairs of the man you love; for a love spell you need an odd number divisible by 7 - seven is the minimum number of hairs for a love spell. To cast a love spell, take an equal amount of your hair and his, start weaving it and read a love spell on a man’s hair, inciting strong love:

You, my beloved, always be with me,

Feel, think, hurry, but don’t avoid me.

Desire only me, stay away from everyone else,

Be bewitched by me forever.

My word is strong and molding.

While away the whole century with me.

Another way to cast a strong love spell on a man forever

If you have decided on your love feelings and are sure that you will never stop loving this person, if you independently read a love spell for a man who is at a distance from you for seven evenings lying in his bed, very soon love will ignite in his heart and he will come to you and make offer.

Just remember that you are responsible for those you have tamed and love words are not toys. By kindling love in the heart of the person bewitched in this way for the rest of his life, the man will forever be devoted to you and even an experienced magician will not be able to remove this most powerful love spell from him. Here is the text you need to read yourself :

On the sea, on Okiyan, on an island on Buyan, there lies a white, flammable stone, white as a wife’s breast, the name of the stone is Alatyr, Alatyr, unknown to anyone. I, the servant of God (my name), will stand up, bless myself with the cross, wash myself with spring water from the motley leaves, from the trade guests, from the priests, from the clerks, from the young men, from the red maidens, from the young women, from the white breasts. From under that Alatyr stone I will release the power for a love spell and send that mighty power to my dear, servant of God (beloved name), to all joints and half-joints, to all bones and half-bones, to all veins and half-veins, to clear eyes, rosy cheeks , in his chest, in his zealous heart, in his womb, in his black liver, in his violent head, in his strong hands, in his quick legs, his hot blood. So that his blood boils and hisses, his heart jumps out at the thought of me, I would blind the white light to his eyes. So that the servant of God (the name of his beloved) would yearn, grieve, not see peace at night, search among people during the day, whether he could live, perhaps, an hour, a minute would pass without me, the servant of God (his name). A sadness would rise from the depths of the sea, from the sea grass-ants, grief would rise from behind the blue mountains, from the dark dogs, from the frequent branches, rise up, sadness-dryness, unquenchable passion, unquenchable love, pounce, pounce on the slave God’s (the name of the beloved), strike him, like a robber’s victim, with a sharp knife, so that neither the doctor, nor the sorcerer, nor the black sorcerer will raise him from this illness, nor take him away from my breast, so that the servant of God (the name of the beloved) will yearn and grieve For me, God’s servant (my name), is like a mother to her child, a sheep to her lamb, a mare to her foal. I lock the love spell with ninety-three locks and ninety-three keys.

My word is strong and moldable, like the flammable stone of Alatyr. Amen.

LOVE SPELL FOR A GUY If a handsome boy does not pay attention to you, you can cast a love spell for a guy that will make your loved one change his attitude towards you. Many letters ask how to make a love spell on your own. In the continuation of publications we will teach you a white love spell young man and the most powerful love spell ritual with

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LOVE LOVE ON A GUY BY PHOTO Today you will learn how to make a love spell on a guy from a photo yourself. To perform this ritual, even a photograph of your beloved boy taken on a phone is suitable, but to perform a magical ritual it must be printed on paper. To independently cast a love spell on a beautiful classmate from a photo at home is not enough

LOVE SPELL ON A GIRL BY PHOTO Many people are interested in how to make a love spell on a girl using a photo and what words you need to read in order to bewitch the girl you like. There is nothing complicated in this magical ritual; the love spell can be read at home and the girl’s presence is not necessary. You should also know that a love spell based on a photograph will later

LOVE SPELL BY PHOTO Love spell by photo is quite common magic ritual aimed at bewitching a loved one using his photograph. These rituals are done at a distance and the presence of the person on whom the love spell is cast from a photograph is not at all necessary. A love spell from a photo can be white or black and of course the consequences of a love spell

A conspiracy to return love from your beloved husband will help you bring back your departed husband. A strong love spell to return a loved one will quickly return his former feeling of love and instantly force the husband to return to his wife and family, leaving his mistress and forgetting all past grievances. A love spell is read before going to bed over a candle while standing near a closed window. The light of a candle in a window has always been considered magical

It will help to separate your husband from his mistress so that they hate each other, swear and quarrel strong conspiracy against his mistress. For this plot, you need to know the name of the homewrecker - this is enough for the mistress to become disgusted with your husband and quickly leave him alone. You need to read the text of the conspiracy near the church while standing on the street at the entrance to the temple. A prerequisite for a conspiracy against a mistress

When I fell in love with a boy, the guy had another girlfriend and he constantly ignored me. All the ways to show him my love and let him know that I like him were tried, but they never brought any results. In desperation, I decided to cast a love spell on my loved one at any cost. A prerequisite for the love spell ritual was a quick love spell without a photo and on

