Ynglism is an ancient Faith of the Slavic and Aryan Peoples. Nine Foundations of Ynglism

31.08.2019 Education

As already mentioned, the Primordial Source of the Great Life-Giving Primary Sacred Fire was the Single Creator-Creator, whose name is Ra-M-Ha. For us, Old Believers-Ynglings, who profess the Ancient Faith of our First Ancestors, Ra-M-Ha is the One Supreme Creator-Creator. But it does not follow from this statement that Ynglism is, as it is now customary to say, a monotheistic system.

Also, Ynglism is not a polytheistic system, although each Slavic or Aryan clan of the Great Race honors its own Circle of Gods.

* 1. Circle of the Gods - i.e. circle of 16 ancient Gods of the Great Race (12+3+1). In each ancient Genus of the Old Believers-Ynglings, 12 Light Ancestral Gods (Cult of the Twelve Gods), the Great Triglav in various combinations were originally revered: Svarog-Perun-Sventovit; Vyshen-Rod-Svarog; Rod-Lada-Svarog; Svarog-Perun-Dazhdbog; Veles-Perun-Dazhdbog, etc., as well as the Single Creator-Creator Ra-M-Ha. To honor the Circle of Native Gods, next to the habitation of the Old Believers, Kummirnya was placed, which consisted of a fiery altar - Dunya, around which were placed 16 Kummirs, the most revered in each particular Kin of the ancient Gods.

IN modern world it is necessary for every representative of the Slavic or Aryan Clan to know that the Spiritual System called Ynglism is the Ancient Religion of our Ancestors, and not a religion or a Neo-Pagan Teaching, as some of our “learned men” are trying to interpret today, because the word “religion” means the artificial restoration of a destroyed or interrupted great Spiritual connection between people and Gods on the basis of any spiritual, read religious, teachings. The modern term - Neopaganism - was coined by "pundits" specifically to lead people away from searching for their Ancient Foundations of the Old Faith, ancient history, rich Tradition and great Culture. Neo-paganism is called an attempt to return to antiquity by merging scientific knowledge, mystical worldview, esotericism and theosophy.

We, Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings, do not need to restore the great Spiritual connection between us and our Gods, because this Spiritual connection has never been destroyed or interrupted, for our Gods are our Ancestors, and we are their children.

The Old Russian Inglistic Church of the Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings is the United Ancient Community of the Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Clan, which unites all the White people on the ancient foundations of the Old Faith of the First Ancestors.

* 2. All White people - it is necessary to immediately reassure those political, public and "religious" figures who shout at every corner about the threat of racism and racial discrimination allegedly taking place in Ynglism. Ynglism teaches that every nation, regardless of skin color, must preserve its own ancient original Faith. Original culture and unique tradition.

All people with White skin color living in different Earths are the One Universal Family, the descendants of the Heavenly Family and the Great Race, from which the White humanity of Midgard-Earth (planet Earth) originates.

In our daily life, we call ourselves Old Believers-Ynglings, or Orthodox Slavs, because:

We are Old Believers, as we profess the Old Faith of the Great Race, sent down by the Heavenly Family;

We are the Ynglings (the ancient Slavic name is Ingliane), as we keep Ynglia - the Sacred Divine Fire of our First Ancestors, and we kindle It before the Images and Kummirs of the Light Gods and our Holy Wise Ancestors;

We are Orthodox, for we glorify RIGHT and GLORY. We truly know that RIGHT is the World of our Bright Gods, and GLORY is the Bright World, where our Great and Wise Ancestors live;

We are Slavs, for we glorify from our pure heart all the Light Ancient Gods and our Holy Wise Ancestors.


According to our ancient traditions, Holy Scriptures and traditions during conversions and hymns, as well as when entering our Temples and Sanctuaries, we overshadow ourselves with the Holy Sign [Holy Sign - also called the Sign of God Perun or Perunica (lightning)]. To create the Holy Sign, the three fingers of the right hand (large, nameless and small) are joined together at the ends in honor of the Great Triglav of the World of Reveal - Svarog, Perun and Sventovit, which are the essence - Conscience, Freedom (Will) and Light, and two fingers (index and middle) are connected by straight lines together and mean the Heavenly Rod and the Lada-Virgin Mary.

Then we put two fingers folded in this way, first on our forehead, then on the eyes (on the left eye, then on the right eye), and then on the mouth. With this Holy sign, we illuminate our Holy Old Faith - Ynglism, repeating the Holy Lightning of God Perun, which sanctified the blessed life of all our Ancestors and which sanctifies our daily life in these days.

