Aries astro forecast from the globe for September. It exists: new evidence of the reality of Planet X has been found

29.08.2019 Career and Work

The rush in September will be frankly unnecessary. This month is favorable for love relationships: some zodiac signs will be lucky to find a soul mate. For the most passionate individuals, new career prospects will also open up.


Aries will have no time to think about lofty things: after the summer, the guys will be overwhelmed with a huge amount of work, and there will be no time left for sighs. All attention will have to be given to work as Mars resumes its direct motion. If Aries risks leaving things to chance, then his social status will be greatly shaken. Authority will fall even at home, where a loved one provokes a conflict. Aries are advised to take their responsibilities seriously and get things done without unnecessary fuss. The guys must do everything by the end of the month.


Taurus may experience some health problems. The astrologer draws attention to the fact that their negligence towards themselves can bring about serious trouble. We are talking about pneumonia, viral flu. The guys should hide their summer clothes away and dress warmer. However, the rest of the location of the stars will please them: for example, Venus promises Taurus unearthly love in September. During this period, it is extremely important to monitor your lifestyle and maintain a healthy diet. Because love also requires strength.


A special time will come for Gemini. This zodiac sign will have a fateful meeting. The guys must meet the right partner. This can be either a soul mate or a business partner. The important thing is that a person complements the dual essence of the sign with his personality. However, you still shouldn’t trust everyone. The astrologer recommends first listening to your intuition, and only then drawing large-scale conclusions.


For representatives water element a controversial time will come. On the one hand, their emotionality will be welcomed in every possible way, but on the other hand, it will interfere with their career. Therefore, it is recommended to focus exclusively on the love sphere. Sensitive guys will definitely have luck with it. As for pressing issues, it will be difficult for Cancers to cope without the support of good friends.

a lion

If Leos want, they will be able to achieve career success in September. However, the stars warn that any rise up the social ladder will add enemies to a person. If, for the sake of a tasty position, Leos are ready to enter into conflict with colleagues, then there is no need to hesitate: the conjunction of the Sun with Jupiter in September will favor this.


Virgos will have a difficult start to the month. They are overwhelmed by conflicting emotions: they want to do something new in life, but are afraid to part with stability. In such cases, the stars recommend trying. Without a leap into the unknown there is nothing to hope for happiness. Playing sports and sorting out the rubble from your old job will help you get rid of the blues of the first days of autumn. It’s too early for the guys to think about love, since Mercury has not yet reached the required speed for contact with Venus.


The most exciting period for Libra. When the Sun is in their own constellation, and Jupiter is in the sign of Scorpio, the guys can safely count on a romantic adventure. However, they will have to make their own choice of heart, since there will be several options. In particular, fate will give them the opportunity to say goodbye to the past. The once loved one will reappear on the horizon and invite Libra to renew their relationship. If you follow Globa’s rational tips, you shouldn’t agree. This will completely ruin your relationship with your established circle of friends. You will have to forget about stability for a long time, since passions will boil over in earnest.


Scorpios will be able to increase their material wealth. Jupiter also helps them climb the social ladder. The guys can do everything they’ve wanted for a long time: any business will work out for them. However, you still have to work. In particular, the same Leos will try to get around them. Leave rivalry in the past, but don’t make a bad compromise either. It is important to take your place in the Sun carefully and quickly. Then you will be able to maintain a friendly disposition towards yourself. You should also not forget about friends in September.


For Sagittarius, long-standing illnesses may worsen. They must be meticulous about their health and concentrate as much as possible on a healthy lifestyle. Various problems of the digestive tract pose a particular danger. Any stress or excessive stress should be avoided. It is important to remember that harmony in the family is the key to not only mental health, but also physical health.


Whatever Capricorns do in September, their projects will be controversial. The results of your efforts will be visible instantly. Promising plans will gradually come to fruition, and investments will begin to bring tangible income. The first month of autumn will also be remembered for meeting old friends. Good memories will allow them to go through the entire period smoothly, without dips in energy. However, at the end of September, Capricorns are strongly advised to rest. This will help you achieve the greatest success in the future.


Aquarians will finally get rid of negative thoughts and be able to move on to the next stage of their lives. Many representatives of the sign will have good luck in love relationships. A romantic mood will give strength to the guys, and any misunderstanding with a partner will simply disappear. Aquarians have the right to expect the best. Bold dreams of a future together are more than real. Therefore, work should not come first during this time.


