Beautiful smile healthy teeth message on the topic. Class hour “Healthy teeth - a beautiful smile”

30.06.2020 Society and culture

Organization: MBOU NSH No. 1

Locality: Rostov region, Bataysk

Target: systematization of knowledge on oral hygiene.

  • 1. Introduce the main diseases of the oral cavity. 2. Summarize knowledge about the rules and methods of dental care. 3. Promote the development of personal hygiene skills. 4. Cultivate a caring attitude towards your health. 5. Promote a healthy lifestyle. 6. Compose and format a memo “How to care for your teeth.”

Class progress

  1. Organizing time

On the road - get ready for the road,

Go for your health

I take care of my health

I will help you too.

  1. Introduction to the topic

Once upon a time there was a Smile.

Sweet such a kind smile! She gave people Joy and Good Mood! And everything was fine with her! She liked to wander the streets, jumping from face to face, seeing her reflection in a puddle on the pavement or in the face of a random passerby. But one day our Smile became so sad that it literally melted.

What do you think happened to the smile? (Children's answers)

What is a smile without beautiful and healthy teeth?

Today we will conduct a lesson on the topic “ Healthy teeth- beautiful smile".

We will talk about how to keep your smile beautiful and what you need to do for this.

III. Work on the topic

1. Talk about teeth

Please look at the screen.

It shows people smiling.

Look carefully at the pictures and tell me what attracts your attention more? (Teeth)

Not all teeth are pleasant to look at!

Why do people need teeth? (Teeth help digest food, they contribute to the pronunciation of sounds, and decorate the face)

The first baby teeth erupt at the age of 6-8 months. All 20 baby teeth appear by the age of three. At the age of 5-7 years, the front teeth begin to fall out, the remaining milk teeth are replaced by permanent teeth by 9-13 years. An adult has 32 teeth, 16 on each jaw. There are 8 incisors in front. They are easy to snack on or bite into. Behind them are 4 strong fangs (2 teeth on each jaw)

2. Practical lesson

Take a mirror and look at your teeth. Find the baby and permanent teeth.

How are baby teeth different from permanent teeth? (Permanent ones are larger in size. Temporary ones are white-bluish in color.)

What, guys, happens when a temporary tooth falls out? ( A permanent one grows in its place)

This permanent tooth will serve the person for the rest of his life.

Changing teeth is a natural process that occurs in all people, and there is no need to be afraid of it.

3. Interesting facts

IN different countries There are different customs associated with tooth loss.

If you find hidden teeth in the classroom, you will learn about these customs.

(Children find teeth in different corners of the class, read folk customs written down in the drawings and attach them to the board)

-The Spaniards you need to throw the tooth onto the roof of the house and recite a funny rhyme.

When Japanese a child loses a tooth, he throws it into the air and shouts: “turn the tooth into an Oni” (An Oni is a Japanese monster with strong teeth).

U Koreans the child throws the tooth on the roof and says “black, black bird, I give you my old tooth, please give me a new one ( Black bird- a symbol of good luck).

IN America – children place a lost tooth under their pillow at night especially for the Tooth Fairy, who can take the tooth and put a few coins in its place!

What do you do when your tooth falls out?

4. Tooth structure

Milk and permanent teeth differ in appearance from each other. And the similarity is hidden inside. It turns out that the structure of baby and permanent teeth is the same.

Tooth is a living organ. Each tooth consists of three main parts:

Crown – the part of the tooth that is visible in the oral cavity.

Root – part of the tooth that is located in the jaw.

Neck – the part of the teeth that is located between the crown and the root. It is covered by the gum.

What are our teeth covered with? The teeth are covered with enamel. Enamel Gives teeth a beautiful shine. Tooth enamel is the strongest part of the body. It protects teeth from damage and disease. But it collapses over time. Why can tooth enamel be destroyed?

4. Causes of tooth enamel destruction.

(demonstration of experience)

Let's take a piece of glass, heat it on fire, then put it in a glass with cold water. What will happen to the glass? The glass will crack.

