Board game ZVEZDA Polynesia. Board game "Polynesia" (Star)

22.07.2019 Style and fashion

An unusual author's board game "Polynesia" is presented on the Russian market by the manufacturer "Zvezda". Game developer Rainer Knizia is a renowned German board game designer who has created more than 500 different entertainment games that are in high demand among consumers.

The game set includes: player screens (4 pcs), village fields (4 pcs), game tokens (52 goods tokens and 36 shell tokens), game cards (54 pcs), D6 dice (4 pcs), game rules. The game is designed for a company of 2-4 players. The action takes place on the islands of Polynesia. Each participant is the head of the tribe. His task is to attract as many villagers as possible to his tribe on market day, trade with them and become the richest tribe.

Preparing for the game: the tokens need to be placed in the center of the table (this is the market where they go for shopping). There are four types of products on the market: mask, flower wreath, turtle and fish. Each player has a screen and a village field. The screen is installed with the front part facing the center of the table. In this enclosed space the player will store his components for the game. The village field is laid out behind a screen on the table. Each participant also receives one product of each type and places them behind the screen. Buyer cards must be shuffled and stacked face down. Afterwards you need to take four cards from above and place them face up next to each other; here are depicted members of different tribes who arrived at the bazaar to buy goods. Place shell tokens and four dice nearby. Valuable shells are used to count points in the game.

The game begins with the youngest player rolling four dice and placing them next to the goods tokens. The dice indicate the prices of goods for each round. Starting with the first player and continuing clockwise, everyone takes a turn. Once all players have "walked", the round ends. The new one begins with the determination of new prices for goods. During the game, the head of the tribe can perform actions that are provided for by the rules. The game lasts three seasons, each of which is divided into rounds. At the end of the seasons, points are calculated. The winner is the player who, at the end of all seasons, has the most of them.

During this game, children will develop attention, enterprise and ingenuity. While counting points, children will strengthen their arithmetic skills. This unusual game will take players to distant Polynesia, giving them the opportunity to escape from everyday affairs and plunge into the atmosphere of native life.

  • Type of toy //
  • Country of Origin Russia
  • Manufacturing company LLC "Zvezda"
  • Brand TM Zvezda
  • Material cardboard / plastic
  • Age (recommended) from 10
  • Age (recommended) up to 18
  • The gender of the child is not important
  • Size (length) in cm 29.5
  • Size (width) in cm 29.5
  • Size (height) in cm 7.4
  • Weight (kg) 1.1

Toy type: / /

Country of Origin: Russia

Manufacturing company: LLC "Zvezda"

Brand: TM Zvezda

Size (length) in mm: 295

Size (width) in mm: 295

Dimensions (height) in mm: 74

Weight (grams): 1100

Gender of the child: doesn't matter

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400 rub.
(current as of 12/05/2018)
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1190 rub.
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Transport yourself to the sunny islands and appreciate the peculiarities of natural exchange! Tabletop game "Polynesia" from the Zvezda company (ZVEZDA) turns you into a local leader who needs to populate his village. How to do it? Even in the tropics, wealth matters a lot!

The colorful design and interesting game mechanism will not leave adults and children indifferent. The game is intended for 2-4 players over 10 years old.

Board game "Polynesia", complete set:

  • 4 village fields
  • 4 screens
  • 54 buyer cards (including totems)
  • 52 goods tokens (turtle, fish, flower wreath, mask)
  • 36 shell tokens
  • 4 dice of different colors
  • rules of the game

How to become a successful Polynesian chief

Players' task– populate your island with inhabitants and accumulate the most shells, which are valued here as real money.

Each participant has his own village and a screen behind which he hides his savings. At the beginning of the game, everyone is given one token of each type of product. Try to increase your capital!

The center of the field is the general market where brisk trading takes place. This is where goods and local residents are located, who can also be lured to your village for a fee. Prices for all types of goods change every day and are determined by rolling dice.

The game is divided into three seasons, each of which ends when the first player completely inhabits one of the streets in the village - the horizontal line of the field. Seasons are divided into rounds and turns. On his turn, a player can perform one of three actions: make an exchange, take one item with a value of “1”, or play a buyer card.

The exchange mechanism is quite interesting: you bring your tokens to the market and can take so many goods so that their value does not exceed the value of your goods. Accumulate goods to exchange them for residents. If you want to pick up a buyer from the market, pay the price indicated on his card.

