Exercises in the gym for girls. Arm and shoulder training program for girls

16.10.2019 Home and life

Who said biceps curls are only for guys? Find out why every girl should train her biceps and triceps for strong and beautiful arms!

Moderately sculpted hands with delightful contours are the ideal accessory for your dream figure. With their help, you will be irresistible in both a sleeveless dress and a tight T-shirt!

Don't be afraid to lift heavy weights and give it your all. Believe me: your arms will not start to tear out of your sleeves; there is too little testosterone in a woman’s body for this. Even the toughest guys know that you can build up your arm muscles only through long and hard training.

Strong biceps and triceps are an important element of a harmoniously developed figure. Plus, they will help you become stronger!

Here's a quick guide to arm training for girls. I even included a sample workout. Girls, it's time to pump up your biceps!

Girls and biceps

What makes me especially happy about training biceps and triceps is that you don't have to spend too much time on it. Any bench press, like or, also works the triceps at the same time. And when you do, for example, lat pulldowns or cable rows, you indirectly train your biceps.

In short, if you diligently work hard on your chest and back days, you won't have to devote too much time to training your arms. Moreover, biceps and triceps are small muscles, and you can’t expect any different metabolic benefits from working them out.

What makes me especially happy about training biceps and triceps is that you don’t have to spend too much time on it

I prefer to focus on training my arms just once a week for 30-45 minutes. This workout, combined with indirect biceps and triceps work during other workouts, is more than enough. My arms are strong and look amazing!

Basic raises and extensions

No matter how hard you try, in most cases, training biceps and triceps will still come down to two: raises and extensions. These movements force the muscles to perform their direct duties, but with noticeable resistance.

Your biceps contract to flex your elbow (bring your hand toward your face), and your triceps contract to extend your elbow (bring your hand away from your face and straighten your arm). There are many variations on the theme of these movements, but the basic principle is unshakable and unshakable: raising the arm bends it at the elbow joint, and extending it straightens the elbow.

When you flex or extend your elbow with a weight, you recruit more muscle fibers into the contraction. The heavier the work, the more muscle fibers must be recruited to move the weight. And if you regularly load your muscles with work, they begin to grow in response to this.

I often see girls doing almost a hundred reps with a 2kg dumbbell. Remember, your muscles must be tense during training, otherwise they will not have the incentive to change.

No matter who told you that women should do high reps with zero weight, I feel it is my duty to set the record straight. If your workout looks like a walk, you won't see results!

Biceps: exercises for girls

This workout is ideal for those girls who have never trained their arms or need a new, more effective plan of action. Remember, you're already training biceps and triceps on chest and back days, so this program is just for optimizing results.

I love doing this program because it includes some of my favorite techniques: 21 and burnouts! What's also great about the workout is that it uses a rep range that's ideal for hypertrophy (muscle development). Without a shadow of a doubt, pick up a barbell or fairly heavy dumbbells, with which the last repetitions turn into a serious test.

Hand training for girls

Program notes

1. - an interesting approach to training biceps. You'll have to do 7 reps on the bottom half of the circuit, then 7 reps on the top half of the circuit, and finish with seven full movements. If you get very tired, you can take an extra break after the approach!

Partial repetitions will help strengthen the muscles in their weakest areas. In biceps curls greatest difficulties arise, as a rule, in the first third and in the final phase of movement. If you learn to handle heavy weights in sticking points, your muscles will get a huge boost in growth.

2. Burning is difficult, but also interesting in its own way. I promise, after completing this exercise, your muscles will literally be filled with blood. The point of the exercise is to get 100 reps in as few sets as possible.

You won't need a lot of weight, but make sure the load is noticeable. If the task begins to feel overwhelming, feel free to lose weight and keep moving forward. And try not to relax too much between sets.

Burnouts are usually used to completely fatigue muscles when they are already pretty tired. Although this approach may not be to everyone's liking, I believe it is great way squeeze the last drops of energy out of the muscles and bring them to complete exhaustion. Try it yourself, and if you don’t like it or it seems that the game is not worth the candle, cross out burnouts from your training.

3. In addition to sets of 21 repetitions, be sure to use full-range exercises in your training. If you have not figured out how to properly perform this or that exercise, please take a look at. There you will find step by step instructions and you can train with complete confidence.

Developed arm muscles are an integral part of a girl’s athletic, fit figure. Therefore, in any training it is necessary to devote time to exercises with weights on the muscles of the shoulder girdle and forearm. Don't believe in myths about big, masculine hands! It is impossible for women and girls to pump up their biceps and triceps for a number of physiological reasons. Dumbbells and barbells should not scare you: in the fight for beautiful figure sports equipment simply must become part of your training. Let's look at the features and practical recommendations for women's training of arms and shoulders.

Main muscle groups of the arms

Before moving on to exercise techniques and training programs, let's look at the muscular structure of the shoulder girdle and forearms.

Hands consist of three main and most pumped muscle groups:

  1. Biceps. Visually, the most recognizable muscle is formed from two bundles - long and short.
  2. Triceps. These muscles make up the largest volume of the forearm, and therefore occupy a special place in the process of arm training. They consist of three bundles: lateral, medial and long.
  3. Forearm muscles: brachialis (the most important flexor muscle of the elbow joint) and brachioradialis (responsible for rotational movements of the forearm).

