Doing the splits is an effective exercise. What exercises will help you do the splits at home? How to do the cross splits correctly

07.08.2018 Sport

Motivation: nothing makes a woman look better than beautiful, slender legs. Flexible legs, a graceful cat's gait - a generally unattainable dream.

Many people believe that flexibility is a professional concept, and therefore only master athletes or dancers can achieve it. This is a myth or an excuse for your laziness. The splits and soft floating steps are on the shoulder of every stubborn and hardworking person.

Now do three rounds of three minutes, one minute with the heavy burlap. Alternative between punching, legs, knee and elbow hitting the bag. Reilly says add in combos that challenge both the mind and the major and younger groups muscles.

Now follow the heavy bag with this strength progression. Finish five rounds of jumping rope, again walking three minutes hard, one minute easy. This time focus on speed, timing and footwork. Really push yourself here, and if you want to add tricks, now is the time to do it. If you don't know where to start, return the rope faster, jump higher and throw double unders.

You should start working on stretching the splits today in order to get amazing results by summer.

Types of twine, features of stretching

A split is a special position in which the legs located on the same line are placed in different directions. In this case, the inner thighs are equal to 180˚ or more.

Types (types, options) of twine:

Cool down with a few minutes of light restoration work and stretching. Strength Ladder Rob Sulaver, a registered dietitian and Bandana training coach, says he loves giving members of his Bandana Army workouts that include jumping work because no matter what, you always feel like Rocky.

Rules for Effective Stretching

This workout has an inverted pyramid format. Start with 500 reps, work your way down to 400 and 300, then come out again with sets of 400 and 500. That last set will burn, but that's it. You need either two kettlebells or dumbbells, and know the following exercises. Your feet are a little wider than usual so that your elbows rest on your knees at the bottom. Renegade Rows: Stand in the top position on the board with your hands up on the weights. Do a full push-up and then hold your main activity, pick up the right kettlebell, pull your elbow straight up to raise the bell level with the right ribcage.

  • transverse - the most difficult, legs spread apart;
  • longitudinal:
  • left-sided - the left leg is in front, the right leg is behind the body;
  • right-sided - vice versa;
  • sagging – the angle of the inner thighs slightly exceeds 180˚. Sagging twine can be either longitudinal or transverse;
  • vertical transverse or longitudinal split - performing a standard split while standing on one leg.

Features and types of stretching

There are three main types of stretching, the proper connection and implementation of which will determine all future activities:

Set the right shot and repeat on the left side. This is one rep. Rogues: From the floor, push up hard enough to lift your arms off the ground for a second. Ideally, you should be able to clap the moment your top part the body is in the air, but if you cannot do this, just try to raise the air a little between the floor and your hands.

Land quietly and immediately begin your next pushup. Jump rope 500 reps 12 glass squats 12 film push-ups 12 rows of renegades Jump rope 400 reps 12 glasses of squats 12 film push-ups 12 split rows Jump rope 300 reps 12 glass squats 12 plyometric push-ups 12 cut rows Jump rope 400 reps 12 glass squats Denmark 12 plenometric push-ups 12 renegade rows Jump rope 500 times 12 glasses of squats 12 plyometric push-ups 12 rows of renegades. Curls are movements that each of us performs literally every day, most often without even realizing it.

  1. statistical - stretching with the maximum permissible tension, stretching the muscles and holding them in this position for several seconds;
  2. ballistic (dynamic) – stretching using deep intense swings;
  3. The PNR method is a selective contraction of a specific muscle without moving it, followed by relaxation and stretching.

Alternating these types while maintaining a safe pain threshold gives excellent results and allows you to avoid all kinds of injuries.

We dare to tie our shoelaces, pick up toys scattered from the floor or pick up purses, not to mention sports or other hobbies such as gardening. The best belt in the world. Wrap the torso at the height of the navel with regular twine. Release the air from your lungs and gently pull your belly button inward until you feel a little closer to your spine. Tie the cord so that it rests against the body. Before each exercise, always exhale and pull your navel inward so that it does not touch the cord. This forces the brain to learn to first activate our natural "corset", that is, the transverse abdominal muscles.

