Where to meet a girl for a serious relationship. Where can you meet a girl

29.08.2019 Relationship

It would seem that the rapidly changing means of communication are increasingly conducive to communication. In fact, however, people are more likely to feel lonely. From young people you can increasingly hear that there is no one to meet, everyone is not the same and everything is wrong, and in general it is better to spend the evening sitting at your favorite computer game.

If you spend all your free time on the Internet, why are you surprised? In fact, there are not so few places where you can meet a girl. The problem is different: a young guy, quite normal and even handsome, is just embarrassed to get acquainted. Does it look like you? Surely, because guys who know how to get acquainted with girls do not read this article, but are already dating their girlfriend. Now you will find out where you can catch a "goldfish", that is, just meet a nice girl, so make a cup of coffee or tea, read and go fishing.

Why do you need this acquaintance

First of all, decide why you need this acquaintance at all. Now acquaintance with a girl does not automatically imply - in the future, a wedding, or at least sex (what a pity, right?), So your acquaintance can simply remain an acquaintance, it can develop into something more, or it can become fate. But don't think ahead. An excessive romantic mood can turn into a painful disappointment, it will discourage you from looking for places where you can meet girls, and you will again hide in your cozy virtual world, from which you can only get practical use while making a purchase in some online store.

Therefore, even if deep down you hope to meet the girl of your dreams, go to get acquainted, slightly cooling your ardor. To get started, just learn how to get to know each other and get a few acquaintances, in the long run - good friends (guys sometimes need them no less than male friends), and not mistresses, etc. For advice on how to lure a girl into bed, contact the pick-up artists, just remember that in the end you can get into an unpleasant situation.

Here you can definitely meet a girl

Acquaintance in the company

This refers not only to acquaintance at a birthday party or a party, although this is just the most accessible and natural type of acquaintance. At one crowded party that unites people by interests, work or place of study, you can meet a dozen girls in an evening.

A very useful option is to get acquainted not alone, but with a friend or a small male company - with a similar female couple or company. The pair option is preferable, because girls often go for walks or to cafes with their friends. If a girl is with a friend, it is very difficult to get acquainted alone - the girls will start to giggle and flirting can end in nothing. Therefore, "two by two" is a great option for meeting girls in a park, restaurant or disco, so long as both do not like the same girl.


Acquaintance in your favorite cafe is always successful, because the atmosphere is familiar, which means that unnecessary stress is removed. But first, this favorite cafe needs to be “started”. If you are a homebody, start preparing for dating with going out. Go around a few cafes, feel "your" atmosphere (even a student can find money for a cup of coffee a day). By the way, about students: pretty students "are found" in inexpensive cafes like fast foods. The downside is that they often go there with a group. But, perhaps, you will be lucky and you will notice a single girl just like you, who will not mind meeting you.

Sport halls

If you love sports, then you definitely go somewhere to work out. If you don’t like it, then it’s in vain, because the sports section is a great place to not only build beautiful body, but also to get acquainted with charming sports girls. The advantage is that you will immediately have a topic for conversation ready - at least about that kind sports activities that you are doing together.

Dance class

For some reason, men are very shy about going to dances, and this is a chance not only to learn how to move beautifully, thereby adding a few points to their charisma at a dance party, but also to find a pretty partner. Indeed, in dance classes there is usually a shortage of men for pair dances, so go learn ballroom dancing, or, even better, take salsa lessons - a passionate and sensual dance that builds a trusting bridge of understanding between partners.

Night clubs and discos

It is not necessary to learn to dance for half a year before going to meet girls in a nightclub or a dance party. Especially if you have at least some sense of rhythm. In the end, you can not dance at all, but just sit on the couch with a glass of drink and watch what is happening. And if you see a girl who, like you, is sitting nearby in splendid isolation, treat her to a cocktail (according to the rules of good manners - the same as she already drinks), and you are guaranteed to get to know each other. A very cute way to get acquainted is to sit down at the bar and order a drink from the girl sitting there.

Non-standard places to meet


You will say that there is nothing unusual in dating in transport? Have you tried to charm a girl in a packed train car on a trip between two stations? Here you have to be a virtuoso, so such acquaintances are within the power of people with charisma, or with a good sense of humor and figurative ability to start a conversation. So we can say that the subway is a place where you can learn how to get acquainted with a girl in rather extreme ways.


