Full Moon in Leo. Moon eclipse

The first eclipse of 2017 will occur on February 11. This will be a Full Moon eclipse. Astrologers and astronomers will tell you what to expect and whether you should be afraid of sudden problems.

What will the eclipse be like? The lunar eclipse on February 11 will be penumbral. This means that the Moon will not completely disappear from the sky and will not darken, but its brightness will only change slightly.

When exactly will the eclipse occur? The eclipse will begin on February 11 at 01:34, reach its maximum at 03:43, and end at 05:53 (calculation is based on Moscow time, so if you are in a different time zone, add or subtract the required number of hours).

Is it possible to see this eclipse? The lunar eclipse on February 11 will be accessible to many: its range will extend to Europe and Asia, Africa, North America and South America. In Russia, the eclipse will not be visible only from the territory Far East. True, a penumbral eclipse is not as spectacular as a shadow eclipse.

Eclipse February 11: astrological forecast

The lunar eclipse on February 11 will take place in the Zodiac Sign Leo. Thus, the darkened Moon opposes the Sun in Aquarius: the Moon and Leo will gravitate towards the emotional, personal, and the Sun and Aquarius will gravitate towards the collective and rational. Despite the opposition of the Sun-Moon and Leo-Aquarius, astrologers consider this position of the celestial bodies to be favorable. Especially if you plan the next few days wisely.

The Lunar Eclipse will coincide with the Full Moon. The Full Moon will significantly enhance the influence of the zodiac Leo, which will not decrease even during an eclipse. Ambition, the desire to show oneself, to stand out, and to some extent even to amuse the ego, will come to the fore. On days like February 11, it’s good to improve your self-esteem and impress others: you will demonstrate those qualities of yours that can safely be considered your strengths. An excellent chance to perform, to appear before the eyes of the public, to express yourself.

On the other hand, the influence of Aquarius will require you to interact with others, and they will not always want to become the retinue of the King of Beasts. What can be done to prevent the day from being overshadowed by conflicts? First of all, think about how you will spend the next day after the eclipse. It's better not to cross paths with unpleasant people. If a meeting cannot be avoided, do not strive for conflicts or quarrels. Focus on yourself and try to be your best self. You will prove more by actions and deeds than by words. With loved ones and dear people Astrologers advise to be more careful.

It is important to remember that the lunar eclipse on February 11 coincides with the Full Moon. Energy is at its peak, at such a time you can master a task that seemed difficult and even impossible to you, and also emerge victorious from a difficult situation. But you should not create new problems or obstacles for yourself, since, having received the charge of the Full Moon, they can grow to significant proportions.

The moon on this night helps awaken creative and creative energy, so on the morning of the 11th, many may wake up with new ideas or bold decisions. You should definitely remember and interpret the dream you had on the night of February 10-11: it will most likely turn out to be prophetic.

After an eclipse, it is much easier to leave unpleasant memories, difficult thoughts, bad habits or other negative events and emotions in the past. The phase of the Moon also favors this: after the Full Moon it will begin to wane, and on the aging Moon they traditionally get rid of any negativity.

To sum up the astrological forecasts and expectations of astrologers, we can say that a promising day awaits us all, on which we can change our fate, get rid of negativity, or perform a couple of suitable rituals on the occasion...

Source website dailyhoro.ru

Today, August 21, the Western Hemisphere will experience a total solar eclipse in Leo. The same phenomenon will occur in the eastern hemisphere in the early hours of Tuesday, August 22. It is being called the "Great American Eclipse" because its path will cross the entire United States, from coast to coast. The peak of the eclipse and the new moon itself will be at 18:30 UTC, although the time of its beginning and peak will vary depending on the location of the observer.

Where can you watch it?

The solar eclipse will be visible throughout North America, Central America and northern South America, as well as parts of Western Europe and the west coast of Africa. However, only those who will be in the States at the specified time will be able to see the total eclipse.

Residents and tourists of these places will be able to see Jupiter, Mercury, Mars and Venus, since the Sun will be completely hidden. If all conditions (time and place) are met, an incredible sight awaits you. For those lucky enough to be in the United States during the eclipse, please remember to avoid viewing the phenomenon without special protective glasses to avoid damaging your retina.