Pisces must give up their bad habits. Fatigue from self-indulgence tends to accumulate. An unusual meeting should help get rid of it. In September, Pisces is destined to begin a relationship with an attractive person. Passionate emotions will overwhelm representatives of the water element and make them forget about bad addictions. The guys will want to become better than they are.

September will be calm and joyful for all zodiac signs. You shouldn't expect any unpleasant surprises from fate. Do not be afraid of possible changes: they will not pull the rug out from under your feet. The September horoscope from Pavel Globa predicts stability for all zodiac signs. Therefore, you can be confident in the future. The stars favor you in all your endeavors and protect you from failure. In many situations, it is as if by miracle you end up winning. Luck accompanies you throughout September.

In the first days of September, Aries is overcome by a thirst for knowledge. You want to understand the world and learn something new about how life works. Are you interested in a wide variety of topics? Most likely, such curiosity will result in the search for unusual hobbies or lead to spiritual changes. One way or another, the first ten days of the month will greatly influence the personality of Aries.

The middle of the month is a good time for money transactions. Make purchases that you have been putting off for a long time. Take a risk and open your own business if you have been afraid to do so for a long time. Because it is precisely this time period that will be most favorable for well-being.

At the end of September you will be given unexpected news that will make you very happy. You will learn that interesting life prospects will open up before you in the future.

The first weeks of September can be the start of a romantic interest for Taurus. Decide if you want to immerse yourself in these feelings, and if the answer is yes, then you will completely drown in love. This will greatly transform the life of Taurus, painting it with the brightest colors. Even gloomy people, full of melancholy, will again feel that they are happy, like children.

The second part of September is a time of quarrels and disagreements. We often have to argue over the most various issues and you don’t always manage to stay right. Pavel Globa advises Taurus not to lose composure, even when the opponent’s words seem ridiculous. You tend to overlook small but important details, and therefore, being full of self-confidence, you may end up looking in a bad light.


In September, Gemini may change their attitude towards the world. You will look at some things and phenomena from a different perspective. Reconsider beliefs you have never doubted. During this time, you carefully analyze yourself. Geminis are ready to honestly admit to themselves their mistakes and identify their shortcomings. Astrological forecast from Pavel Globa predicts that in September this will help Gemini become significantly better in all respects.

A few days before the end of the month, you will be offered something very tempting, like a job in another position. Under no circumstances make a hasty decision. This very attractive prospect will have many hidden flaws that you will only discover after some time. It is possible that you will regret making such a decision.

For almost the entire month of September you worry too much about different things. Sometimes for no reason at all. Cancers worry about past actions and future difficulties. They feel insecure, constrained and depressed. Try to distract yourself from these thoughts. Devote more time to the people and activities you love. Best of all, change your surroundings and go somewhere a nice place. This way, Cancers can once again be filled with confidence and optimism.

In the last third of September, you are the real soul of the company. Cancers attract the attention of friends and family, surprising them interesting stories and well-aimed, witty jokes.

In the first half of September you feel tired. The reason is not overwork or illness. You are full of doubts, insecurities and inner fears. All this results in a feeling of melancholy and fatigue. Pavel Globa advises Leos to tune in to receive fresh and vivid impressions in September. Recharge yourself with life by coming into contact with something beautiful and exciting.

In the last few weeks of September you will feel much lighter. Although Leos will be completely immersed in activity, they do not feel tired. The mood is high, representatives of the sign feel collected, concentrated and calm.

In the first ten days of September you will have to make a difficult choice. At this time, Virgos should not trust their intuition. It is better to rely on cold reason and logic, to take into account all the nuances and details. Only then will you be able to find the right way out of this situation.

The middle of the month is a time of hard work, which, however, brings you pleasure. You easily cope with a large number of tasks and show yourself to be experts in your field. This brings you approval from colleagues and loved ones.

The end of September is more suitable for settling in personal life. You easily find language in communication with the opposite sex. The horoscope for September from Pavel Globa predicts: thanks to this, you can start new relationships or strengthen existing ones.

At the beginning of September, Libra needs love and care more than ever. You feel a lack of warmth of feelings, you want to be loved, even adored. You try to spend as much time as possible with your loved ones. Sometimes such sensuality even resembles obsession and you need to control these impulses.