In the days of the Internet, the library, as a place of acquaintance, remained somewhere on the periphery. However, if you're looking for an intellectual person, you have a good chance of finding one in a library or bookstore, especially if you're a bookworm. True, in such a place it will not be possible to talk normally, but you can easily invite a girl to communicate in the nearest cafe.


Today, attending all kinds of seminars, personal growth trainings, master classes, etc. has become a very fashionable pastime. By the way, if you are a shy person, at such seminars you will meet your “colleagues” in shyness, which means that if you meet girls there, they will certainly be people who are close in spirit and worldview.

Ice rink

If you know how to skate, why haven't you gone to the skating rink yet? There you can meet many pretty girls, some of whom can skate phenomenally, but others will only learn, and here you will offer your services - for example, a strong man's shoulder instead of the side of the rink. The shoulder is much more preferable, especially since the girl will immediately have positive associations for you. So the skating rink is an almost win-win place for dating.

Other popular places to meet

In addition to the well-known places where you can meet girls, there are places where you can rarely visit, but if you do, don't waste your time. These include:

  • beaches;
  • festivals;
  • concert venues;
  • sports events.

Internet: why not?

If you are a very shy person and spend most of your time at the computer, then the Internet is also a good place to meet a girl. You can use a dating site, but it is better to use social media containing photographs and detailed information about a human. Only if you have already decided to get acquainted, and a correspondence has begun, try to transfer the relationship from virtual to real as soon as possible. Otherwise, you risk forever remaining cute, but, alas, a virtual friend.

If you want your acquaintance to bring the joy of communication, it is best to look for a girl among mutual friends, or by interests. After all, first of all, there should be common topics for conversation, and even better - common interests. By the way, those young people who consider this an obstacle to intimate relationships are mistaken. When spiritual intimacy precedes physical, the pleasure from such communication is immeasurably deeper and more sensual.

A lot has already been said about where you can meet a girl. But let's be honest with each other. You don't have enough places to meet. The main thing that hinders you is ignorance of HOW to get acquainted in these places.

In this article, you will find not only a list of all possible places, but you can also see exactly how you can get acquainted in each of them.

And when you see these examples, you can come up with your own ways. Finally, when you learn how to meet in each of the places, you will understand that you can really meet girls anywhere.

Street and methods of dating on it

Imagine a situation: a girl is walking with her friend. They might have fun. Or maybe they're both sad.

You can use interesting way when you come up and start asking who should be in charge in a relationship - a man or a woman. And who is usually the boss really. And then you ask why they think so, you develop a conversation and continue a date with both girls at once.

Such a topic for conversation will definitely arouse strong interest in them. True, there is a small danger: if pick-up artists have already approached them with such questions, then they will immediately understand everything. In addition, it is important to try to say it all very naturally so that they do not understand that you are specially acquainted.

With single girls, as a rule, it is more difficult and at the same time easier. More difficult, because they are more closed to the conversation, because. feel more at risk than if they were with friends. And it's easier, because her friend will not interfere with you.

Therefore, it is important to build trust first. And for this you need some time to talk to her. On the other hand, if a girl doesn’t like you right away, then she won’t stand next to you for 30 seconds.

In this case, you need to catch her attention with an unusual and deep topic. Start drawing conclusions about her. Look at her appearance, behavior, gestures, walk or look. AND tell her what you think of her. :)

Even if your conclusions turn out to be wrong, she will still appreciate your approach, since only a man with brains is able to draw at least some conclusions. So, your chances of seducing her will increase. As a result: you will be more likely to get her out on a date than if you took a number in a couple of minutes.


Here, we will use the classic technique and give the girl a rose. True, unlike simple “gifts”, where you give something to a girl and immediately try to take something away (her phone number, for example), here we will act more cunningly.

Instead of starting the introduction right after the rose is presented, go back to your table.

She wouldn't expect this turn of events.

Being accustomed to the fact that all the guys from the very beginning show a desire to quickly "shove" her, you will intrigue her. She will sit and doubt whether you like her and whether you will get to know her.

You will create the image of some mysterious stranger who showed sympathy for her, and at the same time, made her think about herself, and not about her unfinished coffee.

To do this, 2 conditions must be met:

  1. You really like the girl.
  2. You somehow made sure she wasn't leaving anytime soon.

Because it will be a few minutes before you come next time.

