Sickness vouchers in the hospital. Sanatorium-resort treatment for pensioners: tips on how to get preferential vouchers

14.01.2018 State

Federal and regional beneficiaries are entitled to it. Study the list - maybe your relatives don’t even suspect that they can get medical treatment for free and get a ticket to a sanatorium

Find out who is entitled

Federal beneficiaries include disabled war veterans and participants of the Second World War; combat veterans; military personnel undergoing military service from June 22, 1941 to September 3, 1945; residents of besieged Leningrad; family members of fallen (deceased) WWII participants and combat veterans; disabled people; ; “Chernobyl victims” and “Semipalatinsk residents”.

Regional beneficiaries include labor veterans, home front workers, citizens who suffered from political repression, etc. Find out exactly what benefits are available in your region at the regional social security institution.

In addition, they can be referred to a specialist for further treatment after discharge from the hospital - and on a discounted voucher.

Get help

If you have indications for sanatorium-resort treatment (, chronic disease, or you are part of another category of beneficiaries listed in Article 6.1 of Federal Law No. 178), obtain a certificate from the clinic at your place of residence in form N 070/u-04.

Write a statement

Apply to the territorial Fund social insurance(FSS) or social protection department - in different regions different institutions are involved in issuing vouchers. Your application must be registered no later than 10 days from the date of submission. Write down the registration number.

Watch the queue

Call periodically and ask how your line is progressing. Muscovites can track the fate of their voucher on the Internet. This opportunity exists in some other regions.

Get your trip

The voucher must be issued to you no later than 18 days before arrival. It will be marked: “Paid for from the federal budget and cannot be sold.” The second document - a sanatorium-resort card - will be issued where a certificate for obtaining a voucher was issued.

Give your voucher to the clinic

At the sanatorium you must present two documents - a voucher and a sanatorium-resort card. After treatment, you must return the return voucher for your sanatorium-resort card to the clinic or hospital (where you received it). 30 days are given for this.

If it doesn't work out, complain

If you are denied entry, write a complaint to the regional office of Roszdravnadzor. When paying for your fare, ask to be given a special compartment with all the amenities. This is possible, but not everyone knows about this possibility. On the eve of departure, you need to call the station and ask for help with boarding. Station staff will meet you and help you board the train. The sanatorium is obliged to meet you at the station and carry him out after the end of the course of treatment, providing a loader and transport. But in practice this condition is not always met.

A sanatorium or health care facility guides people to improve their health through natural factors, physical therapy, healthy diet and exercise. Persons whose illness corresponds to a certain list of diseases have the right to vacation with a voucher in this establishment. It is possible to enter the dispensary after a medical report and collection of mandatory documentation.

You will be denied a ticket to the sanatorium if you have such diseases as acute mental disorders, venereal, infectious, malignant tumors, in women - gynecological pathology, the 2nd half of pregnancy, a predisposition to bleeding.

Those who do not suffer from the above diseases should prepare for vacation in advance. You can’t do without medical certificates and opinions. Contact your local physician with a medical insurance policy at your clinic. He will refer you for a medical examination and tell you what tests you need to take. If you don’t want to go to the offices, you are allowed to go to the department. There they will do a routine examination and issue an extract.

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The next step is to visit your doctor at your local hospital. Based on the provided extract from medical specialists, he will write a certificate. This paper is the basis for obtaining a permit. It indicates which dispensaries are suitable for you and which are contraindicated.

A ticket can be purchased either for money (if there are no benefits) or for free. The list of beneficiaries includes: WWII participants, their families, veterans, disabled people, citizens with the sign of the siege of Leningrad and their family members. Such people are supposed to contact social services at their registration address. In these institutions, specialists will issue a voucher; if there is none, they will put you in a queue to receive one. You will need documents confirming that the person is a beneficiary (they are issued by the Pension Fund). Even at enterprises where people who want to get medical treatment and rest work, you can purchase a discounted voucher from the trade union committee. Only for this you need to be a member of the trade union committee and pay dues. Otherwise you will have to pay the full amount for it.

Having received a ticket, all that remains is to issue a sanatorium card. The doctor will indicate all diseases and recommendations for their treatment and prevention. In addition, you will need signatures from other specialists, so please take time and patience. This document is individual for everyone. When filling it out, the doctor will ask for personal information (bring your passport, Taxpayer Identification Number, and insurance card with you).

Here you will see:

Now the reader understands what needs to be done to get a ticket. Only at first glance everything is not easy. Knowing what to do and why, a person can plan his time in advance. And also, if your attending physician sends you to a sanatorium after an illness, then he must issue you a sick leave for the duration of your stay in the institution.

If the voucher is allocated and the start date of treatment is known, you need to take care of obtaining a sanatorium card. It is better to go to a medical institution to receive it 2 months before the start of the voucher.

It is necessary to ensure that the vouchers have all the appropriate marks. The fact that it has been paid is evidenced by the FSS seal and the following mark: “Paid from the federal budget.” It is also noted here that it is “not for sale.”

When a pensioner is in a sanatorium-resort institution, the staff will give him a tear-off coupon from his voucher. This coupon must be presented at the end of the holiday to the place where the permit was received. It will serve as proof that the treatment was actually received and the vacation took place in accordance with the law.

You will need to collect a tear-off coupon from the sanatorium-resort card from the sanatorium doctors. It must also be provided to the medical institution that sent the person for treatment. If circumstances arise for a pensioner such that he cannot begin treatment, then he is obliged to return the voucher to the place where he received it no later than a week before the start of the treatment period. Otherwise they will arise. So you can’t wait until the last minute.

If you are patient and follow all the advice, you will definitely be able to get treatment and rest for free.

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