In the second half of September, Libra will absolutely not want to engage in any important matters, deal with household chores and family problems. You are interested in everything romantic and beautiful, your soul yearns towards art and travel. Ordinary activities cause you boredom and melancholy, and you constantly want to feel free from responsibilities, immersed in wonderful and inspiring adventures.


In the first ten days of September, Scorpios spend a lot of time with their family. You feel warmth from communicating with your family. Really have fun, feel really happy. At this time, even warring relatives again find mutual language, families are reunited, blood ties overcome all differences.

The middle of the month is the ideal time for travel. By going to unusual places, you will get fresh impressions and be spiritually transformed. At the end of September, Scorpios are visited by original ideas. They can relate to anything: creativity and work, as well as arrangement of personal life.

The first two weeks of September are the time when Sagittarius achieves complete understanding with people. You read other people's motives and feelings, as if open book. You easily understand the psychology of both friends and rivals. Try to use these suddenly emerging skills to advance in your career or achieve success on the personal front.

In the second half of September you will be disappointed in several people dear to you. Their actions will be unpleasant and unexpected. You will feel like you have become a victim of betrayal. However, you will find the strength to forgive them when they apologize to you.

The beginning of the month is a financially favorable time. This is a great moment for taking decisive steps in business, concluding trade deals, and attracting clients. These days are also good for any purchases. Whatever you buy: a music record or Vacation home, the purchase afterwards will never disappoint you.

In the middle of the month, the astrological forecast for Capricorns from Pavel Globa recommends being careful in your relationships with people. You tend to judge people for things that are not their fault at all. You make meaningless assumptions and accusations. If representatives of the sign do not stop in time, they will subsequently be very ashamed of their words and actions.

When the month just begins, Aquarians will show great stubbornness. On the one hand, this is good - pressure and zeal will help you advance in your work. On the other hand, Pavel Globa in his horoscope for September warns Aquarius: do not be too stubborn in arguing with dear people. If such uncompromising behavior can have a good effect on your workmates, then you will simply quarrel with your family members, friends and lovers.

The end of September is a time to rethink important things. Perhaps you will change your attitude towards your past actions. In some places you will repent, and in others you will gain self-confidence. Pavel Globa, in his astrological forecast, recommends not to get too carried away by such thoughts: this can lead to depression.

Throughout the month, Pisces are very cheerful and cheerful. Nothing can spoil this all-conquering optimism. Even the most negatively inclined representatives of the sign are capable of becoming frivolous and playful for a short time. You feel inspired no matter what you take on. You feel a great surge of vitality and energy. An astrological forecast for the first month of autumn from Pavel Globa advises not to miss the opportunity to relax and have fun from the heart. You are very open, and then you attract people, including new acquaintances. It is possible that in September you will find unusual like-minded people and comrades.

Summer is coming to an end. The first month of autumn is approaching. However, according to astrologer Pavel Globa, not all zodiac signs will find September easy and pleasant. For some, it’s more likely the opposite, writes

Pavel Globa: dangerous September for 3 zodiac signs


Representatives of this zodiac sign will face health problems. Not that they are very serious, but colds, flu, and other ailments are quite possible and more than once.

To protect yourself, Pavel Globa advises leading a healthy lifestyle and strengthening your immune system.


But Cancers will have to overcome a lot of difficulties, obstacles and contradictions in September 2018. To avoid the disruption of all your plans and the collapse of hopes.

Cancers should turn off their emotions and turn on their cool reason. This period will not last too long, so just take courage and boldly go towards your goal, firmly withstanding the blows of fate.

If Cancer gratefully accepts the help of his family, then surviving September 2018, astrologer Pavel Globa is sure, will be much easier for him.


For Sagittarius, as well as for Taurus, September 2018 prepared health problems. But if representatives of the spring zodiac sign have to fight minor troubles, then autumn Sagittarius - with larger ones.

This question should especially alert Sagittarius, who love to eat deliciously and a lot, and are also addicted to bad habits. All this can lead to malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys.

So, in order to reduce the harmful effects on your health, you should carefully review your diet. Eliminate fatty, fried, smoked, pickled, etc. dishes from the menu as much as possible. But there should be a lot of vegetables (boiled, stewed, baked and fresh) on your table.