Tooth enamel can also crack from sudden changes in hot and cold foods. Protect your teeth enamel from sudden changes in temperature!

The acid contained in foods also destroys enamel. Let's see how toothpaste helps our teeth!


Teacher: To keep your teeth healthy, you need... (if you agree with me, then you squat - your teeth sit firmly), and if you don’t agree with my phrase, then jump (your teeth are loose)


– To keep your teeth strong and healthy, you need to:

  • chew pens and pencils (jump)
  • eat right (sit)
  • eat sweets often (jump)
  • gnaw nuts (jump)
  • brush teeth (sitting)
  • eat very cold and very hot food (jump)
  • go to the doctor on time (sitting)

5. Dentist advice

So, we have a toothache. Which doctor should we go to for help? ( To the dentist)

Let's read the dentist's advice.

6. Workshop “Cleaning teeth”.

Guys, let's remember how to brush your teeth properly?

(Students show how to brush their teeth correctly)

  • The toothbrush is positioned along the gum lines. The movements of the toothbrush are from top to bottom. Brush each tooth thoroughly.
  • Clean the inside surface of each tooth. The movement of the toothbrush is from bottom to top.
  • Brush the chewing surface of each tooth. The movement of the brush is back and forth.
  • Using the tip of the brush, brush the inside of your front teeth in a circular motion.
  • Don't forget to clean your tongue.
  1. Game "Yes and no".

(A student prepared in advance plays the game)

Admit it, do you brush your teeth often?

Well done, I believe you all

But I'll test your knowledge.

If I give you good advice,

You clap your hands.

On the wrong advice

Say in unison: “No!”

Constantly need to eat

For your teeth

Fruits, vegetables, omelette,

Cottage cheese, yogurt.

If my advice is good -

You clap your hands.

Don't bite the cabbage leaf

It's completely, completely tasteless.

Better eat chocolate

Waffles, sugar, marmalade.

Is this the right advice?

Lyuba told her mother:

I won't brush my teeth.

And now our Lyuba

A hole in every, every tooth.

What will be your answer?

Well done Lyuba?

Always remember

Dear friends,

Without brushing my teeth,

You can't go to sleep.

If my advice is good,

You clap your hands.

Have you brushed your teeth?

And go to bed.

Grab a bun

Sweets for bed.

Is this the right advice?

Remember this useful advice:

You cannot chew on an iron object.

If my advice is good,

You clap your hands.

To strengthen teeth,

It's good to chew nails.

Is this the right advice?

IV. Summing up

(Children read out the memo)

  1. Brush your teeth twice a day - morning and evening.
  2. Brush your teeth all over for 3 minutes.
  3. Clean top, bottom, outside and inside.
  4. Eat fruits and vegetables. Don't overuse sugar and sweets.
  5. Change your toothbrush every 3 months. This best gift for your smile.
  6. Visit your dentist twice a year to ensure you have a dazzling smile.

V. Reflection.

Each student has a drawing of a tooth on his desk.

What's missing in a tooth? (Smiles)

Let's revive our tooth by giving him a smile. And to make our work more fun, let's turn on music.

(Children revive the tooth.)

So, your teeth have come to life. We will pin them on the board. Look how bright and cheerful your smiles made the classroom.

If you just laugh,

Then miracles will come -

Smiles will make you clearer

Both eyes and heaven.

Come on, adults and children,

Smile quickly

To make it happen on the planet

Both lighter and warmer.

Target: generalize and consolidate knowledge of dental care rules with children.


  • introduce students to the factors influencing the development of dental caries;
  • convince students of the need to take care of their teeth;
  • give children advice on caring for their teeth and oral cavity;
  • develop thinking, memory, manual skills of children, fine motor skills of fingers;
  • to develop a conscious attitude towards one’s health, a desire to keep teeth healthy, and to instill skills proper nutrition.