Anatomical structure of the muscles of the forearm and shoulder girdle: the most active muscle groups in arm training

The finger and wrist extensors are not the target muscles. They train simultaneously with other, more active muscle groups, especially in exercises using sports equipment and machines.

Physiological characteristics of the female body

There is a pattern that women take longer to develop their upper body (arms and shoulders) than men. The same training system will make men's biceps several times larger than women's. The situation is different with the lower body (legs and buttocks): it is much easier for girls to progress in the development of leg muscles. Therefore, exercises in special simulators to pump up the biceps or exercises with dumbbells, barbells, no matter how hard the training is, will not lead to an uncontrolled increase in the mass and volume of the arms. You should not be afraid that your shoulders will become masculine and your arms massive: the female body does not have enough testosterone (sex hormone) to create truly “big hands.” Exercises will give your shoulders and forearms graceful, sculpted contours and a toned appearance.

If you see overly pumped arms on a woman, this only means that the athlete was taking anabolic drugs, which led to unnatural muscle growth.

Arm training in the gym for girls

Exercises using sports equipment

Dumbbell (barbell) rows to the chin for women

The exercise is aimed at working out the most problematic area of ​​the forearm - the inner part of the arms (triceps). It is this place that girls most often want to change: restore elasticity to the skin, remove sagging muscles. To perform the exercise you will need two dumbbells, a barbell or a bar.

  1. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Take dumbbells (barbell) with an overhand grip.
  3. Bending your arms at the elbow joint, bring the dumbbells to your chin, trying not to change the position of the dumbbells in space.
  4. As you exhale, lower the projectile to the starting position.
  5. If you are working with dumbbells, it is appropriate to alternate hands or perform the exercise with both hands at the same time.

Number of approaches and repetitions: 3×12.

Video note: correct execution of the exercise

Arm curls with a projectile for a beautiful relief

For this exercise, you can use both dumbbells and a barbell (barbell) as a working apparatus. Curls are primarily aimed at training the beautiful biceps muscles.

Technique for doing it at home:

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and straighten your body.
  2. Take the projectile in your hands so that your fingers point in the opposite direction from you.
  3. Straighten your shoulders, look straight or slightly upward.
  4. Raise the dumbbells (bar) to your chest, do not spread your elbows to the sides.
  5. Then slowly lower them to the starting position.
  6. Number of approaches and repetitions: 3×12–15 times.

Video instructions for the exercise:

Arm extensions behind the head can be performed while standing or sitting. The main goal of the exercise is to work the triceps.

Having chosen a comfortable starting position, follow these steps:

  1. Take one dumbbell in your hands and lift it above your head.
  2. Slowly lower the apparatus behind your head, bending your elbows.
  3. At the same speed, lift the dumbbell to the starting position.

Number of approaches and repetitions: 2×10.

IMPORTANT! Don't use too heavy weights. Try to maintain balance throughout the entire approach. Number of approaches and repetitions: 2×20.

Video instruction:

Lateral raises with dumbbells

Raising your arms can be done in two ways: in a straight stance and in a bent position. The peculiarity of the second option is that it provides isolated pumping of the rear delta bundles. Taken together, the exercise is aimed at training the shoulder girdle.

  1. Stand up straight (or bend forward, keeping your back straight and creating a slight arch in your lower back). Hold dumbbells in both hands.
  2. Slowly raise your arms to the sides without bending your elbows.
  3. Keep the body static.
  4. Pause for 1-2 seconds and slowly bring your hands back to the starting position.

Perform 2 sets of 15 repetitions.

Video instructions for the exercise:

Another exercise using dumbbells and working up. The main feature: the rotation of the hands when lifting the projectile. Target muscles: biceps and brachialis. This exercise allows you to tone your arm muscles using light weights.


  1. Stand straight (legs in a free stance), take the shells in both hands and lower them along the body.
  2. Alternately raise your arms with dumbbells to your shoulders, turning your hands outward.
  3. Do not press your hands too tightly to your shoulders; a light touch is enough.
  4. Raise and lower dumbbells at the same speed.

Number of approaches: from 2 to 3.

Number of repetitions: from 10 to 15.

Video instructions for performing the exercise:

Effective bodyweight exercises at home

The advantage of such training is that you practically do not risk overloading your spine and joints. In addition, they do not contribute to a significant increase in muscle mass, so they are great for girls who, as a rule, strive for an athletic, but graceful figure.


Goal: training the triceps muscles of the arms.

There are several typical push-up options: with emphasis on your toes, with emphasis on your knees, with clap, with narrow and wide arms.

If you are a beginner and have practically never done sports (athletics, gymnastics, aerobics), start with the simplest version of push-ups - with emphasis on your knees. To do this, you will need a gymnastics mat or any other soft surface.

Exercise steps:

  1. Lie on your stomach, lift your body onto your outstretched arms, bend your legs at the knees.
  2. From this position, begin to slowly bend your elbows and lower yourself to the floor (as low as possible).
  3. As you exhale, slowly push your body back to the starting position.

Number of approaches and repetitions: 2×10 or 3×7.