Smoking and drinking strong drinks should be avoided. It’s also worth going to see a doctor and getting examined.

Let us remind you that astrologer Vasilisa Volodina also gave her forecast for September 2018. Now we know which zodiac signs should prepare for unprecedented success and pleasant changes.

Astrologer Tamara Globa is famous for her fairly accurate and accurate horoscopes. Her advice for September will be an excellent guide to action for achieving goals and success in life. different signs Zodiac

According to the astrologer, September will continue the eclipse trends of August, and the affairs and problems that began in the last summer month will come into force. September will be rich in bright events related to the solution of important problems. The astrologer recommends, if possible, avoiding long trips and flights from 6, 7, 13, 14 and on. last week September. This is a time of great accidents and incidents.

Tamara Globa is confident that this horoscope for September 2018 will be able to entertain and help a large number of people. Moreover, her horoscopes are recognized as the most probable.

Horoscope for September from Tamara Globa


In the first week of September you will feel an extraordinary surge of strength. And it’s up to you where to direct this positive energy. Tamara, in turn, is confident that this month you can significantly improve your well-being.


From the first days of this month, Taurus will be tormented by small, but frequent problems. All you have to do is take advantage of some troubles. In addition, the end of the month promises to reward you with interest for your patience.


Having discovered a bag of unfinished chores this month, immediately set about bringing them to a logical conclusion. Don't even think about trying to do something new. The only good thing is that no matter what kind of problems you collect, everything will be solved surprisingly easily.


Whether for women or men, September promises a loving pastime for most Cancers. Whatever the end of your new relationship promises, try to enjoy it as much as possible.

a lion

The stars warn Leo people against long trips in September. The first half of the period will clearly not be your time. But the next two weeks promise to be very successful for career advancement. All you have to do is keep your mouth shut at a certain point.


One of the reasons for your irritability in September will be an empty wallet. Don't give in to provocations. Spend more time at home, visit your relatives, and by the end of the month the situation will level out on its own.


Already this month you need to seriously reconsider your attitude towards health. Tamara Globa believes that if you start getting rid of bad habits in September, it is highly likely that it will end successfully.


You take the words of your colleagues and acquaintances too seriously. You need to become a less outspoken Scorpio. Guided by this advice, by the end of the month you will achieve the desired respect and authority.


In September, you finally have to decide what to do with your family problems. It can't go on like this anymore. Whatever decision you make, the stars will help you create a new one or save old family. Lonely representatives of this Sign can safely hope for new acquaintances with the opposite sex.


It's time to change jobs or start your own business. The entire month of September will help you successfully implement any of your plans, even your most daring ones. Just beware of jumping to conclusions when characterizing your new partner.


Aquarius can receive love or money in the second half of September. The only condition is that if you chase two birds with one stone, you won’t catch either one.


If you allow financial problems to overcome you this month, then be careful, even those closest to you may refuse to help you. Take it right, or a fight could ruin your relationship forever.

At the beginning of autumn, when the holidays are over and we are all ready to start work with renewed vigor, many people strive to start large-scale and long-term projects, as well as make significant changes in their everyday life.

And the horoscope for September 2018 from Pavel Globa, the most authoritative male astrologer in the CIS, will help you see the clues of fate and avoid making wrong and hasty decisions.

The monthly forecast according to the zodiac signs will tell you who can boldly meet new prospects and opportunities, and who should “hold your horses” and be careful.

Horoscope for September 2018 from Pavel Globa


Aries will be pleased with the beginning of autumn a huge amount household chores that have accumulated after a flight vacation and require quick solutions to problems at work. All these matters will not be too significant or difficult, but they will require a lot of attention.

If Aries hopes that the situation will improve on its own, they risk aggravating the situation, provoking a conflict at home and losing positions at work.

Therefore, the astrologer recommends that Aries pull themselves together in September, think through a plan, and get down to business thoroughly and without unnecessary fuss. And in this case, all the issues accumulated over the summer will be successfully resolved by the end of the month.


Pavel Globa recommends that people born under the sign of Taurus pay special attention to their health at the beginning of autumn. Due to a permissive attitude towards health and reluctance to put away summer clothes in the closet and dress warmer, as well as due to the unfavorable influence of the stars, Taurus runs the risk of catching the flu and colds.