We impose a holy sign on the forehead in order to sanctify the mind that comprehends the Wisdom of the Gods and our Ancestors; on the eyes to sanctify our vision and see the true Creation of our Gods and Ancestors; on our lips to sanctify our speech, especially when we pronounce the word of God and the Wisdom of God, which proceed from our mouths, and save our mouths from blasphemy.

Bowing our heads during addresses and hymns expresses our respect for our Ancient and Native Gods, and for our Holy Wise and Great Ancestors in gratitude for their help in all our deeds and creations.

The Sign of Glory. During the glorification of the Ancient Light Gods and all the Ancestors of our Clans in the Temples and Sanctuaries, in Kummirny near the ancient Kummirs and near the altars on the Settlements during the Celebration of Bright Days in the Sacred Groves and Oak forests, on the banks sacred rivers and reservoirs, we create the Sign of Glory. To create it, initially we put an open right hand on our heart, and then we raise it straightening towards the Heavens of Svarozhy (Fig. 1) and say:

"Glory to the Gods and Our Ancestors!"

Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings in everyday life wear special protective symbols on their bodies, cast from white metal or made from a sacred Tree (Oak, Cedar, Birch, Ash, Elm, Linden, etc.), which are called the Amulet of the Tribal Community (Fig. 2 ), Ancestral Amulet (Fig. 3), Inter-Clan Slavic or Aryan Community Amulet (Fig. 4).

Each wearable Amulet, which is worn by the Orthodox Old Believer-Yngling, one way or another is constantly in relationship with the ancient Spiritual Sources of the Old Faith. In addition, the material from which this or that Amulet is made is in itself a constant source of Natural healing power.

Most of the Slavic and Aryan Amulets are made of silver. This noble metal is sacred for Yngling believers, since from ancient times the very beneficial effect of silver products on the body of any white man. Runic Charms are very often used, i.e. Amulets on which ancient guarding Runes or Runic texts with protective conspiracies are inscribed, as well as Amulets made in the form of any Rune.

Wearable Amulets made from Sacred Trees also have a very beneficial effect on a person, because. each Amulet is endowed with a special Natural healing power.

Priests-Priests, Elders and Headmen of the Communities, in addition to the wearable Tribal or Community Amulet, have pectoral Protective Symbols, i.e. worn on the chest (persi) over festive or Sacred robes.

The dimensions of the Pectoral Amulet were different, but no less than Noktya (1.11125 cm) and no more than Vershka (4.445 cm), and the average dimensions of the Pectoral Amulet ranged from 1? Vershka (6.6675 cm) up to 2? Vershka (10 cm) - see span system.


The main Symbol of the Old Faith, as it was originally in antiquity and as it is today, is the Star of England (Fig. 5). It not only symbolizes the Primordial Pure Light - the Primary Fire of Divine Creation and the Radiant Light of our Yarila-Sun, but also a white harmonious Man, a descendant of the Ancient Light Gods.

Three triangles, symbolizing the Divine Beginning, mean one of the Great Triglavs, who patronizes God's World (Reveal, Navi, Glory, Rule); the outer Circle framing the Great Triglav - the One Life-Giving Inglia, and the outer endless space behind the Circle tells us about the One Creator-Creator, whose name is the Great Ra-M-Ha.

Three triangles, symbolizing the Human Beginning, mean: a Healthy Body, a Strong Spirit and a Light Soul, and the outer Circle framing them - a Clear Conscience. The outer endless space behind the circle symbolizes God's many-sided World, in which the descendant of the Ancient Light Gods lives and creates - Man.

Three triangles, symbolizing the Natural Beginning, mean Earth, Water and Fire, and the outer Circle framing them - Air. The infinite space outside the Circle symbolizes the Pure Svarga, i.e. Heaven.

In the center of the Star of England, additional accompanying symbols are often inserted. For example, the Sword (Fig. 4), pointing down, means the preservation of Ancient Wisdom [If the Sword, pointing down, means the preservation of Ancient Wisdom, then the Sword, pointing upwards, is the protection of all Clans and lands of the Holy Race from external and internal enemies ]. Community members wearing such symbols belong to the Slavic and Aryan Communities, in which the Ancient Wisdom is stored and passed down from generation to generation.

Perunica, placed in the center of Inglia (Fig. 6), symbolizes the protection and patronage of God Perun. As a rule, amulets with Perunica are worn by representatives of the Communities that honor and glorify the Wise God Perun, the Patron of the Slavic Clans.

The Star of England, connected with the symbol in the center, which our Ancestors originally called the Herald, brings Health, Happiness and Joy. This ancient amulet happiness (Fig. 7), sometimes in common speech people call Mati-Gotka, i.e. Mother Ready.

The community members wearing the Mati-Gotka Guardian Symbols belong to the Slavic and Aryan Communities, in which various forms of Ancient Culture and Traditions are preserved and passed down from generation to generation.