Astrological meaning of eclipses

Solar eclipses are like supercharged new moons that occur every 6 months. They are the opposite of lunar eclipses, which in turn are like supercharged full moons. Eclipses coincide with the ending and the beginning of something new, and in some cases they can mark the beginning of a completely new chapter in life.

Sometimes they can be an unpredictable phenomenon, giving the strongest energy with which events and circumstances will be associated. In addition, the effect of an eclipse lasts the entire six months after it, so changes in life may not come suddenly, but everything, one way or another, will lead to this.

Connection with a lunar eclipse

Before the solar eclipse in Leo, there was a lunar eclipse in Aquarius. His energy brought changes in friendly relations, relationships between colleagues and team members. This could manifest itself in the dynamics of how we behave in society, as well as lead to the building of new connections and partnerships.

On the night of August 12-13, Mercury in Virgo begins to retrograde (retreat) until September 5/6, before entering the Leo phase. This Retrograde is a time of adjustments, revision of decisions and life orientations, understanding of true goals. The fact that Mercury's movement coincides with the eclipse only highlights the significant changes that await representatives of all zodiac signs between the end of July and the end of September, especially in the two to three weeks after the solar eclipse on August 21/22.

Interpretation of planetary movements

Solar eclipses always occur when there is a new moon on one of the two lunar nodes, which in this case is the North Node. The Nodes are the path along which the Moon's path crosses the ecliptic, which is the path of the Sun from our (geocentric) perspective. The closer the new moon is to the node, the more the Moon will overlap the Sun, and the more astrologically significant the phenomenon will be in terms of changes. The other lunar node, known as the South Node, is always on opposite side and is signed as its analogue.

The nodes are an important thing to pay attention to when looking at eclipses. The North Node (in Leo) is the future and our evolutionary potential. The South Node (in Aquarius) is about the past and what can potentially hold us back if it interferes with what the North Node influences. They entered the Leo-Aquarius axis on May 9 and will remain there until November 6, 2018, which means they will have astrological influence during this period.

The last lunar eclipse mentioned above triggered the South Node in Aquarius. However, the expected node in Leo will be the result of a total solar eclipse, and the node in Aquarius was triggered by a partial lunar eclipse. The energy that Leo gives will be much stronger than the influence of Aquarius at the end of its polarity period. However, some of the changes caused by the previous eclipse may be directly related to some of the new beginnings that will be brought about by the upcoming astronomical event.

Leo influence

The constellation Leo is ruled by the Sun and is the sign of the creator, doer and leader. Its influence extends to the love sphere and self-expression, both in creativity and in relationships.

Leo is passionate, inspired and inspiring, and this is what allows those born under its constellation to be the center of attention they crave. Leo also gives natives of this sign a childlike and playful quality. Expressed negatively, Leo energy can cause a need for constant attention, selfish, arrogant and sometimes overly dramatic behavior.

The energy of this sign can be expressed different ways, and it can affect different areas of your life, depending on how it interacts with your astrological chart and the characteristics of your occupation. For example: Leo the performer's energy may be expressed in the arts or in sports or perhaps in leadership qualities in work, in innovation or raising children. These are just some examples of how it can manifest itself, as there are many possibilities for its expression related to the above topics.

"Lion's Heart"

This solar eclipse is aligned with Regulus, which is the brightest star closest to the solar path (ecliptic). This is the “heart of Leo”, enhancing the astrological influence of the constellation of the same name. Traditionally, Regulus is called the “star of kings”, since this celestial body gives the luckiest Leos extraordinary abilities. The man born under this lucky star, will become at least a king. However Negative influence Regulus evokes vindictiveness and belligerence in the representative of this zodiac sign.

Influence of other celestial bodies

Uranus, together with Regulus, aligned with the solar eclipse, is part of a harmonious triad. It can bring excitement, innovation, truth, freedom and sparks of intuition and inspiration that can lead to revolutionary events in our lives. He enjoys challenging the status quo, adopting a more progressive approach, and also being rebellious. In addition, Uranus strongly emphasizes the new beginnings of this solar eclipse.

