Candles for colpitis. Vaginitis (colpitis) - causes and symptoms

30.06.2020 Auto/Moto

Colpitis can be treated with various means, but suppositories are most often used. They are easy to use, and you can select the appropriate ones based on the individual characteristics of the disease. All suppositories for colpitis can be divided into domestic and imported. Often, having different names, some are analogues of each other in terms of the active substance and the difference is only in cost. In any case, it is important to choose the right drug, taking into account the characteristics of your illness. What vaginal suppositories can be used to treat colpitis?

Features of choosing candles

Colpitis has many varieties and the path of origin differs, so it is important to choose the right treatment. With inadequate therapy, not only time is lost, but also the resistance of the infection increases. Which drugs to use to treat vaginitis depend on the type of disease and its causative agent.

Colpitis happens:

  1. Specific. The disease occurs against the background of an infection that is transmitted sexually.
  2. Non-specific. This type of disease does not have a specific pathogen and most often occurs due to pathogenic microorganisms, mainly streptococci and staphylococci.

Treatment requires the selection of a remedy that will be effective against a specific pathogen. Therefore, without diagnosis and examination, it is impossible to talk about adequate therapy. You can guess what disease you have based on the symptoms.

Symptoms various types vaginitis:

Trichomonas. Symptoms: foamy white discharge, hyperemia of the mucous membranes.

Yeast colpitis. Its symptoms: redness of the tissues, white spots on the mucous membrane, light discharge.

Gonorrheal. Its symptoms cannot go unnoticed: profuse leucorrhoea with a putrid odor, swelling and hyperemia of the mucous membranes. The tissue may bleed when touched. Symptoms such as itching and burning in the genitals are often present.

Senile colpitis is accompanied by the following symptoms: yellowing of the mucous membranes, hemorrhagic spots and tissue defects.

If you experience symptoms such as strange-colored discharge with unpleasant smell, then most likely we are talking about an infection. In chronic forms of the disease, symptoms are absent or subtle in most cases. They may manifest themselves in the form of slight swelling, dilation of blood vessels, or changes in tissue structure.

Candles for the treatment of colpitis

Which suppositories to choose for vaginitis is an individual question. The list of modern drugs is huge, and from it you need to choose what is suitable for a particular person. Special attention You need to pay attention to contraindications, age restrictions and side effects. You should not treat one disease if there is a risk of another.

You need to be especially careful when choosing medications during pregnancy. If the doctor has prescribed treatment, but pregnancy is listed as a contraindication, then it is worth consulting again (possibly with another specialist) and choosing alternative options. There are vaginal suppositories that are safe for the fetus and the pregnant woman. What suppositories are most often used to treat colpitis?

Ketoconazole (Livarol)

The active ingredient is ketoconazole. Antifungal suppositories, which are used to treat chronic and acute candidiasis. They can also be used to prevent disease during antibacterial therapy or the use of other drugs that negatively affect the vaginal microflora.

Contraindications: age under 12 years, first trimester of pregnancy. In the second and third cases, it is possible to use ketoconazole suppositories, but only under the supervision of a doctor. During sexual intercourse during therapy, the partner may experience burning, irritation and other side effects.


The active ingredient is chlorhexidine bigluconate. Hexicon vaginal suppositories have a pronounced antibacterial effect and are effective against a wide group of bacteria. However, it is not absorbed. Hexicon can also be used to prevent infection, for example, during unprotected sexual intercourse. But for this, the suppositories must be inserted into the vagina within 2 hours.

Hexicon has no special contraindications; allergic reactions and itching rarely occur, which quickly disappear after stopping treatment.

Terzhinan (Neotrizol)

A complex drug that has antifungal, bactericidal and antibacterial properties. Effective for the treatment of vaginitis of various origins: trichomonas, bacterial, candidiasis, mixed. It is possible to use suppositories starting from the second trimester of pregnancy. Can be used to sanitize organs before childbirth, operations, and abortions.

Contraindications: pregnancy first trimester, hypersensitivity.


Vaginal tablets. The active ingredient is povidone iodine. The drug has an antiseptic effect and is used topically for the treatment of acute and chronic vaginitis. Effective against many viruses, fungi and bacteria.

It has many contraindications, including hypersensitivity to iodine, hyperthyroidism, diseases of the thyroid gland, kidneys, pregnancy, childhood.


