How to lose weight for a girl in the gym - a set of exercises. A set of effective exercises for girls’ beautiful hands

To make your hands thin and beautiful, you need to do special exercises. Get 4 effective programs for training and give your hands perfect shape, without leaving home!

Beautiful, sculpted arms, flawless chiseled shoulders, toned muscles are the dream of many women. However, when working on their figure, many girls do not pay due attention to their hands, fearing to “over-pump” and look masculine. Fitness instructors assure that these fears are unfounded due to differences in hormonal balance. The male hormone responsible for muscle growth is testosterone. In women, estrogen predominates, which means that even with strength exercises and working with heavy weights, the ability to build muscle mass will be limited and the girl will never approach male proportions. Therefore, effective training for the arm muscles should definitely become part of the program.

Workouts for losing weight on your arms

Due to the increased estrogen content, women tend to become overweight. Therefore, training is necessary to maintain metabolism, muscle tone and create a proportional figure. Where to train? You decide. Fulfill simple exercises To maintain muscle tone, you can do it at home. There are techniques that allow you to work without weights or with little weight (water bottles, small dumbbells, books), but by working out in the gym, you can achieve amazing results in less time.

During arm training, the following muscle groups are worked out:

  • biceps (flexor);
  • triceps (extensor);
  • shoulder delta;
  • forearm.

When developing a program, you must follow simple rules


Before any workout, you need to warm up your muscles to eliminate the possibility of injury. A couple of exercises will be enough.

There are two opinions about what weight you need to work with. The first is low weight and a high number of repetitions, the second is high weight and several small supersets in a row. The first option is ideal for home. Repeated repetitions make it possible to burn excess fat, so the weight should allow you to perform the exercise the recommended number of times. It is recommended to increase the number of repetitions as soon as you realize that you can easily cope with the load. The second option (working with weights and equipment) is possible exclusively in fitness centers.

To train your arms in the gym, it is recommended to choose heavy weights. This guarantees the greatest return. The result appears after the weight of the dumbbells reaches 7-8 kg. This does not mean that you need to immediately start with “explosive weights,” but it is also not recommended to “get the hang of it” with 1-2 kg dumbbells for a long time. According to instructors, the optimal weight for a beginner is 5 kg.

How to choose the right weight: start doing a set of exercises and if after the third set you feel tired, then this weight is right for you.


Schedule a routine for yourself for the week. The number of sets and repetitions depends on how you feel. It is also necessary to make adjustments for the days of the cycle. To remove subcutaneous fat from your arms, 25-30 repetitions are enough.

The optimal training duration is 45 minutes. It is advisable to monitor your pulse (the norm is 130 beats per minute). If the norm is exceeded, it is better to stop doing the exercises.

Correct completion

You need to finish your workout with a so-called “cool-down.”

Do not train more than 3 times a week, otherwise it will be very difficult for your muscles to recover.

At home

1. Complex one

For this you will need dumbbells or bottles of sand (water). Start with 12 repetitions and gradually increase their number.


  • Raise your hands up one at a time (starting with the right). Then, lower down, bending your elbows, while clenching your fingers into a fist. We repeat, only now the left one starts.
  • Extend your arms in front of you, clasp your fingers and stretch slightly. Feel your back muscles stretch.
  • Everyone knows the “mill”. The back is straight, the buttocks and stomach are “tight”, the legs are shoulder-width apart, the feet are parallel to each other. Take turns rotating your straight arms in a circle for 40 seconds.
  • Jumps and swings. Feet together, arms hanging freely. Perform jumps (legs to the sides) and at the same time raise your arms up (they also spread to the sides). Jump at a fast pace for 40-45 seconds.

1.1 Exercise for arms and shoulder muscles

Starting position (IP) for all exercises: feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, back straight, stomach tucked in.

Take dumbbells, bend your arms at the elbow joint so that a right angle is formed. In this position, spread them apart (while your elbows rise to shoulder level), count to two and then slowly lower them, returning to IP. This is a great exercise for getting your ovens into the best shape possible. Exhale as you lift the dumbbells.

1.2. Working the biceps

Turn your palms forward, bend them, press your elbows to your sides and lift the dumbbells. Squeeze your hands as you lift and flex your biceps.

Bend your elbows as you lift the dumbbells in front of you. Raise dumbbells to shoulder level.

1.3. Triceps work

IP for this exercise: Bend your knees slightly and tilt your head forward. Keep your back straight.

Standing in IP, bend your arms and hold in this position. On the count of two, straighten them back and then bend them back. Don't forget to tighten your stomach. Be careful not to strain your neck.

After completing the exercise 12 times, straighten your arms and hold in this position for 8 counts.

1.4. Triceps relaxation

Performed without dumbbells. Bend right hand at the elbow and bring it behind your head with your left. Hold for three seconds and then switch sides. Feel your triceps relax.

1.5. Push ups

Focus on your knees and palms, tuck your stomach. Lower and rise for a count of two. We don’t strain the neck, the navel is pulled up. Do 12 push-ups. Keep your back straight and breathe evenly.

After completion, sit down on your heels, palms remain on the floor, stretch your back, relax.

1.6. For upper back and shoulders

Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms bent at the elbows in front of you so that they form a right angle. Slowly lift up, just above shoulder level, and slowly lower down. This perfectly corrects posture.

1.7. "Hitch"

Each exercise must be repeated 10 times.

Hands on the belt. On the count of “one” - turn to the right and spread your arms to the sides, on the count of “two” - return to the individual position. On the count of three, turn left.

Arms spread to the sides, make circular swings with both arms at the same time.

2. Complex two

2.1. Starting position (IP): feet shoulder-width apart, knees straight, back straight, stomach tucked in, arms down.

Raise your arms with dumbbells to the sides. Number of repetitions: 30.

2.2. IP: sitting on a chair, back straight, legs together.

Raise your arms with the dumbbells up, carefully bend your arm, bringing the dumbbell behind your head, and then straighten it. Number of repetitions: 20.

2.3. IP: see exercise 2.1.

Spread your arms to the sides, lock in this position for two counts and lower. Number of repetitions: 30.

2.4. IP: see exercise 2.1.

Raise your arms in front of you, hold this position for two counts, and slowly lower. Number of repetitions: 30.

In the gym

Work in gym Girls are recommended to start with basic arm exercises. For beginners, this is the basics. This is work with free weights (dumbbells or barbells), which is aimed at building muscle mass and is a must for both beginners and experienced bodybuilders.

1. Basic exercises (BA) for arms

1.1. Dips

One of the most complex but effective BU. When performing it, not only the triceps are used, but also the pectoral muscles. Beginners train with their own weight; advanced athletes can use weight belts. Not every girl will be able to lift her weight, so if the uneven bars don’t give in to you, don’t despair. Strengthen your arms with other available exercise equipment, and return to parallel bars after a couple of months of regular training.

What is important in parallel bars: correct technique. If performed incorrectly, there is a risk of injury. To prevent this from happening, do not start the exercise from the bottom point. For unwarmed muscles, this is fraught with tears and sprains. Stand with your arms outstretched and slowly lower yourself down. Watch your elbows. Some should be laid back and as parallel as possible. This way the extensor muscles are worked out better.