Another option is also possible: she will be there not alone, but with a friend. For example, if they are looking at photos, you can come up and say: “ Hello! You must have known each other for a long time?». After a few seconds, when they have recovered from the state of shock, continue: « You now look like two friends. One of you went on vacation, had a good time. And the second secretly met with her friend's boyfriend. Both are aware of this, but prefer to think about how cool it would be to go somewhere. And this is very evident in your behavior.».

Even if you are wrong, you will do perhaps the most important thing you can do - you will cause the strongest emotional response.

Night clubs and parties with friends

These are good places to meet girls. True, to achieve the desired result, you must follow three rules.

Rule number 1. Have some fun!

Nightclubs and any places where people have fun are made for you to have fun. And I didn’t think about which particular girl you would approach, when you would approach, and so on.

And even more so, they were not invented for you to ask beauties whether they work or study. :)

If you have done this before, then you should not continue in the same spirit. If not, you probably already managed to get acquainted with girls, you just need to work on your skills a little more.

And I'm talking about real fun. Even if outwardly you try to be like a positive guy, and you yourself will “steam”, why others manage to communicate with girls, but you don’t, you will feel it.

Therefore, it is important to really, as they say, “let go” of the result and just start communicating with girls.

Rule number 2. Don't always be there for her.

And don't try to get a phone number right away.

When you immediately pick up the phone, you show one of two things:

  1. Your insecurity (that you will not have time to get to know her).
  2. Your insecurities again (that you won't seduce her tonight).

Besides, you can't always be there for her. When you try to be only with her and make her your main character tonight (evening), then the smell of neediness and the absence of at least one of the girls in your life begins to fly in the air.

Rule number 3. Chat with other girls.

First, it will create a sense of competition in her. Secondly, no one gives you a guarantee that if you communicate with only one girl, then you will succeed with her.

But communication with several girls at the same time allows you to increase your chances. After all, if it doesn’t work out with one, it will work out with the other!

A park

There are 2 options here.

First: you get acquainted in the morning or in the afternoon. In this case, the girl can be there alone. Then you can use any approaches, including very creative ones (“ So that's who collected all the mushrooms from this park! And I still don’t understand where all the mushrooms have gone»).

The second option: she walks there in the evening. And in most cases, not alone, but with friends. Then you should take a friend with you to take care of her friend while you do your dirty work.

Where else can you meet a girl? In fact, you can try any places. The ideal ones will be where you feel extremely comfortable, but only slightly go beyond your limits. If the going beyond is strong, then the result will be better, but you will not get it soon, because. at first you will hear a lot of rejections. If you get acquainted only in complete comfort, then there will be no development.

And sometimes useful at all completely change your "strategy". If until now you've only met in clubs, now make it your goal to meet on the street. And vice versa. By putting yourself in difficult conditions, you will learn to get acquainted, despite the stress. This means that even difficult places for dating will not scare you.

In fact, getting close to the fair sex is not so difficult. You need to know that (according to numerous statements by psychologists) women are quite open for communication, an extra acquaintance will not hurt her at all. However, we must remember that the first step must be taken by us, men.

The first thing to do, according to psychologists, is to ask yourself the question: “Why?” That is, for what, in fact, are we trying to get to know each other? There are three full-fledged answers: to have a good time, to prove something to friends, or, finally, to build some kind of relationship with a new girlfriend. In the first two cases, the acquaintance is short-lived. Psychologists are sure that after a couple of months you won’t even remember the face of the woman you met. Of course, there are exceptions, but this is the law of human relations.

In the latter case, the situation looks much more serious and complicated. Approaching the girl, we want to hope that we will communicate with her both tomorrow and years later. Psychologists advise answering another question: “Where to meet?” There is only one answer to it - anywhere. So.

Restaurants, cafes, bars. Imagine the following picture: a man sits alone at one table, a woman sits at another table, and also alone. What to do? Let's say right away that it is useless to invent new things - everything has already been invented a long time ago. To emphasize romance, a man can give a woman a bottle of fine wine through a waiter (unless, of course, he understands this issue thoroughly). Believe me, a woman will definitely ask from whom such a gift. From this moment on, you can assume that the acquaintance has taken place, and if the woman also saluted him with a glass of the same wine, then this man is already his “on the board” and can count on the fact that they will spend the evening together.

There is another simple way - to try to sit down with the lady at her table. However, it is important to remember that in this case you should not shove like a tank on the enemy and impose yourself - it will not be at all surprising if the woman immediately pays and leaves or, worse, calls the guards.