Mars is also in Leo, not too far from where the eclipse occurs, but it is much closer to the North Node, making it a key planet for predicting the future. Mars is the planet of self-assertion, action and desire. In Leo, he likes to do things in a big way and be passionate. We are talking about an active attitude towards all areas patronized by Leo.

Saturn and Jupiter, who have opposite qualities, create a harmonious sextile with each other and with the participation of Mars. Their energy is strong during the first 2 weeks after the eclipse, especially after the 25th when Saturn ends its retrograde.

Saturn is commitment, structure, discipline, work, responsibility, caution and realism. Jupiter is about growth, freedom, morality, beliefs, travel or anything that expands horizons. These two planets sextile each other show how the two energies work in a compatible manner and help bring balance between them.

What to consider and where to direct your efforts?

The last eclipse in this constellation occurred in August 1998. Depending on your age, think about the events that took place in your life during that period. However, do not expect a complete analogy; some things may appear in a completely different way.

The main changes will occur in the first week after the eclipse or in early September. They will indicate where to move next.

If you already have designated goals, take steps towards achieving them as early as possible; the closer to the date of the eclipse, the better.

In a few days we are entering another eclipse corridor and you may already have felt the impact of the upcoming eclipse on yourself.

An eclipse is an intensified lunation, supercharged with energy, and during this period we can experience crises and strong emotional states. Their influence is felt about a week before the eclipse and can continue for some time after. Some will feel this impact a month before or after the event.

Also, eclipses occur in cycles and occur every six months, and the events they trigger can find their echoes in the next cycle. It is also important to monitor on which axes eclipses occur (this depends on the position of the Lunar nodes in the signs of the Zodiac) - the Leo-Aquarius axis is now becoming active, so we expect activation of this axis in our personal horoscopes in the next year and a half.

On the night of February 10-11, the first eclipse of 2017 will occur and it will be a Full Moon in the sign of Leo or a Lunar Eclipse, exact time MSK - 3:32:49 and this is 23 degrees of the sign of Leo (Aquarius).

This axis is associated with our self-manifestation and self-presentation in this world. How ready are we to discover and show the world our talents, our inner light, express our essence and shine in all our glory?. Full moons illuminate the darkest corners of our soul and bring to light what was previously hidden and unconscious. On the Full Moon main character– The moon is responsible for the subconscious, our fears and habits.

Where and how are we afraid of our radiance and light?

Do we consider our creative talents to be insignificant and unworthy of attention?

Full moons are often a time of completion, climax, and now certain plots may be closing.

The new moon on January 28 was a very favorable time for new beginnings and projects; everything that you launched then can now bear its first fruits and you will see everything in a different light. You may receive unexpected news, turns of events and learn previously unknown nuances. Don’t rush to make decisions; during eclipses our minds are “eclipsed,” so we put off the most important things until after the eclipse, but for now we very carefully watch what is coming.

There are our eclipses and not ours, that is, those that greatly affect our important points in the map and cause dramatic changes and turns in life, and those that pass almost unnoticed. Of course, these eclipses will be felt most by Leos and Aquarius and all those who have planets or important points (Ascendant or MC) in the area of ​​23 degrees of these signs. For example, one venerable and very famous Leo astrologer on YouTube had all her accounts hacked before the eclipse and the eclipse is happening right on her Sun.

Fateful (or fatal) events occur in the corridors of eclipses, since it is believed that a person’s will is reduced and everything happens outside of his influence. Therefore, during such periods, it is recommended to be as conscious as possible and listen sensitively to yourself and your intuition. At this time, Fate takes you as a Pawn in this game of life and itself places the pieces where it needs - it corrects your path
A lunar eclipse means a breakthrough, a conflict, a time when all the cards are revealed and you find what you have been looking for for a long time - you can get a divorce, gain independence, resolve relationship issues, get married, start a relationship. You should be careful, but also not afraid to take risks. "Which have not be avoided".

Eclipse map

Let's see eclipse map and those astro influences that accompany this period. The month of February started with a very constructive week when we did not have retrograde planets and it was possible to safely begin the most daring projects of the year (I opened the “” section with invited astrologers - a very Aquarius and, I hope, long-term project).

