Types of dictations. Methods of conducting dictations of different types. Check the dictation written by the student and mark all spellings.

09.12.2020 Animals

1.Listen to the word.

2.Repeat the word.

3.Say the word syllable by syllable.

5. Dictate to yourself syllable by syllable.

6.Perform the check. Read the written word, put the emphasis. After the introduction of the concept of “spelling” - underline the spellings.

Please note Special attention teachers to make points 2-5 in the given algorithm mandatory. This mandatory operations independent actions of the student, which cannot be skipped at this stage of training.

The method of conducting dictation, including recording individual syllables and words under dictation, has received significant attention in the works of famous methodologists in the field of the Russian language. Thus, F.I. Buslaev (1818-1897) during dictation demanded from students repeat what is dictated And analyze words. For checks recommended using a variety of techniques: checking what is written against the sample (according to the book); checking what is written with the note on the board; mutual checking (exchange notebooks and check each other); The teacher puts a sign in the margin, the children themselves must find and correct the mistake.

As a sample dictation notes(student writes down the word On the desk) let's give work methodology, described by N.A. Korf:

1. The teacher dictates the word.

2.Student repeats clearly, starts writing on the board.

3. The teacher repeats the word. It is possible several times since the child’s hearing is not yet developed enough for him to
I could immediately hear and make out all the sounds that make up a word.

4. Student in the process of writing dictates his word . The teacher organizes these types of work to prevent mistakes. [sometimes does not interrupt the student, even if he writes with errors.]/

5.Is carried out examination. The teacher asks the student to read the written word. Teacher again (as a sample for testing) says the same word especially draws out that sound which the student missed when writing or wrote incorrectly. The student must listen to the error and correct it.

Recording dictation of a single sentence.

Teacher reads a sentence 3 times.

Students should clearly know the purpose of each reading:

1st time - children listen, comprehend, remember.

You can repeat the sentence in chorus, then the students say it “to themselves.”

2nd time- the teacher pronounces each word clearly, children pay attention to pronunciation.

Step 1 - students repeat the sentence in chorus as they will write it - clearly pronounce each word syllable by syllable.

Step 2 - write it down, dictating to yourself syllable by syllable.

3rd time- self-test, i.e. read to perform a control operation; the purpose of this reading must be specified in advance: “Check if you forgot to write a letter, syllable, word.”

Students must hold a pen in their hand and follow the teacher’s reading.

Recording from dictation of text.

Teacher reads the text :

1) all text is for general perception (1);

2) each sentence with pauses - for recording (2);

·Listen to the first sentence.

·Repeat it.

· Dictate to yourself syllable by syllable.

3) all text is for verification.

The choice of the type of dictation is determined by the stage of work on the formation of spelling skills and the purpose of the lesson.

3. F. Ulchenko proposed the following system of use various types dictations:

Stage of work on spelling Recommended type of dictation
Recognition of an orthogram at the level of familiarity with it Selective dictation
Oral explanation of spelling before writing the text Warning dictation
Explanation of spelling in the writing process Commented dictation
Explanation of spelling after writing the text Explanatory dictation
Including spelling in new connections Selective explanatory dictation
Return for more high level to the stage of spelling awareness Dictation “Testing myself”
Combining learned private actions into one complex activity in conditions of complete independence of students Control dictation

2.2.1. Auditory dictation- a spelling exercise during which the writer correlates the sound and letter compositions of words, phrases, sentences, and text.

2.2.2. Warning dictation- a type of auditory dictation. The goal is to prevent errors by explaining spelling before recording text, words. It is used in the initial stages of studying a topic. As the method of testing and assimilation of the material is mastered, it is replaced by explanatory dictation. The teacher dictates a sentence (phrase, word). Before recording, a spelling analysis is carried out - students explain how they will spell the word and why.

2.2.3. "Error-free" dictation- a type of warning dictation. Students are given the task of completely understanding the spelling side of the text and writing a dictation without errors. After listening to the text, students ask questions regarding the spelling of certain words. These questions are answered by students who are confident in the spelling of a given word. If there is any difficulty, the teacher joins in to explain the spellings.

2.2.4 Warning and control dictation- a type of warning dictation. Before the dictation, the spelling rules that are reflected in the text are repeated for 8-10 minutes. Words from the dictation text, specially selected by the teacher, are considered as examples.

2.2.5 Prepared dictation- a type of warning dictation with explanatory elements. The text is first parsed, then written down and checked.

2.2.6 Explanatory dictation - type of auditory dictation. After writing down the sentence or the text as a whole, students explain the spelling. This is a kind of collective check of what has been written, developing students’ attention to spelling. It is carried out when the topic is fixed. In the process of writing the text, students emphasize spelling patterns that require checking, and after writing, they control the correctness of the work.

2.2.7. Explanatory dictation with preliminary preparation. Before recording the text, the teacher allocates time to repeat the learned spelling rules and ways to check the necessary spellings. After spelling preparation and a kind of “tuning” of students to a certain type of spelling, a dictation is carried out. After recording, students prove the correct spelling of words with the studied spellings and correct any mistakes made.

2.2.8. Dictation “Testing myself”(introduced by A.I. Kobyzev) is a type of auditory dictation characterized by a high level of self-control. Promotes the development of spelling vigilance, a critical attitude towards one’s own text, comprehension of spelling at a fairly high level, and develops self-testing skills. While writing a text, the student is allowed to ask the teacher how this or that spelling is written, to use a dictionary, reference books, etc. The student underlines the spelling that is in doubt (it is important for the teacher to use this for analysis). If a correction is made to the underlined spelling, it is not considered an error. At the same time, mistakes made based on the rules learned are taken into account more strictly, since the student did not see spelling dangers.

2.2.9. A letter with missing letters (dictation with missing spellings)- a type of dictation “Testing myself.” In the process of writing the text, students skip letters (spellings) if they do not know or doubt the spelling. Where letters are missing, a dash is placed; a line is drawn along the bottom ruler. The entry in the notebook looks like this: Vl_su can hear the ringing trill of S_l_vya. After recording, a spelling analysis of words with missing letters is carried out. The gaps are filled. This technique prevents the appearance of errors and a large number of corrections, and is one of the most effective techniques development of spelling vigilance. Students should understand: if you don’t know how to check, it’s better to skip the letter, but you can’t write at random!

2.2.10. Commented dictation (commented letter, grammatical and spelling commentary) - type of spelling exercise - a type of spelling exercise, a type of auditory dictation combined with spelling analysis. Spelling analysis of the text is not carried out before or after writing, but is combined with writing the text.

One student in process and at the pace of writing comments out loud All spellings, indicates their types, names the verification rule, briefly names the steps of the spelling algorithm, selects test words, and draws a conclusion. In this case, the form of explanation of the writing should be short, otherwise the connection between words is lost. For example: “I write green with an unstressed vowel e. Test word- greenery" or "Green. I check the unstressed vowel - I put it under stress - green. I write green with the letter e.” A prerequisite is that all students in the class, not only the strong ones, are involved in commenting one by one. With systematic use, spelling vigilance is developed. The commented dictation ensures that students master the algorithm of action and is aimed at practicing techniques for applying the rule in the writing process.

