Dream figure: modeling massage as a way to achieve a beautiful body.

27.02.2018 beauty

With age, looking in the mirror, every woman is forced to recognize the omnipotence of time, which does not spare beauty and youth. However, the desire to stop him does not decrease. And I especially want to correct the blurry oval of the face with sagging jowls, a regularly appearing double chin and age-related folds.

In fact, modern cosmetology provides all ladies of Balzac's age with a unique opportunity to improve contours and lines. Thus, many salons offer modeling facial massage, which in a few sessions allows you to tighten the skin and regain its former shape.


It is worth mentioning right away that modeling massage can be performed using different techniques. Its goal will be one and only - to make the oval of the face beautifully outlined, embossed, without age-related folds. However, the effectiveness, stages of implementation, prices and availability of independent implementation will vary significantly:

  • in one salon you will be offered from chiropractor Enrique Garcia at a cost of 2,000 rubles per session, which can only be performed by a specialist;
  • in another cosmetology salon you can find a classic modeling massage in the price list for only 500 rubles.

The effectiveness of the first procedure is beyond doubt. You will spend a lot of money, but the results will inspire not only you, but also those around you. Classic modeling massage does not promise stunning rejuvenation for 10 years, but it is quite capable of coping with certain problems in the form of jowls and a double chin.

Operating principles

Modeling the oval, contours, and contours of the face during a massage becomes possible thanks to skillful manipulations that activate biochemical processes not only in the deep layers of the epidermis. They affect both the muscle frame and affect microcirculation under the skin. Confident, skillful movements ensure:

  • deep study of the muscles of the face, neck, décolleté;
  • reducing their hypertension;
  • restoration of firmness and elasticity to the skin;
  • cell regeneration ability;
  • active production of collagen and elastin, which are necessary elements for maintaining youth;
  • enrichment of tissues with oxygen and various nutrients;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • removal of toxins;
  • drainage effect.

Thanks to the activation of all these processes during the rejuvenating and tightening course of modeling massage, the face becomes beautifully contoured, sculpted, without folds characteristic of age. Before carrying out the procedure, it is strongly recommended that you first familiarize yourself with two very important lists - indications and contraindications.

Advantages: complex of indications

Since the main goal of modeling massage is to correct the oval of the face, all indications for its implementation are in one way or another related to this cosmetological problem. It is recommended to resort to this procedure in the following cases:

  • muscle hypertonicity;
  • double chin;
  • "crow's feet";
  • blurry oval face;
  • weak muscle frame;
  • wrinkles;
  • gray or yellow faces;
  • ptosis;
  • shaved.

Each of these cosmetic defects on the face can be corrected without drastic measures in the form of injections or a scalpel. Everything can be solved with the help of not only a safe, but also a pleasant modeling massage procedure. However, taking into account the powerful development of the deep layers of the epidermis that it provides, contraindications to its use must be taken into account.

Disadvantages: presence of contraindications

The effectiveness of modeling facial massage captivates many. However, not everyone is allowed to do so, as it affects the functioning of many systems and organs. For some diseases, this procedure can cause a malfunction in their functioning.

Contraindications to manual modeling are:

  • infections;
  • allergic rashes;
  • neoplasms in the form of nevi, papillomas;
  • damage to the skin: wounds, scratches, scars, scars;
  • , spider veins;
  • recently performed deep chemical peeling, microdermabrasion.

If there are any serious health problems, you first need to solve them, and then resort to modeling facial massage. This will protect you from various complications and guarantee good results without any side effects.

Features of the procedure

Performed using any technique, modeling massage for the correction of facial contours has a number of features that distinguish it from other similar procedures.

  1. The main difference is that this procedure is as comfortable and pleasant as possible.
  2. The main movement of the modeling massage is light stroking, which ensures extraordinary plasticity of the entire procedure. They may seem practically weightless, soft, and superficial to the patient, although in fact they differ in the depth of their effect on the tissue.
  3. Typically, modeling is developed by a specialist individually for each individual client. Therefore, on your own, at home, you can perform only classic, simplest massage techniques within the framework of this technique. But the procedure developed by Enrique Garcia involves working different facial muscles each time, and manipulations are almost never repeated twice during 1 session.
  4. The full course consists of 9-13 procedures, the number of which depends on how much age-related changes have affected the contours of the face, how many folds need to be tightened, whether there is a double chin and jowls, etc.
  5. It is recommended to do a modeling massage every 2 days.
  6. After the course is completely completed, you will need to carry out maintenance procedures 2 times a month.
  7. A modeling facial massage session lasts about half an hour.

Some sources indicate that manipulations during modeling massage to correct the oval of the face affect such deep layers that they can cause unpleasant, painful sensations. This can only be explained by two reasons. Or is it a classic technique that was performed incorrectly at home. Or a not very experienced master got down to business.

