Subequatorial climatic zone. Natural areas of Africa Animals of variable rainforests

26.06.2020 Internet

Variably humid forests. The zone of variable humid (including monsoon) forests extends in the east and south of Eurasia. The vegetation here is represented by both coniferous and deciduous trees(cedar, pine, oak, walnut, gingko), and evergreen (palms, ficuses, bamboo and magnolias), which grow mainly on red-yellow soils. Animal world it is also characterized by a significant species diversity: monkeys, tigers, leopards, as well as endemics - a bamboo bear (panda), a gibbon, etc.

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Geography Grade 7

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"Natural zones of Eurasia" - Among the impenetrable thickets here you can meet orangutans, leopards, tapirs. Main animals: reindeer, arctic foxes, some species of birds. The latter prevails in the Asian taiga, in a cold, sharply continental climate. Zone Arctic deserts. Mixed and deciduous forests. The desert zone stretches through three geographical zones. The fauna here is represented by elephants, tigers, rhinos. Many reptiles and reptiles, as well as various insects. Along the mountain ranges of Siberia, tundra vegetation penetrates far to the south.

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"Savannas" - Branched acacias rise like huge umbrellas among tall grasses. Animal world. Savannah. economic activity of people. The average temperature in July and January is +22C. Soils. Geographical position. Climatic conditions. Umbrella acacia. Savannahs are located in the subequatorial belt.

I. Natural zone of savannas and light forests. In the subequatorial belt O cages fall mainly or almost exclusively in summer. Long droughts alternate with devastating floods. Total radiation 160–180 kcal/cm 2 year, radiation balance 70–80 kcal/cm 2 year. The temperature of the warmest month reaches 30–34°, the coldest month is mostly above 15–20° (up to 24–25°). The highest temperatures are observed at the end of the dry season, before the onset of rains (more often in May). These climate features give a certain commonality to all landscapes located between tropical deserts and humid equatorial hylaea. However, here there is a frequent change of different landscape types, depending on the general degree of moisture and the duration of the dry and wet periods. It is enough to note that the average annual precipitation within the considered part of the mainland ranges from 200 mm to 3000 mm or more (in the mountains - up to 12000 mm), and the humidity coefficient is from 0.1 to 3 and more. Accordingly, several main types of landscapes can be distinguished: tropical desert savannahs, subequatorial savannahs, semi-arid woodlands (dry monsoon forests) and semi-humid monsoon forests. In Asia, we observe a complex picture of peninsulas and archipelagos with powerful mountain barriers that sharpen the contrast of moisture, with barrier-rain and barrier-shadow effects in relation to wet monsoon flows. Here, there is a tendency to change different types of landscapes in longitude, but against this general background, there is a "striped pattern" due to orography.

A.Arid landscapes of tropical desert savannas adjoining tropical deserts from the east, they serve as a transition from deserts to subequatorial savannahs. They occupy the northwest of Hindustan, as well as a strip in the west of the peninsula in the barrier shadow of the Western Ghats. In addition, the central part of the intermountain plain in the Irrawaddy basin should be attributed to this type. The annual rainfall is 200–600 mm. The dry season lasts 8–10 months. Zonal soils are reddish brown savannah . Significant areas are occupied by alluvial, predominantly cultivated, soils. Natural vegetation, where due to plowing, and where due to overgrazing, has almost not been preserved. It is characterized by hard grasses, thorny bushes and rare deciduous hard-leaved trees - acacias, prosopis, tamarix, jujube, etc. By the nature of the animal population, these landscapes are also close to desert ones.