2.2.11. Combined dictation - a type of auditory dictation that has the characteristics of warning, explanatory and control dictations. It is used primarily in generalization lessons, as well as in working with students who are lagging behind. First, a preliminary explanation of spellings is carried out (2-3 sentences), in subsequent sentences the spellings are explained simultaneously with the letter or after writing the sentence, then several sentences are written without explanation, according to the control dictation method.

2.2.12. Selective dictation- a type of auditory or visual dictation. It involves recording not the entire text, but only those words, phrases, sentences that contain spellings (punctuations, grammatical forms) for the rule being studied. May be accompanied by an additional task. Selective dictation develops spelling vigilance, attention, the ability to detect the linguistic phenomena being studied, and accustoms schoolchildren to analyzing the text before writing it down.

2.2.13. Selective distribution dictation - a type of selective dictation. It involves selecting from the text and writing down words with certain spellings and simultaneously grouping them according to some characteristics, for example, words with verifiable unstressed vowels are written in the left column, with unverifiable vowels in the right column.

2.2.14. Morphemic dictation- a type of selective dictation. The teacher dictates words, phrases or sentences, the students write down only the significant parts of a word with the required spelling indicated by the teacher. This type of dictation helps memorize the graphic appearance of morphemes, develops spelling vigilance, and combines grammatical and spelling analyzes of words.

2.2.15. Creative dictation- on the instructions of the teacher, students insert certain words into the dictated text or change the grammatical form of the dictated words. For example, during the study of adjectives, the teacher suggests supplementing sentences with appropriate adjectives; when studying plural of a noun - replace the singular form with a plural one, etc. The skill of applying spelling rules is developed in conditions where it is necessary to think about the content of a sentence and its grammatical design.

2.2.16. Free dictation- in the process of writing the text, students can replace individual words and change the structure of the sentence. The text is dictated first in its entirety, then in parts (3-4 sentences); Each part is written down after reading it again. Students write down each part of the text from memory as they remember it. Memory is trained. An additional goal is the development of students' speech. The methodology considers it as a type of work that prepares students for writing expositions.

2.2.17. Visual dictation- a type of spelling exercise that develops spelling vigilance, visual memory and attention. The text (words, sentences) written on the board is read by students, analyzed, and then erased. Schoolchildren write it from memory. After registration, a check is carried out.

Visual dictations according to the method of Professor I. T. Fedorenko- a system of specially selected sets of sentences that ensure the development of RAM. Each of the 18 sets contains 6 offers. Each subsequent sentence gradually, one or two letters at a time, increases in length. The first sentence of set No. 1 consists of two words and contains only 8 letters, the last sentence of set No. 18 consists of 10 words and contains 46 letters. If the sentences do not correspond to the content of the lesson, they can be replaced with equivalent ones with the same number of letters.

Working time with all sets takes 2-3 months. It takes from 5 to 8 minutes to write six sentences in class. Visual dictations should be written daily (RAM training can be carried out in both Russian and Belarusian language lessons, selecting sentences in Russian and Belarusian languages, respectively). Writing a letter every other day does not produce effective results!


1. On the board, the teacher writes down 6 sentences of one set in advance and covers them with a sheet of paper (you can prepare each sentence on a separate strip of paper, print it in large font, or use multimedia teaching aids to demonstrate the sentences).

2. The first sentence is opened (the sheet of paper is moved down). Students read the sentence “to themselves” for a certain time (from 4 to 8 seconds depending on the set of sentences) and try to
remember him.

3.After the time has passed, the teacher erases the sentence and offers to write it down in notebooks from memory.

If the student did not have time remember proposal, he is allowed to look at his neighbor. If many students in a class do not have time to remember a sentence and turn to their neighbors at their desks, work with this set of sentences is repeated the next day. And so on until almost all students can write down sentences from memory on their own. Only after this can you move on to the next set.

4. The second offer opens. Students read and try to remember. The sentence is erased, the students write it down from memory.

5-8. Reading, memorizing and writing from memory the following sentences of the set (the work is organized in a similar way).

2.2.18. Writing from memory or self-dictation - independent recording of a text learned by heart, which is perceived by students visually or auditorily. At the end of the work, the text opens for self-test.

2.2.19. Learned dictation (prepared dictation) - a type of writing from memory, can be practiced in fourth grade. Preliminary preparation writing the text is carried out by students independently, possibly at home. The text is learned by heart. The next day in class, students write the memorized text from memory or from the dictation of the teacher.

2.2.20. Picture dictation (silent dictation) - The teacher silently demonstrates an object picture, students write down the name of the depicted object.

2.2. 21. Subject dictation (silent dictation) - The teacher silently demonstrates the object, the students write down the name of the object.

2.2. 22. Dictation game “Who will remember more?”(introduced by L.P. Fedorenko) - a type of auditory or visual dictation with the goal of accurate reproduction from memory of heard or visually perceived words, aimed at memory training.


1. The teacher says once a chain, for example of 3 words, or demonstrates it on the board or screen for 9-15 seconds (about 3-5 seconds per word) or more does not repeat.

2. Students write down what they remember.

3. The teacher reads or demonstrates a new chain of 3 words and pauses long enough for the students to write down the words from memory.

4.Self-check or mutual check. Students count each other's or their own number of words. For each correctly written word, one point is awarded. For a missing or replaced word and for each spelling error - a penalty point.

5.The teacher demonstrates correctly written words on the board or screen. Students check the accuracy of their calculations. The winner is the one who gets greatest number points.

6. The teacher checks the notebook of the winning candidate.

Number of words for dictation:

II class- 4-6-8 words (chains of 2 words); 6-9 words (chains of 3 words);

III class- 8-10 words (chains of 2 words); 9-12 words (chains of 3 words);

4th grade- 10-12-14 words (chains of 2 words); 12-15 words (chains of 3 words).

The most light for memorization are chains of words belonging to one part of speech and one thematic group, for example: cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes. Difficult but the most effective for memory training (memory can only be developed by loading it) are chains of words related to different parts of speech and thematic groups, for example: bed, decide, hot.

The dictation “Be precise” (introduced by L.P. Fedorenko) is a variation of the dictation “Who will remember more?”, but not individual words are offered for recording, but offers. The name of the dictation indicates that in relation to a sentence, its exact reproduction is important, and not the number of words written down. The teacher reads each sentence only once. Students write down as they remember. First sentence does not repeat! Then the teacher reads once second sentence, etc.