Therefore, during this period they should reconsider their diet, including more vegetables and fruits, and also try to maintain a sleep schedule.

In September, everything will be calm and smooth for Taurus in their work and personal life. The main thing for them is to promptly resolve emerging issues and listen to the opinions of loved ones.


For Gemini, according to the astrologer, in September fate prepared a special gift - a meeting with a person who will play a very important role in the future.

For single people born under the constellation Gemini, this could be a meeting with their soulmate, and for people with a family, this could be a meeting with their future best friend or business partner.

At the same time, the astrologer warns Gemini against excessive trust in new acquaintances and advises them to first get to know the person properly, and only then draw conclusions and accept his suggestions.


For Cancers, September 2018 will not be the most favorable period of the year.

At the beginning of autumn, plans and projects on which Cancers had high hopes may turn into failure, and the business situation will be extremely unstable.

You should treat such unpleasant surprises of fate as tests, and make every effort to find a worthy solution to the problem.

Moreover, with a high probability, problems will be solved with the help of a good friend or relative who will be happy to lend their shoulder.

a lion

At the beginning of autumn, Leos will have the opportunity to show their loyalty to their superiors and curry favor in order to receive a long-awaited promotion by the end of the first month of autumn.

However, the astrologer warns those born under this zodiac sign that in order to get a good position they will have to ruin their relationships with colleagues.

Therefore, Leos should weigh the pros and cons and decide for themselves whether they need an increase at such a price.


Most accurate horoscope for September 2018 from Pavel Globa warns Virgos that in the first days of the month they will be overcome by blues and doubts regarding the current situation in life.

What they have will no longer bring satisfaction, so Virgos will want to try themselves in something new and interesting.

And the stars will help in making this desire come true, especially if Virgos become creative or decide to get a profession related to art.


For Libra in September, fate has prepared an exciting meeting with the past - on one of the days of the month they will accidentally find themselves in the same company with their old love, and feelings will flare up again.

However, the astrologer warns that if Libra is led by resurrected feelings, they risk losing the previously acquired stability in relationships with loved ones and literally “turning their life upside down.”

At the beginning of the month, fate will be an outside observer in relation to Libra, so they will need to make their own choices, guided by both logic and the desires of the heart. And if they choose correctly, they will be able to make their lives happier in the near future.


For people born under the constellation Scorpio, the stars at the beginning of autumn promise the emergence of a new source of income, which can become permanent.

But they should not hope that the money will fall into their hands; rather, circumstances will develop in such a way that they will have the opportunity to put in some effort and earn money.

Pavel Globa advises Scorpios to be especially attentive to people during this period and not to forget about old friends.

If they spend too much time working at the expense of friends and family, they may be left without the support of loved ones when they need it most.


Pavel Globa warns Sagittarius that this month they may experience an exacerbation of chronic diseases and the appearance of problems with the digestive tract.

Therefore, it is especially important for them to eat right, consult a doctor when the first unpleasant symptoms appear, and avoid stress and unnecessary exertion.

And if possible, it is better for Sagittarius to go to a sanatorium in September to improve their health.


At the beginning of autumn, Capricorns will literally “burn” in their hands when doing everything. Whatever the representatives of this zodiac sign undertake, the results will be quick and promising.

Therefore, if Capricorns have any plans or dreams, September 2018 is the time to bring them to life.

Relatives, colleagues and friends during this period will be especially supportive of Capricorns and at will will provide them with significant support in their business.

But still, the white streak will not be endless - at the end of the month, Capricorns will feel a decline in energy and a desire to relax and enjoy the results of their work.


The beginning of autumn for Aquarius will be the beginning of a new stage in their family or romantic relationships.

Routine and misunderstanding will disappear from the relationship with your loved one, and the second “candy-bouquet” period will begin in the novel.

But the astrologer warns Aquarius that if they do not make their own efforts to maintain the relationship and take steps towards their soulmate, soon everything will return to its place.

Therefore, they should take full advantage of the opportunity to strengthen mutual love and trust with their partner so that the flow of love energy does not dry up at the end of the month


Pavel Globa recommends that Pisces leave all bad habits and empty worries in the past summer, and start a new life in early autumn.

Refusal of harmful addictions.

Engaging in a new interesting business and establishing friendly relations meeting interesting new acquaintances will have the best effect on the well-being and emotional state of Pisces.

