Why do they take tall people into special forces? How to get into the GRU. GRU special forces training. Military service experience

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19-07-2016, 12:00

“Intelligence has the right to select a soldier from any unit,” says former GRU instructor Sergei Nikolaevich Badyuk. When we recruit soldiers for special forces, we always ask the fighter a question - what does he need in special forces? If he wants to become a Hero of Russia, we send him to such and such a mother. No, he will definitely become a hero, but posthumously. And he will bury the whole group with him. Recklessness is only needed when you're pushed against the wall. Then with a shout of “Hurray!” took the machine gun and ran to die. Victory is when you quietly completed the task and returned alive.

The Special Aviation Service is a full-fledged special forces regiment that is the envy of the world. It lasts five months and has a 90% failure rate. The army's harsh training ground: soldiers at the Brecon Beacons. This is also the main course that Special Boat Service volunteers must take.

There are two courses a year for those who dare to volunteer - a summer course and a winter course. The truth is that they are both about the same. Neither for the weak, nor for those who are potentially fatal. The last winter course claimed the life of the young captain, who died in freezing temperatures.

Conscripts are recruited into the special forces with the note: “Fit for the Airborne Forces.” These are physical conditions slightly above average (height does not matter) and (preferably) at least the first category in applied military sports: running, parachuting, shooting or hand-to-hand combat. Well and since the main task of the GRU is reconnaissance, and the main muscle of a reconnaissance officer is the head, it is welcome if you have improved it at school, college or institute. In addition, a special forces soldier must have five basic qualities.

Proof, if any was needed, that the course is being run at the edge of human endurance. It is 40 miles long and must be completed without stopping, within a certain amount of time and while wearing a 60 lb backpack, a rifle and a full water bottle.

The officers on the course face an additional obstacle during Officers' Week, which further destroys the survivors. By the end of the test week we were up to 12 officers and 50 soldiers. By the end, only three officers and 21 men out of the original 228 had received the coveted sand beret and winged dagger badge.

The Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation dates back to 1918. Engaged in all types of intelligence in the interests of the Armed Forces - intelligence, space, radio-electronic. The number and budget are classified.

The GRU special forces were created in 1950, the tasks of the units are reconnaissance deep behind enemy lines, counterintelligence, sabotage activities, and the destruction of terrorists. GRU special forces units played a huge role in the Afghan war and in operations on the territory of the Chechen Republic. At the moment, it is the most closed and, perhaps, the most combat-ready unit of the Russian Armed Forces.

This was a very high rating - especially for the officers. In the previous test, only one passed. The next two had no officers selected. The bandage would go at a damn pace, followed by men. It was my job at the back of the group to maintain the candidate's pace and also to watch for tell-tale signs of heat exhaustion.

Video: Contract service in special forces

It was always very close whether to stop someone if they were incoherent. You realized that you could ruin his chance of choice. But you may also have to save his life. If you've had a heat accident, the exercise was simple. Get them on deck, take out their trousers and boots and their equipment, and then give them a salty drip.


Intelligence has the right to select soldiers from any unit. When we recruit soldiers for special forces, we make sure to ask the fighter a question - what does he need in special forces? If he wants to become a Hero of Russia, we send him to such and such a mother. No, he will definitely become a hero, but posthumously. And he will bury the whole group with him. Recklessness is only needed when you're pushed against the wall. Then with a shout of “Hurray!” took the machine gun and ran to die. Victory is when you quietly completed the task and returned alive.

Horrible tricks are eager to play on your mind

It was rude and undignified, but the fastest way to get fluid into a dangerously ill person. As the body heats up, it begins to lose more and more fluid through the process of sweating. At this point, even moderately dehydrated people, no matter how fit they are, become prone to making irrational decisions, research shows.

Indeed, during the extreme pressure of a military trial, a soldier suffering from mild dehydration may begin to believe that they cannot afford to stop drinking. A vicious cycle occurs where it becomes more difficult for the victim to make rational choices to save his life.