2.2.23. Control, or test, dictation - type auditory dictation, is a grammatical-spelling analytical-synthetic exercise and is carried out as a completely independent work: students must understand the content of the text and write it down without distorting the meaning, understand every word and grammatical form, detect spelling and punctuation, check them, write without errors. The goal is to find out the students’ level of proficiency in the learned rules and the ability to apply them in practice.

Text The control dictation should include the basic spelling and punctuation patterns studied at the time of testing. If possible, spellings should be evenly distributed in different parts text. This is explained by the fact that the largest number of errors, corrections, omissions of letters, syllables and even whole words are made by students at the beginning and end of the text: at the beginning of the text, other things being equal, students have not yet had time to concentrate and get involved in the work; at the end of the dictation - to against the background of general fatigue, attention weakens. Word count With unstudied spellings should not exceed three. If the text contains more than three such words, it is not used for dictation.

Control dictation may be accompanied by additional grammar tasks, the content of which must correspond to the curriculum. The number of tasks should not exceed three. For each option, the same type of grammar tasks are selected.

Sections: Russian language

Test work (most often a control dictation) carried out in school, give the teacher a general picture of the state of students' spelling and punctuation literacy.

Naturally, the controlling function comes first in test work; in the process of writing, the student is placed in such conditions that he must write in all cases: both when he is sure that he is writing correctly, and when he is not sure about it. Nobody is interested in his doubts.

But in the interests of teaching, it is important for the teacher to identify all these doubts; it is important to have a picture of the true level of knowledge of students.”

This type of work is the “Testing Myself” dictation, the main purpose of which is to identify students’ doubts when writing and teach them to doubt when they are faced with spelling.

A large number of people who doubt the writing of a particular spelling is a signal to the teacher that they need to continue working on this spelling, they need more training exercises, and it is premature to include it in the test.

Our task is to educate all schoolchildren, and to educate them well. It is very important that the teacher constantly has a clear idea of ​​how all students have mastered the material, who is having difficulty with what, and who needs help. At the same time, the teacher’s help should be timely.

Usually, the teacher receives data on students’ mastery of spelling rules very late - when checking notebooks, during tests, when mistakes have already been made. In addition, the reasons why students made certain mistakes often remain unknown. Work on errors begins very late and does not always reach the goal.

In addition, the usual testing of students' knowledge using a control dictation does not make it possible to identify hidden errors in the form of accidentally correct spellings. And there are many of them, as evidenced by this fact, for example.

Students wrote a control dictation, the results of which were not reported to them. Two days later, the same dictation was conducted a second time in the same class. The total number of errors in both cases was approximately the same.

But it is interesting that during the repeated dictation, approximately 50% of the errors made the first time disappeared, and in their place, the same number of new incorrect spellings appeared.

A different order of work was also used: after the first dictation, they worked on mistakes, and then gave a second dictation. The number of errors decreased, few students repeated their mistakes, but there were still quite a significant number of new errors.

The results always had one peculiarity: the better the work on errors was carried out, the fewer of them were made during repeated dictation, but the percentage of new errors increased.

How can you learn to promptly detect and prevent hidden errors? How to develop students’ ability to see spelling patterns, to see those places where a spelling error is possible when writing?

The solution to this problem is based on the methodology developed for the dictation “Testing myself.” Dictation began to be carried out both as a training (preventive and explanatory) and as a training and testing (control and explanatory) .

Conducted as a training dictation, “Testing Myself” allows you to prevent errors in the writing process.

Students receive instructions: skip those spellings that they doubt the spelling of, underline the place of the omission and write a question in the margins next to this line). This way errors are prevented.

After writing down each sentence, the teacher finds out who had questions during the writing process. At the same time, it is recommended to raise their hands not only for those who had a question at the time of recording and the spelling was missed, but also for those who only now discovered that they are not sure of the correctness of the written word or cannot explain the spelling.

The teacher sees how many students find it difficult to explain the writing, and asks other students to answer their friends’ questions. One of the students who did not raise their hand answers (that is, one of those who did not have a question and who, therefore, can explain the spelling). Sometimes, with the help of the teacher, the student who asked the question can answer. If students cannot give a complete and clear explanation, the teacher clarifies their answers. When the spelling is explained and the answer to the question is received, students who missed the spelling form write it in, and those who made a mistake correct it.

If there are other spellings in which, in the teacher’s opinion, the students may be mistaken, then the teacher himself asks the question, although the students did not have this question.

For those who missed the spelling at the time of writing, the dictation is warning, and for those who corrected the mistake they just made, it is explanatory.

This is what a recording of one looks like: the same sentence from different students.

Before checking:

Early on a frosty morning I walk through the winter forest.
!(The student missed the spellings that made it difficult for him)

Early on a frosty morning I walk through the winter forest.
! (The student, having written the word early with a mistake, doubted the spelling and formulated a question. He did not notice the mistake in the word winter, he did not have any doubts.)

AFTER Check:

Early on a frosty morning I walk through a winter forest.
!(The student inserted the missing spellings and wrote without errors.)

Early on a frosty morning I walk through the winter forest.
! (The student corrected the mistake both when a question arose and when it did not arise.)

The educational dictation “Testing myself” can be carried out in almost every lesson: after studying new material, at the beginning of the next lesson during repetition, in lessons for consolidating generalized repetition as preparation for tests.

Depending on the nature of the spelling, a dictation can be dictionary (from words or phrases), consist of individual sentences or a small coherent text.

During lessons on consolidation and general repetition, the text for the educational dictation can be saturated with spellings in different rules, be large in volume.

Sometimes such a dictation takes up an entire lesson. But most often, the teacher, having discovered a good assimilation of the material in certain sections, moves on to more complex types of exercises, to works of a creative nature. The educational dictation “Testing Myself” allows you to organize effective teaching, helps the teacher to see how the material has been mastered, whether it is possible to move on to another topic or to other, more complex exercises, in particular to the educational-testing dictation “Testing Myself”.

The educational-testing dictation “Testing myself” does not make it possible to prevent mistakes, but it allows you to take into account the actual literacy of students even more accurately than the control dictation, while control is combined with training.

The methodology for conducting the training and testing dictation “Testing myself” is as follows.

Students write down the dictated text without missing spellings, but the spelling and punctograms are more doubtful for themselves, and are emphasized in the margins (question).

In the event that the dictation is carried out during the lesson or a significant part of it and the teacher intends to put grades for the dictation in the journal, additional formatting is introduced: in parentheses after the sentence, the student indicates the number of questions that arose in the process of writing this sentence: (?0) - no questions (zero), (? 1) - one question, etc.

FOR EXAMPLE: I came to a cliff and saw an excellent picture.

Having dictated the sentence and given the students time to think about their difficulties, the teacher walks between the rows of desks and checks whether additional documentation has been made of the number of questions in brackets. And only then are students allowed to ask questions out loud. Indicating the number of questions in brackets is necessary so that the student does not fill out questions after someone else has asked about a difficult spelling, and so that the degree of spelling vigilance of the students can be accurately determined (if such records are kept.). If, according to the method of teaching and testing dictation, a short text is written down, for which a separate assessment will not be given, indicating the number of questions for each sentence is not necessary.