Vaginal capsules with antibacterial and antifungal effects. Active ingredients: neomycin and polymyxin sulfate. Effective in the treatment of colpitis of bacterial and fungal origin.

Contraindications: first trimester of pregnancy, lactation period. Possible side effects such as itching and irritation.


The active ingredient is nystatin. Antibiotic with antifungal effect. In combination with clotrimazole, it reduces its effectiveness. Can be used to prevent fungal infections of mucous membranes if there is a risk.

Contraindications: pregnancy, stomach ulcer, liver disease, pancreatitis, intolerance to the drug components, children under 1 year of age.


The active ingredients are nufuratel and nystatin. A combined drug that has antiprotozoal, antifungal and antibacterial effects. Used in the treatment of specific and nonspecific vaginitis.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. There are no data on the possibility of use during pregnancy and lactation.

Meratin combi

The main active substance is ornidazole. It has an antiprotozoal effect and is effective against many microbes. It is successfully used in the treatment of Trichomonas colpitis, fungal, bacterial and mixed. Suppositories can be used to prepare for gynecological operations and childbirth.

Contraindications: first trimester of pregnancy, lactation, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Candles for restoration of biocenosis

Many medications, especially antibacterial ones, disrupt the natural microflora in the vagina. Therefore, after completing a course of treatment for vaginitis, it needs to be restored. This will also help eliminate unpleasant symptoms such as dryness and irritation. What means can restore the vaginal microflora?


A probiotic that is used in the treatment of gynecological diseases. The acidophilic bacteria it contains suppress pathogenic microorganisms and help restore the natural environment in the vagina.


The drug contains live bufidobacteria and is available in different forms. In gynecology, vaginal suppositories are used. Used to balance microflora in the vagina. Can be used in combination with antibacterial, antiviral and other drugs.


Vaginal suppositories that promote the growth of beneficial lactobacilli and improve the microflora of the internal genital organs. Increases mucosal resistance to pathogenic microorganisms.

Most drugs intended to restore the internal environment have no contraindications and can be used in people, regardless of age. In rare cases, an allergic reaction may occur. The only thing you need to remember is strict adherence to storage temperature conditions. Otherwise, the bacteria will die and treatment will be pointless.

Good afternoon, dear women. New article about suppositories for colpitis, names and recommendations for use. Quite recently, I witnessed a situation where a woman did not find the necessary vaginal tablets at a pharmacy, and the pharmacist did not offer her an analogue that was on display.

It is for this reason that today I want to make a short review of medications and talk about what suppositories for colpitis can be used by women and what analogues can replace popular drugs.

Colpitis is one of the most common reasons for visiting a gynecologist. In women, this disease is associated with unpleasant discharge, pain, burning and long-term drug treatment.

Fortunately, today's range of medications allows you to individually select the most effective and efficient medicine.

Colpitis is an inflammatory gynecological disease that primarily affects the vaginal walls. Before providing a list of medications for colpitis, it is necessary to understand in detail the cause of the disease.

Various factors of a mechanical, physical and infectious nature can provoke the development of colpitis. The most common cause of the disease is pathogenic microflora, which, penetrating into the vagina, causes an inflammatory reaction from the internal genital organs.

But gynecologists also often encounter lactation, which develops against the background of enormous hormonal changes in a woman’s body.

Most often, colpitis during pregnancy is manifested by a banal thrush, which must be treated very carefully so as not to harm the health of the baby and mother.

Review of the most effective remedies for colpitis

To get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of the disease, it is most effective to use topical medications. These are primarily vaginal suppositories for colpitis and tablets.

Most of all, gynecologists like to prescribe drugs such as Terzhinan, which has a wide spectrum of action and is equally effective against both fungal and bacterial microflora.

Terzhinan (analogue of Neotrizol) is used to treat colpitis of various origins.

It is often prescribed for the sanitation of the birth canal before the birth of a child, as well as for the purpose of prevention before surgical interventions and abortions.

This drug is also prescribed for nursing mothers, but only under the supervision of the attending physician and strictly observing the dose and duration of treatment.

Vocadine is an equally popular drug among gynecologists and their patients. This product has high antiseptic properties. The active ingredient of this drug is povidone iodine, to which many patients may have an allergic reaction.

Many women know the name of a drug such as Hexicon. These suppositories for colpitis are made on the basis of chlorhexidine bigluconate, which has proven itself to be an excellent antiseptic effective against many pathogenic microorganisms.