Stretching also happens:

  • passive - using external force (attracting a partner: boyfriend, mother, sister, brother);
  • active - muscle stretching is achieved by applying independent efforts without outside participation.

Competent mastery of these types of stretches is the first step to success and the ability to do the splits.

Note that even if you try hard, you can't get the string to wrap loosely around the torso. It is important that you do enough exercise first to train your brain to activate the side abdominal muscles or deep abdominal wall muscles as stabilizers before using other muscles. Functional use of deep muscles is critical when drilling, and the best belt in the world allows for precise control.

Fall into the 7 basic movement patterns necessary for the functioning of the human body included in the Primordial Pattern ®. These movements are: squatting, stepping back, tentacles, twisting, snapping, pushing and walking. Bending is one of the most painful movements, even in simple activities such as lifting light objects such as purses from the trunk of a car or socks on the floor. Therefore, strengthening the muscles responsible for the tendons is critical in the context of protecting against injury.

When and how to do stretching exercises for splits

Experts advise doing stretching exercises in the afternoon, from about 16 to 18 hours. The evening should be excluded and devoted to preparing for bed. In the evening, active physical activity should be avoided altogether.

This time was not chosen by chance. An active day, walking, climbing stairs up and back is an excellent preparation for the body for subsequent stretching. This is a kind of warm-up, which should be done more actively from 16-00. Jumping rope, amplitude swings of legs in different directions, and dancing are best suited for this purpose. A well-executed warm-up will make blood flow faster through the cells, delivering valuable oxygen.

We distinguish between two ways to pick something up off the floor: with a rounded spine or with a neutral spine. There are many definitions of the term "neutral spine" - for the purposes of this article we will understand the spine in a normal, healthy position with all the curvatures we assume in a standing position.

Basic stretching exercises

The lumbar segment is visible from the side, and the cleavage is arched forward and the thoracic back. A neutral spine does not require rigidity or immobilization because it is within a range of motion that is individual to each individual. This allows multiple spinal cord positions to be used, with the neutral position falling between the extremes. For people with back pain or spinal problems, this range will be more limited.

The guarantee of quality and positive results of the work performed are:

  1. gradually increase the load to avoid injury;
  2. constant, uniform training, performing exercises without any omissions;
  3. allocate at least an hour a day for exercise;
  4. their correct implementation.

Important! The feeling of sharp pain in the hip joint, knees, calf muscles and other parts of the body is a consequence of insufficient warming up of the muscles involved in the split or improper execution of the split.

It is often said that you need to “lift your legs, not your back.” This means that when lifting something from the floor, we must maintain a neutral spine along with its natural curvature. This tip works very well when we are lifting something heavy, as both research and empirical evidence suggest that maintaining a posterior brace in such situations prevents ligament ligation and intervertebral disc injuries.

However, there is strong evidence that if the spine is healthy and the functional joints of the back and pelvis are subject to well-coordinated rhythms, and when lifting something from the floor, the body can have a natural tendency towards the back, i.e. adopt a childish mood. This is especially true when we collect light-colored objects from the ground. This movement primarily involves the posterior ligaments, which stabilize the entire spine.

If you want to have cat-like flexibility and grace, stretching is your best friend. By following special muscle stretching techniques, you will be able to short term sit on the cross splits, thereby making a lasting impression on others.

It is simply necessary to have many sports activities: martial arts, dancing, rhythmic gymnastics. The twine can be transverse or longitudinal. Cross twine refers to one of the most difficult types of stretching. Due to the technical difficulty, few people succeed in achieving the stretch that allows them to do such a split. Lack of perseverance can be an obstacle, and body features can also get in the way. In fact, it is possible to achieve your cherished goal, the main thing is the presence of desire and desire. Have you already decided to make your dream come true? Then learn how to do the cross split.

Let's start doing the splits!

