How to clean a 10 liter aquarium video. How to properly clean an aquarium - Step-by-step instructions.

05.01.2018 Animals

A clean aquarium pleases not only its owners, but also its inhabitants. Washing it is not difficult, the main thing is to do it correctly, on schedule and not let the underwater life take its course. Your fish and plants will live much longer with proper and regular care. In this article we will figure out how to wash an aquarium and what the nuances are.

Over time, an aquarium tends to become dirty, like any home with living creatures. The soil, bottom, walls of the aquarium, plants and fish houses are covered with plaque, which is formed from feces, food debris and algae growth. The aquarium requires weekly cleaning to ensure a comfortable life for the fish. If you carry out this procedure every week, then washing will not be difficult, since the aquarium will not be very dirty.

Tools and means for washing and cleaning

For effective and thorough cleaning, you need to purchase special equipment:

  • The first thing you need is glass scrapers to remove algae and plaque. There are such tools different types and sizes, you can choose specifically for your aquarium. The most expensive are magnetic scrapers, which allow you to collect plaque by swiping along the glass from the outside. The scraper can be replaced with a regular new sponge, the most important thing is that it is not saturated with detergents;

  • A soil cleaner will help clean the soil without removing it from the aquarium. This device is a thin hose with a hard tip that needs to be driven along the ground, collecting dirt. There will be no leakage through the hose. a large number of water along with contaminants.

  • When changing the water completely, it is important to take care of its inhabitants and buy nets for fish. They must be the right size so as not to damage fragile fins; for example, angelfish have very long and delicate fins.

  • Baking soda can be used as a detergent, but it must be rinsed off thoroughly.

Washing and cleaning a new aquarium

If you have purchased a new aquarium, be sure to follow these recommendations before starting it:

  • Prepare clean water (if the water is chlorinated (tap), it should sit for a couple of days before use);
  • Place the aquarium in a bathtub or basin (it is advisable to place rags or a towel under it);
  • Rinse with warm water (avoid contact with boiling water or too much water). hot water, the walls of the aquarium may burst or come apart at the seams);
  • Use baking soda as a detergent (do not use household chemicals, they will be more difficult to wash off);
  • Wipe well with a sponge and soda, both inside and outside;
  • Rinse the tank thoroughly to remove any remaining dirt and soda (preferably 4-5 times under good water pressure);
  • Rinse the new primer in clean water without detergents (rinse until the water becomes completely clear);
  • If the filter is new, all its parts must be washed under running water without detergents;
  • Decorations, especially if they have been gathering dust on a shelf in a store, need to be rubbed with baking soda and rinsed thoroughly with water.

How should you properly clean an aquarium?

Walls. Algae usually grows on the walls, which is removed with a scraper. It is enough to swipe across the glass a couple of times to remove dirt.

Priming. Use a soil cleaner. Drive the pump along the ground, collecting feces and remaining feed. If the soil is sandy, do not touch the bottom with the pump to avoid sucking in the sand along with the dirt. It is necessary to hold the pump at a distance of three centimeters from the bottom, after running it along the soil with a scraper or hand so that the contaminants float up a little and are easier to remove.

Scenery. The equipment is taken out of the water and washed under running water. clean water without detergents.

Filters. It must be unplugged, removed from the aquarium, disassembled and cleaned all clogged parts with a small brush (you can use an old toothbrush). Once a month it is necessary to change the sponge, which in the filter serves as a barrier to dirt.

Lighting. The lid together with the lighting can be wiped with a damp cloth without detergents.

Is it possible to wash an aquarium with regular detergent?

No, chemicals cannot be used, since there is no guarantee that you will wash them off well and the fish will not be harmed. Only baking soda is acceptable, but it is not beneficial for the inhabitants. After cleaning with soda, be sure to rinse the aquarium several times under good pressure of clean water.

How to change water correctly

  • Fresh water replacement. You can change the water partially (in large or small parts) or completely (not advisable), depending on the contamination. If you use tap water purified with chlorine, you need to let it stand for three days. To check for an acidic alkaline environment, you can use special tests that show the permissible level of chemical compounds in water (safe for inhabitants). Partial water changes help maintain water balance, as water can change composition or evaporate. With this method, only one fifth is replaced every one to two weeks.
  • Replacing sea water. When partially replacing seawater, you need to be very careful not to disturb the sensitive composition. It is recommended to use purified water (distilled), otherwise you can seriously harm the whimsical inhabitants.