Video instruction of push-up technique:

A more difficult version of push-ups is plank push-ups with emphasis on the toes and clap push-ups. In these types of exercises, much attention is paid to pumping the triceps. In addition, during the exercise, endurance and striking strength are trained, thanks to which you not only create relief in the muscles of your arms, but also improve your strength indicators.

Technique for performing push-ups from the floor with emphasis on the toes (plank) and technique of push-ups with cotton

Push-up technique:

  1. Take a lying position: place your hands at a distance slightly wider than your shoulders, and your feet on your toes.
  2. Straighten your elbows and look down.
  3. From this position, slowly lower your body to the floor, trying to keep your shoulder blades, hips, and feet in one straight line.
  4. After a short pause (1-2 seconds), rise to the starting position.
  5. To complicate the classic push-up, from the peak point (elbows bent), jerk upward with a clap.

Number of sets and reps: 3×8–10.

IMPORTANT! The wider the position of the hands during push-ups, the more the pectoral muscles are involved in the work. The smaller the distance between the palms, the better the triceps muscles of the shoulders work. For an ideal workout, you need to combine and alternate different variations of push-ups.

Practical tips for the exercise:

Pull-ups on the bar and parallel bars to work your arms and shoulders

One more effective exercise in arm training there are all kinds of pull-ups: on the crossbar, horizontal bar, uneven bars, with your own weight and with weights, in a free hang and with emphasis on your legs. Purpose of pull-ups: work on the triceps and deltoids. Within the fitness room or sports grounds, you can use any rigidly fixed crossbars, block exercise machines or special horizontal bars.

To perform free-hanging pull-ups, follow the following algorithm:

  1. Grab the bar with both hands and cross your legs.
  2. Starting position: straight arms and straight body.
  3. Begin to pull your body up, trying to touch your neck to the bar.
  4. After passing the peak point, slowly straighten your arms and lower your body down.

To complicate the exercise, you can use weights that are attached either to the legs (metal, sand bracelets) or to the waist.

Another version of pull-ups involves a low crossbar, which can be used as a classic bar.

The exercise technique has some features:

  1. Take a hanging position with your feet resting under the bar.
  2. With your arms straight, create a straight but inclined line of the body relative to the floor surface.
  3. Bend your elbows, pulling your body up (your head should go over the bar).
  4. Slowly lower yourself to the starting position, straightening your arms at the elbows.

Number of approaches and repetitions: 3×10.

Practical advice for girls:

Pull-ups on parallel bars are one of the most common exercises in outdoor training. various groups muscles: triceps, biceps, serratus and rhomboids, pectoral muscles and abdominal muscles. Such pull-ups in gyms are performed on a special simulator; on sports grounds, classic parallel bars are used.


  1. Take a hanging position: lean on the bars with straight arms, bend your legs at the knees.
  2. Straighten your shoulders and slightly tilt your body forward.
  3. Bend your elbows and slowly lower your body.
  4. When the angle at the elbow joint is approximately 90°, return to the starting position.
  5. Control your movements: do not squeeze your shoulders and chest, work your triceps.

Number of approaches and repetitions: beginner level 2x7, professional 2x12 or 3x8.

Dips on the parallel bars:

Hand training program for girls

It is enough to allocate one day per week for arm training, since the main muscles of the shoulders and forearms are indirectly trained on the days of back and chest training, and this is more than enough. A lesson lasting 40–50 minutes should be divided into 2 or 3 blocks of 3 exercises (depending on sports training). Before training, it is important to do a 10-minute warm-up, including cardio or aerobics.

Program for beginners:

  1. Knee push-ups (2×10).
  2. Curls with a machine (you can use water bottles instead of dumbbells) 3x12.
  3. Raising arms to the sides (2×15).
  1. Arm extensions from behind the head (2×10).
  2. Pull-ups in a gravitron or on a low bar with emphasis on the legs (3x8).

Program for amateurs and professionals:

  1. Barbell row to the chin (3×8).
  2. Arm curls with a bar (3×12).
  3. Plank push-ups with emphasis on toes (3x8).
  1. Pull-ups on the bar (or parallel bars) (2x8).
  2. Arm extensions from behind the head (3×10).
  3. Lifting dumbbells with a turn (2x10).
  1. Raising arms to the sides at an angle (2×15).
  2. Dumbbell raises without turning “hammer” (3x10).

When using certain exercises, the main criterion for effectiveness is the correct technique. It’s worth spending time on improving it, so try to start training with small weights, only gradually increasing the weights. The proposed training programs can be transformed by incorporating alternative exercises. If you don't have sports equipment at home, dumbbells and barbells can easily be replaced with water bottles. Remember to exercise regularly: exercise 3 times a week at home or in the gym, devoting 40 minutes to training your arms.

The gym is not just about working out using cardio equipment. Most of the classes are devoted to exercises with weights. And. This includes lunges with dumbbells, pull-ups, squats and many other exercises that simultaneously develop muscle and burn fat.

How to train properly in the gym

The time spent on exercise machines complements and reinforces the basic exercises, but does not replace them in any way (if there are no health restrictions).

Exercise program in gym for girls it varies depending on the goals (drying, gaining weight, etc.)

Any experienced gym trainer will tell you that the exercise program for girls is no different from the program for men.

