Social work with the elderly example. Social work with older people. Psychological characteristics of elderly and old people

03.10.2018 Jurisprudence


Chapter 1. Basic social and psychological problems of elderly and old people

1.1 Older people as a social community

1.2 Psychological characteristics elderly and old people

Chapter 2. Features of social work with older people

2.1 Legislative framework for social work

2.2 Main directions of social work with elderly and elderly people

Home for Amelia is her “home,” the safest place we can be and find refuge. The bridge between Imogen and Amelia in building a relationship is simply the house and how to make it fit in that environment. The empathic relationship left room for a dynamic project of helping to enable Amelia to live up to her will and needs.

In my work I have had to deal with several elderly people whose husband was terminal. On final stage illness, domestic helpers cited increasing difficulties in involving the wife in caring for her husband. Upon the arrival of the home helpers, the lady left her home and returned to her at the end of the home service.





One of the trends observed in last decades in developed countries of the world, there is an increase in the absolute number and relative share of the population of older people. There is a steady, rather rapid process of decreasing the proportion of children and youth in the total population and increasing the proportion of the elderly.

This behavior had Negative influence on the relationship between husband and wife and the cascading effect it led to relational closure between spouses. His wife, after some closure, allowed me to contact her. He showed me the harvest and spent a lot of time listening to her like a little girl. Only then did she tell me about the time she spent in a concentration camp during World War II, about the death that accompanied her every day, and it devoured her blood, the disease and suffering that closed her heart.

The phrase “I don’t want to go through the pain and see the blood again” was important to me and made me understand not the coldness of the relationship with her spouse, but her fragility, a projection of what she experienced. We accompanied her husband, who never blamed her because she knew the motivation and shared it until the end of her journey, respecting her wife's decision not to involve her.

Thus, according to the UN, in 1950 there were approximately 200 million people aged 60 years and older in the world, by 1975 their number increased to 550 million. According to forecasts, by 2025 the number of people over 60 years of age will reach 1 billion 100 million people Compared to 1950, their numbers will increase more than 5 times, while the planet's population will increase only 3 times (18; 36).

Question no. 3: Amelia's case shows that operators can tolerate uncertainty and change in the design of personal-centered projects and not know anything about it. In this regard, user needs are not “fixed”, but may vary, as well as possible solutions that need to be implemented. Offer an example of your professional practice.

Mario, 85 years old, celibate, lives only in property. He has a parental network consisting of a brother and a grandson in difficult times. Mario feels empowered and, with some help, is able to control his everyday life. Returning home, relatives participate in adaptation environment to Mario's changing needs. Municipal nutrition is also activated to attract relatives, who also take part in the hygiene of the elderly from the burden of care. Mario talks to me about the need to have a cameraman who cares about him, who is not the same as the family character.

The main reasons for the aging of the population are a decrease in the birth rate, an increase in the life expectancy of people in older age groups due to the progress of medicine, and an increase in the standard of living of the population. On average, in the countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the life expectancy of men has increased by 6 years over 30 years, and for women - by 6.5 years. In Russia, over the past 10 years, there has been a decrease in average life expectancy.

In fact, he explains that he feels shame associated with the feeling in the personal position of a debtor when his grandson or brother takes care of his hygiene. The elder does not want to fall into the structure, as now, he is worried about ending his life away from home. He talks about when he built his house with the hope of sharing it with a companion, the sacrifices and hardships to pay off the debts he contracted. He claims that his physical condition does not allow him to stay at home, but that is his will.

The relatives do not want to take responsibility for managing Mario because they are against his decision since they cannot handle it. After several conversations, Mario decides to ask the support administrator to activate so that his will will be respected. The social service activates the Ordinary Court and Judge Tutelar, evaluates the situation shown by the service, heard Mario and his family members, appointed a lawyer as support administrator.

Relevance of the study: About 23% of the country's population are elderly and old people, the trend towards an increase in the proportion of the elderly in the total population continues, it becomes clear that the problem of social work with older people is of national importance. The topic requires further development.

Object: social work with elderly and elderly people.

The latter concerns the economic part and Mario's will, as he is clear and capable of making decisions that concern him. After several conversations with social services, in particular with elderly relatives who understood but did not accept Mario's decision, the relationship between them was resumed. Mario's needs have changed over time, and the proposed solutions have been different and thrown into the here and now of the person.

In light of demographic projections of an aging population, the study suggests integrating formal education programs in specialized fields of study for students who are exposed to this work environment. Also because the needs of older people and their families are becoming increasingly greater.

Subject: features of social work with elderly and elderly people.

Purpose of the work: To study the problems of elderly and old people and consider the main directions of social work with them.

1) Identify the main social problems of elderly and old people.

2) Consider the psychological characteristics of elderly and old people.

3) Analyze the legislative framework on which social work with elderly and elderly people is based; consider the main directions of this work.

Demographic projections show us a future in which more and more older people live with chronic diseases and need not only health, but also social and social care. This prompted a group of American scientists to think about the need to develop academic knowledge in relation to the specific area of ​​social work with adults. An article published in the Journal of Gerontological Social Work states that there is an urgent need to update the gerontological knowledge and skills of social workers.

Various sources and research were used to write the work. Among them:

Collection of normative and legal acts on the basis of which social work with elderly and elderly people is based (compiled by N. M. Lopatin) (10);

Book E. I. Kholostovoy “ Social work with older people” (19), which examines the social and psychological problems of elderly and old people, as well as various areas of social work with them;

According to scholars, there is a need to integrate formal formal education programs into specialized fields of study for students who encounter this work environment. Currently, due to a lack of specialized training, social workers, the authors argue, are not perceived as specialists in the field of aging and aging. Thus, many people who work with older people today risk having no previous knowledge in this area. The authors emphasize that this neglect of this context may also be a consequence of the so-called age, society's prejudice towards the elderly and at the same time a preference for other areas of work, such as minors and families.

BenefitB. Alperovich “Social Gerontology” (1), which examines the main problems associated with aging;

The book by the famous psychologist I. Kon “Persistence of Personality: Myth or Reality?” (7), in which he identifies and describes Various types old people and old age relationships”;

Article Z.–H. M. Saralieva and S. S. Balabanov, which provides data from a sociological study on the situation of elderly and old people in modern Russia(13), etc.

Of course, there are significant social, medical and socio-social trends that have a major impact on the formation of future social workers. These aspects, which are referred to in the American context in this article, must be taken into account in order to create specific programs for working with the elderly. Modern trends not only require good medical care, but also the elderly and his family need a person who can integrate complex and fragmented knowledge to cope with their life situation over time.

Research methods:



Chapter 1. Basic social and psychological problems of elderly and old people

1.1 Older people as a social community

The socio-demographic category of older people and the analysis of their problems are determined by theorists and practitioners of social work from different points of view - chronological, sociological, biological, psychological. Functional, etc. The population of older people is characterized by significant differences, which is explained by the fact that it includes people from 60 to 100 years old. Gerontologists propose dividing this part of the population into “young” and “elderly” (or “very old”) people, similar to how in France there is the concept of the “third” or “fourth” age. The boundary of the transition from the “third” to the “fourth age” is considered to be crossing the line in 75-80 years old. “Young” old people may experience different problems than “old” old people, for example, employment, leadership in the family, distribution of household responsibilities, etc.

A major barrier to training future social workers in this field is the lack of experienced teachers in the field who can impart skills and knowledge to appropriate students. Scientists say it is important to engage in training planning that takes into account the various aspects of this work: prevention, promotion, raising awareness of older people, assessing cultural differences among older people from different countries, advocacy, the importance of self-care and integrated case management.

In addition, it will be important for practitioners to develop knowledge of common pathologies in older adults, such as dementia and depression. Finally, it is vital that new social workers do not accept the stereotypical image of aging and old age as a phase of hopeless life.

According to the World Health Organization, ages 60 to 74 years are considered elderly; from 75 to 89 years are considered senile; from 90 years and older – the age of centenarians (19;234).

The rhythm of aging significantly depends on the lifestyle of older people, their position in the family, standard of living, working conditions, social and psychological factors. “Among older people, there are a variety of groups: vigorous, physically healthy; sick; living in families; lonely; happy with retirement; still working, but burdened with work; unhappy, despairing in life; sedentary homebodies; spending their leisure time intensively and variedly, etc. ”(1; 28).

In his speech to Cisl, the pontiff asks trade unions to “turn the stolen stones of the economy into corner stones”, to take care of the workers, and not to neglect a “healthy leisure culture”. And a stupid company and a short-sighted one that forces older people to work too long and requires a whole generation of young people to work when they should be doing it for them and for everyone. This is Francis' strong denunciation in his address to the delegates National Congress Tsisl, who received this morning in Aul Nervi in ​​front of a general audience.

