A girl's story about a beautiful dream with her beloved. Romantic relationship according to the dream book

19.07.2019 This is interesting

Seeing beautiful things in a dream means grace that will spread to you and people close to you.

For someone who loves to see in a dream that his beloved is beautiful and sweet, portends him a quick and successful marriage.

If through a string of dreams you see yourself beautiful and attractive, this is a sign that fate, with a flickering light, invites you to wake up to happiness.

If in a dream you see beautiful people around you, you are destined for the trust of people who stand firmly on their feet in this life.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

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Dream Interpretation - Love

If you have a dream about love, it means that complete happiness awaits you. When you dream of fleeting love, expect success in all matters. Seeing happy lovers in a dream is a sign of defeat. Dreaming about your beloved creature in a dream means that soon you will be tormented by anxiety for loved ones or friends. A dream in which love is rejected promises good luck in business. Dreams of adultery are usually very favorable.

Interpretation of dreams from

If in a dream you experience a strong and irresistible love for your chosen one, it means that in real life you will be cheerful, cheerful and satisfied with your position.

A passionate and stormy manifestation of love in a dream portends that in reality you will be inspired progress and it will give a new impetus to your creative possibilities.

For a woman to show touching and tender love to her husband and children promises nothing overshadowed family happiness and the house is a full bowl.

The dream in which you see your parents treating you with paternal love indicates that you will cultivate a straightforward character and other positive features and dignity in their image and likeness.

For a woman in love to see a dream in which she rides in the car of her chosen one, means loyalty to each other, despite all the vicissitudes of fate.

If you fall in love with a eloquent talker in a dream, this suggests that in real life superficial factors will play a fatal role in your life choice.

If you dream that your husband is in love with another woman, such a dream should simply alert you and make you diversify the style of your relationship with him somewhat in order to bring some element of novelty into it.

If you dream that you fell in love with another man, it is true that such a dream is a reflection of your spiritual loneliness, despite an outwardly busy life.

Showing love for animals in a dream speaks of your peace, even if you are not inclined to agree with this; perhaps understanding of this will come later.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Love

Experience a bright feeling of pure love: very good sign, portending you a saturated, interesting life. try not to lose this magical feeling after waking up, and then everything, no matter what you undertake, will bring you success.

To observe the platonic love of other people and sincerely rejoice for them is a sign of a special disposition of fate. Fortune promises to favor you.

A touching love for animals in a dream: indicates a kind of disappointment in life, which gradually darkens your life and spoils relationships with people around you.

At the same time, to experience a blinding love passion for someone: portends serious difficulties in business and conflicts with others.

Seeing love passion from the outside or becoming the object of someone's unwanted passion is a sign of events that can unsettle you and confuse all your plans. This dream portends unexpected difficulties that can greatly complicate your life.

Interpretation of dreams from

She woke up in the middle of the night and lay for a long time, staring tensely with sleepy eyes at the dark ceiling and not wanting to wake up to life. She desperately pulled to the surface the frames of her dream, ready to sink into the abyss of the subconscious, and her temples throbbed anxiously: “What should I do now?”

In the dream she was happy. She walked with Karishka along the twilight alleys of the city park. And they had a lot of fun, they played “catch-up” and, having run enough, drank soda straight from the bottle, fed lazy ducks with crumbled bun, repeated a school rhyme that did not want to learn by heart, counted the petals of a plucked chamomile in turn. They sat on the bench, dangling their legs in the air, and laughed, looking at the stars that light up in the dark sky ... At such moments, She herself became a child, and it again seemed to her that life was beautiful and that everything was still ahead. She gently hugged the fragile children's shoulders, chilled from the evening coolness, and whispered: “I love you, Baby!” And Karishka looked at Her with suddenly saddened eyes and said: “Papa has Olya.” "Why Olya? He said it was Nastya! - She thought and woke up in bewilderment: “But what about me?!”

Gradually coming to her senses, She tried to put everything on the shelves. She mentally flipped through the pages of the history of their relationship, which began almost two years ago ...

