Psychiatric nursing home for the elderly. Boarding house for the mentally ill in the Tula region

02.11.2018 Jurisprudence

As much as we would like it, old age, unfortunately, comes to each of us. But this does not mean at all that life is over, it goes on and, at times, even seems much more beautiful. And the staff of the Home Comfort nursing home in Moscow will do everything possible to brighten up the everyday life of the elderly.

If there is simply no time, and you cannot look after your elderly parents or your close mentally ill people on your own, then the best way out for both you and them may be private boarding house. Nursing home for the mentally ill "Home Comfort" has a staff of highly qualified medical staff who will take care of people close to you. An elderly mentally ill person will be under the constant vigilant supervision of a psychologist. It is important to understand that a sick person needs help, and, be that as it may, it will still be better if a specialist observes him.

home for elderly people"Home comfort" is located in an ecologically clean area, but despite this, the prices for living in it are quite acceptable for every resident of Russia. Depending on the condition of our emu ward, a suitable course of treatment will be prescribed, and if necessary, an individual diet will be selected by a nutritionist. The nursing home for the mentally ill people "Home Comfort" daily offers each resident delicious, healthy meals, fresh fruits and juices. The menu is quite varied, the dishes look incredibly appetizing, exude unsurpassed aromas and will appeal to every resident.

By placing people you care about in the Home Comfort nursing home, you not only get rid of unnecessary worries, but also make their life a little better and more interesting. The nursing home for the mentally ill, in addition to comfortable rooms, also has a well-ennobled area and a gym. All residents are offered a variety of cultural programs to have fun. The cost of living in a boarding house of your parents will not cost you a tidy sum, at the same time they will live out their lives surrounded by warmth and care.

It is not at all easy to treat and care for a mentally ill person, and sometimes it is simply dangerous. Therefore, it is better to entrust these concerns to professionals who are specially trained and experienced in dealing with such patients. The services of psychologists in a nursing home will be inexpensive, and your nerves and time will be saved.

Probably, each of those who have an elderly relative noticed changes in his behavior. Of course, a change in a person's character is a natural process, however, for people of advanced age, such changes are often signs of a psychological disorder.

According to WHO statistics, out of 100,000 elderly people, about 250 patients are mentally ill. The age category of such patients ranges from 65 to 95 years. Approximately 35% of such people are placed in a boarding house for the mentally ill or in a boarding house for the elderly.

Mental changes in the elderly

Elderly people are about 3 times less likely to turn to specialists for psychological help. As a rule, old people do not notice any changes in their behavior, and most often perceive them as commonplace or the result of aging. Unfortunately, most relatives think the same way, not suspecting that there is a mentally ill person in the family.

Psychopathological disorders are distinguished by a special feature - in old age they manifest themselves as mental deviations, in the form of emotional bodily expression. As a rule, an elderly patient does not perceive his illness as a mental disorder and often turns to a specialist of the wrong profile.

If you notice any deviations in the behavior of your elderly relative - do not turn a blind eye to it. Often, such diseases are accompanied by prolonged depression and can provoke more serious pathologies. At the first signs, you need to contact a psychiatrist who will identify the true cause of this behavior and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Neurosis in elderly patients

Mentally ill, elderly man suffering various types mental disorders, one of them is neurosis. The main reason for the development of this pathology is damage to the vessels of the brain. Neurosis can be suspected if the following symptoms are present:

  • dizziness, especially when trying to get up or lie down;
  • noise in the head, ears, heaviness;
  • unusually high fatigue even with minor loads;
  • deterioration of sleep and, as a rule, rest is required daytime days;
  • memory decreases, the person becomes forgetful, irritable.

In the initial stages of neurosis, outpatient treatment can be quite effective and give positive results. Neurosis in more advanced stages may require radically different treatment. As a rule, experts in this case recommend considering at least a temporary placement of the patient in a boarding school for the mentally ill. It is here that the necessary care and timely medical care will be provided.

Depression in the elderly

The most common mental illness is this. Old man constantly feels a state of anxiety, longing, uselessness to his loved ones. Older people become more receptive, impressionable, they take any little things to heart. Against the background of all this, mental activity also decreases, it becomes more and more difficult to concentrate. If you start this process and do not help in a timely manner, other pathologies can join: sleep disturbance, digestive problems, spasms of a different nature.

Mentally ill elderly people often think about a suicide attempt, often wish themselves a speedy death, justifying all this with health problems and uselessness of their family members. Such patients need the help of a psychiatrist more than ever, you should not hesitate to call a specialist at home, because old people consider this condition to be the norm and will not seek help on their own.

Old people in this state need round-the-clock control, because it is not rare that they are able to injure themselves in order to shorten their own lives. Naturally, placing a loved one in a psychiatric clinic is quite scary, and for many it is absolutely not humane. In such cases, a private type home for the mentally ill is an excellent option. In such boarding houses, a special approach is taken to the elderly - a scheme of drug treatment is developed, sessions are held with a psychologist, a psychiatrist.

If an elderly person develops severe suicidal tendencies, call emergency psychiatric help for the mentally ill. It should be understood that it is impossible to help a person at home, without a qualified specialist.

Dementia or dementia

Senile dementia or in medicine is a kind of pathology associated with a decrease in the level of intellectual abilities. The disease leads to the development of disorientation, confusion, periodic. Often such people cannot even remember where they live or what they were asked a few minutes ago. As the pathology develops and moves to later stages, self-service skills may be impaired, up to the loss of the elementary ability to dress or take a cup in hand.