In order to work with elderly and elderly people, you need to know their social status (past and present), mental characteristics, material and spiritual needs, and in this work rely on science, sociological, socio-psychological, socio-economic and other data types of research. You need to have a good understanding of the social problems of older people.

Bergoglio's warning is "a new social pact that cuts work time those who were in the last working season, to young people who are entitled to debt”, recalling that “gold pensions are a crime for the equally serious work of too poor pensions, since they make irrational working hours permanent.”

Francesco then emphasized that Syndicate is a beautiful word that comes from the Greek sin-daiki, that is, “justice together.” There is no justice together, he noted, if he is not together with the excluded. A good union comes alive every day in the suburbs, turning discarded economic stones into cornerstones.

For older people, serious problems are:

Deterioration of health;

Maintaining an acceptable material standard of living;

Receiving quality medical care;

Changing lifestyle and adapting to new living conditions.

Limitation of life activities.

The aging process is closely related to the constant increase in the number of patients suffering from various diseases, including those characteristic only of old age. There is a constant increase in the number of elderly people who are seriously ill and require long-term drug treatment, guardianship and care. Polish gerontologist E. Piotrovsky believes that among the population over the age of 65, about 33% are people with low functional capabilities; disabled; at the age of 80 years and older – 64%. V.V. Egorov writes that the incidence rate increases with age. At 60 years of age and older, it exceeds the incidence rate of persons under 40 years of age by 1.7 - 2 times. According to epidemiological studies, practically healthy people among the elderly population make up approximately 1/5, the rest suffer from various diseases, and multimorbidity is characteristic, i.e. a combination of several chronic diseases that are difficult to treat with medication. Thus, at the age of 50-59 years, 36% of people have 2-3 diseases, at 60-69 years, 40.2% have 4-5 diseases, and at the age of 75 years and older, 65.9% have more than 5 diseases (1; 35 ).

“The capitalism of our time does not include the cost of union because they have forgotten the social nature” of enterprise economics. He doesn't see the struggle among immigrants, the poor, or because corruption has entered the hearts of some union members. We believe that 40% of young people are 25 and under who are not working. The union is born and reborn every time, like the biblical prophets, giving a voice to those without condemning the poor sold for a pair of sandals.

Over time, said the pontiff, he turned out to be too similar to political parties and their style, but if this typical and other dimension is lacking, actions in companies also lose strength and effectiveness. Bergoglio also recalled the importance of human dignity outside the work dimension: We must also think about a healthy leisure culture, about being at rest, it is not laziness, it is a human need. also a different culture. Because a person doesn’t just work. Children don't work and you don't have to work.

Typical ailments of old age are diseases caused by changes in organs due to aging itself and associated degenerative processes.

The structure of morbidity among elderly and senile people has its own characteristics. The main form of pathology is chronic diseases: general arteriosclerosis; cardiosclerosis; hypertension, cerebral vascular damage; emphysema, diabetes; eye diseases, various neoplasms.

We don't work when we're sick, we don't work when we're old. The Pope's words then describe the duty of good Christians: "Never persecutors of men, nor arrogant women, honest and never sellers of oil snakes. This fidelity to the style of Jesus will be called by the first Christians with a beautiful name:" martyrdom testimony. But martyrdom is not even the highest ideal of Christian life, because there is mercy above it.

This gives Christians the idea that suicide bombers can be called "martyrs." Nothing at their end can come close to "the attitude of the children of God." Trentino experience. in the contribution of the Centers for Cognitive Disorders and Dementia in the integrated management of patients, experience of good practice in Trentino. Fazzi, socio-sanitary integration. Fazzi, “Promoting Social Inclusion.” In welfare models and the capitalism model. . All indicators agree to confirm that the Italian population is getting older and older.

In old and senile age, the mobility of mental processes decreases, this manifests itself in increased deviations in the psyche.

Financial situation is the only problem. Which can rival health in its importance. Elderly people are alarmed about their financial situation, the level of inflation, and the high cost of medical care.

According to Z.–H. M. Saralieva and S. S. Balabanov, every fifth family of pensioners experiences difficulties in purchasing clothes and shoes. It is in this group of families that there are those living “from hand to mouth” (!3; 29).

Many older people continue to work, and for financial reasons. According to ongoing sociological research, 60% of pensioners would like to work.

In such a situation, it is impossible to talk about the continuation of a diverse, dignified life rich in spiritual and cultural values. Old people are fighting for survival (survival).

The situation of elderly and old people largely depends on the family they live in, as well as on their marital status.

The increasingly common nuclear family (consisting of spouses and their children) is changing relationships and connections with older people. A person in old age is often separated from children who have become independent, and in old age he remains alone, the reasons for which are often social in nature and caused by alienation, social injustice, and the contradictions of social progress. A lonely person can be considered as a result of weakening ties with one or another social group (family, team), a decrease in social lability, and a devaluation of social values.

The well-being of elderly and old people who live in a family is largely determined by the existing atmosphere in the family - friendly or unfriendly, normal or abnormal, by how responsibilities in the family are distributed between grandparents, their children and grandchildren. All this affects the desire of older people to live with their children and grandchildren or separately (20; 47). Conducted in different countries Research shows that some older people would prefer to live separately from their children and grandchildren, while others would prefer to live together. This should be taken into account, in particular, during urban planning and the distribution of apartments. There should be a possibility of exchanging apartments and so on.

The meaning of marriage and family varies at different stages of a person's life. An elderly and old person needs a family primarily due to the need for communication, mutual assistance, due to the need to organize and maintain life. This is explained by old man no longer has the same strength, the same energy, cannot bear the load, often gets sick, needs special nutrition.

When it comes to older people, the main motive for marriage is similarity of views and characters, mutual interests, the desire to get rid of loneliness (1/3 of single people in our country are people over 60 years old). Although, of course, at this age emotions and sympathies also play an important role.

As government statistics show, the increase in the number of late marriages is determined mainly by high divorce rates. As a rule, these are repeated marriages. In solving the problem of loneliness of older people through remarriage, social workers can play a significant role by organizing dating services for middle-aged and elderly people (12; 29).

The transition of a person to the group of older people significantly changes his relationship with society, such value-normative concepts as purpose, meaning of life, goodness, happiness, and so on. People's lifestyles are changing significantly. Previously, they were connected with society, production, and social activities, but in old age they lost their former social roles. Retirement is especially difficult for people whose work was highly valued in the past, but is now considered useless and unnecessary. The break from work negatively affects the health, vitality, and psyche of people. And this is natural, since work (hard work) is the source of longevity, a condition for maintaining good health. And many retirees would like to continue working; psychologically, they are still young, educated, professionals in their field with extensive work experience; these people can still bring a lot of benefit. But, unfortunately, up to 75% of older people are unemployed or only part-time employed. For example, in 2003, 82,690 pensioners turned to employment centers in search of a job. Only 14,470 pensioners tripled their work hours (12; 59)..

So, a person’s transition to a group of older people changes his life, which acquires a number of new, not always favorable and desirable features. The problem of social adaptation of elderly and old people arises. Here, social gerontology can come to the aid of a social worker - the field of research of the final stage of human ontogenetic development, sociocultural attitudes and expectations in relation to a certain socio-demographic stratum - older people (4; 73). Special attention should be given to the psychological problems of elderly and old people.

1.2 Psychological characteristics of elderly and old people

The aging process is a genetically programmed process, accompanied by certain age-related changes in the body.

During the period of a person’s life after maturity, a gradual weakening of the body’s activity occurs. Older people are not as strong and unable to withstand prolonged physical or nervous stress as in their younger years; the total energy reserve becomes less and less.

Along with the darkness, materials are accumulating that lead scientists to an understanding of aging as an extremely complex, internally contradictory process, which is characterized not only by a decrease, but also by an increase in the activity of the body.

There is a noticeable strengthening and specialization of the action of the law of heterochrony (unevenness); As a result of this, the work of some systems of the body is maintained for a longer period and even improves, and in parallel with this, an accelerated involution of other systems occurs at different rates, which is explained by the role and significance that they play in basic, vital processes.

The complex and contradictory nature of human aging as an individual is associated with quantitative changes and qualitative restructuring of biological structures, including neoplasms. The body adapts to new conditions; in contrast to aging, adaptive functional systems develop; various systems of the body are activated, which preserves its vital activity and allows one to overcome the destructive (destructive, negative) phenomena of aging. All this leads to the conclusion that the period of late ontogenesis is a new stage of development and specific action general laws ontogenesis, heterochrony and structure formation. Scientists have proven that there are various ways to increase the biological activity of various structures of the body (polarization, redundancy, compensation, design), which ensure its performance as a whole after the completion of its reproductive period (2; 53).