The choice of gynecologists often stops at this medicine and the main reason for this choice is the absence of contraindications to the use of Hexicon vaginal suppositories.

The fact is that this remedy is not absorbed into the general bloodstream and acts exclusively locally, which allows it to be used by pregnant and lactating women.

To treat fungal and bacterial colpitis, vaginal capsules Polygynax are used, which combine two substances: polymyxin and neomycin sulfate.

Among the entire range of gynecological suppositories, there are cheap and effective drugs that are good for getting rid of candidiasis. This:

  • Nystatin,
  • Clotrimazole,
  • Metranidazole.

I have many years of experience using these drugs, but they also have quite a lot side effects, therefore they should not be used by pregnant and lactating women.

You can learn more about the treatment of colpitis during pregnancy from a professional gynecologist in the video course “Colpitis during pregnancy” at this link.

Separately, I would like to say a few words about the use of suppositories to restore the natural microflora of the vagina.

As a result of treatment with potent antibacterial drugs, the causative agent of vaginitis (colpitis) is eliminated, but the symptoms of the disease may continue to bother the patient. The fact is that with pathogenic microflora, healthy vaginal flora also dies.

To restore the natural biocenosis, it is advisable to use vaginal suppositories:

  • Bifidumbacterin,
  • Acylact,
  • Vagilak.

Here is a far from complete list of medications for the treatment of colpitis; only the most effective and safe ones are selected. Generally speaking, this form of medication for use in obstetrics and gynecology is highly effective.

As a result of a short course of treatment (5-10 days), with the help of a properly selected medication, you can eliminate not only the disturbing symptoms, but also act on the pathogen itself.

Despite the positive reviews and relative safety of this group of drugs, you should not resort to self-medication, because such behavior is fraught with negative consequences.

Colpitis, like any other disease, should be treated by a highly qualified doctor, who will prescribe you suppositories for colpitis.

See you soon and be healthy!

Candles for colpitis video

Vaginal vaginitis (an alternative name is colpitis) is a record-breaking disease among gynecological pathologies. So, this disease strikes every year great amount women around the globe.

Most often, vaginitis is treated with suppositories. But before choosing a specific drug, it is necessary to find out in detail the causes of colpitis. Since there are many factors influencing its appearance, it is necessary to choose vaginal suppositories taking into account the characteristics of the course of the disease in a particular patient.

The most effective suppositories for the treatment of vaginitis

Vaginal colpitis is divided into 3 main groups - specific, nonspecific and atrophic. Accordingly, suppositories for the treatment of various manifestations of vaginitis differ in their characteristics.

Candles for nonspecific colpitis

The list of suppositories used for vaginitis looks like this:


Contains a strong antiseptic - chlorhexidine bigluconate. The optimal therapeutic effect can be achieved by administering 1 suppository per day for 2 weeks. Hexicon is approved for use by pregnant women. Not recommended for women with individual intolerance to certain components of the drug.


These suppositories for vaginitis contain iodine. The latter is recognized as a strong antiseptic that eliminates most causative agents of colpitis. Betadine suppositories are effective in combating various bacteria, fungi, and herpes viruses.

Therapy for vaginal vaginitis with these suppositories lasts about 10 days. The number of suppositories administered daily is 1 pc. The product is not recommended for patients with thyroid problems and allergies to iodine.


Effective suppositories for colpitis consist of several components: chloramphenicol, prednisolone, dexamethasone, nystatin and metronidazole. Suppositories are considered strong remedy from inflammation of the vagina, as they act against a wide range of bacteria. Mikozhinax is used in a course of 1 suppository once a day for 10 days.


Contains two main active components: ternidazole and nystatin. The action of these ingredients is directed against fungal microflora and pathogenic bacteria.

The additional effect of prednisolone provides healing and anti-inflammatory effects. For inflammation of the vagina, it is enough to use suppositories once a day for 2 weeks.


Available in capsule form, it is intended for the treatment of fungal colpitis. The main components of the product are polymyxin B sulfate, natamycin and neomycin.


Topical suppositories are used to treat fungal colpitis. The product is active against thrush pathogens, as well as streptococcal and staphylococcal infections. Apply Clotrimazole once a day, 1 suppository for 6 days.

Vaginal suppositories for the treatment of specific vaginitis

Specific manifestations of vaginitis are usually accompanied by some kind of infection. To eliminate it, a series of medications.