Execution technique

The facial modeling technique developed by Enrique Garcia is very difficult to master. This is an entire art that takes a long time and patiently to learn. In this regard, there is an opinion that modeling facial massage cannot be performed at home at all. However, let us remember that there is a classic version of it, which is not distinguished by its complexity or amazing results. If you watch the training video and try to follow the sequence of all manipulations, certain results can be achieved.


  1. Turn on light, relaxing music.
  2. Make sure that no one will interfere with your massage.
  3. Tidy up your hair so it doesn't bother you.
  4. Remove your makeup.
  5. Cleanse your face thoroughly.
  6. Apply any cosmetic (massage) oil. For oily skin use appropriate cream.
  7. Modeling massage is characterized by circular, smoothing movements, alternating strong and weak pressure.
  8. Perform them either with your fingertips or with your entire palm.
  9. All manipulations are performed in one direction - from the center to the edge.

Massage procedure

  1. Move your fingertips 10 times from the point under the chin to the ears.
  2. Smooth and then pinch the skin on either side of the central dimple of the chin.
  3. Place any 2 fingers on your lips (corners), pressing lightly, and move them to your ears. When you return, pinch.
  4. Massage deeply into the skin from the nose to the temples. When returning, gently rub the area. Do about 8 times.
  5. Pinch the skin from the bridge of the nose to the line where the hair begins to grow, returning, smooth it out. Do 8 times.
  6. Knead the skin from the central point of the forehead to the temporal lobe, then pinch and finish with stroking.

The classic technique of modeling facial massage is available to everyone, even at home. You can find a training video and master these simple manipulations that will return you to your former shape.

Simulation efficiency

Home (classical) modeling massage has a softer effect on the tissues and muscular frame of the face, so the results here will be much more modest and not so noticeable. But the procedure from Enrique Garcia is the real pinnacle of manual cosmetology. Without injections or surgery, it is amazingly effective:

  • you will no longer suffer from puffiness under your eyes;
  • double chin will be smoothed out;
  • There will be fewer crow's feet;
  • the oval of the face will become clear, embossed, drawn, beautifully outlined;
  • the muscle frame will be strengthened;
  • wrinkles will become less pronounced;
  • the jowls will tighten;
  • your complexion will become natural, healthy and beautiful.

If you don’t like hardware, injection, and even more so surgical cosmetology, and you don’t want to put up with age-related changes that are reflected on your face more and more clearly every day, be sure to use the service of a modeling massage. It is better to order the first course in the salon and trust the skillful hands of the master. If the procedure turns out to be too expensive for you, you can try it at home.

Modeling massage or manual correction technique is enough effective remedy to eliminate figure flaws. With the help of this procedure, the body becomes toned, the skeletal muscles are strengthened, and the body's metabolic processes are activated.

The visible effect is observed immediately after the first session. Blood circulation improves, muscle tone increases, cellulite disappears, and the body's metabolic processes are activated. Just a few sessions of modeling massage help get rid of obvious defects without resorting to the help of plastic surgeons.
  • Indications for modeling massage:
  • completeness;
  • swelling;
  • stress;
  • stretch marks;
  • cellulite;

How does a massage session work? The procedure, lasting an hour and a half, is most often carried out locally. The buttocks, abdomen, riding breeches area, hips, and waist are exposed to the specialist’s influence. The massage therapist alternately squeezes, rubs and strokes problem areas. As a result, blood flow is stimulated, which affects the body's lymphatic system. This leads to the fact that toxic substances are excreted, the body gets rid of excess fluid, swelling subsides. The first sessions can be quite painful.

Correction is also carried out using cooling. For this, nitrogen or menthol is used. Using low temperatures, stimulate the body to burn calories to stay warm. After the session, skin elasticity increases, stagnant fat deposits disappear, sagging areas return to their previous shape.

Due to inactivity, the muscles of the décolleté and neck lose their elasticity very early. Modeling massage stimulates the development of collagen and elastin and has a drainage effect on the lymphatic vessel system. Thanks to this, procedures performed on the face, neck and décolleté are very effective. During the session, the specialist uses a deep massage in combination with a relaxing one. After the massage, wrinkles are smoothed out, the oval of the face becomes clearer, and the lifting effect is noticeable. Facial massage is easily tolerated and has virtually no contraindications.

The massage therapist determines the number of sessions required, depending on the condition of the body and problem areas. As a rule, these are 6-12 procedures.

The ideal time for a massage is morning. You should have breakfast before the session. Breakfast should be light. The optimal time is an hour and a half before the session. Before the procedure, it is advisable to exfoliate the skin.