Along with this, there is a need to strengthen conscious control and regulation of biological processes. This is done with the help of the emotional and psychomotor sphere of a person. After all, it is well known that a certain training system can improve the respiratory, circulatory and muscular performance of elderly people. The central mechanism of conscious regulation is speech, the importance of which increases significantly during the period of gerontogenesis. B. G. Ananyev wrote that “speech-thinking, second-signal functions resist the general process of aging and themselves undergo involutional shifts much later than all other psychophysiological functions. These most important acquisitions of the historical nature of man become the decisive factor in the ontogenetic evolution of man” (Quoted from: 3; 111).

Thus, various kinds of changes in a person as an individual that occur in old age are aimed at updating the potential, reserve capabilities accumulated in the body during the period of growth, maturity and that are formed during the period of gerontogenesis and should be strengthened.

According to research by domestic and foreign scientists, the heterogeneous nature of the aging process is inherent in such human psychophysiological functions as sensations, perception, thinking, memory, etc. When examining memory in people aged 70-90 years, the following was discovered: mechanical imprinting especially suffers; Logical memory is best preserved; figurative memory weakens more than semantic memory, but at the same time what is remembered is preserved better than with mechanical imprinting; the basis of strength in old age is internal and semantic connections; logical memory becomes the leading type of memory (3; 54).

Older and older people do not form a monolithic group. Further changes during the period of gerontogenesis depend on the degree of maturity of a particular person as an individual and subject of activity. There is numerous data on the preservation of high vitality and performance of a person not only in old age, but also in old age. Many factors play a large positive role in this: level of education, occupation, personality maturity, etc. The creative activity of the individual is of particular importance as a factor opposing the involution of the person as a whole (15; 43)..

Unfortunately, typical personal manifestations of an old person are considered to be: decreased self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, dissatisfaction with oneself; fear of loneliness, helplessness, impoverishment, death; gloominess, irritability, pessimism; decreased interest in new things – hence grumbling, grumpiness; closure of interests on oneself - selfishness, self-centeredness, increased attention to one’s health; uncertainty about the future - all this makes old people petty, stingy, over-cautious, pedantic, conservative, lacking initiative, etc.

Fundamental research by domestic and foreign scientists, however, testifies to the diverse manifestations of an old person’s positive attitude towards life, towards people, towards himself.

K.I. Chukovsky wrote in his diary: “...I never knew that it was so joyful to be an old man, that never my thoughts were kinder and brighter” (Quoted from: 3; 36).

Mental aging is diverse, the range of its manifestations is wide. Therefore, psychologists distinguish different types of elderly and old people.

In F. Giese’s typology, three types of old people and old age are distinguished:

1) an old man is a negativist who denies any signs of old age;

2) old man – extroverted, recognizing the onset of old age through external influences and by observing changes;

3) introverted type, which is characterized by an acute experience of the aging process (3; 38)

I. S. Kon identifies the following socially: psychological types old age:

1) active creative old age, when veterans continue to participate in public life, in the education of youth, etc.;

2) pensioners are engaged in activities for which they previously did not have enough time: self-education, rest, entertainment, etc. This type is also characterized by good social and psychological adaptability, flexibility, adaptation, but energy is directed mainly towards oneself;

3) this group consists mainly of women who find the main application of their strength in the family, in the household; Life satisfaction in this group is lower than in the first two;

4) people whose meaning in life is taking care of their own health: this is connected various forms activity, and moral satisfaction. At the same time, there is a tendency (more often in men) to exaggerate their real and imaginary illnesses, and increased anxiety.

Along with prosperous types of old age, I. S. Kon also draws attention to negative types of development:

a) aggressive old grumblers, dissatisfied with the state of the world around them,

criticizing everyone except themselves, lecturing everyone and terrorizing those around them with endless claims;

b) disappointed in themselves and their own lives, lonely and sad losers, constantly blaming themselves for real and imaginary missed opportunities, thereby making themselves deeply unhappy (7;56).

The classification proposed by D.B. is quite widely supported in the world psychological literature. Bromley. She identifies five types of personality adaptation to old age (3; 39):

1) a person’s constructive attitude towards old age, in which elderly and old people are internally balanced, have a good mood, and are satisfied with emotional contacts with people around them;

2) a relationship of dependence, when an old person is financially or emotionally dependent on a marital partner or on his child;

3) a defensive attitude, which is characterized by exaggerated emotional restraint, some straightforwardness in one’s actions, and reluctant acceptance of help from others;

4) an attitude of hostility towards others. People with this attitude are aggressive, explosive and suspicious, seek to shift the blame for their failures onto others, are hostile to young people, withdrawn, prone to fears;

5) an attitude of hostility towards oneself. People of this type avoid memories because they have had many failures and difficulties in their lives. They are passive, suffer from depression, and experience a feeling of loneliness and uselessness.

All classifications of types of old age and attitudes towards it are conditional, are indicative in nature, in order to create some basis for specific work with elderly and old people.

The main stressors of elderly and senile people can be considered the lack of a clear rhythm of life; narrowing the scope of communication; withdrawal from active work; empty nest syndrome; a person withdrawing into himself; a feeling of discomfort from a confined space and many other life events and situations. The most powerful stressor is loneliness in old age. This concept is far from unambiguous. If you think about it, the term “loneliness” has a social meaning. A person has no relatives, peers, or friends. Loneliness in old age may also be associated with living separately from younger family members. However, more significant in old age are psychological aspects(isolation, self-isolation), reflecting the awareness of loneliness as misunderstanding and indifference on the part of others. Loneliness becomes especially real for a person who lives a long time. The focus, thoughts, and reflections of an old person may be on an exceptional situation that has given rise to a limited circle of contacts. The heterogeneity and complexity of the feeling of loneliness is expressed in the fact that an old person, on the one hand, feels an increasing gap with others and is afraid of a lonely lifestyle; on the other hand, he strives to isolate himself from others, to protect his world and the stability in it from the invasion of outsiders. Practicing gerontologists are constantly faced with facts where complaints about loneliness come from old people living with relatives or children much more often than from old people living alone. One of the very serious reasons for the disruption of relationships among others lies in the disruption of connections between old people and young people. Not the most humanistic position is being consolidated: the lack of a real life projection for the future is clear both for the oldest person and for his young environment. Moreover, it is not uncommon today to call such a relict phenomenon as gerontophobia or hostile feelings towards old people (5; 94).

Many of the stressors of elderly and old people can be prevented or relatively painlessly overcome precisely by changing the attitude towards old people towards the aging process as a whole.

In order to work with elderly and old people, you need to clearly understand the social and psychological problems of elderly and old people. In this work it is necessary to rely on such sciences as, for example, sociology, social gerontology, geriatrics, psychology; rely on data from sociological, psychological, socio-economic and other types of research.

Chapter 2. Features of social work with elderly and elderly people

2.1 Legislative framework for social work

The problem of social work with older people is of national importance. The legislative and legal basis of social work is:

1) Constitution Russian Federation

In Russia, as a social state, the right of citizens to social protection is guaranteed by the Constitution and regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation

2) Laws: “On state pension provision in the Russian Federation” (December 2001); “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation” (November 2001); “On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation” (July 1995); “About Veterans” (January 1995); “On the fundamentals of social services in the Russian Federation” (December 1995); “On social services for elderly citizens and disabled people” (August 1995)

3) The decrees of the President of the Russian Federation are of great importance for solving the problems of the elderly and disabled: “On measures to create an accessible living environment for disabled people”; “On additional measures of state support for disabled people” (October 1992); “On scientific and information support for disabilities and people with disabilities” (July 1992) and a number of decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation: “On the federal list of state-guaranteed social services provided to elderly citizens and disabled people by state and municipal social service institutions”; “The procedure and conditions for payment for social services provided to elderly citizens and disabled people by state and municipal social service institutions” (April 15, 1996); “On the development of the federal target program “Older Generation” (July 18, 1996).

The above and other documents define the structure of social work, its goals and objectives, sources of financing; a social protection program for the elderly and disabled was formulated. All efforts are aimed at improving the living conditions of older people, their social services, strengthening measures of additional social support, assistance in achieving longevity, and ensuring a peaceful old age (10).

The Russian state, developing and adopting relevant legislative acts, coordinates them with the starting positions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), the Final Act of the Helsinki Conference (1975), the European Social Charter adopted in 1961. and supplemented in 1996.

Basic principles of social protection: humanity, social justice, targeting, complexity, ensuring individual rights and freedoms, as well as consistency, competence and preparedness of specialists.