Vaginal capsules containing the antifungal component miconazole, as well as metronidazole. The product is effective in the fight against Trichomonas, as well as many types of opportunistic bacteria. Ginocaps is recommended to be used once a day. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Meratin Combi, Ginalgin.

The listed drugs perfectly eliminate gardnerellosis - a specific type of colpitis, the causative agent of which is considered to be the gardnerella bacterium. The course of treatment with these suppositories is 8-12 days, 1 suppository per day.

Klion D, Trichopol.

The main component of these drugs is metronidazole. With its help, you can cure such “companions” of vaginitis as trichomoniasis and gonorrhea. The course of treatment is 10 days, 1 suppository per day.

Attention! Most vaginal suppositories are prohibited for use in the 1st and 2nd trimester of pregnancy, and sometimes throughout the entire period of gestation. Pregnant women suffering from manifestations of colpitis should consult a gynecologist to select the most suitable means to combat the disease.

Suppositories for restoring vaginal microflora

The second stage in the treatment of colpitis is the restoration of the natural microflora of the vagina. Since the latter was first affected by pathogenic microorganisms and then by medications, a number of means will be needed to normalize the vaginal biocenosis.


A probiotic used in the treatment of most gynecological diseases. Acidophilus bacteria in the drug suppress pathogenic microorganisms and contribute to the rapid restoration of vaginal microflora.

Suppositories should be used 1 piece twice a day for 5-10 days. Safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


The drug contains live bifidobacteria and is available in different forms. In gynecology, suppositories are most often used. The product copes well with the problem of balancing the vaginal microflora and can be used in tandem with a number of other medications.

To treat gynecological problems, suppositories are used twice a day, 1 piece. The course of treatment is 5-10 days.


Vaginal capsules that promote the growth of beneficial bacteria and improve vaginal microflora. Increases the resistance of the mucous membrane to the action of pathogenic bacteria. Take 1 capsule for 10 days. The drug is approved for pregnant and lactating women in the absence of contraindications.

Usually, the use of suppositories is sufficient to eliminate colpitis. Important has the process of placing a suppository in the vagina. So, the optimal time for this procedure will be at night - about 30 minutes before going to bed.

The suppository is inserted into the vagina using an applicator or index finger. It is important to push the remedy as deep as possible - under such conditions the effect of the medicine will be maximum.

Of course, during treatment it is necessary to follow a number of additional recommendations: do not wear tight underwear, avoid sanitary pads with fragrances and maintain intimate hygiene.

Colpitis is one of the inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs. Another name for the disease is vaginitis. It most often affects women of childbearing age. But older ladies are also not without risk. What are the symptoms and how is the treatment?

The disease is divided into several types and is actually thrush and trichomoniasis.

Typically, inflammatory processes of this disease are only part of the picture, colpitis accompanies diseases such as urethritis.

Causes of genital infection

Pathogens of infectious diseases (for example, E. coli). Infections that are sexually transmitted often cause inflammation. Refusal of condoms, frequent changes of partner and other reasons cause diseases of a specific nature (gonorrhea, chlamydia and others).

The genitals can become infected for various reasons

They are usually accompanied by colpitis. Colpitis, which is caused by trichomonas and chlamydia. They almost always become chronic. The pathogens gradually spread to all organs of the woman’s reproductive system (fallopian tubes, ovaries). Inflammation leads to infertility or miscarriage.

Microorganisms that are constantly present in the vagina. They provoke a nonspecific inflammatory process. These are the following bacteria: staphylococci, streptococci, fungi. Very often, colpitis is caused by fungi of the genus Candida. Microorganisms are identified using laboratory tests. They can occur individually or form microbial groups.

Normally, the vaginal microflora suppresses the growth and activity of such microorganisms. But if the balance of microflora is disturbed, then they multiply quickly and cause inflammation. Healthy microflora is represented mainly by lactic acid bacteria.

The growth of pathogenic flora is provoked by numerous factors:

  • various gynecological diseases (ovarian inflammation, fallopian tubes and etc.);
  • chronic diseases of the woman’s body;
  • acute diseases;
  • long-term drug therapy;
  • antibiotic treatment, chemotherapy;
  • insufficient personal hygiene;
  • weakened immunity and HIV.

