Pervomaisky boarding school for the elderly. Tula nursing homes are all social institutions. Classification of social service institutions

23.09.2018 Jurisprudence

If you are alone or your relatives do not have the opportunity and time to care for you, institutions will come to the rescue social services.

Classification of social service institutions

In Tula and Tula region There are both nursing homes and nursing homes. The main direction is temporary or permanent placement.

Documents for registration

The goal is to open all polling stations before this government's term. Programs targeting the elderly have also been expanded in different communities, especially in health centers: two years ago there were only five, and today there are 31 such agreements across the country. In addition, we will work together with municipalities to increase their role, since there are some who have offices and others who are only managers. The idea is to create an institutional area in all the communes of Chile, a department of older adults that deals only with older adults' issues and consolidates the work of Senama.

But even among them there are differences. Private boarding houses offer a varied infrastructure:

  1. nutrition;
  2. comfortable rooms;
  3. cultural leisure;
  4. medical assistance;
  5. diagnostics using modern equipment.

But in the absence financial resources, older people end up in state boarding schools.

Complex of services and care

  • registration for permanent residence or temporary;
  • psychological or occupational rehabilitation;
  • care for bedridden patients;
  • provision of personal hygiene products, clothing and footwear;
  • legal assistance;
  • walks on the territory of the institution;
  • outdoor events (visits to the theater, museums, etc.);
  • medical and therapeutic assistance;
  • food, including dietary.

If you need help from such an institution, first you need to read full information about this institution, call and talk with the staff, clarify what services are offered and what specific care is provided.

How important is it today to encourage private investment in the affairs of older people and thereby complement the task of the state? With the demographic changes the country is suffering, there is a responsibility that all sectors must take into account regarding the elderly. Although this is a task that primarily concerns the government, this does not mean that private companies are not doing their part. An example of this is the insurance model used in Japan, which combines a private contribution, a government contribution and a personal contribution of 1% of wages.

However, the state must take care of people without resources who cannot access these opportunities. What is Senama's position regarding pension reform? There must be a commitment according to what is required for financing and the cost that the country can effectively accept. However, there is a sense of urgency among the population because people are not having a good time with the current pension system.

To complete the registration, you will need a standard package of documents that nursing homes require:

  1. identification;
  2. application of a pensioner or disabled person;
  3. certificate of disability (if any);
  4. medical card.

Created for the purpose of simplifying the search for any institution. Just specify the required region, all nursing homes with detailed description services, photographs and contact information.

Most people who retire today fall into poverty, and that must now change. Employment opportunities for older adults are increasing year by year, but more regulation and employment opportunities are needed for this group. Do you have plans to solve this problem?

Although there is no clear regulation regarding wider use, the entity regulates only within the industry. Today, for example, you can see the recruitment of older people increasing in jobs primarily related to customer service. And the fact is that the longer you become an adult in the professional system, the more funding opportunities you have during your old age. Private firms need to realize that those over 60 are not a burden; on the contrary, they are ultimately a contribution to the level of commitment and knowledge with which they are considered.

Regardless of the form of ownership, all institutions in the territory of Tula and the region are aimed at maintaining a decent lifestyle for a person at an age at which he can receive qualified medical care and round-the-clock care and concern.

“Pervomaisky boarding house for the elderly and disabled” - a state social service institution will provide lonely elderly people and disabled people with a decent standard of living. Guests of the Pervomaisky boarding house can become women and men who have reached retirement age. The establishment accommodates both permanent and temporary residence (for up to six months).

The fourth age is growing and is not being treated effectively from government controlled According to experts in this field, is there any specific plan to solve the problem of the population over 85 years of age? We have to assume that more than 44.4% of people over 80 become addicted. In this sense, Senama has a line of work on active aging. We have meeting houses that are typical of the service and offer a variety of workshops to teach healthy habits such as exercise.

In addition, we are promoting a Senior Volunteer program that simulates “Senior Advisors” where retired teachers choose to sponsor and educate children about social risk. Extend this work not only to teachers, but also to people from other professions, such as architects, lawyers, etc.


The three-story building contains recreation rooms equipped with the necessary furniture, a dining room, a prayer room, and a common kitchen where you can prepare your own food.

In summer, the surrounding area is surrounded by greenery, flowers and trees are planted, you can sit on benches and breathe fresh air. Upon admission, an agreement on inpatient care is signed.

The balance of the National Senior Fund for Adults this year is positive, they say in Senama. Capital, explains the director of the service, Ruben Valenzuela, has several areas of activity. First, there are self-regulatory foundations that serve older organizations with their own initiatives. Then there is the institutional agreement funding line, which funds pilot initiatives to address this problem. “Here, for example, together with the University of Chile, we invested in a program to care for older people with dental problems.”


  • Medical examinations;
  • Rehabilitation activities;
  • Issue of walkers, crutches, strollers;
  • Good quality food 4 times a day.

Care and staff

The boarding house employs qualified doctors, nurses, and orderlies who care for residents 24 hours a day. If necessary, emergency medical care is provided.

The winners will be announced in July. The profession dates back to a time when nursing was a reference to those who cared for, protected and nurtured the convalescent, aged and disabled. For centuries, nursing has been preparing professionals around the world who are committed to human health and well-being.

Coordinates and plans assistance. A nurse technician is trained to care for secondary and high complexity, led by a nurse and a nursing assistant qualified to work with lower-complexity patients led by a nurse. He also emphasizes that nursing is constantly evolving, which increases the level of knowledge required for this professional to perform well in the labor market. Currently, new management models are being introduced, in this format, the nursing team has received its space and respect in front of the teams, the principles of humanization are being inserted into nursing care, which promotes connection and qualified care with the patient, he said.

Staff regularly undergo advanced training courses. A real home environment is created for the guests, here everyone feels cared for. Birthdays and holidays are always celebrated together.


Guests regularly travel outside the boarding house, visiting excursions, exhibitions, theaters

In terms of specialization, we have areas of intensive care, emergency and emergency care, cardiology, nephrology, occupational health, mental health and others. Currently, nursing is represented by 90% female professionals, 10% male, these figures have evolved as the profession has taken its place in the labor market, he said, noting that the modern nurse works in three pillars: the extended clinic - humanization - participatory management. Based on these principles, we have achieved our ultimate goal improvement.

Documents for registration:

  1. Identification;
  2. Outpatient card;
  3. Certificate of health, as well as a referral from a medical institution;
  4. Compulsory medical insurance policy, SNILS;
  5. Results of general tests;
  6. Personal Statement;
  7. Certificate of disability group.

Video about boarding school

This is the home of medical and social services for children and teenagers from 6 to 20 years old. Adapted classes and primary boarding school for career guidance for whom? Live, care and housing for people who are unable to work due to their various disabilities, who need assistance with daily activities, medical assistance and social integration assistance.

Living and housing for people who cannot live independently or work due to the intensity of their disability for whom? Establishing premises for dependent elderly and visually impaired people. For blind and visually impaired people over 60 years of age with associated disabilities.