In recent years, a mechanism has been developed to provide social services to elderly and elderly people. Elements of such a mechanism include social service centers, including departments social assistance at home, emergency social care departments, medical and social departments, day care departments. In addition, for those who need constant medical care and cannot do without outside help, there are stationary boarding houses for the elderly; mini-boarding schools, social hotels, hospices. Specific technologies for social work with the elderly and elderly have been developed (!9; 79).

The Department for Elderly Citizens and Disabled Persons of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation has prepared a number of regulations on the creation and organization of work of stationary and non-stationary social service institutions, including resolutions of the Ministry of Labor of Russia:

From June 27, 1999 No. 28 “On approval of the Model Charter of the state (municipal) institution “Social and health center for elderly and disabled citizens”;

From July 27, 1999 No. 29(31), “On approval of the Model Charter of a state (municipal) institution”, “Comprehensive Center for Social Services for the Population”;

Much work is being done within the framework of the federal target program “Older Generation”. The “Older Generation” program should promote social support for older people, help create favorable conditions for the realization of their rights and full participation in the economic, social, cultural and spiritual life of the country. The program provides for measures to comprehensively resolve issues, taking into account age characteristics and health status of all categories and groups of pensioners.

The main directions of the state’s social policy in relation to the elderly:

1) Improving the living conditions of older people, their social services, strengthening additional social support, helping to achieve longevity, ensuring a peaceful old age.

2) Further development of the legal framework for social protection and services to the population.

3) Development of the methodological, scientific base of social work with elderly and elderly people;

4) Training of modern professional personnel.

2.2 Main directions of social work with elderly and elderly people

1) Social security and services

Social security and services for the elderly and elderly people include pensions and various benefits; maintenance and services for the elderly and disabled in special institutions of social protection bodies; prosthetics, benefits for the disabled; providing assistance to the homeless.

Social security is provided government agencies, enterprises, individuals, through contributions (deductions from wages) of workers. In the latter case, payment from the funds is determined not by labor contribution and length of service, but by the size of contributions. This practice is very common in Western countries (6; 34).

One of the important areas of social security is improving pension provision. It is solved in different ways. In some countries, a pensioner receives a pension wages completely regardless of its size and in any branch of the national economy. In other countries, so-called deferred pensions are widespread, that is, an increase in pensions by a certain percentage depending on the number of working years after retirement age. This also exists in Russia. There is also the prospect of voluntary old-age insurance (the right to an additional pension). But our pension provision still continues to be insufficient, despite regular increases in pensions (16;204).

Local authorities also provide assistance to older people: differentiated additional payments to non-working pensioners are increasing; Various categories of elderly are provided with discounts on housing costs, travel on suburban transport in the summer, free prescription medications, free vouchers to sanatoriums, and so on.

Social services for the elderly and elderly are provided by Social Service Centers for Elderly Citizens.

In 2005 In the social protection system of our country, there were 1,959 inpatient institutions for the elderly and disabled, more than 900 social service centers, 1,100 departments of social assistance at home, as well as a number of other social assistance institutions (psychological and pedagogical, emergency psychological) (12; 75).

The Center for Social Services for Elderly Citizens usually includes several departments:

Day care department (calculated for at least 30 pensioners). Food, medical and cultural services are provided here. It is desirable to have special workshops or subsidiary farms and feasible labor activity for pensioners in them.

Temporary stay department (for at least 15 people). It carries out therapeutic, health and rehabilitation activities; cultural and consumer services; food in conditions of round-the-clock detention.

Department of social assistance at home (serves 120 people in the city, and 60 people in the countryside). Here, permanent or temporary (up to 6 months) social and domestic services are provided at home for pensioners who need outside help (free or on a paid basis).

The emergency social assistance service provides a wide range of services: providing those in dire need with free hot meals or food packages; providing clothing, shoes and basic necessities; one-time provision of financial assistance; assistance in obtaining temporary housing; provision of emergency psychological assistance, including via a “helpline”; providing legal assistance; provision of other types and forms of assistance determined by other regional characteristics.

Appeared new form help - hospice. Here doctors, social workers, priests and volunteers joined their efforts. Their credo: a person should not end his life in a government hospital bed among strangers (29; 69).

Social service centers also work with the elderly and elderly living in families, providing them with paid services.

This is how, for example, work is organized at the Mercy Home Social Services Center in the city of Kalinin. The center helps about 1,110 lonely elderly and disabled people. It operates departments of medical and social care, special and hospice care at home, a gerontological department for 15 beds in a local hospital, and a charity canteen. There is a day care unit for the elderly. It is intended for household, medical and cultural services, and organization of recreation for pensioners. The issue of opening a nursing care department on the basis of a local hospital is being considered (service is free). In addition, the Center provides specialized medical and social assistance to lonely, seriously ill people (17; 239).

In our stormy, sometimes incomprehensible and cruel life, it is very difficult for an elderly person to navigate, it is difficult economically. This often leads to fatal mistakes. Now every lonely old man who has his own living space is a potential hostage of mafia-commercial structures “working” in the housing market. According to statistics from the Central Internal Affairs Directorate only for 2007. out of 37 thousand people who exchanged housing with the help of dubious companies, only 9 thousand registered for a new place of residence. A special service, Mossotsgarantiya, is now successfully operating in Moscow. She is accountable to the Moscow Government and the Committee for Social Protection of the Population. The essence of Mossotsgarantiya's activities is simple: lonely old people receive monthly monetary compensation, medical and social assistance, and in exchange for these services after death they leave their living space to the city. For this purpose, an agreement on lifelong maintenance with dependents is concluded in accordance with the law and all legal norms. The decision is made by the commission of the Social Protection Committee (17; 203).

In a crisis situation in Russia, targeted social assistance to older people is essential. It turns out primarily to those most in need: single pensioners, disabled people, elderly people over 80 years old.

One of the new forms of serving lonely elderly people living in remote areas is the organization of so-called mercy trains. They include doctors of various specialties and social workers. They provide a variety of assistance: medical, social, household, advisory.

2.) Social care for older people

Guardianship of older people is one of the main directions in social work with them.

Guardianship is “one of the social and legal forms of protection of personal and property rights and interests of citizens. Established over legally capable adult citizens who, for health reasons, cannot defend their rights and interests themselves. The trustee must: protect the rights and interests of the ward, live with him (in most cases) and provide the living conditions he needs, care for him and his treatment, protect him from abuse by third parties. A guardian over a legally capable person can be appointed only with the consent of the ward” (14; 143).

The forms of guardianship are very diverse. The main one is the functioning of the boarding house system.

At the beginning of 1975 in the RSFSR there were 878 homes for the elderly and disabled, in which more than 200 thousand people lived. At the beginning of 2001 in Russia there were 877 boarding houses and 261 thousand people lived in them. Now there are 959 of these houses. But the need for public boarding houses has decreased. This is explained by the fact that the practice of providing home care to disabled citizens is expanding. Nowadays, people who have completely lost the ability to move and require constant care are being admitted to boarding homes.

The most common reasons why older people end up in boarding homes are: loneliness (48.8%); unsatisfactory health status (30%); conflict in the family and initiative of relatives (19%) (!2; 63)..

In general boarding homes, the elderly are helped to psychologically adapt to new conditions. The newcomer is informed about the services provided, the location of rooms and offices. The characteristics, needs, and interests of older people are being studied in order to accommodate them in accordance with their individual psychological properties, so that they can find people close to them based on their personality and interests, and do not feel lonely. Employment needs and leisure preferences are studied.

Medical care is also provided, and a whole range of rehabilitation measures is provided (for example, occupational therapy workshops).

Among the residents of boarding houses, three groups of people can be distinguished:

1) those who came here are single by choice;

2) those who arrived at will, living with their families;

3) those who do not want to stay in a boarding school, but are forced to come here for various reasons (financial, climate in the family).

It is natural that older people want to live in their own home, in a familiar environment. And this is enabled by expanding home care. Home-based services guaranteed by the state have recently become more diverse. This includes catering and home delivery of food; assistance in purchasing medicines and essential goods; assistance in obtaining medical care and escort to medical institutions; home cleaning assistance; assistance in the provision of funeral services and burial of lonely dead; organization of various social services (apartment renovation; delivery of firewood, water); assistance in paperwork, housing exchange.

Back in the 80s, special departments were created in some boarding homes, in which elderly people in need of constant care lived there during the absence of relatives at home (business trip, illness). Now these are temporary accommodation units.

There is a completely “new” experience. The elderly are resettled in residential buildings that take into account their everyday needs. On the ground floor there is a store, a dining room, a laundry, a hairdresser, and medical offices. Residents of these houses are served by social workers. In 2003, there were 116 special residential buildings in Russia for single elderly citizens and married couples. 9 thousand people lived in them (9;94).