Street. Dating on the street today does not surprise anyone. However, here it is also important to know the principles of dating so that a man is not mistaken for a fool or “sent”.

Situations can be different - you can ask the fair sex for the location of the house you are interested in, the time, or (if it happens at a bus stop) ask if the bus is visible in the distance. The main thing here is your imagination. However, remember: everything should happen naturally and unobtrusively. Insolence and excessive self-confidence when meeting people do not always help, and sometimes even spoil the whole process.

You can imagine a different picture - the girl is sitting alone on a bench in the park. Again, it is natural to come up and sit down on the same bench, but at some distance from the lady. The topic of conversation is any, but meaningless: the weather, children walking in the park, pets (if, for example, a spectacular lap dog sits at her feet).

You can meet and in your favorite store. It is not uncommon for people who are unfamiliar with each other, standing in line, to ask a nearby person about the quality of a particular product, whether this cookie is tasty, etc. It is safe to say that in 9 cases out of 10 you will definitely get a new girlfriend.

Acquaintance by interest. If you are good at painting or go in for sports - running to exhibitions or sport sections. There you will definitely meet a nice lady with whom you will have something to talk about - that's the reason to get to know each other.

Where else can you meet? For example, in library. Have you noticed that a woman chooses an impressive number of books or asks the librarian for a work of your favorite author? Offer to help her or let her know that you have several books by such and such a writer. I am sure that the woman will answer you with mutual attention. Concerts, performances, in general, cultural life - your element? Great! You won't have any problems!

in sports facilities mixed health groups have long been popular. There is a reason to look there. What if there is that one and only one that you have been looking for for so long?

Finally, the most favorite event taking place in many cities is “ Yard Feast". Do you say you know everyone who lives in your area? You are wrong. Let's recall the line from the famous film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears": "They live in the same entrance: she is on the fourth floor, he is on the eighth, and we met at our club." However, it is not forbidden to visit the “Holidays of the Court”, which take place in a completely different part of the city. The organizers will be glad to all the guests, and you may meet a woman. Is this your destiny?

Dance floor. Let's go back a few decades. Then dances were in fashion, where single men and women were looking for friends. It all started with a simple waltz. Today, the concept of "dancing" has changed to "discotheques", but the meaning of this event has remained the same - to meet a new person. Got a hint? In particular, this type of dating is relevant for young people, but recently discos are also popular among middle-aged people. So hold on.

Acquaintance through an "intermediary". Recently, it has become fashionable to offer your best friend to meet a certain girl, describing her virtues. There is no need to be afraid of this, it is still worth a closer look. And not only to the future girlfriend, but also to the friend himself. Why? If she is his friend, then they must be similar in some way.

There is another option, very, very popular today. For example, your best friend birthday invited not only you, but also other acquaintances whom you had never seen before. During the celebration, you meet a woman with whom you can build at least friendly relations. There are cases when real families grew out of such acquaintances.

And finally, let's take a look the new kind dating, which has become popular lately - through ads and the Internet. According to psychologists, such a view is nothing more than a frivolous undertaking, since we do not see who wrote these ads, who is currently sitting at another computer. And very often we take the interlocutor for a completely different person and imagine him in a different way. And there are situations when a man is sure that he is chatting with a woman over the Internet, but in fact his “interlocutor” is also a man. And if we want to build long-term relationships, up to the creation of a family, then, apart from disappointments, such games will not bring anything. According to psychologists, when meeting you, you must definitely look your new girlfriend in the eyes. IN this case there is simply no such possibility.

Thus, you see that getting to know a girl is much easier than it seems, this is just an insignificant trifle in our life. The only thing you need is a desire to get acquainted, a formulated goal, and then you will certainly get a new girlfriend, and maybe a faithful life partner.

Moscow is the capital of our vast country. Every day more and more new faces come here in search of happiness. Among them there are a lot of beautiful students and just girls who decided to take a step forward in their lives.

Someone does not like Moscow for great amount people and an atmosphere of constant haste. But, my opinion is that the pluses of Moscow outweigh its minuses. There is a very beautiful architecture and a huge number of places where you can just walk and enjoy beautiful views to the city. Everyone will find in Moscow what he likes.

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And definitely don't forget about beautiful girls There are more of them here than anywhere else! In this article, we will look at the main places for dating in Moscow.