A little trick: for maximum triceps work, don't bend over too much and keep your shoulders parallel to the bars and your elbows pulled back. To train the pectoral muscles, your elbows should look to the sides and your body should only lean forward slightly.

Number of repetitions: the maximum possible for you. When the next full ascent is impossible, slowly lower yourself to the bottom point and rise again to the highest possible height. Repeat two more times.

1.2. Pull-ups on a classic horizontal bar

Works both biceps and back. To use different muscle groups, you can change the grip (“from yourself” and “towards you”).

Number of repetitions: as many as you can do. And as usual, after reaching the “limit”, try to pull yourself up one more time or two.

Many modern gyms are equipped with a special simulator (gravitron), which makes it easier to perform push-ups and pull-ups. The load in the gravitron is reduced due to a counterweight, which starts working when a person needs help. Thus, there will be no risk of tearing the lower back, the muscles gradually get used to the load and become stronger.

1.3. Seated French press

With this technique, the triceps receive a noticeable load. It is important to do everything correctly and watch your neck. When working with heavy weights, it is better to ask a trainer for backup.

IP: The press is performed from a horizontal bench with a backrest. Grasp the dumbbell so that the disc is in your palm and your thumbs are on the handle. Raise it above your head, holding it with both hands. The forearm should be next to the head, perpendicular to the floor. Inhale and smoothly lower the dumbbell behind your head in a semicircular path. As you exhale, fully extend your arm and return the dumbbell to its original position.

When performing a seated press, it is very important to monitor the condition of your shoulders and elbow joints. They should be motionless, and the amplitude of their movement should be maximum.

1.4. Standing dumbbell curl

IP: feet shoulder-width apart, knees straight, elbows pressed to the body, arms with dumbbells down. The wrists need to be turned so that the palms “look” forward.

As you exhale, slowly bend your arm until your biceps contract completely. The dumbbells should be at shoulder level. Hold for a couple of seconds and, as you exhale, slowly return to IP.

Alternatively, this exercise can be performed while sitting or bending your arms alternately (this will make it possible to work with more weight).

1.5. Handle raise (biceps)

Performed on the lower block with a straight handle.

IP: feet shoulder-width apart, back straight, buttocks tense, stomach tucked in. Elbows pressed to the body. As you exhale, raise the handle to tension at the top point (the so-called “peak of the biceps”) and while inhaling, slowly lower it down. At the same time, we do not fully extend our arms in order to maintain static tension.

1.6. Lowering the handle from the upper block (triceps)

Helps the triceps muscles gain shape, tone and become more prominent.

IP: feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, elbows pressed to the sides. Bend your lower back, grab the handle of the upper block. As you exhale, pull it down until you get maximum tension in the extensor muscle and press your elbows to the sides of your body. Then lean your body forward slightly and fully extend your arms by contracting your triceps. Hold for a moment and, while inhaling, smoothly return to IP.

Concentrate on working your muscles.

Alternatively, lowering from the upper block can be done with a rope handle. In this case, when lowering your arms, you should slightly spread them to the sides at the bottom point of the movement.

2. Additional exercises

2.1. Arm extension using a rubber shock absorber (triceps)

IP: sit down, straighten your back. Take the band so that one bent arm is behind your head and the other is behind your back. The elbow should be as close to the head as possible.

As you inhale, straighten your arm, stretching the rubber shock absorber, and as you exhale, return to IP. Perform 20-25 repetitions. When performing this exercise, try not to use inertia. Working with an expander is performed only with muscle effort. Watch your elbow and don't tilt it to the side. The shoulder should remain motionless.

2.2. Extension of arms with an expander behind the back, standing

This pressing exercise is performed standing and perfectly stabilizes the muscles of the shoulder blades, shoulder, and gluteal muscles.

IP: feet shoulder-width apart, slightly bent. Place the resistance band behind your back so that it is below your shoulder blades (approximately at chest level). Raise your arms to chest level, bend your elbows, keep your palms parallel to the floor. Brushes must be motionless.

From IP, as you exhale, slowly extend your arms in front of you, then return to IP. The main thing is to control muscle work as much as possible. Do not make your task easier by using the force of inertia, otherwise your work efficiency will be reduced to zero.

2.3. Bent over arm extension

During work, the triceps are effectively pumped. Performed with dumbbells of a comfortable weight for you or with an elastic band.

IP: feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, body tilted forward, eyes looking at the floor. The pelvis should be pulled back, slightly arching the lower back. The back should remain straight. Bend your elbows, lift them back and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Elbows should always remain parallel to each other.

Perform extensions in three sets of 30-35 times. At the end of each approach, you need to fix the position for 25-30 seconds.

2.4. "Reverse" push-ups

An effective way to tone your triceps.

IP: sitting on the floor, knees bent. Take your hands 15-20 cm away from your pelvis, place your palms on the floor (palms position: fingers forward), lift your buttocks off the mat. Push up from the floor with the strength of your arm muscles, make sure that your elbows are parallel and do not spread them to the sides.

A small nuance: the position of the hips allows you to adjust the load. The closer to the legs, the easier it is to perform push-ups and vice versa, the closer to the arms, the higher the load on the muscles.

Number of repetitions: for beginners, it is enough to perform one approach 20-25 times. For those who exercise regularly in the gym, it is recommended to perform two approaches. In between push-ups, lie on the floor, stretch your entire body, tense your muscles, pull in your stomach and stay in this position for 20-25 seconds.

2.5. "Reverse" push-ups from a bench

During the execution, the entire triceps is perfectly worked out.

IP: hands shoulder-width apart, legs slightly bent, back straight.

Slowly inhale and lower yourself down, bending your arms to a right angle. As you exhale, push up from the bench and return to the starting position. When performing the exercise, do not spread your elbows to the sides. The torso should move almost close to the bench.

2.6. Arm extension from chest

Another effective triceps exercise. Performed alternately with each hand.

IP: lie on the floor, bend your knees, feet parallel to each other. Take a dumbbell in your right hand. The elbow should be turned outward. As you exhale, bend your elbow and bring the weight to your left shoulder. As you exhale, straighten it.

Number of repetitions: 15-20 times.

Then repeat the same with your left hand.

2.7. Concentrated biceps curl

This exercise can be performed in various modifications. One option is seated IP, when the elbow rests on the knee or on the opposite hand. In another variation, it is performed with a barbell and both elbows rest on the knees. Its peculiarity lies in the extraordinary amplitude of movement during lifting of the projectile and a very powerful peak contraction at the top point. Those. When the projectile is lifted upward, the load reaches a maximum and is not removed. This means that when you hold the projectile at the peak point, you work your biceps as effectively as possible. This exercise can be performed with or without supination (rotational movement). When rotating the hand, the dumbbell should be closer to the thumb.

It is important that when working with the apparatus, the shoulder is strictly perpendicular to the floor. As you exhale, the arm bends and lifts the weight, and as you inhale, it extends.

Method "21"

Experienced bodybuilders note that over time, isotonic programs become less effective. A “plateau” effect occurs when the muscles get tired, get used to the load, the growth of muscle tissue slows down sharply and the effectiveness of training is reduced to zero. David Carfagno (founder of the Institute of Sports Medicine in Scottsdale, Arizona, USA) proposed an innovative technique that allows you to literally “shake” the muscles and launch active processes in the body. The essence of the method is that during the same exercise it is necessary to alternate three different amplitudes of movement (AM): lower, upper and full. For any BP, 7 repetitions are performed in each approach.