To achieve tangible results, girls should train equally with men. This does not mean that women should lift the same weight as men and completely copy the “male style” of training. However, there are general principles for both “women’s” and “men’s” training programs.

  • Basic rules for training in the gym (regardless of gender): Job
  • with heavy weights; number of repetitions
  • should depend on the goal (1-5 repetitions – muscle development, 6-12 – increasing muscle mass, more than 12 – developing endurance); training
  • , including strength exercises, lasts 60 minutes (no more); any program

covers basic (set of muscles) and conditionally basic (specific muscle group) exercises. It is important to know!

Gym exercise program for girls

The exercise program in the gym for girls is selected individually depending on the final goals. The program may be aimed at burning excess fat, for the development of a certain muscle group, for building mass, for endurance, etc. The selection of a program depends on several factors, in particular the general physical training, initial body weight and body type of the girl.

The “right” program is not necessarily designed to burn fat. The absence of excess fat does not mean a slim and sexy figure. In addition, every girl has her own ideas about thinness and excess weight. Sometimes, a thin and slender girl comes to the gym to “lose weight.” Most likely, the girl needs to gain weight, and not burn extra calories.

How to choose the right program for yourself to look attractive and sporty? The easiest way is to start from your body type in order to understand which part of the body needs weight loss and which needs strength training.

Sample programs for different types figures:

  • A-figure– wide hips, narrow shoulders. Fat is deposited mostly on the stomach, thighs and buttocks. In this case, the training program should be combined: training the upper body area is aimed at increasing mass, and the lower body – at burning fat. The emphasis is on the legs and buttocks.
  • T-shape– the antipode of the A-figure, that is, broad shoulders and a narrow pelvis. The program should focus on building muscle mass in the legs and thighs.
  • X-figure- a proportional figure that most women dream of. The load is distributed evenly. With mild neglect, you need to concentrate on gaining weight. If you are obese (losing your waistline), you need to start with a set of exercises aimed at burning fat and gaining definition.
  • H-figure– the shoulders are equal in width to the hips. The program consists of 2 stages - burning fat and building mass in the shoulders and hips.

Do not forget that it is impossible to concentrate only on a certain part of the body. During physical activity, muscles are trained together. Therefore, any fitness program includes the entire range of exercises with an emphasis on certain muscles.

Warm-up - the beginning of any workout

No exercise program in the gym for girls is carried out without a warm-up.. Even if a girl is an experienced athlete, she begins any workout with a warm-up.

The main purpose of warming up is to reduce the risk of injury. You cannot perform complex exercises or lift heavy weights with untrained muscles. A sudden load leads to injuries of varying severity from tendon ruptures to dislocations and pinching.

Warm-up prepares muscles, tendons, joints, making them more elastic and mobile.

In addition, warming up sets you up for the required rhythm and increases endurance.

The warm-up includes the following main steps:

  • general body preparation– running, jumping rope, cardio exercise, etc.;
  • joint preparation– rotational movements of the joints from the neck to the ankles;
  • muscle preparation– stretching all muscles until slight pain occurs.

A productive warm-up cannot last less than 5 minutes. The most optimal time for the muscles to warm up well is 10 minutes.

Basic set of exercises in the gym

In practice, training is limited exclusively to sets of exercise machines and equipment in a specific gym. Otherwise, regardless of the level of training, gender and build of the athlete, the classes remain universal. The difference is in the load, intensity, weight of the pull, and the number of approaches.

Any training program in the gym for girls contains a basic set of exercises:

  • barbell squat– basic exercise for the buttocks, thighs and calves;
  • pull-up (alternative – vertical pull-down)– a classic exercise for the muscles of the back, forearms and biceps;
  • lunges– an important exercise for the legs and hips, performed with weights (dumbbells);
  • standing barbell or dumbbell rows can be of 2 types– stretching or deadlift;
  • bench press - performed by both men and women and aimed at developing biceps and pectoral muscles;
  • classic abdominal exercise, which involves lifting a straight back from a lying position (an alternative is twisting).

Most of these exercises cannot be performed at home, as they involve working with machines and weights.

Exercises in the gym for weight loss and relief

Losing weight (burning excess fat) and getting ripped (getting a slender figure) are interrelated concepts. It is impossible to work with only one of them: strength training in any case leads to a decrease in body fat. Therefore, weight loss exercises are combined with a load aimed at achieving body definition.

The comprehensive program consists of alternating strength exercises with cardio exercises. The intensity of the workout and high tempo allow you to burn calories, and strength exercises strengthen the muscles of the legs, hips, and chest.

Typically, such a workout lasts no more than 1 hour 20 minutes and consists of supersets, between which a session on a cardio machine (treadmill or elliptical) is provided. Between supersets you need to rest for about 2 minutes, and when switching to cardio, you don’t need to take a break, that is, a session on a cardio machine can be included in a superset.

Exercises for weight loss and definition:

  • on the press– bent over body raises, hanging leg raises, bending over a goat;
  • on your feet– lifting weights with legs, lunges and squats with weights;
  • on arms and back– bench push-ups, vertical block and barbell rows from the chest in a standing position, bench press and dumbbell rows while lying down, deadlifts with dumbbells.

