What are the correct words to say when performing ablution in namaz. How to do ablution correctly

28.12.2017 Society and culture

It is important not only to perform daily prayers in the correct order, but also to learn how to do Taharat before each of them. It consists of several types of ablution that every believer is required to do. Look in more detail at what Taharat consists of in this article.

How to do ablution correctly - what does the external Taharat consist of?

There are two main types of ablution:

  • Small ablution - Wudu.
  • Full or large ablution - Ghusul.

In addition to these, there are the following responsibilities: brushing teeth, washing all clothes and shoes, dry ablution using a stone or earth, and washing are acceptable.

Before prayer, a small ablution is performed; for a complete ablution, there are special cases, which will be discussed in more detail later.

How to do ablution correctly

A believer must have the intention to cleanse himself of sins and be morally pure; without this thought in your head, you simply wash your face and do not perform a ritual. First, calm down and put your thoughts in order, express your desire to perform Taharat, usually this is done out loud with the words “Bismil lahi raakhmani raahim,” which is considered a request for help in performing this ritual.

  • Now begin ablution by washing your hands. First the right one and only then the left one. Be sure to rinse all areas, even if you have rings and bracelets. Remove them or move them from place to place. You need to wash all your hands, including your wrists.
  • Use your right hand to scoop up water and rinse your mouth three times.
  • Rinse your sinuses three times; you also need to draw water with your right hand, and blow your nose and wipe your nose with your left.
  • Wash your face well with both hands three times.
  • Wash your hands again, but this time up to the elbow. The right hand is washed first.
  • Wash your hair, at least a quarter of your head. This is done with wet hands.
  • Now rinse your ears: both inside and outside. Wash your hands afterwards.
  • You need to wipe your neck.
  • Place a container of water under your feet. Wash your right foot first, then your left. Don't forget the area between your toes and ankles. Finish washing each foot with your little finger.

You are allowed to moisten the water with a cloth, only after that you can start praying.

How to do complete ablution

This ritual is performed only after various desecrations, for example, before fasting or going to the mosque, after childbirth in women or illness.

This type of ablution includes small ablution and several other actions:

  • First you need to wash your hands and all places that are subject to mandatory concealment.
  • Perform small ablution from beginning to end.
  • Wash your head three times, then all parts of your body three times too.
  • Wash your feet again.

Water in all types of ablution should be clean, odorless and impurity-free.

When can you perform dry ablution?

There is a list of when a person can avoid touching water during Taharat:

  • Any source of water is more than 1900 meters away from you.
  • You are sick and cannot contact water.
  • There is an obstacle that you cannot overcome.
  • It's too cold to use water.
  • If this leads to thirst, due to your small supply of fresh water.

In this case, you rub your hands on the ground, leaning with your entire palm. Earth or sand appears instead of water.

Complete ablution is called ghusl. This is the process of pouring water over the entire surface of the body. A woman is required to perform a complete ablution after the cessation of menstruation or postpartum bleeding, as well as after intimacy.

Procedure for performing complete ablution:

  • Make (niyat) the intention with the words: “I intend to perform a complete ablution for the pleasure of Allah Almighty.”

  • Before undressing, you must say the words: “Bismillah” (In the name of Allah). Since a naked person cannot say a prayer and it is undesirable to talk.

  • First of all, you need to wash your hands.

  • Wash yourself, wash your private parts, remove everything unclean from your body.

  • Perform a small ablution without washing only your feet.

  • Pour water over the body three times, starting from the head and moving to the right shoulder, then to the left, wash the whole body, lastly the legs.

If the hair is braided, a woman is not required to undo it if nothing prevents water from reaching the roots of the hair. That is, there is no need to let your hair down, the water should get to the roots of the hair, but not necessarily the hair.

Full ablution is considered valid if a person has rinsed his mouth, washed his nose and washed his entire body. That is, three mandatory actions must be completed.

Lesser ablution

Lesser ablution is called wudu.

