Nurse for the elderly. Boarding houses for the elderly in the Moscow region.

06.07.2019 Jurisprudence

Often relatives are unable to provide for themselves comfortable life or are generally unable to maintain full functioning.

Problems of caring for the elderly

In this case, high-quality care for the sick and elderly is necessary. However, it is not always possible to provide full-fledged care, because you need to work to support your family, which requires a lot of time and effort.

There are many institutions in Moscow offering care for the elderly, but not everyone wants to send loved one to a nursing home, especially if he is sick.

If it is important for you to see this person in familiar conditions, but you are not able to spend all the time next to him, the services of our patronage service will be the solution.

What does Social Support offer?

Our experienced specialists will provide decent care for the sick and elderly in Moscow. We will select a specialist with the necessary qualifications - be it experience in helping a patient after a stroke or a disabled person.

Nursing services for elderly people

Our service employees have great experience in this area, thanks to which they will not only provide the ward with the necessary help, but also surround his person with care and attention, become his friend and interlocutor.

  • Using knowledge and accumulated experience, professional nurses will provide truly high-quality care for the sick and elderly.
  • A nurse or a nurse working with a ward can run the household - take on responsibilities for cleaning the home, cooking and other household issues.
  • The nurses of our service will provide care, prescribed medical procedures, monitor the condition of the elderly patient and, if necessary, promptly call a doctor for the elderly person - for busy people this is the best way to care for a loved one during your absence.
  • Companion caregivers will do everything possible to provide their care recipient with leisure and peace of mind. Caring for older adults may include walks, conversations, reading aloud, and other moral support.

A ward under the patronage of our service will not feel abandoned, lonely and unnecessary. Caring for the elderly, our specialists provide the necessary support in those moments when you cannot be with your loved one.

Our laws are sometimes extremely surprising. For example, care for the elderly can be provided for a fee by relatives and complete strangers, having registered this with the local social security service.

Social portrait of such a caring person:

  • he must be able to work, that is, not a pensioner;
  • he should not receive any government payments such as unemployment benefits;
  • he shouldn't work anywhere.

And for this, such a “nurse” or “attendant” receives microscopic money, below the subsistence level! It turns out that he is supported by a ward. But this work is included in the insurance period.

Caring for the elderly at home: invite a professional caregiver

You have to refuse the “benefits” of the state and hire a nurse for an elderly relative. Many Moscow residents take care of elderly people at home. patronage services, and many of them conduct special instructions for staff in connection with the age characteristics of their wards.

In our country, people who have lived to this age can be considered long-livers. Unfortunately, the state of their health and psycho-emotional sphere makes them practically helpless, requiring constant care and supervision.

Caring for elderly people over 80 years of age requires special care, caution, boundless patience and mercy, as well as professional medical skills - after all, such people at any time can get injured, get sick, and they already have large bouquet diseases.

Care for the elderly in Moscow: protect loved ones from scammers

Relatives of an elderly person should think about how to organize care for the elderly; in Moscow there are many cases of fraud and criminal acts aimed at taking possession of the property and real estate of the wards. Realizing that in most cases an old man does not understand his actions, he can sign any documents, give away all his savings, the family must protect him from such risks.

That is why care for the elderly should be entrusted to trusted people. Such caregivers work in patronage companies. They are tested for professional qualities, psychological stability, and “reliability.” Their employers also pay attention to the presence of such character traits as patience, kindness, and sympathy for suffering.

Physical health is also important - among elderly patients there are many immobilized. Then strength will be required to turn the patient over, wash, and change linen.

Caring for a disabled person: rely on the state or turn to a caregiver?

If one of your relatives and friends wants to officially provide care for a disabled person of group 1, the payment is 1,200 rubles per month and has not been indexed for the last 8 years.

Is it worth going through all the bureaucratic procedures in social security - and they can even refuse - and deprive the family of normal income, when you can invite a foster nurse from a specialized company? Then you can safely continue to work, and a disabled person of any age will be under reliable care.

