Standards for a comfortable life in the atmosphere. What atmospheric pressure is considered normal for a person

14.02.2018 This is interesting

Most people are aware of the impact weather and pressure have on overall well-being. Headaches and other symptoms of malaise that come along with a change in the weather have even been nicknamed the special term “weather dependence”. Consider what is the norm of atmospheric pressure for a person is considered optimal, and what to do with your condition when the pressure changes.

Which Atmosphere pressure considered normal?

Everyone knows that the earth is surrounded by a dense air mass called the atmosphere. Any object and living being on the planet is “pressed by air” with a certain weight. Due to the peculiarities of the structure of the human body, this "air weight" is not felt.

After carrying out certain mathematical calculations and comparing atmospheric pressure in different parts of the globe, scientists came to the conclusion that the norm of atmospheric pressure ranges from 750 to 760 mm. rt. Art. The scatter of these parameters is explained by the uneven relief in different parts Sveta.

What is weather dependence?

Exist different types people: some are able to painlessly withstand climbing mountains or many hours of flights on board an airplane, while for others, a change in weather causes severe headaches and deterioration in general well-being. To define this pathological condition, a special term "meteorological dependence" (in other words, meteopathy) was developed, which indicates the relationship of the symptoms that appear with atmospheric pressure, humidity and other weather conditions.

How do changes in atmospheric pressure affect the patient?

With pressure drops in the atmosphere, the pressure in the vessels and cavities of a person begins to change. They contain special baroreceptors that respond to changes in pressure. They are located on the peritoneum, pleura, internal capsule of the joints, in the vessels and in other places. That is why patients with joint diseases can almost always predict changes in weather and pressure by how their joints “ache and twist”.

The deterioration in the well-being of people with diseases of the heart and blood vessels is also associated with a change in pressure and irritation of these receptors. They begin tachycardia, pain in the heart, the rhythm breaks and the head hurts. If the patient has a history of lung or pleural disease, then high blood pressure will remind you of chest pains and a feeling of heaviness in the chest.

When there are problems with the digestive system, the baroreceptors of the peritoneum can respond to pressure changes with flatulence, bloating, heaviness in the epigastrium, and problems with stool. Excruciating migraine-type headaches begin in patients if high blood pressure is combined with a previous traumatic brain injury or aneurysms. People with chronic otitis media or sinusitis begin to worry about the unpleasant symptoms of heaviness and fullness at the time of the weather change.

Important! The severity of the manifestation of a symptom depends on the individual sensitivity of the person and his emotional stability.

If the pressure in the atmosphere drops sharply, then even completely healthy people may experience headache attacks due to oxygen starvation of brain cells. The optimal pressure for a person is the average pressure of the geographical region where he grew up or lives for a long time.

How can you reduce the effect of pressure on the body?

Normal atmospheric pressure is considered to be 760 mm. rt. st, but comfortable for a particular person can be 755 mm Hg. and even 750 mm Hg.

If a person has problems with weather sensitivity, then you can try to reduce it by the following measures:

Treatment of the disease that underlies hypersensitivity to pressure.

Improving the adaptive capabilities of the body by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, normalizing nutrition and rest, hardening, etc.

It has been shown that the response to natural phenomena lies lability and hyperexcitability nervous system. In conditions of chronic stress, vegetative-vascular disorders and neurasthenia have become constant companions of most people who respond to pressure.

Another factor of meteorological dependence is the lack of sufficient fresh air and a sedentary lifestyle. Residents of small towns and villages are practically unaware of the reaction to pressure, unlike their brothers from megacities.

Nutrition and mode

One factor that influences the development of pressure sensitivity is excess weight. Obese patients are more likely to suffer from heart and vascular diseases and, accordingly, are more likely to respond to weather disasters. If the patient decides to cope with this disease, then first of all you need to reconsider your lifestyle and diet:

A complete and balanced diet with a normal content of vitamins and microelements.

Refusal or restriction of the use of alcohol and nicotine.

During an attack, you need to switch to a light milk-vegetarian diet to help the body cope with the disease.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the use of adaptogens - drugs that increase the body's natural adaptive ability. They are of vegetable and synthetic origin. Some of the best-known adaptogens are ginseng, eleutherococcus, bee products, and reindeer antler preparations. Before taking them, you need to consult a doctor, since there are a number of contraindications and side effects.

