Retrograde planets in the natal chart. Retrograde Jupiter in Sagittarius

25.07.2019 Career and Work

Retrograde Jupiter

It is retrograde 4 months a year. Such Jupiter indicates that the past life was not successful. Failed to take off. Life was full of waste or restrictions, the person did not see the fruits of his activities. Very pleased with himself and cheerful, he did not want to make sacrifices and did not progress. Now we have to start all over again.

In real life, a person is less susceptible to the influence of society; he seeks his own faith and his own path. Relies on himself, and not on luck and protection. It is quite difficult to fit into the social environment. Has stronger moral principles than appears at first glance. Able to achieve wisdom by reviewing the lessons of the past. For others, it inspires confidence and optimism.
A mystical approach to religion and philosophy. Shows caution in accepting modern cultural and religious positions.

Retrograde Jupiter - esoteric symbol

Jupiter, the great benefic giver, is symbolized by the semicircle of the Soul rising vertically from the western arm of the cross of Matter. When Matter and Soul unite harmoniously, each is capable of satisfying the other. It is interesting to note that the western arm of the cross of Matter is very significant, since the west always symbolizes the maturity of that which was born in the east. In a normal symbol, the cross of Matter is located in the eastern semicircle of the Soul. Thus, what an individual materializes early in life later shapes his wisdom.

With Jupiter retrograde, the inverted symbol shows the semicircle of Soul in the east, moving the cross of Matter to the west. Thus, what the individual experiences in his Soul early in this life (and as a result of past incarnations) always gives birth to what he experiences in Matter later. This can make the retrograde experience a spiritual journey if the individual chooses to make the best of it. Retrograde Jupiter gives integrity to the insistence on truth, since it is not so dependent on the changes in matter that often deflect the meaning of so many planetary configurations. The individual is free to experience himself on a purer level than if his truth were dependent on his material existence.

At the same time, this configuration causes conflict with the outside world, as idealism trumps practicality. The natural attraction to the pure truth of Jupiter creates unhappiness for the earthly daily experience of life.

Retrograde Jupiter - individuality

An individual with Jupiter retrograde is a living truth to himself. His ideas about right and wrong, the morality of the world he travels through, and the honesty of other people's opinions have little bearing on how he feels inside. In an attempt to be fair, this individual develops his own unique set of standards. Typically, these standards are based on his personal experience at the beginning of this life, as well as on experiences from other incarnations, and do not reflect mass consciousness, but rather the individual's personally formed concept of the universe.
He has a good sense of different places and how similar they are to each other. At the same time he is aware of different levels in ways of thinking. Always exploring the mind, he seeks to experience the richness within himself, which he hopes will ultimately be equal to the opportunities available to him in the outside world. Often because of this, he experiences dissatisfaction, which manifests itself as inner restlessness. He likes to deal with things, understanding the essence of the idea and its significance, rather than the details necessary to implement the idea.
If Jupiter is well aspected, the individual can be highly self-motivated, but must be wary of trying to do too many things at once.
Essentially, he is a free spirit. And although he will adapt to the ideals of society that are beneficial to him, he constantly fights to maintain his sense of individuality. Some people with this placement have great wisdom, almost prophetic. They can sum up in a few words the essence of long-term, complex, detailed projects that would confuse other people in so many details.
An individual can be conscious. His inherent honesty with himself is one of his most important identifying characteristics. If aspected poorly, retrograde Jupiter can give ill will brought from past incarnations. In these cases, a person projects a long past desire to get even onto new people in the present. Fortunately, this is the exception rather than the rule, as Jupiter retrograde provides the individual with the opportunity to see himself through a higher intelligence, after which some of his personal involvements give way to a higher and more impartial understanding. The development of wealth in the inner being ultimately takes precedence over the desire to acquire wealth in the outer world.

Retrograde Jupiter - karma

Karma with Jupiter retrograde is always associated with introspection through the higher mind.
The individual must be able to justify himself to himself in order to feel that he truly deserves the respect and honor that Jupiter promises.
In some past incarnation the person placed great emphasis on violating some religious or spiritual principle. In his present life he feels even more determined to redefine the value of this principle in his mind.
He must beware of judging others when he sees that the outside world lives by rules that he cannot understand. He must be patient with other people if he expects them to listen to the expression of his inner truths.
On another level, a person has accumulated vast experience of what he has lived, which is characteristic of retrograde Jupiter. Times and places from the past are all mixed into the continuous present, so that at any given moment or place the individual experiences that time or place in a generalized way, as if he were simultaneously in all such times and places that he has experienced. Thus his consciousness expands simultaneously in these two dimensions and often without limitation. He does not know how to focus his mind on a clear point within himself. Instead, he absorbs symbols of his thoughts from his surroundings to eventually learn that his home is everywhere and any time is the present! The more these outer symbols correspond to the truth he learned in a previous life, the more contented he becomes.

Retrograde Jupiter in Aries

Here the individual is most comfortable in phase I of the retrograde process, when the expansiveness of Jupiter satiates the need for anticipation of the future. The difficulty is that the individual meets each new situation, imagining in advance what awaits him.
As a result, he tries to control the circumstances in his life rather than move forward with each new experience. In this situation, there is a great desire to re-experience the past, while the individual believes that he is moving towards the future.
A strong sense of self-righteousness permeates much of his thinking. This is accompanied by a spirit of freedom at the most instinctive level.
The individual strives for self-esteem and tends to judge other people, believing that they have less moral worth than him. He can become overconfident when it comes to religious or spiritual identification, and sometimes makes mistakes in categorizing people according to the philosophy they adhere to.
His inner restlessness never ceases to push him to try everything he has not yet experienced. He can be childishly naive, not fully understanding the situation or circumstances into which he is thrown. When he doesn't see the full picture, he often has to pull himself back. This type of behavior is very difficult for a marriage, as it promises little stability for the partner.
Karmically, the individual is here to learn his own truths on the most basic of levels. He continues the lesson that being honest with himself is the key to his greatest confidence and reliability.

Retrograde Jupiter in Taurus

This individual feels most comfortable in phase III of the retrograde process, when he can reflect on everything he has accumulated in life. He concentrates a lot of energy, establishing that he is always right. This apparently makes it difficult for him to adapt to other people's ways of thinking. He constantly justifies his behavior and sticks to his philosophy, stubbornly insisting on past concepts. Very often he earns his living through almost forgotten arts - for example, working as a tinker, shoemaker or bookbinder.
Other people often view him as having an ego problem related to his unrealistic expectations from life. It is important for him to feel powerful, and he deceives himself in many ways by maintaining the belief that he is in control of circumstances in the external environment. Thus, he lives in the world that he contains within himself. And as a result, he is subject to the illusion of thinking that all control over himself is real control over others. At the same time that he thinks he is judging others, he is truly judging himself.
Much dissatisfaction focuses on the material world as the individual continues to think that he will be more satisfied in his life than is actually the case. He compares his achievements with the achievements of the people around him, and because of this, he has a hard time finding himself. He eases his karma by learning that the greatest truths come to him in the most natural ways and only when he is not trying to impress others or go out of his way.

Retrograde Jupiter in Gemini

This is one of the most difficult positions for Jupiter retrograde, as the individual learns to unite his lower and higher minds after a number of lifetimes of conflict between them. He was used to basing his philosophy of life on other people's ideas.
Thus, he learned to subconsciously separate himself from his own truth, while his philosophical values ​​and ideas became heavily influenced by those around him.
He absorbs the ideas of one person after another without fully understanding what is true for him.
Feeling restless during Phase III of the retrograde process, when he accepts other people's truths, he worries about distributing every piece of information he has learned to those he is about to meet.
During Phase I, he produces a lot of information along with misinformation because he didn't take the time to sort it out for himself.
In this life he must learn to focus his ideas and attractions and observe how other people use them. He often observes the lives of other people. This causes frustration until he learns to look at life practically, discerning which truths expressed by other people he must accept and which he must ignore as not applicable.
First of all, he must learn not to force other people to think like him. His biggest problem is that he considers his view to be the most correct and imposes it on those he teaches.

Retrograde Jupiter in Cancer

Here the individual is most comfortable in Phase III of the retrograde process, in which he continues to try to re-expand his childhood qualities from the past. He has a certain naivety, considering himself simple-minded. Thus, he has many difficulties in his adult life because living in the present removes him from a time period that could represent greater freedom than his current reality. His concept of truth has always been more emotional than mental, and as a result, he does not respond well to reason, but instead tries to develop all his awareness from his emotions. This again emphasizes his childish qualities.
During adulthood there is a tendency to limit the expansive qualities of Jupiter to past experiences. When the energy of the planet tries to spread, the individual feels the need of Cancer to create a fence. Meanwhile, Jupiter's retrograde motion is pushing this whole conflict not only inward, but also back into the past. Thus, the person experiences both emotional and mental conflict. His memories are often exaggerated as he tries to correct all past situations in which he did not fully express himself. And he tends to repeat his experiences, as if through repetition alone he can become more confident of the correctness of the way he behaved in the past.
All his knowledge past life is now being tested in the higher mind, as he is required to experience it on an emotional level. Thus, he must learn to faithfully believe and act according to his own truths.

Retrograde Jupiter in Leo

Here, phase I represents the most comfortable experience, since the individual can instill his zest for life in other people. At the same time, there is a tendency to become intoxicated with one's attempts to live a virtuous life. The person may be harsh with other people, often interrupting their thought patterns, wanting to be listened to. This planetary position suggests a certain nobility, and perhaps the person has actually lived a previous life in which he developed this trait, supporting some powerful idea or principle.
He loves to feel that everything he does in life symbolizes progress. Essentially, he keeps throwing things around to increase the amount of whatever he thinks makes sense. He is attracted to everything in life that gives the appearance of reward. Being very independent, he does not like the advice of others, but listens to them and sometime in the future he realizes the truths that have been told to him.
One of his weaknesses is the haste with which he jumps to conclusions during Phase I, despite the fact that he will have to re-evaluate his judgments later. This is because Leo's personal nature often blocks Jupiter's impartial awareness of the higher intelligence. This person may have less contact with his true nature than he realizes. His philosophy and outlook on life seem to be different from those around him, and it is important for him to learn that things can be different without being categorized as better or worse. When the pompous ego that often accompanies this position begins to diminish, the individual is able to experience one of the most beautiful cosmic views of the universe.

Retrograde Jupiter in Virgo

One of the most difficult problems that an individual in this position must deal with is the lack of perspective. Many hypochondriacs have Jupiter retrograde in Virgo. There is a conflict here between the inner awareness of the higher mind, earned in past lives, and the knowledge in today's life of earthly reality.
The individual tends to “lock himself in a box” from seeing full picture. Thus, he sees only parts of the whole and calls the parts he sees “the whole.”
In relationships with other people, he eludes intimacy more than seeks the warmth of Jupiter. His idealism is so high that it is simply impossible for other people to be worthy of what he expects from them. He goes through life with many specific ideals that form an abstract crystallization of what he expects. As a result, he tends to be strict with himself as well as others. Often considering himself superior to the baser aspects of life, he is likely to develop a pompous spiritual ego. Because of the purity of his ideals, he internally begins to believe that he can be spiritually superior to other people. This is where he traps himself, fighting his needs and isolating himself from the realities of his existence.
In past incarnations, he manipulated himself, building an unrealistic belief system, according to which he is now trying to live. He will reach contentment when he stops trying to be a symbol of everything he thinks humanity expects of itself.

Retrograde Jupiter in Libra

Here the individual moves between the three retrograde phases depending on his environment and the ideas he encounters. The concepts of fairness and justice were innately established in previous incarnations, so he does not always express everything he feels if he thinks it might hurt another person. When used negatively, this position can carry hostility from a previous life. In many cases, the identity of the higher mind is not always truly the individual's, but rather it is a collection of ideas from all the people he has known in the past. When he becomes truly aware of life, he realizes that he is working out other people's problems, trying too hard in search of awareness that will help him solve a tangle of conflicts that, to begin with, were never his own. Once he understands this, he will be able to distance himself from everything that previously bothered him, and will learn that much of the restlessness he experienced was not his own. Rather, it was the desires of other people for him to solve their problems. When he faces his own personal ego, he learns why he not only accepted these desires, but actually attracted them.
In addition, he likes to put himself in another person's shoes in order to develop a more balanced view of things from such a vantage point. But the more he does this, the less he understands that he himself sincerely supports. He continues the karma of learning how to balance his higher mind instead of vacillating between different points of view. He will achieve his greatest joy when he can concentrate his outlook on life.

Retrograde Jupiter in Scorpio

Here, a lot of time is spent in Phase I of the retrograde process, as the individual tries to convey what he believes to be the truth to other people. However, this is the only sign in which the individual also realizes that what he has become convinced of as true is not at all his complete truth. In this way, he can project what he considers to be quite complete externally, while at the same time experiencing a deeper understanding on another level.
He brings into this life memories of the struggle for honor, and when he experiences this karma, he becomes the standard for others in this field. He can bring out the worst and the best in himself and others at the same time. This causes him to be paradoxical, as he is alternately misunderstood and misunderstood, respected and humiliated, loved and despised because of everything he represents to other people. His life is one of constant transformation, as each day symbolizes new opportunities for struggle to help him rise above his lower self, which he now sees, but which still binds him in his current life.
Being a supporter of extreme views, he supports both heaven and hell. His ideals are usually very high, but during the first half of his life he finds it difficult to distance his higher mind from the intense sexual urge that he brought with him into this life.
At any level he must be connected, since the depths to which he goes are usually reached alone and are often completely misunderstood by others. He must be free to explore the unknown expanses of the universe that continue to call to him.

Retrograde Jupiter in Sagittarius

Here the individual enjoys phase I of the retrograde process. He is eager to experience everything the world has to offer and finds it difficult to settle down. His higher mind is attracted to many different things at the same time and at the same time tries to understand each of them so as not to isolate itself from all the others. Although he seems superficially easy, he can be deeply prophetic, able to understand the essence of a subject without spending much time talking about it.
When this position is used to its best, the individual brings with him much universal knowledge acquired in the previous incarnation. He usually has high energy levels, and his mental restlessness makes him spread this knowledge wherever he goes. At the same time, he has a habit of explaining that he is right, and it is difficult for him to accept advice from others. He does not absorb ideas, but learns from experience. This position of Jupiter reduces sexual drive and also seems to place relationships on a more superficial level.
This is in all respects a person who likes to think independently, and especially in the second half of life does not want to be bound by traditional thinking. His ideas concerning religion may be of infinite depth, but they are rarely consistent with the conventions and practices of any group, sect or church. His karma in this life is to live according to his own understanding. He must learn to value what he understands within himself, and not test the values ​​of other people by going against his own ideals. If he improves, he can become a truly wonderful teacher of all sincere seekers of truth.