As we can see, during the teaching and testing dictation “Testing Yourself,” mistakes are not prevented, but students’ abilities to independently find mistakes are developed.

The teacher, checking the notebooks, sees all the student corrections made both on his own and on other people’s questions, and can take into account the actual literacy of the class.

This type of work combines itself features both explanatory and control dictation.

Due to its peculiarities, a training-test dictation cannot be carried out after a topic that has just been studied. You need to give time to learn the rules, and when the teacher sees that there are almost no doubts about the writing (the educational-warning version of the dictation “Testing myself”), he moves on to the educational-testing version of the dictation.

The educational-testing dictation “Testing myself,” which occupies a small part of the lesson and usually does not require a separate assessment, can be carried out quite often both in lessons for studying new material and in lessons for consolidation and general repetition. The text outlined by the teacher for the dictation can be used first as a teaching text, then as a teaching-testing dictation, and finally as a test: the course of the lesson will tell you when to give a more difficult type of dictation.

In lessons of consolidation and repetition, the teaching and testing dictation “Testing myself” can last half a lesson or more, and in these cases it can be assessed. The vocabulary training-test dictation “Testing Myself” is also assessed, although it can only take 10-12 minutes of the lesson. Such dictations, at the discretion of the teacher, can be conducted four to five times a quarter.

Finally, the training and testing dictation “Testing myself,” covering a number of learned rules, can be designed for an entire lesson and carried out instead of a control dictation or precede it. In my practice, such a dictation “Testing myself” is carried out once or twice a day. quarter. It must be graded.

If students have already repeatedly written the dictation “I’m testing myself,” then for this dictation, conducted according to the teaching-testing method, two assessments can be given: the first mark is for work in the lesson, the second is for factual knowledge. In the class magazine, the mark is given as a fraction or assigned two columns with the inscriptions: “training”, “control” (i.e., grades are given for both training and control dictation). Our experience has shown that the declassification of the second assessment does not frighten students and does not worsen the quality of their work during dictation. At the same time, the requirements for students are gradually increasing. At first, when one mark is given, only errors left uncorrected are taken into account (if the dictation is carried out correctly, there are few of them from the very beginning). Then “5” is given only for work in which no errors are left and all corrections are related to the student’s personal questions: if no errors are left in the notebook, but all or part of the corrections are made on other people’s questions, usually “4” is given (" 3" can be given if there are many errors and all of them have been corrected based on someone else’s questions). In the future, these requirements remain in relation to the first assessment - for work in the lesson. The first grade is strictly reduced for errors left uncorrected if these spellings were discussed in class; For one such mistake I give a “3”, and in the future “2”, especially in cases where the student made few mistakes at all.

The second grade is given, as a rule, according to the norms of the control dictation, but at the same time all the mistakes actually made, both left to the teacher and corrected by the student themselves on their own and other people’s questions, are taken into account. Therefore, there may be significant differences in grades among some students. For example: the first grade is “5”, the second is “2” (5-6 spelling errors were made, but all of them are related to personal issues and were corrected by the student himself).

The first grade is “2”, the second is “4” (two spelling errors were made, this student had no questions, the errors were not corrected, although these spellings were sorted out in class).

During a dictation, the teacher can immediately emphasize in his text those spellings and punctuations that raise questions from students. Then the teacher’s text looks something like this: when checking the work, the teacher, as usual, marks in red in the margins with “sticks” and “checkmarks” the errors not corrected by the students, circling the errors made in the spellings for which questions were asked during the lesson. Having found “?” in the margins, the teacher looks to see which spelling is underlined and whether the correct or incorrect spelling is asked a question.

If the question is posed with the correct spelling, then there is no error: the mark for questions with the correct spelling is not reduced.

If a question is asked with an incorrect spelling, the teacher may reduce the grade.

In most cases, corrections by students of spellings they have not underlined are made in response to questions from friends, the teacher, or independently, after the questions have been asked.

All corrections and errors provide the teacher with additional information about the level of development of students' spelling vigilance. And the students themselves also see their success in this regard.

This is a technique for conducting a training and testing dictation “Testing myself” in its purest form. But types of dictations are often intertwined.

As can be seen from the above, the features of the “Testing Myself” dictation technique are expressed in the following:

  1. Students ask questions and receive answers, as a rule, after writing each sentence, and not when they have written the entire text of the dictation. Thus, the resolution of students’ doubts is not delayed, but occurs immediately, and if similar spellings are found in the following sentences, students can write them correctly, thus indirectly preventing errors. at the same time, the issue of the volume of a dictation designed for an entire lesson is easily resolved: students will write as much as they have time (the text must be selected with some reserve).
  2. Errors are corrected in an organized manner: students must listen carefully to the question and the answer to it, then find the word to be analyzed in their work and, if a mistake is made, correct it; only after that, after waiting some time, the teacher allows them to ask the next question. With this organization of work , when rush is eliminated and schoolchildren are given time to detect and correct errors, it is possible to achieve that students have practically no errors left uncorrected by them in spelling patterns that were studied in class.
  3. Since the teacher himself asks students about difficult spellings if they do not ask a question, it turned out to be possible to ensure that 80-90% of errors (and sometimes 100%) are corrected by the students themselves during the lesson.

Practice has shown that if the dictation is carried out methodically correctly, then even the first dictation is written relatively well by students (we do not mean actual literacy, but the teaching side of the dictation).

In the future, it turned out to be possible to extend the “Testing Yourself” dictation technique to other types of work: training, creative, preparatory.

Training dictations for 4th grade. We write 1 dictation per day. We practice spelling (remember, check, think a little)

In holiday's.

Early in the morning we gathered at the station. We rode happily. The train brought us to a quiet station.

We got on our skis and headed into the forest. It was a beautiful morning. Light clouds floated across the deep sky. The snow sparkled under the bright sun and blinded my eyes. The frost stung my nose.

Wonderful in the winter forest! Birches quietly sway their flexible branches. Frost sparkles in the clear air. A black woodpecker chimes loudly on a dry tree.

We had lunch at the forest lodge. The forester treated us to sweet mountain ash. Late in the evening we approached the city.

Autumn time.

The hot summer has passed. Golden autumn has arrived. Look into the forest. Mushrooms grow along the edges. Among the withered grass, boletuses turn red. Along the edge of the spruce forest you can find slippery milk mushrooms and fragrant saffron milk caps. Old stumps are covered with honey fungus. Mossy bogs are strewn with ruddy cranberries. Bunches of rowan berries are burning in the clearing. The days are fine. The sky is high and transparent. Every blade of grass is visible at the bottom of the stream. Bird voices fall silent. There is peace and quiet in the forest.

The cranes are flying away.

