Medical centers for the elderly. Psychological rehabilitation therapy. Directions of our work

04.12.2018 Jurisprudence

Rehabilitation of the elderly is required when elderly person suffered any illness. During rehabilitation, all necessary conditions must be met, taking into account the age and needs of the patients. Special attention here social protection and psychological support should be paid.

Caring for the elderly and disabled. How it manifests itself in Europe and Russia

Social level modern society determined by concern for the elderly generation and low-income citizens. Despite their level of income and old age, everyone has the right to proper care, social security and opportunities to realize themselves in something else. The attitude and views of European society on this situation are expressed in the UN Principles adopted in the winter of 1991 by the General Assembly. Since then, in Western countries, the issue of ensuring a decent and quality standard of living for older generations has been constantly under control.

To be able to meet the requirements of geriatric rehabilitation from your health insurance, you or your loved ones should insist on geriatric rehabilitation from the very beginning. You will usually find support from hospital social services, independent patient consultation or many specialists with the additional title of Geriatrics. If you refuse geriatric rehabilitation, calling your health insurance often helps.

If the clerk doesn't, you can appeal. The following basic requirements must be met for the Geriatric Rehabilitation application. Age: usually from 70 years. Diagnosis: at least two diseases characteristic of geriatrics. Prognosis: Rehabilitation will likely result in the patient being able to live largely self-sufficient, rather than requiring only or very little assistance.

Currently, in almost every country there are a large number of rehabilitation institutions for people older than middle age, and social programs to support older members of society. Such care for elderly citizens has great importance For public opinion in Western countries. People here with achievement retirement age can fully enjoy their well-deserved rest and live for their own pleasure.

Geriatric rehabilitation lasts about 3 weeks on average. Typically, rehabilitation takes place in a hospital or rehabilitation center. Therefore, you should look for a rehab center that is as close to your home as possible. If you plan to change your place of residence after rehabilitation, the best choice would be a clinic near your new place of residence. This allows, for example, for your relatives to participate in rehabilitation work.

Suddenly, pneumonia or stroke: accidents and illnesses force the elderly to quickly take care. Age-related rehabilitation could help - if it were offered and approved more often and earlier. Katrin Taschner is a senior physician at the geriatric rehabilitation clinic in Würzburg. The concept of age-related rehabilitation explains this as follows: “We look at the patient as a whole.” If, for example, an old man breaks his leg, he goes to the bottom of the earth alone: ​​why did he fall? Are there any stumbling blocks at home?

In our country, a similar level of social security will not be available soon. Of course, there is legislation that provides for the interests of the older generation. This is social security, which is manifested in the provision of free medical care, the opportunity to participate in cultural life with access to all cultural values. However, many years of practical experience demonstrate that the state still does not pay due attention to ensuring an adequate standard of living for elderly citizens and meeting their needs.

Lose muscle due to poor diet? A team of specialists then works with the patients. Doctors are specialists. They know how disease symptoms may overlap with older adults and which medications affect them differently. The team at the Würzburg Rech-Klinik not only includes speech therapists, nutritionists, physiotherapists, sports therapists and occupational therapists. Psychologists and social educators also take care of patients: because older patients often leave and suffer from anxiety disorders and depression.

Practice the most important handles. In rehabilitation, they must learn to reacquaint themselves with everyday life. The most important cooking handles are tested in the kitchen. And in dedicated bathrooms, you can check out benefits for seniors: shower arms or larger toilet seats, for example.

What are the features of rehabilitation for older people?

People of retirement age more than anyone else they need good medicine, social protection, moral and psychological support. To become a full-fledged participant in society social life they just lack attitude and positive energy. You can get a boost of energy, vigor and joy for life in a specialized center, with the help of attentive and caring medical staff.

What rehabilitation can do is illustrated by the example of a 75-year-old patient who became paralyzed after a hemorrhage in Würzburg. That's why the doctor is confident: "Geriatric rehabilitation prevents breastfeeding and is much more widely used." Instead, he does not have enough money for these measures. According to Tatschner, the daily wage 188 euros are paid for treatment in Würzburg. In fact, a demand of 211 euros was calculated. That's why the rehabilitation clinic is funded by its operator, the workers' welfare system.