Retrograde Jupiter in Capricorn

Here the individual experiences a constant conflict between Jupiter's needs for expansion, enthusiasm and optimism and Capricorn's tendencies towards restriction, moderation and restraint. Thus, a person must achieve a balance between these two extremes before he achieves the enormous wisdom that this position can give. He is happiest in later life, when he understands how to turn the higher mind towards essential values.
In his youth, he often strives to look older than he actually is. Although he may be very wise, he is not noticed until later in life. In negative personalities, this position may indicate materialism, especially when other chart indicators indicate qualities of insecurity. By using this position of Jupiter at the highest level, a person can be very spiritual, having a strong religious understanding that he has developed in previous incarnations. In addition, he has the ability to evaluate the significance of things, balancing them against a central position. However, in his life he experiences a very strong “stop-and-go” vibration, which does not always allow him to do everything he would like. He often paralyzes himself by considering things deeper than he really needs. In this sense, he can overly exaggerate the importance of things, viewing too many things in life as either supporting or denying his principles.
Here Phase III of the retrograde process comes to the fore, as the individual experiences the karma of maturing his understanding of himself and the world around him.

Retrograde Jupiter in Aquarius

He wants to know everything that traditional society has not yet explored. This is a very restless position of retrograde Jupiter, since the individual would at the same time want to travel along all the roads that lie in front of him. He is an idealist and researcher. Although he is overzealous at times, he can make a great contribution to the evolution of humanity. This is a bad position for marriage because the person believes that he needs freedom for his higher mind to work at its best. What he really needs is mental rather than physical freedom. And the impetus for this freedom comes not from the situations of today's life, but rather from the instinct of a past life to transcend mental and spiritual boundaries. He loves to live enthusiastically and, although he wants to help everyone, he pushes away anyone who cools his spirit. This person finds it difficult to direct his life in a single direction. He feels more comfortable if his goal is constantly changing. His karma is to apply his past wisdom to future experiences. To do this, he will travel a lot and meet new people from all walks of life, through which he will be able to share and express his knowledge. Due to the retrograde nature of the planet, this process is more about giving than receiving, as one is much more willing to pass on knowledge to others. Some people with this placement experience claustrophobia, as they try at any cost to free themselves from everything that symbolizes being trapped.
On the positive side, this is one of the best positions for seeking higher knowledge.

Retrograde Jupiter in Pisces

Here the individual spends most of the time in phase III of the retrograde process, trying to absorb his truth from the world around him. He may be deeply spiritual and mystical, but he doesn't always say what he knows. He tends to spend a lot of time unraveling the mystery of life that he perceives. He finds it difficult to understand people.
In a previous incarnation he may have spent time studying religion or philosophy, for although he cannot explain where he got the knowledge, he has a deep instinctive sense of the true meaning of life. However, for all that he feels, he still experiences a conflict between his cosmic attunement and his ability to integrate with the rest of society.
He can be very creative if he is allowed to do things his own way. One of his biggest challenges is learning how to stop doubting himself. Practicing Eastern mysticism, which validates the sense of disengagement he feels, may help him have more confidence in himself. He experiences the ongoing karma of learning how to stop doubting himself. Using the higher intelligence, he must avoid all kinds of confusing details in order to get to the essence of truth.
He doesn't like to judge people or conditions because he knows that nothing he thinks about is final. He lacks the ability to understand; it is difficult to keep people and events in his mind. His goal is more universal than personal, and he needs practical, down-to-earth people as a stabilizing anchor.

Retrograde Jupiter in the first house

Here the individual spends most of his time in Phase I of the retrograde process, seeking to experience the future of his own individuality. He competes strongly, especially with himself, as he is an idealist and does not rest on his laurels. He wants recognition for his successes. There is a natural conflict with this position, as the past life residue of Jupiter retrograde encourages the individual to do many things at the same time, whereas the true Aries nature would rather start one thing at a particular time.
However, the combination of planet and house gives the individual a high level of enthusiasm for new endeavors. At times he exerts himself excessively and can be rash. This makes him a true initiator, but at the same time he does not always have solid grounding. He moves quickly through life and does not like to waste energy.
In this life he continues to expand his self-awareness through the higher mind, but he must not allow himself to judge others. He knows a lot about the knowledge of the outer self and can convey this to others, but he must try not to "roll out" his knowledge too thinly.
This position makes the individual very independent and gives him a strong sense of interconnectedness with the universe. However, he must work to maintain a reasonable sense of proportion without exaggerating the meaning of things.
Karmically, he continues the lesson of evaluating the truth about himself, since it is the only position of retrograde Jupiter that forces him to live according to his own philosophy.

Retrograde Jupiter in the second house

Here the individual continues to try to restore the sense of wealth, prestige and justice to which he was accustomed in past incarnations. The higher mind is focused on the value system and in many cases goes deep into the physical side of life and becomes entangled in materialistic desires. Sometimes this individual experiences the karma of judging others for having more than him, but when used constructively, this allows the individual to come anew to an understanding of the true meaning of life as known by his higher mind. All he has to do is teach his lower mind to accept his knowledge. In most cases, he feels that he is not getting enough from life. Sometimes he would like to make other people's knowledge his own, and he has difficulty recognizing the true differences between his values ​​​​and the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the outside world, which he tries to accommodate inside.
Preferring to think on a large scale, he tends to overestimate his needs. In some cases, the individual wants to possess things that should be free in the world. He even becomes obsessed with the idea of ​​his own freedom.
Retrograde Jupiter in this position prefers to experience phase I, but the phase in which the individual will be. spend most of the time is determined by the type of sign on the cusp of the second house. If the second house is ruled by a negative earth sign or water element, there is a high probability that the individual will be thrown into phase III, which is least in harmony with the expansive qualities of Jupiter.
If the second house is ruled by a positive fire or air sign, then the individual will spend most of his time in phase I. It is in this phase that the individual tries to instill his values ​​in the world, while during phase II he absorbs the values ​​of the world into himself. In both cases, he is now experiencing his values ​​from his past life.

Retrograde Jupiter in the third house

This is the most difficult position for retrograde Jupiter, as the individual's past life ideas about the universe to which he was accustomed now affect his daily relationships. He is caught between trying to live up to the ideals he has developed in the past and the desire to sacrifice what he knows in order to better connect with the people around him. At times he can be overly harsh, since tact (insincerity) is alien to his nature. He can be rude to people who want to cover a lot of ground in a short period of time, but he himself can be overly talkative. Spending most of his time in Phase I of the retrograde process, he does not always feel the people he is talking to. He is more inclined to give advice than to listen to others, and although many people pass through his life, he does not become attached to anyone. He is so restless that he throws away his mental energy, silently condemning other people when they do the same.
He travels a lot, and if he doesn’t move in reality, he does it mentally. The greatest difficulty with this placement of Jupiter is learning to live in the human world, full of dualities and hypocrisy. Thus, he must be careful not to take the position of judging others.
The developed individual is able to say a lot in a few words, whereas people who are experiencing more elementary karma talk like a broken record. Both types try to convey a clear message to people at a lower level.
In past incarnations, retrograde Jupiter evolved using higher intelligence. Now the individual experiences frustration when he tries to express his understanding in a simplified language understandable to his lower mind.

Retrograde Jupiter in the fourth house

Here the expansiveness of Jupiter clashes with the protective qualities of the fourth house as the individual tries to break down the emotional walls that it continues to erect.
Thus, the unlimited qualities of his higher mind are hampered by unreliability in his emotional memories. There is usually a period in childhood when a person can shine, and as a result he continues to try to recreate the symbols of this period in adulthood. He expects others to understand, and although he doesn't always show it, he is overly emotional.
He spends most of his time in phase III of the retrograde process, looking back at the happiest moments in the past. A negatively oriented individual tends to hold on to memories of past injustices. It is very difficult for him to distance himself from his thoughts, since most of his consciousness is of a personal nature.
Jupiter retrograde sometimes causes an individual to waste emotional energy, preventing them from working or pursuing a career in a single direction. He may be so intent on discovering the truth about everything he has not yet understood about his past that he looks too closely into himself to distinguish the forest from the trees. He needs the family structure as a foundation, but he tends to find many disparate reasons why those close to him are preventing him from moving forward. This person needs to understand that most of the overreactions he experiences are due to past life attitudes that no longer apply to his present environment.
Wherever he goes and whatever he does, he tries to gain the praise of those close to him, who can see the motives of his actions much more clearly than he himself. He will understand himself when he realizes why the need to restrain himself is stronger than his need to know the outside world.

Retrograde Jupiter in the fifth house

Here the individual spends most of the time in phase I of the retrograde process. He reaches out to express his creative positions, which he developed in a previous incarnation. He views life on a large scale, and the boundaries of traditional society as a path paved with stones, the limits of which he must cross at any cost.
If the rest of the horoscope is strong, this adds power to the nature.
Holders of cards with many squares, as well as an emphasis on fixed signs, Capricorn or angular Saturn, do not pay attention to the advice of others. The person appears to invade other people's psychic space without being aware that he is doing so. His own goals are very high, but he often overestimates his ability to achieve them.
At times he may expect too much from his children, wanting them to achieve what he is unable to achieve himself. He lives by the motto: “Don't stop me!” as he rushes forward to try everything that life has to offer. At the same time, his great pride keeps him from getting into trouble in the eyes of other people. He would rather rush around from one creative experience to another, which will make the people whose respect he desires think poorly of himself. He lives by the principle that if he can run through a rainstorm fast enough, he won't get wet.
This is a difficult position for marriage and relationships of a long-term nature, since the highest truth of an individual is always related to his own opinion of himself, and not to the judgment of criticism that he can receive if he allows other people to know him well enough.
Here the individual's sense of identity is based on the discrepancy between the ideals established in past incarnations and everything he creates in this life. Thus, this is truly a man who is “what he thinks, becoming what he thought”, and more later years he will recognize himself by everything he has created.

Retrograde Jupiter in the sixth house

Here the individual expends a lot of energy, personifying the higher mind, in order to solve the problems that he has to deal with in life. He is overly busy starting many projects that he may not finish, trying to be involved in every task. He is concerned about fairness at work and has difficulty interacting with co-workers and superiors, constantly trying to support what he believes is right.
Often he makes a mountain out of a molehill, and of all the possible positions of Jupiter retrograde, the person is least able to look at life from a cosmic point of view. While looking for an easy way to do something, he may become distracted by so many small things that he finds it difficult to stay the course. Here the higher mind is overly sensitive to the lower thoughts of other people. The individual may be scattered about, paying attention to all the details of the external world which his preconceptions bring to his attention. This is a person who thinks he knows how the world works, but because he thinks that way, he always misses the point. The problem is that he tends to view his narrow awareness as representing the complete truth.
He may be overly moralistic about other people, but he views them through the computerized qualities of his higher mind - as puzzles to be solved - rather than understanding them and their human weaknesses. He brings with him into this life the karma of expecting too much from the world. This world does not live up to the ideals it built in the past. He achieves happiness when he finds a middle ground between these past ideals and the practical reality of everyday life. At some point in this life he may experience legal difficulties. This may be due to his emphasis on issues of low importance. He must learn to set priorities in order to free the energy of the higher mind from the burden of unnecessary, self-created trifles.

Retrograde Jupiter in the seventh house

This position of Jupiter retrograde causes the individual to spend a lot of time viewing himself through the eyes of other people. As a result, the person is impatient to please others, although he is not always sure what is driving him to do so. He may push himself too thin, trying to gain the respect of those he admires, but despite all these efforts, he knows that he still cannot please the whole world.
In past incarnations, he learned to support what he thought others would admire. Now he often feels that his sense of freedom is too dependent on the ideals of other people. He never correctly understands everything he knows about life. The answers seem to fly by as he tries to read other people's minds to understand his own truths. This person will argue more for the sake of maintaining a principle that has the appearance of truth on a universal level than for the sake of his need to win. Thus, he may become overly fair.
By attaching too much importance to the ideas that other people present to him, he constantly encounters people whose philosophical positions in relation to real life are opposite to his own. This individual goes through a karmic lesson of learning that the differences between right and wrong are, strictly speaking, in the mind of the viewer. As he learns this, he realizes how futile it is to evaluate other people's views or make decisions for them. If he is married, he is attracted to a partner who may also be overly fair and virtuous. Therefore, at the same time different levels he learns to weigh the nature of truth in the many ways in which it is expressed from person to person in his life.

Retrograde Jupiter in the eighth house

In this situation, the individual knows the values ​​of other people. Sometimes he tries to give when he should be receiving. He experiences great sexual restlessness and strives for quantity. sexual experience, but his needs, although he may consider them physical, are clearly mental.
He really enjoys transforming other people, and knowledge from a past incarnation makes him believe that he has the wisdom that gives him the right to do this. He is interested in knowing what lies behind other people's appearances.
However, he is reluctant to show his own true “coloring.” With this position, there is a natural conflict, as Jupiter’s desire for openness collides with the need for secrecy in the eighth house.
In business and commerce, this person must work for himself. Strong psychic tendencies are possible here, together with the desire to use them in the most noble way.
One of the biggest problems of a person is that he sometimes judges other people because they do not live up to his expectations. He does this during Phase III, where his introspection is likely to be overt rather than covert. Always questioning the validity of other people's knowledge, he is very firm about what he knows.
Karmically, he brings with him into this life the fruits of a deep study of people and the universe. But he must learn to understand that the deepest truths he seeks now will only come when he does not interpret them on a personal level.