From February 6 there is a slight change in the plot - our great benefactor Jupiter goes into retromotion until June 9. Now he is in Libra and we will feel this influence as a long period of reflection and correction for everyone in their own area - we look in the map where Libra is located and count down which Zodiac sign it will be for us, from our Solar sign.

Also remember what you were thinking about and what decision you made in 2005 (Jupiter was moving through the same zone) from February to early June. These 4 months are always re-evaluation and weighing - whether to change jobs, whether to stay with this partner, etc., decisions that require a long time to think about. A similar situation may arise now. Jupiter is a good planet, bringing optimism and gifts of fate, and when it becomes retrograde, nothing bad happens, it’s just that your dream may linger and come true a little later. You will need to make efforts or make decisions about what you really want, weigh everything, what you need and what is important. Jupiter is connected with the meaning of life, and if something does not bring you joy - work or place of residence, then you need to change it, look for something that will please you. Joy is our key and meaning of life.


For Aries– this is the sphere of Relationships (7th sign) and during this period you will be re-evaluating your relationships, someone may begin divorce proceedings and complete them by June, or maybe you, on the contrary, will be preparing for the wedding. Either in your existing partnership you will suddenly become unsure or a person from the past will show up, your plans will change, you will think about another partner. The same applies to business partnerships and contracts. You may have doubts, bargain and negotiate, make changes and only get results by June.

For Taurus– this is the area of ​​Work and Health – you are also reassessing your current position at work, you may receive new offers, decide to stay or leave, or you may return to your previous place, to your previous occupation. You may need to work until June if you want to leave. In health, it is favorable to do something to improve your diet, nutrition and sports regimen, take care of your health, and this will be the foundation you have laid for the next 12 years.

For Gemini– this is the sphere of Love, Children and Creativity. You can try to get pregnant, think about studying or leisure time for a child, a past love may appear, decide on existing relationships. This is also your own business and you are thinking about what to do with it - close it or improve it. The decision will come in June.

For Cancers- house Hearth and home and you are interested in real estate issues, you can look for those who will do the job well. Also, these are your parents and you may be thinking about visiting them. You may be considering moving.

For Lviv– sphere of information. There may be a lot of short trips and questions with the car - sell it, go back to the past. Take courses and complete your training. Sisters and brothers - past situations, conflict resolution. Paperwork – you’ve been dragging your feet with the paperwork and you’re doing it until June. Waiting for the finished documents.

Virgo- income and finances. Working hard to earn an income. Expecting payment by June. You think what is better for you to do - work for yourself or this company, evaluate and count, take on additional work and the result in June.

Scales- your first home is the beginning. If you have ideas, think about them - travel, training, starting a new life. Jupiter provides opportunities in many areas. It could be pregnancy or marriage. These 4 months are a period of preparation for a new life, entering the path of this new life.

Scorpion– Sector 12 – closed and deep. You keep rethinking what's important to you. Reveal some secrets. It’s time for searching and deep work – writing a dissertation or scientific work. Intuition becomes sharper. This is the house of getting rid of fears.

Sagittarius- 11th house - perhaps you need to be patient with the fulfillment of your dreams, wait. This is the sphere of results - the fulfillment of dreams. Revaluation of friendship. House of social networks - redesign the site and revise the list of friends.

Capricorn– The 10th house is the goal of where you want to go, you may doubt and think about changing your goal. About social status, career, waiting for a position. Change of status, marriage. You will have to do something to achieve your goals - more effort in these months and results in June.

Aquarius– 9th sector – Faith and meaning of life. You think about lofty thoughts - where to move next and why. Where is your joy? You can go on a spiritual trip or go to study. Change your worldview. Meet other countries, people, meet a teacher.

Fish– The 8th sector is emotional, you can remove the psychological block. Get rid of a difficult situation. free yourself from worries. This is a financial house - you are waiting for insurance, applying for a mortgage or loan. Intense sexual relationships and overestimation in this area.

The eclipse itself (February 11) planets form many constructive figures- This is the Magic Rectangle and the Grand Trine with Saturn, Jupiter and Uranus. Also tauquadrate with Jupiter, Pluto and Uranus. There is a lot of energy and opportunity here to release, heal and take your “ship of life” into more constructive waters or correct your course.