B.Subequatorial monsoon forest-savannah (semiarid) landscapes. In the central part of Hindustan, deserted savannas turn into landscapes of typical savannahs. The annual precipitation here is 800–1200 mm, but evaporation exceeds 2000 mm. The number of dry months is 6–8, and wet months are only 2–4. On the eastern outskirts of Hindustan, up to 1200–1600 mm of precipitation falls annually. Although treeless landscapes predominate in the center of Hindustan, and landscapes with dry deciduous monsoon forests prevail on its eastern outskirts, it is advisable to consider them together, since they often alternate. Forests are usually confined to elevations . In addition to Hindustan, such landscapes are common in the interior of Indochina, in the southwest of the Philippine Islands, in the eastern part of Java and the Lesser Sunda Islands (in the southern hemisphere, the wet period occurs mainly in December - April).

Red-brown soils of the savannas formed on the weathering crust. Often with ferruginous-manganese nodules, low in humus, poor in bases, phosphorus, and nitrogen. Under the variable-moist forests are formed red ferritic (ferruginous) soils with a strong but weakly differentiated profile, with ferruginous concretions, sometimes with dense lateritic layers. There is also little humus in them. On volcanic rocks (basalts) are widespread black tropical (montmorillonite) soils, or regura , up to 1 m thick, clayey. These soils are characterized by high moisture capacity and swell strongly during rains. common alluvial soils, solonchaks are found.

Vegetation cover is severely disturbed. IN savanna landscapes proper dominated by a cover of tall (1–3 m) hard grasses - emperors, temedy, wild sugar cane and other species or shrubs and ferns. Often there are bamboo groves, single teak trees, palmyra palms. Variable-moist deciduous forests characteristic of elevated regions (especially mountains) and richer soils. In these forests, species with valuable wood predominate - teak and sal . In teak forests, the entire tree layer and 90% of the undergrowth are deciduous. Lard has a very short leafless period. Under typical conditions, teak forms the upper tier (35–45 m). In the middle tier, red and white sandalwood, satin tree, arborvitae, iron tree, several types of palm trees grow; in the lower - terminalia, mimosa, bamboo.

Teak forests are intensively cut down. On the plains, they are almost completely reduced and, as a result of repeated burning, they are replaced by shrubs and grass communities, which are difficult to distinguish from natural savannahs. Teak can regenerate under the shade of bamboo. The Deccan Plateau is characterized by multi-stemmed banyans , whose crowns reach 200–500 m in circumference.

Animal world diverse: some monkeys (including gibbon), three species of bear, panda, several species of deer, buffalo, wild bull, elephant, rhinoceros, tiger, leopard, peacocks, banker chickens, pheasants, hornbills, weavers, nectaries, etc.

For tropical wet evergreens, or as they are sometimes called, rainforests are characterized by a three-tier structure of the tree canopy. The tiers are poorly demarcated. The upper tier consists of giant trees 45 m or more in height, 2-2.5 m in diameter. The middle tier is represented by trees about 30 m high with a trunk diameter of up to 90 cm. Smaller, exceptionally shade-tolerant trees grow in the third tier. There are many palm trees in these forests. The main area of ​​\u200b\u200btheir growth is the Amazon basin. Here they occupy vast areas, including, in addition to the northern part of Brazil, French Guiana, Suriname, Guyana, the southern part of Venezuela, the west and south of Colombia, Ecuador and the east of Peru. In addition, this type of forest is found in Brazil in a narrow strip along the Atlantic coast between 5 and 30°S. Similar evergreen forests also grow along the Pacific coast from the border of Panama to Guayaquil in Ecuador. Here are concentrated all types of the genus Svitania (or mahogany), rubber-bearing genus Hevea, Brazil nut (Bertolletia excelsa) and many other valuable species.

Tropical variable-humid deciduous forests distributed in the southeast of Brazil and in the south of Paraguay. Tree species in them are relatively small in height, but often with thick trunks. Legumes are widely represented in the forests. Subtropical deciduous broadleaf forests most common in the south of Brazil and Parguay, in the west of Uruguay and in the north of Argentina along the Parana and Uruguay rivers. montane evergreen forests cover the slopes of the Andes from Venezuela to central Bolivia. These forests are characterized by thin-stemmed low trees forming dense stands. Due to the fact that these forests occupy steep slopes and are far from populated areas, they are exploited very little.