Retrograde Jupiter in the ninth house

Here retrograde Jupiter is in its natural house. As a result, the individual can function comfortably from any of the three retrograde phases. At the same time, his life causes inconvenience to those close to him. The ninth house is the house of single life, and with retrograde Jupiter's natural desire for freedom, this becomes a bad position for entering into any relationship of a long-term nature. There is a tendency to withdraw from people as the individual increasingly wants to experience his natural surroundings without the complexities of meeting other people's social expectations. This individual has great difficulty translating what he knows into words. He is able to understand his higher mind, but does not always believe that he can convey his knowledge to others.
He faces great difficulties while experiencing earthly situations and circumstances.
When communicating with people, he usually knows what he is going to prove, but will not do it until he is sure that the language he uses will be accepted by the other person.
He likes to move from place to place and does not like to spend too much time in any one place. Essentially, he is very much like a wanderer wandering through life to test the knowledge he has acquired from the experience of a past incarnation by analyzing existing circumstances. Some people with this placement have a very highly developed understanding of God, while others who believe that their Souls are of a less religious nature express this understanding by explaining how the mechanism of the universe works.
The most significant growth in this life occurs when an individual realizes that the world around him is very much like the Tower of Babel. People are unable to communicate with each other because they have different conceptual understandings of the simplest words.
A person with this position of Jupiter understands that the quality of communication with other people is always lower than what it could be. He feels interruptions in the steady flow of thought that are caused by language barriers.
His karma is to know, understand and teach where he is asked, but never to impose himself on those who cannot understand his natural wisdom.

Retrograde Jupiter in the tenth house

Here the individual wants to present a noble image to the world while maintaining his complete freedom of thought and action. He would rather change direction than make an effort - because of his great need for expediency. He clearly sees the conflict between what he thinks the world expects of him and what he himself would like to be. This forces him to be a creator of extremes. He fluctuates between fighting for his rights and neglecting them.
When well aspected, this position of Jupiter retrograde can generate great wisdom, which can be beneficial not only to the individual, but to everyone he meets.
It is interesting to note that during Phase I, the planetary energy takes precedence over the expected behavior pattern of the house, so that the individual can overcome the natural caution of the tenth house. During Phase III, however, he is unable to do this and becomes very introspective. But his most difficult experience comes in phase II, where the energies of the planet and the house fight each other. During this time he experiences great disappointment, almost to the point of paralysis in action, for while he continues to question the value of everything he would like to do, assessing it from the perspective of the wider framework of his wisdom, he does not cease to feel the impulse to act for the sake of actions. Thus, he either does not act, but wants to, or acts and does not want to do it.
He hates to retreat to what he has already gone through, however at times he must do so, especially in relation to his career, in order to pick up what he has left undone. He is impatient for achievement and is often more interested in the end results than in the steps that will lead him to his goal. He does not always live by the rules he talks about, since he may deeply believe that the end justifies the means. However, in his interactions with other people, he does not like to associate himself with such a philosophy. In addition, he becomes uncomfortable if someone tries to associate him with some particular philosophy. He may become defensive about his ideas and positions that he has fought long and hard to build. He loves to control and in fact must do so in order to experience the karma of standing up for what he believes in despite opposition.
In some cases, he maintains all his life one position or idea that comes from some outstanding achievement in a past incarnation.

Retrograde Jupiter in the Eleventh House

Here the higher mind is stimulated by Aquarius' need for exploration. During Phase I of the retrograde process, the individual is very inquisitive and wants to try everything. He brings from the past the need to freely experience a variety of situations in order to expand his understanding of life. He may continue to search for the target he has been hunting for in past lives. He is often careless in detail. He may also spend a lot of time living dreams. However, he is an idealist who has an open-minded attitude towards life.
His goals often seem unattainable as he tries to think beyond human capabilities. This makes him extremely individualistic. He is unwilling to settle for anything less than what he knows is possible. And he rebels against everything that would tie him to traditional thinking.
He can achieve unusual honors among social groups if he is left to do things his own way. He brings with him into this life the karma of understanding the true nature of his dreams. In this sense, he can build full meaning reality by knowing the reasons for your goals, hopes and aspirations.
Of all the positions in the zodiac, this is the most freedom-oriented. The person lacks practicality and does not experience happiness in accepting the responsibilities associated with close relationships. But despite all this, his thirst for understanding is so great that he ultimately becomes one of those rare individuals who touches the truth of cosmic law.

Retrograde Jupiter in the twelfth house

Here the individual spends a lot of time on a spiritual quest to reach his inner essence. He often makes the mistake of thinking that other people can help him know himself better than he already knows. Indeed, it is easy for him to know his inner self, but often it can be so easy that he tries to use other planets in the chart, thinking that he must find some great secret beyond what he thinks he is able to understand. The wealth he achieves during his life is based on an inner self-confidence which, although not always connected with the outer world, gives him an unlimited understanding of his inner existence.
This is a very karmic position for Jupiter, as the individual will eventually learn to understand the truth of his past incarnations and thus the purpose of his present life.
He is sometimes too hard on himself and must learn to evaluate himself honestly through his higher mind if he wants to be in harmony with his soul.
This placement makes life very introspective as much time is spent in phase III of the retrograde process.
However, the inner wisdom that comes from unseen spiritual guidance permeates the entire lifestyle once a person is ready to draw from his inner wealth. Most time he cannot find words to express his knowledge. But he communicates very well on a telepathic level.

Planets in the 12th house appear instinctively and are not consciously realized. They manifest themselves most clearly in the first seven years of life; they form the unconscious interaction of the child with his parents and the surrounding social environment. In adulthood, they appear unexpectedly, often creating problems, primarily psychological. This is self-doubt, vulnerability and a willingness to retreat in the face of difficulties. However, it is the action of these planets that often leads a person into situations (dramatic, tragic or simply unpleasant) when he has no opportunity to retreat and he is simply forced to go through that area of ​​life experience that causes him fear, anxiety, and guilt.

Sun : secret enemies, insidious intrigues. Work in closed, secretive organizations, forced, violent labor. Slows down the development of success, weakens leadership talent. If a person occupies a leadership position, it happens behind the scenes. Success is achieved through perseverance and consistency, with the inhibitory activity of ill-wishers. He willingly takes care of himself and explores his subconscious. About a third of your life will be unhappy, but through your own efforts you will rise to success. He perceives old traditions as a painful necessity. There are many troubles in life, possible isolation, a monastery, prison, exile, hospitalization, travel to distant places, poor health, false accusations, death of a father, orphanhood. Interest in psychology and parapsychology. Mysterious, inexplicable adventures can happen to him. Occultism, magic, mysticism, astrology, traditional medicine, hypnosis, psychotherapy. He asserts himself by working in hospitals, shelters, and places of physical and spiritual solitude. Eccentricity, unusual tastes and inclinations.

When the Sun is affected, all this manifests itself with greater intensity. Neurasthenia, extreme shyness, misanthropy. Inharmonious Mars, Saturn or Uranus - there are many sorrows in life. Much depends on the sign in which the Sun is located: Aries - misfortunes due to people in power; Taurus - occult abilities, secret ill-wishers; Gemini - troubles due to relatives and/or on the road; Cancer - deep interest in the occult, danger from this; Leo - secret love affairs, troubles from the opposite sex; Virgo - interest in magic and parapsychology; Libra - painful separations, loss of honor and trust; Scorpio - influential enemies, long journeys, tragic end; Sagittarius - sadness from the death of loved ones, enemies; Capricorn - unhappy love, unsuccessful marriage; Aquarius - interest in the occult, danger from this, poor health; Pisces - a passion for spiritualism, secret ill-wishers. The sun in water signs means danger from water, in Libra or Aquarius the early death of a father or husband.

Harmonious Jupiter and/or Saturn - the ability to self-sacrifice, long-suffering.

Moon : Moods and reactions depend on the subconscious and early experiences. Sensitive, shy. There is no way to resist deep-seated irrational impulses. Often life seems hopeless to him, like night. He is strongly influenced by the environment and views it as a factor limiting his freedom. Sometimes he experiences an inexplicable feeling of loneliness. Tries to do more than he can. Attraction to the occult, spiritualism, all sorts of secret knowledge. A person can be the keeper of someone else's secret or his own, the disclosure of which could harm him. Good for a monk, hospital work, discreet work. Water signs and Sagittarius - a lot of travel. Scorpio and Capricorn - a tendency towards insincerity, tricks and deception.

Affected Moon - lack of firmness and strength of character, unhappy or painful childhood, weak offspring, trials in love and family life. Isolation and separation from ordinary life are possible (hospital, prison, forced labor). Inharmonious aspects of Mars, Saturn, Neptune or Uranus - chronic illness, anxiety, variability, hostility of women, secret enemies, eccentricities, danger to life, forced isolation from society, neurotic tendencies, sometimes requiring hospitalization, danger from hypnosis; Venus, Mars - strong craving for opposite sex, carelessness in love affairs, stupid actions on this basis; Jupiter - failures in litigation.

Harmonious Moon - success and advancement in theology, philosophy, occultism, work in closed institutions or associated with many mysteries and secrets.

Mercury (fall): subtle, intuitive mind, strong intuition, makes decisions without logical justification, emotionally. A huge volume of correspondence and many visitors, which greatly annoys him. Tendency to risk and dangerous secret adventures. Illnesses, accidents, hidden enemies, violence, coercion, loneliness, isolation, work in closed institutions, all kinds of secret activities. Spiritual problems. Problems due to chatter, intrigue, addiction, dubious combinations. Thinking under the influence of the subconscious. Extrasensory abilities, a penchant for mysticism, meditation, and the occult. Interest in secret sciences, art, music, psychology. Lack of self-confidence, inconsistency, impermanence. The tendency to hide one's true thoughts and feelings, shyness, and in defeat - hypocrisy. Self-absorption, avoidance of attachments. Adolescence is a painful and unhappy period.

Affected Mercury - misses favorable chances in life due to passivity and empty daydreaming, the likelihood of betrayal and anger. Speech defects, a lot of secret enmity, troubles from journalists, pedantry, pharisaism in religion. Danger from conspiracies, communication with criminals and immoral people. Tendency to neurotic reactions, mental illness, fixation on experiences of the past, difficult adaptation to the conditions of the surrounding social environment. Children have learning difficulties, read poorly, and write poorly.

Retrograde Mercury - delusional, foggy dreams, painful fantasy.

Harmonious Mercury - constructive thinking, mathematical abilities, efficiency and practical experience, contemplation, a penchant for studying mysterious phenomena.

Venus (elevation): Venus smoothes out many negatives of the 12th house, especially if it is not damaged - it protects from dangers, accidents, and organizes a successful combination of circumstances. The person sympathizes with those in difficult situations and secretly does charity work. Behavior is based on the influence of the subconscious, from which the artist can draw inspiration. Withdrawal, closed feelings, vulnerability, shyness, which can lead to loneliness, disappointment in love, and uncertainty. Love often involves trials and tribulations, or is secretly romantic. Possible love for an elderly person, marriage with him, childlessness, unusual attractions. Often early marriage. Success is likely in liberal professions, art, literature, medicine, chemistry, in secret and secret affairs, in the sphere of service and entertainment. Experiences pleasure (but nothing more) from studying astrology, the occult, a penchant for mysticism, meditation, interest in everything otherworldly, etc.

Affected Venus - everything connected with love and the opposite sex threatens trouble: secret love affairs, immorality, prostitution, blind passion and jealousy, an unhappy marriage, and can become a victim of betrayal and deception. Saturn - separation or divorce.

Retrograde Venus - interest in history, memory of deceased relatives. Inhibits emotional manifestations and makes it difficult to assimilate life experience.

Harmonious Venus is a happy, selfless love that fills life with new content.

Mars : a person’s whole life is struggle, battles, clashes, encounters with hostile forces, opposition to the existing order of things. Difficulties begin at a young age. Vivid feelings prevail over the mind, the person is unbalanced and inclined to solve his problems by force. Unconscious inner strength, self-confidence, courage, unconscious aggressiveness, thirst for destruction, hot temper, impulsiveness. He is poorly aware of his shortcomings and failures, does not indulge in vain regrets, and thereby brings danger to himself. Characterized by a combination of activity and uncertainty. He has the right plans and intentions, but is in no hurry to implement them, actively integrates into the team, but doubts the correctness of his actions, which causes irritation among others. Activities are often accompanied by troubles due to subordinates, secret hostility, and the danger of false accusations. Danger from experiments with the psyche, seances, hypnosis. Health problems, physical disabilities, exposure to accidents and injuries.

Affected Mars means painful irritability, troubles in the family, loss of freedom, danger of prison, slander, intrigue, anonymous letters, troubles from one’s own rashness, impetuosity. Possible death in hospital, prison or public place. Inharmonious Luminaries - the possibility of suicide, violent death, murder. Sun - danger of murder, trouble for the father; Moon, Venus - the same, but for the mother; Jupiter - unlucky litigation, financial collapse, poverty, quarrels, confrontations, scandals; Saturn - prison, hospital, concentration camp, severe chronic illness, threat from thieves and robbers; Uranus and Pluto - unseemly acts, deceptions, unusual events and illnesses, murder or suicide; Neptune is the danger of deception, self-deception, fraud.

Retrograde Mars - the possibility of alcoholism, drug poisoning, poor health due to poor lifestyle.

Harmonious Mars - a lot of travel, sea travel, a penchant for humanitarian work, likes to work alone, does not have the habit of putting off current affairs.

Jupiter (Co-ruler): Alleviates the malefic manifestations of the 12th house. Man is the architect of his own happiness. He is able to overcome all difficulties and can succeed due to his strengths. Modest, charming, has personal appeal. He knows his weaknesses well and is capable of self-improvement. He likes to work in silence, prefers solitude; solitude gives him the opportunity to avoid the temptations and bustle of everyday life. Inclined to sympathy and compassion, has respect for sacred and ancient beliefs, and is successful in the study of occult sciences. He knows how to turn enemies into friends, even against their will, and extract direct or indirect benefits from them. He is inclined to experiment in the spiritual field, trying to get to the bottom of the truth through meditation and self-knowledge. Able to come into contact with mystical reality, with global experience. Noticeable success is likely towards the middle or end of life, and even with afflicted Jupiter in difficult times, secret help from good friends is possible. He is prone to deep empathy and charity; helping people brings him satisfaction. Doctors, medical staff and hospital employees, priests, government officials, work in the secret secret service, abroad, in politics, religion, philosophy, literature, music, ballet.

Retrograde Jupiter - wastefulness, spiritual underdevelopment, rigidity, lack of responsiveness and compassion.

Harmonious Jupiter - secret help from friends, guardians, sponsors, philanthropists, marriage or business partners. A feeling of mysterious patronage, powerful protection.