Rehabilitation options for elderly and disabled citizens:

    Medical rehabilitation is to restore the functionality of the body and contribute to improving health.

    Psychological rehabilitation includes measures to ensure a positive attitude and self-confidence, without which treatment becomes ineffective.

    The doctor says it's not just the financing that needs to be improved. She regrets that patients usually come to her only after they have already been in the hospital. It's best to start early: when older people gradually become insecure Everyday life. Through rehabilitation, including daily training, they were able to remain independent longer. Falls and accidents. He advises older adults and their families to frequently inquire about the possibility of geriatric rehabilitation—and to present a contradiction when the insurance company is insured.

    Social rehabilitation necessary to ensure normal conditions life and social interactions.

    Vocational rehabilitation more necessary for people under 50 years of age with various groups disability, but older people also need it. Activities in this area contribute to the restoration of professional functions and employment of older people.

    Geriatric rehabilitation offerings vary depending on the condition. More and more, it is also offered by hospitals and settled as a hospital service. It does not need to be used separately; it is enough to receive instructions from a doctor. Christian Sippel knows both models and has a geriatric rehabilitation clinic and a hospital offering geriatric rehabilitation.

    The proposals are almost equivalent, he said. However, when the path is still through the treasury, the hurdles are still too high: "It is often faster to approve a nurse's step than a rehabilitation measure that could preserve independence." This would make it less expensive for health insurance companies to pay for rehabilitation costs. Nurses provide the lion's share of assistance.

    Educational rehabilitation involves information and advisory support on issues of medical care, social and legal nature.

    Gerontological care includes programs to serve elderly citizens, taking into account age and psychophysical characteristics.

The goals of all types of rehabilitation elderly people is to create conditions for self-service and personal independence. Such activities help improve health and quality of life, as well as maintain performance.

Doubtful cases will be assessed by the health insurance medical service. But Rayland sees the benefits of rehabilitation as generally more limited. “The idea that it can prevent the need for help is a good one, but the reality is often more complex.” Not everything has to go down. Anyone who moves as much as possible within their capabilities can achieve noticeable improvements.

Strokes or crashes with broken bones deprive older people of at least temporary mobility. Especially at older ages, a short period of inactivity has Negative influence on the body and mind. Elders face constant dependence on support and encouragement.

What does a rehabilitation program for the elderly look like?

Medical rehabilitation:

    Restoring physical health ( physiotherapy, occupational therapy);

    Massage treatments;

    Mechanical methods (kinesitherapy);

    Standard therapeutic measures (herbal medicine, occupational therapy);

    The use of psychological methods of influence (psychotherapy);

    But a sudden, serious illness does not have to mean the end of independent living at home. Independent living is sought after, perhaps with support. In the case of people who are still working in the profession, rehabilitation is primarily intended to enable them to return to their old job. However, as age increases, goals shift. Now it's about restoring, improving or maintaining independent living in your own home. must be reduced or prevented.

    Inpatient rehabilitation at a geriatric rehabilitation clinic often takes three to four weeks. However, geriatric rehabilitation is also possible in a day clinic. The prerequisite, however, is that home care is provided at night and on weekends.

    Orthopedic services (prosthetics);

    Treatment at specialized resorts;

    Use of technical rehabilitation means.

Social rehabilitation:

  • Resocialization of elderly people (return to society, increased social activity).
  • Help from social services.
  • Providing favorable conditions for self-care for the elderly.
  • Creation of normal living conditions in accordance with the needs of older people.
  • Providing conditions for comfortable leisure and recreation.

Vocational rehabilitation:

In addition, older adults should be able to get to a day clinic or outpatient rehabilitation center within close proximity to their home with the help of relatives or an organized collection and delivery service. Outpatient rehabilitation is usually limited to 20 days of treatment. If a certain treatment goal is not achieved during this period, you can apply for reimbursement from the insurer during rehabilitation.