Probably the first sight where a backpacker goes in the capital is Red Square. But for dating, this is not the best location. There are a lot of foreign tourists here who are not very interested in this.

To make fun, take pictures - yes, but no more. Very close is Manezhnaya Square. Every self-respecting man should meet a girl in Moscow at Manezhka. But, despite the high competition among other guys, the playpen remains very good place with high traffic, and I consider it an excellent training ground for dating. Next, you can take a walk in Alexander Garden, here people walk at a leisurely pace and are not in a hurry. Also in the summer there are a lot of girls who just relax on the grass and are ready to get acquainted.

The center of the capital (within the Garden Ring) has now been made very comfortable, and most importantly, pedestrian. Recently, numerous pedestrian zones have appeared, along which it is pleasant to walk at any time of the day. Among them, the most crowded and conducive to acquaintance are:

  • Nikolskaya
  • Kuznetsky Most
  • Kamergersky lane
  • Stoleshnikov Lane
  • Tverskaya
  • Bolshaya Dmitrovka
  • Old Arbat
  • New Arbat.

Each of these streets is very well equipped, and most importantly, on them you can meet many beautiful girls walking slowly there.

Also for lovers nightlife, along all these streets there are bars and various nightclubs where meet girls in Moscow at night so it's there. Among them are such as:

  • Gipsy
  • Jagger
  • The Rolling Stones
  • Chesterfield
  • Propaganda
  • and many others. others

Looking for a place to meet in Moscow in spring or summer? Go to the park!

Probably my favorite part of the city is the parks. There are a lot of them and each has its own unique atmosphere and advantages.

The most popular park in the capital is Gorky Park. It is especially good in this park in the warm season. Where there are many girls in Moscow, it is there. A huge number of pretty girls in dresses and shorts who come here purely to walk, and some - especially for new acquaintances. The park has a large number of leisure activities, from relaxing reading a book on a bench to energetic dancing on the embankment.

In the winter season, it is also very good here, one of the largest ice rinks in Europe is being constructed in the park, where anyone, for a relatively small amount, can try himself on ice. Skating rink in PG, one of the most romantic locations where you can meet a girl in Moscow.

Muzeon Park goes right after Gorky Park. For me personally, it's like one place, and I don't separate them. As well as the Neskuchny Garden, it is a great place for a relaxing walk and a breath of fresh air.

Good places for dating are also Sokolniki Park and VDNKh. They have a rather impressive territory, but if you don’t go too far, then there will be enough people, and at the same time girls.

The place where in Moscow you can meet a girl and immediately arrange a cool walk is Sparrow Hills. Weddings and graduations are often held here. And all why? Yes, because from the observation deck it opens beautiful view a city that absolutely everyone should see at least once in their life.

In addition to the central ones, there are more distant from the center, but no less beautiful parks.

  • Fili Park
  • Kuzminki park
  • Izmailovsky park
  • Troparevo
  • Bitsevsky forest
  • Vorontsovsky park.

For those who prefer winter hunting, there is always a problem - how to meet a girl in Moscow when it gets cold? Street zones, with the onset of cold weather, unfortunately, are empty and everyone is smoothly moving to shopping and entertainment centers and malls. But this is good that places for dating in Moscow are not limited to streets and parks.

The best places for dating are like 3 whales that keep the whole cold season going. This:

  1. Shopping center Okhotny Ryad
  2. TC European
  3. Shopping center Atrium

There are no major differences between them. Hundreds of girls flock to each of them, in search of new clothes and other purchases. Although, recently, Afimall has also been added to this trio.

The two most expensive shopping centers are TSUM and GUM. Sometimes you can find there famous people who came to pamper themselves too.

Where do they meet girls in Moscow besides the central shopping centers?

There are more distant shopping centers, but quite suitable for dating, such as:

  • metropolis
  • Capitol
  • Mega Belaya Dacha
  • Golden Babylon
  • Avia-park

Do not forget about dating in public transport. The metro transports millions of people every day, and among them there are a huge number of beautiful girls who are traveling from school, work and do not know how to spend the rest of the evening. The same can be said about buses, trolleybuses, trams, electric trains and minibuses. In this transport, oddly enough, I met most of my girls. Therefore, the answer to the frequent question How to find a girl in Moscow will be - absolutely everywhere.