Bacteria that enter the vagina from the external environment cause specific bacterial colpitis. They enter the body for many reasons (sexual intercourse, stale underwear, medical intervention).

The cause of colpitis may be vaginal injury. Careless chemical or mechanical action often leads to disastrous results. Inflammation can occur as a result of rough sexual intercourse, improper and frequent douching, or wearing tight synthetic underwear.

Disturbances in the hormonal system and related diseases. Colpitis is often detected in women suffering from diabetes mellitus. Contraception can also disrupt the normal state of vaginal microflora. The result is an inflammatory process.

Using an IUD- intrauterine device increases the risk of developing inflammatory diseases. Women who have IUDs are much more likely to suffer from colpitis. This is especially true for nulliparous women.

The main symptoms of vaginitis in women

  1. burning and itching in the genital area;
  2. swelling and redness of the labia;
  3. copious (purulent, milky, curdled, foamy or bloody) vaginal discharge;
  4. bad smell discharge;
  5. pain during sexual intercourse;
  6. aching and nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  7. frequent urge to urinate;
  8. deterioration in general health and increase in temperature (in acute cases).

Symptoms of colpitis can be expressed to varying degrees. It all depends on the cause of the inflammation. But if you notice heavy discharge with an unpleasant odor, then this is a good reason consult a doctor immediately.

Colpitis can occur almost unnoticed. Some women are slightly bothered by discomfort in the perineum. Therefore, they delay visiting a specialist, postponing it until later. The result is a chronic disease that provokes complications.

Various ways to treat colpitis

Treatment always involves an integrated approach. The selection of funds always occurs after a thorough examination and testing.

The treatment regimen is selected individually. Competent specialists always take into account the nature of the disease, concomitant diseases and the general health of the patient.

The treatment regimen is selected individually

Doctors prescribe:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs and etiotropic drugs;
  • taboo on sex before recovery, as well as examination of the partner;
  • treatment of diseases that accompany colpitis.

Specialists strive to sanitize the vulva and vagina. To do this, a woman is recommended to wash her face. Good results are achieved by washing with a weak solution of manganese or with herbal decoctions (sage, chamomile, calendula). Procedures are performed at least three times a day.

If colpitis is acute and accompanied by purulent discharge, then the vagina should be douched with chamomile decoction or a special composition. It is made from rivanol and manganese solution. Douching should not be done for more than three days. Otherwise, a disruption of the microflora and normal acidity of the vagina occurs.

Many causative agents of colpitis resist the effects of antibiotics. Therefore, such drugs are usually not prescribed for bacterial colpitis. If the disease is persistent, then antibacterial agents are used topically (in the form of emulsions and solutions). Such drugs are used for a short time.

How else is sanitation performed?

1. Take streptomycin emulsion (10%), rosehip oil and peach oil. Please note that the oil must be pasteurized. The liquids are mixed and a composition is obtained, which is used to treat the vaginal walls. The procedures are carried out for a week.

2. Vaginal baths with chlorophyllipt and chamomile infusion help well.

To boost immunity, doctors advise taking vitamin complexes. After 4 months, the course of treatment is carried out again. This helps prevent relapse.

Treatment with candles

Suppositories for colpitis are prescribed by a doctor. The choice of drug depends on the nature of the disease. Very often, vaginitis is treated with Terzhinan suppositories. It is an antimicrobial and antifungal drug that has an anti-inflammatory effect. Before inserting the suppository into the vagina, it must be kept in water for 20 seconds. The treatment regimen involves daily use of suppositories. Terzhinan is usually administered at night. The course is 10 days. In advanced forms of the disease, treatment lasts 20 days.

An effective medicine in the form of suppositories is Vocadine. The suppositories should be inserted very deeply into the vagina. If colpitis is acute, then suppositories are used 2 times a day (1 pc.). The course of treatment with this drug is 1 week. If vaginitis is accompanied by ureaplasmosis, chlamydia or mycoplasmosis, then effective Genferon suppositories are prescribed. They must be combined with tablets (metronidazole, fluconazole, etc.). During the treatment process, the genitals must be kept clean. Pimafucin and Klion-D 100 suppositories bring good results.