Magic conspiracy this is very good way restoring relationships after a quarrel, which can quickly make a person think about you and run after you after a quarrel or breakup, as well as ask for forgiveness and beg to return everything to the way it was before. I warn you right away that this magical method is not easy and reading the plot is accompanied by a certain ritual, but the result

Vanga taught how you can make a strong love spell for free and on your own and told you the most powerful love spell for the love of your husband or beloved man. If you want to bewitch a person to yourself, but don’t know how to do it yourself, try this magical method of reading a love spell, which the Bulgarian healer Vanga told about. Grandma Vanga loved

Today I will tell you how to make a love spell using a photo of your loved one. All love spells that are made using photography are suitable for doing it yourself. Knowing the text of the love spell and having a photo of your loved one, you can easily and quickly bewitch him to yourself and make it so that he will love only very much all his life

Love spells for a loved one

They are called that because they require little or no magical action. They are aimed at inciting passion, a love spell on the love and fidelity of a loved one. Select one or more love spells and read it in its photo, and if there is none, then look to the east.

Four lightning, four sisters.

Come, take away the melancholy and great sadness.

From the bones, from the authorities,

from the tough prison people,

soldier recruits and younger infants,

Who suckled and fell behind their mother.

You impose that melancholy and great dryness,

Great sadness for the servant of God (name).

Without me, he, the servant of God (name),

Could neither live nor walk,

neither lie down nor sleep.

I, the servant of God (name), missed everything.

Those speeches and words are the key words.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

I don’t light candles, but I light my soul and heart

servant of God (name) for me, servant of God (name),

forever gone.

As soon as the incense burns, it melts,

so burn and melt your heart and soul

servant of God (name)

to me, the servant of God (name), forever. Amen.

I'll go to bed early in the evening,

Yes, I will see my dear friend in a dream.

When I wake up, I’ll pray and go, being blessed,

into an open field, into an open place,

Let me bow my head

in front of every blade of grass,

May I find love spell grass in the field,

Yes, I will ask the violent winds,

so that they carry this blade of grass

to my dear friend under my pillow,

so that just the smell of this grass

evoked burning feelings in the slave (name),

true love for the servant of God (name)

So that he could no longer live without me,

servant of God (name),

so that he couldn’t stop feeling for me,

I couldn’t cool them with any spring water,

nor love for another,

only knew that I was alone

and desired me more than my daily bread,

more sleep from fatigue,

more wine for sweetness.

May the violent winds help the servant of God (name),

wild herbs. Amen.

There is an entrance on the ground

whoever enters it will find my water.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit (bow).

I will take God's servant (name) for right hand,

I will bring upon him eternal love and boredom for me,

can’t wash it off, can’t dissuade him,

don’t stop loving me, don’t forget (bow).

If only he couldn't eat,

He shouldn't drink,

In separation, to be bored, to suffer,

there is no peace and rest.

May I be like bread to him, like water,

like clear sky and earth,

miles of freedom, dearer than blood,

(name), give your heart,

and take my heart.

help, sister water (bow).

Walk (name), follow me, follow God's servant(Name).

Four stars above (take a bow)

the power of the water below (bow).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,

Now and ever and unto ages of ages

When I go out into the open field,

how I bow in all directions,

when I call the white gyrfalcon,

so that he can fly through the deep seas,

across wide rivers, through high mountains,

through dense forests.

So that he would find a high tower,

in that mansion lives the servant of God (name).

Let the gyrfalcon descend on his chest,

on his zealous heart, on his strong vein,

let him put burning melancholy into his heart,

so that the slave (name) cannot live without the slave (name),

so that the white light would not be nice without me,

to cry and suffer without me,

so that he doesn’t see happiness without me.

Now, forever, and forever. Amen.

How are you, Saint Yegory,

captured his enemies,

just fill it up for me,

servant of God (name)

the heart of God's servant (name).

kindle, kindle the heart of my dear (name),

now and ever and unto ages of ages.

How the servant of God (name) loves the servant of God (name),

so let the servant of God (name)

could not live or eat without me,

no drinking, no working, no rest.

So that He would love me more than my father and mother

now and forever.

This love spell can give some impetus, a shift in a relationship that has reached a dead end.

How can I get out of the outskirts,

how can I go to the high mountains,

Yes, I will find an explosive stone there,

and under the stone lies a snake under the well,

let it hiss at everyone passing by,

let it sting all those who gape.

I will bow to that flaming snake,

I submit and the words are warm, coming from the heart

Oh, don’t feel sorry for me, you burning snake,

help me, servant of God (name).

Climb into the high tower,

climb into the stone chambers,

get under the down pillow

to the good fellow, servant of God (name).

Kindle, you kindled his zealous heart,

his blood is hot, his liver is black,

his veins are strong, his strength is deadlifting.

Stay not an hour, endure not a minute

without God's servant (name).