Saturn : a lot of unreasonable fears and concerns, sadness, painful experiences. Asceticism, chastity, restraint, distrust, timidity, which interferes with life. Dishonorable secret vengeful enemies. Betrayal and deception, inability to recognize friends and enemies, a feeling of misunderstanding and abandonment. Closed, loves solitude, tends to be a recluse. Often - a sad life with loss of freedom and independence (prison, concentration camp, monastery, exile, emigration, chronic illnesses that are bedridden). There is a lot of resistance and rivalry in life, and litigation with neighbors and loved ones is likely.

Affected Saturn - fanaticism, exile, false accusations, intrigue, hostility from others, quarrels in the family, deteriorating health, depression, chronic illness, threat to safety, danger in travel. Inharmonious Sun, Moon - torment because of a loved one, a hard life, an exhausting struggle for existence, a tendency to melancholy, a bad prognosis for one of the parents; Mercury - the possibility of nervous shock, mental disorder, hypochondria, loss from theft; Venus - perversity, alcoholism, drug addiction, prostitution, immoral lifestyle; Mars - danger of robbery, suicide; Uranus - damage to reputation, loss of respect, personality degradation, shame, hostility from superiors, envy and jealousy of the environment, the possibility of robbery; Neptune - mental disorder, evil eye, damage.

Harmonious Saturn - strong will and victory over all difficulties. Greed and passion for secret accumulation are possible.

Uranus : many surprises and grimaces of fate. Has strong intuition, but does not pay enough attention to receiving good education. Inventive, has the ability to get people out of difficult situations, but tends to avoid responsibility for his actions. Strives to work in unusual areas, suitable for work in the field of medicine, in scientific fields, in large teams. Willingly inspires others to discover and use their talents and expects the same from others. He has psychic abilities and may have some unique abilities, but often as his talent is revealed, his financial situation worsens. Careless. Tends to help people who are at a lower level of development compared to him. There is a high probability of heart rhythm disturbances, accidents on the roads, especially in foreign lands, and increased aggression. Many secret enemies, jealousy, envy, a penchant for the occult, magic, participation in secret organizations, Masonic lodges, loss of secret and secret things. Strong Uranus gives clairvoyance and intuition.

Affected Uranus - gossip, slander, fateful hostility, including in one’s own family, mediumship, hallucinations, neurotic reactions. Inharmonious Sun - influential enemies, a lot of anxiety and excitement, sudden changes; Mercury - asthma; Mars - a person in life deals with people prone to violence: anarchists, rebels, robbers, thieves, swindlers; risk of violent death or death in prison; unusual illnesses, seizures; Saturn - enemies, full of envy, jealousy, capable of anything; possibility of robbery, deception, theft.

Harmonious Uranus - abilities in mechanics, electrical engineering, cybernetics, interest in social problems, encourages unpublicized work for humanitarian and scientific purposes.

Neptune (ruler): Its influence is difficult to foresee and impossible to defend against. A person is full of good intentions, but forgets to put them into practice. Rich imagination, a tendency to daydream, a tendency to waste time on empty daydreams and not develop your talents. Capable of helping others and strives to make the best impression on others. Very gullible, easily susceptible to suggestion, can take the wrong path, for example, be tempted by profits from underground trade, from secret and untrustworthy affairs. Too much imagination prevents you from looking at yourself from the outside. Subject to strange and unusual mental experiences, encounters opposition and difficulties that occur for inexplicable reasons. Some unusual cases that are dangerous to health are possible. Tendency to loneliness, interest in mysticism, everything otherworldly. Honors the memory of the dead. Sympathizes with the suffering of others, but can do little to really help. Lives in constant internal tension, often without cause, which leads to sleep disorders. He likes to feel sorry for himself, convinced that his efforts will lead nowhere. But if those around him support and approve, he works with full dedication.

Affected Neptune - accidents, evil eye, damage, loss of personal freedom, autonomy, independence, secret enmity, deceit, betrayal, losses in speculation, dishonesty in negotiations and agreements, intrigue and forgery of documents. Inharmonious Mars is a danger of surgical intervention. The partner (business or marital) has physical disabilities (crippled, disabled).

Harmonious Neptune - benefit due to secret affairs that even those closest to you do not know about, profit from scientific and creative work, intellectual activity, business, pedagogy, lectures, trips. A penchant for the humanities and history (with Neptune retrograde). Successful for all secret and secret endeavors, for working as a detective, secret agent; for the occult and all kinds of secret sciences. Social activity well remunerated, relationships with superiors and influential officials are good. The environment selects according to at will, thanks to his intuition and foresight. Phenomenal and extrasensory abilities appear.

Pluto : If there are no harmonious aspects, then a quarrelsome character, accidents, incurable diseases, robberies, intrigues, imprisonment. Death and loss play a big role in his life. The spiritual side is of particular importance. He feels like a slave to fate and circumstances, which encourages him to engage in spiritual and social issues. Deep in self-analysis, prayer and reflection, capable of deep meditation. Feels the need to understand the content of his subconscious and decipher it. Interest in psychology, occultism, astrology, magic, palmistry, etc. In his desire for self-purification (transformation), he can go to extremes, resorting to the most harsh and violent methods - both in relation to himself and to others. Can easily become a fanatic. He has to struggle with his character, with fits of rage, which he tries to hide. He is able to show constancy and will in achieving his goals, and to use force against those who try to oppose him. He knows how to insist that he is right, even if he is wrong. Willingly helps others, using all his capabilities. Strives for work that gives power, but acts secretly. In the struggle for power, I am ready to meet with strong opponent. A career is possible in the field of finance, medical research, in a free profession, when working in a closed institution, in intelligence; in art, artistic craft. Participation in secret societies, secret love is possible. Distrustful, often doubts the sincerity of other people, especially politicians and public figures, and he himself is insincere. He tries to give his children opportunities that he himself did not have.

Affected Pluto - many trials, dark enmity, dangers, the possibility of forced isolation, hospitalization for mental disorders, neurotic reactions, the danger of contacts with destructive mental forces. Danger from any things that affect the border areas of the psyche - spiritualistic seances, drugs, prayer ecstasies. Voluntary seclusion is possible. Inharmonious Mars, Saturn or Uranus can take the path of crime, treason, betrayal. Suicidal tendencies.

Harmonious Pluto - developed intuition, the ability of clairvoyance, telepathy.

Volume 5. Planetology, part II. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter Vronsky Sergey Alekseevich

4.4.1. Retrograde Jupiter in zodiac signs

Retrograde Jupiter in Aries

In a past life, a person lived only for bodily pleasures - food and drink, sexual entertainment. He was too straightforward, often exceeded his authority, and did not take into account others. Now he will have to listen to the opinions of other people, reduce his vanity and ambition, give up prejudice and bias, and from too harsh criticism of others. And also to moderate your lust for power and look with love at the soul of another person, try to understand it, and, if necessary, help those who need help. If in a past life an individual was a slave owner, then in his present life he will have to serve others.

Retrograde Jupiter in Taurus

Most likely, in a past life the individual was a very rich person - a banker, industrialist or large slave owner, who, apart from money and material values, was not interested in anything else. With money he bought not only labor, but also their honor and obedience. Karma requires you to reconsider the experience of the past and continue your life path in a different way. The best way to atone for Karma - to devote one’s life to serving the beautiful, that which affects the human soul and his spirit. And one should serve others not for the sake of money, but for the sake of service itself. It is also necessary to moderate your vanity and cultivate simplicity and honesty in your relationships with others.

Retrograde Jupiter in Gemini

In a past life, the individual did not have his own views and his own beliefs, he listened to others and, without any analysis of the information, passed it on, without the slightest hesitation adding his own jokes to it. Now, in order to soften your Karma, you will have to pass all the information received through the filter of consciousness and give up unnecessary chatter. We must learn patience, learn to distinguish truth from lies and convey only true information.

Retrograde Jupiter in Cancer

In a past life, a person lived in his fantasies, was too emotional and put only his feelings and experiences at the forefront. His soul was tormented by contradictions that he could not understand. Now you have to take into account not only your emotions and experiences, but also the desires and moods of other people, give up illusions, euphoria and live a more practical and objective life. And also to become more objective, to descend from the pink clouds to our sinful earth and look the truth straight in the eye.

Retrograde Jupiter in Leo

In a past life, a person was painfully proud, arrogant, did not recognize anyone or anything, only himself, looked at everything from his bell tower. Now we will have to take into account others, be more lenient, more honest, decent, noble and generous, more humane and fair, listen to the opinions of other people, defend the rights of the offended and oppressed, help the unfortunate, sick and weak not only morally, but, if possible , and financially. It is necessary to become an example for others, but without showing off.

Retrograde Jupiter in Virgo

Like an echo of a past life, in the deep layers of the soul there lives an internal conflict between the desire to achieve a high spiritual level, on the one hand, and the desire for material values, on the other. Here, the expansion of Jupiter receives a strong rebuff from the cold, sober, reasonable and calculating Virgo, or, as people say, “found a scythe on a stone.” To mitigate Karma, one should abandon unrealistic and unviable ideas and devote one’s energies to the implementation of clearer goals. Honesty, justice, humanism, philanthropy should be put at the forefront, and self-centeredness and greed should be eliminated forever.

Retrograde Jupiter in Libra

In a past life, the individual paid little attention to what was happening around him, how his friends and partners behaved. He himself was often the instigator of quarrels and conflict situations. Now my friend will have to live differently. We must learn to avoid rough edges, smooth out conflicts, and reconcile those at war. A sense of justice, a calm approach to business and religious feelings can help with this.

Retrograde Jupiter in Scorpio

In a past life, a person was either a Don Juan, or a courtesan, or a person who sought to satisfy only his own needs. This man did not take into account anyone or anything; he lacked such concepts as honor and conscience. What was not given to him for free, he took by force. This Karma is heavy and can only be mitigated. For this, the individual will have to be reborn morally and spiritual sense. He will have to wage a fierce struggle against his own negative character traits and, especially, against insatiability in the sexual sphere. He must give up his immoral lifestyle and help others avoid this path. In this life, he needs to become an example for others, find himself a faithful and devoted like-minded friend - a partner, and, joining his efforts with him, fight against everything base.

Retrograde Jupiter in Sagittarius

In a past life, the individual had to travel a lot. He acquired great knowledge in foreign countries, learned traditions different countries and peoples, wiser, wiser, but, on the other hand, tired of it. Now he can do without anyone’s help; the life experience and knowledge he has gained will be enough for him. He should not keep this knowledge and experience to himself, he must share it with others, bring the light of truth to the world.

Retrograde Jupiter in Capricorn

In a past life, the spiritual needs of the individual were drowned out by materialistic aspirations. All his strength and energy were devoted to the acquisition of land and real estate. This person may have in the past owned a large estate, large herds of cattle and flocks of sheep. He had many employees or subordinates. Now the expansiveness of Jupiter must be combined with the best qualities of the sign of Capricorn: hard work, philanthropy, self-control, self-control and humanism. To mitigate Karma, one should engage in science and research work, construction and improving the lives of other people.

Retrograde Jupiter in Aquarius

In a past life, this individual led a bourgeois lifestyle and avoided everything that could disturb his peace of mind. For the sake of this, he could make any concessions, any compromise and adapt to everyone and everything. However, he was still haunted by failures and disappointments, the echo of his past life in his current incarnation still continues to haunt and torment him. The experience of his past life showed his inadequacy, so now he needs to become a different person, he will have to make up for lost time. He needs to fight for human rights and against any manifestation of lies, coercion, tyranny, for human rights. It is necessary to find a faithful and devoted partner and implement your inventions and original ideas, without giving up spiritual and physical freedom.

Retrograde Jupiter in Pisces

In a past life, the individual was too self-confident and arrogant, too independent and independent. He could be a missionary in some distant land or a sea pirate who kept everyone in fear. He could be a philosopher or a false prophet, sowing confusion in the minds of his listeners. He was bold and brave, did not recognize anyone and did not obey anyone, in the end he messed up so much that in his present life he will only be able to soften Karma. Now we have to realize that the power of violence cannot bring anything good, so it is necessary to replace anger with mercy. Now an individual needs to engage in charitable activities, helping the sick and unfortunate, wherever they are - in hospitals, nursing homes, boarding schools, prisons, etc. Now Karma can only be mitigated by kindness and benevolence. It is difficult to do this alone, so it is necessary to cooperate with strong partners who you can rely on in difficult times of life and whom you can trust.

From the book Volume 4. Planetology, part I. Sun and Moon author Vronsky Sergey Alekseevich

2.2. THE SUN IN THE ZODIAC SIGNS Just as a ray, passing through a prism, decomposes into all the colors of the rainbow, unlike each other, so the Sun, passing through the 12 signs of the Zodiac in the horoscope, each has its own specific, unique influence on a person and his destiny. Position

From the book Volume 3. Domology author Vronsky Sergey Alekseevich

2.10.8. Planets in Zodiac Signs In the sign of Aries. An ideological fighter. Pioneer discoverer. Leading in some new direction. In the sign of Taurus. Businessmen, Merchants. Service staff. Work related to agriculture and real estate. In the sign of Gemini. Writers,

From the book Volume 6. Planetology, part III. Saturn, Uranus, Neptune author Vronsky Sergey Alekseevich

1.4.1. Retrograde Saturn in the signs of the Zodiac Retrograde Saturn in the sign of AriesIn a past life, the individual experienced difficult times of struggle both with his negative character traits and with various competitors, opponents and enemies, and this struggle was almost always waged

From the book Volume 5. Planetology, part II. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter author Vronsky Sergey Alekseevich

2.4.1. Retrograde Uranus in the signs of the Zodiac Retrograde Uranus in the sign of Aries This is a free bird, he is not short of courage and bravery. He cannot and will not obey anyone except his conscience. Such a person rebels against anyone he doesn’t like and against everything he doesn’t like.

From the book Volume 7. Planetology, part IV. Pluto, Chiron, Proserpine, Lunar Nodes, Lilith and Lulu author Vronsky Sergey Alekseevich

3.4.1. Retrograde Neptune in the signs of the Zodiac Retrograde Neptune in the sign of Aries Gives military ideology, lust for power, aggressiveness, forces you to dissociate yourself from illusions and hallucinations, to part with self-deception and the deception of other people. Here Karma requires a sober and

From the book What the Moon Is Silent About author Globa Pavel Pavlovich

1.2. MERCURY IN THE SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC 1.2.1. Mercury in Aries Here Mercury creates an extroverted intuitive type, a keen sense of everything that sprouts and promises the future. Mercury in Aries directs a person to search for new truths, gives a love of disputes, discussions, and arguments.