  • Exhibition “Take care of your teeth”: dental models, toothbrushes, toothpastes, toothpicks, floss ( Appendix 2 , picture 1).
  • Stand “Beautiful teeth – beautiful smile” ( Appendix 2 , Figure 2).
  • Experiment with eggshells: glass glass, acetic acid, egg with shell and a tablespoon.
  • Competition "Rodents".
  • Video "Advice from Dr. Rabbit."


Class organization

The children read in chorus the motto of the lesson: “Get ready for the journey, go for your health, I will help myself and save my health.”

Teacher:"Guys! In our classes, we travel through different streets of the city of Health, learning how to maintain and strengthen our health. Today we are going on a journey down the “healthy teeth” street. On this street we will meet Dr. Rabbit, Tooth, visit a research laboratory, a museum at an exhibition of toothbrushes, toothpastes, a gym, a playground and a video room.”

Main part

Teacher:“Guys, do you know the key that opens all the “locks” in people’s souls? (Children's answers). Yes, that's a smile! You need to be able to smile beautifully. Give each other a smile. A smile adorns a person, and where there is beauty, there is confidence, there is success. The smile of a person with even, healthy, snow-white teeth is beautiful. Listen to the poem:
“smile wider and let everyone see that your teeth are large and even, sharp and frequent, hard, pearly, white, fanged, marbled, strong, the most funny” (Fig. 1)

Picture 1

To keep your teeth looking like this, you must take care of them. But healthy teeth are not only about a beautiful smile. Healthy teeth are the first link in the digestive system. To prevent toothache and gum inflammation, you need to eat well: eat a lot of green vegetables, fresh fruits, meat, chicken, fish, eggs, and plenty of dairy products. At your age, you should drink at least 3-4 glasses of milk a day. If you eat so well and follow our advice, you will get all the necessary mineral components and vitamins. If there is not enough vitamin A in food, a person’s visual acuity decreases; lack of vitamin C leads to weak gums; Vitamin B deficiency leads to sleep disturbances and tearfulness. You can’t eat a lot of sweets or drink carbonated sweet water. Drink natural vegetable and fruit juices - the healthiest foods.

Figure 2

Children, look, Super Beaver brought you carrots so that you can take part in the “Rodents” competition (washed, peeled carrots for everyone). You are gnawing a carrot with your teeth and must gnaw out a figurine of an animal or bird, or a familiar object. Vegetables clean and strengthen teeth. After eating sweets, you need to eat hard fruits or vegetables, if it is not possible to brush your teeth, since microorganisms on the teeth begin to process carbohydrates (wafers, cookies, candies) and the result is an acid that destroys hard tooth tissue. Guys, look what a bad tooth looks like (Fig. 3). It was destroyed by the bandit “Caries” (the teacher shows a visual aid of a destroyed tooth). Caries appears only where people eat a lot of sweets. Bacteria live in the mouth and feed on leftover food particles.

Figure 3

Guys, the Acid Monster mixed up all the letters. Help me to understand. Children solve the puzzle: I (6) E (4) B (1) E (2) G (5) R (3) U (8) Y (10) B (9) Z (7) ! (11) (answer - take care of your teeth!)
Well done! And now - physical training with clothespins.

Finger gymnastics:

This finger went into the forest (clothespin on the little finger)
This finger found a mushroom (clothespin on the ring finger)
This finger began to be cleaned (clothespin on the middle finger)
This finger began to fry, (clothespin on the index finger)
This finger ate and ate, and that’s why it got fat (clothespin on the thumb).

Then repeat with the other palm. How does your fingers feel? Do you feel mobility, softness?
And now we find ourselves in a research laboratory. Showing the experiment: “the effect of acid on tooth enamel.” Tooth enamel is the strongest tissue in the body. It protects teeth from damage and disease. May deteriorate over time from acid attack. Now I will show you an experiment that will help you see how acid destroys enamel. For the experiment, I take an egg, since its shell has a similar structure to tooth enamel and also contains the main element - calcium. If you don't brush your teeth after eating, microbes process leftover food and produce acid.

The teacher shows the egg, the children test it for hardness by tapping the shell with a stick. The egg is placed in a container with acetic acid for 15 minutes.