To consolidate and speed up the results after the session, special wraps and masks aimed at eliminating cellulite and stretch marks will be very effective. To improve the quality of the procedure, it is advisable to use auxiliary products - anti-cellulite creams, massage oils and gels.

There are general contraindications to modeling massage:
  • bleeding, including menstrual bleeding;
  • neoplasms - malignant and benign;
  • viral and infectious diseases;
  • diseases of the venous and lymphatic system;
  • rheumatism;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pregnancy;
  • hypertension;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • individual contraindications, which you should ask your doctor about.

It is important that the modeling massage is performed by a specialist. A properly constructed program and the optimal number of sessions, carried out individually, will help create a chiseled, toned body and eliminate visible imperfections from the figure, excess water will leave the body, weight will decrease, and skin condition will improve.

What woman doesn’t dream of soft, elastic skin and clear facial contours? In the struggle for youth and beauty, beautiful ladies sometimes resort to radical methods: the introduction of subcutaneous drugs and unsafe surgical interventions. However, there is a more pleasant and no less effective method maintain youthful facial skin - regular massage, especially its variety - modeling facial massage (another name is “Spanish massage”).

Clients of salons offering modeling massage services are usually women 35-40 years old. In this category, age-related changes on the face are already quite noticeable, but regular massage can prevent and minimize further skin aging.

Reasons to try facial massage

This type of massage deeply works the muscles of the face, neck and décolleté. As a result of such effects, muscle hypertonicity is relieved, firmness and elasticity returns to the skin, its ability to regenerate increases, and collagen and elastin begin to be actively produced ( necessary elements maintaining youth). The skin is enriched with oxygen and nutrients, metabolic processes are accelerated and, as a result, toxins are removed.

Modeling massage has an excellent drainage effect, which is achieved by influencing the lymphatic and blood vessels located in the superficial layers of the skin. Thanks to this, you can forget about puffiness under the eyes and double chin for a long time. “Crow’s feet” will smooth out, the oval will become clearer and the muscular frame of the face will strengthen. Massage can reduce the causes of wrinkles, taking into account the peculiarities of the facial structure of each woman.

The modeling massage procedure is extremely pleasant and comfortable. It will allow you to take your mind off unpleasant thoughts and give every woman the much-needed relaxation.

Contraindications for massage

Despite the exceptional benefits of modeling massage, it is not suitable for women having the following problems:

  1. Infectious and allergic rashes on the face in the acute stage;
  2. Availability large quantities nevi (moles) and papillomas;
  3. Violation of the integrity of the skin;
  4. The presence of rosacea and spider veins;
  5. Recent deep and medium chemical peels and microdermabrasion treatments.

Description of the modeling massage procedure

The difference between modeling massage and other types of massages lies in its plasticity. The main movements are light stroking. However, in fact, this massage is very deep: complete relaxation of the muscles occurs, as a result of which wrinkles are reduced.

Modeling massage is always developed individually for each client. Each session the massage techniques are chosen differently, each time different groups of facial muscles are worked on.

Before the session begins, make-up is removed and the face is thoroughly cleansed. Based on the client's skin type, the product to be used for the massage is selected. For dry skin, oil mixtures are usually used; for others, a cream is recommended, but also suitable for individual skin type. Hands glide over the cream much better, the skin is not injured, and at the same time receives nutrients and vitamins.

The main movements are circular, the massage is performed with both the fingertips and the entire palm, alternating strong and weak pressure. Massage is performed not only on the face, but also on the neck, shoulders, and décolleté. Special attention is given to areas with reduced tone and elasticity. Massage movements are performed in the direction from the middle to the edges.

The duration of the massage is about 20-30 minutes. During the session, the specialist, at your request, can turn on pleasant relaxing music or light scented candles.

The procedure should not only give you beauty, but also help relieve stress. At the end of the session, the face is washed and cream is applied to it, since nutrients are absorbed more efficiently on a heated face.

After a modeling massage session, tone improves, skin elasticity increases, swelling decreases and mood improves.

Modeling massage requires a creative approach. The same hand movement is practically never repeated during the session, which allows you to work even the deepest muscles of the face. The massage is purely individual, taking into account the characteristics of the body. It is also important to find “your” specialist, whom you would trust and whose touch you would enjoy.

It is advisable to carry out modeling massage in courses, 3-5 procedures per week for a month. Then you can conduct maintenance sessions once a month. Cosmetologists recommend resorting to massage courses 2 times a year, however, depending on the desires and capabilities of the client and taking into account the recommendations of a specialist, the schedule may change.

Modeling massage is a wonderful technique that allows you to achieve stable results in short term and prevent the development of biological skin aging processes.

Very often, with the general norm of body weight, fat deposits are deposited unevenly. In order to correct the problem area, you can seek the help of a specialist and sign up for a modeling body massage procedure.