3) Medical and social rehabilitation

Older people may be vigorous and active, but, of course, with age, the need for medical care increases. There are a number of chronic diseases that often lead to disability. Therefore, medical and social rehabilitation, that is, a set of measures aimed at restoring, strengthening health, preventing diseases and restoring the ability to social functioning, is of particular importance. The nature of rehabilitation measures depends on the state of health and the type of pathology.

Tasks of medical and social rehabilitation of elderly and old people (20; 76):

1) coordination and coordination of work with medical institutions of the city.

2) development and testing of new non-traditional rehabilitation methods.

3) organization of specialized medical and social advisory work on the basis of city medical institutions.

4) organization and implementation of medical and social patronage for single elderly people and elderly people living in families

5) training family members in the basics of medical and psychological knowledge for caring for elderly loved ones.

6) assistance in providing disabled people with the necessary auxiliary aids (crutches, hearing aids, glasses, etc.)

7) implementation of recreational activities (massage, water procedures, physical therapy)

Old age is the age when “the expansion of death into the territory of life is especially strong.” At this age, the risk of cancer increases. When a person can no longer be cured, hospice helps him live his remaining days with dignity. Hospices are a humanistic, medical institution for cancer patients in the last stage of the disease. The fundamental difference between a hospice and traditional hospitals is the creation of conditions for a full, normal life of a hopeless patient” - this is a way to get rid of the fear of suffering that accompanies death, a way to perceive it as a natural continuation life. The experience of hospice shows that in the context of effective palliative care (when pain and other distressing symptoms can be brought under control), it is possible to come to terms with the inevitability of death, which people accept calmly and with dignity. The hospice employs social workers, doctors, priests, and volunteers (16; 276)..

The gerontological center has a lot in common with the hospice. Here such fields of knowledge as gerontology, gerontopsychology, and geriatrics interact.

4) Providing psychological assistance

As already said in Chapter I, a person’s transition to a group of older people significantly changes his relationship with society and value-normative concepts (good-evil, and so on). Therefore, the main task of psychological and social assistance is social adaptation, that is, the process of an individual’s active adaptation to the conditions of the social environment. To do this, the following measures are required (1; 138):

Organization of psychological and advisory assistance (personal problems, family conflicts, stress)

Leisure activities (organization of interest clubs, folk art studios, sporting events, attraction to social activities, cultural life)

Use of information methods (various meetings, conversations, question and answer evenings)

Solving employment problems for older people

Patronage of families in which elderly people live (with the consent of the family and the elderly person);

Support for single people (interest clubs, dating clubs);

Involvement in the work of religious organizations.

The problem of social work with elderly and elderly people is of national significance. A legislative and legal framework for social work has been created, which defines the goals and objectives of social work; sources of financing; Social protection programs for the elderly and elderly have been formulated.

1) social security and social services;

2) medical and social rehabilitation;

3) social care;


Elderly and old people represent a special category of the population, which is extremely heterogeneous in terms of age and other characteristics. They, more than anyone, need support and participation. It is in connection with these circumstances that older people, as a special social group, need increased attention from society and the state and represent a specific object of social work.

In order to work with elderly and old people, you need to clearly understand the social and psychological problems of elderly and old people. In this work it is necessary to rely on such sciences as, for example, sociology, social gerontology, geriatrics, psychology; rely on data from sociological, psychological, socio-economic and other types of research. The problem of social work with elderly and elderly people is of national importance. A legal framework for social work has been created, which defines the goals and objectives of social work; sources of financing; social protection programs for the elderly and elderly have been formulated.

The main areas of social work with the elderly and elderly are:

4) social security and social services;

5) medical and social rehabilitation;

6) social care;

4) providing psychological assistance.

The need for social and domestic services, social care, medical, social and socio-psychological rehabilitation of elderly people arises as a result of limited life activity; changes in a person’s social status; poor financial situation. All areas of social work are closely interconnected with each other and serve one goal: the restoration of broken or weakened, lost social connections and relationships, the loss of which occurred as a result of age, serious illness, disability.

Further necessary:

To contribute to the restoration of an atmosphere of mercy and humanism towards the elderly and old people. The efforts of the state and the church should be combined; centuries-old experience in this area should be revived.

Develop a legislative framework for social work with this age category;

Train personnel; develop social technologies.

In connection with the increasing importance of the work of social service centers, develop standard designs for the construction of centers; highlight modern technology for these centers;

To solve the problem of employment of older people, to do this, improve the legislation on the labor of older people.

Create a data bank of elderly and elderly people in need of specific types of assistance;

Improve the quality of medical, social care and psychological care.


1) AlperovichV. Social gerontology. Rostov n/d, 1997.

2) AmosovN. M. Overcoming old age. M., 1996.

3) Gamezo M.V., Gerasimova V.S., Gorelova G.G. Developmental psychology: personality from youth to old age. M., 1999.

4) Dementyeva N.F., Ustinova E.V. The role and place of social workers in serving disabled and elderly people. Tyumen, 1995.

5) DmitrievA. B. Social problems of older people. M., 2004.

6) DolotinB. “For people of the older generation” // Social Security No. 7, 1999.

7) ConI.S. Personality constancy: myth or reality? M., 1987.

8) Constitution (Basic Law) of the Russian Federation. M., 1993

9) Kravchenko A.I. Social work. M., 2008.

10) Lopatin N. M. Social protection of elderly and elderly citizens. Collection of normative acts. M., 2006.

11) Elderly: Dictionary-reference book for social work. M., 1997.

12) Pochinyuk A. Social work for older people: professionalism, partnership, responsibility // AiFDolgozhitel 2003. No. 1 (13).

13) Saralieva Z.-Kh. M., Balabanov S.S. An elderly person in central Russia // Sociological Research. 1999. No. 12. P.23 – 46.

14) Dictionary-reference book for social work / Edited by E.I. Single. M., 2001.

15) Smith E.D. You can grow old gracefully: A guide for the elderly, the elderly and those who care for the elderly. M., 1995.

16) Social work with older people. Handbook for a social work specialist. M., 1996.

17) Old age: Popular reference book / Ed. L. I. Petrovskaya. M., 1996.

18) Population aging in the European region as one of the important aspects of modern development: materials of the consultation of the international seminar. M., 1995.

19) Kholostova E.I. Social work with older people M., 2003.

20) Yatsemirskaya R.S., Belenkaya I.G. Social gerontology. M., 1999.


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According to the classification of the World Health Organization, the elderly are those aged 60 to 74, the old are those aged 75 to 89, and the centenarians are those aged 90 and older. Sociologists call these periods human life“third age”, and demographers introduce the concept of “third” (6075 years) and “fourth” (over 75 years) ages. In Russia, about 1.5 million older citizens need constant assistance and social services.

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, every citizen is guaranteed “social security by age, in case of illness, disability, loss of a breadwinner, for raising children and in other cases established by law.” This means that the state undertakes obligations to contribute to the preservation and extension of the full life of an elderly person and recognizes its duty to him. To implement full-scale functions of social assistance, support and social security, the Russian Federation has a social protection system, for the functioning of which budget funds are allocated. The entire working population, the entire society as a whole, supports elderly and old fellow citizens.

Elderly people over 60 years of age are the fastest growing group of the Russian population. Compared to 1959, its number at the beginning of the 1990s doubled, and its share increased to 16% and continues to grow, and by 2015 it may reach 20%. By this time, every third of the elderly will be in the age group of 75 years and older.

This is especially true now, when the constant increase in the proportion of elderly people in the entire population is becoming an influential socio-demographic trend in almost all developed countries.

This process is due to two reasons. Firstly, advances in healthcare, control of a number of dangerous diseases, and increases in the level and quality of life lead to an increase in the average life expectancy of people.

On the other hand, the process of a steady decline in the birth rate, below the level of simple generation replacement, a decrease in the number of children born to one woman during her entire reproductive period, leads to the fact that the level of natural mortality in our country has exceeded the birth rate. Each generation is replaced by the next generation of smaller numbers; The proportion of children and adolescents in society is steadily declining, which causes a corresponding increase in the proportion of older people.

The population is inevitably aging. And this entire layer of society needs constant social protection and support. Therefore, we can confidently speak about the high relevance of this work. The task of social workers and loved ones is to provide a lonely elderly person, to the extent possible, with material and moral support and respect.

The subject is specific technologies of social work with older people.

The purpose of the work is to consider technologies of social work with this category of citizens, including in the city of Prokopyevsk.

The hypothesis of this work is that the effective use of appropriate social work technologies is a factor in increasing the social security and activity of elderly and old people.

The theoretical foundations of this work are the works of such sociologists as Zh.T. Toshchenko, M.V. Udaltsova. The problems of social medicine and social gerontology in their relationship are considered in the works of E.I. Kholostovoy, R.S. Yatsemirskaya, I.G. Belenkaya, V.M. Vasilchikova. This problem was also considered from a historical perspective by M.A. Kuznetsova, E.S. Novak, V.G. Krasnova.