From the first day, a soldier who ends up in special forces begins to hammer into his head (with words, hands, feet) the main commandment: you are the coolest of all. This is an important moment of psychological preparation. And you will believe it. If not, they will send you to serve in the infantry. You shoot around the clock, run like a horse, and are constantly beaten. They do not beat in the sense of hazing and lawlessness that is happening in the army. There’s no “fetch-and-give” stuff. You just move around the barracks as if you’re in enemy territory. Either they’ll slap you across the head, or they’ll mine the bed and put a tripwire, or they’ll put a noose around your neck. That’s our joke. It’s normal. It makes you think, Listening, looking, being in a state of combat readiness. Touching unfamiliar or, in principle, bright things is quickly disabused: there is a keychain with keys on the table, and under it there is an improvised explosive device, you grab the keys - you can be left without a hand after six months of service. the eyes grow in the back of your head, you even sleep so lightly that just looking at you wakes me up.

Mild dehydration—one to two percent loss of normal body water—can significantly deplete a soldier's thinking abilities. C. experts show that even then people begin to get confused. At two percent dehydration, focus and short-term memory begin to focus. Even more dangerously, a person's ability to accurately assess how they feel begins to fade.

Soldiers desperate to prove themselves in the most difficult conditions may convince themselves that they do not need water and can continue. Even worse, these levels of dehydration can creep up on people completely by surprise. Lawrence Armstrong is a professor of physiology at the University of Connecticut and an international hydration expert.

Paratrooper's bread- these are his legs. Because from the moment the reconnaissance group is spotted, according to statistics, after 6 hours they will catch up with it and destroy it. Are you exhausted? You remain to cover the entire group. I know a case when, in a combat situation, a guy said that he could no longer run. They left him almost all the ammunition and ran on. This is how they become heroes. You don't have to be a master of hand-to-hand combat, but you have to run like a race mare.

He says: Our feeling of thirst doesn't actually occur until we're 1 or 2% dehydrated. By then, dehydration has already set in and affects the way the mind and body perform. “Beyond this point, the worse the dehydration, the more irrational the patient becomes.”

German scientists have used brain scanners to reveal why dehydration can wreak such havoc. This actually shrinks the brain, causing physical changes that are very similar to those seen in patients with Alzheimer's disease, say researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig.

During the first month in special forces, a soldier sleeps for 4 hours - less is allowed according to the regulations. The remaining 20 hours he works hard. Wake up at 6 am. They calmly let you get up, wash, and stretch. There is no need to believe the films, there is no rush in the spirit of “get yourself in order while the match is burning.” Then they put on their backpacks and ran. Lazy, the main thing is not to go into a sportive step. Lazy does not mean calm. The commander constantly gives introductory tasks. Either we have ambushes or shooting, so the running is always in a ragged rhythm: with somersaults, crawling, goose-stepping. After the run, there is physical training, special tactical exercises, hand-to-hand combat.

Military doctors conducted clinical researches soldiers on exercises and combat pilots in the air. The Army experimented with different shaped bodies of water to see what motivated soldiers to drink the most. Soldiers participating in the exercise were informed of the critical importance of staying hydrated. The tragic problem is that once dehydration sets in, such life-saving lessons can be quickly forgotten.

Those who failed to make the cut usually sat in dejected silence on their equipment. And once again, the staff will keep an eye on who is about to simmer. I have Nice memories about these tests, but there was also a tragedy. There were accidents - infrequent, but sometimes they happened.

The endurance and mental stability of a soldier who deigns to serve in the GRU special forces is tested “at the races.” The races look like this: A group of soldiers are driven into the forest for 7-8 days without provisions. The commanders, who change every 12 hours, drive the soldiers through the forest and They are not allowed to sleep at all until they lose consciousness, vomit, and other joys. Those who can’t stand it are sent “outside the fence,” that is, into the combat troops. This way a lot of people are eliminated. The races are held every six months, it's like an exam.