And if they use the opportunities given by fate, then they have every chance to take their lives to a qualitatively higher level.

The horoscope presented above for September 2018 from Pavel Globa gives an encouraging forecast for most signs of the Zodiac and promises them favor from fate. However, we should not forget that the stars can only provide opportunities and chances, and how exactly to take advantage of them is up to the person himself.

The whole country (and neighboring countries too) has been following horoscopes from Pavel Globa for many years. The predictions of the great astrologer and master of esotericism are striking in their accuracy and clear description of future events. He managed to help many people: foreseeing events, Pavel Globa manages to warn and prepare a person for the future. Thanks to this, even the terrible blows of fate are softened, and many tragic events can even be avoided.

The New Year 2019 is a period of calm and stabilization of conflict situations. There are a whole 12 months ahead when you can exhale, take a break from conflicts, gain strength and analyze past experiences. The Universe intends to demonstrate to humanity its generosity and limitless possibilities. An era of amazing scientific discoveries awaits us, especially in the field of medicine. At the individual level, you can expect pleasant financial bonuses and a calm atmosphere in the workplace.

This does not mean that you can relax: any achievement this year will have to be reinforced and proven so as not to lose your position in an instant. The sphere of love relationships will be successful. Many singles will settle down, bachelors will seriously think about family. Those who seek hearts will find their true match, and new relationships will develop rapidly and passionately, as if in a movie. The horoscope for 2019 from Pavel Globa for all zodiac signs will open the door to the future for each reader individually and give recommendations on how to behave in difficult situations.


A time of sharp growth and career advancement is coming for Aries. At the very beginning of the year, Mars will play into your hands. The militant planet will give you energy, vigor and activity for victories. Use the received energy in the right direction and carefully avoid conflicts so as not to scatter the charge of Mars into stupid quarrels. Be persistent and grab every opportunity that comes your way, even if the new challenges seem overwhelming. The streak of luck will intensify in mid-spring, and by summer it will gain full power - already under the influence of Uranus. On the crest of success, it is worth going on vacation in order to relax and get rid of excess energy, to bring yourself into a peaceful state.


The horoscope from Pavel Globa foretells a successful year for Taurus in terms of career. Your financial condition will improve and you will be able to save considerable amounts. Soon, your material reserve will allow you to become the owner of an expensive item or real estate. Unfortunately, the influence of Saturn will increase, which will result in instability for you in romantic relationships. There will be more quarrels, misunderstandings, accumulated discontent will be expressed in person without softening the blow. Taurus will encounter coldness from a loved one; some partners will even decide to take a time out. The problem can only be solved together by sitting down at the negotiating table and finding a compromise. The best months for reconciliation will be May, June and July.


The astrologer promises Gemini a lovingly active year. Feelings for a permanent partner will increase, and the warming will be mutual. Your loved one will look at you in a new way, and even fall in love again, begin to look after you and take care of you, as in the days of your first love. For single Geminis, Pavel Globa predicts several new acquaintances, one of which will turn your head, while others will be the beginning of a strong friendship and a successful business partnership. Prosperity awaits careerists too. In the fall of 2019, Neptune will go into a retrograde position, which will open up broad prospects for advancement for you. You shouldn’t be too eager for a promotion during this period; show humility and cold calculation. As Bulgakov wrote, they themselves will offer everything, and they themselves will give everything. That is, your hard work and willingness to grow will be noticed from above and will give you the chance you need.


The horoscope from Pavel Globa for 2019 promises to keep Cancers on their toes. The future looks complicated, with obstacles and twists and turns that Cancers need to overcome with honor. A relationship that burdens you, but which you will never part with, will come to an end. A logical break will still be painful; you will want to throw yourself into work. The stars will test your strength here too. The special position of Uranus in relation to your zodiac sign will provoke minor troubles that will unsettle you. You will have to endure unpleasant surprises from fate until the fall, but in September the situation will begin to improve. By the end of the year, romantic acquaintances and a salary increase are likely.

a lion

Leo is patronized by the Sun, and throughout 2019 it is in an active position. This will give you strength, self-confidence, the desire to act and take your own. However, the year cannot be called calm, because Saturn will be in opposition to the Sun. He will attract envious people to Leo and conflict situations, will derail well-thought-out plans. It is very important not to share your ideas with others, especially in the field of business, major transactions and grandiose personal events - long trips, moving, buying an apartment or car. Don’t talk about your personal life either, because it promises to be eventful. The first half of the year will be marked by a bright and strong love that will develop into a strong relationship.