Weather-dependent people are more likely than others to be interested in what atmospheric pressure is considered normal for a person. The weight of the air mass is so great that the human body can withstand a load of more than 15 tons. Not to feel such a load helps compensation, which is carried out by pressure internal organs. When, due to malfunctions in the body, the adaptation system fails, a weather-dependent person becomes a slave to a weather cataclysm. The intensity of symptoms depends on how low or high the arterial pressure.

What does the barometer say?

It is known that the force of pressure of the air shell of the Earth on 1 cm² of the surface is balanced by a column of mercury 760 mm high. This indicator is taken as the norm. When the barometer gives a result above 760 mm Hg, they speak of increased atmospheric pressure when less than 760 mm Hg. Art. - about reduced. Considering the fact that the Earth's surface is heated unevenly and the relief is not uniform (mountains, lowlands), barometer readings will differ.

Favorable weather

Every person is unique. Also unique will be the norm of atmospheric pressure for him. Someone will not notice the flight to another climate zone, and someone will feel the approach of a cyclone, which will manifest itself as a headache and "twisting" the knees. Others climbed higher into the mountains and feel great, not paying attention to the rarefied air. The totality of natural and weather conditions, at which you can feel comfortable and have normal atmospheric pressure for a person. The older a person gets, the more he feels climate change.

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Table of optimal weather conditions

Everyone is influenced not only by atmospheric pressure, but also by air temperature, humidity both outside and in the house. Optimal performance and possible consequences of deviations from the norm are given in the table:

Atmosphere pressure750-760 mmHg Art.above 760 mm Hg. Art.less than 750 mm Hg. Art.
InfluenceComfortable for human well-being.
  • headache,
  • weakness,
  • decrease in immunity.
  • pulse quickens,
  • difficulty breathing,
  • increased content of leukocytes in the blood.
Air temperature18-20°CAbove 25°CLess than 16°C
ImpactSuitable for work, leisure, sleep.Exceeding the air temperature even by 5 ° C from the norm leads to a significant decrease in performance, overwork.
  • the speed of thought processes slows down,
  • difficult to switch from one task to another.
Humidity50-55% Less than 45%Over 60%
EffectComfortable to feel.The mucous surface of the nasopharynx dries up, its ability to resist viruses and bacteria is reduced.The body's resistance to cold decreases.

What is weather dependence?

Meteorological dependence is the inability of the human body to adapt to changing weather conditions.

People suffering from vegetovascular dystonia, hypertension, atherosclerosis, and endocrine diseases are more prone to weather dependence. The baroreceptors of our organs respond to the approach of a cyclone or anticyclone, lowering or increasing blood pressure, making it dependent on weather conditions.

The effect of high atmospheric pressure on arterial

The body has the ability to equalize atmospheric pressure with arterial pressure.

An increase in atmospheric pressure forces the blood pressure to equalize the imbalance. Arterial pressure decreases, the walls of blood vessels expand. Consequences of hypotension:

  • concerned about poor health and general weakness;
  • suffer from headaches;
  • there is an unpleasant "congestion" in the ears;
  • exacerbated chronic diseases.

The blood chemistry under these conditions will show a decrease in white blood cells, which means that the immune system will have a harder time dealing with an infection or virus. The best solution in this situation:

  • do not overwork and have a good rest;
  • limit the intake of alcoholic beverages at this time;
  • enrich the diet with foods containing potassium (dried fruits) and magnesium (cereal cereals, rye bread).

The effect of low atmospheric pressure on a person

The drop in barometric pressure when the weather changes leads to symptoms that are similar to mountain climbing. An insufficient amount of oxygen is unable to saturate the organs of the human body. Shortness of breath appears, the heart beats more often, pain presses in the temples and compresses the head with a hoop. People with increased intracranial pressure, head injuries, and cardiovascular diseases react sharply to this.

Almost a third of the world's population feel when atmospheric pressure changes: their bones “ache”, their health deteriorates, and children act up. What is considered normal atmospheric pressure?

