Flora and fauna of the oceans presentation. Animals and plants in the oceans

21.10.2019 Relationship

- all the seas and oceans of the planet

2/3 of the Earth's surface is occupied by the oceans, and only 1/3 is land.

The continents divide the World Ocean into 4 oceans.

Atlantic Ocean

Pacific Ocean




Pacific Ocean

The largest in area. It occupies half the area of ​​the World Ocean and about a third of the area of ​​the globe. That is why they call him the Great. It owns 20 seas and over 10,000 islands. Called him quiet Magellan , because during his long journey across the ocean there was not a single storm.

The bottom of the Pacific Ocean is heterogeneous, there are underground plains, mountains and ridges. On the territory of the ocean is the Mariana Trench - the deepest point of the World Ocean, its depth

Atlantic Ocean

Second by size. The mid-ocean ridge crosses the ocean floor from north to south.

Indian Ocean

Third largest. It is located predominantly in the southern hemisphere.

The water temperature in the Indian Ocean ranges from -1°С off the coast of Antarctica to + 30°С near the equator, the average water temperature is +18°С.

  • The smallest of the four oceans. It is located in the northern part of the world. Most of The Arctic Ocean is covered with a layer of ice - in winter it is almost 90% of the ocean's surface.
  • Only near the coast ice freezes to land, while most of the ice drifts. The ocean is completely located in the northern latitudes, it has a cold climate.

"Animal World" - Caucasian Reserve. Lemming. Little bustard. Russia is a country with a vast territory, and therefore a rich wildlife. Forest-steppe beam. "Animal world of Russia". White Owl. Of the birds, there are larks, steppe eagle, harrier, bustard, demoiselle crane. Steppe Eagle. Boar. Maral. Created to protect sable.

"World of the Indian Ocean" - Moray eels (lat. Muraena) - a genus of fish from the eel family (Muraenidae). Murena-. The skin of the fish is naked, without scales. Tuna food includes some cephalopods, as well as small fish. Hamsa-(lat. Sharks. Caridea) - infraorder of crustaceans from the order of decapods (Decapoda). Lobsters (lat. Undersea world Indian Ocean.

"Diversity of the animal world" - Light and temperature terrain wind and humidity. Aristotle (384-322 BC). Animals Mushrooms. Thickness of water. Competition commensalism symbiosis. Plants Animals Mushrooms. Soil Ground-air. Eukaryotes. Soil formation. habitats. Diversity of the animal world Body shape. The diversity of the animal world The nature of movement.

"Plant World" - Color and remember. Map of natural zones of Eurasia. Drought resistant plants. Tulip Schrenk. Steppe vegetation. We and the world. Vegetable world steppes. Vegetation map of the Rostov region. Early flowering plants.

"Animals of the ocean" - Rays are sometimes jokingly called flattened sharks. There are parrot fish in many seas. Stingrays. The largest animal. Cetaceans live in almost all the seas and oceans of the planet. The shark does not swim alone in the ocean. But no. The largest animal on earth is the Whale. Annotation. Life in the ocean. Sea stars.

"Development of the plant world" - Algae. Development. The emergence of life Aquatic 2-3 billion years ago on Earth. The emergence and dominance of the Terrestrial Over 200 million years ago Gymnosperms. Mosses. Lesson objectives: Seed plants. higher plants. ferns. The emergence and dominance of Terrestrial wet 300 million years ago ferns.

The work of a 7th grade student Skorobogatova Nastya. In the interior parts of the desert it sometimes does not rain for several years. In some places separate bunches of herbs and thorny bushes grow. Vegetable world. Due to the lack of rain, the salts are not washed out. So, antelopes are able to run long distances in search of water and food. In summer, the daytime heat reaches + 40 C in the shade. Animal world.

"Antarctica geography" - Organic world. Subglacial relief. Learning new material. Use climate charts to compare the Antarctic and subantarctic climates. Information about homework. Why does the Erebus volcano erupt with enviable constancy? Give a description natural area Antarctic desert according to the plan and maps of the atlas. Chelyabinsk 2006. Develop a short synopsis of "Geological structure, relief and minerals." Ice cover.

"History of Africa" ​​- The Nile River is the most long river peace. The largest East African land faults. Lake Tana. Lake Chad. Sahara Desert. Pictures from space. Africa is a continent dominated by plains and high temperatures. Research history. 1.Physical - geographical position 2. History of discovery and research. Ethiopian Highlands. Africa is the oldest continent in the world.