By the way, I hope you watch your body and go to the gym? If yes, then you are killing two birds with one stone. You have a good shape, as well as the opportunity to meet slender and figure-conscious girls.

Do not forget also about your spiritual development. Attend various exhibitions, master classes, seminars, etc. In addition to your own development, you can meet girls who, just like you, have a craving for knowledge. And smart girls, in our time, unfortunately, are a rarity! Where in Moscow to meet exactly such girls is at such events.

If you are too lazy to get out of the house somewhere. You can try dating sites like mamba.ru And loveplanet.com. But personally I do not advise you to do this. Better get your ass off the chair and take decisive action that will give you the maximum result!

Where to find a girl in Moscow when you are on the road? Places where the girls are with you in a closed room and they have nowhere to run. We are talking about buses, minibuses, trains and, of course, about the "dungeon".

The best metro stations for dating in Moscow, where there are a lot of girls, are those that are within the ring. Also, it is better that the station has several transitions to other branches and benches are installed on the platform.

For example, the Arbatskaya metro station is suitable for all points. In the Metro, you will see a girl who just rushed headlong down the escalator at the speed of a mustang in order to have time to jump into the car and now she is going to shake in the train for half an hour on her way to work or school. And if you like her, I recommend jumping into the car with her. You can strike up a conversation in the car ( You don't think people are going to point fingers at you, do you?).

In case of success, you will have time to talk and exchange contacts, in case of failure, you will change the car at the first station, so as not to embarrass either her or yourself. Also, if you live in the suburbs and get to the center by train, you have the opportunity to pass from the beginning of the train to the end in combined cars. In one trip, you are guaranteed to find an attractive girl if, instead of putting a headset in your ears and burying your face in the phone, you will conduct local reconnaissance.

Thematic places and events

Where do adults meet in Moscow? The old way to find a girl with similar interests is to go to a place where people are into the same thing. This is a fitness club did you want a fiton?), concert of a rock band, fashion show, exhibition, master class for origami lovers, hobby groups board games and anything else, depends on personal preference. In such places it is easy to start a conversation, because there is something to ask or discuss. This method is especially good if you use status in this get-together. You can make an acquaintance by offering help to an inexperienced girl.

Anytime and anywhere

You don't have time to drive downtown and look for girls? A comfortable option for a place to meet a girl will be your usual route in Moscow. On the way to work, study, in the subway, in traffic, underpasses, next to your house, neighboring offices, cafes next to work, you have probably come across sultry beauties more than once, to whom you were drawn. Do not miss the opportunity and spend time from work to home with benefit, make acquaintances wherever you are. Experienced guys who have been seriously interested in seduction for a long time rarely get out into the “field”. They have enough of the usual route, by the evening of an ordinary gray Tuesday they do not have a single phone number in their address book.

Now friend, you know where in Moscow you can meet a girl! Any excuses about the fact that there are no girls anywhere are no longer accepted.

It's time to comb your hair, put on your best T-shirt and go hunting, since you now have plenty of places to approach.

List of shopping centers, clubs, bars, parks

Center: Red Square, Manezhnaya Square, Alexander Garden, all nearby streets and alleys, Kitay-gorod.

Streets with bars and cafes: Kuznetsky bridge, Arbat Old and New, Nikolskaya.

Tim decided to tell something interesting)

Parks: Gorky Park, VDNKh, Sokolniki, Muzeon, Sparrow Hills + Izmailovsky, Fili, Kuzminki (there are fewer people here)

SEC and malls: European, GUM, TSUM, Okhotny Ryad, Atrium, + Mega (Belaya Dacha, Khimki), Capitol, Golden Babylon, Afimol City, Metropolis.

Acquaintance on Okhotny Ryad

Night clubs and bars: Gipsy, Jagger, The Rolling Stones, Chesterfield, ICON, Prapaganda, Mix and more. others

Transport: Metro, minibuses, buses, trains.

Thematic events: Fitness rooms, exhibitions, galleries, concerts, master classes, seminars, etc.

Top Sites: Mamba.ru, Loveplanet.ru.

Now we can talk about in which clubs in Moscow it is better to get acquainted. In addition to clubs, we will also touch on the topic of bars. To begin with, the club is an institution that pulls more like a restaurant, and there is good music, tables where you can sit. And in bars there are mostly no tables, there are bar counters and people drink alcohol more.