Join the special forces: requirements

At one selection, a support member was shot and killed in a jungle of live and empty ammunition. That was over 20 years ago, but the lessons learned from that incident are still strictly enforced. According to regimental legend, the commanding officer called in Warrant Officer "Lofty" Wiseman, who was in charge of the course. What should we say about this Lofty? There are questions in the House of Commons.

Naturally, this latest incident attracts Special attention, as it includes members of the Territorial Army, a reserve army that now makes up about a quarter of the British Army. The point is that deaths are unusual and we need to keep them in perspective.

When, while going out into the forest, a group of recruits begin to be shot from the bushes with blank cartridges, panic begins among the soldiers. It's treatable. The best cure for panic is hand-to-hand combat training. The fighter is dressed in defense, put against an order of magnitude stronger and more experienced fighter - and beaten. This is how a fighting character and determination to go to the end are formed. Do not confuse this with hazing; a soldier is always given the opportunity to fight back. Even so: a soldier who does not fight back is sent “behind the fence.” The peculiarity of hand-to-hand combat of special forces is that any fight comes down to one thing - to destroy the enemy. We do not have operations to detain dangerous criminals, we have a war. Hence the motto of the special forces: “Only idiots fight with their bare hands.” First of all, soldiers are taught to use available means: a machine gun, a knife, sticks, stones, fragments of bottles, pieces of glass, tightly rolled newspaper. Right now we are sitting in a cafe, talking. Before me are two deadly weapons - my beer mug and your teapot. First I will scald your face with tea, then I will hit your temple with a blow to your head with this teapot. It’s even easier with a mug: you break it on the table and cut your neck with the broken edge. We have one task - to inflict fatal wounds, and this is precisely the head and neck area.

A healthy body has a healthy spirit

If our special forces are to remain world leaders, then we must maintain the highest standards. Commandos are highly trained soldiers who are trained and qualified in a range of modern specialized weapons and equipment and can deploy their area of ​​operations over long distances using a wide range of insertion techniques. The Commando can operate in the most challenging operational situations in any region of the world where Australia's national interests are served.

And only then, when all the basic necessities have been mastered, a very compact set of striking equipment is trained.

In addition to hand-to-hand combat, special forces have a whole series of “exercises for daring.” In our unit, for example, they used exercises with a rat. They put a large rat in the washbasin and locked a naked soldier with it. The task of such a meeting is to strangle the rat. When the rat has nowhere to go , she begins to attack. And this is real toughness. In short, if you can beat her down with your bare hands, you are no longer afraid of any person.

Recently, commandos have deployed in the most different places, including East Timor, Iraq, Afghanistan and Solomon Islands. This includes the ability to perform effectively and without signs of undue stress, panic or excessive fear when faced with heights, dark confined spaces, the ocean or surf zone at any time, either independently or as part of a team. As a Commando you will be part of one of Australia's most respected Special Forces units which will be either the 1st Commando Regiment or the 2nd Commando Regiment.

The main thing in a soldier- aggression. The special forces soldier fears the sergeant more than the enemy. And he runs towards the enemy with a clear desire to devour him. During hand-to-hand combat training, there is blood. The sergeants deliberately injure the soldier. A fighter must get used to blood, let’s say, become a Satan. You're probably used to working out in the gym to energetic music? For a fighter, the best soundtrack is the three-story checkmate of his commander. In a state of such severe pressure, feelings become so acute that everything invested in a soldier in six months remains with him for the rest of his life. It’s not like you go to training in light mode for 15 years and then become a world champion. The paratrooper is immersed in a state of war and made to feel a real threat to his life - and this is his advantage. Here is the answer to the question: Why the hell do they call in a company of riot police to calm down three drunken paratroopers? The secret is psychological readiness to kill a person.

You will use advanced tactics and specialized weapons and equipment with stealth, surprise and precision application of hard strike force in a range of operations. Participate in tactical air lands from fixed wing and rotating wing aircraft. Exit the ship with the amphibious insert ship. and from the parent ship. Release and climb down vertical obstacles using war trophy and caving techniques. Equipment for operational communications. Entrance to the structure. Airborne takeoff and quick turn. Collage with the Laws of Armed Conflict. Rules of participation and compliance with the order to open fire. Learn and use foreign languages ​​operationally and academically. Deployment Supports the personal protection of senior military and government ministers in war-like situations.