Some Priests-Priests, Elders and Headmen of the Slavic and Aryan Communities, except for wearable Tribal or Community Amulets, as well as pectoral ones, i.e. worn on the chest, over clothing, Protective Symbols, are also worn on the chest Sources of Spiritual and Natural Power, called Artakons.

Artakona combines at its core two mighty Forces of the living World: Rodovich's claw, i.e. a representative of the animal world, which is the Natural Symbol-Patron of the Family, and a rosary made from the Sacred Tree. On fig. 8 you can see two Artakons. The right Artakona connects the Eagle's claw and the Sacred Oak rosary, while the left Artakona connects the Bear's claw and the Sandalwood rosary.

* 3. Claw of Rodovich - symbolized birds or animals revered in the Family. Their claws are considered to be the Sources of ancient Spiritual Power, therefore, the claw of the Eagle, Busl (Stork), Falcon, Crow, Owl, Fox, Wolf, Bear, Pardus (Leopard), etc. were worn on the chest.


From ancient times, our Ancestors tied their hair around their foreheads with an embroidered braid, ribbon, leather cord, which they called Bereginya (Fig. 9).

Our wise Ancestors believed that Bereginya does several things at once: it protects our mind from confusion and bad thoughts; protects the Soul and body of a person from damage and the evil eye; holds the hair so that the wind does not become disheveled and does not get into the eyes, and also so that the sweat does not cover the eyes during labor.


All Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings should turn to their Great Many-Wise Ancestors and glorify our Bright Ancient Gods, the Heavenly Kin, and also burn the Holy Inglia in Kummirni at their place of residence, in Khoromins: Temples and Sanctuaries, on the banks of the Sacred rivers and reservoirs, and also in the Sacred Groves and Oak forests of our Great Power.

In our homes and dwellings, we should remember the Ancient Gods and all the Ancestors of our Clans and read funeral Appeals to them: in the morning, when we get up from sleep; in the evening when we go to bed; before the meal and after it; at the consecration of bloodless Trebs and Gifts, before the resurrection on the Fiery altars, laying them on alatari and mound graveyards, as well as when blessing food and water before the First and Second meals; at the beginning of creative deeds for the benefit of our Great Clans and the Heavenly Clan and after the end of all our deeds.

Rituals, Ceremonies and Appeals of their Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings usually perform in front of various Kummirs of the Slavic and Aryan Patron Gods of the Clans and Holy Wise Ancestors, or in front of man-made Images depicting them.

On weekly and holidays, and also on weekdays, when we are free from the deeds of everyday life, we must go to the Temple (Temple) for worship in order to hear the Holy Wise Word of God and pay due respect to the Bright Gods and our many-wise Ancestors, for we must observe the Two Great Principles:

Holy to honor the Gods and their ancestors,

Always live according to Conscience and in harmony with Mother Nature.


The most ancient symbols used by our Ancestors were the so-called Solar or Swastika symbols. The swastika symbol is a cross with curved ends pointing clockwise or counterclockwise. Swastika symbols today are called in one word - SWASTIKA, which is fundamentally not true, because. each Swastika symbol in ancient times had its own name, Protective Power and Figurative meaning.

During archaeological excavations, Swastika symbols were most often found on various details of architecture, weapons, and household utensils of many peoples of Eurasia. Swastika symbolism is ubiquitous in ornamentation, as a sign of Light, Sun, Life and Prosperity. According to archaeological excavations, Russia is the richest territory for the use of swastika signs as a religious and cultural symbol. This symbolism covers the ancient Russian weapons, banners, national costume, everyday items, houses and temples. [Following are the most used symbols, see Solar (Swastika) symbols].

Swastika signs were used not only in the form of single symbols, but also in combination with other ornaments. This harmonious tie created a unique pattern that united not only beauty, but also protective power, as well as semantic essence.

The above ornament combines several symbols: Natural Slavets ( green color), giving health; Heavenly Blagovest (blue color), granting the protection of the Ancestral Gods; Stars (gold color), bestowing a good Destiny; part of the sign of Spiritual Power (red color), which gives diligence. This ligature is embroidered mainly on women's shirts, it is decorated with a shirt collar and sleeves (see Slavic shirt).

On the snippet men's belt, which is worn by the Priests of God Perun, one can clearly observe the Solar ligature, uniting the Fiery images of Kolovrat and Perun's Color. This unifying Solar tie symbolizes not only the Revival among the people of the Ancient Heavenly Laws of the Genus (two Heavenly threads crossing the ornaments), but also the disclosure in a person wearing this tie of his inner Soul and Spiritual Forces, which bring a person into a state of harmony with their Ancient Gods, with his Family, with the surrounding Mother Nature, with his Soul, with his Spirit and with his Conscience.