... He wrote to her on a dating site, just like that, with nothing to do. She answered, also just like that, joking and even ironic out of habit. It turned out that in their lives there are a lot of similar moments. Then they decided to meet in person. Having discarded the first reaction to each other, they began to passionately discuss the topic of love and relationships between men and women. Unexpectedly for himself, He accompanied Her to the house, finding that they live in the neighborhood. They often met and spent a lot of time together, they themselves did not notice how they had common secrets. Weeks, months passed.

That loves, She understood suddenly. Having finished one painfully passionate virtual novel, I realized that it was not that “distant and beautiful prince” that evoked feelings in Her, but He, who was always there. And it was like lightning in a clear sky, splitting Her heart into two parts, one of which She irrevocably gave to Him.

But outwardly, nothing seems to have changed. They still walked together in the park, sat side by side on a bench by the fountain or at a table in a coffee shop, and He told Her about his affairs, successes and problems. And She listened to Him, listening to every word and letting His pain pass through her heart. Looking into His eyes, She wanted to remember every line of His, every smile. She wanted to confess her feelings to Him, but did not dare, fearing to be rejected, misunderstood.

There were moments when they were so close that it seemed to her that no words were needed, and he felt the same as she did - gentle, warm, all-encompassing and weightless, passionate and giving peace, natural in its depths, happiness to be near and give yourself to your loved one. But…

"We're close friends!" - He said, cooling Her heart impulses. And now she had a hard time accepting this word. "Friends…"

Their communication almost disappeared. He forgot to call her, busy with work or carried away by his next “sympathy”. And She was worried, more for Him than for herself, but she could not follow His advice to “start from scratch” ...

But one day He pulled a confession out of Her almost by force. They exchanged messages in ICQ, and suddenly He said that this could no longer continue. At that moment, for some reason, He needed to know how She treats him. Just not as a good friend or as a friend. And that He is also not indifferent to Her, but does not know how to show his feelings.

It would seem that everything became clear - reciprocity ...

Happiness? There were many more tete-a-tete conversations, passionate glances and kisses ... But life cannot be without surprises, throwing up something severe illness, then separation, then difficulties with parents and children. And tempted by fellowship with other "close friends."

That day is cold and cloudy. They met at a coffee shop to talk after a long enough separation. She revised a lot within herself, decided that she could take responsibility and change something in their fate. She rejoiced at the meeting with Him, thinking that now, having sent all circumstances to hell, they could be together. Then She will give him all the tenderness that has accumulated in her for that part of the life that She left behind.

“You have always been there, you are very close to me…” She began and said that Her feelings for Him are alive, no matter how hard She tries to be just a friend. But He was silent... Her eyes grew dim, and She almost did not hear how He was talking about his new girlfriend. In love? He feels good with the Other - that was the only thing She understood from his words. With difficulty swallowing a lump of tears stuck in her throat, She exclaimed in despair: “Then tell me that you don’t love me!”

“No, I can’t… I don’t want to say that…”

Leaving the coffee shop, they walked slowly, holding each other's arm, silently breathing the frosty air. When they reached an intersection, they stopped. A few minutes of tender hugs, a skin-burning kiss goodbye…

“I read between the lines, I understand without words, I feel it with my fingertips, without touching ... I guess the direction of your gaze, your breath on my cheek, body heat through clothes, trembling ...” She later writes in her diary.

A car came for Him and He left. To that other one?

…She rarely dreams. "Why Olya? He said it was Nastya! She wondered, remembering the details of what she had dreamed about today. A strange dream! She lay in bed for a long time, mentally flipping through the pages of her love story in her memory. And looking intensely with tearful eyes at the dark ceiling, she tried to discern in the twilight of the night the answer to the question that tormented Her: “How can I now be without ...?”