When the season ends, points are counted and shells are awarded. They are awarded for residents, goods and additional combinations. Try to populate your village different types people - a shaman, a hunter, a native - to get 10 points. In Seasons 2 and 3, try placing similar types of shoppers underneath each other to get bonus points for items. At the end of the game, the number of totems is counted, and points are distributed according to places.

You can read more about the rules of exchange and scoring in the game "Polynesia" in the attached PDF document.

The player who collects the most shells wins. He is considered the richest and deserves everyone's respect.

What is the game “Polynesia” useful for?

Players closely monitor market conditions and build strategies. It is important to be careful and not miss the moment when you can invite a new resident to the village. Children make their first economic transactions, learn to understand the intricacies of commodity-money relations. They develop logic, practice mental calculation, and also learn to adhere to the rules and accept victories and defeats with dignity.

Board game Great for brightening up time in company. Become the richest leader in Polynesia!

The board game Polynesia reminds many of the standard Monopoly, and this applies not only appearance the game itself, but also the basic rules. Play with friends intellectual game against one player or several. The average game duration in Polynesia is 40 minutes. This logic game, which will always be interesting not only for children over 10 years old, but also for adults. The game is especially great late in the evening with the family over a cup of tea. Board game Polynesia buy at the Unicorn board game store. Free shipping in Moscow and Russia for orders over 3,000 rubles.

Purpose of the game

Polynesia is a large island country. Civilization in the country stopped somewhere in the middle of the 16th century, but this does not prevent the inhabitants from coexisting well. The majority of the population are Aboriginal, so they are unfamiliar with modern traditions like we have. The country does not really have any industry, but trade in meat, hides and fur is well developed. Also, the aborigines are considered excellent hunters, so among the food you can see a fairly good diet.

Winning the game

You become the elder of one of the four tribes. Your task is not only to earn more money and leave competitors behind, but also to open up such a social phenomenon as business to the country. It will be quite difficult. You only have three seasons to do everything. During this period, it is necessary to develop all areas of service for different social statuses of the population of Polynesia. The one who has more power, factories, and territories will win. This is what will determine the winner.

Before humanity switched to commodity-money relations, masters of their craft exchanged goods directly. Having brought an ermine skin to the market, the hunter looked for a blacksmith and explained to him that this valuable fur would look great on the shoulders of the wife of such a respectable man. And this little thing costs no less than twenty arrowheads. Then, losing his voice, the hunter wandered to the plowman, baker, livestock breeder, and so on... In a word, the mess without money gave everyone a lot of thrills. Today on the Pink Sofa is the commodity exchange board game “Polynesia”.

Despite all the advantages of banknotes, in hot countries commodity exchange exists to this day - it’s so pleasant on a hot day on a sandy beach to calculate the cost of a ripe coconut relative to freshly caught fish. There is no need to rush, just say wise thoughts and have a leisurely conversation with a charming native woman. Ultimately, there are plenty of coconuts and fish in this region, so the deal will take place in any case to the mutual satisfaction of the parties...

In a box of standard sizes from the Zvezda publishing house you will find a scattering of cardboard tokens, gaming tablets, screens, several cubes and the rules of commodity exchange on Polynesian soil. The cleanest coastal air evenly fills the remaining space.

With a natural exchange, the value of an item can change arbitrarily and depend on random events. Four plastic hexagons will cope well with the pricing of the Polynesian market.

The goods themselves come in four types and match the color of the cubes - in total, 52 cardboard rounds are involved in the natural exchange.

Civilization has reached even such a remote corner of the earth, so 36 tokens of three denominations will become the prototype of money - local residents consider a scattering of shells a luxury item.

54 buyer cards depict local residents (hunters, shamans, natives) and idols. The player’s task is to gather as many natives around him as possible and surround the shop with statues of a powerful deity.

The screens behind which rivals hide goods are equipped with instructions for calculating victory points. As you can see, trading with the natives is not that difficult, as you will soon see.

Individual tablets are divided into 12 cells, 4 cells in each row. There are three seasons for trading, during which you will exchange items while surrounding yourself with curious natives.

I exchange beads for a turtle

Before the start of the game, each participant receives a screen, a tablet and four different goods. The circles are removed behind the screen, the tablet is located in the visibility zone of the other players.

Shuffle the buyer tiles and stack them in a column in the center of the table, face down, remove four cards - this current market. The remaining goods, shells and cubes make up the general reserve. The player who performs the hottest Polynesian dance begins trading.