Grand trigon in fire element provides us with the stability of Saturn and the ability of Uranus to create change. Uranus, as the ruler of the Sun in Aquarius, can cause shock and unexpected reactions. But the steady hand of Saturn makes progress smoother.

And the participation of Jupiter in Libra with a favorable aspect to the luminaries, being already in retromotion, provides a concentrated opportunity for growth in a certain area. You step back to think things through and focus on what has great potential. And this potential is nourished by this eclipse.

The fiery, abundant energy of this trine gives us the motivation to take action. There is a presence of positive energy that supports us emotionally and we adapt more easily to the changes that are taking place. And Saturn will help ground it all and direct it into a practical direction. We must show the world WHO we really are.

Also present Yod figure(on Chiron at the apex of the focal point from the Moon and Jupiter), which indicates that there is some wounded part of us and we need to go through our fear, towards our destiny. This brave step will bring us healing. Jupiter will give you good luck, and the Moon will help you expand to limits that we did not suspect. But all this is subject to our desire to make adjustments in some areas of our lives, it is possible to make compromises or explore issues beyond the usual. Also recognizing and accepting human weaknesses and imperfections in ourselves and others.

Another figure- Magic Rectangle. The tension of the two oppositions (Sun and Moon and Jupiter and Uranus) is smoothed out by the harmony of the sextiles and trines surrounding them. Jupiter and Uranus provoke explosive expansion and now it becomes easy to work on it. These aspects will help you integrate the results. If you are caught off guard (unexpected surprise), Jupiter can explain why this will benefit you. And if you worry too much, Uranus will open up fresh perspectives for you.

Work it out!

And Saturn keeps everything under his control - he calms the excited Jupiter and the Sun. It acts as your tool - use it to calm that crazy energy and do something constructive with it. The climaxes of this eclipse must be structured. Despite the great potential, the path can be narrow. You will have to focus, get the job done, and take responsibility. And this is what brings results.

Leo suggests drama. Very public, with a sense of special purpose. If you're trying to start something, influences are very good. But if you want to conceal or hide something, then you will not succeed. The full moon illuminates everything - and this lunation has megawatts of light. But everything can turn out in your favor. Events can turn out strangely and very unexpectedly. Jupiter and Uranus impart haste and a desire for freedom at any cost. But it is so integrated with this eclipse, there is structure and planning. Focused fanaticism? Yes, and it is also. We can always expect negative consequences. But it's better to be positive. If something unpleasant is revealed, you will have material to work through.

Eclipses activate the Leo-Aquarius axis. Keywords for Leo: self-confidence, pride, big heart, love and loyalty, leadership and drama. For Aquarius - independence, uniqueness, ingenuity, humanitarianism, tolerance and rebellion. With any full moon or lunar eclipse, our emotions need to be aligned with our life purpose and self-identity. By activating this axis, we find our own ways of using the creative energy given to us to give it back to the global community.

The Sun in Aquarius promotes our natural manifestation of our radiance with the desire to share our fulfillment with others. Our focus has an altruistic flavor and we balance Leo's lower expression, his insatiable desire for recognition. Leo reminds us that we are all here on Earth with unique gifts and to express those gifts in a way that serves others (Aquarius). Creative self-expression is important now and we need to look at where and how we dim our light, look for reasons (for example, we are afraid of success, failure or rejection). There is always a risk in showing ourselves that others will see our shadows. But until we do this, our talents and abilities will not be shared with others.

Overall, this eclipse encourages us to be proud of ourselves, who we are, and to find ways to share our gifts with the world. We need to express our individual talents and at this time we receive heavenly support for this. But this will happen if only we have the desire to overcome our fears and take certain risks. If we do this, we will find a new radiance of our light and it will heal us and serve humanity. And also remember that the effects of eclipses can last up to six months and we don't have to do everything at once. We can take a risk and take a tiny step and let our emotional reaction to that step tell us whether we are going in the right direction or not. Remember “the moment you step out of your comfort zone is the moment your life changes for the better”!

The lunar eclipse will force us to take off our masks and show our true selves, but before that we have to work on finding ourselves and our essence.