Procedure for performing small ablution:

  • Intention: “I intend to perform ablution for the sake of the pleasure of Allah Almighty.”

  • Saying the word: “Bismillah” (In the name of Allah).

  • Washing hands up to wrists.

  • Rinse your mouth three times.

  • Rinse your nose three times (suck in water through your nose and blow your nose).

  • Rinse your face three times.

  • Wash your hands up to the elbows three times.

  • Wiping the head, wetting the hands only once, wiping the ears without re-wetting the hands and neck with the back of the hand. You should rub the inside of your ears with your index fingers, and the outside with your thumbs (all this is done only once).

  • Wash your feet three times. First, rinse once between your fingers.

Minor ablution is spoiled by any discharge from the genitals and anus (feces, urine, gases, etc.), discharge of blood, pus from the body, vomiting, loss of consciousness, sleep.

Without complete ablution, the minor ablution is considered invalid. After complete ablution, there is no need to take small ablution again.

Lesser ablution (wudu) can only be performed with clean and purifying water - that is, that which remains in its original form.

Note: a small volume of water becomes unclean upon mere contact with something unclean (najas), and a large volume (about 210 liters or more) becomes unclean only if its color, smell or taste has changed.

The performance of ablution begins with the words “ Bismillahh" Before each ablution, it is advisable (sunnah) to wash your hands, and for those who get up after a night’s sleep, washing their hands three times before ablution is obligatory.

Note: It is not advisable to wash any part of the body more than three times.

Then you need to rinse your mouth. Rinsing your mouth once is obligatory, and rinsing three times is desirable (sunnah).

Note: 1) it is necessary to rinse your mouth, and not just take water into your mouth and spit it out. 2) while rinsing, it is advisable to brush your teeth with a siwak.

Then you need to rinse your nose. Washing once is obligatory and washing three times is desirable (sunnah).

Note: It is necessary to slightly draw water into the nasal cavity.

Then you need to wash your face. Once is mandatory, and three times is desirable. The face should be washed from ear to ear in width, and in height, usually from the border of hair growth on the head to the chin.

Note: for men, if the beard is not thick, it is necessary to bring water to the skin of the face, piercing the beard with your fingers, and if it is thick, then it will be enough to run your fingers between the hair.

Then you need to wash both hands from the fingertips to the elbows (including the elbow joint). Washing your hands once is mandatory, and washing your hands three times is advisable.

Note: It is advisable to start with the right hand and rub them during ablution.

Then you need to wipe your head with wet hands. After this, you should insert your index fingers into your ears, wiping the inside, and wipe the outer part of the ear with your thumb. All this should be done only once.

Note:1) No need to wipe long hair along the entire length; 2) If there is no hair, you should wipe your scalp.

Then you need to wash your feet along with your ankles. Once is mandatory, and three times is desirable.

Important Notes:

1) During small ablution (wudhu), it is obligatory (wajib) to perform four actions, these are:

1- face washing (with rinsing the mouth and rinsing the nose),

2- washing hands up to the elbows,

3- rubbing the head,

4- washing feet. It is also necessary to follow the order in which these actions are performed. If the order is violated, wudu' is considered invalid.

2) Continuity of action is also necessary.

3) It is sunnah to recite the following du’a after completing wudu: “ Ashhadu allya ilaha illallahhyou havehYeshu la syarika lahyou havehadu anna muhammadan ‘abduhu va rasuluh"("I testify that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, One, there is no partner with Him; and I testify that Muhammad is His servant and His Messenger"), and then perform a prayer of two rak'ats.

4) In addition to remembering " Bismillahh", pronounced at the beginning of ablution and remembrance " Ashhadu allya ilaha illallahhyou havehYeshu la syarika lahat...”, pronounced at the end of ablution, there are no other commemorations in the prophetic Sunnah!

Prepared from the book “Interpretation of the last three parts of the Holy Quran.”
Official website of the book: www.tafseer.info
Edited by the administration of the site “Why Islam?”