Modeling massage is great way keep your body in shape and get rid of extra centimeters in problem areas.

This procedure can be either manual or hardware.

In fact, with the help of modeling massage, you can correct any area of ​​the body, but the most popular are:

  • buttocks;
  • inner and outer thighs;
  • stomach;
  • hands;
  • back;
  • legs;
  • sides

Modeling body massage is also indicated in the presence of cellulite.

How does a modeling massage session work?

Before starting the course, it is advisable to exfoliate the body. This will greatly improve the effect!

During the massage procedure, the specialist warms up the skin, achieving dilation of blood vessels, then carries out intense force using kneading, slapping, tapping, etc. (in the case of hardware massage, a similar effect is performed by special equipment). Then comes the relaxation stage, characterized by soft movements of the massage therapist.

Anti-cellulite modeling massage differs from regular massage in that it helps to achieve the desired shape and achieve greater skin elasticity. In addition, it improves metabolism, stimulates lymph flow and blood circulation, and can reduce scars and stretch marks. The effectiveness of the methods used in its implementation has been proven by numerous studies.

The duration of the procedure depends on the client’s complexion and the goal to be achieved. On average, a session lasts about 40 minutes.

Special offer

Massage (2) + wrap (2) + ozone therapy (1 zone)

Very noticeable effect when correct implementation has anti-cellulite abdominal massage. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the digestive system.

A popular service is also a modeling massage of the arms and legs, but nowadays the most common procedure is a complex procedure for the whole body.

The course usually involves 4-8 sessions depending on the problem.

To consolidate the result, you need to undergo several sessions with an interval of 2-3 days. In addition, this procedure can be combined with pressotherapy, wraps, ozone therapy and most other methods that help achieve the desired shape. It is also important not to forget to eat rationally and exercise.

Sometimes, as a result of intense exposure after a massage, bruises appear, but do not worry: not a trace will remain of them very quickly.

Cosmetic procedures are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Today modeling massage in Moscow- one of the most popular techniques that allows you to quickly, inexpensively and effectively tone the skeletal muscles of the body. In most cases, they are especially susceptible to the effects of an aggressive external environment and age-related disorders. Very often, a decrease in tone is caused by insufficient physical activity and sedentary work.

The whole technique is based on biomechanical toning of the muscles that are part of the musculoskeletal system. It allows you to influence individual areas with different intensities and at the same time eliminate excess fat deposits in them, if necessary.

Modeling massage before and after

The main indications for the course are:

  • swelling,
  • excess weight,
  • stress,
  • reduced immunity,
  • chronic fatigue.

After completing a course of modeling massage, my clients note a decrease in volume by several centimeters in the hips, waist, and any other problem areas. Modeling abdominal massage and hips is very effective for stretch marks and cellulite manifestations. It is recommended during the postpartum recovery period, allowing you to quickly work out your figure and bring it back to its previous state.

Getting a very quick and noticeable result is one of the main advantages of using this technique. As a result of the normalization of blood circulation and lymph flow in the body, metabolic processes are quickly launched, and the figure becomes more toned and slender.

How I perform a modeling body massage

Depending on the situation and the desired effect, I offer an individual scheme for performing procedures, while choosing together with you the most convenient schedule that can fit into your schedule without any problems. Reception is carried out only at home, sessions can be performed every other day or two or three times during the week. If necessary, you can always reschedule the meeting.

It is possible to enhance the main course with wraps (honey-clay, mud, algae), and other cosmetic procedures simultaneously with the sessions modeling massage or separately. To obtain a lasting effect, it is recommended to carry out from 6 to 15 procedures, but the first result will be noticeable after the first session.

How does it affect the body?

The effect of massage on the body always depends on the methods and techniques used by the master. As a result of using modeling manipulations, it is possible to achieve:

  • cleansing the skin of foreign particles and dead cells,
  • improve the functioning of the sweat and sebaceous glands,
  • activate the circulatory system and lymph flow,
  • eliminate venous congestion,
  • improve skin nutrition,
  • increase metabolism,
  • increase skin and muscle tone.

At the same time, an active effect is exerted on the subcutaneous fat tissue, which allows you to quickly and effectively remove fat from the so-called “depots” by improving metabolism and activating the processes of burning it and removing excess fluid. If you are overweight, the optimal solution would be to develop a program of 10-15 sessions, during which you can achieve a sustainable, noticeable result.

Prices for modeling massage

45 minutes - 1500 rub.

1 hour - 2000 rub.

1.5 hours - 3000 rub.

2 hours - 4000 rub.

One of the most significant results of using this technique is the effect on the muscles: they become more elastic, contract better, become more efficient and recover faster even after strong physical activity. I offer in each individual case an individual scheme of procedures, comfortable prices for modeling massage And high level service. Please contact me, I am always glad to hear from you.