From the author's book

1.4.1. Retrograde Mercury in the signs of the Zodiac Retrograde Mercury in the sign of Aries Here, retrograde Mercury indicates that in a past life this individual was engaged in dishonest work, acted with dishonest methods, and violated all norms of ethics and morality. In this life,

From the author's book

3.4.1. Retrograde Mars in the zodiac signs Retrograde Mars in the sign of Aries A strong sense of secrecy, bias, uncertainty, distrust, aggressiveness, a tendency to violence towards loved ones and in relationships with others - all this is an echo of a past life. Karma

From the author's book

4.2. JUPITER IN THE SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC 4.2.1. Jupiter in the sign of Aries The strongest position of Jupiter in Aries is in the first half of the sign. People with such Jupiter are full of energy and are ready to take action at any moment. They have idealistic ideas about justice and

From the author's book

4.4.2. Retrograde Jupiter in the fields of the horoscope Retrograde Jupiter in the first field In a past life, the individual was under the strong influence of the negative character traits of Jupiterian nature. He did not recognize the laws of the existing political system and opposed traditions

From the author's book

1.2. PLUTO IN THE ZODIAC SIGNS 1.2.1. Pluto in the sign of ARIES (1823 - 1851) Pluto in the sign of Aries gives strong ambition, lust for power, aggressiveness, revolutionary spirit and a desire for contradiction and confrontation. Here he helps to overcome any obstacles, any obstacles, achieve

From the author's book

1.4.1. Retrograde Pluto in the zodiac signs Retrograde Pluto in the sign of AriesRetrograde Pluto in the sign of Aries indicates that in a past life the individual used his strength, energy and power to achieve his selfish and selfish goals. He was a real tyrant

From the author's book

2.1. CHIRON IN THE ZODIAC SIGNS 2.1.1. Chiron in the sign of ARIES 1st decanate: 0° – 10° At the beginning of the sign of Aries, Chiron gives its wards a bright individuality, ambition, warmth, tenderness and softness of soul, on the one hand, and firmness and steadfastness, on the other. Clearly visible

From the author's book

5.2. LILITH IN THE ZODIAC SIGNS Lilith in the sign of Aries Strengthens sensuality and craving for the opposite sex, on the one hand, and aggressiveness, a tendency to coercion and violence, on the other. Often future criminal actions are projected in the subconscious long before implementation. This

From the author's book

THE MOON IN THE SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC Now let's look at what qualities the Moon, located in different signs of the Zodiac, gives to a person. The Moon is in Aries. Martian Moon. Gives subconscious determination, impulsiveness, sharp, acute perception, idealism, hot temper, passion,

From the author's book

NODES IN THE ZODIAC SIGNS In this chapter we will look at what the location of the lunar nodes in various zodiac signs at the time of birth indicates.

12/02/2010 | Visitors: 109299

Article by Lynn Koiner. Retrogrades in the Natal Horoscope.

All planets, with the exception of the Sun and Moon, have a retrograde period. Retrograde motion is when a planet moves in the opposite direction when viewed from earth. When you see Venus/Mercury rising before the Sun, it means they are moving in retrograde motion. Mercury begins its retrograde phase when it outpaces the Sun by about 14 degrees, and Venus by about 30 degrees. Mercury is retrograde for 3 weeks 3 times a year, and Venus is retrograde for 19 months. Other planets only go retrograde when they are in opposition to the Sun. IN natal chart any planet in opposition to the Sun will always be retrograde. The Sun can also form trines to retrograde planets.

* Mars is in retrograde motion for a little less than 2.5 months over the course of two years;

* Jupiter and Pluto are retrograde every year;

* Jupiter is retrograde for 4 months;

* Saturn and Pluto are retrograde for 5 months;

When a planet is retrograde, it acts differently. Often, this is the time when something needs to be changed, or the beginning of internal, psychological work, in order to express it externally in the future (the results of this work).

Mercury retrograde

When Mercury is retrograde, thought processes are more introverted and deep. Before implementing personal affairs externally, they must be well thought out. This means that if you want to discuss something (of a personal nature) with a person who has such a signature in his natal chart, then you must first warn him about it. If you want an immediate answer from this person, then you will not get an honest answer; he needs time to think everything through carefully.

They need a lot of time in order to correctly understand the question and formulate their thoughts (consistently, so that there are no pitfalls), they are afraid of not taking something into account, of making a mistake if they were not prepared in advance.

They prefer not to make hasty conclusions.

They can easily discuss topics that do not affect them (themselves) internal state. Since this has already been understood/thought about before...

When they are asked personal questions, they feel: “wait, we need to think about this, look at it from different angles.”

They have good perception because they know how to feel things deeply. Their perceptions (perceptions) are very individual.

They prefer analysis by thinking (“what if?”, “what if so?”, “and if this is not true, then maybe...”). In truly complex matters, they are rarely superficial; they tend to analyze, double-check, and do until they feel inner satisfaction.

They strive for absolute knowledge in order to be confident in words like: “always” or “never.”

Many people feel that they have never spoken like a child, that is, thoughtlessly.

Their mental activity tends to be clearer, deeper and more subjective. They may be prone to “day-dream” (during the day, their consciousness is directed inward, they may seem to be distracted and do not care what is happening in the outside world). This is especially true if Mercury is in cadent houses (3, 6, 9, 12); this is even more pronounced if there is an aspect with Neptune, it goes into its own world.

Position in 3-6-12 houses can lead to dyslexia, attention deficit disorder, cognitive disorders. One child was deaf in one ear, and he tried to compensate by eavesdropping often (to make sure that his hearing would remain intact while they were not listening).

This is the signature of a scientific thinker. Many astronauts have had Mercury retrograde.

Speed ​​of Mercury

The speed of Mercury indicates at what speed a person will process (understand) information efficiently. One of my friends Mercury was very fast (moving at a speed of 2 degrees per day), he thought very quickly and clearly. She had the rare gift of thinking quickly with less time available for reflection.

Born with Mercury retrograde, take longer to process information, but their problem solving is more insightful and wise.

I ANSWER: “I have learned that when something is quickly presented, I say: “I need time to think.”

Mercury in the 2nd house can be a speculator or a shopaholic.

Mercury in 3rd/4th house

Needs calm in order to think correctly. This often applies to Venus R in these houses. They have a problem with concentration when they are distracted by something at home (“well, when will she arrive? I’m worried,” “what’s wrong with her? 0_o suddenly she: (! but I need to finish my diploma today, I can’t! I’m worried about her").

Mercury in the 3rd house

Tendency to explore, but they can only do this when they are calm. They can be slow because they need to have all the facts to begin with (ie, understand the basics).

Mercury in the 5th house

They may think more than create, but this is a matter of time. They are often good teachers. They are successful in games that require enormous concentration.

Mercury in the 6th house

Here we meet someone who is highly skilled in their work, they may take a lot of time to collect all the facts, otherwise they do not feel solid ground under their feet.

Mercury in the 7th house

Experiences difficulties in forming their opinion about marriage, they can get married at lightning speed and then change their mind. They often have problems understanding each other with their partner.

Mercury in the 8th house

Ideal for exploring 8th house themes.

Mercury in the 9th house

They may be ardent information collectors, constantly worrying that they cannot gather all the necessary information to form a coherent image. Any planet in the 9th house can serve as an indicator that there is interference with learning; something always interferes or distracts. Often, breaks in study.

Mercury in the 12th house

Excellent in psychological research. My friend works as a therapist in prison. She says that she has a lot of irrational thoughts, which she raises with great difficulty to awareness; there is constant chaos in her thoughts. She doesn't show others how bad she feels. They (in general) may have trouble sleeping.

Venus retrograde

Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven.

An innate feeling of lack of ability to love, which was brought from a past life (and what was not brought from the past? :D). Sometimes, they feel that in childhood there were no manifestations of love for them (manifestations of love could have been for them, they probably simply were not understood). This is a real karmic pattern brought from the past. They have a feeling that they are: unlovable, unworthy, they learn to appreciate what others often overlook. This may motivate them to philanthropic actions, or they may only attract those people who they (with R Venus) believe are much better than them.

They have great potential for manifesting selfless goals.

Several years ago I looked at the horoscopes of the great saviors who participated in the Second World War. Many of them feel that others are much more valuable than themselves, that is, others are much more important than me (the owner of R Venus), they risked their lives to help the Jews escape from the Nazis.

My neighbor has Venus retrograde in the 9th house and has never been interested in having a lot of money. In his life he often communicated with spiritual teachers. Currently he has gone to China and is teaching English there. I see a pattern that people with this signature go to less developed countries to educate the population English language. They do not earn much money from their work, because they, first of all, feel that the main thing is to help others, not themselves.

Emotional frozenness is possible due to fear of rejection.

They are often very worried about the fact that they don’t succeed like everyone else, they don’t like what the majority loves and appreciates, because of this they are often misunderstood, and they are forced to spend their lives alone.

Let me give you an example: One woman was overweight, but very attractive, her mother knew that she would never become a beauty queen. She always felt that she was not loved because she appearance was not one her mother would have liked. The rest spoke of her as a very beautiful and attractive woman. As her Venus progressed and became directive, she accepted herself for who she was and began to appreciate beauty based on her opinion.

Sometimes they feel that they are not worthy of attention.

They can be asocial, they feel more comfortable in one-on-one interactions, they do not need the public to look at them and admire them. They do not like superficial relationships with people. They are “not sociable guys.”

Reply to comment: “I have always had problems with my peers. I grew up early, early in life, after my mother died.” She talks about learning compassion and understanding of other people. However, I noticed that she allowed men to take advantage of her. She is afraid to say no to people because she is afraid of offending them. Now she lives alone. These people have a deep resentment towards arrogant people.

CHANGING MOVEMENT R TO D: Sandra Leigh-Serio gave a lecture on this topic. She noticed that when Venus changes its pattern of movement (a rare occurrence), it has a huge impact on the overall feeling of intimacy.

Venus in the 2nd

Inner insecurity can make these people crave financial security. They may marry for money, but this is only to avoid this feeling.

EXAMPLE: One woman with Venus retrograde in Aquarius in the 2nd house was a prostitute who fell in love with her clients and served them for free. She complained that she didn't have enough money. But, she still wanted to have some money and a small property, so as not to feel like a nobody.

Another person with Venus retrograde in the 2nd house in Aquarius loved to give gifts to other people so that they would appreciate him...he was a very loving person.

Venus in 3rd/4th house

They need peace and tranquility in their environment. They do not want to quarrel, argue, or establish themselves in their environment.

Venus in the 6th house

May underestimate himself and his work. Some people, when doing their work, may be very worried about the results, because... they didn't do it exactly the way they wanted. Often, they do not charge money for their work.

Venus in the 7th house

Suggests you like reserved/taciturn/modest/"those you'd like to reveal." They will not demand anything from their partner, and are ready to accept him as he is.

Venus in the 9th house

Often they are married to someone who is socially marginal in some sense. This can give them a feeling of superiority. Delays in education - they may let others pass ahead of themselves, they may be afraid to express their opinions, they may get carried away with helping their friends/acquaintances and completely forget about their assignments.

Venus in the 10th house

Their timidity is noticeable to everyone. They allow the boss to dominate, they are afraid to contradict.

Venus in the 11th house

They can easily make sacrifices for the sake of the group.

Venus in the 12th

Contains the meaning of Venus retrograde in general. She has a lot of emotional experiences, she can sacrifice everything for the sake of others, because she does not love herself, she underestimates herself. They can help poor people. Their values ​​are different from the generally accepted ones. Happiness comes when they realize why they chose this path, when they realize it. They feel they don't deserve to ask anyone for help.

Retrograde Mars

Mars rules our endeavors, shows how we take initiative, and also how we express anger.

When I see Mars retrograde in a natal chart, it often means that the person comes from a family in which no one knew how to express and manage anger.

Reactions, aggressive actions of retrograde Mars manifest themselves internally in some way. At first glance, everything seems calm, but a volcano may be raging inside. In other cases, anger is expressed completely inappropriately, the person may shake, etc. And perhaps he will constantly look askance, in a passive-aggressive state.

These people don't know how to express their indignation.

That house where Mars is retrograde is where you gurgle (keep your anger inside) and BANG! – a sharp release occurs. They keep their anger inside and have serious problems letting it out.

They are uncomfortable in competitive competitions, preferring to work alone or in secondary roles (this can manifest itself through the encouragement and support of others...for example, as a coach).

EXAMPLE: A client with retrograde Mars in Libra has difficulty dismissing employees. As the owner of a successful business, she hired an aggressive woman who loves to fire...that's her job.

Internal anger can lead to psycho-somatic disorders, such as depression. These people are often susceptible minor troubles, which is called “33 misfortunes” or “someone who gets into all sorts of accidents more often than others.”


* in situations where there is aggression, I keep my mouth shut and tell myself “I am calm”;

* As a rule, drunk people rarely show their anger. When the drunk stops drinking, their real anger becomes apparent;

* self-destruction, as well as great severity towards oneself;

* they often complain, but do not often rush to solve these problems;

* they suppress their anger until it becomes invisible outwardly (as long as others do not see it);

* her father was an alcoholic and a rude person, but she learned to talk to him in such a way as not to add coal to the stove;

* these people suppress their anger well, but also their ambitions. One woman said “we struggle with this all our lives”;

TRANSITION OF MARS FROM R TO D: My husband has Mars retrograde in his natal chart, and five other planets retrograde. When his progressed Mars began moving direct, he stopped drinking, participated in “12-step recovery,” got divorced, and began studying Poekelan (an Indonesian martial art).

Mars in the 2nd house

There is sabotage (deliberately disrupting an event) - a pattern with anger - he can work hard, save money, and one day get angry with his wife, collect all his money and buy a Porsche... after that, he will calm down again and start saving money .

Mars in 3rd/4th house

He tries to get along with his family, and then, BANG! He hasn't spoken to them for two years. In the 3rd house, a person's behavior at school can change dramatically from a good boy to a bandit.