PS: We draw the attention of our dear readers that these standards for ablution were observed in accordance with the legal school of Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal, since in the original of the book we indicated, on which we relied in the compilation and design of this material, the information is given specifically according to the Hanbali madhhab. Therefore, we would like to clarify on our own behalf that in some moments this issue(small ablution) in the Hanafi legal school there are some nuances that are distinctive from the Hanbali madhhab.


According to the Hanbali madhhab, a small volume of water becomes unclean upon simple contact with something unclean (najas), and a large volume (about 210 liters or more) becomes unclean only if its color, smell or taste has changed.

– According to the Hanafi and some other scholars like Ibn Al-Qayyim, there is no difference between a large and a small volume of water, and water that was pure loses its purity only if its color, smell or taste changes.


When you get up after a night's sleep, washing your hands three times before ablution is mandatory.

- according to Hanafi, Maliki and Shafi'i scholars, this is a desirable action (sunnah), and not obligatory.


Rinsing your mouth once is obligatory, and rinsing your mouth three times is desirable (sunnah).

- According to Hanafi scholars, rinsing the mouth and rinsing the nose is desirable, not mandatory.


It is also necessary to follow the order in which these actions are performed. If the order is violated, wudu' is considered invalid. Continuity of action is also necessary.

- According to Hanafi scholars, order and continuity in performing ablution is just a desirable action.

1. First of all, you must have the intention to perform ablution for the purpose of performing prayer or simply for the sake of being in a state of ritual purity /1/ . It is important to have a deep intention in your heart, but saying your intention out loud is still advisable.

2. As when performing any other godly deed, it is advisable for the believer to say “bismil-lyahi rrahmani rrahim” (“in the name of God, whose mercy is limitless and eternal”), thereby asking for God’s blessing and help.

3. Wash your hands up to and including your wrists three times, not forgetting to wash between your fingers. If there is a ring or ring, they should be removed or, by moving them slightly, try to ensure that the skin underneath is washed /2/ .

4. Rinse your mouth three times, collecting water with your right hand.

5. Rinse your nose three times, drawing water with your right hand and blowing your nose with your left.

6. Wash your face three times.

7. Wash your hands up to the elbow three times (first the right, then the left) /3/ .

8. Rub your scalp with wet hands (at least 1/4 of your hair) /4/ .

9. Afterwards, wash your hands and wipe the inside and outside of your ears. /5/ ; rub the neck with the front (back) of your hands /6/ .

10. Wash your feet up to your ankles three times, not forgetting to wash between your toes, starting with the little toe of your right foot and ending with the little toe of your left. Wash your right foot first, then your left. /7/ .

After or during ablution, a person can dry the washed parts of the body using a towel.

At the end it is desirable /8/ say the following words:

“Ashkhadu allaya ilyayahe illya llaahu wahdehu laya shariyya lakh, wa ashhadu anna muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasuuluh.
Allahumma-j'alniy minat-tavvaabiin, vej'alniy minel-mutatohhiriin.
Subhaanakyal-laakhumma va bihamdik, ashkhadu allaya ilyayahe illyaik ente, astagfirukya va atuubu ilyayk.
Wa salli, Allahumma ‘alaya sayidina Muhammad wa ‘ala eeli Muhammad.”

أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لاَ إلَهَ إلاَّ الله ُ وَحْدَهُ لاَ شَريِكَ لَهُ ،
وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا عَبْدُهُ وَ رَسُولُهُ.
اَللَّهُمَّ اجْعَلْنِي مِنَ التَّوَّابِينَ
وَ اجْعَلْنِي مِنَ المْتُـَطَهِّرِينَ.
سُبْحَانَكَ اللَّهُمَّ وَ بِحَمْدِكَ أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لاَ إلَهَ إلاَّ أَنْتَ
أَسْـتَـغـْفِرُكَ وَ أَتوُبُ إلَيْكَ.
وَ صَلِّ اللَّهُمَّ عَلىَ سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ وَ عَلىَ آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ .

“I testify that there is no god but the One Lord, Who has no partners (He does not share His power with anyone). And I testify that Muhammad is His servant and messenger.
O Allah! Count me among the repentant and extremely pure.
I praise You, O Lord, and thank You. I testify that there is no god but You. I ask You for forgiveness and repent before You.
Bless, O Allah, Muhammad and his family.”

The Prophet (peace and blessings of God be upon him) said: “If one of you performs ablution and says after that: “Ashhadu alaya ilyayahe illya lahahu wahdehu laya sariyya lahy, wa ashhadu anna muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasuuluh. Allahumma-j'alniy minat-tavvaabiin, vej'alniy minel-mutatohhiriin. Subhaanakyal-laahumma wa bihamdik, ashkhadu allaya ilyayahe illyaay ente, astagfirukya wa atuubu ilaik”, for that the eight gates of Paradise will open, through any of which he can pass [if death befalls him].” /9/ .

According to the great Muslim theologian Imam al-Nawawi and other scholars, “it is advisable to pronounce these words after complete ablution (ghusl).” /10/ .

Regarding other prayers (du'a) said by some believers during ablution, Imam an-Nawawi noted that “the prayers (du'a) read by some during ablution while washing individual parts of the body are not canonically justified and were not mentioned by theologians early Islamic period" /11/ . Moreover, according to the theologian Ibn al-Salah /12/ , “about the necessity or desirability of it [i.e. e. saying prayers-du‘a while washing individual parts of the body] there is not a single reliable hadith.” /13/ .

As a result, we can conclude that it is desirable and canonically justified to begin the process of ablution with the name of the Creator and complete it with the above prayer.

Water for ablution. Ablution can be performed at any time clean water: fresh, carbonated, mineralized and even salty sea. The permissibility of the latter is stated in one of the reliable statements of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him): “Sea water is clean and cleansing for you [that is, it is fully suitable for performing small (wudu') and full (ghusl) ablutions] , and what died in the sea [that is, everything that lives in the sea and died in it /14/ ] fit for human consumption" /15/ .

In addition, snow can be used for ablution /16/ , provided that it melts from body heat and the surface being wiped becomes wet (damp) /17/ .

The water that descends from the heavens and flows from the earth, in all forms, is permissible for use in performing ablution (wudu’) and ablution (ghusl). /18/ .

The Holy Quran says: “We [“We” indicates the greatness of the Creator, but not His plurality] sent down from heaven pure, cleansing water” (see Holy Quran, 25:48).