Traditional methods of treatment

  1. Take oak bark - 1 tbsp. l. It must be crushed and brewed with a glass of boiling water. Next, keep the broth in a water bath. The finished liquid should infuse (about 12 hours). After this, it must be filtered and used for douching. It's better to do this before bed. The course lasts 10 days.
  2. You will need: cornflower, willow grass, creeping clover, white water lily, garden peony, cat's foot inflorescences, garden rose petals, sweet clover, chamomile and knotweed. All components are taken in equal proportions (1 spoon each). After making a mixture of herbs, take one spoon and add a liter of water. Boil for at least 10 minutes, strain, infuse and take orally (half a glass before meals). To make the liquid tastier, you can add honey, jam or sugar to it. The course lasts 3 months. Then a break is taken for 2 weeks. After this, the treatment continues again.
  3. The following mixture is well suited for douching: chamomile - 2 tbsp. l., goose cinquefoil - 1 tbsp. l. Pour the mixture with a liter of boiling water and leave. After 20 minutes, strain.
  4. Celandine helps a lot. A decoction of this herb is used to moisten tampons and insert them into the vagina. For the decoction you will need 3 tbsp. l. celandine and a liter of boiling water. It is better to keep the liquid in a water bath for about 30 minutes.

Trichomonas colpitis (trichomoniasis)

This disease is caused by Trichomonas. Trichomonas colpitis is a common type of trichomoniasis in the fair sex.

If the disease has taken an acute form, then foamy and profuse leucorrhoea occurs. They have an unpleasant odor and a yellowish tint.

Trichomonas colpitis is a common type of trichomoniasis in the fair sex.

In some cases, the leucorrhoea may be grayish with an admixture of blood. Patients experience itching in the perineum, pain in the lower abdomen and frequent painful urination. Upon examination, the doctor reveals swelling and irritation in the external genital area.

The walls of the vagina have a purulent serous coating. There are several types of Trichomonas colpitis. Doctors provide comprehensive treatment, which includes therapy for concomitant diseases.

Atrophic (cyanotic) type of inflammation of the vaginal mucosa

Atrophic or senile colpitis is inflammatory and dystrophic changes in the vaginal mucosa. It occurs due to the fact that the walls of the epithelium become thinner and hypoestrogenism occurs.


  • vaginal dryness;
  • constant inflammation;
  • spotting with blood.

To diagnose, the doctor conducts an examination, examines smears and performs a colposcopy. There are two forms of atrophic colpitis.

  1. postmenopausal
  2. colpitis caused by artificial menopause.

Treatment of the disease includes the use of local remedies and hormone therapy. This type of colpitis occurs in 40% of women. It usually occurs 5 years after menopause. The complex of symptoms characteristic of the disease is caused by a lack of estrogen.

Treatment in most cases involves taking hormonal drugs. In addition, local preparations in the form of ointments and suppositories are used. For example, Ovestil and Estriol. Systemic effects are provided by such agents as Climodien, Angeliq, Estradiol and others.

Systemic hormonal therapy is carried out over several years (about 5). Sometimes specialists prescribe phytoestrogens. Hormone replacement therapy is also recommended as a preventative measure.

Yeast species - thrush

Another name for this form of colpitis is thrush. The disease is widespread in gynecology. According to statistics, every second woman has thrush. Colpitis in this variant is manifested by the active proliferation of the Candida fungus.

This fungus is also present in normal microflora. It is found in the oral cavity, esophagus, and genitals. But an increase in the amount of yeast-like fungus leads to an imbalance. A focus of inflammation occurs in the body.

The acute stage of thrush has the following symptoms:

  • curdled white discharge;
  • white coating on the external genitalia;
  • unbearable itching in the vagina;
  • burning when urinating;
  • unpleasant odor from the genitals;
  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • pain after sex.

The disease may periodically worsen. During menstruation, the symptoms subside slightly. Diagnosis is carried out through examination. A smear test is required. Additionally, a study is carried out to identify concomitant diseases of the genital area. This type of fungus activates the community of pathogenic microorganisms and weakens the immune system.

Therefore, yeast colpitis is sometimes accompanied by sexually transmitted diseases. Self-medication leads to relapses. The disease becomes chronic. That's why Only a specialist can prescribe medications. Doctors use a whole range of remedies using an individual approach (suppositories, creams, tablets).

Candidiasis colpitis

Candidal colpitis is the second designation for yeast colpitis (thrush). In patients, fungi of the genus Candida are detected in increased quantities.

Typically, candidiasis occurs when the immune system is weakened. Unfavorable circumstances cause the death of beneficial bacteria. At the same time, fungi are sharply activated.