While the experience continues, let's play the game "The Most, the Most." Who has the biggest teeth? (at the hippopotamus). A hippo's canines are 50 cm long. Who has the sharpest teeth? (at the crocodile). The teeth are good for prey, but they often break, new ones grow, and this is repeated up to 45 times. Who has the smallest teeth? (in fish) Many fish have sharp teeth and huge mouths, for example pike. The pike's teeth grow on both jaws in several rows, all directed backwards - what a horror! But a pike cannot live without such teeth. After all, she catches slippery fish. Who has the most poisonous teeth? (in a snake) For example, snake snakes have two poisonous teeth in the back of their mouths, food is swallowed whole, thanks to these teeth the snake chews its prey, and the poison is sprayed out. The viper has two poisonous fangs 5 ​​cm long. These teeth are syringes. Even an unwary person can suffer from the poison. If you meet a snake in the forest, go around it and do not touch it. Poisonous snakes are very useful. Don't offend them and they won't bite you! Who cuts the wood and builds the dam? (beavers) Beavers' teeth are chisels. They chew all their lives and their incisors are sharp, constantly growing in beavers, squirrels, and ground squirrels (Fig. 4).

Figure 4

A person first grows baby teeth, and from the age of 6 they change to permanent teeth (showing children's and adult teeth) (Fig. 5).

Figure 5

Color healthy foods for teeth, cross out harmful products(Fig.6).

Figure 6

Comments on the results of the experiment: pay attention to the egg. Using a stick, the teacher presses on the eggshell. The shell became soft and was destroyed by acid. In the same way, acid destroys tooth enamel. It is necessary to rinse your mouth and brush your teeth after eating.

“How our Lyuba got a toothache.
Weak, fragile, children's milk.
The poor thing moans all day long and drives her girlfriends away:
I have no time for you today!
Mom feels sorry for Lyubochka, rinses her in a cup,
He doesn't take his eyes off his daughter.
Papa takes pity on Lyubochka and glues a doll out of paper
What can I do to relieve my daughter’s toothache?”

And I was bitten by a hippopath.
And out of fear I climbed onto a branch.
And here I sit here (foot on heel forward),
And my foot is there (foot on toe back).
Uncle Sanya, Uncle Sanya (knee to elbow 2 times).
(Other leg to the elbow)
Aunt Manya, Aunt Manya
(squat) - Baba Anya, Baba Anya (elbows on knees)
And I was bitten by a hippopath (with a bang around me).
(Each lap with acceleration).

Well done! You like to play. Let's play "Do as I do" again

Chur-la-la-la (children repeat)
Come on, clap like me
Come on, all together all at once
Only here they clap like that
Come on, stomp like me
Come on, all together all at once
Only here they stomp like that

(Also: grunt, bark, meow, spin the hoop, flap your wings, walk)

Now we will visit Dr. Zub, he will teach you how to brush your teeth correctly. Workshop “How to clean properly”:
Guys, please look at the picture “rules from Dr. Zub”, he will teach you the rules of hygiene. Brush your teeth from gum to tooth, from red (gums) to white (tooth). The entire dentition is divided into three parts: lateral and anterior. And each tooth is cleaned with sweeping, progressive and circular movements (Fig. 7).

Figure 7

What should you do with your toothbrush before brushing your teeth? (Washes thoroughly)
How should you hold the brush correctly while brushing? (Show movements while brushing)
How much toothpaste is applied to the toothbrush? (Pea)
When should you brush your teeth? (Brush teeth after meals, at least 2 times a day)
How to brush your teeth correctly? (Open jaws, from gum to tooth)

The children have mock-ups of jaws with teeth on their tables. Children take a toothbrush. Where should you start brushing your teeth? From the middle or from the edge? After brushing your teeth, you need to soap your brush, as soap has antimicrobial properties. A film forms on the toothbrush that will protect the brush from germs. Then place the brush head up until the next cleaning. We change the brush after 2-3 months.