Scheduled, general cleaning and washing

General cleaning consists of the following steps

  • Transfer the fish to separate vessels with clean, settled water;
  • Change water by one third;
  • Removing plants from the soil and washing their foliage with warm water;
  • Thorough cleaning of the interior;
  • Washing the soil in warm water;
  • Washing glass using baking soda, after which you must thoroughly rinse off the detergent;
  • Disassembling the filter and replacing its elements (usually a sponge that absorbs dirt).

Weekly washing and cleaning

Remove algae from the sides of the aquarium with a scraper every week. The soil cleaner must be used to collect feces and food residues from the bottom. The water needs to be changed only by 20% so as not to harm the established aquatic microflora. You can take out the decorations and wash them under running water.

Depending on the number of inhabitants of the aquarium, volume and other factors, external filters you need to wash it from once every 1.5 months to once a year.

Internal filter- from 1 time every two weeks to 1 time every 2 months. Again, this will depend on the situation in the aquarium.

Washing and cleaning in emergency situations, after illness and treatment of fish

If your aquarium has suffered an epidemic, complete disinfection is necessary. In this case, all fish must be placed in separate vessels with clean water, and change it about once every 4 days so that the infected water is washed off the fish.

It is best to prevent the onset of an infectious disease, which is achieved by keeping newly arrived fish in quarantine, disease prevention, careful selection of live food, daily inspection and removal of fish with suspected diseases (in a separate vessel).


If a contagious disease is detected in fish, the aquarium is completely disinfected to prevent the spread of infection.

  • Remove the inhabitants and place them in separate containers with clean water;
  • It is necessary to treat all surfaces with a disinfectant solution: the filter, the walls of the aquarium, decorations and the lid.
  • The soil is boiled and washed with water;
  • To do this, fill the aquarium with solution to the brim for two days;
  • Afterwards, rinse it thoroughly with strong water pressure several times;
  • Plants are placed in a penicillin solution (25 mg per 5 liters) and kept there for one and a half to two weeks.

REFERENCE! Basic solutions for disinfection: potassium permanganate solution - 0.1%; bleach solution - 5%; chloramine solution - 3%.

Nurse fish and other living creatures

Orderly fish and some types of plants will help keep the aquarium clean longer than expected. The main assistant in cleaning surfaces is the family of chain catfish (for example, ancitrus). It effectively removes contamination from the bottom, walls and interior of the aquarium, thanks to the suction cups in the mouth; by the way, plaque is part of their diet. It is useful to purchase fish from the viviparous carp-toothed family (for example, molynesia). Their cleaning method differs from that of catfish; carp have a spatula-shaped mouth, which they use to scrape off algae and plaque from the ground and other surfaces. Gerinocheirus are similar to catfish, and have the same “suction cup” function. The most popular algae eater is. A suitable plant is one that perfectly purifies water by absorbing harmful substances.

  • Do not feed the fish several hours before washing;
  • Do not use detergents;
  • Try to change the water infrequently and in small portions;
  • Ask the seller what kind of water the fish need (fresh or sea).

You need to feed the fish daily, observe their behavior, remove rotten leaves and food debris, monitor the appearance of algae in the aquarium and, if necessary, adjust the lighting. Also, once a week, add fresh water to replace the evaporated water, but never replace it.

If you “started” the aquarium correctly, then after this time the aquarium will be established. Your aquarium will look beautiful. By this time, the water in the aquarium had turned from tap water into “fish conditioned water,” or, as aquarists say, into “old” water. In an aquarium it is completely transparent. If you light the front wall of the aquarium in a dark room, the fish seem to be hanging in emptiness. But in a white enamel basin, “old water” will take on a yellowish color. It's time for the first cleaning.

You need to start by cleaning the glass. It can be done using special scrapers or a regular razor blade, as well as a nylon sponge or sponge. The use of special kitchen sponges made of fiberglass gives an excellent effect. All electrical appliances must be turned off. If your aquarium is made of plexiglass, then clean it only with a sponge or nylon sponge. Harder materials should not be used because they will leave scratches.