In the autumn days, the cranes were preparing to fly away. They circled over the river, over their native swamp. Cranes were flying high in the sky. In a deep forest on the edge of a lake, birds stopped to rest. The forest is dark and gloomy at this time.

It’s still dark, but the sensitive cranes have already woken up. An early dawn appeared in the east. The cheerful sun will soon rise over the river. Everything will sparkle and sparkle. The cranes will fly high. See you in the spring!

Spring ringing.

The earth has awakened from a long winter sleep. The young grass glistened. A wave of green fog spread across the wide meadow. The evenings are warm and quiet. The meadows are ringing. A ringing sound floats across the ground, across meadows, and ravines. What's that ringing? A drop of sweet sap rolled down from a birch branch. She fell onto the mirror surface of the pond. The cranes have returned from the warm region. They examined their native swamp with importance. Their joyful song sounded merrily. These days we hear the music of nature everywhere.

May miracle.

The gentle sun warms the earth with its warmth.

Early in the morning you run to a nearby grove. In the shady coolness you see a rare miracle. In the greenery of the tall grass, a lovely flower blooms white. Pearls hang on a thin stem. At the bottom they look like tiny bells. In the upper part, the still closed flowers resemble bells. Wide leaves, like palms, protect the fragile stem. Can you hear the bells of spring ringing? You inhale the subtle scent of a delicate flower. A wonderful gift from the Russian forest!

Can you guess what plant we are talking about? Spring gave us lily of the valley. Don’t ruin the wondrous beauty of the forest clearing!

In April.

April has been jubilant for a whole week. The last snow melted under the bright rays of the sun and warm wind. Forest hummocks have become free from snow cover. The first butterflies, beetles, and spiders flew out into the clearings. A grove could be seen in the distance. She was waking up. The fragrant buds of the trees opened. Young shoots timidly made their way through the old foliage. The bird choir sounded joyful. The birds have been waiting for the warm sun all winter. And the animals are hungry in the spring. Every cone, sweet root is a godsend for the animal. Towards the end of April the swallows arrived. They settled under the roof of our house.

Forest edge.

The sun slowly comes out from behind the dark forest. It scatters its rays throughout the surrounding area. Dewdrops shimmer and sparkle on the emerald grass and tree leaves. The forest edge wakes up and comes to life. The ringing voices of birds are heard. Animals run by. A snake is warming itself on an old stump.

In summer, the forest edges are filled with flowers. It smells like sweet jam. Fragrant strawberries burn with red lights. Various insects hum and chirp in the flowers. Who will you meet at the edge of the forest! Here is a frog sitting on the cap of a fungus. He took air baths, stretched out his paws, closed his eyes.

Time for forest kids.

Warm summer has arrived. Bells, forget-me-nots, and rose hips are blooming at the forest edge. White daisies stretch their delicate petals towards the sun.

Chicks fly out of their cozy nests. The animals are maturing. The cubs are the oldest. They were born yet cold winter in the den. Now they obediently follow their strict mother. Red fox cubs play happily near the hole. And who flashes in the pine branches? Yes, these are agile baby squirrels making their first high-altitude jumps. At dusk, spiny hedgehogs come out to hunt.

Do not offend the forest kids. Come to the forest as true friends.

The sun emerged from behind the forest. The forest clearing became cheerful. Drops of dew began to sparkle in every flower, in every blade of grass.

But then a cloud came and covered the entire sky. Nature is sad. A column of dust flew towards the lake. The sharp wind caused dry branches to fall from the trees. The forest rustled dully and menacingly. Wet spots appeared on the ground. Streams flowed from the hills. Thunderclaps deafened the entire area.

But the storm quickly passed. And again the sun is shining over the forest. (69 words)

Hedgehogs live under our porch. In the evenings the whole family goes out for a walk. Adult hedgehogs dig the ground with their small paws. They take out the roots and eat. Little hedgehogs are playing and frolicking at this time.

One day a dog ran up to the old hedgehog. The hedgehog curled up into a ball and froze. The dog carefully rolled the hedgehog towards the pond. The hedgehog plopped into the water and swam. I chased the dog away.

The next spring, one old hedgehog remained under the porch. Where did the rest go? They moved to another place. The old hedgehog did not want to leave my house. (82 words)

Summer morning.

I'm standing near a blooming clover field. Its multi-colored carpet shimmers and changes color. In the very distance, the golden border shines with a dazzling shine.

The lark took off. The gray lump turned golden in the first rays of the sun. Bright sparks sparkled in the dew drops on the flowers.

What wonderful sounds spread across the earth? It was the bees that flew up. They buzzed over the bowl of flowers. The grasshopper woke up. His creaky music began to follow. Now the whole field is singing.

Everyone is happy about the warm summer morning. I'm happy too. (74 words)

Our house stood in a beautiful garden. Wonderful flowers grew in the flowerbed. These were bells. They jingled cheerfully in the breeze. Daisies grew along the path. A furry bumblebee flew up to them and buzzed loudly.

The garden stretched far. Behind the garden the forest began. This forest approached the river itself. A nightingale lived in the dense bushes. Every evening he sang his wonderful song. People listened to the nightingale and smiled. There was a lot of warmth and joy in this song.

Swallow's nest.

A swallow has built a cozy nest under the roof of the house. A local sparrow decided to occupy it and flew in there.

The swallow made a noise and began to chase the sparrow. The sparrow opened its wings and screamed sharply. The poor thing flew away in fright. Sparrow calmed down.

But what is it? Suddenly a whole flock of birds rushed in. Each bird had a piece of earth in its beak. They quickly began to close the holes in the nest.

The prisoner raised a cry. We brought a ladder and opened the hole. The sparrow flew out like an arrow. And the swallow returned to its house and sang loudly.

Methodology for conducting dictations in the Russian language in different classes

Dictation is a type of exercise where the student writes down words, sentences or texts that are perceived by ear. The methodology for conducting dictations in elementary grades and in high school has several significant differences. It is also worth keeping in mind that there are several types of dictations, for each of which separate methodological recommendations have been developed.

Types of dictations

All dictations can be divided into two large groups: training and control. The first group includes selective, dictionary, distribution, creative, free, warning, reconstructed, graphic, dictations by analogy, etc.

These same types of dictations can also be used as controls. But most often, full dictation (without changing the text) and dictations with a grammar task are chosen for control. For control dictations, they usually choose a coherent passage of text from a work of art, and in high school they can choose text from a scientific article or the media.

How to conduct a dictation in elementary school

Firstly, it should be taken into account that for each class there is a required minimum and maximum of words that must be present in the text. All standards are similarly described in the requirements of the State Standard for each year of study.

Secondly, the dictation text is selected taking into account the studied spelling patterns and rules. It is advisable to distribute all spellings evenly throughout the text, since students most often make mistakes at the beginning of the dictation and at the end. There should be no more than three words with unstudied spellings in the text!