Now I invite you to the museum for an exhibition of toothbrushes and toothpastes. IN ancient Greece Ashes obtained by burning the heads of rodents (mice, rabbits) were used to clean teeth. The ancient Romans used special ointments on wooden sticks for cleaning, as well as powders made from burnt deer antler. In India, from ancient times to the present day, teeth are cleaned with a twig of the Neem tree. By chewing such a twig and at the same time kneading its fibers, you can successfully brush your teeth. The released juice has a pleasant smell and taste, a disinfecting effect, and also strengthens teeth and gums. In Russia, teeth were not only brushed, but also whitened with finely ground ash, salt, and pumice powder. The first toothbrush made from pig bristles appeared in China in the 14th century. The base of the brush was made from bone, and the bristles were used from the scruff of pigs. By the beginning of the 20th century, modern toothbrushes began to be produced. How do you care for your brush? (Children's answers)(Fig. 8)

Figure 8

Pay attention to the variety of toothpastes. Why do we brush our teeth with toothpaste and not soap? Toothpaste contains fluoride, a substance that prevents the appearance and development of caries. There are tooth powders and dental elixirs that have anticaries and wound-healing effects. Dental flosses remove plaque and food debris from the spaces between teeth.

The teacher hangs a poster on the board "Safety rules for teeth":

  • Be careful when riding bicycles, rollerblading
  • Be calm in in public places: don’t push your neighbor on the desk, don’t fight, don’t trip him
  • Don't open bottles with your teeth, don't crack nuts
  • Do not put plastic or foreign objects in your mouth!

Now let's go to the music room.


Imagine that I am a fairy and turn you into fairy-tale heroes Zubarik, Tooth Monsters, Soap, Water, Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Beaver, Brush, Fairy Hygeia, Vitaminka (we put hats on everyone’s heads). To the sound of sad music, scary harmful Monsters run out, dance around Zubarik, who groans and cries, and to the cheerful music, good heroes run out, touch the Monsters with their hands and they kneel down - they die, Zubarik has fun, and all the heroes are happy that they saved him. Hold hands and send a spark of warmth to each other!


“If teeth could suddenly speak,
then they would immediately begin to teach us:
“after you’ve eaten, brush your teeth, do this twice a day,
Prefer fruits to candies - very important products
We go to the dentist twice a year for appointments.
And then you will keep your smile bright for many years!”


M – (little finger) – thought process. What knowledge and experience have I gained today?
B – (unnamed) – target proximity. What did I do and what did I achieve?
C (medium) – state of mind. What's my mood?
U (index) – service, help. Who did I help today, how did I please?
B (large) – cheerfulness, what have I done for my health?

Children answer questions at will, thus summing up the lesson. I invite you to the video room to watch the cartoon “The Adventures of Doctor Rabbit” (children watch the video film). And now I offer you guys educational activities on the playground Board games: “Healthy and diseased teeth” (Fig. 9)

Figure 9

“Ascorbinka and her friends”, “Pyramid of health”, “What is unnecessary”. Reward for children.

1.Straight teeth
Naturally straight teeth are rare. According to various estimates, in our country more than 60% of people have problems with teeth and bite. Often, even a quick glance is enough to determine the aesthetic unattractiveness of a smile. Such a smile becomes the cause of psychological problems: low self-esteem and complexes. This is especially pronounced in adolescence and at the initial stage of adult life (at university, during employment, first serious relationship etc.).
Why deprive yourself of the opportunity to laugh sincerely? Working towards your perfect smile can be more enjoyable than you think. If you are not delighted with classic braces (after all, you can forget about the aesthetics with iron wire in your mouth for a year, or even two), now there are many other options. For example, Euro aligners are virtually invisible orthodontic systems that straighten teeth and correct bite problems. Another nice feature is that the aligners can be removed (but it’s better not to abuse this).