One set is 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions. It is recommended to distribute the exercises over 3 sessions per week (at least 1 day between workouts). Each session should cover all muscle groups.

Note! The program is high intensity, so it is not suitable for beginners with poorly developed muscle mass. For beginners, you first need to go through a basic program and master a set of basic strength and aerobic exercises.

Exercises for girls in the gym to gain weight

Exercise in the gym is not only aimed at reducing weight by burning excess calories. For some girls, it is important to choose an exercise program that helps build muscle mass.

The program is suitable for thin girls who want to gain weight, and includes a strength set of exercises:

The training is carried out 3 times a week and consists of alternating the load on different muscle groups. The exercises are strength-based and involve working with weights, so you need to do 3-4 hikes 8-15 times. Beginners should start with light weights and gradually increase them. It is worth remembering that without proper nutrition Even with regular training, muscles will not grow.

Cool-down: Stretching at the end of your workout

Cooling down or stretching is advisable, but not necessary. Many trainers (not only in fitness, but, for example, in dance sports) recommend stretching, especially for beginners who are just starting to learn the sport. Stretching has a beneficial effect on muscle recovery and improves overall condition after a long workout.

A cool-down is not a warm-up, so it does not require working out all muscle groups. Stretching is necessary only for those muscles and joints that bear the majority of the load.

For example, after an intense leg workout (weight lifting, lunges, squats), it is the leg muscles that need to be stretched. Accordingly, a cool-down takes much less time than a warm-up, which requires to tone all muscle groups.

Trainers recommend hanging on the bar as a cool-down after any workout. Hanging for 15-20 seconds relieves tension from the spine, which takes most loads for any type of training. This is especially important for people with back problems (pain, osteochondrosis, hernia).

Gym training program for beginners

It is quite difficult to start training without prior physical preparation. Therefore, the exercise program in the gym for girls introducing sports and physical activity should cover the entire body. In this case, a basic set of exercises is suitable, which will help adapt the muscles to physical activity.

Typically, basic training involves 2 sessions per week (not in a row). This is enough for the body to adapt to physical activity. The program lasts 1.5-2 months, provided there are no missed workouts.

The detailed plan is presented in the table:

Weekly workout Quantity
First lesson Second lesson approaches repetitions
Abdominal exercise from a lying positionRaising the legs while hanging on the elbows3-4 12-15
Bench leg pressSquats with weight (with barbell)3-4 12-15
Leg bending in the machineLeg raises in the simulator3-4 12-15
Lunges with weightsLeg abduction in the simulator3-4 12-15
Pull up horizontal blockPull up vertical block3-4 12-15
Chest pressSeated dumbbell press3-4 12-15
Standing Dumbbell Arm PressLeg extension in the simulator3-4 12-15
Exercise “Pullover” with a dumbbellForearm abduction in the simulator3-4 12-15
Barbell row to the chin (standing)Bend your elbows with a barbell or dumbbells in a standing position3-4 12-15
Bends over the goatRaising the body or twisting on the floor3-4 12-15

After a maximum of 2 months, you should switch to another program designed for physically fit girls.

Intermediate Exercise Program

Girls who have some experience in sports and have completed the initial level of training move on to more complex training. Average level includes strength exercises at a fairly fast pace.

The difficulty of this level lies in the complex exercises. Approaches must be done in blocks without a break. You can rest only after completing one set of exercises (5 in total).

Intermediate level exercise sets:

  • abs and leg lifts;
  • deadlift and squats with weight (barbell or dumbbells);
  • leg press or extension and barbell curl;
  • traction of vertical and horizontal blocks;
  • pulling the barbell and raising the arms with dumbbells to the sides.

One set of exercises involves 5 sets of 15 repetitions. This program is good for both weight loss and mass gain. If you need to tighten or round a certain part of the body, you should increase the load in this area.

Proper nutrition is the key to successful workouts in the gym

Girls who want to lose weight need to start eating right. When playing sports, muscle mass builds up under fat, muscles become stronger, tightened and increase in volume, that is total weight body increases under constant loads. Visually, the result of training will be barely noticeable or not noticeable at all.

Something to remember! An exercise program in the gym will not fully “work” without a diet. For girls who dream of a beautiful, toned figure, it is important to balance proper nutrition and physical activity.

Proper nutrition during intense exercise should correspond to your goals. Muscles will not grow if the body lacks the necessary substances and vitamins, and it will not be possible to burn fat without controlling calories, even with sufficient load.

In addition, do not forget that muscle work requires more energy and, as a result, appetite increases, which also needs to be controlled.

However, a strict diet, even to the point of starvation, will inhibit muscle development. Maintaining a “load-nutrition” balance will help achieve the desired result during the period of the program.

Below is a table of the ratio of protein, fat and carbohydrate consumption for girls actively involved in the gym.

Exercise program

BJU in the daily diet (%)

Weight loss31 12 57
Relief22 11 67
Mass gain34 10 56

For any training program, you should count the calories needed to build muscles and drink 1.5 liters of water per day (for intense training, increase your water intake to 2 liters). It’s worth taking your diet seriously and balancing your exercise loads with the necessary nutrition every day. Only in this case will the muscles grow and fat will disappear in the “right” places.