The main reason for the development of dementia in elderly patients is the disruption of the vascular system, damage to the cerebral vessels, and chronic hypertension.

At present, methods of treating senile dementia have not been developed, the main therapy will be to inhibit the pathological process. Therefore, it is so important to consult a specialist at the first sign. These patients need not only drug treatment, but also in constant care, as well as care from loved ones. However, relatives cannot always provide the necessary attention, so the option of a nursing home for the mentally ill should be considered.

Treatment and care for the mentally ill

Therapy for psychosis or prolonged depression is practically the same; it is based on antidepressant treatment and regular monitoring by a psychiatrist. In some cases, antipsychotics are prescribed, the purpose of which is to reduce anxiety. Special attention should be given to elderly patients with suicidal tendencies. They need not only high-quality treatment with drugs, but also constant care, attention from medical personnel. Often a sanatorium for the mentally ill and placing a relative there is not a whim of his family, but a vital necessity.

Mentally ill elderly patients are special people who require a certain approach. For this reason, it is advisable to place them in private boarding houses or a nursing home. The House of Kindness provides comfortable housing, qualified assistance from experienced staff, constant care and attention, and regular medical examinations. "House of kindness" will do everything possible to not only improve the quality of life of your loved one, but also significantly extend it.

The home for the elderly with mental disabilities "Tula grandfather" will provide quality care and professional assistance to your loved ones. We have created all the necessary conditions for the placement and maintenance of mentally ill pensioners.

The nursing home is ready to help people with various mental disabilities, such as depression, or amnesia. Also for people with functional psychoses of late age, mental disorders caused by vascular diseases of the brain, various forms of insanity.

Please note that the boarding house is not equipped to receive aggressive and violent patients for treatment!

Services provided by the boarding school

Often, such diseases in the elderly become simply an unbearable burden for their loved ones. People lack the patience, experience and ability to provide the care they need. The most acceptable option is a paid boarding school for the mentally ill.

Our boarding house provides all its patients with a comfortable and warm environment. All of our employees are qualified professionals with psychiatric education and great experience work. Ensuring round-the-clock supervision allows to eliminate any deviations in the behavior of patients in a timely manner, providing appropriate assistance.

In our hospice, all elderly people will feel protected and supported, in a friendly atmosphere. The staff gently, in an accessible way, helps patients regain internal control. The environment created in the boarding house protects the elderly from stressful situations, helping to create an internal sense of stability.

Caring for people with mental illness is hard work. The staff carefully monitors each patient, controls the timely intake of necessary medications, and maintains a certain emotional distance so that patients do not feel pressure.

The main task of the boarding house "" is to provide optimal living conditions for all patients, to create a stable environment and save them from stress. This approach guarantees positive changes in the health status of pensioners living here.

Life sometimes presents far from the most pleasant surprises.

And sometimes, it happens that we have to look for a nursing home for mentally ill relatives, since it is very problematic to cope with such people on our own, and sending them to state institutions is not the best the best option. Because the attitude towards patients in such places may not always be exactly as we would like.

But also find a private boarding house for the mentally ill not as easy as one might imagine. The problem is that far from everywhere they can please with a professional approach, comfortable living and good attitude. Therefore, faced with a difficult choice, you should be aware of the responsibility that lies with you. The most intelligent approach is needed. Before giving preference to any of the nursing homes, it is worth studying as much information about it as possible. Read the reviews of other people, understand what are the key features of this institution and what are its main advantages over other similar places. Only when it is possible to understand all this, it will be possible to count on the fact that the chosen boarding school for the mentally ill will become an ideal haven for elderly relatives.

Why are private nursing homes becoming more and more popular?

Due to employment or family reasons, we do not always have the opportunity to take care of elderly relatives, especially those who suffer from various serious illnesses and need round-the-clock care and control. Of course, on the one hand, you can hire a nurse, but this option is far from suitable for everyone, from a financial point of view it can hardly be called profitable, and it will be problematic to find a person who is ready to work for days. That's why, nursing home for the mentally ill is the most correct solution. Medical personnel are constantly on duty there, ready to help patients at any moment. And the living conditions there are created as comfortable as possible so that no one needs anything.

Of course, life situations can be very different, but be that as it may, you need to make sure that, to which, due to various circumstances, you decide to give your preference, it will not disappoint at the most unexpected moment. After all, it is necessary to understand that not always, the proposed conditions, which are ideal for some, can fully satisfy others. Therefore, in order to avoid controversial and unpleasant situations, it is worth immediately identifying all the requirements for such an institution.

Every day there are more and more institutions where they are ready to offer services for the care of the elderly. But each of them has advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is difficult for many to decide which boarding house for the mentally ill should be chosen for their relatives. It is important that the cost of living is harmoniously combined with the conditions created there, so that you do not have to worry about the fact that close person remained hungry or forgot to take the medicine. In such situations, it is extremely important to be confident in the professionalism of the service personnel. Much will depend on it, including your peace of mind.

So, if life circumstances have pushed you to find boarding school for the mentally ill, then do not doubt that thanks to the Internet, or rather the information left by other users, it will not be so difficult to cope with this task. But still, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend your personal time searching for an option that will best meet all the requirements.