This program is a real test even for endurance bodybuilders, so trainers recommend working with lighter weights than usual.


  • Programs for swinging arms consist of three supersets and are performed at a fairly fast pace.
  • A one-minute break is required between sets.
  • The first workouts using the “21” system should consist of one exercise and only one muscle. Gradually you can diversify the sets and increase the load.
  • Any program can be adapted to the Carfagno system.

Training scheme according to the David Carfagno system.

1. French bench press

IP: lying on a bench, feet on the floor, parallel to each other, stomach retracted. Hold the dumbbells with your palms facing each other (neutral grip). Straighten your arms and place the weights above your shoulders.

1.1. Lower amplitude: Smoothly lower the dumbbells to head level. Pause for two counts. Extend your elbows until you reach a 45-degree angle.

1.2. Upper range: Smoothly lower the dumbbells until your arms form a 45-degree angle. Pause for two counts. Straighten them out.

1.3. Full range: Lower the dumbbells to head height and then extend your arms fully.

2. Standing biceps curl

Performed with a straight crossbar.

IP: feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel, knees slightly bent, back straight. The crossbar is taken with an “underhand” grip.

2.1. Lower BP: Using your biceps, lift the bar up until your arms form a right angle. Pause for one or two counts, return the bar to IP.

2.2. Upper AD: The bar is compressed to chest level and lowered to 90 degrees.

2.3. Full BP: connect the upper and lower BP.

3. Standing cable extension (triceps)

IP: standing, knees slightly bent, torso slightly tilted forward with a bend at the waist, elbows pressed to the sides. The bar is held with an overhand grip, the back is straight, the stomach is pulled in. The exercise is performed with the following amplitudes:

3.1. Lower: the bar is “squeezed” downwards using the force of the triceps until the arms are fully straightened, then raised to 90 degrees.

3.2. Upper: the crossbar is squeezed to 90 degrees and returns to the IP.

3.3. Full: the bar is squeezed towards the floor and then the hands return to the IP.

4. Push-ups

IP: emphasis on toes. The body is straight (parallel to the floor), the stomach does not “sag”. Hands shoulder-width apart, fingers pointing forward.

4.1. Lower BP: holding the body in upright position, lower your chest to the floor and slowly return to IP.

4.2. Upper BP: Lower yourself to the floor to the middle of the amplitude.

4.3. Full AP: Fully bend and straighten your elbows, lowering all the way to the floor and rising almost to the level of your fully extended elbows.

5. Biceps Curl with Rope Handle

IP: legs together, knees slightly bent, shoulders relaxed, stomach pulled in, arms down.

5.1. Lower amplitude: hold the handle so that the wrists look at each other. Bend your elbows to a right angle and straighten them until they are completely straight.

5.2. Upper AD: Bend your arms to the top, lower to 90 degrees.

5.3. The projectile moves throughout its entire amplitude - from bottom to top and lowers until the elbows are completely straightened.

Drying hands

"Drying" means getting rid of subcutaneous fat and giving the hands a beautiful texture. However, good muscle shape is achieved not only by proper nutrition, but also by physical exercise. Drying is only suitable for those who have already built up good muscles. This procedure is strictly contraindicated for beginners.

During drying, it is necessary to adhere to the correct proportions of nutrients in the diet. During this period, preference is given to protein foods, and carbohydrates are limited.

In order to dry your hands you need to know the basic rules

  1. The main emphasis is on aerobic short-term exercise (treadmill, etc.).
  2. The program should also include work with strength training equipment, aimed at the target muscle group.
  3. Exercises for drying your hands are best done in the gym under the guidance of an instructor.
  4. In addition to dumbbells, during exercises with additional weight, you can use a block machine, light “pancakes” or a barbell.


Despite the apparent harmlessness, hand exercises also have their contraindications. It is imperative to consult a doctor if you have the following health problems:

  • unstable blood pressure;
  • problems with the spine;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • asthma and respiratory diseases;
  • obesity;
  • osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, etc.;
  • diseases of the endocrine system.

A set of exercises in the gym for girls who have just started working out should include training all the muscles of the body. Many girls believe that strength training will have a bad effect on changes in their physique and will make their bodies masculine. But this is only if the girl began to professionally engage in bodybuilding and take anabolic steroids. So it’s worth radically reconsidering your training program and spending more time working with free weights.

Weight loss program in the gym for girls

· Nutrition

To ensure that your efforts in the gym are not in vain, you should also carefully approach your diet, as well as the choice of your training program. For girls, the amount of calories they consume is significantly lower than for men, which means that when visiting the gym you must adhere to the following diet rules:

  1. Calculate correctly daily norm calorie intake.
  2. Control the volume of fluid taken.
  3. Increase your daily protein intake.
  4. Add essential fatty acids (Omega-3, 6) to your diet.
  5. Control sugar levels in the body.

· Training Basics

You may want to design your gym training program based on working 1-2 muscle groups in each workout. This is a very popular program, but should only be implemented after several months of basic full-body exercises. So remember, if you are a beginner, you should first work out all muscle groups in each workout (basic exercises are suitable for this).

· Psychological component

You should not immediately switch to a strict diet, radically changing your diet. Change everything gradually, but every day. With constant training, your appetite will undoubtedly increase. You need to mentally set yourself up to achieve results, and then everything will work out.

Basic exercises in the gym for girls

Our set of exercises for women in the gym will consist of three days of training per week. Your muscles need to rest and recover, so remember to get 7-8 hours of sleep.

Day 1

No. Execution technique
№1 Squats with a barbell - 15 times
№2 Lunges with dumbbells in hands - 10 times on each leg
№3 Dumbbell rows to the waist with one hand - 10 times on each hand
№4 Pull-ups from the bar - maximum amount once
№5 Incline dumbbell press - 12 reps

Day 2

No. Execution technique Name of exercise/number of reps
№1 Barbell row to the belt - 15 times
№2 Block rows to the chest with a narrow grip - 12 times
№3 Squats with dumbbells "Plie" - 15 times
№4 Squats on one leg (scissors) with dumbbells - 10 times on each leg
№5 Exercise "Book" for the press - 20 times

Day 3

No. Execution technique Name of exercise/number of reps
№1 Deadlift - 15 times
№2 Squats with one leg on a bench - 10 times on each leg
№3 Low block row to the waist with a narrow grip - 12 times
№4 Dumbbell bench press - 12 times
№5 Dumbbell raises on a bench - 12 times

Each exercise in the list is performed 3 approaches (3 times).

A set of workouts for all muscle groups is the basis of a weight loss program in the gym for girls. If you strictly follow the recommendations, the exercises will help you cope with excess weight and make your figure slim and fit. Any woman will benefit from such a training set, carried out with her own weight or additional weights. Find out about correct selection program, features and correct technique for performing exercises.

Training program for girls

Those who want to lose weight quickly will need a special exercise program. It contains recommendations on the correct load on muscle groups, working on problem areas and building an ideal body. Workouts for girls should be done over the entire body in one hour. Losing weight for women suggests that in addition to sports, you also need to pay attention to the nutrition program. It is worth giving up fried, fatty and smoked foods, maintaining water balance and introducing more protein into your diet.