"Journey to Egypt" - Travel Agency "Foreigner" Travel to the country of your dreams. Resorts: Sharm El Sheikh Hurghada Safaga Dahab El gouna Marsa Alam. Why do many people aspire to Egypt? So our virtual trip to Egypt ended. We bring to your attention the sights of Egypt. Despite the fact that there is no rich nature there, we will not be disappointed. We invite you to Egypt!!! Where can you relax in Egypt?

"Savannas" - Plant world. And the body length is 4.5m. Animal world. economic activity of people. In savannahs, grass grows up to 3 meters high. Baobab is rightfully considered one of the symbols of sub-Saharan Africa. Climatic conditions. Umbrella acacia. Savannahs occupy almost 40% of the mainland. The inhabitants of the savannah have long been engaged in cattle breeding and agriculture. The work of a 7a grade student of the Privalenskaya secondary school Daria Tkachuk. Soils.

"Africa Grade 7" - Many Faces of Africa. Annotation. Where and how does the population live in Africa? The creative name of the project. African population. result project activities is created didactic and methodological developments. Educational: to expand and concretize knowledge about the uniqueness of the population of Africa. Project goals. What are the features of culture African peoples? Private questions. Fundamental question. Papushkina Natalya Vladimirovna, geography teacher Rybinsk 2007. Why is Africa called the "black" continent?

The world's oceans The ocean is not just a body of water, it is full of life, sometimes much more diverse than the land. In total, there are five oceans on earth: the Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic, South Arctic and Indian. Scientists estimate the number of inhabitants of the ocean as more than two hundred thousand diverse organisms. The permanent inhabitants of the ocean waters, in addition to a variety of fish, are crustaceans, cetaceans, turtles, cephalopods (squids, octopuses, etc.), benthos and plankton. The ocean is not just a body of water, it is saturated with life, sometimes much more diverse than the land. In total, there are five oceans on earth: the Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic, South Arctic and Indian. Scientists estimate the number of inhabitants of the ocean as more than two hundred thousand diverse organisms. The permanent inhabitants of the ocean waters, in addition to a variety of fish, are crustaceans, cetaceans, turtles, cephalopods (squids, octopuses, etc.), benthos and plankton.

Seaweeds Seaweeds are ancient, stratified spore plants containing chlorophyll in their cells and living mainly in water. Such a definition, however, does not give an idea of ​​the enormous diversity in body structure that is characteristic of seaweeds. Here we meet with unicellular and multicellular, and with large forms of various structures. There is great diversity in the methods of reproduction. Even in color, seaweeds are not the same, since some contain only chlorophyll, others still have a number of additional pigments that color them in different colors. Seaweeds are ancient, stratified spore plants containing chlorophyll in their cells and living mainly in water. Such a definition, however, does not give an idea of ​​the enormous diversity in body structure that is characteristic of seaweeds. Here we meet with unicellular and multicellular, and with large forms of various structures. There is great diversity in the methods of reproduction. Even in color, seaweeds are not the same, since some contain only chlorophyll, others still have a number of additional pigments that color them in different colors.

Corals Coral is the skeletal material of a colony of coral polyps (“bioherms”). Large accumulations of coral form coral reefs and coral islands. The color of corals depends on the composition and amount of organic compounds: there are not only pink, but also red, blue, white and even black corals. Red corals are called "blood foam", "blood flower", black - "royal corals". Pink, red and black corals are considered the most valuable. Coral is the skeletal material of a colony of coral polyps (“bioherms”). Large accumulations of coral form coral reefs and coral islands. The color of corals depends on the composition and amount of organic compounds: there are not only pink, but also red, blue, white and even black corals. Red corals are called "blood foam", "blood flower", black - "royal corals". Pink, red and black corals are considered the most valuable.

Whales Whales are marine mammals from the order of cetaceans, not related to either dolphins or porpoises. Orcas ("killer whales") and pilot whales have the word "whale" in their informal names, although they are strictly classified as dolphins. Whales switched to an aquatic lifestyle about 50 million years ago. Cetaceans are divided into two suborders: Whales are marine mammals from the order of cetaceans that do not belong to either dolphins or porpoises. Orcas ("killer whales") and pilot whales have the word "whale" in their informal names, although they are strictly classified as dolphins. Whales switched to an aquatic lifestyle about 50 million years ago. Cetaceans are divided into two suborders: Baleen whales, distinguished by their whiskers, a filter-like structure located on the upper jaw, consisting mainly of keratin. The mustache is used to filter plankton from the water. Baleen whales are the largest suborder of whales. Baleen whales, distinguished by their baleen, a filter-like structure located on the upper jaw, composed mainly of keratin. The mustache is used to filter plankton from the water. Baleen whales are the largest suborder of whales. Toothed whales have teeth and prey on fish and squid. The remarkable ability of this group is the ability to feel them. environment using echolocation. Toothed whales have teeth and prey on fish and squid. The remarkable ability of this group is the ability to sense their environment through echolocation.