After the first days of rehabilitation treatment, specific goals are set for each rehabilitation patient: that is, practitioners are less concerned about the diagnosis than with existing impairments. All members of the treatment team report what disabilities and problems they have identified in their area. Together, rehabilitation potential is identified and reviewed at weekly meetings to determine whether goals can be achieved.

    Creating conditions for extending the working capacity of citizens regardless of their age.

    Retraining of elderly representatives.

    Development of employment programs for people of retirement age.

    Involving older people in professional activities.

Educational rehabilitation:

    Medical consultations on rehabilitation issues.

    Sometimes it is necessary to correct rehabilitation goals. Complaints do not always improve as previously expected. But even small successes should be celebrated! Especially in the case of slow healing processes, the desire for recovery and a positive outlook for the future are decisive for patients. It could mean, "I won't be healthy anymore, but I have a chance to live in my own home again." Therefore, the goal of therapy is also to live with existing disorders. Self-help is called in nursing jargon.

    During therapy, physiotherapists and occupational therapists provide patients with as much as they need, with individual adaptations. Therapists also educate relatives about disabilities and benefits, such as disabled carriage or walkers. Ertotherapists or social educators accompany the patient to his home. However, this locomotive may also show that returning to the current home environment poses too many security risks.

    Increasing the level of public awareness in the field of social rehabilitation of the elderly.

    Providing information about social support opportunities.

Gerontological care:

    Help in caring for the elderly from family and the public.

    Availability of quality medical care.

    Activities to maintain physical fitness, as well as psycho-emotional state.

    In advance of discharge, the outpatient safety net is designed to provide adequate medical care, care, and home care at home. Addicts play a very important role. Recognition and encouragement build motivation and self-confidence outside of the rehabilitation stay. To achieve rehabilitation goals in the long term, exercise must be an integral part of the day's work.

    For example, this independent therapy should be used by physical therapists at larger intervals. Residents for older adults are open gerontology interprofessional health centers that can be either temporary or permanent residency. They target older people with a certain degree of addiction. The main characteristics of these centers are:

    Availability of legal and social services.

    Ensuring the possibility of independent decision-making regarding care and living conditions.

Where is rehabilitation of the elderly carried out?

Rehabilitation at home. This method of rehabilitation is chosen by people who prefer a familiar home environment. The main goal of such care is to create the most comfortable conditions for the rehabilitation of an elderly person in his usual living environment. Thus, his social and personal status is supported, his interests and legal rights are taken into account.

The purpose of this center is to respond to major social problems and health problems of older people. The residence has 45 residential beds, intended for permanent or temporary stay, which are divided into private areas and people's areas, located under the general management of the elderly, disabled and dependents of the Ministry of Social Security of the Government of Castilla-La Mancha.

  • Nutritional program.
  • Occupational therapy.
  • Socio-cultural animation.
  • Assistance services.
Residence for the elderly "Altavida". The Altavida Residence, located in Abanilla, is a social and wellness center that provides comprehensive care for people with a certain degree of dependency due to their age, illness or disability. To this end, it has 81 residential spaces, divided into private areas and people's areas with the General Directorate of Older People from the Institute for Social Action of Murciano, the Council of the Family and Equal Opportunities of the Autonomous Community of Murcia Region.

In most cases, rehabilitation at home is carried out by patients with tuberculosis in the inactive phase, cancer patients, people suffering from minor psychological disorders and other serious somatic diseases. It must be said that for those who care for the elderly, this is quite hard work that requires constant presence and observation. For relatives of a sick elderly person, this can create some difficulties.

Rehabilitation and physiotherapy. Promoting health and active aging. Memory and calculation methods. Social workers and health auxiliaries. Hospital escort service. Religious Nursing Service. Cleaning, laundry and service. Hairdressing and podiatry services.