How to make a training plan for a girl

A properly constructed plan gives results within a month. It is worth remembering that the body is difficult to tolerate changes - it adapts only when unusual, stressful external conditions are created. It is necessary to eliminate the main mistakes of athletes: too light a load and insufficient effort in training. To form beautiful shapes, you need to work out hard and a lot, giving the body more and more stress.

The last repetitions of the exercises are especially difficult for girls due to short rest breaks. A correct personal plan contains the following points:

  1. Identification of large muscle groups, selection of a pair of target training methods.
  2. Carrying out work with repetitions and complexes.
  3. Classes twice or thrice a week.
  4. Inclusion of exercises to work out the maximum number of muscle groups.

Training program for beginner girls

Introductory exercises on simulators for beginners deserve special attention. Beginners should choose a gradual increase in load. In the first week, conduct two classes, in the second - three, and after a month - up to five. The body will get used to the load, the desire to play sports will not disappear, and the prepared body will have enough of this period for restorative rest. Due to the gradual increase in the load during training, the muscles will be evenly loaded, there will be no “distortion” in the pumping of body parts - it will be evenly toned and beautiful.

A ready-made training program includes rules for beginners that should be followed to make it easier to practice and get the desired result faster:

  • pay attention to your pulse, do not allow shortness of breath to occur;
  • use the calculator on coaching websites to calculate the optimal weight to strive for;
  • a high average heart rate results in intense burning of fat reserves;
  • to warm up, choose running, exercise bike, jump rope;
  • reduce your daily caloric intake by at least 400 kcal.

What type of workout to choose for weight loss

The coach must choose the right type of training. The main types are cardio and strength training. A weight loss program in the gym for girls produces the maximum effect when combining strength techniques with cardio approaches. You can also choose the right direction for losing weight this way: to stay in shape if you don’t have a lot of excess weight, it is better to rely on cardio training; if you have significant excess weight, exercises with weights are necessary.

Circuit training

Circular training helps burn fat, lose weight and give your body definition. The approach of the program is as follows: perform one exercise, move on to the next without rest, and continue until the end of the set. After a short rest, it is repeated the required number of times. The weight loss program sets the goal of burning fat and has high level complexity, designed for experienced athletes.

During the class, work is carried out on all muscle groups, with increased interest in the hips and buttocks, which tend to accumulate fat faster than other parts of the body. An approximate weight loss system schedule includes the following exercises (optional):

  • twisting at an angle;
  • weighted lunges;
  • extension, bending of legs;
  • push ups;
  • hand lifts with weight;
  • leg lift;
  • hyperextension;
  • squats with a barbell.

Fitness program

To keep your figure in order, regain weight after childbirth, or if you want to lose weight, a fitness training program for girls is suitable. Simplicity and ease of direction in terms of loading gives an advantage over gym. During classes you can relax, enjoy stretching your muscles and maintain your figure. Fitness is not suitable if you need to lose weight a large number of overweight - only intense exercise using heavy weights and fat-burning activities will help here.

Fat burning complex

The hardest is considered to be a fat-burning workout, combining strength and cardio exercises. When it comes to strength training, you should give preference to multi-joint movements that help you work on parallel muscle groups and burn calories. Independent exercises with individual weights form muscle relief and force the body to produce hormones that promote fat burning. The weight loss routine consists of squats, lunges, deadlifts, push-ups and bench presses.

Cardio allows you to achieve enhanced fat burning. It is optimal to combine strength training with jogging, riding an exercise bike, and exercising on an ellipsoid. Sample weekly plan for fat burning:

  1. Leg press Romanian deadlift, gravitron, dumbbell press, push-ups, plank.
  2. Running on the treadmill, planking, burpees, punching an imaginary pear.
  3. Deep wide steps, leg raises, Romanian deadlifts, kettlebell lifts, lat pull-downs, leg lifts.
  4. Rest.
  5. Plie squats, dumbbell lunges, hyperextensions, leg curls, butterfly joints, glute bridges, crunches, toe raises.
  6. Slow cardio on the treadmill.
  7. Rest.

Power loads

The strength training program for girls is distinguished by maintaining muscle tone, tightening the skin and elasticity of the body. The complex actively develops muscles and burns a layer of fat even after training. Strengthening the muscles of the body occurs from top to bottom - from pumping the arms and chest, back muscles and abs, buttocks and thighs, ending with the load on the legs and legs.

To create muscle definition without increasing volume, work is carried out at fast or medium speed, with each exercise repeated 15 times. Between repetitions, you can rest for up to three minutes, and you need to repeat the approaches three times. The most effective force methods:

  • push-ups on the legs or knees;
  • spreading hands with weights;
  • twisting;
  • squats;
  • lifting, leg extension;
  • lunges.

Cardio training

A cardio training program for girls helps develop endurance, train the heart muscle and lose excess weight. Exercises reduce the number of fat cells, remove the sides, and make the body beautiful in the photo. To get results, cardio training should last at least 30-40 minutes. The effect of cardio exercises is short-lived; calories are burned only during direct exercise. It is better to exercise on simulators three times weekly, using the following techniques:

  • exercises on an exercise bike, ellipse;
  • jumping using a skipping rope;
  • swimming.

Split training

The best option after six months of training would be split training. It involves working on two muscle groups. At one time they can train: calves with oblique abs, back with arms, chest and shoulders. You can start split classes if you have free time, otherwise there will be no effect. The attitude is also important - if you miss classes, then later you will not be able to catch up with what you missed, you will have to start all over again.

It is ideal to exercise every other day, doing up to 15 repetitions of exercises in a couple of approaches. An increased number of repetitions while reducing the weight lifted will help you lose weight. Sample program Split training schedule:

  1. Monday – legs, buttocks, abs are trained. Exercises – squats, lunges, Romanian deadlifts, leg presses and raises, crunches.
  2. Wednesday – back muscles. Raises, block rows, weight lifting, dumbbells to the waist, hyperextension.
  3. Friday – chest, triceps, shoulders. Push-ups, bench press and dumbbell flyes, arm raises, kettlebell extensions.

Exercise equipment

A special training program addresses the most problematic areas. Particular attention is paid to working out the abs, buttocks and thighs. Due to the characteristics of female physiology, a significant amount of fat and excess weight accumulates there, which is difficult to get rid of. Weight loss complexes for girls include: training with weight lifting (dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells), body weight, exercise equipment or auxiliary accessories (jump ropes, step platforms).


Warming up before class is important. It warms up the muscles and joints, prepares the body for work, and saturates the cells with oxygen. Warming up helps to avoid microtraumas after exercise. The warm-up program lasts up to 15 minutes - during it it is good to perform rotational joint movements, run, squat, push-ups and bend in different directions.

A mandatory cool-down is carried out in the same way - it stretches the muscles, makes them flexible and elastic, and does not contribute to the accumulation of heaviness. To finish your workout, run a little and do some stretching. It’s useful to just lie on the mat, do a couple of yoga asanas, relax and normalize your breathing. This is useful for all athletes, especially beginners.