/1/ Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of the Almighty upon him) emphasized: “Truly, deeds are [evaluated] by intentions” (hadith from ‘Umar; holy kh. al-Bukhari and Muslim). The opinion of theologians is unanimous that in order to receive reward (savab) before the Almighty for performing a correct and good action, the presence of intention is necessary. Intention, from a canonical point of view, is the intention of the heart (soul) to certainly do something. See: Mu'jamu lugati al-fuqaha' [Dictionary of theological terms]. Beirut: an-Nafais, 1988. P. 490.
/2/ Varnishes, paints, and glue left on the hands prevent water from penetrating the skin and nails, so you should carefully consider the process of removing these substances. However, if by nature professional activity a person constantly gets dirty with paints or varnishes, then superficial cleansing is enough for him. He falls under the provision of “umumul-balwa”, he is canonically forgiven (“ma’fuvvun ‘ankh”) for what is difficult to wash off. Naturalness is important, and complications and doubts are from Satan.
A woman's varnished nails are in no way connected with the performance of prayers and do not affect their usefulness. But as for complete ablution (or minor), they will be invalid if performed with painted nails, since water due to the varnish does not pass to the nails, therefore, those parts of the body that should be washed during these ritual hygienic procedures are not washed. washed. There is one nuance regarding complete ablution: if after performing it a woman remembers that she accidentally forgot to remove the nail polish, then she does not need to repeat it again, but will simply rinse her nails after cleaning them.
It is most practical for a woman to use varnish during her period, when she is not praying.
/3/ “The Prophet liked to start from the right in many matters: in using water when washing, when combing one’s hair and when putting on shoes” (hadith from ‘Aisha; holy kh. al-Bukhari and Muslim). See: An-Nawawi Ya. Riyad al-salihin [Gardens of the Good]. Cairo: al-Mysriya al-Lubnaniya, 1993. P. 300, hadith No. 720. It is possible that rituals in which the right side precedes the left reflect the universal human idea that the right side symbolizes good (cf. Russian “truth” , “rightness”, “righteousness”; English “right” - “right”, “correct”, “fair”; German “richtig” - “right” from “recht” - “right”, etc.).
/4/ 1/4 part is the obligatory minimum (fard) among Hanafi theologians. Shafi'i theologians say that even a slight movement of a damp hand through the hair is enough. If you wish, you can wipe the entire scalp, which is sunnah.
/5/ There is no need for a woman to remove earrings from her ears.
/6/ Those scholars who spoke about rubbing the neck classified it as possible (adab). Most theologians believed that rubbing the neck had no canonical justification.
/7/ In case of extreme lack of water or time, you can limit yourself to points No. 1, 6–8, 10 without repeating them three times. To these five points, the scholars of the Shafi'i madhhab add a sixth - the sequence in the fulfillment of the five mentioned.
If a plaster cast or a waterproof bandage is applied to that part of the body that must be washed when performing ablution, then the person wipes it with a damp hand. IN in this case this counts as actual washing with water.
/8/ See: Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh [Islamic law and its arguments]. In 8 volumes. Damascus: al-Fikr, 1990. T. 1. P. 255.
/9/ Hadith from ‘Umar; St. X. Muslim, Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah and at-Tirmidhi.
/10/ See, for example: As-San'ani M. Subul as-salam [Paths of the world]. In 4 volumes. Cairo: al-Hadith, 1994. T. 1. P. 80.
/11/ See: As-San’ani M. Subul as-salam. T. 1. P. 80.
/12/ Abu ‘Amru Takyyuddin ‘Uthman ibn Salah (died in 1245 Gregorian, in 643 AH) - Shafi’i faqih, famous muhaddis and commentator (mufassir) of the Holy Quran. He taught in Damascus, where he died. Among his works are “Al-fatawa”, “Al-amali”, “Ma’rifatu anwa’i ‘ilm al-hadith”, “Sharh al-wasyt”.
/13/ See: As-San’ani M. Subul as-salam. T. 1. P. 80; al-Khatib al-Shirbini Sh. Mughni al-mukhtaj. T. 1. P. 126, 127.
/14/ For more information about what seafood can be eaten, see: Alyautdinov Sh. Answers to your questions about Islam. M., 2003. P. 54, 55 or on the website www. umma. ru.
/15/ This hadith was transmitted by the seven companions of the Prophet. See, for example: Al-Amir ‘Alayud-din al-Farisi. Al-ihsan fi takrib sahih ibn Habban [A noble act in bringing closer (to the readers) the collection of hadiths of Ibn Habban]. In 18 volumes. Beirut: ar-Risala, 1991. T. 4. P. 49, hadith No. 1243, “sahih”, and also P. 51, hadith No. 1244, “hassan”.
/16/ This refers to exceptional situations when a person living in northern latitudes, due to circumstances, cannot use water.
/17/ See, for example: ‘Alyaud-din ibn al-‘Attor. Fatawa al-Imam an-Nawawi [Fatwas of Imam an-Nawawi]. Beirut: al-Bashair al-Islamiyya, 1990. P. 26.
/18/ See, for example: Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 volumes. T. 1. P. 265.

Both men and women who are going to perform namaz are required to perform a small ablution (wudu), and in order to enter a state of ritual purity after sexual intercourse or a wet dream, it is necessary to perform a complete ablution (ghusl), that is, to cleanse the entire body. This is a requirement. Also, for women after the end of the period of postpartum cleansing and critical days, ghusl is fard.