I woke up... It was another meaningless day. The clock was 8:30 am. I went into the kitchen and made myself some strong coffee. I don't know, stupid, caffeine never worked for me. It's probably a habit. Went and took a shower. Hooray, now at least a little cheered up! I got out of the shower and then the phone rang. I picked up the phone and heard a female voice, it was my mother.
- Hello dear, how are you? - I looked at the clock, 9.15. As always. According to my mother, you could set the clock.
“Okay mom, thanks…” I replied.
- “How is Katya, what happened to you?” - I knew that she would ask. Katya, this is a girl with whom I have been dating for 3 years. Everything seemed so perfect. ... But she got tired of me and she found another. How stupid, he shone three years of his life on a man and gave her his heart, and she took it and trampled it like a rag and wiped her feet on him ...
- “Nothing moms, we didn’t suit each other” - yes, we are too different.
- “Don't talk nonsense! Okay, son, you have to run, hello from your father. “It’s good for him, mom too ...” It’s a pity for mom, she still thinks that he is alive. He died of a heart attack 2 years ago. Mother was in shock for 2 months. But, for her, he will always live in her heart.
I hung up. He opened the curtains… Big skyscrapers, noisy streets, thousands of people walking their life path. On a thin thread that can break at any moment. And it does not depend on the person, it depends on how the old woman fate decides to act.
Immediately, the feeling of loneliness returned to me, which has haunted me almost all my life. All my life I have been searching and continue to search for my soul mate. I believe that my meaning of life lies in the search for happiness, and my happiness is my soul mate. And Katya… it was stupid, too stupid.
I was already dressed in front of the mirror, straightening my tie. I hate these ropes that hang from almost every respected person in this city. History says that ties were worn by free people. Yes, since that time it has become a habit, but if I don’t wear it, will I become a slave? No, this is one of the stupid things people do. It's petty, but stupid. Okay, to hell with her.
Time to go. He left the apartment and closed the door. I went to the elevator and pressed the button. Suddenly, I realized that it didn't work. Maybe because the button didn't light up. Or maybe because there is a funny note on the door: “At the moment, the elevator is not working. Technical difficulites. We apologize for the inconvenience." And then the signature: "Administration". Okay, running up the stairs is useful. Going down the stairs, I remembered how Katya and I went up it, the same inscription was cheerful on the elevator doors. I must forget him! I must forget about her… I repeated several times in my head. I left the front door on Main Street. And as always had to go through the Kissing Bridge. But it would remind me even more of Katya. Decided to go around Harris Avenue. He entered the crowd and, like thousands of millions of people, followed his own thin thread. A thread called life. I looked at the faces of those around me. Everyone has their own problems, their own worries. There are happy people, satisfied with their fate. But I don't envy them, ask why? The answer is simple. People blinded by their happiness do not see the sorrow, pain and fear that surrounds us all. Yes, fate does not give everyone a chance. But not everyone uses it, and some just don't see it.
In our world, a world built on corruption and deceit, it is impossible to survive without money. In our world, money gives happiness, material happiness, but not spiritual. Spiritual happiness can be achieved, but one has to work very hard. Then you can be sure that you have not lived your life in vain.
I passed a small jewelry store on Harris Avenue. And having already passed the fountain in the square, I saw main entrance in the building where I worked. Above the aisle of oars there is a huge poster: “3D design. New technologies!”. Yes, this is where I work. The salary is not bad, so I'm not complaining. I work as a 3d designer.
Entering the hall, the first thing you notice is a huge robot that stands in the middle of the hall. It was a holographic projector. I came up with it. The toy is good. I got into the elevator and pressed on the 21st floor. My office was there. Although most I make my robots at home. Behind your computer. But it was necessary to pick up several layouts and submit several reports on the piece work. In the entire building so far met only 1 person. The building is like a huge anthill, but on a day off (but not for me) there is almost no one here. I got off the elevator and went straight to the boss's office. He sat in a huge armchair and sorted through the reports.
“Good afternoon, sir,” I said to him. He looked at me intently and put the papers on the edge of the table. It was hard to do. And it looked very funny. His table was just huge and made in a very unusual style, and my boss is a small man, even very small, about one and a half meters.
- “Good afternoon Sergey, you are very early today. Well, what about the project, how is the progress there? “Very well,” I replied, “I can say almost finished. Give me at least two more days and I will finish…” he interrupted me.
-“I give you exactly a day or you will not receive a salary.”
He said it quite softly, he knew perfectly well that if I tried, I could do it in a few hours.
I went home. The way home was pretty calm, I didn't think much about it, my only thought was to quickly finish the project and collapse into bed. But the project was not so easy to complete.
After a few hours in front of the computer, I finally finished the project. I am completely out of breath. I was so tired that I even forgot to set my alarm. I fell asleep instantly.