Basic exercises

Construction beautiful body in the gym includes basic exercises for weight loss on machines for girls. Classes are included in the mandatory daily program. You can choose from the following types:

  • squats, plie squats, on one leg;
  • wide, deep steps with weights (can be made more difficult by connecting steps in a chain);
  • lifting dumbbells;
  • pull-ups;
  • block thrust;
  • barbell push-ups;
  • deadlift, Romanian;
  • twisting;
  • dumbbell press;
  • hyperextension;
  • spreading your arms out to the sides with weight.

Exercises for problem areas

A complex for problem areas will help you lose accumulated fat on your buttocks, legs or stomach. For tangible results, it is worth combining training with proper nutrition - it is better to reduce the calories consumed. To choose exercises, you need to determine your body type - if losing weight is difficult, then you should add cardio at a moderate pace to strength training. When losing weight quickly, you can get by with strength training alone.

It is useful to conduct circuit training - classes in supersets or trisets. Rapid weight loss can be achieved by training with a surge of energy in the muscles of problem areas and performing tension phases in the last approaches. For effectiveness, it is recommended to do a sequence of basic techniques and isolation (target) ones.

Leg workout

Basic and isolation exercises include leg training. The technique of creating beautiful, slender legs and firm buttocks is carried out three times weekly. Exercises should be changed every six months to enhance progress. The result appears after a month. Losing weight in the legs is only possible with an integrated approach - exercises stimulate blood circulation, make the whole body toned and beautiful.

When training your legs, you need to warm up and stretch, and after completing the exercises, do an additional load (run slowly for half an hour or walk quickly). Repeat the program up to 10-12 times:

  1. Make squats more difficult with dumbbells or kettlebells.
  2. Lunges with weights, chain of steps.
  3. Weighted plié – Squat down with your feet wide apart.
  4. Glute bridge - lifting the buttocks from a lying position, placing your legs on an elevated surface.
  5. Abdominal pumping – repeat as many times as you can until the muscles begin to “burn”.

Upper training

Upper training for girls in the gym will help you work out your back, chest and biceps. It should be performed twice during the week, three sets of 12 repetitions. Approximate comprehensive plan for the hall by day:

  1. Seated barbell push-ups, bent-over rows, seated shoulder-length lifts, French bench press, standing dumbbell raises to work the biceps.
  2. Push-ups for triceps, lifting the body on a horizontal bar, gravitron, moving dumbbells to the sides, lowering dumbbells, lifting a block on the lower biceps.

For belly slimming

Isolated exercises for losing weight in the abdomen and sides are considered very effective. It is optimal to train the abs twice or thrice a week, performing each session 20-25 repetitions for several approaches. The correctness of the exercises is indicated by a tangible feeling of “burning” in the body. The simplest training elements for the abs and waist are twisting and lifting the legs off the floor.

It is advisable to work out parallel muscle groups of the press alternately - upper, lower, combined. Working on all areas at once will not bring the desired result, but will only add fatigue, and the body will take a long time to recover. The following schemes have been developed for the press:

  1. For the upper abs - pumping the abs on an inclined surface, on a fitball, twisting at a block.
  2. For the lower one - raising the legs with resting the elbows or lying down, lifting the limbs on a fitball.
  3. Combined – classic twisting, “book”.

Video about how a girl can lose weight in the gym

The exercise program in the gym for women and girls consists of a set of many elements and repetitions that should be performed correctly to obtain beautiful figure. The following videos will help you understand the technique, telling you about the secrets of training in gyms and the success of circuit training. The materials show basic methods and explain the principles of their implementation to achieve quick and guaranteed results. After watching the video, you will understand the purpose of the classes and see new options for performing familiar exercises.

Circuit training program for women

Weight loss program in the gym for girls

Strength training not only sculpts your figure with beautiful smooth transitions, it increases the level of the hormone testosterone. This male hormone helps not only to pump up the necessary muscles and give an exciting attractiveness to the body, but also to cope with the load. And she is weighty.

Of course, if the purpose of training in the gym is to work on relief, and not to improve health and maintain physical fitness. Although, without a doubt, the latter motivation is no less important and also requires effort and self-control.

Regardless of what prompted the girl to cross the threshold of the gym, classes must be supervised by an instructor, according to an individual, well-designed training program.

But not everyone can afford a personal trainer, so there are proven training schemes for girls different levels sports training and different effects on muscles.

The right program is a plan that works

where to start training?

The principle of trying everything and immediately leads to nowhere, just like the first training to failure. It’s not a woman’s business to exhaust herself to the limit. Instead of making progress, you can easily overload your muscles by doing too many sets and repetitions or training with unbearable weights.

Caution and gradual increase in load are the first condition for future success.

Secondly, you need to start implementing your training plan with a general developmental set of exercises for all muscle groups. Having gotten used to the workload in 2-4 weeks, they will be prepared for serious training. Third, master the technique of performing exercises on simulators, otherwise you can get injured without achieving the desired result. Finally, useful to have Personal diary, where to mark what is planned to be done, how many times and, if weight is expected, what exactly.

Beginner girls should not start training on a split program, even if they are tempted to immediately start pumping up one or two “necessary” muscle groups.

Warm up first

You need to start with a warm-up

Even if you want to fly up to the projectile and, without wasting time, start the “pumping” part, doing this is unacceptable. There is an immutable rule - to begin training for a program of any level with a warm-up. It is a mistake to neglect it, considering it an unproductive pastime. It will warm up the ligamentous apparatus, muscles and joints, thereby protecting against injury.

First they warm up in the cardio zone. 10 minutes is shown followed by an “uphill climb” on (skis) is also suitable. By simultaneously using your hips, you can quickly get into athletic shape. Pulse up to 100-120 beats/min. as a result of aerobic exercise for the good. Due to the influx of oxygen, the muscles are filled with blood and cardiovascular and metabolic activity increases.

Stretching is an important part of warming up

good stretching is the basis for proper exercise performance

Dynamic stretching is needed to give elasticity to muscles and mobility to joints. Training them before the main workout helps to achieve the required range of movements of the arms, legs, and the greatest depth of squats. Usually these are simple bends to the sides and forward, rotations of the arms, shoulders, lunges. It takes 8-10 minutes.

Stretching for a specific muscle group is also performed before the first approach when changing exercises.

How many approaches, how many repetitions...

It all depends on the chosen program and the girl’s level of preparedness. It also matters which part of the body is preferable to train - lower or upper. Muscles are unevenly distributed throughout a woman’s body, There are more of them in the lower zone, it’s easier to progress there. To develop your chest and shoulders you need to strain more.

Another important factor taken into account is physiology.

Two weeks after menstruation, the body is much stronger than in the following days.

The intensity of exercises on the lower body, as well as the quantitative indicators of approaches and repetitions, must be varied. This cyclical load is called microperiodization.

Those who take into account the natural mechanism and follow sports periodization achieve powerful and long-lasting results.

No matter what concessions are provided for beginners, classes in the gym are not a school physical education lesson in preparatory group. There are different goals here, and you need to tune in to high-volume training with a short rest. This applies to both fitness and strength training. Undertraining (low weights, few exercises, approaches and repetitions) is equivalent to marking time, Neither pumped up buttocks nor abs will appear.

The average numbers are: 5-6 approaches, each with 10-15 repetitions. On light training days, the number of approaches is 3-4. For those who are starting training for the first time or have come to the gym after a long break, there is a rule of fifteen repetitions.