Mars in the 5th house

Great for motivating other people to be creative. Dancing or helps them realize their energies.

Mars in the 12th house

Frequent frustrations and passive-aggressive behavior that others notice, but not them. Very good position to help the disadvantaged.

Retrograde Jupiter

Some manifestations of retrograde planets are quite good, retrograde Jupiter is a good confirmation of this. When Jupiter is direct, there is harmony with the outside world. The energy of its manifestation is that which is acceptable to the majority.

When Jupiter is retrograde, if you have materialistic goals, you will find that when you achieve them, you do not feel satisfied, and the more you achieve externally, the more dissatisfied you will feel.

They can search for a long time, but as long as they look inside themselves, they understand that there is nothing here that will help them calm down.

There is always doubt inside. They are always in search of giving their lives spiritual, philosophical meaning.

Jupiter is direct in my natal chart, I always collect knowledge and information. But if my Jupiter was retrograde, then I needed something that would enrich me internally and give me a true understanding of life.

Retrograde Jupiter looks deep, it looks beyond external manifestations. I often tell students: “where a retrograde Jupiter is present in a person’s natal chart, there the person can revive something that previously seemed dead or forgotten (by everyone, including).”

Jupiter plays a big role in accepting/receiving approval. Retrograde Jupiter is very selective in these matters. One person with Jupiter retrograde said, “Everyone in my family was happy that I looked good externally (socially), but I was always dissatisfied.” He believes that this is deception, happiness, first of all, is inside.

Retrograde Jupiter in 2nd-6th-8th houses

Has a natural healing ability, but they don't always work in places where they heal physically. Earth signs and Scorpio have natural healing abilities. Their ability to heal includes: animals, nature, and others (updating and repairing antiques, especially if Jupiter is located in the 2nd or 4th house). They have the natural ability to bring something back to life.

Retrograde Jupiter in the 1st house

Very strong in speaking on spiritual, philosophical and psychological topics. They don't strive for financial stability, career, they do not want to be the center of attention. They may actually neglect physical existence because they are susceptible to higher vibrations. They must avoid intellectual speculation (get off the ground). Rob Hand has retrograde Jupiter in Cancer and is a lover of ancient philosophies, even though they may be impractical.

One of my acquaintances with retrograde Jupiter in the first house in Sagittarius says: “Sometimes I feel like a broken trough, because, in family life, we do not see the higher meaning (spiritual) in everyday worries.”

Retrograde Jupiter in 3rd/4th houses

They have the ability and willingness to build relationships between people. EXAMPLE One person made friends with all his neighbors and introduced them to each other, now they live amicably.

Retrograde Jupiter is always trying to go back and reconnect (some kind of re-ligio).

They have the ability to renovate, restore homes and buildings - they have a natural need to breathe life into the forgotten/broken/dead.

Jupiter in the 5th house

I saw their great persistence in wanting to understand children and help them. IN love relationships they have a stash and stay in shape for a long time.

Jupiter in the 7th house

A person needs a partner of a philosophical, spiritual nature. When a relationship seems to be falling apart, they can restore it to a state that is better than it was before the relationship went wrong. They have the ability to combine marital responsibilities in marriage, as well as constantly replenish the energy of marriage so that it does not become a burden. They also have the ability to resurrect broken hearts.

GEISLER: For example, Jupiter Retrograde in Cancer ruling the 7th house - spouses can have their own views on many things, and at the same time, they do not need to show them to others. There may be problems with the home; perhaps the spouses will feel like strangers in the country in which they live. They may move frequently. The spouse may be on business trips in distant countries (for example, India).

Jupiter in the 9th house

People don't know what to believe, they are always searching. They may get carried away by religions, philosophies, and then realize that this cannot provide all the answers to their questions. There are a lot of doubts about their worldview, religion, they feel the foundation is unsteady, especially when a dark streak begins in their life. Often such people find salvation in true turning within... holotropic breathing, yoga, autogenic training, self-hypnosis, astrology...

They often (constantly) correct their worldview to a higher, more moral one. One person could not finish high school.

Jupiter in the 10th house

Often means that a person will receive more than one higher education.

Retrograde Saturn

Saturn symbolizes the rules and regulations that you dealt with at an early age. The sign shows the quality of the cultural influence on the individual.

FOR EXAMPLE: D/R Saturn in Sagittarius may mean that in childhood you were not given adequate answers (so that you really understood) to your answers, but were offered faith, and you yourself believed in something you don’t understand! Not knowing why.

When Saturn is retrograde, you definitely (completely) don't understand what these rules are for, why they are the way they are, and how responsible you should be. Often such people are very responsible, for example, one of my friends, when he performs rectification, he writes his thoughts in such detail that even a person who is superficially familiar with it can understand his thoughts correctly.

Within the framework of responsibility, you may be prone to extremes: either everything is down to the centimeter, or absolutely sloppy. Often you are dissatisfied with yourself, believing that you rest more than others, while others are constantly improving at this time.

Often they do not know what they can and cannot do.

Where you find Saturn retrograde, it is difficult for a person to say “NO”, to define limits, boundaries. They do not understand boundaries (where are these boundaries?!), have difficulty establishing boundaries in the relationships of others to them, as well as the relationship of self to others. (Can I ask him about this?! And if he says: “I rolled my lip?” But, I always help him! And although, it’s always like that for me).

Retrograde Saturn knows no boundaries (to be understood generally and abstractly).

Sometimes they tend to limit themselves, and sometimes they tend to forget about boundaries...and do what they want! They have no boundaries (transcendentality) - this is a real problem (?) when Neptune or the Pisces channel is strong. One person admitted that he doesn’t always pay rent for his apartment, taxes, he wouldn’t like to work, wash….why?! He is looking for a woman who would take care of him.

When we find Saturn retrograde in the natal chart, it means that these people must learn to limit themselves, tell themselves “NO”, they must learn their boundaries of what they can and cannot do. They must learn to understand what others expect from them. They create an invisible barrier for themselves (perhaps something like: “I will never be able to ...”, “I will never succeed ...”).

They are often fixated on the idea that others are better than them.

You can compare the manifestation of retrograde Saturn with people who had a near-death experience ( clinical death etc.).

They can become very worried about responsibility if they are offered something they have already dealt with (they immediately picture all the possible failures that could happen to them). It is very difficult for them to take the first step. They are afraid that their responsibilities will bring them to such a state that they will not be able to give it all up at some point when plans change. They must gain self-confidence, and for this they need to be more self-aware, understand themselves more.

Retrograde Saturn in the 1st house

Typical position for Saturn. This situation often occurs in those who were conceived by accident, that is, they did not prepare for this, or they wanted a girl, but a boy was born. He feels responsible for others, he can be very worried about others before himself. Directive Saturn can isolate itself from the unwanted (strangers) for its own safety. When Saturn is retrograde, people take responsibility for others because they do not know how to refuse help. They can imagine that if someone makes a mistake, he can say to him “why didn’t you warn me that it would turn out this way?”

ANSWER: 1) One woman told me: “I always feel like a guest in my home when others come to visit me.” She works on the phone in the office, and feels that she cannot take a break for food or anything else. , because someone will call at this time, and she will not be able to help that person. 2) “I care about everyone!” 3) Another woman is very afraid of being restricted or falling into some kind of trap (for example, the Greeks will steal and you will be there cracking nuts from morning to morning).

They have problems (again? This is a problem until it is realized, and while a person associates himself with the opinion of society) with the fact that they consider themselves obligated to everything, especially when Saturn is in 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11 houses.

Saturn in the 2nd house

Believes that he will only receive as much as he worked for, and he will pay others for their work only as much as they deserve. Often these come from families where parents had to work hard for money to provide for the family. Therefore, they believe that they must work for seven in order to feel safe. When Saturn is retrograde, he feels financially responsible for everything: “my mother provides for our entire family.” One person said that his father could not save money, he did not see boundaries, he ended up going broke, and now she is very frugal with money because she is afraid of repeating a story like the one that happened to her father.

Saturn in 3rd/4th houses

He cannot say NO to family members. In the 3rd, there may be problems at school, because he does not know what the volume of tasks will be, and what their complexity is, and how well they need to be completed. They may have hearing problems, which may cause them to misunderstand the material. They are very concerned about understanding everything correctly, without any cognitive distortions. When they are preoccupied with something, they feel stuck - they can't do anything until they solve what they care about. One person with Saturn retrograde in the 3rd house says that he had to deal with different cultural norms in communication, which gave him constant anxiety.

Saturn in the 5th house

It is difficult for them to say “NO” to a child, especially to their firstborn! She can usually say NO to the second child or other people's children, but not to the first born! One woman said that she was overly responsible, even helping the nanny who was looking after the child. Others say that the child taught them to focus their energies and organize their lives more correctly.

Saturn in 6th/10th house

They are perfectionists at work because they do not know (do not set) boundaries. It is difficult for him to slow down his pace of work; he does not want others to overtake him in skill. Bosses and employees can benefit from the kindness of these people. If such a person is a boss, it will be very difficult for him to dictate his terms to others; rather, he will be soft and pliable to their requests.

Saturn in the 7th house

They attract adult (very strict) partners, or completely irresponsible ones...their relationships can be built on the parent-child principle. They may feel that they never satisfy their partner (with their services or something else).

Saturn in the 9th house

Especially retrograde, they feel that religion does not inspire them (at least the kind that is mass religion), and how confusing everything is here. Several students noted that these individuals' parents often came from different cultures/nationalities. This is often the case when Saturn retrograde is in the 3rd house. They are often constantly in the process of learning. There may be breaks in education. One man changed several universities because of his doubts about the right choice. As a rule, they do not like the philosophical views of their parents and are disgusted with the church. If they accept faith without a doubt, they feel guilty and ashamed, and if they show it in public, then others will tell them “you don’t believe in GOD!”, although the fact is that others simply do not want to think about the absurdities in religion.

Saturn in the 11th house

Among friends they choose older people, because they feel bored with their peers. When Saturn is direct, they feel like a functional part of a group, and a unity. When Saturn is retrograde, they are afraid of groups (they may have friends who are much older than them; they have the same difficulty with peers as the directive Saturn). Directive Saturn easily accepts responsibility in a group, but retrograde Saturn often says “he can’t, and that’s his principle.”

Saturn in the 12th house

Has a fear of getting involved with management, and is very afraid of not being accepted by anyone. They are often isolated from society voluntarily.

@ruby_trump helped me translate this small fragment before Uranus retrograde

* One student noted/commented that she was not allowed to do anything for herself - starting with ordinary things like laundry, cooking and cleaning, so as an adult she does not know how to take responsibility for herself.

* According to Pat Geisler: While the phenomenon of Saturn moving backward (retrograde) may indeed imply the loss of a father, a retrograde condition rather indicates a lack of authoritative direction from the father. The father may be present but not involved in the child's development. Work can usurp (take up) all his time. He may not be able to give such instructions due to lack of his own structure. Or it may be heavy-handed or prone to anachronism. The situation is indeed one of Saturn dysfunction, where the actual father is present or not.

There are conditions that require modification of this guidance (direction). Saturn retrograde in the 10th in Capricorn is unlikely to indicate a lack of authority. In addition, in the absence of a father in reality, there are compensating configurations, such as the lunar nodes and their aspects. These configurations suggest a maternal presence that provides guidance. Both mothers and fathers are lonely.

And then, there is time. The answer given by a teenager may change completely as the teenager grows. An idyllic childhood can actually be seen as terrible, as age involves developing oneself and taking on responsibilities. A client who swears that a parent was "present" may not have a clear understanding of the importance of parental absence until much later in life. Or their life situation does not require high degree

manuals to function normally.

For example, I have Saturn retrograde in the 9th house. I definitely didn't grow up in a religious family. In any case, I did not study any religion or spiritual discipline. Since I was a teenager, I have done a lot of soul-searching to figure out what would make me happy spiritually, and as it turns out, nothing satisfied my need. Any form of dogmatic spirituality or religion does not satisfy me completely. I think I'm a self-proclaimed atheist. The only time in my life that I ever wondered if there really was a “God” or a “higher source” was when my oldest daughter’s father died in a car accident when I was 17—it took me a while to regain my faith. I just don't understand how a loving spirit could take away the only person I could call my soul mate. I was very young and it took a while to stop grieving and move on with my life. This may sound scary to some, but in his death, I learned a lot about life, love and faith.

In the initial stages, children's fears and parental care of the child can be calm and outside the “good boy/good girl” syndrome.

In medium degrees indicates difficulties associated with changing circumstances. Late degrees indicate leadership skills

through a position of independence and high responsibility.

Saturn at 9

Retrograde Saturn in the 12th acts like direct Saturn

He needs external incentives for self-motivation throughout the entire area of ​​the home with which he is associated.

Retrograde Uranus

Not a bad position. This person is more revolutionary, sharper, but he does not always notice this. It's like Mars retrograde when you mutter and mutter and then, BLZHAD!! A sharp takeoff.

When Uranus is direct, a person experiences that his intuitions and independence are so natural, everything happens smoothly, as if in a flow. But when it's retrograde! Damn! (a person feels higher vibrations flowing into him, it turns him on so much, he cannot sleep! He feels that right now he must manifest it, tell the world about it), a sharp explosion, A-A-A-A! DO YOU GET IT ALL RIGHT?

Their intuition rushes into them suddenly, they catch the flow, it begins to flow into them great amount insights on various topics. hey, as a rule, they have sad periods (creativity, even if it doesn’t work), but then an EXPLOSION will definitely follow!

Retrograde makes Uranus more powerful each time it visits the ego. This Uranus expresses higher vibrations than direct Uranus.

With retrograde Uranus, the contrast of extremes becomes very bright; they can turn a mouse into an elephant. They may perceive such extremes as dogma and not notice it. They can come up with something, believe it, most likely others will consider them crazy.

The difference between Retrograde and Directive Uranus is that the retrograde one does not feel that these explosions are something abnormal, while the directive one sometimes gets scared and avoids them. It is more difficult for them to control Uranian energy, they feel like something higher is breaking into them, and they do not care about any prohibitions and beliefs, this must be announced “I told you so!” I have to tell everyone about this right now! I don’t care if it’s night!” A friend of mine with unaspected Uranus retrograde in the 9th house finds it impossible to incorporate his metaphysical knowledge into his professional life (she is a psychotherapist).