What atmospheric pressure is considered normal

It was once accepted that the atmospheric pressure of latitude 45ᵒ would be considered ideal normal pressure. This point should be 0m above sea level and should be measured at 0ᵒC. The measured pressure corresponded to 760 mmHg.

But each area has its own atmospheric pressure, which is considered the norm. For flat terrain normal pressure one, for the mountains another indicator, which is also normal.

Normal atmospheric pressure for different cities of Russia (in mmHg):

  • Irkutsk (at an altitude of 450 m above sea level) - 709
  • Yekaterinburg (275 m) - 735-741
  • Chelyabinsk (205 m) - 737-744
  • Rostov-on-Don (-1 m) - 740-741
  • Perm (170 m) - 744-745
  • Izhevsk (115 m) - 746-747
  • Moscow (120 m) - 747-748
  • Yaroslavl (100 m) - 750-752
  • Samara (30 m) - 752-753
  • Astrakhan (-20 m) - 758
  • St. Petersburg (10 m) - 755-760
  • Tyumen (80 m) - 770-771

As you can see, in different areas and different atmospheric pressure, which is considered the norm there. The local population gets used to such pressure, and the difference between the normal pressure of different cities can affect visitors.

A sharp increase in atmospheric pressure by at least 1 mm / h or a gradual increase of up to 10 units leads meteorologically dependent people to a deterioration in health (lethargy, nausea, headache).

How to reduce the impact of atmospheric pressure on a person

To reduce the impact of weather sensitivity on a person with changes in atmospheric pressure, you need the following:

  • Adhere to a healthy lifestyle (in the morning, do exercises and jog, take a shower with cold and hot water alternately, do not smoke or drink alcoholic beverages).
  • Treat emerging diseases in time, prevent their transition to a severe form.
  • Fight excess weight. It is known that obese people are more likely to suffer from diseases of the heart and blood vessels, and are especially dependent on the difference in atmospheric pressure.
  • In the morning, hypotensive patients can drink tea from plants (eleutherococcus, ginseng), which will slightly increase blood pressure and improve the condition after a drop in atmospheric pressure. You can also have a cup of coffee.
  • During the day, eat light dairy and vegetable foods, with a minimum of salt, drink herbal tea with honey.
  • On days when there are differences in atmospheric pressure, it is important to get enough sleep. This means that you need to go to bed earlier than you usually go to bed.

So, now we know what atmospheric pressure is considered normal.

As in other places, in the capital of Russia, the well-being of people directly depends on what the normal atmospheric pressure is in Moscow. It is made up of several components. This is the height of the settlement above sea level, air temperature and so on.

In addition, the value with which the atmosphere presses on people is very unstable and changes even during the day. Therefore, it is better for weather dependent people to know in advance what to expect from the weather in order to be able to prepare.

What is atmospheric pressure and what is normal?

Before talking about what normal atmospheric pressure is in Moscow, you need to understand what it is. So, first things first.

Atmospheric pressure is determined by the weight of the air. Its value is determined based on 1 cm 2 of the area of ​​​​a body located on the surface of the Earth. Pressure is measured in several units: from millibars (mb) to millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) and Pascals (Pa). In different situations, use what is more convenient. In meteorology, millimeters of a mercury column have taken root.

The normal value is at sea level, that is, at a height of 0 m, at a temperature of 0 ºС. It turned out to be equal to 760 mm Hg. Art.

However, this number is not always normal. Atmospheric pressure in Moscow, for example, is much lower than this value. And even within the boundaries of the city, it can vary significantly.

Air presses on people. Why don't they feel it?

If translated into simple language, it turns out that air presses on the human body, the weight of which is 15 tons. Agree, this is a lot.

The pressure of the atmosphere is not felt because it is balanced by the presence of gases dissolved in the blood. They allow people not to notice the huge column of air above them.

The human body has adapted, and normal atmospheric pressure in Moscow does not negative impact on his well-being. If you train for a long time, then you can normally exist at a low or high mm Hg.

How does air pressure depend on altitude?

It is decreasing. Because of the unevenness, it varies unevenly. So, when you rise to a height of the first 50 meters, the pressure will become 5 mm Hg. Art. less. Another 50 m up - and a decrease of another 4 mm Hg. Art.