Chapter 1. Social aspects of old age

1.1. Social status and problems of the elderly

According to classification World Organization According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the elderly are people aged 60 to 74 years, the elderly are those aged 75-89 years, and the centenarians are people aged 90 years and older.

In accordance with UN and International Labor Organization (ILO) documents, elderly are considered to be persons aged 60 years and older. It is these data that, as a rule, are used in practice, although the retirement age in most developed countries is 65 years (in Russia it is 60 and 55 years, respectively, for men and women).

A change in a person’s social status in old age, caused primarily by the cessation or restriction labor activity, transformation of value guidelines, the very way of life and communication, as well as the emergence of various difficulties both in social and everyday life and in psychological adaptation to new conditions, dictates the need to develop and implement specific approaches, forms and methods of social work with older people.

In organizing social work with older people, it is necessary to take into account all the specifics of their social status not only in general, but also of each person individually, their needs, requirements, biological and social capabilities, certain regional and other features of life.

As is known, in practice, elderly people are usually considered to be people who have retired. However, this measure cannot be universal, since retirement age varies in different countries. However, women tend to retire earlier than men. Therefore, practice shows that the elderly are very different people. Among them there are healthy and sick; living in families and living alone; happy with retirement and life and unhappy, despairing of life; inactive homebodies and cheerful, optimistic people who play sports, lead an active lifestyle, and so on.

Therefore, in order to successfully work with older people, a social worker needs to know their socio-economic status, character traits, material and spiritual needs, health status, and be well aware of the achievements of science and practice in this direction. A change in a person’s social status in old age, as practice shows, first of all, negatively affects his moral and financial situation, negatively affects his mental state, reduces his resistance to diseases and adaptation to environmental changes.

There are far more women than men among older people around the world. According to the All-Russian Population Census of 1989. There were 633 men per 1,000 women aged 60-64 years, 455 men per 1,000 women aged 65-69 years, and 236 men per 1,000 women aged 80 and older. And to date, this trend has not changed.

Based on the data, the number of women is higher in older age groups. This significant difference is partly explained by the earlier mortality of men, partly by the greater longevity of women. In Russia, which suffered from the Second World War, this disproportion reached such large proportions due to military losses, as well as due to high level mortality of men from unnatural causes. This is how the problem of female loneliness in old age is formed.

With the transition to the category of older people, pensioners, not only the relationship between a person and society, but also such value guidelines as the meaning of life, happiness, good and evil, and more often radically change. The way of life itself, the daily routine, goals and objectives, and circle of friends also change.

In the family and household sphere, an elderly person may currently turn out to be more helpless than a child. He often cannot use a computer, cannot learn to drive a car, and does not know how to use complex household appliances.

The morbidity rate in old age is 2, and in senile age 6 times higher in comparison with the morbidity rate in younger people. In old age, bones become fragile and break easily even with minor bruises. The gait becomes slow and unsteady, coordination of movements is gradually lost, and the thinning of articular cartilage leads to the development of pain, changes in posture, and curvature of the spine. The discs of the spine become thinner, the back bends, and a characteristic “senile” posture appears. When doing things, even not burdensome ones, with age a person increasingly gets tired and tends to do calm, monotonous, uncomplicated work. In older people, the sense of smell, taste, and vision weakens.

Old age brings with it a change in habitual living standards and difficult emotional experiences. Every elderly person lives a difficult life (it is difficult to imagine a person who would live to be 60 years old without experiencing either suffering or stress). However, older people in modern Russia, who have experienced a number of global social cataclysms, are in a particularly difficult situation. The worst thing for a person (after the loss of the illusions of youth) is to experience the collapse of all his internal values, to lose everything that he was guided by. Older people cannot reorient themselves to values, that is, accept the values ​​of the capitalist world.

The character of an elderly person is deformed due to aging. This deformation is quite complex. For the time being, all workers (no matter in what area of ​​social employment) retain character traits that are of hereditary origin. With age, professional deformation of character appears, the so-called accentuation of certain character traits - suspiciousness, hot temper, vulnerability, anxiety, pedantry, touchiness, emotional lability, hysteria, isolation, exhaustion, pickiness, unfair assessments of one’s actions and the actions of others, regression of mental abilities.

Elderly people often find themselves on the margins of life. Retirement, loss of loved ones and friends, illness, narrowing of social circles and areas of activity - all this leads to an impoverishment of life, the withdrawal of positive emotions from it, a feeling of loneliness and uselessness. The most common mental disorder in older people is depression. It occurs twice as often in elderly and elderly people as in young and middle-aged people. The mood is low, a persistent feeling of melancholy or anxiety is characteristic, a feeling of uselessness, hopelessness, helplessness, and unreasonable guilt appears. The main need becomes the desire to avoid suffering, new unexpected situations and contacts. Interests are limited to everyday life, TV, health care, and interest in former favorite activities, family, friends, and work fades away. Biochemical changes in the body make older people more vulnerable to depression and anxiety. Depression can also have somatic manifestations: loss, or vice versa, increased appetite, insomnia or drowsiness, constant fatigue, pain that cannot be explained by a physical illness.

In old age, the reality of aging brings with it many causes of loneliness. Old friends die, and although they can be replaced by new acquaintances, the thought that you continue to exist is not sufficient consolation. Adult children distance themselves from their parents, sometimes only physically, but more often out of an emotional need to be themselves and have the time and opportunity to deal with their own problems and relationships. With old age comes apprehension and loneliness caused by deteriorating health and fear of death. Special studies confirm that thoughts about imminent and inevitable death, one way or another, are present in the minds of everyone over 60. This is explained by the fact that with age, a person’s psychological defense changes accordingly, with which he is born and the program of which includes consciousness own death.

The loneliness of an elderly person aggravates all his problems due to the absence of family members and relatives who can provide material or psychological support. Deteriorating health makes an elderly person more dependent on other family members; he needs their care and help, especially during exacerbation of illnesses.

At the same time, pensioners, being in the family, try to provide all possible assistance to their relatives (cooking breakfast, buying groceries, washing dishes, etc.), which allows them to feel needed and useful.

The well-being of older people is largely determined by the existing atmosphere in the family - friendly or unfriendly, and the distribution of responsibilities between grandparents, their children and grandchildren.

But current trends in development family relations lead to the destruction of old patriarchal families in which several generations live together - modern youth strives for economic independence and independence. In many families, young people no longer show the same sympathy and respect for the older generation; not everyone is ready to accept them into their family.

Increasingly, there are families consisting of elderly spouses who, after the death of one of them, will move into the category of singles.

The meaning of marriage and family varies at different stages of a person’s life. An elderly person needs a family, primarily due to the need for communication and mutual assistance. The main motive for marriage among older people is similarity of characters and views, mutual interests, the desire to get rid of loneliness, the desire to acquire a friend and life partner in old age.

According to government statistics, the increase in the number of late marriages is determined mainly by high rates of divorce, which is primarily characteristic of urban residents. As a rule, these are not first marriages (social workers can provide great help by organizing dating services for middle-aged and elderly people).

Older men are more likely to marry than older women; Having lost their spouse, older men most often give up housekeeping, create new families, and go to live with their children or in boarding homes.

Family ties and contacts of older people are maintained mainly in a direct line, i.e. with kids; Relationships with brothers and sisters are activated in cases where there are no closer relatives.

Living together or close to each other and maintaining fairly frequent contacts, parents and their adult children provide mutual services and assistance - not only material, but also moral.

Financial situation is a problem that can compete in its importance with health problems and psychological problems. Elderly people are alarmed about their financial situation, the level of inflation, and the high cost of medical care. Many older people continue to work solely for financial reasons.

The situation of an elderly single person in modern Russia is complicated by such factors as financial difficulties, deterioration of physical and mental health, loneliness, addiction, etc. All this makes life difficult for an elderly person. Loneliness due to the loss of loved ones, loss of social status in society, cessation of work leads to a deterioration in a person’s well-being and makes the problem of loneliness in pensioners urgent, requiring government support and guarantees of social security. To overcome these problems and carry out adaptation measures, an effective means is to create centers for medical, social and psychological assistance.

The priority direction of social work with the elderly is organizing their living environment in such a way that an elderly person always has a choice of ways to interact with this environment. Freedom of choice gives rise to a feeling of security, confidence in the future, and responsibility for one’s own and other people’s lives.

1.2. Formation of a social security system for older people

The history of providing social and medical assistance to the disabled population in Russia is closely connected with the activities of the Russian Red Cross Society. It arose in 1867 as a philanthropic Society for the Care of Wounded, Sick Soldiers and Prisoners of War.