  • Carefully use a number of advanced weapon systems.
  • In the nearest neighborhoods.
  • Participate in combat patrols in both urban and rural areas.
  • Set targets using explosives.
  • Place on land or in water.
Being a commando is not an ordinary career.

There is, of course, an important social problem. Objectively, what our country does not have are rehabilitation centers after the army. We fulfill our task, we prepare a fighter, he serves, but upon returning home, he cannot adapt to peaceful life.

Special forces are paranoid about hygiene. Since reconnaissance is constantly outside the deployment point, fighters are required to keep themselves clean in any conditions. Any fighter, upon arriving at the location, must first wash his uniform and change into clean clothes. No matter what crap you crawl through, be kind enough to put yourself in order after completing the task. I don’t remember any of our fighters ever being sick. Apparently, this is also due to the psychological mood. There was a story when I, still a young soldier, was accidentally cut in the head with a grenade launcher during a training session. I, wounded and covered in mud, was dragged through the swamp for two hours. We went out to the river, washed our hair, bandaged it - and that’s it, no infection for you. Contrary to logic, a soldier does not get sick - there is no time!

It will take you far beyond the ordinary soldier, challenging you to perform at a past level in everything you have encountered in your civilian life. You'll likely learn more about yourself and what you're capable of, physically and mentally, than you might have thought. However, being a Special Forces soldier is a unique and rewarding career.

This salary includes uniform and service allowance. Upon successful completion of the basic training, your salary will increase gradually. This is to compensate you for the unique demands that may be placed on a person's life and their family.

The majority of the time a special forces soldier is away from permanent deployment points. Accordingly, all physical training is based on using available means during training. The main thing in training is to develop endurance and maintain strength qualities for as long as possible. And if you haven’t guessed it yourself, endurance will come in handy, say, when you’re going to the mountains or on a bike ride.

The minimum entry age is 18 years and the maximum entry age is 52 years. Applicants outside these limits may apply to the Employment Category Sponsor, Commandant's Special Forces Training Center for a waiver. Completion of studies in Australian year 10 with a pass on English language and mathematics.

You may have the right to conduct an equivalency assessment alternative education to determine your abilities at the required level of education for this trade. Serving as a Commando in the Australian Special Forces is physically and mentally demanding and requires high levels of individual toughness, strength and endurance. Therefore, you must be physically and physically fit and psychologically fit for special force selection and advanced training.

So, the training is daily, the course is not designed, as usual, for six or eight weeks. You will need to work for at least a year. You will be surprised, but when I joined the army, I weighed 86 kg (I am 190 cm tall), and three months later the scales showed 103 kg! And all this is within the framework of the program that is now in front of you. And yes, the special forces soldier has only one diet - eat more.

Medicine. Your medical suitability will be assessed by a doctor before being recruited. This evaluation will require you to complete an extensive questionnaire covering your medical history, and will be followed by a comprehensive physical examination. Physical. You will also be required to successfully complete the Special Forces Preliminary Assessment prior to enlistment.

Beep to level 130 push-ups 60 squats. . Psychological. Before being drafted, your psychological fitness will be assessed by a psychologist. This assessment will require you to complete a series of questionnaires and conduct a comprehensive interview. Applicants enlisting through Special Forces Direct Recruitment as Commandos are required to complete an initial minimum period of service of four years. However, you are not required to take it until you have completed your apprenticeship. At this point, you must accept an initial period of service of four years to be eligible to begin basic infantry training.

A fighter's training is based on four pillars:

1. Jogging and crawling

10 km every day. On Sundays, we sometimes have a “sports holiday” - run 40 km. But while you are not in the army, you can rest on Sunday. Remember, a fighter runs 10 km in less than an hour in full gear (an additional 50 kg). Running must be alternated with crawling. They work well on small muscle groups and ligaments. There are three ways: on the back, on the back and walking through a minefield (the fighter lay down, felt the unevenness with his hands, pulled himself forward, felt the unevenness again. If something on the surface is suspicious - moves to the side).