The game lasts three seasons (according to the number of horizontal lines on the tablets). Each season can have as many rounds as you like, and the rounds are divided into turns. The first player rolls the dice and places them in the center of the field next to the goods tiles. The color of the die determines the type of product, the number determines its price for the current round.

Starting with the first player, the merchants take one turn at a time, during which they can exchange tokens from behind the screen for goods from the market or buy one open buyer tile. When everyone takes one action (or passes), the round ends. After this, the dice are passed to the next player clockwise, he determines new value goods and the next round of trading begins.

The exchange occurs as follows: the total value of the tokens given behind the screen must be less than or equal to the value of the goods received. When exchanging, you are allowed to use only one token of each type.

For example: the current cost of the mask is 4. The merchant gives the mask from behind the screen, and in return receives a turtle (2) and a necklace (1). Unfortunately, the remainder (1) is burned, and taking two necklaces is strictly prohibited by the rules of Polynesian trade.

The next player also gives the mask, but takes the fish and necklace for it. Please note that you will not be able to exchange a mask for a fish or turtle in the current round! Instead of exchanging, the player can take a token worth “one” for free, provided that this product is on the market (in our example, a necklace). Consider this a gift to a wholesale buyer.

Instead of bartering, you can purchase a local resident tile. The cost of the native is indicated in the goods tokens to the left of the picture. Of course, the player must first earn the spent rounds...

The resulting tiles are immediately placed in the free cells of the current season. Please note that it is prohibited to move previously laid out cardboards! As soon as one of the players completes the row, the season ends and it is time for the midterm summing up.

Each product shown on the native tiles is worth one victory point (take your shells). You will receive ten additional points if you collect three different representatives tribe. Totems do not count until the end of the third season.

New season - new rules for calculating bonuses. The points for the three different natives and for the goods on the tiles remain unchanged. But a new point appears: if there is a similar representative of the tribe in the cell above the current row, then all of its goods are also taken into account. For example: a shaman from the first season contacts a shaman from the second - you will receive additional shells.

The calculation in the third season is no different from the second, with one exception - totems are taken into account.

Points for collected idols are awarded depending on their number. Their maximum number brings 20 points, the next “place” brings 15, and so on (when playing with two or three players, the number of points changes).

The winner is determined by the number of shells - he becomes a shell magnate and a national Polynesian dance is performed in his honor.

Having made a profitable exchange

A puzzle game for fans of calculating combinations. The pricing system for goods is implemented in an original way - dice rolls allow you to avoid the “depreciation” of some tokens and the unjustified “increase in price” of others. No one knows how much the mask will cost in the next round, so there is no point in saving - the rounds received must be quickly spent by inviting natives to come to you.

The most important thing about locals is their cost. Products themselves do not provide victory points. But every token invested in a native gives 100% return and is equal to a shell. When distributing and purchasing, pay attention to the type of natives - do not forget that only different natives bring additional victory points. By the way, if in the next season you manage to create a row of natives identical in type, you will receive additional bonuses for “vertical symmetry”. The scope for strategic creativity is quite large...

Totems are an interesting element of the game. When taking into account additional intermediate bonuses, idols are not taken into account (unless they give shells for goods), but during summing up they are quite capable of changing the course of the game, bringing the leader 20 victory points! Agree, a strong bid for victory...

An interesting logic family game for all ages with accessible rules and high-quality components.

The game was provided for review by the publishing house "

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Board game Star "Polynesia"

"Polynesia" is a game of bartering goods. Players take on the role of village elders and try to use market days to obtain the necessary goods and attract new residents with their help.

The game lasts for 3 seasons. Each season begins with a roll of four dice. different color, the numbers that fall on them set the current prices for the goods corresponding to the colors. The season ends when one of the players managed to fill all four corresponding cells of his village board with buyer cards.

On his turn, a player can exchange goods that are behind his screen for goods from the bank at the current rate, or take an item worth 1 from the bank, or take a buyer’s card for himself, returning the corresponding set of goods to the bank from behind the screen. There are always 4 open buyer cards on the table. The vacated space is taken by the next card from the deck.

At the end of each season, the player receives points for the combinations of buyer cards he has collected. Based on the results of three seasons, the winner is the player who managed to outscore his opponents.


  • Type: tabletop
  • Recommended age: from 10 years
  • Number of players: 3-4
  • Game duration: from 30 minutes


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