Operating procedure:

1. Statement of the purpose of the dictation. Here it is necessary to focus students’ attention on the spelling patterns that will be used in the dictation.

2. Reading of the entire text by the teacher.

3. Explanation of unfamiliar words (if any are encountered).

4. Writing words with unstudied spellings on the board.

5. Reading text while writing. The teacher reads each sentence twice: the first time - to understand the meaning of the sentence, the second time - for recording. You should not be allowed to write while the reading of the sentence has not yet been completed.

6. At the end, the teacher reads the entire text again, but this time the pauses between sentences need to be increased so that students have time to check the spelling of all words or fill in the missing ones.

If a sentence is too long and difficult to hear, it should be read in parts. All unstudied punctograms are pronounced by the teacher.

You need to read the text loudly, pronouncing each word clearly. But! "Hints" are not allowed: for example, you cannot read "someone or milk." You need to read, observing the rules of pronunciation, but without deliberately distorting the phonetic sound of words.

To find out how much time is enough to write one sentence, you can select one student from a class with average performance and use it as a guide.

How to conduct a dictation in grades 5-7

When conducting control dictations in middle and high schools, the lesson plan remains the same. What is given above. Only the number of words and the complexity of the text change.

In middle grades, control dictations can be complicated by more extensive grammatical tasks. During the same period of training, free dictations, dictations based on a picture, and creative ones should be introduced. This will make it possible to diversify the types of control.

One of the good and non-standard options for writing a control dictation is relay. Its essence is that students are warned long before the test that the dictation will be taken from the material that they will study over a certain period of time. Practice shows that after such a warning, students are much more attentive to doing exercises, both in class and at home. Still would! The dictation will be taken from the textbook.

However, it is worth warning in advance that the relay dictation will be assessed much more strictly than the usual one, since the text is already familiar.

How to conduct a dictation in grades 8-9

Starting from the 8th grade, teachers try to start preparing for the GIA. And since during the exam you will need to write a presentation, for dictations they are increasingly choosing the type that involves retelling the text in your own words. This could be a dictation based on a picture, a letter from memory, a dictation with elements of presentation.

By this time, the volume of studied spellings increases so much that it is necessary to carefully select texts in order to focus on new rules, but, at the same time, consistently repeat all the topics covered.

In order to increase interest in learning and at least slightly relieve the stress load on students, which covers them even when just saying the word “Dictation”, you can conduct a prepared dictation - a competition - once every quarter. Its essence is as follows:

The teacher gives in advance a list of difficult words that need to be studied, a list of rules that will be used in the dictation, words whose meanings need to be clarified in dictionaries. Next, the preparation of students begins. They can compose vocabulary dictations themselves, dictate to each other, working in pairs or groups, check themselves, identify errors, and explain the rules. Practice shows that after such preparation, the results of the control dictation are noticeably improved, and the material is better absorbed.

How to conduct a dictation in grades 10-11

By this period, students should already have mastered the technique of writing all types of dictations, which gives the teacher the opportunity to vary tasks and combine types of dictations. In high school there is no longer any point in conducting the usual dictation according to the scheme: dictation-writing. Since graduates are being prepared for final exams (which, by the way, require writing an essay), it is better to choose all dictations in grades 10-11 that involve working with text.

A good option is free or creative dictations. They will not only determine the level of proficiency in spelling and punctuation skills, but also the student’s ability to freely express the text in his own words.

Another option is dictations with language analysis. It is carried out as usual. But then comes analytical work with the text. Those. After the dictation, the teacher asks a number of questions regarding the language of presentation, expressive language, images, and style of speech. It turns out that after the dictation, students need to write part of the test in their own presentation. This will allow you to check how freely students can express their thoughts and how well they know the terminology.

In some cases, it is possible to give for a dictation not one whole text, but two or three small passages, but with the condition that they, taken together, satisfy all the requirements for the dictation text and set out above.

The text for the dictation can be a scientific, political article or an excerpt from a work of art. For grades IV-VI, it is better to take a coherent story, for VII-VIII - scientific and journalistic articles, for both - a spelling-complicated text of a work of art (including processed by the teacher, adapted in the direction necessary from the point of view of teaching spelling). The text does not have to be bookish: it can be compiled by the teacher himself.

In cases of difficulties in finding coherent texts, dictation from individual sentences can be allowed.

It is not indifferent to the size of the sentences that make up the text proposed for dictation. Thus, the Gogol period, for example, is clearly unacceptable for students in the fifth grade, and vice versa, a text consisting only of simple, even common sentences, is unacceptable for the seventh grade. The norms for assessing the knowledge, skills and abilities of students in grades IV-X in the Russian language establish the volume of dictation: in grade IV - 90-100 words, in grade V - 100-110, in grade VI - 110-120, in grade VII - 120- 140, in VIII grade – 140-160. If necessary, if the text contains anything that interferes with its use in the classroom, it can be subjected to some processing on the part of the teacher: the period found in the text for grade V can be divided into a number of separate sentences; rarely encountered words and expressions, obsolete and heavy construction phrases are omitted or replaced, etc. Of course, all this should be done without violating the meaning of the text as a whole and without reducing its value in orthographic terms.

The text for the test dictation conducted at the end of the year must include all the basic spellings (and punctograms) of a given year of study.

It is not necessary that each of the rules be represented in the dictation text by not one, but several spellings. It is hardly possible to find a text such that it contains absolutely all cases of spelling according to the program of a given year of study, and even in several variants. Therefore, if a particular passage does not include individual spelling options for any rule, this cannot be considered an obstacle to the general (i.e., for everything passed) test of students’ spelling literacy. Non-basic spellings, rare spellings, “exceptions” may not be included in the text for such a dictation. You should not allow the inclusion in the text of specially selected words that are not commonly used in any context. literary language, nor in colloquial speech words, combinations and phrases or casuistic cases of spellings designed to provoke students into error.<…>]

Not all words of the text (especially special terms and foreign words) may be known to students and not in all cases can be omitted completely or replaced by others that correspond to them in meaning. The teacher himself must explain to the students the meaning of such words (even before reading the entire passage), and, if necessary, write them down on the board. Such text processing does not reduce the importance of either the method of testing students' knowledge or its results. There should not be many unclear words in the text (no more than two or three), otherwise the text must be considered unsuccessful.

After finishing the dictation, students should be given 5-7 minutes to check and correct mistakes on their own. Checking can be carried out in two ways: students silently, each to themselves, correct mistakes; or the correction occurs while the teacher, having finished the dictation, slowly reads the entire text, stopping for a long time on the periods (at the end of sentences). to give students the opportunity to find the mistake themselves and correct it.

After viewing the dictation by the students, the notebooks are immediately selected by the teacher to check them at home.

Algazina spelling skills: A manual for teachers. –M.: Education, 1987. – P. 71-73.

Formation of spelling skills taking into account spelling options

Spelling skills must be developed using didactic material that contains all the options for the corresponding spelling. As a result, students will receive a specific idea of ​​what range of words this or that rule applies to...