Araucaria forests located in two isolated regions. Brazilian Araucaria (Araucaria brasiliana) is predominant in the states of Parana, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil, as well as in Uruguay, Eastern Paraguay and Argentina. A less significant massif is formed by forests of Chilean araucaria (A. araucana) found in the Andes at 40°S. in the altitude range from 500 to 3000 m above sea level. seas. These forests are characterized by hardwood species, among which the most important is embuya (Phoebe porosa). In the undergrowth of the araucaria forests, the mate shrub, or Paraguayan tea (Ilex paraguariensis), is also widespread on plantations.

Low growing xerophilous forests distributed in the east of Brazil, in the northern part of Argentina and in the western part of Paraguay. The most important tree species in these forests is the red querbacho (Schinopsis sp.), from which tannin is obtained. mangrove forests occupy the coastal strip of the Atlantic part of South America. These forests are dominated by red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle), forming pure stands or mixed with Avicenna (Avicennia marina) and Conocarpus erecta.

In addition to timber harvesting, rubber, food products (seeds, nuts, fruits, beans, leaves, etc.), oils, medicinal substances, tannins, resins, including chicle (Zschokkea lascescens), raw materials for the production of chewing gum.

Venezuela. Evergreen (on laterites) and deciduous forests grow on the slopes of the spurs of the Andes and the Guiana Highlands. On the territory of the low llanos, tall-grass savannah with groves of the Mauritian palm is widespread, and in the high llanos, xerophilic light forests and shrub communities are common. Mangroves stretch around Lake Maracaibo, giving way to undersized xerophilous, and to the south - evergreen tropical forests. In the south of the country, in the upper reaches of the river. Orinoco and its right tributaries grow moist evergreen tropical forests, almost inaccessible to exploitation. Of the tree species of economic value, mahogany, roble-colorado, baku, balsa, espave (Anacardium spp.), angelino (Ocotea caracasana), oleo-vermelho (Myroxylon balsamum), pao-roxo, guaiacum, tabebuya (Tabebuia pentaphylla ), ceiba (Ceiba pentandra), almasigo (Bursera simaruba), kurbaril (Hymenaea courbaril), adobe (Samanea saman), etc.

Landscape in the center of Venezuela

Colombia. According to natural conditions, two regions are distinguished: the eastern (plain) and the western (mountainous, where the Colombian Andes stretch). The first region is largely occupied by humid evergreen forests of the Magdalena basins and the left tributaries of the Amazon. To the north and west of the Guajira peninsula, along the Caribbean coast, low-growing xerophilous forests extend, in which divi-divi beans (Libidibia coriaria) are harvested for tannin. Guaiac wood (Guaiacum spp.) is also harvested here - this is one of the hardest and heaviest woods in the world, used for the manufacture of rollers, blocks and other engineering products.

Mangrove forests stretch along the Pacific and Caribbean coasts. In evergreen tropical hylaea, especially in the lower part of the Magdalena basin and along the mouth of the river. Atrato, cativo wood (Prioria copaifera) is harvested for export, as well as baku, or "Colombian mahogany" (Cariniana spp.), caoba, or real mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla), roble colorado, or Panamanian mahogany (Platymiscium spp.) , purple tree, or paoroxo (Peltogyne spp.), etc. In the eastern part of the elevated plain along the tributaries of the Orinoco, savanna-llanos with rare trees and gallery forests with Mauritian palm (Mauricia sp.) are common. The forests of the mountain regions of the Andes are characterized by a peculiar altitudinal zonality. On the lower parts of the lee slopes and on the northern ridges, deciduous forests or thorny shrubs are common. In the adjacent part of the mountains (from 1000 to 2000 m) mountain broad-leaved evergreen forests grow with tree ferns, wax palm (Copernicia cerifera), cinchona, coca (Erythroxylon coca) and various orchids. Cultivated crops include cocoa and coffee trees. At an altitude of 2000 to 3200 m, humid alpine hylaea, in which there are many species of evergreen oaks, shrubs and bamboos.