You need to start with such a weight that you have enough strength for 15 repetitions in the first approach.

And do not do more than two approaches a day. By the next lesson, you will see how the muscles respond to the load. If you don’t get very sick, it is advisable to carry out a series of training sessions with the same load. Add the next approach after a few sessions.

The pauses between approaches are small - 30-60 seconds. If you are very tired, you can increase the rest period slightly, but you cannot shorten the workout. Over time, the pauses decrease. The creation of new muscle fibers (anabolism) requires a large volume of exercise with an oxygen debt. The normal state is that the last exercises (provided the correct technique) are really difficult to perform, but not extremely difficult - you cannot lead to micro-tears in the muscles.

What is a “base” and why is it useful?

basic exercises help to work out the maximum number of muscles

The complex effect on the body is ensured by the work of many muscles. Giving yourself an hour-long “multidisciplinary” load is much more useful than an isolated load on one or two muscles. Biceps or chest can be pumped up if everything else is already at the level. Therefore, local training is not for girls. Building the body begins with basic, multi-joint exercises, allowing you to work out the maximum number of muscles at once. This is the basis of strength training (the word “base” came from bodybuilding, and then from powerlifting). There are three such exercises:

    with a barbell on the shoulders for the lower body. The squat has the highest athletic rating. The following muscles are included in the work: buttocks, quadriceps, femoral adductors, rectus abdominis and obliques, long back muscles. Mastering the rules of execution is a prerequisite.

    Bench press to strengthen and tighten the chest. When working on a horizontal bench, the middle muscles of the chest are used, on an inclined bench - the upper muscles. With a wide grip, the outer sections are loaded, while a narrow grip corrects sunken chest. The best is the golden mean - slightly wider than the shoulders. The first approach is a warm-up, with a light weight, the next 3-4 approaches include 7-12 repetitions. Weight is selected individually. The weight rises as you exhale and falls slowly as you inhale.

The most important for muscle development are the last 1-2 repetitions of the last approach.

    simultaneously for the top and bottom, including the buttocks. This is a universal exercise, performed with dumbbells or a barbell in three variations: classic, sumo, straight legged (the best exercise!). It is enough for girls to lift 12-15 kg, there is no need for anything more. It’s better to start with 5kg, doing 5-10 squats in 3 sets.

At the initial stage they have many advantages:

  • physiological; movements are consistent with the anatomy of the osteoarticular apparatus;
  • energy saving; less energy consumption due to redistribution of muscle load;
  • gain muscle mass in less time; high cumulative load contributes to faster strengthening of ligaments and joints.

In the program for beginners, 80-90% of the training time is devoted to basic exercises. This is the main tool for muscle development, the foundation for building a muscular frame.

About programs and methods

Gyms are full of equipment. It is impossible for a person who does not know all the intricacies of training to independently decide on a program and select exercises. Even an experienced instructor may not immediately get to the point and ideally schedule the training regimen in each specific case. Much is adjusted individually, experimentally. But popular methods have already been worked out, you can safely follow them when you come to the gym.

Step-by-step program for losing weight

losing weight correctly

This is an entry level, designed for three lessons per week.

The first day

    Warm up on a treadmill, 5-10 min. Jogging is necessary to combat extra pounds. The running pace is slow; if you are overweight, start with a fast step. Gradually increase the distance at the same speed.

    A special warm-up before squats (warm-up approach) to warm up the muscles and ligaments with light weights 15 times (so as not to strain).

    Squats. Start with two, later do three approaches. Working weight is selected individually. For example, you squatted 15 times with some weight, but couldn’t do the 16th... This is the weight that is needed. The reference point is how you feel during the next workout.

    Lifting the pelvis while lying on your back. Lowering and rising alternate. When lifting, the feet rest on the heels. A month (twice a week) to practice the exercise without weight, 10 repetitions, 2-3 approaches with pauses of 3-4 minutes. Next, move on to the power version with weights on the lower abdomen (once a week). The working weight is gradually increased until it can be lifted 10 times. Perform 4 approaches with a five-minute rest between them.

    Seated dumbbell press on an incline bench. Lifting (as you exhale) and lowering (as you inhale) two dumbbells at the same time. The technique is practiced with light weight. It is dangerous to overload, you can dislocate your shoulder. Perform the same 2-3 approaches. The number of repetitions and weight are within your capabilities. If 12 kg are taken over time, great.

The working weight and number of presses are selected for the weaker arm.

    Crunches on an incline bench. We make cubes on the stomach - pump up the abs, performing concentrated curls. Two exercises - for the upper and lower (below the navel) abs, 2 sets and 12 repetitions each. A month later, they do the same with weights on the chest - once a week.

Abdominal exercises do not remove belly fat. This is achieved by general weight loss.

  • Stretching: shoulders, triceps, abs, buttocks, thighs.

Second day

  • Treadmill.
  • Special stretching before bench press.
  • Bench press (a pattern similar to the seated press). A narrow grip shapes the chest thrust muscles.
  • Traction of a horizontal block (with preliminary special stretching). When pulling the handle of the exercise machine towards the stomach, exhale; when abducting, inhale. Scheme 2/3, weight up to 12 kg.
  • Stretching: triceps, pectoral muscles, latissimus dorsi, biceps.

Day three

  • Treadmill.
  • Vertical block rows to the chest or pull-ups in Graviton. The last exercise is more effective. With the help of a counterweight, doing push-ups and being plump is much more comfortable. The latissimus muscles and biceps are loaded. The exercise is useful for scoliosis. Scheme: 2/3 10 pull-ups.
  • Lifting dumbbells from a sitting position on an incline bench. Biceps are forming. The movements are smooth, without jerking, lowering is done more slowly. Number of approaches from 2, working weight up to 10 kg.
  • Press down on a vertical block machine. Triceps are developed. Weight up to 10 kg, 2/3 sets. A useful exercise for those involved in swimming, basketball, gymnastics, and badminton.
  • Stretches: triceps, biceps, lats.

After finishing your workout, to restore muscle glycogen and create additional insulin, you need to eat a sweet fruit or drink 200 ml of grape juice.

Video: How to lose weight on your own in the gym?

Mass gain program

exercises for skinny people to gain weight

Rare skinny girls come to the gym to get biceps. Most people are concerned about the convex shape of the buttocks, elastic hips,... These are the places where the training is focused.

The sequence of exercises (there are seven of them) is as follows: on the abs, lumbar region, buttocks, legs, top part bodies.

Preference is given to working with free weights (barbells, dumbbells), not on exercise machines. In order to gain muscle mass, three training options are practiced, which can be alternated by visiting the gym twice a day or performed three days a week. Warm up and stretch by default.