Due to the fact that the capital of Russia is located at an altitude of 130-150 m above the sea surface, the normal atmospheric pressure in Moscow will be 746-749 mm Hg. Art. The uneven relief of the city does not allow to give an unambiguous result. So, the answer to the actual question: "Normal atmospheric pressure in Moscow - how much is it?" - will be blurry.

If you climb, you will find yourself at an altitude of 540 m. Atmospheric pressure here will be about 711 mm Hg. Art. Therefore, a quick ascent to it is not recommended due to the possibility of a deterioration in well-being.

Atmospheric pressure fluctuations depending on the time of day and season

It is determined by the air temperature - at night it is lower than during the day. Pressure is also directly related to temperature. This will also change during the day, but not much. Typically, such a fluctuation does not exceed 2 mm Hg, which is within the acceptable range.

The same can be said about the seasonal change in pressure. With an increase in the average daily temperature in spring and summer, its growth is noted. Therefore, the normal atmospheric pressure in Moscow in winter will be slightly lower than in summer.

Relationship between atmospheric pressure and weather

In the air, areas with increased or are constantly formed. In meteorology, they are called anticyclones and cyclones, respectively. They slowly move along the surface of the Earth and bring with them a change in pressure. If its value is significantly different from the usual, then local residents may react poorly to this. Because the differences are fixed in the range from 640 to 815 mm Hg. Art.

How does the human body react to pressure fluctuations?

It all depends on how adaptable he is to change. Medical professionals believe that a value of 750-765 mm Hg. Art., is the normal atmospheric pressure in Moscow. Now the living conditions of residents of megacities are such that they are forced to live in high-rise buildings, and work, or at least get to their place of service, at ground level. Therefore, people experience fluctuations in pressure within one day. So the body gets used to and becomes less receptive to smooth changes. This is a good workout.

Another thing is if atmospheric pressure changes sharply in one direction or another. Such a jump is a drop or rise in a value of 1 mm in 3 hours. Then the cardiovascular system is under serious stress.

If the pressure drops, then:

In the event of an increase in pressure:

    the blood is supplied with a large amount of oxygen, this leads to an increase in vascular tone and the occurrence of spasms;

    a person notes the appearance of flies in the eyes, dizziness and nausea.

Results: recommendations for those who are sensitive to changes in atmospheric pressure

If the weather forecast warns of a sharp change in the weather, then there will be a pressure surge. This is a signal to reduce the load on the body as much as possible on this day. Such a measure will be quite enough not to experience inconvenience.

In situations where a person is prone to increase or decrease, it is worth consulting with your doctor and choosing medication.

One of the biggest annoyances in fishing is the lack of bite. Any angler wants to know why this happens. If we discard subjective reasons, such as illiterately configured equipment, bad game bait, the nozzle is incorrectly selected and many others. etc., then natural conditions remain, including pressure.

Atmosphere pressure- the pressure of the atmosphere located above a specific area of ​​the earth's surface. There is an opinion that the optimal pressure for catching fish is 760 mmHg, but this is completely wrong.

Any piece of land has a different height above sea level, therefore, it is different, and this should be taken into account. Yes, for middle lane, the norm is 760 mm, but for Western Siberia, the normal pressure is much lower - only 746 mm. The pressure also varies during the day by 1-3 mm, but the fish practically does not react to this.

The fish reacts to its more significant fluctuations.

Fishing at low and high pressure

According to the observations of anglers, with a decrease in pressure, predatory fish begin to hunt more actively and it does not matter whether there is wind or not, sunny or cloudy weather, regardless of the time of day and the phase of the moon.

Especially if it has dropped, after a few days before that there was stable weather with high atmospheric pressure, predators begin to eat real.

There is a hypothesis that they try to get enough before the weather changes, fearing that it will become much more difficult to do this later.

Atmospheric pressure drops with the arrival of a cyclone and rises with an anticyclone. Predatory fish begin to peck badly already a few hours before the arrival of the anticyclone.

At high atmospheric pressure, predatory fish become passive, but during this period the whitefish pecks willingly. Without fear of predators, the white fish begins to look for food. The activity of the whitefish is observed from the moment the arrow starts to creep up and continues throughout the entire stabilization time.