  • Residential service: temporary or permanent stay.
  • Single and double rooms.
  • Individual assistance program.
  • Social and family care and social participation.
  • Family participation program.
It is located approximately 35 km from Murcia and 20 km from the city of Alicante Orihuela.

State rehabilitation services. In almost all cities of the country there are government institutions and centers for the rehabilitation of elderly people. These are boarding homes or institutions with medical services. Some of them can really help and solve the problem of an elderly person, but due to the lack of decent funding and support, they cannot provide comfortable conditions and provide good care.

Poor government provision deprives such centers of qualified and professional specialists, necessary equipment, good food and cultural life. The reason for the lack of qualified personnel is unworthy wages for fairly difficult work. Therefore, in such institutions, older people do not live, but simply exist.

Rehabilitation at the expense of charitable funds. The main task of charitable organizations is to ensure a comfortable and comfortable old age. Their main job is to provide financial support to senior centers to improve living conditions and conduct various cultural events. Charitable foundations also provide targeted assistance to the elderly in need of health improvement, home care and expensive treatment. In Russia there are charitable foundations “Old Age in Joy”, “Good Deed” and “Sofia”.

Private boarding houses for the elderly and disabled. Today, private rehabilitation centers for the elderly are being organized in the Russian Federation. These can be boarding houses with standard medical care or centers with an extensive rehabilitation program and high-level medical care. Many such commercial centers are located outside the city near a forest or river. They have everything necessary for a comfortable stay for elderly citizens with different needs.

Such centers offer individual and standard programs for the care and rehabilitation of patients for any period of time. Some of them can provide services at home according to an individually designed program.

Similar boarding houses for older people they can be a place not only for rehabilitation, treatment or permanent residence, they can also be used as a rest home or sanatorium.

The advantage of such centers is medical care taking into account the needs of older people, creating a cultural program in accordance with their interests and preferences, and organizing leisure time.

Help from a professional psychologist and other highly specialized doctors is offered. As a rule, accommodation in commercial boarding houses and centers is paid, but thanks to cooperation with charitable foundations, they can accept people who cannot afford to pay for their treatment. The cost of staying in a rehabilitation center can be compared with the price of a room in an inexpensive hotel.

For older people who want to spend time with like-minded people and feel active in life, leisure centers for retirees have been created. They provide a person with emotional support and help improve their internal state, in which the pensioner feels fulfilled. Centers for senior citizens are in great demand these days. There are private ones, and there are assistance centers for pensioners operating on a state basis.

What are leisure centers for pensioners?

It is clear that a leisure center for pensioners solves the main problem - leisure activities and the main thing is that the pensioner does not lose faith in life! But every person has his own potential, his own vital energy, and for some reason there are people who think that now a person should sit at home after finishing work and there is no need for him to spend time “idly”. This is absolutely not true! It is very important to conserve energy and diversify your life as much as possible.

Any person with pension certificate can come to your district or city service center for pensioners and register there. The district center is called the Social Service Center, or CSC. After registering, a pensioner opens up a lot of opportunities for himself. For example, he can buy the best tickets to theatres, ballet or opera, even to the premieres of new films, all at a reduced price. It happens that sometimes such centers even provide outings and full-fledged trips.

Finance for such events is provided by the municipality, so such benefits depend on their generous bosses. Sometimes on holidays or weekends, which is less common, leisure centers for pensioners provide the latter with free food. Some provide the services of a doctor who can refer the retiree to the right specialist.

Such centers sometimes create interest groups. This is very important because... It is then that the pensioner begins to feel in demand and share experience and knowledge. They can even organize such circles themselves.

All such institutions, as a rule, have their own websites on the Internet, and they can be found by contacting the help desk. You can also find similar information in local newspapers, published free of charge. In big cities, such centers are called clubs. In Moscow there is the Club of Veterans and Pensioners “Enthusiast”, there is the Club “Health and Longevity”, “Center for Culture and Sports Izmailovo”. In St. Petersburg, the Troitsky club is popular, where people communicate and even create couples! In Yekaterinburg - “Golden Age”, “Friendship”, “Girls”.