Candidiasis usually occurs when the immune system is weakened

The infection occurs on the surface layer of the epithelium. To bring the vaginal microflora back to normal, doctors prescribe various remedies. They try not to use antibiotics, as they destroy not only yeast-like fungi, but also beneficial bacteria.

The first signs of candidiasis are cheesy white discharge and itching. Such phenomena provoke nervousness. The woman becomes irritable. Many people are bothered by a burning sensation when urinating. Burning and pain may accompany sexual intercourse. An experienced doctor immediately identifies thrush. However, tests are required to confirm the diagnosis.

Candidiasis is treated with general and local medications. Suppositories are used topically: Hexicon, Betadion, Livarol, Pimafucin. A special cream helps get rid of thrush. For example, Clotrimazole or Ginofort. Douching and washing of the genitals are also carried out.

For this, herbal decoctions (sage, chamomile), chlorophyllipt, manganese, zinc sulfate, rivanol are used. Vaginal tablets and tampons soaked in oils (rose hips, sea buckthorn) have a good effect. General therapy consists of treating concomitant diseases and strengthening the immune system.

Chronic form

Colpitis, which has become chronic, is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • slight swelling of the genitals;
  • periodic discharge.

For many women, the chronic disease occurs without significant symptoms. Sometimes they feel nagging pain in the lower abdomen and observe discharge. Examination reveals degenerative changes in the epithelium. If a chronic form is detected, doctors recommend an ultrasound scan.

This makes it possible to identify complications resulting from colpitis. Treatment follows the traditional scheme. The patient is prescribed vaginal ointments and suppositories. Douching is required. At the same time, treatment of concomitant diseases is carried out.

Bacterial vaginitis

Bacterial colpitis can be primary or secondary. The latter is divided into ascending and descending. In addition, there is nonspecific and specific vaginosis. Nonspecific colpitis of this type occurs due to the active activity of bacteria entering the vagina from the environment.

Causes of the disease:

  1. violation of personal hygiene;
  2. frequent change of sexual partners;
  3. unprotected sexual intercourse and others.

Specific colpitis is a consequence of sexually transmitted diseases. Very often the cause is mycoplasma, chlamydia and ureaplasma. Bacterial vaginosis can occur in different ways. It can be acute, sluggish, subacute, latent, chronic and asymptomatic. Treatment depends on the form of the disease.

Senile colpitis

The disease occurs during menopause. During this period, functions fade away female organs, vaginal acidity is significantly reduced. The mucous membrane undergoes atrophy. All this contributes to the development of pathogenic flora.

During this period, the functions of the female organs fade away, the acidity of the vagina decreases significantly

Senile colpitis is characterized by a sluggish process. Women usually complain of vaginal dryness. Pain and burning rarely occur.

Severe dryness causes itching. If the patient is bothered by purulent discharge mixed with blood, then doctors prescribe an examination to identify malignant tumors in the uterus.

Acute type of disease

The acute form is characterized by pronounced symptoms. They depend on the cause that caused colpitis. Sometimes the patient experiences a whole set of symptoms.

  • curdled discharge with an unpleasant odor;
  • burning and itching in the vagina;
  • pain and burning when urinating;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • pain and burning during sexual intercourse;
  • increased urge to urinate;

In severe cases of acute vaginitis, the body temperature rises. Sometimes bleeding occurs. Doctors detect small lesions on the mucous membrane.

Treatment of the disease depends on the pathogen. After the tests, the specialist prescribes general and local medications. Suppositories, ointments, tablets, herbal infusions and physiotherapy are used.

Treatment of the disease depends on the pathogen

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Bacterial infection during pregnancy

Colpitis develops very often in pregnant women. The cause is reduced immunity. In this case, the disease requires immediate treatment. The difficulty here is that during pregnancy the choice of medications is limited.

Since pregnant women have reduced immunity, they are more vulnerable to this disease

Before starting treatment, you should definitely find out what exactly caused the colpitis. Experts determine the type of predominant bacteria and select the appropriate drug. Treatment of the disease during pregnancy is complex.

It includes the following activities:

  • use of antibacterial drugs;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • preventing relapse and re-infection.

During pregnancy, Nystatin, Pimafucin, Betadine, Terzhinan, Vagotil, Hexicon and other drugs are used. Only a qualified doctor can select a medicine. Some products can only be used at a certain stage of pregnancy. For example, Metronidazole should not be used in the first weeks. Clotrimazole is allowed only after 4 months.