After cleaning the glass, remove rotten and yellowed leaves on the plants using scissors. If necessary, we replant plants. If there are bush-forming plants in the aquarium (cryptocorynes, echinodorus...), then they should not be touched for 4-6 months after planting.

During these manipulations, no matter how hard you try, turbidity will appear in the aquarium. Wait five to ten minutes for it to settle, and carefully clean the plant leaves with your fingers to remove suspended organic particles.

After this, you can start cleaning the soil using a hose with a funnel at the end. There are many special devices for sale for this purpose, but if you want to save money, you can make it yourself. To do this, you will need a flexible hose with a diameter of 10-15 mm and a regular watering can, which you attach to the end of the tube. The length of the hose should be thirty percent greater than the double height of the aquarium.

Lower the end of the hose with the watering can to the bottom, press it to the ground and suck in water through the other end (as drivers usually do when draining gasoline), and direct the stream of water into a previously prepared bucket. The dirt rushes there with a current of water. By moving the funnel around the plants, you remove excess organic matter and drain some of the water.

An even better effect is obtained by using a “tedder” instead of a funnel (a plastic or aluminum tube with numerous holes at a distance of 3-4 cm from the sealed conical end). With this simple device, you not only remove dirt from the surface of the soil, but also clean the soil from the inside, saturating it with fresh water. This is very beneficial for plant roots and significantly reduces the redox potential (oxidation-reduction potential). This way you extend the life of your aquarium.

During this procedure, monitor the volume of water drained. It should not exceed 1/5 of the total volume of the aquarium. I recommend making a mark on the side wall. If you drain 1/5 of the water from the aquarium and bend over the surface of the remaining water in it, you can smell the fresh grass. This is the best indicator. The water in the aquarium should not smell like anything else.

After cleaning and draining the recommended amount of water, add fresh water to the aquarium. As a rule, it is recommended to add pre-settled water, but mine personal experience and the experience of the aquarium club I lead shows that water can be added directly from the tap. If the volume of added water is more than 1/5, then gases must be removed from it. To do this, water can be heated to 70*C and cooled to 40*C, and then poured into the aquarium. Well, if there is settled water, then you can top it up immediately. When adding water, place your palm under the stream.

Is a water change necessary? There is a lot of reasoning here, but there is only one conclusion: it is required. When changing water, the concentration of substances secreted by fish, which are not decomposed and not “processed” by plants, decreases.

It should also be noted that aquarium inhabitants For normal development, they must receive microelements dissolved in water in the required quantities. In natural reservoirs they are washed out of ground rocks. They can only appear in an aquarium with fresh water.

And in conclusion, I would like to add that cleaning the aquarium with partial water changes in an established system should be done regularly - once a week. For aquarium volumes over 200 liters - once every two weeks, and in small aquariums (20-30 liters) - sometimes twice a week. This is where the golden rule of aquariums comes into play: the volume of the aquarium is always inversely proportional to the cost of caring for it.


Start cleaning your aquarium by cleaning the glass. This manipulation can be performed using a special scraper, sponge, nylon sponge or a simple razor blade. An excellent effect is obtained by cleaning the walls of the aquarium with a kitchen sponge made of fiberglass (under no circumstances use a sponge that was intended for other purposes). It is advisable to turn off all electrical appliances in the aquarium. If the vessel consists of plexiglass, then it is better to use a nylon sponge or sponge for cleaning; harder materials will leave scratches.

Once the glass is cleaned, remove any yellowed or rotten leaves on the plants using scissors. Plants are replanted if necessary. The plants forming the bush should not be touched for four to six months after planting. When carrying out these manipulations, turbidity forms in the water; wait about ten minutes for it to completely settle to the bottom. Gently scrape any suspended organic matter from the plant leaves with your fingers.

Now you can safely begin cleaning the soil; to do this, use a hose with a funnel at the end. By the way, there are a large number of special devices on sale that are used for these purposes. If you save money, you can create it yourself at home. You will need a flexible hose, attach a watering can to its end. Lower the end of the hose with a watering can to the bottom, press it to the ground and suck in water through the other end (as some drivers do to drain gasoline), direct the stream of water into the prepared bucket. Dirty water will rush there with current. Move the funnel around the plants, removing excess organic matter, and drain some of the water.