Pavel Globa predicts a busy year for the virgins. Jupiter will gift you with unprecedented productivity: management will deservedly consider you the most irreplaceable person in the world. This will affect finances and position in the team. True, inspired Virgos can become seriously tired; sleepless nights will bring them an exacerbation of long-standing illnesses. Maintain a balance between what you love and what you love. Love will become your constant companion. The astrologer is sure that by spring Virgos will be overwhelmed by strong feelings that will simply knock you off your feet. There is a negative point in this: in a love oblivion, you can lose your sense of reality and find yourself in an unpleasant situation. Losing your wallet or having a fight with your best friend is a bad result of finding true love. Try not to lose your head and your characteristic clarity of thinking.


For Libra, the coming year will be smooth, without much fluctuation or change. In these 12 months, your future fate will be decided. All actions and decisions will not show results immediately, but will shape the future. What it will be depends on what you are doing now, so work ahead. By showing initiative at work today, you are setting the universe up for improvement in the future. By saving money more than spending it, you create an attractive financial environment. By quarreling with loved ones and not forgiving them for minor offenses, you lay the foundation for rejection and loneliness. Pluto and Uranus carefully record your steps, so make the right choices at life's crossroads.


Pavel Globa in the horoscope for 2019 identifies two periods for Scorpios: from January to May, and from August to November. This is the time when you can do everything and feel like the ruler of the world. You love and are loved, you have money and you pamper yourself and your family, you are established in your profession and have a clear idea of ​​your future life. The astrologer warns: remain sober. Just because the sea is knee-deep doesn’t mean you have to get into the water. Wet feet, relatively speaking, won't do any good. On the path of love, Scorpio is promised love and an enchanting romance, supported by joint tomfoolery and spontaneous actions. Falling in love will give you additional strength and desire to develop, but it can blur your eyes. While you are making plans for a future together, your partner will simply have fun with you, not considering the relationship to be promising.


Sagittarians without a relationship will have to face a funny situation. Your destiny is marked by acquaintances and sympathies. But you are looking for serious and deep partners, and in 2019 you come across only superficial and frivolous people. The astrologer advises you to relax and listen to the call of your heart or body. There will be no harm from fleeting acquaintances, except perhaps minor internal torment. If you have not been free for a long time, then this year the time will come to build something together, in the literal and metaphorical sense. Give birth to a long-awaited child or build a country cottage - depending on what is on your agenda.


Pavel Globa's predictions for 2019 warn Capricorns about a difficult start to the year. Until May, troubles await you, especially in family and love relationships. The dissatisfaction of a lover, disobedience of children, claims from relatives should be accepted humbly. You may not agree with their attacks, but don’t argue too much in response. Two planets are working against you now - Pluto and Uranus. They have the power to bring you down with big trouble if you try to fight their “bad mood.” Wait for this time, soon Saturn will come to the rescue. The friendly giant will help you find Right words. In his career, his influence will bring an increase in salary and goodwill from his superiors.


Until mid-summer, Aquarius faces a very calm and stable life. Everything is so smooth and measured that Aquarians can get bored and lose heart. In this state, you will be inclined to do stupid things, for example, buy something very expensive, but in fact you do not need. To avoid tearing your hair out later, invest your existing finances into a trip abroad. Traveling will shake you up and leave you with positive impressions that you wouldn’t mind spending money on. The period of rest will quickly end, replaced by a time when you need to become active and collected. Only by pulling yourself together will you not get confused and quickly achieve the goals you set for yourself or the higher authorities.


Pavel Globa predicts the influence of Venus for Pisces. The planet of love will be in a negative aspect, which will bring unrest to your relationships with loved ones and family. Outbursts of passion will throw you off balance, but this will be the necessary push in the right direction. You will want to become better, more interesting, take care of yourself. Thanks to this, you will receive active career growth and renewal of feelings with your chosen one. If before he already doubted you, now he is sure that you are his real destiny. Find yourself in creativity, remember your musical or artistic education. 2019 is the year to start making money with your talents and even become a successful, popular and public figure.