Ecuador. Three natural areas are distinguished on the territory of the country: 1) a watershed plateau with moist equatorial forests - hylaea, or selva(together with the upper reaches of the left tributaries of the Amazon); 2) Andes ranges; 3) the Pacific forest-savannah plain and the western slopes of the Andes. The evergreen tropical forests of the first region are poorly studied and difficult to access. On the western slopes of the Andes, up to a height of 3000 m, evergreen mountain broad-leaved forests (hylaea) grow, largely disturbed by slash-and-burn agriculture. They produce a lot of cinchona bark, as well as balsa, kapok from the fruits of ceiba, leaves of the toquilla palm, or hipihapa (Carludovica palmata), used to make Panama hats. Tagua palm (Phytelephas spp.) is also found here, the hard endosperm of the fruits of which is used to produce buttons, and various rubber plants. The lower part of the western slopes is characterized by evergreen tropical forests. In the river valley Guayas is intensively harvested for export balsa wood.

Guyana, Suriname, Guiana. The forests of these countries, located along the coast Atlantic Ocean and in the Guiana Highlands, are evergreen tropical with a number of valuable species. The green tree, or betabaro (Ocotea rodiaei), which is exported in Guyana and Suriname, stands out in particular. Apomate (Tabebuia pentaphylla), canalette (Cordia spp.), pekia (Caryocar spp.), espave (Anacardium spp.), habillo (Hura crepitans), wallaba (Eperua spp.), carap (Carapa guianensis), virola are no less valuable. (Virola spp.), Simaruba (Simaruba spp.), etc.

Brazil. There are more than 7 thousand species of woody and shrubby plants in the flora, of which there are over 4.5 thousand species in the Amazonian selva. High bertholecias grow (giving brazil nuts, etc.), various rubber plants, including brazilian hevea, which has become a valuable plantation crop in many countries of South Asia and Africa, laurels, ficuses, brazilian mahogany, or "pau brazil", which gave the name to the country (Caesalpinia echinata), chocolate tree, or cocoa, mahogany, jacaranda, or rosewood, oleo vermelho, roble colorado and sapukaya, or paradise nut (Lecythis ustata), and many others. In the east, the selva turns into light palm forests, among which we note the valuable babasu palm (Orbignya speciosa), which has highly nutritious nuts. South of the Amazonian selva, landscapes of tropical dry woodlands are common - caatinga, in which trees grow that shed their leaves in the dry season and accumulate moisture in the rainy season, for example, the bottle tree (Cavanillesia arborea), thorny shrubs, cacti (Cereus squamulosus). In the floodplains, there is a carnauba, or wax, palm (Copernicia cerifera), from the leaves of which wax is collected, which is used in technology. From the south, subtropical deciduous forests adjoin forests dominated by palms and savannahs. In the southeast of the country, along the Brazilian Highlands, there are araucaria forests from the Brazilian, or Paran, araucaria (pinheiro, or "Brazilian pine"). Together with it, embuya, tabebuya, cordia grow, and in the undergrowth of yerbamate, Paraguayan tea is prepared from its leaves. Araucaria forests are involved in intensive exploitation.

Along the Atlantic coast and at the mouth of the Amazon, mangrove forests grow, dominated by red mangrove with an admixture of black mangrove (Avicennia marina) and white mangrove (Conocarpus erecta). Tannin is extracted from the bark of these trees.