What does the social center offer for pensioners?

Today Moscow is the largest city, home to more than three million pensioners. Due to the expansion of the city and a huge amount retired people are organized in each district territorial center services for pensioners and sometimes you can find up to several centers in one area.

CSOs, which began to be created in 1989, are extremely popular. Today the city already has 113 such centers and 9 branches. Since its inception, the number of social service centers has doubled - in 2015, 58 social service centers for pensioners were created.

Pensioner Support Center has a sufficient amount of social assistance. In Moscow, these centers are trying to make social services accessible, which is why there are day care departments, emergency social assistance departments, and specialized or social-medical care departments when a pensioner needs help at home.

And many pensioners need help at home, which is why branches have been created at the CSC, of ​​which today there are 996 in the city, serving 118.8 thousand people. The departments provide assistance to elderly people or married couples who have limited household capabilities.

What services do the branches provide? This includes food delivery, assistance in organizing meals and purchasing necessary medications. There they help you get first aid and help escort you to the hospital if necessary. They provide assistance in keeping the apartment clean in accordance with sanitary and hygienic requirements, as well as carrying out repairs, resolving issues with utility bills and assisting with other household services.

The Senior Center plays an important role in the lives of seniors. After all, it allows you to provide maximum support to pensioners in the environment to which they are accustomed, does not destroy their way of life, and protects their interests and rights. In addition, thanks to the help of the CSO, in-patient boarding institutions still number only about 15 thousand people compared to the city’s million inhabitants.

Stay centers for permanent pensioners are divided into permanent forms (the pensioner can choose himself) and temporary (up to six months). These institutions provide any type of assistance: medical, social, psychological, and also pensioners receive legal support, where they are guaranteed compliance with all rights.

In addition to ordinary pensioners, disabled people and people on bed rest find shelter in inpatient boarding schools for the elderly.

In Moscow organized and the new kind social assistance based on all of the above services. These are specialized residential buildings where people with disabilities, single pensioners and elderly couples live. Three buildings have already been built, each with 382 apartments.

There is a medical center open 24 hours a day, which you can contact, as well as a control room, which is also open 24 hours a day. Such houses are beginning to become very popular, because they provide very comfortable living conditions. Pensioners can live their long lives there in comfort and peace.

Rehabilitation center for pensioners as a form of protection for the elderly

To return pensioners to normal life among other groups of the population, social services create special rehabilitation centers for pensioners to improve their quality of life. What services does the Moscow government provide to provide elderly people with the necessary conditions? First of all, providing unemployed people over the age of 55 for women and 60 for men with all the necessary protection is one of the main tasks of the state.

First of all, these are medical services, including psychological assistance, a set of measures aimed at socio-economic support, legal assistance, pedagogical and professional assistance. All these actions help to support morally and socially this large segment of the population in our country. The Center for Support of Pensioners aims to preserve the vital activity of older people among a variety of groups and direct them to maximum independence, both material and social.

Rehabilitation measures for pensioners are divided into the following categories:

    Social rehabilitation measure,

    Professional rehabilitation measure,

    Medical rehabilitation measure.

Social security helps to create or restore social status if it is lost, also help to find loved ones and provide an elderly pensioner with communication with other people. It is divided into two areas that help pensioners:

    Adapt to environmental conditions through training, connections, clubs, etc.,

    Adapt the environment to the necessary needs.

Professional support helps to achieve an independent position, material and status. Such support centers for retirees evaluate professional abilities and education, and help them adapt to possible work. An elderly person, being retired, must be in demand and independent! Depending on the state of health, all measures are aimed at restoring professional ability to work.

Medical support completely takes over the restorative functions of an elderly person aimed at improving health. These measures include various Spa treatment, rehabilitation treatment, as well as observation of the patient by doctors. If necessary, the medical center for pensioners provides referrals for free surgeries, prosthetics and other similar activities.