I woke up to the sound of an alarm clock. Weird, I didn't turn it on. Okay, to hell with him. So I would sleep. Went to the kitchen to make coffee. I took the kettle and turned on the faucet, but ... but the water did not come out. Damn, they turned off the water again?! He opened the refrigerator to at least take a sip of mineral water, which he did not finish yesterday. But... but the refrigerator was empty, and in addition there was no light. What the hell?! I looked at my watch, but it was still 8:30. The clock didn't work, so how did the alarm go off?! It was only now that I noticed that the room was dead silent. The window was open, but I did not hear the noise of cars and the city. I went to the curtains. A little fear played in me. What can be waiting for me behind these curtains? Anything! I opened it... But I didn't see anything like that. Only the city. But, but empty. There was no one there. Only empty streets and cars. I became very scared. I didn't understand anything. Suddenly I'm dead, I suddenly thought. Or maybe it's just a dream? I slapped my cheek, but I felt pain. Strange ... I quickly put on my pants and left the apartment. There was a sign on the elevator: “THE ELEVATOR WILL NEVER WORK AGAIN! SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENCE…”, but then the inscription was erased as if it were several years old, so I could not finish reading. Ran up the stairs. I was very scared. Here I was already standing on the street, in the same pants. But the surroundings were empty. I screamed, but I heard only my own echo. Walking through the streets, everything seemed so old to me, as if there had been no one here for several decades. Dear little fell asleep squeaks. Walking near the park, I noticed that everything was overgrown. It is clear that no one was following him. It was all like a horror movie. There is no more mysticism. So I wandered for several hours, at least it seemed to me, But I never met anyone. Suddenly, passing a cafe where I often sat with Katya, I saw a cup on the table. A cup of something hot. I sat down at the table, took a cup and sniffed. The smell of strong coffee… umm. Very pleasant smell and very strange all this. Not thinking for a long time, but what to think and what to lose. I took a small sip. The coffee was fresh and very tasty. Suddenly, in the distance, there, near the fountain, I saw a silhouette, the outline of a man. I quickly got up and ran towards him. Almost running up, I noticed that it was a girl, a very pretty girl. Years 26-30 I can’t say right away. Brown hair, Brown eyes.
- “Hello!” - I said - “What's going on, I overslept the end of the world? :)” - I said with a smile.
-"Hello. I wanted to ask you this. Today I got up as always, but… everything is around, that is, there is nothing around…” - she smiled, “… well, I think you understand me…”.
- “Yes, in this I understand you, by the way, my name is Sergey ...”.
- “And I’m Dasha, Dasha Nikolaevna, nice to meet you.”
She held out her hand. Rarely, when meeting, a girl holds out her hand to you.
“I have been wandering for several hours, but I can neither find nor understand anything. It’s as if someone hasn’t lived in this city for a long time…”
-“Yes, I already noticed it, it’s all very strange.”
“Would you like some coffee?” I asked smiling.
- "If you offer, then I will not refuse."
I took her to the cafe where I had recently been sitting. We sat down at a table and I pushed a cup of coffee towards her. I’m not afraid to say that I really liked her, I could probably meet such a girl like her only in a dream ...
- “The coffee is wonderful, I can’t imagine how you got it, but in return I can offer you a bottle of cognac, which I found and almost drank myself.” She smiled again.
- “Of course I won't refuse, only a fool would refuse” - we laughed.
- “Then send me home” - without taking her voice off me, she told me.
-"OK, let's go…".
We got up from the table and walked straight down the road.
“By the way, where do you live?” I asked her.
- “On Neibolt Street, house number 2. ”- without stopping smiling, she answered me.
-"Yes? I live nearby, but I have never seen you.”
“I just moved, I haven’t even unpacked the boxes yet.”
We walked for about 5 minutes. Quite a good area, there is little crime and the apartments are not expensive. We went to her apartment. I sat down on the devan and waited for her to bring cognac.
We sat on the couch and drank quite tasty cognac. The conversation was no longer about what happened, but about us, about our life ... I don’t know at what moment, but we got off the devan and were already lying on the carpet together. I took her hand and looked into her eyes. So beautiful ... I kissed her, she looked into my eyes, and I looked into her. Gentle hugs... and a passionate kiss... she whispered, "... I love you." I answered her the same. And as soon as I once again touched her passionately burning lips...
… I woke up.
Opened my eyes. NO! NO! NO!. Was it just a dream?! No, no, no… I jumped out of bed and flung open the curtains. The same noisy city filled with people. Well, it was all so real, wasn't it? I do not believe in this…
I took a shower, the phone rang. No, mom, I can’t answer ... I got dressed and left the apartment, went to the elevator and pressed the button. He went. I went to the boss and gave the project. On the way, I decided to stop by the same cafe. Sat at a table and took coffee.
In front of me, I saw a girl sitting with her back to me.
-“DASHA, THIS IS YOU?” I asked.
The girl turned around (yes, brown hair, brown eyes, cute nose…), looked at me and….
... smiled ...