2. Teeth color
The aesthetic perception of your smile largely depends on the color of your teeth. This color is different for each person. It turns out that it correlates with our skin color. So, some people believe that dark-skinned and dark-skinned people have a snow-white smile. In fact, the color of tooth enamel is milky white and translucent. It changes over time under the influence of various factors: age, genetics, nutrition and many others. To maintain an even color of teeth, dentists recommend using toothpastes with a high fluoride content. Once every six months it is necessary to do a prof. oral hygiene. In addition, you can always use teeth whitening procedures. In this regard, medicine has moved into the field of cosmetology. These procedures are widely available and do not involve high costs.

3. Teeth symmetry
You can even find out if your smile is symmetrical with the help of a mirror. Mentally divide your face with a line running along the nose. It should pass directly between the central incisors of the upper jaw. Mismatch – causes disharmony even with a quick glance at your smile. It is also important how the smile relates to the area of ​​the face: it may be too small or vice versa. The “horse smile” effect is familiar to more than one person. In this case, the help of a specialist, for example an orthodontist, is necessary.

4. Golden ratio
An addition to the previous paragraph is the concept of the golden ratio. This principle is that when looking at a person's smile from the front, strictly in the center, the ratio of the apparent width of the front teeth should be approximately the following - 0.6 (width of the canine): 1 (width of the lateral incisor): 1.6 (width of the central incisor).
In this case, the width of the visible part of the teeth closer to the corners of the mouth should gradually decrease. Again, achieving this proportion is easily achieved with the help of modern dentistry.

5. Dental health
This is one of the most important criteria for maintaining a perfect smile. The logic here is straightforward: the stronger the teeth, the less susceptible they are to caries and plaque, the better your smile will be.
Caries (decay) is one of the most common dental problems. It affects hard tissues and, if left untreated, leads to complete tooth destruction.
How to prevent this? It's simple. Dentists recommend:
-Care for your oral cavity using toothpaste/powder, rinsing solutions, floss, etc.;
-Give up bad habits that can cause caries indirectly - smoking and alcohol;
-Use special sugar-free chewing gum based on xylitol, which additionally cleanses the oral cavity;
- Get preventive examinations at the dentist at least once every six months. Be sure to treat any non-carious diseases, pathologies and dental problems.

6. Healthy gums
And even the healthiest, white, straight teeth may not create the impression of an ideal smile if a person has problems with gums.
Periodontitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis are not just scary words, but a very real threat to the health of the oral cavity and the beauty of your smile. Preventive gum care has many overlaps with dental care:
- Pay attention to general hygiene of the oral area, spend up to five minutes on this, and it is advisable to brush your teeth 2-3 times a day.
- When brushing your teeth, thoroughly clean the areas at the base of the teeth, making rotational movements with the brush. In this way, not only the teeth, but also the mucous membranes are cleaned as effectively as possible.
- Change brushes approximately once every 2-3 months. Once every ten days you need to leave the brush in a special disinfectant solution overnight.
- Use mouthwash and dental floss throughout the day;

7. Research by specialists
With the help of medical research, dentists have formulated the unspoken parameters of an ideal smile. The front teeth of the upper jaw should be slightly larger than the lower teeth. The height of the crown of the upper central incisors varies from 9 to 12 millimeters, width - from 8 to 9 millimeters. At the same time, the width of the lower teeth is about 5 millimeters. The size of wisdom teeth should not differ from the parameters of other molars.

Smiling is a very important part of our communication with others. The first thing people notice when smiling is our teeth. An 80-year-old woman revealing HER own teeth in a smile is admirable. AND The first thing that comes to mind is what a strong organism! And healthy teeth mean a healthy body as a whole. The condition of your teeth greatly affects the health of not only the oral cavity, but also the entire body.

The main enemy of teeth is caries

The most common dental disease is caries. This is the destruction of hard tooth tissue. The main causative agent of caries is sweet and starchy foods.