Option A

  1. Crunches (on a Roman chair, an inclined bench, on the floor, on an upper block of your choice): 3/10-19 times;
  2. Torso bends (back extensions in the simulator): 3/10-19 times;
  3. Squats with a barbell (behind the shoulders and on the chest) or dumbbells: 6-12 squats for 4-5 approaches (start with 2-3);
  4. Push-ups (wide grip from the floor or on a machine - chest press): 3-4/6-14 times;
  5. Raising arms with dumbbells from a lying position on a horizontal plane (on a butterfly machine, in a crossover): 3-4/ up to 15 times;
  6. Pulleys to the chest or pull-ups behind the head with a wide grip: 4/8-15 times;
  7. Pullover on straight arms (working with a cable in the upper block) or with dumbbells lying down: 3/12-15 times;

Option B

  1. Leg raises (hanging, sitting in the machine while resting on your elbows): 3/10-19 times;
  2. Deadlift (bending forward with a barbell on the shoulders, classic with dumbbells): 4-5/8-15 times;
  3. Lunges (with dumbbells, barbell, while walking): 4/8-15 times;
  4. Barbell/dumbbell presses (chest, overhead, standing or sitting): 4/8-12 times;
  5. Push-ups from behind the bench: 4/10-15 times;
  6. Bending arms with dumbbells behind the head (French press) standing or sitting: 3-4/10-15 times;
  7. Swing your arms to the sides from the hip to the horizontal (with dumbbells) 3/10-15 times;

Option C

  1. Twisting while lying on the floor with legs thrown over the “pedestal”: 3/10-19 times;
  2. Bend-overs on straight legs with dumbbells or a barbell on the shoulders (dead lift): 4/10-15 times;
  3. Squats with two dumbbells or weight between legs: 4-5/10-15 times;
  4. Dumbbell (barbell) bench press lying or sitting in a machine: 4-5/8-15 times;
  5. Row of the lower (horizontal) block: 4/10-15 times;
  6. Seated vertical block rows alternately with a narrow and reverse grip: 4/10-15 times;
  7. High row (lifting dumbbells/barbell to the chin while standing): 3/10-15 times.

Provided proper nutrition, stubborn people build up to 4 kg of muscle in 2-2.5 months.

For advanced level girls

  1. Warm-up;
  2. Twisting to the pelvis: 5-6/max. number (until burning in the abdominal area);
  3. Hanging leg raises: 5-6/max. number;
  4. Squats with a barbell (on both thighs, buttocks): 5/10-15 times;
  5. Deadlift: 5/10-15 times;
  6. Upper block row (on the back muscles): 5/10-15 times;
  7. Bent-over barbell row: 5/10-15 times;
  8. Bench press, close grip (on arm muscles): 5/10-15 times;
  9. Lifting the barbell for biceps: 5/10-15 times;
  10. Swing dumbbells to the sides (on the shoulder girdle in a complex manner): 5/10-15 times;
  11. Pulling the barbell to the chin: 5/10-15 times.

For beginners

program for beginners

The first month of training is the hardest. Still weak muscle tone, cardiovascular system not prepared for sports loads, interfering with exercise excess weight... Therefore, entry into the operating mode is gradual, according to the adaptation scheme. So, on the first day, do one approach with a minute's rest in between, in the second - two approaches and with a reduced recovery pause to 50 seconds. From the third day the program runs unchanged.

  • Cardio exercise (treadmill, elliptical trainer) - 10 min.;
  • Warm-up with stretching - 10 minutes;
  • Hanging knee raises on the horizontal bar: 3/ up to 20 times;
  • Extension and bending of the legs at the knees while sitting and lying down: 3/10-12 times;
  • Women's barbell squats: 3/up to 20 times;
  • Taking the leg back (on a bench, in a crossover, on a block machine): 3/up to 25 times;
  • Swing your legs to the sides (with the cuff of the lower block attached): 3/ up to 25 times;
  • Hyperextension (emphasis under the hips): 3/10-15 times;
  • Vertical block rows to the chest (reverse grip): 2/10-12 times;
  • Classic dumbbell bench press or butterfly press: 3/10 times;
  • French press (putting a dumbbell behind your head) while sitting: 2/10-12 times;

After 12-15 workouts, the muscles are given rest and recovery time of up to 7 days.

Typical mistakes of newbies in the gym.

Focus on legs and buttocks

strengthen the buttocks and legs

    Squat with weight on shoulders (bodybar, bar)- the best exercise for pumping up your legs and buttocks. The gluteal muscles work at the very bottom. When standing up, when the thighs become parallel to the floor, the load is borne by the quadriceps muscles of the thigh. Therefore, to jointly pump up the buttocks and thighs, perform deep squats with full extension. Without weights: 3/20-25 repetitions, with free weight: 3/10-15 repetitions.

    Lunges. Lunges forward create the shape of the buttocks. For circular fat burning, backward lunges alternating with standing up on a chair are useful. Without weight: 3/15 repetitions with left and right legs. With dumbbells or barbell 3/10.

    Deadlift on straight legs (Romanian deadlift). If you have a flat butt, you should pay attention to the exercise Special attention. It forms the back arch, develops the buttocks and develops the hamstrings. Without weights: 3/20-30 times. In the power version 3/ 10-15 times. If there are problems with the spine, the analogue is hyperextension.

    Gluteal Bridge(lifting the pelvis from the horizontal plane from a lying position). This is an isolated exercise for the buttocks. Without weights: 3/20-30 times. With a barbell or barbell on the pelvic area: 3/10-15 times.

Split program for strong arms, shoulders, back

split program for advanced girls

Split programs are intended for girls who have been training for over two years. Split schemes are separate cyclically repeating workouts for muscle groups, spaced out over days.

The training begins with a visit to the cardio zone, followed by a warm-up approach to warm up the muscles.

Shoulder development:

  • standing French press: 3/10-12 times;
  • dumbbell press while sitting on a bench with a back (grip from yourself): 3/10-12 times;
  • Arnold press (with wrist rotation): 3/10-12 times;
  • dumbbell rows to the chin: 3/10-12 times;
  • lifting dumbbells to the sides and in front: 3/10-12 times.

Back development (wide grip):

  • pull of the upper block to the chest and behind the head: 3/10-15 times;
  • pull-ups: 3/10-15 times;
  • Bent-over barbell row: 3/10-15 times.

Day two - hand development

  • reverse grip pull-ups 3/10 times;
  • California press (with the elbow turned towards the body): 3/10 times;
  • standing barbell curl: 3/10 times;
  • standing arm extension (on a cable machine): 3/12 times.

The break between approaches is extended - 2 minutes.

Basic training time is 1 hour - 1 hour 10 minutes.

Complete training program for 3 days

connect the maximum number of muscles to work

Three times a week every other day is an optimized regime for girls working out in a fitness center or “gym”. The body needs to be given rest to recover, and besides, muscles grow in a state of rest. The principle of composing exercises is based on sequential loading of muscles. The choice of exercises is determined by their ability to involve as many of them as possible into the work.

Monday Tuesday)

  • Warm up (any cardio equipment) 10-15 minutes.

On the muscular corset of the back:

  • Vertical pull-down: 2-3/12 times, weight 10-15 kg.
  • Horizontal block row: 2-3/10 times, weight 10 kg.

On the chest muscles:

  • Lying dumbbell flyes: 3/10 times, weight 3 kg.

For hand relief:

  • Lifting dumbbells for biceps: 3/15 times, weight 3 kg.

To strengthen the upper and inner thighs:

  • Leg abduction on the simulator: 2/20 times, weight 15-20 kg.
  • Leg extension on a sitting machine: 3/12 times, weight 10-15 kg.
  • Leg bending on a machine while lying on your stomach: 3/15 times, weight 15 kg.