Any programs can be adjusted, complex exercises can be replaced with simpler, alternative ones. Before you start training, you should consider your general level of preparation, chronic diseases and problems of the musculoskeletal system. The main thing to remember is the principle “do no harm” - everything should be in moderation.

Useful videos about training programs for women

A program for girls in the gym for weight loss and muscle definition in this video:

Exercise program in the gym for girls in this video:

Nowadays, the saying “You are greeted by your clothes, but seen off by your mind” is more relevant than ever, because first of all, when meeting a new person, we form our opinion about him, based on his appearance, and then we look at what is inside. If you want to be successful, both on the personal front and at work, you need to constantly keep yourself in shape.

For a woman, being attractive and pleasant is especially important. The main component of this image of the fair half of the population is Therefore, the topic of this article will be “Gym training program for women.”

Familiarization with all stages of weight loss

First, let's discuss the fact that the program for training in the gym for women for the purpose of losing weight and for the purpose of pumping and building certain muscle groups are fundamentally different.

If building and strengthening your muscle frame is important to you, then strength exercises are most effective. If your goal is to lose excess weight, then cardio exercise is something worth focusing on. Special attention. However, for best results, pay attention to both types of exercises.

In this article, the main task that the training program we have compiled in the gym for women will solve is to remove the stomach and sides, as well as tighten the lower body or reduce the volume of the legs.

In addition to what you have compiled, you will need to familiarize yourself with the basic principles of proper nutrition.

For simple muscle strengthening, muscle building and cutting, diets will vary significantly. We will also consider this point in general detail.

It is important to understand that the gym training program for women and men differs due to differences in body structure. It is worth taking into account the characteristics of a girl’s body before and after the menstrual cycle.

When visiting a gym with exercise equipment, you need to wear clothes specially adapted for this purpose and be sure to take with you the amount of water you need.

Features of female physiology

Due to the amount of hormones such as testosterone and norepinephrine in the female body (women have much less of them than men), the body is prone to the accumulation of fat. Also, these hormones are responsible for aggressiveness and the ability to consciously repeat certain exercises to the point of wear and tear (in this regard, ladies are less resilient).

Despite the rate at which fatty tissue accumulates in the body, girls have the ability to shed extra pounds much faster than guys.

Women have very well developed lower body muscles, making them very trainable. WITH top part bodies things are worse. It is quite difficult to pump up the muscles of the abs, chest, arms and shoulders, but in combination with proper nutrition it is quite possible.

By the way, due to the smaller number of nerve endings in the lower abdomen, women have a less developed neuromuscular connection than men. On the one hand, this is good, because ladies are more tolerant of pain in this part of the body (in particular pain during menstruation), but because of this, the lower abs are the most problematic part for most of them.

It is very important for women to choose a workout routine according to their menstrual cycle.

In the first half of the time after menstruation, the body is more resilient and strong, and is also less prone to storing carbohydrates in reserve, so training at this time is most productive.

Ovulation usually occurs two weeks after menstruation. These days the body is at its weakest, it is engaged in accumulating and saving energy, so you can be sure that every piece of cake you eat at this time will, without a doubt, lead to the rounding of your shape. Training during this period is the least effective; experts even recommend reducing the load.

Let's summarize what a woman should know when choosing exercises for herself.

A weight loss training program for women is very different from a training program for men due to differences in muscle structure.

The number of calories that a man should consume per day is several times higher than the norm that is indicated for girls.

A gym training program for women should be built according to her menstrual cycle: the heaviest loads are in the first two weeks, then the intensity of training should decline.

In women's training, there should be many approaches and repetitions, with a minimum of rest between them. A gym workout program for women 3 times a week is the best option.

Let's talk about nutrition

To ensure that the efforts made in the gym are not in vain, you simply need to control your diet, because no matter how hard you work during training, if you consume excess fat and carbohydrates, your muscles will simply grow under a layer of fat.

So, the basic rules of proper nutrition:

  • You need to eat several times a day (5-7) in small portions.
  • Be sure to consume at least two liters of clean water (tea, coffee, juices, etc. clean water have no relation).
  • Minimize the consumption of so-called junk foods (these are foods that do not provide any benefit to the body). These include: sugar, mayonnaise, ketchup (and other purchased non-natural sauces), sweet carbonated water, etc.
  • Try to avoid consuming too fatty meat and give preference to boiled, stewed, baked and steamed foods rather than fried in oil.

  • Do not eat food 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  • The main amount of carbohydrates should be taken in the first half of the day.

As you can see, the rules are simple and understandable to everyone. We do not advise you to completely exclude sweets, flour and fried foods from your diet. You just have to try not to use too much healthy foods as little as possible. For example, give yourself a day once a week when you can eat something tasty. But the main thing is not to overeat.

A sample meal plan looks like this: breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner. Fruits are best as a snack.

The main thing is to remember that no training program in the gym for women (beginners in particular) will help you if you don’t eat right.

What is the difference between a circuit training program and a split program?

So, we talked about the basic principles of women's training, understood why a training program for men is not suitable for women, and learned about the basic principles of proper nutrition. Now let's talk about the training itself.

The training program in the gym for weight loss for women for two days (or better yet, three) is divided into two types:

A circuit program is a workout that involves each session in the gym working out all muscle groups at once. This type of training is considered by many to be the most preferable for women. It is, without a doubt, ideal for those whose goal is to lose excess weight and slightly strengthen the muscle frame.