The January 31 lunar eclipse will be visible from Australia, New Zealand, Southeast Asia, Alaska, Hawaii and northwestern Canada.

On Wednesday evening, the Moon will pass directly behind the Earth, disappearing into its shadow. This shadow is what astrologers call the North Node, a karmic energy point that represents the evolutionary direction of the soul in this life.

Eclipses occur when the Sun or Moon is aligned with the North or South Node.

Since this alignment only occurs during the New Moon and Full Moon Phases, we can either have a Solar Eclipse (at the New Moon Phase) or a Lunar Eclipse (at the Full Moon Phase).

So we can have 4 types of eclipses: South Node Solar Eclipses, South Node Lunar Eclipses, North Node Solar Eclipses and North Node Lunar Eclipses.

The Lunar Eclipse on January 31, 2018 is a Lunar Eclipse of the North Node. This means that it is associated with the feminine principle (Moon) and with the future (North Node).

While South Node eclipses are about experiences from the past, North Node eclipses require adaptation to new circumstances.

The lunar eclipse on January 31st will occur in the sign of Leo, associated with proud self-expression, creativity and personality itself. Leo energy is where we are kings and queens in our own castle. The way we love and create, the way we live from the heart.

Therefore, the Lunar Eclipse in Leo is about creating new opportunities for the growth of the queen within us. Regardless of whether we are a woman or a man, our soul has female part. No matter who you are, it's time to be proud of the woman inside you, the woman who is not afraid to express her spirit and live her calling.

The lunar eclipse on January 31st in Leo will force you to showcase yourself. And you will have no choice but to go on stage and declare yourself. Even if you are shy or afraid of unnecessary attention, the eclipse will make sure that you learn the lesson of publicity and learn to endure hundreds of glances.

And if you accept the new, if you are ready to meet your future, your North Node, then this experience will become invaluable. But if you don’t do this, the experience will come one way or another, but the lessons will be felt quite painfully.

Perhaps this is why eclipses were considered a bad omen.

Especially in ancient times, eclipses were perceived as a sign of impending disasters. The biggest possible disaster at that time was the death of the king. To avoid this, during Solar Eclipses (Solar Eclipses were associated with the king), a ritual was established: “Replacing the King’s Ritual.”

Saving the King

In this ritual, a person was chosen to replace the king. He was dressed like a king and placed on the throne. This man was to live as a king for as long as the effects of the eclipse lasted - from 3 to 100 days.

During this time, the real king was hiding from his subjects.

After the eclipse season ended, the replacement king was put to death to fulfill the prophetic omen while sparing the life of the real king, who was returning to the throne.

This ritual is more than just trading with fate. During the ritual, the real king disappeared into the shadows, just as the Sun disappeared under the Moon. When he returned to the throne, he was no longer the same. The king was going through his transformation process and this symbolized the death of the king. He saved himself by allowing some part to die.

Right now we are facing a Lunar Eclipse, so now it is time to create a ritual for the queen within us.

We need to move within to transform and save our inner queen and answer the questions the eclipse asks:

  • Who am I: my body or my emotions? My past or my future?
  • Should I go when I want or should I wait for the right conditions?
  • Should I be first or go along with others?
  • Should I go for instant gratification or endure and achieve everything gradually?
  • There are no right or wrong answers here. But the principle of duality, opposition, helps us better realize who we really are.

Just as the king had to find a replacement to find himself, use the energy of the Lunar Eclipse to connect with your real self. And by letting go of who you are not, keep the true Queen.

Incredible facts

At the end of January, the inhabitants of the Earth have the opportunity to see an amazing lunar spectacle - "blue blood supermoon ".

The second full moon of January, which occurs on January 31st, will coincide withlunar eclipse .

The day before, the Moon will reach its closest point to Earth, marking the second supermoon of the year. At this time, the Moon will be closer to the Earth, which is why it will look 14 percent brighter.

It is also called "blue" because it is the second full moon of the month, and "blood" because the moon will turn red due to a lunar eclipse.

The lunar eclipse will be visible partially or completely in Northern and Eastern Europe, Russia, North America, Asia, and Australia.