As with all tissues of the body, it is important to keep the ligaments strong and efficient, so lifting light objects with rounded spines will help keep the ligaments healthy in people who do not suffer from back pain. Individuals suffering from back pain should maintain a neutral spine position for as long as possible when bending and lifting objects from the ground, unless otherwise advised by a doctor or therapist. This position minimizes the load on the lumbar region and evenly distributes the forces on the lower and upper limbs and, above all, on the hip joint.

Splits are not just stretching, but also a step towards health

Having set the goal of doing the cross splits, you need to clearly understand that the task is feasible, but to solve it you need to go a certain way. You can work out with a trainer or study information on the Internet, but no one else will force your body to develop. To increase motivation, before starting classes, sit down, close your eyes and imagine the result you want to get.

This exercise perfectly strengthens the back, so it is recommended especially for people suffering from back pain.

If you suffer from back pain or discopathy, be sure to maintain the natural curvature of the lumbar spine at all times and do not bend it.

You can have someone adhere to 2 non-stretch spots on either side of the spine to help maintain the correct curvature. If kneeling on the floor becomes difficult due to limited mobility in your knees or ankles, kneel low to maintain good posture and avoid pain. To increase the difficulty of the exercise.

If you are not a professional athlete, first evaluate your own physical capabilities. Many beginners, looking at the capabilities of experienced masters, try to imitate them. However, this approach can lead to ligament damage and other injuries.

Do not strive to perform complex exercises at the peak of your own strength, do not try to do the splits quickly. During the training process, you will understand which elements are easy for you and which require effort.

Cross your arms over your chest. Place your fingertips over your ears. Raise your arms above your head and place them at a 45° angle, pointing your thumbs toward the ceiling. When you are ready to perform 3 sets of kneeling bows, go to the bow to sit using the download link.

Sit on a Swiss football and hold a flexible rope attached to a counter or door frame in your hands. Release the air from your lungs and point your nose forward, maintaining the natural curve of your lower back. As you inhale, return to the starting position and pull your arms up toward your chest using the paddle. Repeat 8-12 times, then rest for a minute.

  • Don't let the backers slip off.
  • Try not to remove your shoulders.
The more advanced version of the bow is dead. To perform this exercise correctly, the hamstring tendon must be sufficiently stretched.

You may ask: why do so many people want to do the splits and why is this necessary? In fact good stretch doing cross splits has many advantages for the body:

  • mobility of the hip joints;
  • prevention and elimination of blood stagnation in the lower extremities;
  • alignment of pelvic distortions;
  • elimination of muscle tension;
  • muscle work.

In addition, you will be able to get great amount compliments on your skills, as well as a lot of wonderful photos.

Otherwise, the pelvis can become blocked by tight tendons, causing the lumbar spine to curl, which is what we want to avoid. If the tendons are not stretched enough, place a pillow before performing the exercise to avoid lifting it directly from the floor.

Step forward by flexing your hip and slide your other hand forward as if it were holding a tray.

  • Grasp the horizontal skin of your back, at the level of your navel.
  • Stand with your legs completely straight and bring your legs and knees together.
  • Stop when the skin starts to run between your fingers.
This inclination must be at least 50°. If your camber is less than 50°, you will need an under-bar paddle. Be careful with the deadline. Tension training is also recommended.

Basic Rules for Stretching

You shouldn’t expect results in the very first lesson: once - and you’re in the splits. It's better to start with the basics and basic rules that you need to strictly follow when doing stretching.

Before starting your workout, be sure to warm up your muscles. It is correct to work not only with the lower body, but also to connect the torso and arms. So in just 10 minutes you will increase your flexibility by almost 30% compared to your normal state.

Start with a sumo squat. You should sit low enough to rest on the floor. Lean forward until the weight is directly over your knees, ensuring that your lower spine is in a natural curve. As you shift your weight from your knees, secure it and lower your legs as far as you can without feeling pain. Don't lean forward or round your back. Balance with legs and heels. Always look straight ahead to activate your back abdominal muscles. Imagine that when you stand up, you push the ground apart. Make sure you use the muscles in your butt and legs when moving your knees. Finally, release the air and repeat the exercise 8-12 times, then rest for a minute.