For me personally, dating in a bar is the easiest thing there is. There the atmosphere itself is conducive to acquaintance. By and large, they go to clubs and bars for the sake of dating and just to break away. So let's say let go of everything, move away from the work week and just spend time in the company positive people. Has anyone seen a sad person in such an establishment?

Clubs in Moscow for dating girls are waiting for you every now and then, when you come and pick up your booty (booty means dating, I exaggerate of course). Students who come from other cities immediately ask in which club in Moscow the girls are filming, no, the word “shoot” is not the most suitable and you have to correct them where you can meet a girl. Now I will give you specifically the names of the clubs in which I myself practiced and practice with students in the night training on club dating:

Now that you know the names of the clubs, it's time to get ready...

Club dating is a little different from street dating, as there is alcohol there and, as I said earlier, it has its own atmosphere.

What I'm talking about, you can meet on the street, chat for a couple of minutes and disperse, taking her number, in the club the same scheme will not work for the reason that the girl in the club is hot, she is ready for new sensations and, in a word, she is looking for adventure on her head ... and then you came up, took her number and just disappeared.

IMPORTANT! In the club, you need to be more directive and declare your intentions more directly.

Well, you have identified a club where there are a lot of girls and decided to go hunting, a common mistake guys make is not getting on the same wavelength with a girl. Like this? She comes off, she is well relaxed, in a word she is on a positive wave. The guy, perhaps, is on his own wave, a lot of things are spinning in his head, he thinks (who to approach, how to approach, what to say), for a girl, such people are like strangers, because this guy is on his wave, and the girl is on hers.

That is, you need to join the same wave, so to speak, calibrate it, and then build communication correctly, namely, as you said earlier, conduct a conversation and declare your intentions as a man.

Of course, there are clubs in Moscow where women rent men, but this is already a striptease club, and I am familiar with this type of entertainment firsthand, since our friend Panfer worked there for 5 years and told how women themselves rent men there, but this is not Just.

This is Panfer

Now you know the clubs in Moscow, where there are always a lot of girls, you know how to get acquainted correctly.

Conquering MSC bars

This section will be devoted to bars where you can meet a girl. Above, I wrote that there are no seats in bars as such, there are chairs at the bar counter, where acquaintance takes place - communication.

The advantages of dating in a bar are that, where alcohol flows like a sea, the girls are liberated and very open to communication. Again, street dating format will not work in a bar.

A common problem among guys is noisy music and you have to yell in the literal sense ... A small life hack to avoid this, when communicating with a girl, try to speak more slowly and confidently!

After you see that she is making contact, try to change the location inside the club, well, move to the corner where the music plays less loudly and continue your communication there. At this time, the task is to interest the girl so that she understands why she communicates with you.

In fact, there are a lot of dating bars, wherever you go, there are girls everywhere, and normal ones. There are several best bars for acquaintance, namely: on the chamberlain lane Let’s go bar, in the same place nearby Ugly Cayote. On weekends, we pass by these bars, pull out the girls and get to know each other. This suggests that everything is simple there and you need to go and try.

Tim decided to get acquainted and show a master class)

Also suitable for Moscow bars for meeting girls MUMIY TROL on Tverskaya. We often go there, we got along well with the administrator, and the students hung out there more than once and took the girls away. Everyone there already knows us by sight.

I will not stop repeating, there are a lot of places for dating, the main thing is the skill to get to know each other correctly, or, so to speak, a theory that gives you the opportunity to get to know each other correctly and seduce girls.

Where do you most often meet?

Moscow. A huge city where everyone wants to find their place in the sun. A city of opportunities, bright contrasts, advanced youth and entertainment. If you are of the opinion that it is not easy to meet a sought-after girl in Moscow, you are greatly mistaken: you just need to know the places.


Denis Shalnov

Every day, several million people descend into the Moscow metro - entire cities and towns find themselves underground and rush about their business. And it is here that the highest percentage of girls with whom you can make a new acquaintance is concentrated. The metro, among other places, gives one important advantage - the opportunity to get acquainted within the framework of one's own Everyday life. You do not need to specially gather, allocate your precious time for this event. If you wish, you can practically not move at all - find a place with good visibility, for example, near the escalator and just watch the approaching young ladies, and then approach those that you like the most. In the subway, it is quite easy to start a conversation, because you are busy with one thing - waiting for a train together or traveling in the same direction in the same car. The rejection rate is low: as elsewhere, the result of an acquaintance is strictly subject to your personal ability to communicate and seduce.