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One of the most common gynecological diseases is vaginitis. It is most often caused by the entry of microorganisms into the vagina, which cause inflammation of the mucous membrane. Most often these are opportunistic bacteria - staphylococci, E. coli, Proteus. They cause so-called nonspecific vaginitis.

Inflammation can also occur from the development of specific infections: trichomoniasis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis. Vaginitis can also be caused by fungi and viruses. All of them cause the development of the inflammatory process. Therefore are the best remedy treatment, as they effectively destroy bacterial flora.

Features of treatment of vaginitis

The main goal of therapy for this disease is to restore the disturbed vaginal microflora. When pathogenic bacteria are destroyed, inflammation of the mucous membrane gradually subsides. But for successful recovery it is necessary to use complex treatment. And suppositories for vaginitis are its main method. They not only destroy the infection, but relieve inflammation and itching, and also restore destroyed microflora. Together with antiseptic solutions and systemic medications, suppositories quickly help cope with vaginitis.

What types of candles are there?

Drugs for vaginitis should be selected depending on the type of causative agent of the disease. Based on this criterion, all suppositories for vaginitis can be divided into several groups:

How to choose the right suppositories for treatment

There are a lot of such drugs in pharmacies now. And often women who need to buy suppositories for vaginitis do not know which ones to choose. Sometimes medications are purchased on the advice of friends or a pharmacist. But this should not be done under any circumstances. Everyone’s body is individual, and vaginitis can be caused by different microorganisms. Therefore, only a doctor can choose the right drug after examination.

Contraindications and side effects of such drugs

Vaginitis suppositories contain strong chemicals, often antibiotics. Therefore, they can affect not only the vaginal mucosa, but also neighboring organs and tissues. And it is not recommended to use them in case of individual intolerance and in the first third of pregnancy. If a woman has an allergic reaction to one or more components of the drug, then its use can cause unpleasant side effects:

Vaginitis suppositories: rating

Based clinical trials and reviews from doctors and patients, you can create a list of the most effective drugs. Their popularity depends on the effect they provide, ease of use, absence of side effects and price. Based on these characteristics, several of the most common remedies are identified.

Rules for using suppositories for vaginitis

Depending on the type of causative agent of the disease, as well as on the individual characteristics of the patient, the doctor prescribes the dosage and method of using the suppositories. It is recommended to wash the vagina and external genitalia before treatment. Typically, suppositories are used once a day at night. After all, they dissolve in the vagina and can flow out when walking. For hospital treatment, you can use them twice a day. But after setting the candle, it is advisable to lie down for a couple of hours. If a woman suddenly misses one dose, the next day she needs to continue treatment according to the previous regimen. The procedure for inserting a suppository is best done while lying on your back with your legs bent. This will allow the drug to penetrate deep into the vagina.

The duration of treatment is also determined by the doctor. Usually 1-2 weeks is enough. But in severe cases, therapy can last 3-4 weeks. Sometimes it is necessary to repeat the treatment course after a break to avoid relapse of the disease. To more effectively get rid of the infection, it is recommended to carry out the course of treatment together with a sexual partner.

Candles during pregnancy

Vaginitis in women carrying a child is a common occurrence. After all, local immunity is reduced, the vaginal microflora is disturbed. Therefore, when an infection occurs, inflammation immediately develops. But during pregnancy, not all drugs can be used, even if they have a local effect. You especially need to take care in the first trimester, when all the baby’s vital organs are developing. Before starting treatment for vaginitis during pregnancy, it is necessary to conduct an examination and determine the causative agent. It is best to use suppositories that act specifically on a specific type of pathogen. But you can also use drugs with complex effects. Most often during pregnancy, the following suppositories are prescribed for vaginitis: “Heksikon”, “Terzhinan”, “Klion D”, “Ginalgin”,

Suppositories for vaginitis: reviews from doctors

Such drugs are most often prescribed for inflammatory diseases of the vaginal mucosa. Doctors like that they act quickly and effectively, and cause almost no side effects. Most often, complex suppositories are prescribed for vaginitis. Reviews from experts note that Polygynax, Terzhinan, and Hexicon work better. For vaginitis caused by a fungus, doctors like to prescribe Clotrimazole, Klion D or Candide.