Unfortunately, human health is subject to very negative age-related changes. Associated diseases appear, coordination of movements worsens, and a person can no longer solve even the most primitive everyday problems. However, looking after an elderly person requires a significant investment of time and effort; not every city resident has it. Therefore, a caregiver for an elderly person can best handle this responsibility.

When the presence of a caregiver is necessary

Of course, no one will replace you for your elderly relative. And if there is someone in the family who can constantly care for the elderly, that’s great. But there are cases when the participation of a person with a medical education is necessary. That is, in the following situations it is advisable to order care for the elderly in Moscow:

  • after operations;
  • for various diseases;
  • after fractures.

To ensure that your elderly will receive proper care, you should only contact a large medical Center, for example, ours. Here you will be shown profiles of our specialists, whose prices for services meet your expectations.

Caring for the elderly is not easy and requires a lot of time and patience. It is important to take into account psychological and social factors, because it is important not only to maintain normal physical condition.

Caring for the elderly at home: 4 valuable tips

Monitor an elderly person's sleep

Normal sleep in old age should be about 7-8 hours, perhaps even more, since the body of an old person is exhausted. Moreover, good and long sleep will help restore nervous system, which is extremely depleted in older people. Moreover, the most dangerous phenomenon is insomnia, which can lead to bad mood and general weakness of the body.

But insomnia is a fairly common age-related phenomenon. Moreover, older people can nap during the day, but this only negatively affects the overall duration of night sleep. Doctors may prescribe sleeping pills as a treatment for sleep disorders, but this will not lead to long-term effects and will only provide temporary relief. The main contraindication of such drugs is addiction, which leads to apathy and physical inactivity.

That's why it's important to create optimal sleeping conditions for older people. Always keep an eye on the following:

    comfort and cleanliness of the bed;

    silence in the room;

    maintaining comfortable temperature 18-22 degrees, regular ventilation;

    the presence of a warm and light blanket;

    The last meal should be organized 4 hours before bedtime;

    avoiding the consumption of sweets, coffee and strong tea;

    inclusion of walks in the fresh air in the evening program. If you can’t go outside, you can take a “walk” on the balcony.

    organizing daytime activities to prevent you from falling asleep during the day;

    one of the troubles that is familiar to many older people is nocturnal diuresis; It occurs due to impaired kidney function with age. In order to minimize the need to relieve yourself at night, you need to:

    • do not drink before bedtime;

      put on diapers at night;

      exclude any diuretic drugs and products.

Monitor the personal hygiene of an elderly person

One of the main points of caring for an elderly person is maintaining personal hygiene. In fact, it is no different from the usual hygiene of any person. It is only important to take into account that with age the skin becomes drier and you need to include moisturizing soap and nourishing cream in your skin care.

Be prepared for accidents

As the general physical condition deteriorates significantly, this leads to an increase in accidents. Moreover, any consequences of this will have a much worse impact on recovery. Fractures, bruises, and dislocations heal much more difficult in older people.

Create comfortable conditions for an elderly person

    allocate a separate living space elderly person;

    maintain lighting, ventilation of the room, temperature not lower than 18 degrees Celsius;

    Place the bed at hip level so that it is comfortable to sit down and stand up without assistance;

    Do not place a deep chair in the room to make it much easier for him to get up on his own.

What services are currently offered to care for the elderly?

Social worker

There are social service workers in every city, even the smallest and most provincial ones.

They provide the following types of care to an elderly person:

    hygiene care;

    control of medication intake;

    assistance in carrying out medical procedures and accompaniment to the place where they are carried out;

    purchase of food and medicine at the expense of the ward himself or his relatives;

    assistance in preparing meals;

    feeding if necessary;

    cleaning the premises and ventilating the room where the ward lives

    washing and ironing clothes and linen of an elderly person;

    walking assistance.