During the cleaning procedure, monitor the volume of water drained; it should not exceed a fifth of the total volume of the aquarium. Make a mark on the side of the aquarium. Then add fresh water, which is recommended to stand in advance (the experience of the aquarium club shows that you can pour water directly from the tap). With partial replacement of water, the concentration of substances that are not processed by plants and do not decompose decreases. It should also be noted that for normal development, fish must receive microelements dissolved in water; in natural reservoirs they are washed out of the ground rocks, and can only get into the aquarium with fresh water.

Cleaning the aquarium with partial water changes should be done regularly - about once a week. If the volume of the aquarium exceeds two hundred liters, then once every two weeks. Small aquariums with twenty to thirty liters of water will have to be cleaned twice a week.

It is almost impossible to create an ideal environment in a home artificial pond in which the aquarium would not have to be washed and cleaned at all. Of course, snails and some other inhabitants partially cope with the resulting pollution, but there comes a time when it is impossible to do without the help of the owner. And here it is important to determine the optimal frequency of cleaning the water house.

An aquarium is always beautiful and useful: the water and fish in it are soothing nervous system, evaporation humidifies the air, but only if the contents are clean. Therefore, knowing how to clean an aquarium is necessary for everyone who has decided to acquire such decor in their home.

How often should you clean your aquarium and why?

Caring for the aquarium must be appropriate, since it is inhabited by living organisms and some biochemical processes take place all the time. The frequency of cleaning it depends on the size and number of fish living in it. So, large ones can be cleaned once a month, and small ones much more often, at the first need.

How to clean an aquarium?

First, prepare all the tools necessary for this task. You will need:

  • large bucket;
  • prepared water in the quantity required for your aquarium;
  • pump;
  • thermometer;
  • vegetation scraper;
  • hygrometer;
  • filter accessories;
  • aquarium glass cleaner;
  • device for determining pH level.

How to properly clean an aquarium?

Once you have prepared everything you need, get to work. Do it sequentially in several stages.

Stage 1

To begin, clear the walls of the aquarium of algae by first removing all the fish with a net and placing them in a container with suitable water. For this:

  1. Take a scraper.
  2. Clean the walls of the aquarium.
  3. If the scraper fails, use a regular blade.

Note: Do not use a sponge or scrubber from the kitchen as they may contain cleaning chemicals that are harmful to your fish.

Stage 2

To pump out the required amount of water, use the pump:

  1. Take a pump to pump out water.
  2. Dip one end into aquarium water, and point the other into an empty bucket.
  3. Pump the water.

Note: In aquariums, the water needs to be changed at least once a week. In this case, it is enough to renew 15% of the water in order to get rid of the formed nitrates. If you have not changed the water for a long time, then it is worth changing 50% of the water or even completely updating it.

Stage 3

All garbage and waste products, as a rule, settle down. Therefore, it is very important to clean the bottom of the aquarium once a week. For this:

  1. Take the pump.
  2. Run the suction part over the gravel.
  3. Clean off any dirt.

Note: If you have small fish and you did not remove them from the aquarium before cleaning, put a nylon stocking over the suction part, but the mesh of the stocking must be large enough to allow debris to pass through. If you have sand rather than gravel, keep the working part 3 cm from the surface.

Stage 4

If you have aquarium decorations, then you have probably noticed that they also need care. To properly clean them from dirt, you can use a toothbrush and old aquarium water. But, if this is not enough, use these instructions:

  1. Take out the decorations.
  2. Prepare a solution of water and bleach.
  3. Place items in the solution.
  4. Leave for 20 minutes.
  5. Then place them in boiling water for 5 minutes.
  6. Take it out and wait for it to dry.
  7. Place back into the aquarium.

Note: If your jewelry becomes coated quickly, you may want to feed your fish less or change the water more often.

Stage 5

Very often, when water evaporates, it leaves behind a residue. You can get rid of it using an algae scraper. Once you remove it, it's time to add fresh water. To do this, you first need to prepare it:

  1. Pour water into a bucket.
  2. Add 50% distilled water.
  3. Leave it to stand for a day.
  4. At the end of the period, check all the necessary indicators - the temperature should be no more than 28 degrees.
  5. Now, if the indicators are good, you can add water. Do this with a pump, carefully and slowly.
  6. Do not fill the water to the brim; there should be space between the aquarium lid and the water for oxygen to circulate.