Among the rehabilitation services, there are also three ways for the rehabilitation of disabled pensioners:

    Restorative path- the way when there is a possibility of restoration of any impaired functions,

    Substitution path- a path when any functions are not restored, but must be replaced by adaptation to environmental conditions (special transport, medical prostheses, medications, clothing, etc.),

    Adaptation path- a path when it is impossible to restore functions by any means, then it is necessary to provide the disabled pensioner with an adaptive environment, to help him feel psychologically and financially comfortable.

Basic principles of rehabilitation:

    The principle of consistency. The necessary stages of rehabilitation should be carried out continuously and continuity should be observed.

    The principle of individuality. The necessary measures should be taken, taking into account the individual character of the person being rehabilitated, taking into account his state of health and the possibility of social adaptation.

    The principle of deployment of rehabilitation potential. It is recommended that the pensioner has a personal interest in implementing a set of measures.

    The principle of mutual adaptation to environment, as well as to his needs and efforts. The goal pursued by the complex of rehabilitation measures is an independent old man, fit for public work. The goal is achieved through psychological assistance, establishing public relations and connections with family.

    The principle of conditional completion of rehabilitation and socialization. After all complexes of rehabilitation measures are completed, full support and protection of the disabled pensioner is provided.

Who can get into the day care center for pensioners

The stay center for pensioners is divided into day (temporary) and permanent. The day department at rehabilitation centers for pensioners provides all possible medical care, social assistance, legal and other types of assistance. In addition, its activities are aimed at carrying out a set of rehabilitation measures for elderly pensioners and disabled people, as well as organizing recreation and leisure activities.

Below is a list of services provided by the day care center for pensioners in Moscow and the Moscow region:

Social services:

    Providing food according to standards,

    Leisure activities, organizing recreation, providing pensioners with board games, newspapers and magazines.

Social and medical services:

    Organization of the first medical examination,

    Directing and performing procedures necessary after the first inspection, such as measuring blood pressure, temperature, monitoring medication intake,

    Consulting on social and medical issues of social services, obtaining necessary medications, carrying out health measures, etc.,

    Carrying out a set of health measures,

    Conducting various training sessions aimed at a healthy lifestyle,

    Conducting various physical education classes.

Social and psychological services:

    Consulting on various issues, including family relationships,

    Providing psychological assistance.

Social and labor services:

    Training in new skills that a retiree wants to acquire,

    Organization of events in which a pensioner is involved in using his work opportunities.

What tasks does the day care center for pensioners set for themselves for the rehabilitation of pensioners:

    Supporting an active lifestyle,

    Organization of recreation and provision of food to disabled people in accordance with the individual rehabilitation program (IRP),

    Organization of feasible labor,

    Implementation of the social rehabilitation section of the IRP for disabled people;

    Organizing conditions for self-realization through measures taken to improve health.

Who has the right to receive services in rehabilitation centers for pensioners:

    Disabled people in accordance with the IPR,

    Disabled people who have partially retained the ability to move, as well as self-care,

    Elderly citizens

    Minor children from large and low-income families,

    Minor street children during summer holidays,

    Other citizens who have the right to the provided social services day department.

In the day rehabilitation center, social services are provided free of charge, as well as on a partial or full payment basis. Free services include massage rooms, different types physical education.

Documents required for enrollment in the day care department:

    An application drawn up in person indicating enrollment in the service,

    A medical report on the patient’s state of health and the absence of contraindications for the patient to carry out a set of measures carried out at the service center for pensioners and disabled people (a certificate is provided from a medical institution),

    Certificate of family composition of the applicant (it is necessary to indicate family ties and dates of birth of each family member),

    Individual program for the provision of social services.

What is good about a private health center for pensioners?

A permanent stay center for pensioners is in increasing demand among the population. They are private and public, and they have one goal, aimed at ensuring a comfortable and convenient old age. As a rule, municipal service centers for pensioners bring in elderly people who cannot provide for themselves, do not have a family to provide for their relatives, and do not have their own housing. In addition, it often happens that they suffer from mental disorders, have limited self-care, and have poor health.

