Nurse for the elderly. Caregivers for elderly people without accommodation.

03.05.2019 Jurisprudence
  1. In our company, you can optimally hire a nurse for an elderly person. Once you have decided, how many hours a day patient care required.
  2. An assistant through the patronage service “Good Help 57” has the following guarantees and advantages:
    • providing written and oral recommendations from previous Customers;
    • adequate behavior with the patient throughout the entire duration of the contract;
    • compliance of all skills and abilities voiced by the manager of our agency over the phone with reality;
    • the presence of a functioning office to discuss details and select a candidate;
    • free conclusion of an agreement in the office or with a courier;
    • and most importantly, all services are paid upon completion of work, we do not take money in advance!
  3. When choosing a nurse for the elderly, prices will depend on your requirements for the worker, her duty schedule, and the complexity of the situation with the patient. What responsibilities might be included in this job? Maintaining cleanliness in the room where the patient is, preparing food for him, washing in washing machine. But it is important to understand that washing the windows in the house in the spring and autumn or dismantling the balcony is not included in the standard cost of services. Nurses are focused on comprehensive assistance to the recovering person, and not on everyday worries.
  4. Work in Moscow can be paid by the hour: 8-10 hours a day - that’s from 1,100 rubles. This duty is performed by a visiting nurse for an elderly person. If you need round-the-clock assistance, then you need a live-in caregiver. An assistant who is at home all the time, on alert at any time of the day or night. She will solve any issue, call an ambulance, and warn relatives about the deterioration of the patient’s health.

The cost of a nurse for an elderly person with accommodation in Moscow is approx. 25,000 rubles per month, which is 20% lower than the incoming one.

Why you shouldn’t hire a caregiver for an elderly person through private advertisements

Be sure to think deeply before hiring a caregiver for an elderly person through private advertisements!

  1. That's all you need don't save money, this time. Agency percentage We deduct the employment fee from the employee herself. This is how a conscientious patronage service in Moscow works.
  2. Who will come to you from the street to your elderly person’s house? to a loved one?Confidence in our time of crisis, it is worth no less than a reliable reputation, accumulated over the years.
  3. Private assistants can change prices so that you will have to meet with a new candidate each time in order to achieve adequacy in communication. Through its “selection sieve,” our experienced agency rejects up to 60% of candidates for the position.

Has your relative reached old age or suddenly fallen ill? If this happens, but you cannot be there, the Era of Mercy patronage service will help.

A suitable service would be a caregiver for elderly people without a residence. The assistant’s work schedule is drawn up individually, taking into account the needs and daily routine of the ward. This will give confidence that the relative will receive everything he needs - medications, procedures, food, care and concern.

Nurse prices without accommodation

The cost of nursing services is affected by:

    • schedule
    • condition of the ward
    • including weight (the higher it is, the more difficult it is to care for)
    • other individual characteristics.

Why “Era of Mercy”?

Because our staff are people with extensive experience and a sensitive attitude. Working with older people is primarily based on attention, patience and care. But besides this, a nurse without living in Moscow makes it possible for your relative:

  • a feeling of need and importance, which is gradually lost without constant communication
  • improvement of emotional and physical well-being
  • a lot of attention and care, giving peace of mind
  • and much more.

How does a live-in caregiver help?

Employees of the “Era of Mercy” know how to find the right approach to older people. But in addition to communication and support, the responsibilities of our service are:

monitoring the well-being of the ward, his state of health;
compliance with the regimen prescribed by the doctor;
creating an atmosphere of comfort;
carrying out medical procedures recommended by a doctor;
preparing meals, helping with meals;
carrying out full hygienic care;
ventilation, maintaining cleanliness in the ward’s room;
providing first aid, resuscitation, calling an ambulance;
monitoring compliance with medical prescriptions - taking medications according to schedule;
what is especially important is moral support!

A professional nurse is an excellent assistant in caring for the elderly and sick relatives. At the same time, with personal, attentive attention to each client. Employees patronage service“Era of Mercy” in Moscow are selected very carefully, both when applying for a job and when hiring for each customer. They are highly qualified, have the necessary experience and documents confirming it. At the same time, prices remain affordable for most possible clients.
In order not to worry about how your relative feels in your absence, trust the patronage service “Era of Mercy” and rest assured about the health of your loved one.

IN modern world With its intense pace of life, long distances, irregular working hours and other features of large cities, it is difficult to find an opportunity to pay sufficient attention to your loved ones, express your love to them and surround them with care.

And if one of the relatives is elderly and becomes more and more helpless, children and grandchildren are tormented by a feeling of guilt towards the elderly who need warmth and support.

Social worker or caregiver for an elderly person?

Until recently, it was difficult to solve the problem of daily care for an elderly person: there were few caregivers, they were transferred from one family to another, and if it was not possible to get an experienced person, then they agreed with neighbors or acquaintances.

Nowadays, a nurse for an elderly person can be invited from a patronage agency, of which there are more and more in Moscow and other large cities.

The task of a nurse is not to replace the care of relatives with her care, but to organize the life of a family where there is old man, smart and safe.

Many single pensioners and disabled people are looked after by a social worker appointed by the local social security authority to care for the elderly. But his duties are generally limited to providing practical assistance:

  • purchasing food and medicine;
  • receiving certificates and statements;
  • assistance in paying utility bills

and some other types of social patronage.