How does food containing fast carbohydrates contribute to tooth decay? The process is approximately like this:

  1. under the influence of saliva, polysaccharides (starch in buns, pasta, white rice...) and sucrose (sugar) are decomposed into glucose and (or) fructose;
  2. cariogenic microorganisms of the oral cavity (streptococci) ferment monosaccharides with the formation of acids (pyruvic, lactic), resulting in a decrease in the pH of dental plaque;
  3. when the pH decreases below 5.7-5.5, the rate of enamel demineralization sharply increases, which begins to prevail over remineralization. Focal demineralization of enamel is the starting point in the development of the carious process.

In addition, carbohydrates:

  • are the main factor in the adhesion (sticking) of microbes to tooth enamel;
  • help reduce the level of ionized calcium in saliva, thereby introducing an imbalance in the composition of the microflora of the oral cavity, upwardly increasing the level of the cariogenic microorganism itself.

How to prevent tooth decay?

give up fast-carbohydrate foods, and if this is not possible, then:

  • reduce the number of fast-carbohydrate meals, i.e. eat it in one or two meals. And the rest contain foods that are slow carbohydrates;
  • do not snack on sweets;
  • do not eat sweets at the end of meals;
  • do not eat sweets before bedtime;
  • After eating fast-carbohydrate foods, rinse your mouth.

Particular attention should be paid to the influence of food on the condition of teeth at a very early age in children. After all, children love sweets very much, and modern “children’s” products contain very a large number of substances that have a destructive effect on the condition of teeth. Today, people come to the children's dental clinic not only for dental fillings, but also with serious gum disease. For diseases such as periodontitis or gingivitis in children, treatment is often carried out at the level of relieving symptoms or external factors, without solving (or not identifying) the true problem of such diseases.

Tartar removal

As a result of an “unhealthy” environment in the oral cavity, tartar is formed at the base of the teeth - these are hardened food debris, mineral salts and other organic substances. the main problem– Tartar interferes with the normal functioning of the tooth, pressing on the gums and “cutting off” the normal blood supply. Plus, this is a concentrated “heap” of harmful substances. Tartar needs to be removed. Unfortunately, this cannot be done at home with a toothbrush. Tartar removal should be entrusted to a professional dentist.

Caries, in turn, can cause the development of various other infections, which leads to serious diseases, including diabetes.

Using dental floss.

Everyone knows that you should use toothpaste and brush at least twice a day. But, unfortunately, we often forget about the interdental spaces where most of the bacteria accumulate. To avoid unpleasant situations, do not neglect dental floss.

Rinse aids.

Various rinses are also a good help for cleaning the mouth during the day. Currently, their variety is surprising, but do not rush to buy the most expensive one. The arsenal has great amount real herbs that will cope with the task no worse, but will not cause accidental harm to the body and will not have additional effects due to the absence of any harmful chemical compounds.

What herbs are effective for preventive and daily mouth rinsing:

  • sage;
  • St. John's wort;
  • cinquefoil anserina;
  • Oak bark;
  • stinging nettle…..

There are very, very many herbs and they all have different effects on the gums and the oral cavity as a whole. Choose the herb that is most suitable for you personally.

Factors that worsen the condition of tooth enamel:

  1. smoking;
  2. drinking strong coffee and tea.

Unfortunately, smoking is not only an enemy to our lungs, but also to our teeth and gums. Firstly, tobacco smoke contributes to the darkening of the enamel, and secondly, it causes bad smell from the mouth, thirdly, it destroys bone tissue.
Coffee and tea, when consumed over a long period of time, also contribute to the formation of plaque on teeth, which for people with thin or weak enamel is often a serious factor that worsens the condition of teeth.

Factor "progressive"

Another serious factor that negatively affects the condition of the gums is the lack of hard foods in the diet and not chewing thoroughly. As a result of progress Food Industry, the main food of man became soft and easily accessible to the stomach. A person simply swallows the sweet cream without using his teeth. And here it’s the same as with the muscles of the body: less load means more deterioration.

Therefore, as a preventative measure, it is very useful to chew, for example, a piece of calamus root every day. It will clean the oral cavity and the gums will become stronger from such a load. Modern chewing gums are not helpful here, because... contain substances that have various negative side effects.