What are romantic relationships? The dream book indicates: well-being, family happiness, mutual understanding with the chosen one, new love adventures, excellent conditions for study and business will appear. But sometimes, when you see such a plot in a dream, you need to be careful.

Family happiness, prosperity

A dreamed vision promises family happiness to the dreamer with a soul mate, healthy and smart children who will delight with their achievements.

Seeing a romantic relationship in a dream with your own spouse (wife) often means: well-being and prosperity await in the future.

Get news about a friend

Why dream that you are meeting a familiar person? The dream book tells you: he is very interested in you as a partner for business or in love. Perhaps very soon there will be a chance to realize these plans.

Had such a dream? Soon you will learn some news about him that will be unexpected.

Lack of romance, new acquaintances

To dream of a relationship with a man, but in fact they are not, indicates a dreamer's lack of romance in reality. You need to make a new acquaintance, make friends with someone, go on a date. Good emotions from this will benefit and increase self-esteem.

If you had a romantic relationship with a person you don't know - according to the dream book, this is a hint. It's a great time for love adventures. Take a look around: perhaps the one you dreamed about is nearby, and a promising meeting awaits you.

Success in the business field, change

Did such emotions fill the sleeper with happiness in a dream? Success in business is coming - it will save you from everyday troubles, bring satisfaction.

Why dream that a romantic relationship has ended? The dream interpretation explains: the issue of changes in your life has to be resolved. Having made a decision, it will be possible to change something for the better.

Tough choices ahead, be very careful

If they are not mutual, you are at an impasse or face a difficult choice. Think carefully about your steps and finally decide to act.

Seeing someone else's romantic relationship in a dream means: there is a danger of soon losing the results of your long hard work. Refrain from making impulsive decisions, avoid suspicious offers, be attentive in everything.

Who was the hero of the dream?

The interpretation of sleep takes into account who was present as a relationship partner:

  • own boyfriend - everything is fine between you;
  • acquaintance - there is an opportunity to start an affair with him;
  • colleague - events related to him will occur, not necessarily romantic;
  • stranger - you lack vivid emotions.

Miller's dream book: you will be satisfied with life

Why dream of a romantic relationship with a loved one that brings satisfaction? The dream promises: in reality you will be satisfied with your life.