Students tell me that during such insights, they feel that they must integrate this information into their minds, even though it contradicts their beliefs.

They must understand/realize WHY they must rebel in order to realize themselves.

Uranus in the 1st house

Independent...but when Uranus is retrograde, a person sometimes does not realize that in fact he is SUPER INDEPENDENT. This position emphasizes the desire for connections to something revolutionary; perhaps a person wants to meet people just like him (this does not scare him, on the contrary, it turns him on). Their revolutionary nature manifests itself in all areas of life, this can happen in relationships, in a career or even in place of residence (for example, a person can live in a refrigerator box, and he will be happy about it). He's attracted to all sorts of radical/revolutionary ideas...whether it's sun eating or Bungee jumping, he's attracted to things that no one else is interested in. He may say: “To hell with your karma! I feel like this is all fiction! I came up with all this myself! And you too! You were created by my unconscious self..."

Uranus in the 2nd house

If a person works at a regular job, then most likely he will have financial instability. The reason for their financial instability is themselves.

They can earn a stable income only by doing some kind of non-traditional work. If they work in the government, in any high positions, then they will not feel happy. They would probably get sick or be in a constant state of nervous breakdown. It takes them a long time to realize that they need an unconventional job, and the longer they think about it, the more powerful the change will be.

Uranus in the 3rd house is similar to Mars

Problems are possible at school because of their radical beliefs “to be different from others, to not count like others.”

Uranus in the 5th house

Society perceives them as abnormal; in ordinary matters they act contrary to the views of the majority. They are definitely “wallflowers” ​​(girl/boy without a partner) until they find themselves in the unconventional world.

With Uranus retrograde in the 6th house

A person may have a very sensitive physical body. They can work even when their body is exhausted. They like to work alone because their aura is dissonant with the aura of those around them. They may be intolerant of employees. They make great efforts to introduce innovations in their work. They get tired of people hovering around them or simply staring at them while they are working.

Uranus in the 7th house

They prefer sudden love. When a relationship starts to fade, the relationship ends quickly. It seems that everything is fine, and then BAM - a break in the relationship. They are not strong in confrontation (confrontation, confrontation, clash). I noticed that they prefer relationships to being in love rather than serious relationship, they find them boring.

Uranus in the 8th house

One person told me that such people can successfully change other people's financial habits. Often very strange events “out of their control” happen to them, which subsequently make major changes in their lives.

Uranus in the 10th house

Putting great effort into a job where someone else has given up. Uranus does not like to be compared to others. This situation indicates failure if a person engages in traditional professional activities.

Uranus in the 11th house

Gives sudden changes in goals and hopes, and it seems to him that these changes are leading him into darkness (into uncertainty).

Uranus in the 12th house

Afraid that others will think he's crazy. Perhaps his parents criticized him like this: “You behave in such a way that others perceive you as crazy.” They can connect their life with new age, this most likely allows them to feel comfort.

Retrograde Neptune

Direct Neptune's house position is where you strive to make your dreams come true, where you strive to escape reality. In the directive state, you can easily understand whether it is an illusion or reality. Creative potential is realized, as a rule, traditionally (meaning traditional spheres).

When Neptune is retrograde, it tends to be more vague, less clear, and the person may not know how to express their creativity. If Neptune becomes direct in progression, people begin to understand what they should do to express themselves creatively. This could be something they've been doing all their lives, and then again! Realized!

Neptune shows where you have the ability to be creative, Neptune retrograde does not seem to recognize this ability. Retrograde Neptune is more sensitive due to its connection with the “unseen realms” (invisible worlds). Often their creative potential is realized through: clairvoyance, extrasensory perception, metaphysical and spiritual activity, which, traditionally, cannot be called creativity (in fact, we are creators, all our perceptions are a creative act).

Due to their sensitivity, they need to avoid drugs, alcohol, etc. There is a tendency to develop bad habits, which negatively affect the astral body and solar plexus. Their increased sensitivity can serve the development of phobias, fears, neuroses, paranoia - this is the result of their connection with invisible world, they bring out what others do not notice.

Many people with this signature have a tendency and ability to work with the psychic, but often they do not know how. They may be afraid of all this. These people perceive well what is happening on the astral plane; they can accept the thoughts/feelings of other people as their own. Smoking negatively affects their mental abilities.

EXAMPLE: When I read and interpret the tarot and am surrounded by cigarette smoke, my psychic abilities are reduced and my intuition is dulled. I know many people who, through smoking, turn off this wide astral channel that is constantly available to them; it can drain them.

Retrograde Neptune is alien to material things. They can easily develop abilities that they will never show in reality. They can attract losers. They see potential...that will never actually manifest itself.

Neptune in the 1st house

These people are so sensitive to their environment that they don't know who they are or how they feel. They must learn to consciously manage their receptivity so as not to mix their moods with the moods of other people.

Neptune in the 3rd house

Nicknames are often used because it changes their vibration. They study numerology, and indeed, they work well with this system. They love to find synchronicities and connect them with numbers. They often get lost...

Neptune in the 4th house

Overly sensitive to his family and home, but they don't realize it. They should find a calm, serene environment and living space. Living in the forest, alone with nature, is very useful for them. Chaos and disorder at home stresses them out very much.

Neptune in the 5th/7th house

Constantly looking for some kind of perfection in relationships. They don't know how idealistic they are! There are frequent disappointments. Neptune is in these houses, looking for a relationship that would allow him to escape from this world, to avoid pain. When they feel pain they leave...

Neptune in the 6th house

Hypersensitive to the work environment and order in the environment (work). They need an ideal work environment, they are naive. They can often change jobs, constantly searching for an idyll.

Neptune in the 9th house

He vitally needs utopian ideas in order to live in this world. While they are unfamiliar with them, they experience great sadness. As a result, they can become very cynical. They need a higher meaning, they refuse to believe that everything is as it is described by modern (probably before the appearance of David Wilcock on the world stage) materialistic science.

Neptune in the 10th house

They dream of doing something creative in their lives... but have no idea what that could be (for the time being, of course).

EXAMPLE: I taught career courses using astrology. All the students in the group had a strong Neptune - they did not know what they wanted to do as their profession, they studied something that they did not have a soul for, or something that seemed prestigious to them.

Neptune in the 11th house

Looks for unclear ideals and people who would embody them. They don't know exactly what those ideals should look like. Often they are running away from fear in their own lives, and so they seek out such people. They attract idealists. Often they are not satisfied with any one group, they are in constant search. These people can participate in groups to help alcoholics, drug addicts, and the mentally ill.

Often they are found in unorganized/illegal associations, where groups of people embody a certain ideal, for example, preserving the ecology of the planet, but no one knows what they are actually doing.

Often their friends are alcoholics or dreamers. They do not seek material gain from their friends. They must avoid the people they like, that is, the people they want to save, there is no savior, there are only two people who play the roles of victims.

Neptune in the 12th house

Mediumistic, difficult contact with reality.

Retrograde Pluto

Pluto is more intense when it is retrograde, this intensity manifests itself in the psyche, they can be very suspicious as they think that others have the same terrible thoughts as them.

Direct Pluto is more interested in: external power, prestigious work, money...

Pluto retrograde is definitely more psychological: healing, transformation, dream exploration.

They notice things that those with direct Pluto do not notice. They see a lot of negativity.

These people have an excellent ability to penetrate into the essence of the subconscious. Among them there are a large number of loners and introverts. They may have trouble relaxing when surrounded by people.

There are enormous forces for restoration and improvement in the area where Pluto stands.

Pluto in the 2nd house

Wants to control all of his resources. The directive has a problem of power. Retrograde – afraid of psychological vulnerability.

Pluto in the 3rd house

Can control people's minds by directing them towards one thing, towards one goal. They can become great teachers, people who can sense the thoughts of many (groups of) people.

Pluto in the 6th house

Intense power at work. They don't want to take breaks.

Pluto in the 7th house

It is a little difficult for a person to establish a relationship, because they want their relationship to be very intense, others simply may not have enough energy.

Pluto in the 8th house

Often feels like he has to manage the finances of the marriage. One woman said that her husband always wanted to pay for everything, but, unfortunately, he could not.

Pluto in the 11th house

A person will not be very impressed with working in a group, but this person can understand the essence of the group's activities, and guide them towards optimal solutions, ignite their enthusiasm. They have a talent for creating groups (bringing people together) and managing them.

Pluto in the 12th house

Can be as intensive as possible in research, it can go deep into the essence. Their greatest ability is to help other people understand themselves. They are prone to psychological analysis. They can quickly see other people's weaknesses and strengths. By helping others, they help themselves.

Like direct Pluto, retrograde Pluto shows the area where you will have protection from dangers.


1 training and organizing

2 when I translated this fragment, I myself felt this energy flowing through me

3 solipsism

4 A word about a word, Elizarov Evgeniy

5 Astral body and Other Astral Phenomena, Powell Arthur E.

> Jupiter

Possible only four months a year. This position of the planet indicates unrealized possibilities of past incarnations. The previous life turned out to be limited and filled with losses, as a result of which any human activity was practically ineffective and did not bear the expected fruits. Or, in contrast to this option, a person is careless and unreasonably optimistic, did not want to develop and endure trials, and ultimately finds himself one step lower. Therefore, it is necessary to start all over again, taking into account the mistakes.

In this life, a person turns out to be practically independent of society and its opinions, moves along the path he has chosen, without looking back at any examples of other people. He does not place his hopes on patrons or luck, preferring to achieve everything on his own. It is difficult to adapt to society, preferring to stay apart. He has very high moral principles, which he does not consider necessary to flaunt. A very strong predisposition to acquire wisdom through correctly learned lessons from the past. Thanks to his confidence and calmness, he can be a very great authority for other people.

Religion and philosophy for him have a mystical connotation; he treats new trends in these directions with caution and distrust.

The time of retrograde Jupiter brings to the individual a desire to turn to one’s own principles and ideas about the world when solving emerging problems, rather than to stable concepts accepted in society. Allows us to increase our own wisdom by gaining new life experiences. This is a period that is given to people for their own objective assessment in order to determine which aspect of life needs adjustment. It is worth stopping criticism and moralizing about the way of thinking and beliefs of other people, and in contrast to this, turn to your worldviews and values ​​and try to carry out natural selection - add something, and abandon something. Your loyalty to views different from yours will help you most successfully understand other beliefs and moral values. Retro Jupiter requires spiritual growth, internal transformations and the search for your own unique place in life. During this period, issues related to your sign and house, which are covered by the loop, are relevant.

It is also possible that a person will be isolated by the public masses and that his attempts to develop his own authority and significance will be suppressed. Recognition does not come to these people for a long time, especially if they passionately desire it.

Such a person has mentoring abilities, for the implementation of which he needs to put forward his own candidacy and take active action, then the students themselves will be drawn to him.

Retrograde Jupiter in the 1st house

The past incarnation is characterized by non-recognition of authorities and excessive self-will. Promiscuity and abuse are common. According to the requirements of karma, it is worth rethinking your personality and your own shortcomings.

The individual pays great attention to competition, especially with himself - his characteristic idealism and desire for perfection does not give him peace. He is persistent and demands recognition of his own merits. With such a life position, a pronounced conflict is formed, manifested in an attempt to take on many things at the same time and a desire to do one job, but at the same time thoughtfully and thoroughly.

However, this combination of house and planet gives a person enormous strength to realize new ideas. But sometimes he is overzealous and this turns out to be the reason for his mistakes. This quality opens up the opportunity for him to act as an initiator. It should be borne in mind that the desire to do a lot of things at the same time deprives him of solid support under his feet. He is impetuous in his endeavors and does not like wasting energy.

In his present life incarnation, he undergoes further successful development and improvement of his soul, however, he should remember that this is not a reason to judge other people. Knowledge about the development of one’s own “I” should be passed on to society, while trying not to simplify it too much, in order to lower it to an accessible level.

Such knowledge makes him very self-sufficient, but it is necessary to continue to work on himself, without exaggerating the mystical significance of things. From the point of view of karma, he continues self-knowledge, relying on personal philosophy.

Retrograde Jupiter in the 2nd house

In a previous incarnation characteristic feature was greed and disregard for public interests and needs. It is possible that he had previously inappropriately used someone else's property, presumably close relative male. In real life, it is necessary to learn the lesson that wealth is a huge responsibility and a test that is given in order to direct it for the benefit of other people.

In the current incarnation, the person gravitates toward restoring the wealth that was inherent in him in the previous incarnation and which is so familiar to him. As a result, the spiritual side of the personality can become mired in carnal needs and petty self-indulgence. From the point of view of the public, he often experiences condemnation from others and is in a depressed state, believing that he has much less benefits than them. However, with a correct understanding of the situation, this situation will help you realize the true purpose of life. To do this, a person will need to subordinate the physical shell to his higher mind, which, remembering previous influential and wealthy incarnations, does not allow him to free himself from them. However, despite his efforts, he can still sometimes feel an acute lack of comfort and the excesses of life. Sometimes an individual wants to embrace the views, judgments and life experiences of other people, taking them for his own impressions, while losing individual values.

A predisposition to desires on a global scale makes him overestimate the necessity of his momentary desires. Sometimes a person wants to take sole ownership of those things that should rightfully be common property. He is often obsessed with the mania of his liberation from all outside influence.

When located in the first phase, there is a tendency to impose one’s own values ​​and opinions on the surrounding team. But already in the second phase, the opposite phenomenon occurs and the individual absorbs everything from the external environment that carries even the slightest significance. But in any of the presented cases, they still have clear concepts of values ​​​​from past incarnations.

Retrograde Jupiter in the 3rd house

The previous existence is characterized by a lack of self-control and calm enough to learn life's lessons. There were premature decisions, impatience and intolerance of opposing opinions, and a frivolous attitude towards religion. To carry out the next round of reincarnation, it is necessary to learn humility, work on inflated self-esteem, and learn to listen.

The placement of retrograde Jupiter in the third house can be called the most difficult, since the established opinions received during the previous life now have a huge impact on the present reincarnation, affecting everyday relationships. A person balances between the values ​​of the previous incarnation and the life that passes here and now. On the one hand, he wants to get closer to the people around him, on the other hand, the ideals of what he lived earlier resonate. At times he can be harsh and rude with those who have views different from his own and try to develop them, since deceit is not in his nature and he immediately expresses his objections. Being in the first part of the retrograde process, when he is busy instilling his own ideals in those around him, he cannot always feel it. In life he meets a very large number of people, but he never develops a heartfelt attachment to anyone. Among other things, this is due to his desire to teach people, instead of just letting them speak. He vigorously condemns those who waste their energy in vain, although they often do the same thing themselves.