- Jump (10 repetitions)

- Push-ups with fists (30 repetitions)

At the end of each circle, pump the abs to failure. You can also include rock throwing training.

There is one principle in the army - constant daily workload. That is, per day you must do a certain (ever growing) number of push-ups with your fists, a certain number of times to pump your abs, do wide-grip pull-ups, etc. If you can't do it in one workout, gain the amount in a day. This is constant combat readiness. In addition, throughout the day, do isometric exercises with a belt according to the Alexander Zass system.

4. Hand-to-hand combat

Hands Side left and side right from boxing technique. Direct punches are very difficult to teach to hit hard; in my entire service I have almost never seen fighters who punch straight well. Such a blow requires the highest level preparation. We proceed from the fact that we need to quickly and well prepare a fighter. Since there are no restrictions, this side kick can be combined with a bunch of varieties and options. He fights from all positions and angles. Moreover, it is advisable to first strike the enemy in the throat. In close combat we hit with our elbows. We train knockout punching power with exercises with a sledgehammer.

Legs The entire technique of kicking in special forces comes down to one thing - a strong kick to the groin. This is not a sports ground for you.

Head We turn on the head (and turn off the brain for a while) in close combat. We hit the upper frontal part exclusively on the nose. When grabbed from behind, we hit the nose with the back of the head.

Stalling This is what strength and grip are trained for. Knocked down an opponent using the strength of your hands - hit the back of the head like a soccer ball, or step on the throat.

Sledgehammer. Hit with a sledgehammer - this is about special forces. It is with a sledgehammer that we train the knockout power of a blow. It is better to take a sledgehammer with a welded handle so that it does not fly off the handle. Work is carried out on a lying or buried tire. Three basic exercises: overhead, left, right. The sledgehammer involves all the muscles that are involved in any type of blow (side, uppercut, overhand) and any type of throw. For each exercise, 3 sets and 10 repetitions.

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Primary selection. Preference is given to candidates nominated by officers, warrant officers and cadets of military schools. 97% of positions in special forces officers and only 3% are intended for warrant officers. Therefore, in order to have a real opportunity to get into special forces, you need to be an officer or at least a warrant officer. During the initial selection, attention is also paid to the candidate’s education. It will be easier to get into special forces if you have a higher education.

Physical testing. When selecting candidates, special attention is paid to their physical characteristics. The standards are as follows: height from 175 cm, age no more than 28 years. Physical testing for employees of different departments differs in different intensity, but, in any case, takes place in two stages. First stage: passing standards for physical training. Second stage: sparring in hand-to-hand combat.

A special check is carried out at the level of immediate relatives.

Psychological examination. Candidates who have passed the previous stages of selection are examined by a psychologist. Thanks to special tests, the candidate’s personality traits, character, temperament, moral qualities and other individual characteristics are revealed.

Full medical examination. As a result of an in-depth examination, the possibility of admission to airborne training is checked.

Mandatory polygraph test. The main task of this selection stage is to identify “dark spots” in the biography, things that the candidate deliberately does not mention. Therefore, be prepared to answer questions about your addiction to alcohol, drugs and other bad habits, connections with the criminal world, antisocial tendencies, corrupt motives, etc.

Interview with relatives. Based on the results of the interview, relatives must give written consent to the candidate’s enrollment in special forces.

Applicants who successfully pass all stages of selection are enrolled.

Many books have been written about special forces, many films have been made, and even more stories related to it circulate among the people. If you believe that serving in the Special Forces is your calling, go ahead and make your dream come true.


Assess your physical fitness, for which try to complete the mandatory task for joining the special forces. Do pull-ups twenty times on the bar, do push-ups in the prone position sixty times, hold the corner for one minute. All tasks must be completed in twelve minutes. If you cannot do this yet, train until you complete the entire test task well.