Note: Try to measure the water temperature every day, as it is very important for the full life of the fish. If, after a partial water change, it remains cloudy, then some problem remains unresolved. This means it’s worth replacing all the water.

Stage 6

When all the internal components of the aquarium have been washed, the necessary parts have been replaced, all external parts should be wiped: glass, lid, lamp. To do this, use a special aquarium cleaner or simple vinegar:

  1. Apply a small amount of product to a clean, dry cloth.
  2. Wipe surfaces.
  3. Wipe away any stains with a dry cloth.

How to clean a salt water aquarium?

Many people keep fish at home that can only live in salt water. To clean such an aquarium, the same manipulations are maintained as for a fresh water aquarium. The only difference is in the preparation of the water. To do this, follow these instructions:

  1. Pour distilled water into a bucket.
  2. Add the required amount of special salt.
  3. Leave it to brew overnight.
  4. In the morning, check all the necessary indicators:
    • temperature - it should be no more than 27 degrees;
    • salt - its amount should not exceed the amount indicated on the package.

What else needs to be cleaned in the aquarium?

A good filter plays an important role in an aquarium. It allows it to stay clean and comfortable for your pets. From time to time, the filter also needs to be tidied up: wash it and replace the cartridges.

In order to properly clean the device, follow these instructions:

  1. Take out the filter.
  2. Remove the foam insert from it.
  3. Rinse it with running water.
  4. Take a toothbrush.
  5. Wipe the rest of the parts with it.
  6. Rinse under running water.
  7. Collect.
  8. Place back into the aquarium.

Note: Do not use any detergents! You won’t be able to wash them off completely, and the chemicals are very harmful to any fish.

There are also so-called nurse fish, which are not only pleasing to the eye, but also bring benefits. These fish have an unusual mouth structure, which allows them to remove plaque from the walls of the aquarium and clean the bottom and plants of mold. Be sure to add these fish to your aquarium:

  • guppy;
  • swordtails;
  • armored catfish;
  • Ancistrus;
  • platies;
  • mollies.

An aquarium is an artificial reservoir intended for breeding and maintaining various types fish and plants. Therefore, in this article we will teach you how to clean an aquarium at home without resorting to the services of a specialist.

The aquarium needs to be looked after

  1. Watching the life activity of swimming fish at home is very exciting: sometimes home video recording of your pets effectively helps relieve stress even in a difficult situation at work;
  2. To create favorable conditions for aquarium fish, you need to purchase special equipment that will provide maximum comfort for the living and development of your freshwater animals.

Undoubtedly, a mandatory and most important aspect will be cleaning the aquarium at home, which is necessary for the good functioning and reproduction of your ornamental pets.

Let's now figure out how to do it correctly.

You should remember that small aquariums are much more difficult to clean as their biological balance is less stable.

So, first, let's think about how to choose a new aquarium and properly equip it.

The most suitable volume for home conditions is 50 liters, but it is worth noting that it all depends on the number and types of fish you populate it with.

Please note that the stones and algae with which you will decorate the pond occupy a certain part of the space, and there must also be special soil at the bottom of the artificial reservoir.

As for equipment, an aquarium with fish should be equipped with the following vital attributes:

There are special scrapers for cleaning the walls of the aquarium

  • pump or filter for aquarium
  • water heater
  • backlight

Aquarium water plays an equally important role. Do not neglect its quality; a good habitat for your fish depends on this.

Sequence of care

First, let's tell you how to clean an aquarium.

Periodic maintenance of an artificial reservoir is an emotional worry for its inhabitants, therefore try not to scare ornamental fish with sudden hand movements.

The question arises: how often should you clean your aquarium so as not to harm the fish through unnecessary disturbance?

First drain some of the water

On average, it is cared for once or twice a week, depending on the volume and population density.

When carrying out this procedure, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • wash the walls from green plaque
  • We carefully process decorative stones
  • we carry out pruning aquatic plants(if any)
  • clean the soil using a siphon
  • drain some of the water

Before cleaning the aquarium, there is an important rule to remember: you need to turn off all electrical equipment to avoid accidents.

Cleaning the walls

First of all, let's look at how to clean the walls of an aquarium.