Hiring a caregiver for an elderly person: the price will not stop loving relatives

However, the social worker cannot be with the elderly person all the time - according to the contract, he visits the ward 2-3 times a week. Of course, this is not enough for old people.

Relatives who truly love and care about their family members can and should hire a caregiver for an elderly person, the price of the issue is expressed not so much in money, but in the daily well-being of the grandmother or grandfather, father or mother. This is not an area where you should skimp, and many people understand this very well.

The specificity of the work of nurses caring for the elderly lies in the special category of their charges. Age-related diseases, character changes, old man's quirks, whims and fantasies - all this exists, and we must put up with it. Therefore, the nurse must have:

  • great patience and goodwill;
  • the ability to adapt to the characteristics of the ward;
  • the ability to create a positive psychological mood, distract from obsessive states and difficult thoughts;
  • physical and psychological stability.

In addition, the nurse must have a medical education and experience working with older patients.

How to find a caregiver for an elderly person that he or she will like

How to find a caregiver for an elderly person who combines all the necessary qualities? The most correct thing is to contact a private patronage service or agencies that conduct strict selection and testing of personnel.

These companies try to satisfy the most specific needs of the client as much as possible.

For example, a nurse for an elderly woman in an agency is not a problem, there are candidates, and the customer is given a choice and a test day. And if an elderly man does not want a female nurse to look after him, is he embarrassed by his helplessness?

A man working in the nursing field is a rather rare occurrence. But the nurse invited “for a trial” will be able to find an approach to the future ward, conduct a gentle and effective “psychological treatment” that will make him forget about awkwardness and doubts.

If you order a professional service nurse for the elderly a person will be surrounded by care and attention that comes from the heart. There are no indifferent people in this profession. It is attended by enthusiasts who are ready to give not only their strength, knowledge, but also their souls to elderly people who need all this like no one else. It is the elderly and children who are the most vulnerable groups of the population, but if adults look after children, then, unfortunately, there is no longer enough time for the elderly. Therefore, they often find themselves without care and attention and nurse for the elderly person in Moscow this is the real “straw” that they are grasping at.

Many old people, along with old age, also encounter a bunch of diseases that can put them and their relatives at a dead end. Nurses for the elderly are called upon to solve this problem. Professional nursing care can be provided either in a hospital or at home. Relatives and friends can continue to work by paying professionals for these services. The most difficult postoperative period will pass without complications if there is a nurse nearby for an elderly person with medical education.

Another common job option is services. This service involves not only patient care and an elderly person, but also all possible help with housework. Being with an elderly person all day, caregivers can take on household chores that their ward cannot do on their own. In addition, the presence of an attentive friend nearby has the best effect on the well-being of old people, because they no longer feel abandoned. There is always a person nearby who will listen and give good advice.

Offering services caregivers for the elderly in Moscow, our site guarantees professionalism, the necessary medical skills, and the attentive and sincere attitude of the nurse towards her ward. The elderly person’s health will be under control, because the nurse will measure blood pressure, give massage, provide first aid, give injections, etc. All doctors' orders will be carried out accurately and on time.

Nurses for the elderly- the list of services that a professional will provide to an elderly person is prescribed in the rental agreement. The nurse’s work schedule and her payment are also established there. By ordering a service live-in caregivers for the elderly, you can do your professional activity, without worrying about what your loved ones need at this moment.

For older people, a nurse, as a rule, becomes not just an assistant, but a close, caring friend for a long time. She will ensure constant monitoring of the ward’s condition, take on all the concerns of meeting his needs and creating comfortable living conditions, and will help to significantly reduce the physical and moral burden on relatives. A nurse from MosMedPatronage is your reliable partner and the right choice!

Caregiver for an elderly person: the benefits of working with us

Patronage service "MosMedPatronage" provides high-quality services at an affordable price. We are well aware of the fact that a caregiver for the elderly is not a personal whim or luxury, it is an absolute necessity!

By hiring a nurse from the MosMedPatronage patronage service, you get peace of mind and the opportunity to go about your business without any restrictions, and close person– comfort. He doesn't feel like a burden to you! You will be pleased to see that your loved one is in a good mood, fed and well-groomed. You will not feel remorse for not being able to do anything to alleviate his plight. You will no longer have to take time off from work, give up business trips or vacations.

Nurse for the elderly: how we select staff

When recruiting staff for older people, we rely on many years of experience gained by our company in the field of patronage. We place our main emphasis on professionals who have proven themselves in practical work caring for the sick, elderly and elderly people. It is worth noting that our company cooperates with large recruitment agencies in a number of cities in Russia and CIS countries, which select caregivers for us strictly in accordance with the criteria we have established.

Our staff provides 24/7 service, including weekends and holidays. You yourself can choose the most convenient work schedule for a caregiver for the elderly: live-in, hourly, daily or night duty, etc.

We select employees both on a professional basis and taking into account the employee’s human qualities, primarily such as integrity, the ability to empathize, and respect for a sick person. Therefore, our caregivers for the elderly view their work not just as a way to earn a living, but also as an opportunity to help their ward in difficult times.

Call us, experienced managers of the MosMedPatronage patronage service will do everything possible to ensure that your wishes and hopes are fully justified.