This is bringing the body into a state of ritual purity through ablution (and masah - running a wet hand over certain parts of the body) according to the appropriate rules. Many rituals of worship of Allah cannot be performed without ritual ablution. For example, it is not allowed to perform namaz, walk around the Kaaba (during Hajj and Umrah), or touch the Holy Quran with your hands.

The order of taharat before prayer

  1. If possible, it is better to sit on an elevated place, turning your face towards the Qibla and say: “Uzu billahi mi-nash-shaitanir-rajim” (I seek refuge with Allah Almighty from the evil of the overthrown Satan) and “Bismillahir-rahmanir-rahim” (I begin “with the name of the Almighty Allah, Merciful to everyone in this world and Merciful only to those who believe on the Day of Judgment”).
  2. Wash your hands up to the wrists three times. Rub the fingers of one hand between the fingers of the other. If there are rings or rings on your fingers, move them so that water gets under them (photo 1).
  3. Saying “Bismillah...”, draw water and rinse your mouth three times (photo 2). Brush your teeth using a miswak, or if you don’t have one, then use your thumb and forefinger (photo 3), then rinse your mouth two more times.
  4. After saying “Bismillah...” water is drawn into the nose (photo 4). If a person is not fasting, then bring the water to the wings of the nose and draw it into the nostrils, then blow the nose with the left hand. This procedure is repeated two more times.
  5. Having expressed a sincere intention and said “Bismillah...”, you should take water into your palms and wash your face from top to bottom, from the edge of your hair to your chin inclusive, your cheeks to your ears (photo 5). Rub your hand under your eyebrows. These steps are repeated two more times. When washing your face, you should wipe it.
  6. Saying “Bismillah...”, wash, rub, right hand to the elbow (photo 6). Then repeat this two more times. Wash it three times in the same way. left hand(photo 7).
  7. With the words “Bismillah...”, run a wet hand over one fourth of the head. After this, wipe the inside of the ears with your index fingers and at the same time wipe behind the ears with your thumbs (photo 9).

Run the back of three wet fingers, excluding the thumb and forefinger, along the back of the neck (photo 10). Rubbing wet hands over the entire head is sunnah. This is called complete massah (wiping) of the head. Full mash: wet your hands, move your thumbs and index fingers away, while clasping the remaining three fingers of each hand tightly together and placing the inside on the top part forehead, where the hair begins (the closed fingers of one hand touch the closed fingers of the other hand), then run these closed fingers along the head to the back of the head, where the hair ends (the thumb and index fingers are not involved; when moving back, run your palms along the sides of the head. After this, wipe the inside of the ears with your index fingers, rub behind the ears with your thumbs from top to bottom, then rub the back of the other three closed fingers of each hand behind the neck (do not wipe the throat).

Washing your feet should begin with the right foot, saying “Bismillah...” (photo 11). The spaces between the fingers should be wiped with the little finger of the left hand. Washing the right foot begins with the little toe, the left foot - with thumb, and this is done from the bottom up. The left leg is washed in a similar way and also begins by saying “Bismillah...”. Both legs are washed up to the ankles (photo 12).

Circumstances that violate Taharat (minor ablution)

  1. The release of urine, excrement, blood, semen, etc. from a person.
  2. Bleeding and discharge of pus or ichor.
  3. Vomiting full mouth.
  4. Insanity.
  5. Drunk.
  6. Fainting.
  7. Emission of gases.
  8. Sleep lying on your side or sitting on one hip, with your legs thrown to the side, as well as sitting cross-legged, when the seat is not pressed tightly to the seat. If a person falls asleep while sitting with his seat pressed tightly to his place, then his ritual ablution is not disturbed.
  9. Loud laughter during prayer (when others hear it).
  10. Bleeding from the gums when the amount of this blood is greater than or equal to the amount of saliva that is spit out.

Shaving, cutting hair and nails does not violate ritual purity, nor does releasing blood in an amount less than the amount of saliva being spat out.