Spelling variations must also be taken into account when selecting texts for spelling tests.

Firstly, in order to obtain objective data on the degree of assimilation of the studied spelling rule, the text for the test work includes those spelling variants that were the subject of special concern for the teacher. As for spelling variants that did not come to the attention of students during training, the inclusion of words with these spellings will not reflect objective data about the nature of the assimilation of the spelling rule to be tested.

For example, if, in the course of consolidating the spelling rules of prefixes on z(s) there was no word included in the exercises tasteless, and in the test it was found, then a large number of errors in the spelling of this word does not mean that the students have not learned the rule that interests us.

Secondly, when the teacher prepares students for the next dictation or presentation, he must draw their attention to spelling options that are difficult for them. Let's take, for example, a dictation:

Near our house there was a vacant lot; a huge oak tree grew there alone. In the vacant lot we played volleyball, football, and gorodki.

One morning I looked out the window and couldn’t believe my eyes. People, trucks, powerful dump trucks, and cranes appeared. I hurried to our favorite place, and my friends had already gathered there.

They told me interesting news. The Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren will be built here. Masons, concrete workers, and welders will come here.

And we will plant an orchard around the Palace, and our oak tree will not be lonely.

In preparation for this dictation, work is done with the following words: powerful(cf.: power), night(cf.: night); mason(cf.: stone), lamplighter(cf.: flashlight); will not, will not, cannot, will not.[…]

Work on errors should also be carried out taking into account spelling options. If a student, for example, made a mistake in the verb was(written by Not together), then for working on errors, didactic material with the same spelling variant is selected: couldn't, didn't want, didn't, won't, can't, don't want, won't.

These are general questions regarding the variability of didactic material as one of the conditions for the formation of spelling skills.

Chediya dictation in psychocorrectional work when passing the syntax of the Russian language “by the immersion method” // Scientific notes of psychologists-educators of Tver and the region. 1998. No. 6. P. 136-141.

As the children's educational capabilities grow, the complexity and volume of dictations increase in doses so that the dictation is a challenge, but nonetheless manageable for exertion.<…>

It is very useful to start colliding different syntactic phenomena that are provocatively similar to each other, which will reliably protect against the formation of a thoughtless pattern.<…>

Bulokhov varieties of dictation. – Krasnoyarsk: Publishing house Krasnoyarsk. University, 1994. – pp. 6-8.

The psychological classification of dictation types should be based on the types of memory involved in the formation of spelling skills.

Based on the duration of action, long-term and short-term (operative) memory are distinguished. Writing from memory (self-dictation) specifically sets the task for schoolchildren to remember for a long time the “physiognomy” of a word and the syntactic-punctuation image of a sentence. Repeated and prepared (learned) dictations are aimed at the same thing, as well as those that are very similar to each other, but received different names from the authors: relay dictation, checking home exercises, “Following the traces of completed exercises.”

Dictations that develop operational speech memory primarily include the “Who will remember the most” dictation, when students write down a series of words (phrases) or a whole sentence from one reading by the teacher, as well as any other type of dictation (explanatory, control, warning, auditory) , if the sentences are read in large parts, which must be remembered, and the number of readings is limited. believes that free dictations also develop working memory. According to our data, creative dictations with the rearrangement of introductory and plug-in constructions, participle and participial phrases, also contribute to the same thing. subordinate parts from postposition to preposition or interposition, from preposition to interposition (especially to the position between the main members of the sentence).

Verbal-logical memory is developed by many types of dictation, but special mention should be made of dictations that pose the task of classifying linguistic phenomena: selective, distributive, selective-distributive, digital, alphabetic.

According to the type of perception of didactic material, dictations are traditionally divided into auditory, which include exercises in which the teacher dictates words, phrases, sentences or text, and visual - “reverse” dictation, writing from memory (self-dictation) and some other varieties of them. for example, the dictation “Who will remember more”, in the case when children remember a series of words or a sentence not by ear, but on the basis of visual perceptions.

The development of speech motor (kinesthetic) memory is supported by dictations, which are accompanied by syllable-by-syllable orthographic pronunciation aloud (pa-ro-voz), but it is useful, as experts note, to mentally pronounce words, because those movements of the speech organs (larynx, lips, tongue) are repeated in a weakened form ), which are characteristic of loud speech.<…>

Motor (hand-motor) memory is developed by all types of dictations, during which students write down words and phrases in their full letter form within a sentence or outside of it. This obviously does not include graphic dictation, digital, alphabetic, with a letter designation, because it is not words that are written, but individual morphemes, graphic designations of morphemes, numbers or letters assigned to the recorded categories of words.

Knowing the psychological capabilities of each type of dictation, the teacher will be able to improve the types of memory children have and develop those that are missing, which will help improve students’ literacy.<…>

To help teachers choose a text that is appropriate in terms of difficulty for a particular class, we have compiled a text passport. The idea of ​​mandatory certification of texts in explicit form has been expressed for the first time, although it is difficult to find a text recommended for dictation in which any individual elements of the passport would not be given, for example: the number of words, the name of the grammatical topic or the prevailing spelling patterns and punctuation patterns. The passport we compiled contains these traditional characteristics of the text, but, in addition, it also includes indicators that warn the teacher about the degree of psychological difficulty of the text. These include the length of the word in letters and the length of the predicative unit in words.

Analysis writing schoolchildren shows that the average length of words containing spelling errors exceeds 7 letters, i.e., the average amount of operational speech memory responsible for the construction and process of writing sentences. The longer the predicative unit, the greater the load on the working memory. The experiment proved that both the length of the word and the length of the predicative unit are indicators of the orthographic difficulty of the dictation text. Thus, spelling difficulty depends not only on the number and specificity of spellings and punctuation, not only on the volume of the text, but also on the length of the word and the predicative unit.

To make it easier for the teacher to navigate in determining the degree of psychological difficulty of the text, we established a total indicator of the average length of the word and the average length of the predicative unit, denoting it with the letter X. For example, the average length of the word in the text “Foundation of Krasnoyarsk” is 5.97 letters, and the average length of the predicative unit units – 15.12 words. The total text score for these parameters is X = 20.09. In the above texts, the value of X ranges from 11.7 to 21.29. All other things being equal, texts are easier to spell if the X score approaches 11, and more difficult if it approaches 21.

The total indicator X is included integral part in the text passport. We hope that the passport we offer (it needs further improvement) will help you choose a text based on the tasks of developing the psychological and pedagogical capabilities of students.

Razumovskaya teaching spelling at school. – 2nd ed., add. – M.: Education, 1996. – P. 198-200.