In 1960, the Bureau of Home Health Nurses was created under the committees of the Red Cross Society to assist health authorities in providing medical care and care for lonely elderly patients. In order to facilitate the work of visiting nurses to provide assistance in the everyday care of patients, a lot of work was carried out to form a sanitary asset among the population. However, social services provided by sanitary activists on a voluntary basis developed poorly. In this regard, in 1969 an attempt was made to involve medical school students and students of medical institutes in this work.

In the mid-70s. XX century As an experiment, home-based services for single pensioners were organized for the first time in a number of regions by employees of boarding homes for the elderly and disabled from the Ministry of Social Security. This activity was regulated by the Temporary Regulations on the procedure for organizing home-based services for pensioners in boarding homes, approved by the Ministry of Social Security of the RSFSR on October 28, 1975.

Since that time, a new state form of social and medical services has emerged - social and medical services for disabled single people at home. To enroll in home care, a certificate from a medical institution confirming the absence of chronic diseases was required.

A boarding house serving citizens at home was supposed to provide them with the following services: food delivery to their home, laundry, room cleaning, medicine delivery, and health monitoring. Since home care was a function that was not typical of boarding homes and caused organizational difficulties for these institutions, the need arose to create an independent service to provide medical, social and domestic assistance to disabled citizens. Such structural units were departments of social assistance at home for single disabled citizens.

In 1987, the functions of social services for the disabled at home were performed by two organizations: the state one - social assistance departments and the public one - the charity service of the Red Cross Society. Over time, the population stopped paying membership fees to the Red Cross Society, as a result of which this public organization had a significantly reduced ability to support this service, in connection with which its activities were reduced to a minimum, while the service of medical, social and household assistance at home began to rapidly expand.

According to the instructions of the Ministry of Social Protection of the Population of the Russian Federation and the Red Cross Society of the Russian Federation “On the interaction of social protection bodies and the mercy service of the Russian Red Cross in matters of social protection of low-income groups of the population” dated May 25, 1993, it was recommended to regularly help single elderly citizens and the disabled.

Over the years, the number of lonely elderly people has increased and the need for social and medical services for this category of the population has acquired large-scale significance. The inability of boarding homes to accommodate all those in need, demographic prospects suggesting a further increase in the proportion of older people in the population led to the solution of the problems of social and medical services for the disabled at the state level, the creation state system, engaged in the provision of medical and social services.

In accordance with Art. 41 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, older people have the right to health care and free medical care in state and municipal institutions. Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of the Civil Service of the Russian Federation” dated July 31, 1995 No. 119-FZ establishes the age limit for holding a public position - 60 years. The Law “On Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation” states that citizens who have been assigned an old-age or long-service pension cannot be recognized as unemployed. In accordance with the federal laws “On state pensions in the Russian Federation” dated November 20, 1997 No. 340-1; "On calculation and increase state pensions» dated July 20, 1997, No. 113-FZ, from February 1, 1998, the transition to calculating pensions using the individual pensioner coefficient began.

Social service elderly citizens is regulated by the Federal Law “On Social Services for Elderly Citizens and Disabled Persons” dated May 17, 1995 and is carried out by a network of stationary social service institutions, as well as social service centers, departments of social, specialized home care and emergency social assistance

The Law sets out in detail the list of services included in social services; principles of activity in the field of social services; conditions of organization in the field of social services; forms and types of social and medical services. It is on the basis of this Law that many social service centers have been created in Russia, since it discusses in detail the goals, objectives, and principles of organizing the activities of these centers.

Of certain importance are such legislative acts as the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation “On the creation of departments of social and medical care at home” dated December 27, 1994, the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the federal list of guaranteed social services provided to elderly citizens and disabled people by state and municipal institutions social services" dated November 25, 1995.

Implementation social programs must create conditions that meet the requirements and norms of a civilized state, under which an elderly person, like any citizen, has the right on equal terms to receive education, work, provide for themselves financially and have access to all social, medical, industrial and economic infrastructures.

Legal support for the management and implementation of social and medical services has great importance for implementation social rights citizens. Therefore, the problems of social and medical protection of elderly citizens are reflected in international and Russian legislative acts; At the same time, measures aimed at protecting older citizens occupy a significant place in the social policy of modern states.

Chapter 2. Social work with older people

2.1 Technologies of social work with older people

The technology of social work with the elderly should be based on the following requirements:

Preventing the causes of problems for older people;

Promoting the practical implementation of rights and legitimate interests, ensuring the possibility of self-expression of older citizens and preventing their exclusion from active life;

Maintaining equality and opportunities for older citizens when receiving social assistance and services;

Differentiation of approaches to solving problems of various groups of older people based on taking into account social risk factors affecting their situation;

Identification of individual needs of older citizens for social assistance and services;

Targeting in the provision of social services with a priority of assisting older citizens in situations that threaten their health and life;

The use of new technologies of social work aimed at meeting the needs and needs of older people;

Focus on developing self-help and mutual support among older people;

Ensuring that older citizens, as well as the entire population, are aware of the possibilities of social assistance and services.

The main directions for improving the well-being of the elderly are:

Increasing the size of pensions;

Improving the pension system;

Development of home care services;

Expansion of the network of nursing homes;

Improving living conditions in these houses.

Physical dependence in old age takes on acute forms due to loneliness. Divorce and widowhood of older people are accompanied by financial difficulties with the hope of stabilizing the situation in the event of remarriage. Trying to avoid loneliness and the hardships it causes, many older people strive for a new strong family union, built on the basis of mutual trust and intimacy. The task of social services is to, along with direct social assistance to elderly couples, promote the formation of tolerance and understanding in the assessment and acceptance of various, sometimes extraordinary forms family life in old age.

One of the significant technologies of social work with older people will be social adaptation. Social adaptation measures have a positive impact on certain categories of older people. This type of work is especially relevant for citizens without a fixed place of residence or occupation.

The social protection system also provides assistance in establishing a lifestyle and employment for older citizens, as well as (if necessary) professional retraining.

The labor, physical and material costs of caring for the elderly and, especially, elderly family members place a significant burden on the family, giving rise to problems that cannot always be solved by the family itself. Social patronage of such families, as well as families of pensioners and single elderly people, makes it possible to foresee the moment of a crisis situation and timely take adequate measures in order to neutralize it.

An important role is played by the system of non-stationary institutions of the social protection system for older people, since this form is the most economical and closest to the real needs of older people. Moreover, non-stationary social protection institutions allow you to choose an individual service option, including on a paid basis. Within the framework of such institutions, systems of psychological, medical, social and legal assistance to older people are being developed.

Social service centers provide support for leisure and feasible social activities of the elderly, promote educational, educational and physical training work among the elderly.

The need for social services in inpatient settings remains quite high. In the future, the network of inpatient social service institutions should not only expand, but also change. The currently dominant traditional multi-bed boarding houses should gradually be replaced by other types of hospitals.

The humanization of the approach to social services for the elderly will significantly improve the situation of clients of social services, which implies:

Introduction of a state-guaranteed minimum of social services provided to older people in order to maintain an appropriate level of safety and comfort of life in old age; provide senior citizens with favorable conditions for the realization of their rights and legitimate interests, participation in social, economic, cultural and spiritual life; ensure the protection of older citizens from unfair or illegal actions in the field of social protection and services;

Preventing refusal by state social services to provide guaranteed social services for any reason, including due to chronic infectious diseases, as well as tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, mental illnesses, alcoholism, substance abuse;

Respecting the choice of citizens and providing opportunities for the client to exercise the right to an alternative solution (choosing a public or private institution, receiving services on a permanent or temporary basis, free or for a fee, choosing an assigned social worker) by reforming the network of social service institutions and radically improving the quality of services provided ;

Taking into account national and cultural characteristics, ideological and religious views of clients of social services through individualization of social services.

The organization of social services for the elderly should be aimed at ensuring a safe old age by reducing the impact of social risk factors and the highest possible degree of implementation of social guarantees in combination with the provision of a wide range of services in the field of prevention and development, so that the elderly can maintain social tone and their usual way of life for as long as possible while remaining active and contributing members of society.

2.2 The system of social services for older people as one of the areas of technology for social work with older people

Social services and provision for pensioners include the assignment of pensions and various benefits, maintenance and servicing of elderly single elderly people in special institutions of social protection bodies, free prosthetics, benefits for the disabled, assistance to the homeless, etc.

Social and medical services include a set of social services that are provided to older citizens at home or in specialized state and municipal institutions. The state guarantees the receipt of necessary services on the basis of social justice, regardless of race, national origin, origin and attitude to religion. The already mentioned social service centers, which help single elderly people adapt to a difficult life situation, have proven themselves very positively in ensuring a decent life for elderly citizens in the social protection system. Today, in almost all cities, work is underway to implement the program for developing a network of these centers.