All phases of the eclipse will be visibleresidents of Siberia and the Far East .

Lunar eclipse January 31, 2018

    Maximum phase 16:29 Moscow time

    The end of the lunar eclipse at 19:08 Moscow time

Supermoon 2018

According to astrologers, the Moon affects our deep emotions, subtle strings of our character, your instincts and intuition, as well as reactions.

The full moon in particular is an important time to reflect on your personal relationships. In addition, at this time you can also reap the benefits of what you started before the arrival of the full moon and now see the consequences of previous events.

Also during lunar eclipses it is important leave the past behind, get rid of negativity and draw some conclusions. If you felt stagnant in some areas, the time has come for change and getting rid of everything that has become obsolete.

Full Moon January 31, 2018

During the Full Moon, the Moon in Leo will oppose the Sun in Aquarius, forming a Full Moon. This full moon will deal with themes of creativity and love and our emotions.

What should all zodiac signs expect during the January “blue moon” of 2018?

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Blue Moon and lunar eclipse favor Aries. It will bring them a sense of inner balance and support from family and loved ones. If you've been having trouble finding a balance between work and personal life, or between caring for yourself and others, this full moon will help get things in order.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Astrologers recommend that Taurus pay attention not only to the “blue moon” on January 31, but also to the events that preceded it in the middle of the month. If you have been trying to expand your intellectual capabilities, gain new experience, the first fruits of your labor will be visible already on this full moon.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

During the blue moon on January 31, Gemini will have to be flexible. The lunar eclipse that will take place at this time can be a turning point for many, as it will affect the third house of communication and ideas.

You may receive unexpected news or have a conversation that will change the course of events and affect the projects you are working on or some of your relationships. But thanks to your ability to quickly adapt, you can cope with any situation.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

The first full moon of January was in Cancer, so this month promises to be eventful. The full moon on January 1 touched on your emotions and everything that was important to you.

At the same time, the "blue moon" at the end of the month is associated with your finances, and promises a turn for the better. Perhaps a lunar eclipse will bring you to the end of negotiations with a possible employer. If you work for yourself, you may come across some new idea related to making money, which can turn out to be very profitable.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Leos began to feel profound changes in the second half of the month. You could be upset by some circumstances that affect the completion of things. However, remember that everything depends on how you perceive the situation.

Moreover, the lunar eclipse on January 31 and the “blue moon” will help shift your perception in the right direction. Everything will work out, you just need to be flexible and adapt.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

This month should have been pretty good for Virgos. Transits of the Sun and Venus promised a good time for love, relationships and partnerships. The new moon in the middle of the month could heighten your feelings, which will be felt by you until the end of the month.

A Blue Moon is a time when you may begin to think about starting a new project or a new relationship.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

The lunar eclipse at the end of January will touch your house of friendship, technology and teamwork, and this month you will reconsider your relationships at work, with friends and other people with whom you may want to leave. You have the power to change the situation, so use it.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Unlike Aries, who will find inner balance, Scorpios may feel that the lunar eclipse will somewhat complicate personal relationships at home and in the family. It will be difficult for you to find balance in this area. However, on the other hand, there may be an important stage or turning point in your career for which you are ready.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

If you've been working on a major project lately, January's Blue Moon will bring the results of that work. Also look beyond your home to other countries and foreigners where you can make connections or start working internationally.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Eclipses are a time when it is important to reconsider some issues rather than make important decisions. Astrologers recommend that you step back a little, as you may encounter some surprises in intimate relationships and joint finances.

Make sure you have all the information before making any decisions and control your emotions. You'll need your sanity during January's supermoon and lunar eclipse.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Your personal relationships will take center stage during the Blue Moon. Although you may be ready for, for example, a wedding or some other big step, you should hold off. The idea of ​​an eclipse is to join forces with another person, but Uranus' conflict with Mercury does not favor contracts.

Wait until February to make important decisions, although you will likely already have all the important information.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

For Pisces, the "blue moon" can also play an important role. If something significant happened during the last eclipses on August 7 and August 21 last year, you will now see the results of those events.

Your work should be especially rewarding, although you also need to take care of yourself. There will be many demands placed on you, but they will allow you to achieve new heights in the future.