Positive and negative aspects of a social service worker in caring for the elderly:

    Absolutely for free;

    Availability of medical education of the employee social service, the ability to provide first aid if necessary;

    Rendering one-time or 24/7 help;

    Paperwork Providing such an employee is quite labor-intensive. You need to submit an application to the center commission social services. Providing an employee is possible only on the basis of a medical report. The official name of this procedure is “non-stationary social service”;

    assistance can only be provided if When close relative an elderly person is unable to provide assistance independently (illness, disability, pension, living away from a relative, frequent business trips).

Nurse- essentially this is a health worker who is trained in all the intricacies of caring for the elderly. It is a rather complex profession that requires patience, hard work, a sense of humor, compassion, and sincerity of intentions. It is extremely rare to find all these qualities in one person and that is why it is so difficult to find a good nurse.

The nurse can be either visiting (paid by the hour) or permanently provided and residing (paid salary).

Positive and negative aspects of a nurse in caring for the elderly:

    The services are paid for in the amount required by the customer.;

    No need to relocate an elderly person in a nursing home, as the nurse comes home. This is the main plus for the peace of mind of old people, who categorically object when talking about changing their place of residence. And it’s easier for the family;

    Permanent presence of a stranger can be stressful for family members. The nurse must be constantly with the elderly person, so it is important that everyone is prepared for this;

    It is possible that nurse Just won't get along with you or wards, in which case they will have to change it;

    A matter of trust. It is important that you trust the caregiver 100%, as this is the person who will be spending an extremely large amount of one-on-one time with your loved one. AND It is quite difficult to control the work . Selection through an agency will give you much more confidence in the candidate, and having recommendations will help you avoid mistakes. But this too will not guarantee safety.

Specialized boarding house (elderly care with accommodation)

These boarding houses are specialized country hotels that provide a specific set of medical services. Often, they are built in the suburbs, in quiet and green places, but close to the city, so that relatives can safely visit their relatives.

In such boarding houses not only care and accommodation . They are equipped with everything for elderly people and people with disabilities. Eat services special medical care and everything for rehabilitation (after injuries, operations, diseases). There is something more important than 24-hour medical support and care - the ability to communicate. Essentially, this is a return to society with people with similar interests, because old people rarely go out for walks and do not have the opportunity to communicate with peers.

Such country houses older people communicate, have fun, they organize cultural programs, various concerts, picnics, meetings, workshops, film screenings and music evenings.

Of course, when they talk about a boarding house for the elderly, everyone immediately remembers social houses for the elderly, the conditions in which, to put it mildly, are frightening due to insufficient finances and low qualifications of personnel.

The only advantage of state nursing homes is the low cost of living, since in private boarding houses it will be much higher. Just imagine that the price of a boarding house will include accommodation, care and food. Yes, it is more expensive, but how can you save money on someone close to you?

Positive and negative aspects of boarding house services in caring for the elderly:

    Employees have the necessary qualifications and will be able to provide comprehensive care and treatment, unlike a nurse. Boarding houses have sophisticated equipment for complex care cases, which is not possible at home. In addition to nurses, a staff of doctors monitors health. A nurse essentially provides only vital functions and the comfort of existence, while in a boarding house they care about improving the quality of life;

    In boarding houses there is a rehabilitation program, which will help in recovery, and specialized animators entertain guests. Plus, the cooks always feed you delicious and healthy food, and the community of interests restores interest in life;

    Eat possibility of developing and selecting an individual program according to the patient's requests and needs;

    An elderly person can live in the boarding house not a day or two, but on an ongoing basis for conducting various rehabilitation courses;

    In view of the huge state, there is big choice the nurse who will most suit the ward;

    Our country already has a fairly large selection of such establishments, so to choose the best option may take a long time . You shouldn’t choose a boarding house based on pictures, you need to come to the place, talk to the staff, pay attention to various nuances, collect feedback from the residents;

    The idea of ​​moving rarely pleases an elderly person . In their understanding, this is the same mossy nursing home, which is the “last abode” and means complete isolation from society. This is why it is worth taking a relative with you so that he can evaluate and see the conditions in which he will live.