Split training is based on the fact that the person working on it works a certain group (or several groups) of muscles every day. For example, day 1 - back, arms, day 2 - legs, buttocks and day 3 - chest and abs.

Such workouts are usually chosen by men. However, for girls who want to build muscle mass in a particular area or pay special attention to the most problematic part of the body, this is also the way to go. would be better suited such a program.

Below is a training program in the gym for women (initial) of a circular type.

Circuit training

It is important to remember that no matter what training program in the gym for weight loss for women (and drying is also required in conjunction with training for weight loss) you have, you need to devote 20 minutes at the beginning to warm-up and cardio exercises and 20 minutes at the end to muscle stretching and cardio exercises . We will discuss this point in more detail later.

So, you've warmed up. Now let's look at what a circuit training program for a gym for women (initial) should look like for a week.

The first day

Press. The first exercise you will perform will be crunching the body on a bench. Perform in 4 sets maximum amount repetitions (professional trainers advise doing as many as you think you can, plus 5 more times. These 5 repetitions will be most effective).

Gluteal muscles. Lunge forward on both legs 15 times, while holding dumbbells with a minimum weight of 3 kg in your hands. 3 approaches.

Back. Vertical block pull. This exercise needs to be done 4 sets of 8-15 repetitions, concentrating on the back muscles.

Dumbbell bench press. This exercise tightens and shapes the breasts beautiful shape, which, you see, is important for a woman (it is especially important that the training program in the gym for women over 45 includes chest exercises). Perform 15 times in 2 approaches.

Flying arms with dumbbells while lying on a bench. This exercise will enlarge and strengthen your breasts. Perform 15 times 2 approaches.

to the sides. Do 25 swings with each leg, 2 sets.

Complete 2-4 rounds of this program. Remember that in the breaks between approaches and exercises you cannot sit and it is undesirable to stand in one place; it is better to go drink some water or warm up and stretch your muscles.

Day two - rest.

Day three

Squats holding a barbell on your shoulders, will perfectly pump up your buttocks and legs. The weight of the bar should be such that you can squat with it at least 15 times without hurting yourself (we recommend starting with 8-10 kilograms). The first time you need to be insured. Do 2 sets of 15 reps.

Floor press. Do 2 sets of 10-15 reps. This exercise is good for the chest muscles.

Twisting with a fitball. The point of the exercise is that you need to lift your body and legs at the same time, while holding the fitball in outstretched arms, pass the ball from your hands to your legs and lower yourself, squeezing it with your feet. This challenging exercise works the upper and lower abdominal muscles, as well as the muscles of the arms and legs. Minimum number of repetitions 10 times, 2 sets.

Leg press on the machine. This exercise works the thigh muscles. Do it 15 times, 2 sets.

Arm curl with a dumbbell. Perform 2 sets of 15 times on each arm. With this point you can pump up your biceps, which will relieve you of problem areas on your arms.

Plank stand for 1-1.5 minutes. The plank tightens the muscles of the entire body.
Complete 2-4 rounds of this program.

Day four - rest.

Day five

Hyperextension. This exercise trains the gluteal and back extensor muscles. Perform 15-20 times for 0.5 kg. 2 approaches.

Leg raises on the horizontal bar (hanging). This way you will perfectly pump up the muscles of the lower and upper abs, oblique abdominal muscles and arms. If you are a beginner, then pull your knees bent up. If your level of training allows you, then raise your straight legs to parallel with the floor. Such twisting should be done in the following order: forward, left, right. Perform 10-20 repetitions in 2 sets.

Bent-over arm raises with dumbbells alternately. Perform 15-25 times on each arm, 2 approaches. This exercise will strengthen your shoulders.

Calf raises with dumbbells will work the calf muscles. Do 3 sets of 40 reps.

Deadlift Perfectly suited for working out the back, buttocks, thighs and forearms. This row must be performed with dumbbells or a barbell. 15-20 times, 2 approaches.

Swing dumbbells to the sides pump up the middle delta of the arm. 2 sets of 10-15 times.

Warm-up, stretching and cardio

Before performing the exercises, be sure to spend 10 minutes warming up and 10 minutes on a treadmill or exercise bike.

You may ask, “Why do you need a warm-up if it doesn’t build muscle or help you lose weight?” The answer is simple: only by warming up first will you prepare your body for heavy exercise, which will significantly improve the quality and safety of subsequent training.

So, what is the warm-up responsible for:

  • Warms up and tones all the muscles of the body.
  • Accelerates the heartbeat to 100 beats/min.
  • Increases the activity of the cardiovascular system, due to which blood flows to the muscles faster.
  • Reduces the risk of muscle tearing or straining during strength training.
  • Speeds up metabolism.
  • Helps you get ready for training.

Now you know the important role warm-up plays. It may include: jumping rope, rotational exercises to warm up the joints, bending and turning the body, abducting and stretching the arms in different directions.

After you've finished warming up, run for 10 minutes on the treadmill.

After completing your basic workout program, spend 10 minutes stretching. It will make the shape of your muscles more neat and feminine, and will also reduce pain the day after training. And, of course, a plastic body never hurts a girl.