Send your resume by email [email protected], in which indicate your data: name, age, contact phone number. In addition, please inform us about the free time you have to participate in training and games, the availability of camouflage and airsoft weapons, and whether or not you have experience participating in airsoft events. If you have a car (in which you can go to the test site), be sure to notify about it. Provide all possible information about yourself that you consider important for joining the special forces.

Appear for the interview exactly at the specified time, if the decision is positive, you will receive permission to participate in training with a probationary period.

Complete a full training course and probationary period during which no uniform is required. During the introductory course, you will have to overcome all the fears that a person may have: heights, fire, water, explosions, etc. To do this, you will need to climb and get off the roof with the help of climbing equipment, overcome the fire-assault zone, crawl along a ditch with water under the fire of bullets and the roar of explosions, and get used to the sight of corpses.

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The question of how to get into special forces Federal Service Security Russian Federation, worries not only specialists, but also those who want to continue serving in similar units.

An approximate algorithm for selecting employees for FSB special forces units is divided into several stages. At the primary selection stage, candidates are selected, who are represented by officers, warrant officers and cadets of military schools. Only three percent of positions in special forces are not officer positions, they are reserved for warrant officers. In order to get into special forces, you must not only be an officer or warrant officer, but also have a secondary, or better yet, a higher education.

In order to become a candidate for special forces, you must have a recommendation from a current TsSN employee, as well as from Alpha or Vympel. Candidates from among cadets at universities of the Moscow Region are given preference if they have already undergone training at special forces departments. Those who have passed the initial selection based on the results of studying personal files must go through one more step, which is an interview.

Particular attention to physical data, which takes into account height - not lower than one hundred and seventy-five centimeters and age - not older than twenty-eight years.

Candidates for special forces must undergo physical testing, which varies in intensity for employees of different departments. However, in any case, testing is carried out in two stages, scheduled for one day: physical fitness standards and sparring in hand-to-hand combat. The requirements are high and candidates are required to show all their skills and abilities not only to withstand, but also to act actively.

At the end of the physical ability test, candidates who have passed this stage will undergo a special test at the level of their immediate family. Along with this, candidates are examined by psychologists who, thanks to special tests, study the personality of the candidate, identifying the characteristics of his character, temperament, moral qualities, and so on. At the next stage, you will have to undergo a thorough medical examination, which will determine the possibility of admission to airborne training. A polygraph test is required. The average passing score is eight hundred.

If the selection tests have been passed successfully, there will be an interview stage with relatives, who must give their written consent to the candidate’s service in special forces. And only after that enrollment occurs.

The task of the airborne troops is to conduct combat operations behind enemy lines, far behind the front line. They operate in critical areas of the theater of operations, usually in the most unexpected places. But large-scale landings can only be carried out with thorough reconnaissance. To carry out the tasks of the reconnaissance plan, there are special units - Special Forces Airborne Forces.


In addition to intelligence activities, Special Forces Airborne Forces used for sabotage activities, destruction of nodes and communication lines, disruption of enemy headquarters, capture of prisoners, for the purpose of mining useful information, as well as for intelligence work. Get to serve in Special Forces Airborne Forces every young man dreams. But to get into an elite unit, go through a medical examination to determine your fitness for service in Airborne Forces. The state of health must correspond to form A-1, or, as a last resort, A-2.

Submit a report to the military commissar at your place of conscription, in which you indicate your desire to serve in the airborne forces. At the credentials committee, where you will be present in person, make a similar statement. Your report will be added to the conscript’s personal file and it will come with you to the military unit.

Once at the assembly point of the military commissariat, try to get to know the officers Airborne Forces, who arrived for replenishment. In a personal contact, state the essence of your desire. Try to make a positive impression of yourself.

Upon arrival at the place of duty at the military unit of the airborne troops, submit a report on command with a request to be sent to a special reconnaissance unit for further service.

Becoming a candidate Special Forces, you take physical fitness tests. The competition for selection into intelligence is very high. You must be able to pull yourself up, do a two-arm power-up, and lift your legs to the bar. Great requirements for cross-training. If you want to serve in Special Forces, then work out these standards in advance, before being drafted into the army.