Road from Calama (Chile) to LaPaz (Bolivia)

Chile. The main forest area is concentrated in the southern half of the country along the Pacific slopes of the Andes. In the region of 41-42 ° S.l. there is a significant array of araucaria forests, dominated by pure stands of pinot, or Chilean araucaria, often called "Chilean pine" (Araucaria araucana). To the south are mixed broad-leaved deciduous forests of the temperate zone with different types southern beech (Nothofagus spp.), representatives of laurel - linge (Persea lingue), ulmo (Beilschmiedia berteroana). In the extreme south, there are coniferous forests of alerse (Fitzroya cupressoides) and sipres (Pilgerodendron uviferum) with an admixture of canelo (Drimys winteri). The bark of the latter contains substances with antiscorbutic properties.

Argentina. There are several natural regions. The east is dominated by evergreen forests, in which more than 100 species of trees of great economic importance grow. Among them are cabreuva (Myrocarpus frondosus), kanzherana (Cabralea oblongifolia), Brazilian araucaria, tabebuya, etc. In the west, evergreen ice grows along the slopes of the Andes at an altitude of 2000-2500 m above sea level. seas. Palo blanco (Calycophyllum multiflorum), cedro salteno (Cedrela balansae), roble cryolo (Amburana cearensis), nogal cryolo (Juglans australis), tarco (Jacaranda mimosifolia), type blanco (Tipuana tipu), etc. In the south, along the slopes of the Andes, subantarctic vegetation extends, among which several species of southern beech, alerce, "Cordillera cypress" (Austrocedrus chilensis), etc., are distinguished. palosanto (Bulnesia sarmientoi), guaiacan (Caesalpinia paraguarensis), and others. To the south, along the eastern slopes of the Andes, there are xerophilic broad-leaved forests of the temperate zone with algarrobo, acacias (Acacia caven), carcass (Celtis spinosa), quebracho-blanco.

Paraguay. Forest cover 51%. In the east of the country, mixed tropical evergreen and deciduous forests are common, turning in the west (in the Gran Chaco region) into woodlands and savannahs. The main tree species is quebracho blanco (Aspidosperma quebracho-blanco).

Uruguay. Forests occupy an insignificant part of the total territory of the country and are located in the lower reaches of the Rio Negro and in the valley of the river. Uruguay. The forest cover of the country is 3%. Large areas are beginning to be occupied by artificial plantations - pines on coastal dunes and eucalyptus plantations.

Published according to the monograph: A.D. Bukshtynov, B.I. Groshev, G.V. Krylov. Forests (Nature of the world). M.: Thought, 1981. 316 p.

"Peoples of Eurasia" - Romance peoples are dark-haired, swarthy. Russian Ukrainians Belarusians. Frenchwoman. Oriental. On the territory of Eurasia live peoples belonging to different language families and groups. About 3/4 of the world's population lives in Eurasia. Slavic peoples. Religions of Eurasia. Poles, Czechs, Slovaks. The Germanic peoples are characterized blonde hair and fair skin.

"Climatic features of Eurasia" - High average annual and summer temperatures. Temperature. Definition of climate types. Climatic zones and regions of Eurasia. The climate is mild. Arctic air. January temperature. You have learned to read. Temperature and winds in January. Climate charts. Relief. Climatic features of Eurasia. The largest number precipitation.

"Eurasia Geography Lesson" - To introduce students to the idea of ​​​​Eurasia. Explain the effect of size on natural features. Semenov-Tan-Shansky P.P. The highest mountain in the world Chomolungma - 8848 m. Geographical position of Eurasia. General information about Eurasia. Name the names of travelers and explorers of the continent. Obruchev V.A.

"Nature of Eurasia" - Square. Minerals. Inland waters. natural areas. Climate. Eurasia. Relief. organic world. Geographical position. Mainland records.

"Lakes of Eurasia" - The correct answer. -Tectonic lakes in faults have a great depth, an elongated shape. Lake basin of glacial origin. Such lakes are lakes - seas: Caspian and Aral. Internal waters of Eurasia. Determination of the types of lake basins in Eurasia. Lake basin of tectonic origin.