Dolphins Dolphins are characterized by the presence of relatively small muzzles; body small muzzle; the body is elongated; has a dorsal fin. elongated; has a dorsal fin. Very agile and agile, Very agile and dexterous, voracious predators, living mostly socially; found in all seas. voracious predators, living mostly socially; found in all seas. Feeds mainly Feeds mainly on fish, mollusks, fish, mollusks, crustaceans; sometimes crustaceans; sometimes they attack their relatives. They are also distinguished by curiosity and traditionally good attitude to a person.

Crabs The head of the crabs is small, the short abdomen is symmetrical and bent under the jaw and chest. They live in the seas, fresh waters and on land. Sometimes photos reach huge sizes. The giant crab, caught off the coast of Japan, had a distance between the ends of the claws of 3.69 m. There are over 6780 species in the world. The head of the crabs is small, the short abdomen is symmetrical and bent under the jaw-thorax. They live in the seas, fresh waters and on land. Sometimes photos reach huge sizes. The giant crab, caught off the coast of Japan, had a distance between the ends of the claws of 3.69 m. There are over 6780 species in the world.

Sharks Sharks are a superorder of cartilaginous fishes, including eight orders, twenty families, and Sharks are a superorder of cartilaginous fishes, including eight orders, twenty families and about 350 species. Representatives of the superorder are widespread in all seas and about 350 species. Representatives of the superorder are widespread in all seas and oceans; freshwater sharks are also found. In most oceans, freshwater sharks are also found. Most species belong to the so-called true predators, species belong to the so-called true predators, some species, in particular the whale, giant and individual species, in particular the whale, giant and largemouth sharks, feed on plankton. Largemouth sharks feed on plankton.

The world's oceans The ocean is not just a body of water, it is full of life, sometimes much more diverse than the land. In total, there are five oceans on earth: the Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic, South Arctic and Indian. Scientists estimate the number of inhabitants of the ocean as more than two hundred thousand diverse organisms. The permanent inhabitants of the ocean waters, in addition to a variety of fish, are crustaceans, cetaceans, turtles, cephalopods (squids, octopuses, etc.), benthos and plankton.

Seaweeds Seaweeds are ancient, stratified spore plants containing chlorophyll in their cells and living mainly in water. Such a definition, however, does not give an idea of ​​the enormous diversity in body structure that is characteristic of seaweeds. Here we meet with unicellular and multicellular, and with large forms of various structures. There is great diversity in the methods of reproduction. Even in color, seaweeds are not the same, since some contain only chlorophyll, others still have a number of additional pigments that color them in different colors.

Corals Coral is the skeletal material of a colony of coral polyps (“bioherms”). Large accumulations of coral form coral reefs and coral islands. The color of corals depends on the composition and amount of organic compounds: there are not only pink, but also red, blue, white and even black corals. Red corals are called "blood foam", "flower of blood", black - "royal corals". Pink, red and black corals are considered the most valuable.

Whales Whales are marine mammals from the order of cetaceans, not related to either dolphins or porpoises. Orcas ("killer whales") and pilot whales have the word "whale" in their informal names, although they are strictly classified as dolphins. Whales switched to an aquatic lifestyle about 50 million years ago. Cetaceans are divided into two suborders: Baleen whales, distinguished by their whiskers, a filter-like structure located on the upper jaw, consisting mainly of keratin. The mustache is used to filter plankton from the water. Baleen whales are the largest suborder of whales. Toothed whales have teeth and prey on fish and squid. The remarkable ability of this group is the ability to sense their environment through echolocation.

Dolphins Dolphins are characterized by the presence of a relatively small snout; the body is elongated; has a dorsal fin. Very mobile and dexterous, voracious predators, living mostly socially; found in all seas. They feed mainly on fish, mollusks, crustaceans; sometimes they attack their relatives. They are also distinguished by curiosity and traditionally a good attitude towards a person.

Crabs The head of the crabs is small, the short abdomen is symmetrical and bent under the jaw and chest. They live in the seas, fresh waters and on land. Sometimes photos reach huge sizes. The giant crab, caught off the coast of Japan, had a distance between the ends of the claws of 3.69 m. There are over 6780 species in the world.

Sharks Sharks are a superorder of cartilaginous fishes, including eight orders, twenty families and about 350 species. Representatives of the superorder are widespread in all seas and oceans; freshwater sharks are also found. Most of the species belong to the so-called real predators, some species, in particular whale, giant and largemouth sharks, feed on plankton.