  • Grab a bar or dumbbell from the floor or block and press it against your thighs.
  • Look forward, lift your head high and chest.
  • Take a deep breath into your diaphragm and pull your navel toward your spine.
  • Start sliding into your hip, keeping your head and chest up at all times.
Here are some interesting variations of this exercise that you can do if you don't have problems with feedback.

Regularity is the main key to success. Landing on a cross split requires a fairly serious level of flexibility, so constant training of muscles and tendons is necessary. It is better to conduct classes regularly once every 2-3 days. This regime is optimal until the body gets used to constant stress, after which you can increase the intensity of training and exercise daily.

Training should be carried out in a warm room; if the room is cool, then dress as warmly as possible. During exercise, the body should actively warm up.

Do not strive to accomplish a feat. By putting prolonged and strong pressure on the ligaments, you can get injured. The right thing to do is to do all movements slowly and carefully.

You can achieve results quickly by working out in pairs. Involve one of your friends in your classes, and the range of available exercises will expand significantly. In addition, you will be able to benefit from outside supervision of the training, as well as moral support.

Warm-up process

Warm up immediately before training, so you can adapt to the future load. As a warm-up, you can do minimal cardio training. Jumping rope, squats, and bending in different directions are perfect. Exercises can be combined, so you will achieve continuous progress.

Remember that any workout is stressful for the body, especially if you force the body to make unnatural movements. Start the warm-up slowly, then move to the peak of activity, and finish it slowly. The entire training should take about 10 minutes. And remember, a warm-up is good and carried out efficiently only when your forehead is covered with sweat.

Let's start doing the splits!

When you feel that your body is ready for intense work, begin stretching exercises. By regularly performing the complex, you can greatly increase the flexibility of your body, which means you will get closer to the ability to do the splits.


By doing this workout, you can significantly stretch your inner thighs and develop your groin tendons. To perform this, you need to sit on the floor, bend your knees and spread them apart. The feet should touch each other. This pose is reminiscent of a yogi pose. Pull your heels towards you as much as possible and begin to progressively press your knees towards the floor. Watch your back - it should be straight. After 5 minutes of doing this, stretch your arms and lean forward.


This workout will help you quickly and effectively stretch the inner and back of your thighs and hamstrings. To perform, sit on the floor, keeping your back straight, and place your legs to your sides. Extend your arms and stretch them forward without bending your knees. During training, try to pull your chest toward the floor as much as possible, that is, your body should lie like a “pancake.” At the extreme point, try to linger for a few seconds. To enhance the effect, you can stretch not forward, but sequentially to each leg. Do 10 bends on each leg.


This exercise focuses on the popliteal areas. Transverse twine will become available only after these tendons have been thoroughly worked out. To perform, you need to stand on the floor with your feet together. Bend over with your torso straight, trying to touch your toes to the floor. Try to stay in the lower position for 5-10 seconds.

This training can be modified by performing it sitting or lying on the floor. The principle of execution will remain unchanged: without bending your knees, touch your toes. With a good stretch of the tendons, you will be able to wrap your palms around your feet without effort.

Pull your elbows

This exercise plays an important role in the stretching process. While standing, place your feet shoulder-width apart. With a straight back, try to reach the floor with your elbows. One of the variations of this training is an exercise in which you try to clasp your knees with your hands. To enhance the effect, you can clasp your right and left legs alternately.

The final step is the twine

After you have completed the entire set of exercises and can say with confidence that they are easy for you, start doing the cross splits. Squat down and place your hands on the floor. After this, begin to spread your legs to the sides, keeping them straight. Even if you fail to touch the floor, stay at the point of maximum tension for 10-15 seconds. After this, return to the starting position.

Repeat this action several times, giving your muscles rest in between. In order to get rid of unpleasant sensations, you can actively rub the painful areas.

By doing these exercises correctly, you can see noticeable results quite quickly. Remember that everyone's stretching abilities are different. Some will be able to do the cross splits in a month, while others will need six months. One thing is true and indisputable: with perseverance, you are guaranteed to achieve your goal.