Crowded malls

"Okhotny Ryad" and "European" are considered, without undue modesty, the most rented places in the city. There are always a lot of people and a lot of young people here on any day. The advantage of these centers is that most girls adequately respond to an attempt to get acquainted. But you must remember that in such places there will be a large number of young people. More sought-after girls can be "twitched" by frequent offers of acquaintance. Therefore, it is worth mentally preparing for a high percentage of failures. But among those who agree, there should be no further problems with communication and seduction.

deserted malls

If it is important for you to have a lot of people and more choice, then your time is weekdays from 18.00 to 21.00, or from 14.00 on weekends. If you, on the contrary, want to get acquainted without too much fuss, then come by 13.00 on a weekday, or on weekends in the late evening.

Denis Shalnov

There are a lot of such shopping centers in Moscow (Afimall, Golden Babylon, etc.), and people are already walking calmly in them. Girls come there to really buy something, and not to hang out, as in the "European". They walk measuredly, choose something, they are not reached by those who want to get to know each other. In a calm environment, it will be easier for you to approach the girl you like and chat politely. True, the choice will be much narrower, but you can slowly track down the girl, come up and start a conversation. And after that, help bring her purchases to the house.

Park of Culture

After its grandiose resuscitation, Gorky Park today is a modern center for youth hangouts: someone rollerblades and bikes, someone walks along the embankment, someone dances salsa, someone plays games. Updated, it is very conducive to communication and easy dating. It is also captivating that the Park of Culture is visited by a decent audience, so the probability of meeting gorgeous girls is quite high. You can spend the whole day with a great bike or a skateboard and still keep hitting new girls.

Night clubs

It is difficult to recommend a certain nightclub, because everyone has their own needs: someone needs gloss and chic, like in SOHO, someone needs a drunken cheerful crowd, like in CHESTERFILD, someone needs a hipster tech movement, like in GIPSY, someone - R'n'B parties like in the GARAGE club.

Denis Shalnov

It is believed that nightclubs are more popular in the winter season, but in the summer there are always a lot of tipsy ladies hanging out here who are not averse to waking up in the same bed with you tomorrow. During the summer, the clubs are not so crowded as the city is full of other activities. But the positive still lives here, alcohol flows like water, the level of skirt length does not change, and the girls are tuned in to new acquaintances and are easy to communicate with. In a nightclub, you can easily get to know each other and strike up a conversation, even in conditions where it is difficult to talk because of loud music.


It would seem that considering the airport from the point of view of one of the best places dating in Moscow is at least strange, but it is here that you can easily meet a pretty and lonely girl who flies away for the weekend to her native Novosibirsk or Rostov-on-Don to visit her parents. In terms of time costs, the place is not the most convenient, but if you go, then you will have a lot of time to watch, track down and calmly chat with the girl. Yes, and there will be something to talk about.

“But what about supermarkets, fitness clubs, or at least art galleries?”

Why not: supermarket

People run into supermarkets between work and home, usually slightly loaded with household chores. Most often, the girl forgot to buy something - she left the house for the nearest store (at the same time, not caring much about appearance), her mood is far from positive, and here you are with your acquaintance. Approaching a girl who is all in thought, what kind of cottage cheese should she take - five percent or fat-free - will be a dubious matter, most likely she will react nervously and negatively. In addition, single girls are infrequent guests of supermarkets. Mostly they wander married women with children, grandmothers and men with carts.

Why Not: Fitness Club

It would seem that there are so many advantages! The figure is immediately visible: a girl in a tight tracksuit gracefully runs along the treadmill or does inclines, works out on simulators and pumps the press. On this, perhaps, the pluses end. Many girls come to the gym to really work out, and not to find a lover. A disturbing factor will also be the fact that gyms too many men. It’s not a fact that you can look advantageous against the background of other athletes. When you meet a girl on the street, in the subway, in a club and in general in everyday life, the difference is not so noticeable. And in the fitness club everything is for show. But, of course, if you are confident in your abilities, you can try.

Why Not: Exhibitions

The truth of life is such that there are not so many girls ready for dating in places of “high culture”. Art is usually interested in those whose interests are far from shopping and nightclubs, that is, not very accessible. Well, girls who are in high demand among men will not waste time walking around the Winzavod.

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Recorded by Elena Dyachenko