Such centers have been created in the Moscow region, state boarding houses for retired workers of science, labor and cinema and more. They are located in ecologically clean areas. In addition, private health boarding houses also provide comfortable living conditions. Today, the centers are represented by apartments, where pensioners adapt very quickly; they like the service staff, trained to have gentle contact with residents. This support center for retirees creates a cozy and caring atmosphere.

Moscow - Big city for working people. And it’s not easy for older people to live in such a rhythm; they need the peace and quiet that such a center can provide.

A private health center for pensioners accepts guests on a paid basis. The organizers provide high level accommodation, offer big choice medical services and different kinds entertainment. Some of them provide separate townhouses, guest houses or cottages for accommodation.

When can you use the services of health centers for pensioners:

    In case of long business trips of relatives looking after pensioners, when elderly people require proper care,

    If it is impossible to pay the necessary attention to elderly people, relatives, parents,

    If continuous treatment is necessary under medical supervision.

Today the Moscow region provides a large number of various centers for pensioners. The most important thing is when such a center is located close to the city. Here are some examples:

Nursing home in the Moscow region in the village of Dubrava

Boarding house address : Moscow region, Istrinsky district, Dubrava village, 12b.

A truly picturesque and ecologically clean place, the village of Dubrava is located 30 km from the Moscow Ring Road. The cozy house is located on the territory of a well-kept garden with an area of ​​25 acres.. Trained and skilled workers care for the elderly with all the care they need. Accommodation is available in single, double and five-bed rooms. Each individual “apartment” is provided with a bathroom, shower, and air conditioning.

Older people really like it pool, fireplace room and cozy room, gathering residents for gatherings. The territory is laid out so conveniently that it invites you to take walks and relax in the gazebos located in the garden of the boarding house.

Nursing home in the Moscow region in Odintsovo

Boarding house address : Moscow region, Odintsovo district, village Ershovo, house 240.

The private boarding house in Odintsovo is located in a very quiet place. The boarding house is easily accessible from the center of Moscow by car and even by public transport. The prices here are very affordable, and the coziness and comfort provided by the staff is at a high level.

The area of ​​the house is 600 sq. m. m., it allows you to accommodate a large number of residents. There is a tent on the territory all spring and summer, where the elderly enjoy spending their leisure time. The site allows you to stroll through the beautifully designed area.

The contract can be drawn up for any period. The rehabilitation and medical care program, if required by residents, is included in the invoice.

What you should pay attention to when choosing a private boarding house for the elderly or a health center for pensioners:

    Availability of ramps for the movement of people with disabilities,

    Equipped with panic buttons for urgently calling medical workers,

    Round-the-clock work of medical workers,

    Providing individual dietary nutrition for medical indications,

    Providing various medications, diapers, support frames or walkers,

    Landscaping and protection of the territory.

The main responsibilities of healthcare workers (the services provided can be completely different):

    Hygiene procedures,

  • Psychological help,

    Consultation with a therapist.

Any private rehabilitation center for pensioners and elderly people holds various competitions and events. The most important thing in these animation programs is to get the necessary positive emotions. The morning always starts with light exercise. During the day, residents choose an activity that they like best - they can do needlework, do something with their hands, they can sing, play musical instruments. Some choose different Board games. All this helps them restore their cognitive abilities.

Food depends on the requirements of relatives, medical indications, health status and it is corrected by specialists. In any case, meals are provided four times a day: two light breakfasts, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner.

The program is complemented by mandatory daily medical checks: temperature measurement, blood pressure measurement, cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Daily walks are a necessity for older people. A large team at the retirement center celebrates major public holidays. There are more entertainment events for birthdays, and Orthodox holidays are marked by trips and visits to nearby temples. Residents of private nursing homes are provided with trips to theaters and concerts, and even shopping.

The most important thing is that older people find lively communication in a team, which is so necessary for their psychological health and sometimes turns out to be more useful than any medicine.