"Natural zones of the temperate zone of Eurasia" - Vegetable world. The flora of the taiga. Animal world of the taiga. Fauna: very similar to the fauna of the taiga... Animal world. In Eurasia, forest-steppes stretch in a continuous strip from west to east from the eastern foothills of the Carpathians to Altai. Taiga. In Europe and in the European part of Russia, light broad-leaved forests of oak (oak), beech, linden, chestnut, ash, etc. are typical.

subequatorial climate zone is transitional and occurs in the northern and southern hemispheres, from to the tropical belts.


In summer, in the zones of the subequatorial zone, the monsoon type of climate prevails, which is characterized by a large amount of precipitation. Its characteristic feature is the change of air masses from equatorial to tropical depending on the season of the year. In winter, dry trade winds are observed here.

The average monthly temperature varies between 15-32º C, and the amount of precipitation is 250-2000 mm.

The rainy season is characterized by high rainfall (almost 95% per annum) and lasts about 2-3 months. When easterly tropical winds prevail, the climate becomes arid.

Countries of the subequatorial belt

The subequatorial climatic zone passes through the countries of: South Asia (the Hindustan Peninsula: India, Bangladesh and the island of Sri Lanka); Southeast Asia (Indochina peninsula: Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines); southern part of North America: Costa Rica, Panama; South America: Ecuador, Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, Guiana; Africa: Senegal, Mali, Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Burkina Faso, Togo, Benin, Niger, Nigeria, Chad, Sudan, Central African Republic, Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania , Burundi, Tanzania, Mozambique, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Angola, Congo, DRC, Gabon, and the island of Madagascar; Northern Oceania: Australia.

Natural zones of the subequatorial belt

Map of natural zones and climatic zones of the world

The subequatorial climatic zone includes the following natural zones:

  • savannas and woodlands (South America, Africa, Asia, Oceania);

And light forests are predominantly found in the subequatorial climatic zone.

Savannas are a mixed grassland. The trees here grow more measuredly than in the forests. However, despite the high density of trees, there are open spaces covered with grassy vegetation. Savannahs cover about 20% of the Earth's land mass and are often located in the transition zone between forests and deserts or pastures.

This natural zone is located in mountainous areas and is characterized by climate change, namely, a decrease in air temperature by 5-6 ° C as the height above sea level rises. In areas of altitudinal zonality, there is less oxygen and reduced Atmosphere pressure and increased ultraviolet radiation.

  • variable-moist (including monsoon) forests (South America, North America, Asia, Africa);

Variably humid forests, along with savannahs and light forests, are predominantly found in the subequatorial zone. The flora is not distinguished by a wide variety of species, in contrast to the humid equatorial forests. Since there are two seasons in this climatic zone (dry and rainy), the trees have adapted to these changes and for the most part they are represented by broad-leaved deciduous species.

  • humid equatorial forests (Oceania, Philippines).

In the subequatorial zone, moist equatorial forests are not as common as in the equatorial zone. They are characterized by a complex structure of the forest, as well as a wide variety of flora, which is represented by evergreen tree species and other vegetation.

Soils of the subequatorial belt

This belt is dominated by red soils of variable rainforests and tall grass savannahs. They are characterized by a reddish tint, granular structure, low humus content (2-4%). This type of soil is rich in iron and has negligible silicon content. Potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium are found here in negligible amounts.

Mountain yellow earth, red earth and lateritic soils are common in Southeast Asia. In South Asia and central Africa, black soils of dry tropical savannas are found.

Animals and plants

The subequatorial climate zone is home to fast-growing trees, including balsa trees and members of the genus Cecropia, as well as trees that grow longer (over 100 years), such as svitaniya and different kinds entandrophragm. Gaboon redwoods are common in tropical rainforests. Here you can find baobab, acacia, various types of palm, spurge and parkia, as well as many other plants.

The subequatorial climatic zone is characterized by a variety of fauna, especially birds (woodpeckers, toucans, parrots, etc.) and insects (ants, butterflies, termites). However, there are not many terrestrial species, these include.