Currently, there are 1,500 social service centers, 11 branches and one experimental comprehensive center for social protection of the population in Russia. Almost all centers have emergency social service departments, where citizens receive various targeted assistance (medical, clothing, food, legal).

In the context of the financial and economic crisis, the organization of trade and consumer services for low-income citizens at reduced prices is of particular relevance - the corresponding program was developed by the Committee for Social Protection of the Population together with interested departments and committees of the Moscow government, veterans and other organizations. The main goal of the program is to create unified system trade and consumer services for single low-income citizens, consolidating various financial resources for this, attracting the attention of charitable and veteran organizations. One of the ways to implement this program is to organize outbound trade and provide personal services in social service centers, social residential buildings and other social protection institutions. One of the primary tasks of social services is to identify those in need. Social service centers monitor older citizens with a view to accepting them into social service departments at home.

Social services for older people include stationary, semi-stationary and non-stationary forms.

Stationary forms include boarding houses or boarding houses for the elderly. To enter a boarding house, an elderly person must transfer 75% of their pension to Pension Fund district, leaving only 25% for themselves.

A mandatory condition for admission is that pensioners transfer their housing to the municipal housing stock of the city where they live.

Residents of these boarding houses have the right to medical care, social adaptation, and free visits by a lawyer, a clergyman, and relatives.

Boarding houses are designed for elderly people who have retained partial or full ability for self-care in everyday life and need to create easier conditions to fulfill their life needs. The main purpose of these social institutions-- providing favorable living conditions and self-service, providing social and medical assistance.

Nursing homes are intended for permanent residence of citizens who have partially or completely lost the ability to self-care and require constant outside care. However, the number of people wishing to move to a nursing home has decreased after the creation of social service departments at home.

The semi-stationary form of service for the elderly includes social, medical, social and cultural services for pensioners, the organization of medical care, food, recreation, and ensuring their participation in feasible work activities. It is carried out by day and night care departments, as well as medical and social departments, and rehabilitation centers. The purpose of these departments is to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle for older people who are capable of self-care, and to overcome isolation and loneliness.

Non-stationary forms of social services include social services at home, urgent services, and social advisory assistance.

Temporary stay departments carry out medical, health and rehabilitation activities, cultural and consumer services, and provide food for lonely elderly people.

Departments of social and medical care at home provide permanent or temporary social, medical and social services at home to single pensioners who need outside help. The main goal of this department is to maximize the stay of lonely old people in their familiar home environment.

The emergency social assistance service of the Social Services Center provides for the provision of a wide range of services: provision of one-time necessary medical care, provision of necessary medications, one-time provision of free hot meals and clothing to those in dire need, assistance in obtaining temporary housing.

Departments of social and advisory assistance provide the necessary psychological, legal, legal and other support in social and medical service centers and by telephone.

In a crisis situation in Russia, targeted assistance to older people is of significant importance - primarily to those most in need, for example, single pensioners over the age of 80, and is expressed in the form of help with housework, provision of medical services, etc.

In a number of regions of the country, local authorities provide significant assistance to older people, increasing differentiated payments to unemployed single pensioners, providing travel benefits, and free receipt of some medications. Social services for pensioners are being developed, providing them with shoes, clothing, various devices for movement, etc.

A new form of social service is a nursing home, or hospice, a specialized institution that helps terminally ill people receive timely help that will alleviate their moral and physical suffering.

Nursing homes (hospices) are usually organized at hospitals and are intended to provide supportive treatment for seriously ill people, mainly the elderly. The main areas of work of this institution are:

Skilled nursing;

Social services;

Timely implementation of medical prescriptions and procedures;

Medical rehabilitation of the sick and elderly;

Dynamic monitoring of the condition of the sick and elderly;

Timely diagnosis of complications or exacerbations of chronic diseases.

So, a nursing home provides, firstly, emergency and emergency assistance; secondly, the timely transfer of seriously ill and elderly people with exacerbation of chronic diseases or deterioration of their condition to appropriate medical institutions. Elderly patients are constantly examined by doctors, their health status is monitored, dietary food, psychological assistance is provided.

Another new form of social service for older people is a lifelong maintenance agreement: older people enter into an agreement with an authorized organization, according to which, after their death, they bequeath their housing to it, and this organization, in turn, undertakes to help older people financially and provide services for their social and medical services. This form is especially effective for lonely elderly people who do not receive help from relatives.

So, the activities of social service centers in Russia indicate that this model of social service, focused on working with older people, has become most widespread and recognized. However, along with the already widespread forms of social services, new ones are being formed, which are becoming increasingly popular among lonely elderly people.

Thus, social assistance to lonely elderly people is provided by social assistance services, where older citizens turn to receive social and medical services in the conditions of socialization and adaptation to new living conditions.

Working with elderly and elderly people is considered one of the most difficult psychologically. Therefore, socio-medical work with this category of the population uses methods and technologies used by psychologists, psychotherapists, teachers, gerontologists, lawyers and other specialists.

2.3 Technologies of social work with older people in Prokopyevsk

One of the main institutions involved in social work with older people in Prokopyevsk is the Committee for Social Protection of the Population (KSZN).

KSZN was created in 1997. The main direction of its activity is to support vulnerable segments of the population (elderly, disabled people, veterans, etc.). KSZN is associated with various budgetary and other institutions, including various public organizations. They provide loans, food packages, etc.

Social service centers for the population are also under the jurisdiction of the KSZN. Basically, these centers work with beneficiaries. Here we are accepting documents for registration of benefits and other various social support measures. Also, within the framework of the work of social service centers, various divisions operate:



Social services.

The main areas of work of the emergency social service department include targeted delivery of potatoes, coal, food packages to elderly people, cash payments. As part of social services, there are 3 social hairdressing salons and a social laundry. As part of social services, about 2,500 thousand people are served at home. They are provided with guaranteed free services (cleaning the apartment, assistance in preparing various documents) and additional paid services.

There is also a boarding home for the elderly and disabled in Prokopyevsk. Until 2003, it was under the jurisdiction of the Health Committee. On January 1, 2006, the boarding house officially became a state inpatient institution. The main functions of this institution are:


First aid

The staff of the boarding home includes nurses, a therapist, a dietician and other positions. This establishment is designed for permanent residence 40 people. Here they receive qualified medical assistance and care.

Also, speaking about social work with the elderly, one cannot fail to mention the veterans' home. This is a separate building with 154 apartments, for elderly people who have demonstrated feats of labor, for veterans of the Great Patriotic War and labor. Here, older people live in 1 and 2 room apartments. They are provided with benefits for public utilities. You can also get 24-hour medical assistance here. In the building of the veterans' home there is a medical center, a store, and a library.

In general, there are not too many social institutions working with older people in Prokopyevsk. And taking into account their insufficient funding, we can say that the technologies of social work with older people in Prokopyevsk are not effective enough. But, however, this situation is observed almost everywhere in Russia.


Retirement, partial loss of ability to work, physical weakness, narrowing of social circles - all this causes a radical change in the rhythm of life in an elderly person. But it is obvious that elderly and old people are also different. There are quite a lot of older people who have retained not only health and vigor, but also a fresh outlook on life, a desire to communicate, benefit society, study and earn money.

The state social protection system is currently “tuned” to prolong the life of an elderly person. The new model of old age, accepted by the world community, regards the elderly person as significant human potential, which can and should be involved in social active life. The view of an elderly person as the ballast of society is completely unacceptable. The most important task of the system of social service institutions is to maintain the standard of living of elderly people and people with disabilities in extreme situations, to facilitate their adaptation to the conditions of a market economy. For quality service to older citizens, highly trained personnel in the field of psychology, sociology, pedagogy, as well as social workers are required.

Older people have the right to a full life. And this is only possible if they themselves take an active part in resolving issues that directly concern them. State authorities in the field of social support for older people need to:

Contribute to improving the quality of social and medical services provided to older people in government institutions;

Ensure sufficient pensions and the level of monetization of benefits to achieve a decent standard of living;

Improve the quality of life in specialized institutions for the elderly;

To draw public attention to the problems of older people in such a way as to create more comfort in the small architecture of cities, recreation areas, handrails, ramps in public places.

During the work, the hypothesis put forward was completely confirmed. We can say with confidence that a dignified old age is real, subject to the effective use of appropriate social work technologies. Governmental support and the effective functioning of social services is a factor in increasing the social security and activity of elderly and old people.

In In Prokopyevsk there are several institutions whose activities are aimed at supporting older citizens. But, unfortunately, due to insufficient funding, their activities are not always effective. Therefore, the city, and the country as a whole, needs to continue to develop technologies for social work with older people.

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