Be sure to turn off all electrical equipment!

In absolutely any aquarium, over time, a coating forms, both limescale - from poor quality water, and green - due to the presence of algae. It is precisely these, not very pleasant factors, that we will encounter sooner or later. Internal pollution makes glass and water cloudy and, as a result, unsuitable for your pets to live in.

First, you should thoroughly wash the aquarium glass.

What is needed for this

First of all, you need to learn how to properly clean an aquarium, because this entirely depends on appearance fish house.

This can be done using the following devices:

  • special scrapers with a metal blade
  • nylon sponges
  • regular kitchen sponges

Let’s tell you a little secret: “You don’t need to wait until the walls are covered with a cloudy coating.”


Make it a rule to wipe the glass of the aquarium at least once a week, even if at first glance they seem clean. This procedure is much simpler than washing cloudy glass that was two or three weeks old.

  • If you decide to clean the walls of the aquarium without removing its inhabitants, then the use of any detergents is strictly prohibited.
  • If you are planning a planned cleaning with the relocation of its inhabitants, then for this you can use a special washing sample of potassium permanganate solution.

It is with the help of these rules that you can easily wash off plaque of almost any complexity.

Aquarium bottom care

The first cleaning after starting the aquarium should be carried out no earlier than a month later, since the fish are initially adapting to new living conditions.

A procedure such as cleaning the soil in an aquarium is not always carried out, but it plays an important role.

We do this using a hose or a special siphon. We move the end of the hose or the siphon tube along the bottom, occasionally penetrating into the soil. All unnecessary contaminants will come out through the other end of the hose. Be very careful, because without noticing, you can accidentally pull any living creatures into the cleaning siphon. More often, this procedure is carried out in the presence of fish, and the water may remain a little cloudy.

In this case, a logical question arises: how to clean the soil in an aquarium to obtain crystal clear water?

  • First, we will need to temporarily relocate the fish, after which we take out all the soil and thoroughly wash it under running water, without using any products.

We repeat this procedure twice.

  • Next, we take the cleaned soil and place it on the bottom of the fish house.

The process is quite labor-intensive, but you will only have to resort to such cleaning once or twice a year.

Cleaning the filter

Most aquariums are equipped with a special filtration system. In order for the device to work without interruptions, it is necessary to study in detail how to clean the aquarium filter without damaging its integrity.

When working with a filter, you need to understand how to clean the internal filter material.

Inside it there is a special “sponge” that provides biofiltration of water.

This procedure is performed once every two to three months. If the water in the aquarium pumps intermittently, then by cleaning the filter, we make it easier to saturate it with oxygen.

  • As for the external parts, they can be easily washed with a regular toothbrush.

Since cleaning the filter in an aquarium with chemical detergents is not the best idea, we recommend using regular running water or, in extreme cases, warm and boiled water.

Bay of water

Having previously cleaned all the parts of the artificial reservoir, we begin to fill it with water.

It is worth noting that tap water will not benefit your fish as it contains a large amount of impurities. Letting it settle (at least three days) will help improve the quality of water.

Pouring water into an aquarium that already has soil at the bottom is not so easy.

  1. A flat plate will help you simplify this process; by placing it, we will protect the soil from deformation;
  2. Pour water slowly, in a thin stream.
  3. From time to time it is worth adding settled water to the aquarium, as it tends to evaporate.

After filling the aquarium with water, we install all the necessary equipment and connect it to the network.

Fishes are helpers

Place helpers in the aquarium

In nature, there are species of fish that not only have bright colors, but also really bring benefits - these are the orderlies of the aquarium. This group of unique fish includes swordtails, guppies and platies.

Nature has gifted unusual inhabitants aquatic environment due to the special structure of the mouth. The lower part of the jaw is interestingly designed and resembles the shape of a scraper. It is thanks to its jaw that the fish can clean the walls of the aquarium.

A distinctive feature of fish called ancistrus and armored catfish is their mouth part, which resembles suction cups. Using their mouths, fish attach themselves to the walls of their home and naturally clean it.

Such residents will become wonderful assistants in maintaining the built environment.

Now you know exactly how to properly clean an aquarium without causing absolutely any harm to its inhabitants.

A clean aquarium is the key to the well-being and longevity of your fish, so do not neglect timely care for it.