ABOUT tests by spelling

The methodological letter “On uniform requirements for students’ oral and written speech, for conducting written work and checking notebooks” recommends dictation as a spelling test. At the same time, the number of dictations for each class is indicated precisely as assessment work for a certain period (beginning-end of the year, end of the quarter, after a certain significant topic): V grade - 8 dictations, VI grade - 8 dictations, VII grade - 6 dictations, VIII – 5 dictations, IX class – 3 dictations. Of course, the number of assessments may vary as needed, but in general it reflects the needs of the practice.

Another thing is what type of work should be used as an assessment, dictation? Dictation is familiar and quite effective exercise, reliably serving the purpose of training mastery of the rules of spelling and punctuation. Its results are important, first of all, for the teacher: it is immediately clear what material the students have mastered and what they have not, and whether the process of developing error-free writing is progressing successfully among the students.

However, choosing the text of a dictation correctly from a methodological point of view is a very difficult matter. Every teacher knows that one dictation gives very bad results, another – good, and we are talking not only about the difficulty and ease of writing individual words, but also about the linguistic features of the text; about the correspondence or inconsistency of this text with the speech and mental development of the child. And often the reason for errors lies in the fact that the meaning of the text as a whole is not clear to the child.

The “Norms...” provide the restrictive limits of spellings allowed in the texts of final dictations: in grade V – various spellings, in grade VI – 16, in grade VII – 20, in grades VIII and IX – 24 spellings. But these numbers are of little help, because, firstly, the level of difficulty of spellings is different (cf.: by the river And on the steep bank of a playful river And ), secondly, any dictation text alone contains at least twenty words per hundred words on unstressed vowels of the root.

In a word, despite its apparent simplicity, dictation is a very insidious written test, which does not give a fair assessment of the spelling preparation of students of a certain age at a particular educational stage, since the text of the dictation may be in conflict with the speech and intellectual development of the child. Therefore, many methodologists vehemently protested against dictation, advocating creative work. A well-known scientist in the field of spelling methods believed that the final assessment work on spelling should be work of a creative nature, for example, presentation.

It seems that, indeed, the presentation is best suited for the final assessment of natural literacy: putting into words certain content, the child rejects elements unusual for his speech experience, reproducing to a certain extent “his own.” At the same time, the orthographic side of literacy is not an end in itself, but appears “in its place,” accompanying a written speech utterance. Therefore, in any case, at the end of the year, at the end of the quarter, it is advisable to conduct a small-form presentation, a presentation with the purpose of testing spelling skills in the conditions of one’s own statement. Then it turns out that in grades V and VI there are 4 dictations and 4 presentations each, in grade VII - 3 dictations and 3 presentations.

It is advisable to select texts for dictations from works studied in literature or close to them, so that the meaning and broad context are well known and understandable to students. Texts must satisfy literary standards, since in this case, as a rule, the difficulties of writing are harmoniously combined, without their artificial exaggeration, which is possible only in special training exercises.

Ostrikova dictation and its learning difficulty // Spelling at school: half a century of teaching experience. – M.: Verbum-M, 2008. – P. 195-199.

Dictation methodological passport

The methodological passport of DM shows how focused it is on solving educational problems, taking into account the characteristics of students’ language training, when and where it is appropriate in class-by-class and individual systems of teaching the Russian language, in current and final, teaching and monitoring work, at what stage of education, in what grade .

Drawing up a dictation passport requires knowledge of the following questions:

Types and types, variants of spellings and punctograms;

Punctuation marks, their types and functions;

Academic and school formulations of spelling and punctuation rules;

Classification of didactic material;

Types of spelling and punctuation errors;

Criteria and standards for assessing control dictations.

The dictation methodological passport can be short and detailed. First, let's look at an example of a brief certification of a dictation presented in a teacher's manual on practical methods of the Russian language.

In summer

We spent the summer with my brother on the river. Every day we went swimming and fishing in the river. How cheerful we felt after swimming! Every day they brought home 15-12 pipe cleaners and breams.

It's nice in the summer on the river bank! A bell swings over the grass. The strawberry turns red under the leaf. The air is filled with the fresh aroma of herbs, flowers, and the river. A coniferous forest turns black ahead. Birds chirp and whistle in it. The hot sun is warm. White clouds float by. Time goes fast. It's time to leave, but I really don't want to. We sit on the shore until late in the evening.

(82 words)

Words on the board aroma, daily, feel and others.

Verifiable unstressed vowels at the root of the word (spelling no. Unverifiable and labor unverifiable unstressed vowels at the root of the word (spelling no. Unpronounceable vowels at the root of the word (spelling no. Case endings of nouns and adjectives - 6. Vowels and, y, a after sibilants - 5. Personal endings of verbs - 5.

Orthographic saturation - 76% (62: 81) with standard saturation 70-75%.

The certification process is simplified if you use more detailed schemes. Here is a fragment of the control dictation passport we developed (see Table 35).

Table 35

Control dictation passport card

for ____________ class, level of difficulty

1. General signs of DM (circle what you need or write it down)

Nature of examples: DM verbal, collocational, phrasal, textual; mixed
Source DM, its author………..

Style and genre: artistic style (genres - story, tale, fairy tale...)...

Type of speech: description, narration, reasoning, mixed. Topic: conversational topic...................................................

program theme(s)....

number of words... and sentences...

Psychological difficulty

average length of a word... letters + average length of a sentence...words =
total: psychological difficulty index


by volume - full or partial;

by appearance - lexical, lexico-spelling, syntactic, syntactic-punctuation, other

DM deformation

not spelling deformed, deformed...

2. Spelling difficulty of the dictation

Spelling type


Examples of words with potential errors that, when assessed,

are not taken into account

taken into account

same type

not rough

Rule-checked spellings

Spelling letters

Capital letters b b will divide. b grammatical to indicate softness Vowels in the root: verifiable alternating Consonants in the root: unpronounceable verifiable Prefixes: unchangeable on 3-C pre-price Vowels in suffixes: noun. adj. verb adv. Vowel endings: noun. adj; verb<…>

Non-letter spellings

spaces contacts hyphens

Vocabulary words:

mastered recently learned

Conclusion about the orthographic richness of DM:

old spellings

new spellings

total spellings in % -

Spelling saturation of the dictation - one of the main indicators of its educational difficulty, therefore, when certifying a dictation, the spelling concentration of the didactic material is necessarily determined, and its adaptation is also carried out taking into account the level of development of the class and the period of study. The concentration of spelling patterns in a dictation can be reduced (light dictation), normative (standard dictation), or increased ("fill in" dictation).

So, in order for students to make a “reasonable” number of errors in dictations that do not discourage them from learning, it is important to determine the orthographic richness of the dictation (see Table 36), its concentration in the number of old and new spellings, and among those and others, highlight those that are relevant for these students . Super-concentrated texts are used to a limited extent, as a rule, for the purpose of consolidating spelling skills and ongoing, non-final control of literacy.

Table 36

Approximate requirements for the volume and complexity of written work

Types of jobs

Counting units


Vocabulary dictation

Text dictation

vocabulary words