Traveling is inherent in the nature of this individual and, if he does not actually do it, then he necessarily travels mentally. The difficulty of Jupiter in this house is the need to learn to live in the real world, which is absolutely ambiguous and carries in its essence both joy and sadness, both truth and lies. Therefore, he should control his “I” and not indulge in judgment of other individuals.

The person standing one step higher, as well as the one below, strive to convey information to people, but the first does this consciously and his words have weight, and the second expresses himself in standard phrases, which, accordingly, do not have much success. In the past incarnation, the individual developed thanks to a higher mind, but now he experiences deep disappointment when he tries to explain everything that is happening, but can only use simplified judgments available to his primitive mind.

Retrograde Jupiter in the 4th house

The previous incarnation is a domestic tormentor who extols his own good and convenience above everything else. He was constantly interested only in himself, and did not restrain the manifestation of anger and unbridled aggression. Emotionality has carried over into real life. Does not want to forgive, is overly touchy and emotional. Now you need to reconsider your family relationships, learn to trust and accept the right to freedom of each individual person.

The dominance of Jupiter in this house is met with its opposition when a person wants to get rid of the emotional barriers that it puts in front of him. Therefore, his infinite possibilities of the higher mind are counterbalanced by the emotional instability of past incarnations.

The childhood time when he was extolled and adored remains indelible, and a person tries by all means to achieve a repetition of this state. The support of others is very important to him, although he tries not to show it.

Often he does not want to live in reality, but remains in happy memories. With a pessimistic character, an individual, on the contrary, constantly replays in his head what he considers unfair moments. It is not possible to isolate himself from such memories, since the basis of his personality is of an individual nature.

Retrograde Jupiter in such a house can encourage a person to waste his strength, in vain preventing him from focusing on the main and significant moments for him.

There is a desire to get to the true essence of things, due to a lack of experience in previous existences. He needs family and close relationships as a basis, but he is constantly looking for reasons why his environment interferes with internal development and freedom.

A person needs to realize that most of his attitudes towards the world are the influence of previous experiences that have no place in his present state. Regardless of his occupation, his every action is marked by the desire to receive the praise of personalities important to him, who are so close to him that they can easily determine his true

motives for his efforts. The path to understanding oneself lies through the realization that self-control is much more important for him than knowledge of the outside world.

Retrograde Jupiter in the 5th house

For a person, there are no authoritative opinions and interests of other people. He is characterized as intrusive and too shocking. He overestimates his own importance and makes inflated, almost impossible demands on his children and partners. In intimate relationships, he also thinks only about himself, about satisfying his own sexual needs. In his present life, which requires correction of previous mistakes, he needs to take care of his children and partners first.

on intimate relationships. Previous rich life, full of entertainment, now requires a qualitative rather than a quantitative approach to leisure.

The creative inclinations that the individual developed in the previous incarnation require implementation, so he desperately strives to express his own thoughts externally. Life is a huge field for him, and the established principles and norms of society are a narrow path in it, the boundaries of which he furiously wants to cross, no matter what the cost. With strong indicators in such a horoscope, power is also added to the personality.

When certain aspects are combined, the individual may neglect the advice of others. To realize his own goals, he is ready to take almost any step. Invading the souls of the people around him is a common thing for him. He often sets the bar of desires too high, overestimating his capabilities. He is often inclined to demand from children what he himself was unable to achieve. There is a great desire to experience as many experiences as possible in life. In this pursuit, he is ready to sweep away everything in his path and becomes simply uncontrollable. At the same time, a pronounced fear of falling in the eyes of people important to him forces him to make more and more creative attempts and experiments in search of the optimal expression of himself. Long-term love affairs, relationships and marriage are extremely difficult, since a person is absolutely not adapted to coexistence, significantly exalting his own needs over the desires of his partner.

Again, the emotional and spiritual experiences of past incarnations have a huge influence. A person begins to fully understand himself only through his works.

Retrograde Jupiter in the 6th house

He neglected his own health in a previous incarnation and therefore liver problems are possible in the present. It is necessary to follow a regime, limit yourself to alcohol and junk food, and perform the necessary physical exercises. In the previous incarnation he did not appreciate his subordinates. In the present, you need to learn to take into account the interests of others, become more loyal, and perform actions without expecting gratitude in return.

The individual expends too much energy belonging to the higher mind in order to complete the tasks set for himself. He wastes his energy on a wide range of activities, wanting to participate in every activity, which, of course, is impossible. Problems at work and conflicts with superiors and colleagues are possible, since he constantly strives to defend his opinion, which he considers the only correct one. Often prone to exaggerating the significance of events. Trying to achieve goals using easy ways. Distracted by minor problems, which distance him from solving the problem even further. Also, the reason for deviation from the chosen course in any activity may be excessive attention to the primitive desires of other people. He takes his narrow, limited opinion as the only true truth, which is why he misses the real essence of things.

Individuals are characterized by excessive moralism, which forces him to see people through the prism of rationality. At the same time, they miss the base weaknesses that could move them during the commission of certain actions. He expects too much from the universe, based on previous experiences of past lives. However, happiness will be achieved by him only after he realizes the need to take an intermediate position between the past and the present, between the ideal and everyday life. In order to free the higher mind from the little things it has created, it is necessary to learn to distinguish the main and the secondary.

Retrograde Jupiter in the 7th house

In his previous incarnation, he was not the most faithful spouse; family relationships meant practically nothing to him. The marriage was concluded with the expectation of the opportunity to enjoy the material well-being of the partner. With the help of money he solved problems with the law. In a new life incarnation, it is worth taking into account previous mistakes, otherwise the plot will repeat itself.

Such a retrograde Jupiter is the reason for a person’s self-examination, his desire to find out what he looks like from the outside. There is an obsessive desire to please not only those people who are important to him, but literally the entire world around him. Although he clearly realizes that being good to everyone is simply impossible from a practical point of view. In his previous incarnation, he acquired the ability to enhance those qualities in himself that might please society. At the moment he understands that his personal opinion is too dependent on generally accepted norms and would like to subconsciously break with this attachment to standards. He interprets all knowledge about the world around him not entirely correctly. In order to understand himself and separate the values ​​that are truly important to him from generally accepted norms, he is ready to get involved in disputes, which he continues mainly for the sake of decency, justifying his uncertainty.

He listens with great attention and trust to the opinions and ideas of other people and is often unable to recognize his own opinion and that of others, becoming confused about the correctness of various judgments. On a karmic level, this means that he needs to learn to understand good and evil, the definitions of which are only in the minds of each individual person.

When in a marital relationship, she is often drawn to a spouse who has high moral qualities. In the present incarnation, he learns to determine truth in different ways in different situations.

Retrograde Jupiter in the 8th house

The past life position leaves a negative imprint on the present. Presumably there is financial fraud. He was engaged in mysticism in a negative way. Often he threatened physical violence only in order to feel permissiveness. To make a new revolution, you need to be honest and turn to a higher mind.

In the eighth house of retrograde Jupiter, a person, aware of the needs of others, wants to benefit them, to give more than to acquire. The unbridled need for varied and numerous intimate intimacy with different partners is caused not by the desires of the physical body, but by experiences previous lives.

One of his favorite pastimes is unraveling the inner world of people. Thanks to the experience of his previous life, he considers himself to have the right to try to change them in his own way and firmly believes that he has every right to do so.

In contrast, he does not want to show his true essence. In this situation, two confrontations collide - the need to be open and the tendency to be closed and hide oneself. Professional activity will bring more results if he opens his own business and goes into business. The tendency to be disappointed in people is due to too much hope that he places on them. He considers his own experience to be the only correct and true one, and therefore treats comments from the outside with doubt, even if they are completely rational.

From a past incarnation, a person takes with him a deep knowledge of life and the structure of the world. He should accept that those ideals for which he is concerned will now be discovered only if he refuses to individualize them.

Retrograde Jupiter in the 9th house

The past incarnation was marked by excessive selfishness, which was like a shell - impenetrable and inaccessible to external influences. There was also manipulation of other people, used only for one’s own benefit. Often he “pulled” energy from the environment. Now it’s worth learning to be loyal and less selfish.

This is the most natural position of retro Jupiter. A person suffers, realizing that his existence in some sense interferes with the happiness of people significant to him. Therefore, he often chooses a free life, trying to protect himself from family ties and marriage ties. Such a craving for individuality in one’s own space makes long-term coexistence of partners together negative for both parties. A person tries to avoid the difficulties of communication by choosing between society and nature only the second option. This occurs due to the fact that verbal expression of one’s own thoughts is very difficult. Has the ability to perceive information of a higher order, but often doubts that he is able to interpret it to those around him.

He goes through life’s trials with great difficulty and considers each one practically a “heavenly punishment.” Having arguments, he does not use them in a dispute until he knows for sure that he will be understood correctly.

The personality of such a person is characterized by an insatiable thirst for wandering, which results in constant, unjustified moves. This desire is explained by the need to test and test one’s own knowledge using life examples in different parts of the universe. May be religious or subject to mysticism. In the first case, he becomes a deeply religious person, in the second, he is inclined to study esotericism.

Tangible progress in moving the soul to a new level is observed when a person realizes the importance of communication in people’s lives and understands that conflicts often arise only from the unclear words of the interlocutor. Again, he finds it difficult to clearly formulate his thoughts.

His purpose in this incarnation is to become a teacher for those who need it and not to try to instill his views in those who are absolutely not ready for this.

Retrograde Jupiter in the 10th house

The previous incarnation responds negatively, because previously he was very dishonest and prone to lies and fraud. All the failures of the past can only be associated with one’s own irresponsibility. In this life, it is necessary to correct the situation and realize yourself not through deception, but by advancing with the help of your own knowledge and talents.

There is duality in the personality - the desire to please others and at the same time remain oneself. Excessive determination forces him to go ahead, instead of showing the necessary flexibility. The triple nature of his position lies in how his personality is seen by other people, how he feels about himself and the thirst for changes in his own image. That is why his behavior may seem strange and his opinions unstable. Because on the one hand, he needs to defend his own views, and on the other hand, in search of something new, he neglects them.

Relevant astrological aspects help to reveal spiritual potential and succeed in transferring it to the environment.

It is important that the individual often forgets about the natural sense of self-preservation that is inherent in him. This behavior encourages him to seek ever new truth in everyday things, which turns into doubt about the reliability of past experience. This can lead him almost to depression. Therefore, there is a contradiction in his behavior - desires are opposite to actions.

There is a huge sense of aversion to repetitions of the life cycle - does not want to return to unfinished business, which is extremely necessary for professional and spiritual growth. Prone to fruitless fantasizing, instead of building a competent chain of actions to achieve results. Often his word and deed are at odds, so those around him can conclude that he is inconsistent. However, this is not quite true. For him, internal ideals are very dear, since they were acquired with great difficulty, and the slightest discrepancy between real life and them prompts him to take a defensive position in order to keep them safe and sound.

Often attachment to certain ideals is associated with their successful implementation and development in the experience of a previous life.

Retrograde Jupiter in the 11th house

The past incarnation was marked by an inferiority complex. Therefore, he preferred to establish acquaintances and relationships with asocial individuals, a group of whom he successfully led. In the present incarnation, it is necessary to lead the exact opposite way of life - to deal only with a decent environment.

The personality of such a retro Jupiter is marked by a desire to study every aspect of life, knowledge of the world and in-depth information. The need to gain personal experience is uncontrollable - he wants to try absolutely everything. This behavior is due to the experience of past incarnations, in which he was unable to achieve his goals or understand the essence of things that were unclear to him. He's not petty at all, he just doesn't notice the details. He can spend most of his time in his own fantasies. Despite some carelessness and a penchant for imagination, he firmly adheres to his life position and beliefs, which are formulated very clearly.

High moral principles and ideals, sometimes quite far from reality, separate him not only from real life, but also from society, which notes his isolation and shows some dissatisfaction about this. A person is ready to regard this attitude of society as a reason to start a rebellion and an intensified struggle “against everyone.”

Despite this, he has enormous potential in realizing his ability to lead the masses. But this is only possible if his actions are not limited by anyone, and he does not react sharply to censure or praise from society.

The main feature of his present incarnation is the conscious living of life, which became possible thanks to the vast previous experience that influences him even now. He has a clear idea of ​​his desires and the possibilities of realizing them.

The natural love of freedom of such a person prevents the creation of strong long-term relationships, both friendly and romantic. But his curiosity and versatility easily compensate for this feature.

Retrograde Jupiter in the 12th house

The experience of several past lives is very negative. Therefore, there is an urgent need for adjustment through positive behavior in the present. It is worth paying great attention to people in need, doing charity work, and also showing care for your close circle.

Such retro Jupiter encourages a person to constantly introspect and experiment with spirituality, being in an eternal search for himself. At the same time, he often mistakenly believes that he needs the help of others in such a matter. However, the issue of identification own soul you need to decide with yourself; an outside opinion can even turn out to be detrimental in terms of cognition. This is also due to the fact that in fact he has already figured out himself, but with hope he wants to find something else unknown about himself in the hidden corners of other people’s souls.

The acquired wealth also accrues to him thanks to a clear awareness of his strengths, as a result of which all his actions are sufficiently thought out, since they are focused precisely on real possibilities, and not on illusions.

This Jupiter allows a person not only to understand his own inner world, but also to look beyond it, turning to the experiences of previous lives. Therefore, he perfectly understands not only his adequate capabilities, but also sets justified goals, the presence of which can also be attributed to the influence of past incarnations. Very often he places too high demands on himself. In this case, you should accept your human nature and learn to forgive yourself for small weaknesses. This will help establish harmonious contact between the body and the inner mind.

Knowledge top level, which he possesses due to the experience of previous lives, makes his knowledge of spirituality very deep and worthy of dissemination. However, there is also a slight difficulty, since he is not always able to express the inner richness of experience in words that are understandable to other people. But even despite this, on a subconscious level he is able to communicate well with people and exert significant influence through wordless suggestion. These abilities are undoubtedly worth developing and using for the benefit of yourself and society.