So that he gets up in the morning with one thought -

to go to bed in the evenings

with the thought of her alone.

So that the night lasts forever for him,

because I, the servant of God (name), are not nearby.

So that he sighs for me every minute,

so that he strives for me,

wherever you are, whatever you do.

Longing for the servant of God (name) would overflow

in all his veins, in his blood,

how your poison spreads throughout the body of the one bitten.

And let my words be spoken

both for the new month and for the aging month,

and the key to these words is in the lips, and the lock is in the mouth.

Love spells using objects

Find the nest of any bird in the forest; it is advisable, of course, not to take it upon yourself and choose one where there are no chicks.

Bring this nest home and place it under your bed with the words:

Bones and wings from this nest,

fly through the forest, through green fields,

through high mountains, quicksand swamps,

There lives a mighty force, its name is Tosca.

Fly and bring that sadness and sadness.

Let her build her nest.

And the slave (name) suffers for me,

so he would burn, so he would suffer,

so that you don’t see your native land at your feet.

I was grieving, yearning, and couldn’t take my name off my tongue.

Will it snow, will it rain,

no one will ruin or interrupt my words.

Be my words, live my words.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

If you know how to crochet, read the love spell before you start working on

four strong threads folded together:

I weaved a thread, you, God's servant (name),

She led to her from all sides of the world.

As the thread goes, so you are getting closer to me.

How a thread is woven, held together in knitting,

so do I, God’s servant (name),

intertwined with you.

An indispensable means of attracting the attention of a loved one is his comb.

It's very good if his hair is still on it, so try to get it immediately after

how the guy used it. If this is not possible, buy a comb yourself and make it magical

and give it to him as a present. And a love spell will help make it so:

comb-comb, head staff,

hair-hair, dear friend.

You yourself, brothers, help me,

Bring my dear one into my arms.

I will care for you, cherish you,

I wash my face with spring water, but in return I want

to meet and greet a dear one on your doorstep.

Instill my love into my dear one.

Day after day, night after night,

let him remember me and miss me,

and soon he will come to me again.

Ears are witnesses, heart is the key,

After this, collect the hair from the comb (if possible), roll it into a ball, wrap it in a cloth and

Prepare a small clean rag, put a new cross and a five-kopeck coin in it.

Wrap everything up, tie it with threads and put it in a place where no one can see.

When you go to forums and magic sites now, you pay attention to the fact that all the texts of love spells - love spells, sugar spells, love calls - are made on behalf of a woman. A woman bewitches a man.

But if you look at the old conspiracies in the books of the century before last, in the collections of various folklore collectors, you will discover an interesting thing. The conspiracies were initially carried out on behalf of a man. Men bewitched women.

The text of the plot can be changed, including the love spell spell. Men come looking for a love spell, a love spell, for a woman and find nothing. Men in same-sex relationships are also in some difficulty.

In most cases, if the conspiracy does not clearly mention which details of the male body, then you should carefully review the entire text of the conspiracy and change the necessary words from the masculine gender to the feminine gender, and, of course, the name.

If details of a man’s bodily structure are mentioned in a love spell or spell, then these words also need to be changed to the corresponding feminine ones. If such details are listed that are more characteristic of a man, for example, “I didn’t go on a spree with my friends,” then, accordingly, we change this too, to “girlfriends” or something else.

Gay love spell, man-on-man love spell or same-sex love spell

Same-sex love relationship were not taken into account in the old love magic; there are no ready-made spells - love spells, dry spells, love calls - for gay relationships in the native tradition. But this circumstance does not mean at all that love magic - a love spell, a sugar spell, a ritual for longing and attraction, a love challenge - is not applicable in relationships between gay men. Depending on the position of the bewitched partner in a gay couple, either rituals with a male bias are better suited, or female version. Accordingly, it is worth carefully studying the text of the love spell spell and carefully correcting those words that would be inappropriate in a same-sex love spell.

Features of appealing to powers in same-sex love spells, gay love spells.

When reading the text of the love spell spell, it will become clear that it is addressed to some kind of Power. You should not use Orthodox spells for same-sex love spells. You always need to take into account the “value system” of the Force involved in the love spell. Since gay relationships are not considered acceptable in the Holy Scriptures, the love spell may not work, and even more so. In accordance with the values ​​of faith, the Forces may begin to hinder (for the purpose of salvation) the realization of a love union.

Rituals with trees and the forces of nature, elemental magic, they are appropriate for same-sex love spells. The appeal to dark forces and the magic of symbols, such as runes, for a beginner is fraught with so much unpredictability due to a huge number of secret subtleties that it would be wise not to resort to it.

Thus, a man has a much larger choice of love spells and love rituals than is commonly believed. He can find a suitable love spell in the general collection of love rituals, choose what he considers most suitable and without much difficulty adjust the text of the love spell to suit his situation.