Ghusl (great ablution)

This is a mandatory complete ritual bathing of the entire body, including rinsing the mouth and nose, to cleanse from ritual impurity: the consequences of sexual intercourse and ejaculation of semen during sleep (wet dreams), as well as after the monthly cycle in women and the end of the postpartum state.

Procedure for performing Ghusl

According to the sunnah, complete ablution is performed in the following order:

  1. Make the intention to perform ghusl (great ablution), then wash your hands and genitals in front and behind, even if they are clean.
  2. Say “Bismillah...”, and then perform a small ablution (taharat), performed before prayer. If water collects at your feet, wash your feet last.
  3. Rinse your mouth and nose with more water than when performing regular taharat, because with this rinsing, fard of the ghusl is also performed to cleanse the mouth and nose.
  4. Pour over and wash your hair three times. In this case, the hair on the head, beard and mustache should be wet to the roots.
  5. Pour the right shoulder three times and rinse with the flowing water. right side bodies.
  6. Pour over the left shoulder three times and wash the left side of the body.

During ablution, wipe the entire body with your hand so that there is not a single place on the body that does not get water, including the navel and ear canals.

This is the rubbing of the face and hands, including the elbows, with the palms of the hands, cleansed by striking the palms on soil or a similar base, instead of performing taharat (minor ablution) or ghusl (major ablution) as intended in the absence of water or the impossibility of using it.

Conditions and procedure for performing Tayammum

A Muslim is permitted to perform tayammum in the following cases:

  • lack of water;
  • inability to use water due to the threat of exacerbation of the disease;
  • the danger of attack from enemies and the occurrence of other similar serious obstacles.

Tayammum is performed as follows: pronounce “A”uzu...” and “Bismillah...”, strike the soil or other surface replacing it with your hands and rub your palms on this surface moving forward and back. After this, wipe your face with your hands. Then hit the soil with your hands a second time and again move your palms back and forth and rub your hands with them from the hands to the elbows and back - first the right, then the left.

If you wear rings, when performing tayammum, you need to remove or move them on your fingers and wipe the area under them.

Mask on the surface of the Khuff

Both men and women are allowed to make a masah (running wet hands) over their leather socks, called "mest" or "khuff". To do this, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Khuffs are put on when ritually clean (after ablution-taharat);
  2. The khuffs must cover the legs up to the ankles and must be durable, capable of withstanding at least 12 thousand steps;
  3. Khuffs should not be full of holes or torn (if there are torn places, they should not exceed the width of three little toes);
  4. Khuffs should be waterproof, thick enough and stay on your feet without ties;

Mask on a protected and unprotected wound

  1. A person who, due to a dislocation, fracture or injury, has any parts of his body bandaged, taped or plastered, and it is not possible to wash these places, is allowed to make a mass over the surface of most of the bandage, etc. Moreover, if this can harm his health, then he is even exempt from the mask.
  2. Unlike the mask on shoes, the mask on the surface of a bandage, bandage, plaster, etc. There is no expiration date - the mash can be performed until the wound is completely healed. In this case, it does not matter whether the person was present when applying the bandage, etc. in a state of ritual purity or not.
  3. If the bandage unties or falls off after the mash is performed, or a new one is applied to the existing bandage, then updating the mash is not necessary.

Illustrations for performing taharat

PHOTO 1 - Hands are washed up to the wrist. When washing with the fingers of one hand, wipe the spaces between the fingers of the other hand. If there are rings on the fingers, they are moved so that water gets under them.

PHOTO 2 - Brushing your teeth with a miswak is a sunnah of Taharat. The miswak is taken in the right hand with the little finger and thumb, while the little finger remains under the miswak, the index, middle and ring fingers are on top, and the thumb supports it from below. Using a moistened miswak, starting from the right, all teeth are cleaned.

PHOTO 11 - Use the little finger of the left hand to wipe the spaces between the toes of the right foot, starting with the little finger, then towards the big toe, then wash the entire foot and ankles.

PHOTO 12 - The left foot is washed like the right foot, but rubbing the spaces between the fingers with the little finger of the left hand begins with the big toe and ends at the little finger.