For the muscles of the lower back and buttocks:

  • Hyperextension: 3/12 times.

On the abdominals:

  • Crunches: 2/12-15 times.
  • Warm up on a treadmill or elliptical trainer for 15 minutes.

Wednesday Thursday)

  • Warm up for 10-15 minutes.

On the back:

  • Vertical block row: 3/12 times, weight 10-15 kg

On the back and arms:

  • Dumbbell flyes lying on stomach: 3/10 times, weight 4 kg
  • Seated bench press (bench press): 3/10 times. Start without weights.

On the shoulder girdle:

  • Seated dumbbell shoulder press: 3/10 reps, weight 3 kg

On thighs and buttocks:

  • Leg press (replacement of squats for problems with the spine): 3/10 times. Start without weights.
  • Plie squats (with a dumbbell between the legs): 3/15 times, weight 6 kg.
  • Lunges (scissor squats with dumbbells): 3/20 times, weight 3 kg.
  • Hyperextension: 3/12 times.
  • (twisting): 3/15(2/12) times.
  • Warm up on a treadmill or (if you need to lose weight) for up to 15 minutes.

Friday Saturday)

  • Warm up for 10-15 minutes.
  • Vertical block row: 2-3/10 times.
  • Horizontal block row: 2-3/10 times.
  • Seated Hammer press: 2/10 times.
  • Leg press with different leg positions 3/10 times.
  • Leg extension in the simulator: 3/12 times.
  • Leg bending in the simulator: 3/15 times.
  • Straight-legged barbell rows: 3/15 reps without weights.
  • Smith machine lunges or hyperextension: 3/12 times.
  • Bench crunches (on a fitball): 3/15 times.
  • Warm up on an exercise bike or treadmill (if you need to lose weight): up to 15 minutes.

This program is designed for three months, then a new complex is selected.

How long to practice and when to expect results

When training in the gym, everyone pursues their own goal: lose weight, gain weight, build muscle or increase endurance. Accordingly, the results must be assessed according to various criteria. For example, if you wanted to build muscle mass and increase strength, the result will be shown by a measuring tape; the weight loss process will be reflected by scales and a mirror. Subject to the class schedule and proper nutrition the effort spent will begin to pay off within 6-8 weeks.

It must be taken into account that muscles develop in different ways. So, The cubes on the stomach appear much later than the biceps on the arms. Many changes are generally difficult to notice quickly with the eye. But patience and work will be rewarded. It happens that some exercises performed are chosen incorrectly and hinder the achievement of the expected result. Then you need to adjust the program and continue to move forward. Make training an integral part of your life and the results will come.

Nowadays there are more and more representatives of the fair sex in the gym. Some people want to lose weight, others want to gain muscle mass. There are many exercises, but the effect can only be achieved if a training program for girls in the gym is clearly developed. Let's figure out what the basic training modules are and how to achieve results.

Squats with a barbell are one of the basic exercises for girls to strengthen not only their legs and buttocks, but also other muscle groups.

Why you should choose training for all muscle groups

Many trainers advise beginners to work out their muscles by following a split program. It consists of working exclusively one or two muscle groups. But, others dispute this technique, believing that it is intended for professionals. Explaining this by the fact that it is difficult for beginners to focus on any one muscle group. For women beginners the best option There will be workouts with which they will work all muscle groups in one session.

The video shows a training program for girls in the gym

For those girls who sometimes miss classes due to work, this option will also be much more convenient. This is due to the fact that by increasing the interval between work on one of the muscle groups, efficiency decreases. In addition, due to the characteristics of the body, girls do not have the opportunity to exercise at full capacity during the menstrual cycle. Accordingly, some muscle groups that will be trained during this period will be worked out poorly.

2. Lunges with dumbbells in hands

  • take dumbbells in your hands, straighten your back;
  • the position should be such that the thigh of the front leg forms a parallel to the floor, and the lower leg is perpendicular.

3. One-arm dumbbell row


  • kneel on the bench, the other leg remains on the floor;
  • Place your emphasis on the bench with one hand and take a dumbbell with the other;
  • straighten your back;
  • The dumbbell should be pulled to the chest and lowered down.

4. Pull-ups

You need to hang on the horizontal bar and try to reach the crossbar with your chin. To make pull-ups easier, there is a special simulator - a gravitron; it allows you to set a weight that will help pull your body up.

Important! The overhead pull-down is similar to this exercise. The effect and muscle development are the same.

5. Incline Bench Press

You need to sit comfortably on an inclined bench. Take the barbell in your hands. Raise and lower it at chest level.

6. Barbell row

Scheme of the exercise:

  • feet shoulder width apart;
  • the body is tilted forward;
  • back straight;
  • The barbell is held with both hands and pulled to the stomach, after which it is lowered down.

7. Close-grip chest row

On the simulator, you should grab the handle with a narrow grip. Your feet should be on the floor and your knees should rest on the bolsters. Your back needs to be straightened. After taking the correct position, the handle must be pulled to the chest and the shoulder blades brought together.

8. Plie squats with dumbbells. Works the inner thigh muscles

  • your feet should be placed wider than your shoulders;
  • turn your socks 120 degrees;
  • the back should always remain straight;
  • you should take a dumbbell in your hands;
  • Hips lower to parallel with the floor.

9. Squats on one leg (scissors) with a barbell

  • put the bar on your shoulders, straighten your back;
  • lunge forward with one leg;
  • The back leg must be bent, but not touching the floor;
  • squat so that the thigh of the front leg is parallel to the floor and the shin is perpendicular.

Important! This exercise differs from lunges in that the feet remain in place until the required number of repetitions is completed.

10. Book on the press

You need to lie on your back and stretch your arms behind your head. At the same time, you should raise your arms and legs straight. You need to reach for your feet with your hands.

11. Deadlift

The correct exercise is the deadlift. Will help you achieve the desired result

  • take the barbell in your hands, place your feet shoulder-width apart, straighten your back;
  • two techniques:
    • back parallel to the floor. The load in this position goes to the back muscles. First you need to bring your back to a vertical position and only then straighten your legs;
    • thighs parallel to the floor. The load goes on the muscles of the legs and buttocks. In this option, you should straighten your legs and only then move your body to a vertical position;
    • 0 0

      12. Squats with emphasis on the bench

      The technique is similar to “Single-leg scissor squats with a barbell” with the difference that the back leg is placed on a bench.

      13. Lower block row to the waist while sitting with a narrow grip

      Sit on a bench, rest your feet on the footrests, grab the handles with your hands, and straighten your back. Then you should pull the handles. Your arms should move parallel to the bench. In this case, the shoulder blades need to be brought together.

      14. Dumbbell Bench Press

      Performed similarly to the incline bench press. This time, only the bench should be straight and, accordingly, dumbbells in your hands.

      15. Dumbbell flyes

      Lie with your back on a bench, take dumbbells in your hands and lift them above your chest. Next, your arms should be spread in different directions.


      It always ends any training session. The muscles should be well stretched. It takes approximately 7-10 minutes.

      A training program for girls in the gym can successfully include all of the above exercises. In one workout, 5 exercises are usually performed. In addition to the standard one, circuit training can be chosen. Then all the approaches are simply not done at once, but the exercises are performed as if in a circle.