Since with the advent of the anticyclone, bucket and clear days are set, therefore, it is in such weather that it is better to catch white fish. During this period, the whitefish pecks throughout the daylight hours.

The worst biting is observed with sharp jumps in pressure both up and down. At these moments, the fish seems to be in limbo, does not go to any of the baits and becomes active, or vice versa, stops eating only when a stable pressure is established.

Therefore, it is best to bite when there are no sharp jumps that cause the same sudden changes in the weather.

Optimal atmospheric pressure for fishing

To tell what pressure is best for fishing, you must first decide what you are going to fish. If the goal is to catch a predatory fish, then you need to wait until the barometer starts to drop.

The chances of returning with a rich catch are much higher. If you want to catch a white fish, you will have to wait for the arrival of the anticyclone, and with it sunny days. It is at this time that she actively takes the bait.

Reasons for changing fish behavior

If the sense of touch is normal, the fish sees the food perfectly, feels great and there is no need for it to reduce its activity.

The touch of fish is remotely similar to the principle of operation.

When moving, the fish creates subtle waves that allow it to navigate and determine the correct distance to various objects in the water column.

In addition, thanks to these waves, the fish accurately determines the depth at which it is located.

This is best done with surface fish. The fish navigates and determines the distances to various objects in the thickness of the reservoir according to a specific density. As soon as the pressure rises, the water level drops slightly, as a result of which its density increases.

At the same depth, the fish begins to feel discomfort and moves higher. Now the waves created by the fish carry information that is unusual for it, and it is necessary that some time pass before it adapts.

After the acclimatization period is over, the fish feel good closer to the surface of the water, where it is easier to get food. Therefore, the bite of white fish rises as soon as the barometer creeps up.

With the departure of the white fish closer to the surface, predators have no one to hunt, so their activity subsides.

As soon as the barometer begins to creep down, white fish are not comfortable in the upper layers and they sink deeper. Again, the waves created by it carry unfamiliar information, again the fish needs to get used to new conditions.

It is because of these periods of acclimatization that there is no bite during sudden pressure surges.

Having descended to the depth, the whitefish again becomes a tasty prey for a predator. Therefore, when the barometer column falls, predatory fish are more likely to bite.

Influence of atmospheric pressure depending on the season

spring nibble

The most wonderful time for fishing is early spring, when the water temperature begins to rise, a starved predator, and most of ichthyofauna actively bites on any bait.

The nibble can be saved due to gusty wind, a sharp drop in temperature and strong pressure surges.

From mid-April, the fish become more choosy and willingly bite in light winds and stable weather throughout the day. Reluctantly, she takes the bait in cloudy waters, which is associated with the melting of snow.

Summer nibble

When the water rises more than 25 degrees, the fish becomes lethargic, and its behavior is highly dependent on atmospheric pressure. Cloudy but windless days are considered the best weather for fishing. The predator takes the bait well on days with short-term thunderstorms.

It is best to recover for fishing or at dawn or at night, when the temperature is slightly less than during the day.

autumn nibble

As soon as the temperature drops, the fish begins to actively take the bait. For fishing in the autumn season, it is better to choose warm days with light winds.

Pike bite more actively in September on cloudy days, until the first cold, then the bite drops. But in cyprinids, activity is low in autumn.

Winter bite

In winter, most fish are very susceptible to pressure fluctuations. If it has changed up and down several times in a short period of time, you should not expect a good bite, even if it stabilizes. It is necessary that it stay at the same level for 2-5 days, then there will be a bite.

It depends very much whether there will be a bite or not, on the combination of temperature environment and pressure. So, if the barometer column rises up by 25-30 mm, and the thermometer drops by 7-12 degrees, you can not wait for a bite.

Also, there will be no bite if it falls by 9-11 mm and at the same time the temperature changes. Biting will resume only when these parameters stabilize.

Biting will be good if high pressure is combined with low air temperature, and low pressure will be on days of thaw and light frost.

To decide what pressure is best for fishing, you must first decide what you want to catch and then, depending on the season, choose the best days for fishing.