Women over 40 years old

Many people think that the training program in the gym for a woman 40 years of age and older is very different from the training for the younger generation or is not available at all. This is a misconception. The sport is shown at any age, but in this case several rules must be followed:

  1. Before you start going to the gym, you should consult your doctor.
  2. The rest between exercises and approaches should be longer - 1-1.5 minutes.
  3. Perform all exercises carefully and not at a very fast pace.
  4. Spend more time stretching and warming up.

By following all the rules described in this article, you will achieve incredible results at any age.

Nowadays there are more and more representatives of the fair sex in the gym. Some people want to lose weight, others want to gain muscle mass. There are many exercises, but the effect can only be achieved if a training program for girls in the gym is clearly developed. Let's figure out what the basic training modules are and how to achieve results.

Squats with a barbell are one of the basic exercises for girls to strengthen not only their legs and buttocks, but also other muscle groups.

Why you should choose training for all muscle groups

Many trainers advise beginners to work out their muscles by following a split program. It consists of working exclusively one or two muscle groups. But, others dispute this technique, believing that it is intended for professionals. Explaining this by the fact that it is difficult for beginners to focus on any one muscle group. For women beginners the best option There will be workouts with which they will work all muscle groups in one session.

The video shows a training program for girls in the gym

For those girls who sometimes miss classes due to being busy, this option will also be much more convenient. This is due to the fact that by increasing the interval between work on one of the muscle groups, efficiency decreases. In addition, due to the characteristics of the body, girls do not have the opportunity to exercise at full capacity during the menstrual cycle. Accordingly, some muscle groups that will be trained during this period will be worked out poorly.

2. Lunges with dumbbells in hands

  • take dumbbells in your hands, straighten your back;
  • the position should be such that the thigh of the front leg forms a parallel to the floor, and the lower leg is perpendicular.

3. One-arm dumbbell row


  • kneel on the bench, the other leg remains on the floor;
  • Place your emphasis on the bench with one hand and take a dumbbell with the other;
  • straighten your back;
  • The dumbbell should be pulled to the chest and lowered down.

4. Pull-ups

You need to hang on the horizontal bar and try to reach the bar with your chin. To make pull-ups easier, there is a special simulator - a gravitron; it allows you to set a weight that will help pull your body up.

Important! The overhead pull-down is similar to this exercise. The effect and muscle development are the same.

5. Incline Bench Press

You need to sit comfortably on an inclined bench. Take the barbell in your hands. Raise and lower it at chest level.

6. Barbell row

Scheme of the exercise:

  • feet shoulder width apart;
  • the body is tilted forward;
  • back straight;
  • The barbell is held with both hands and pulled to the stomach, after which it is lowered down.

7. Close-grip chest row

On the simulator, you should grab the handle with a narrow grip. Your feet should be on the floor and your knees should rest on the bolsters. Your back needs to be straightened. After taking the correct position, the handle must be pulled to the chest and the shoulder blades brought together.

8. Plie squats with dumbbells. Works the inner thigh muscles

  • your feet should be placed wider than your shoulders;
  • turn your socks 120 degrees;
  • the back should always remain straight;
  • you should take a dumbbell in your hands;
  • Hips lower to parallel with the floor.

9. Squats on one leg (scissors) with a barbell

  • put the bar on your shoulders, straighten your back;
  • lunge forward with one leg;
  • The back leg must be bent, but not touching the floor;
  • squat so that the thigh of the front leg is parallel to the floor and the shin is perpendicular.

Important! This exercise differs from lunges in that the feet remain in place until the required number of repetitions is completed.

10. Book on the press

You need to lie on your back and stretch your arms behind your head. At the same time, you should raise your arms and legs straight. You need to reach for your feet with your hands.

11. Deadlift

The correct exercise is the deadlift. Will help you achieve the desired result

  • take the barbell in your hands, place your feet shoulder-width apart, straighten your back;
  • two techniques:
    • back parallel to the floor. The load in this position goes to the back muscles. First you need to bring your back to a vertical position and only then straighten your legs;
    • thighs parallel to the floor. The load goes on the muscles of the legs and buttocks. In this option, you should straighten your legs and only then move your body to a vertical position;
    • 0 0

      12. Squats with emphasis on the bench

      The technique is similar to “Single-leg scissor squats with a barbell” with the difference that the back leg is placed on a bench.

      13. Lower block row to the waist while sitting with a narrow grip

      Sit on a bench, rest your feet on the footrests, grab the handles with your hands, and straighten your back. Then you should pull the handles. Your arms should move parallel to the bench. In this case, the shoulder blades need to be brought together.

      14. Dumbbell Bench Press

      Performed similarly to the incline bench press. This time, only the bench should be straight and, accordingly, dumbbells in your hands.

      15. Dumbbell flyes

      Lie with your back on a bench, take dumbbells in your hands and lift them above your chest. Next, your arms should be spread in different directions.


      It always ends any training session. The muscles should be well stretched. It takes approximately 7-10 minutes.

      A training program for girls in the gym can successfully include all of the above exercises. In one workout, 5 exercises are usually performed. In addition to the standard one, circuit training can be chosen. Then all the approaches are simply not done at once, but the exercises are performed as if in a circle.