Combinations of Swastika symbols with multi-color ligature or ornaments were used by our Wise Ancestors when embroidering their shirts-kosovorotkas. On the one hand, it is very beautiful, and on the other hand, it is reliable, because the amulet ornaments in their essence are the powerful connections of a person with his Patron Gods and all the Ancestors of his Family. It is also a great connection between a person and Mother Nature, therefore household items, dishes and other household items were decorated with Solar symbols. Each intricate tie, each drawing carried a huge deep meaning. He revealed the foundations of the universe for Starover-Yngling. Looking at the cutting board, one could see the sixteen Halls of the Svarog Circle, through which the Yarilo-Sun passes, and realize that the ancient Light Gods and Ancestors of all Clans of the Great Race live in these Heavenly Halls.

Children from all Slavic-Aryan Clans learned the great universal secret of human existence, looking at the picture depicted on the bowl. They understood that they live in the multifaceted World of Reveal, as well as in Kinship with their ancient Gods and wise Ancestors.

This Great Relationship covers not only our Midgard. It also extends to many multidimensional Universes filled with the Divine Light of England, in which we, the descendants of the Great Race and the Heavenly Clan, will live in the future. But before this happens, we all must develop Mentally and Spiritually, learn to Create for the benefit of our Clans and live according to Conscience, as well as pass on the accumulated experience, culture, history and tradition to the younger generation of our Clans in accordance with the Ancient Heavenly Laws, as taught us Bright Gods and our Wise Ancestors.

Raising and teaching the offspring of our Clans, we must not only reveal to them the True meaning of all the ancient symbols, signs, ties and ornaments used by the Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings, but also by our own example, our inexhaustible Faith and Creative Labor must show how they should Live in the near future in accordance with the Ancient Laws of the Family and the Heavenly Laws of our Light Gods.

Man's knowledge of the universe begins from the cradle, from the tales told by grandfathers and grandmothers before going to bed. All these tales and legends are an integral part of the Vedic heritage, which our Ancestors carefully preserved for us.

In the second part, we will tell you how the upbringing of the rising generation of the Great Race took place on the basis of ancient laws, tribal foundations, traditions and the Foundations of the Old Faith of our First Ancestors - Ynglism (see Birth and education of children of the Great Race).


The Old Faith of our great and wise First Ancestors - Ynglism, for a long historical period, which covers many, many millennia, rested on the Nine Great Foundations.

These Nine Foundations of Ynglism have always been simple and natural in their essence, but necessary for the Spiritual, Soul and Creative development of people from the Clans of the Great Race.

The people of the Great Race are the direct descendants of the Ancient Light Gods who inhabit the Divine World of Rule and all the Heavenly Halls of the Most Pure Svarga.

In order for the descendants of the Clans of the Great Race and the descendants of their descendants not to stray from the Golden Path of Spiritual and Soul perfection, the Priests who served the Heavenly Gods compiled these Nine Foundations of Faith:

1. ENLIGHTENMENT - the first foundation tells us what we should study Holy Scriptures and Sacred Traditions, the Wisdom of our Ancestors and the Wisdom of other Human Clans. Fill your life with holiness, and good deeds, to the glory of our Gods and Ancestors.

2. SPIRITUALITY - the second basis tells us that each person must develop his own Spiritual side of life and introduce other people to Spirituality.

3. COMPASSION - the third foundation tells us that every person should have compassion for all living things created by the Gods.

4. REPENTANCE - the fourth foundation tells us that every person should strive for the harmony of bodies, Soul and Spirit, for only then can he find inner peace.

5. PATIENCE - the fifth foundation tells us that a person should treat the deeds of other people with understanding, because each person is FREE, but his personal freedom ends where the freedom of another person begins. No personal Freedom can be higher than the duty to the Family and the Gods of Heaven.

6. PEACEFULNESS - the sixth foundation tells us that we must show peacefulness towards all human races, but at the same time not spare the lives of the enemies that go into our lands with evil thoughts and with weapons.

7. LOVE FOR THE NEIGHBOR — the seventh foundation tells us that we should treat all living things created by the Gods with love and kindness, as well as the memory of our Ancestors and the History of the Human Family.

8. TEST - the eighth foundation tells us that in order to achieve Heavenly Vyry and Heavenly Asgard, we must go through the path of Spiritual perfection. And trials in our lives are given in order to test our Spiritual powers.

9. PURPOSE - the ninth foundation tells us that everything in life and life itself has its own meaning, its purpose, its purpose, and each person must strive for his goal in order to fulfill his destiny, and his life has acquired the Highest Spiritual meaning.

It's not over yet....

The Primordial Sacred Light of Inglia, departed from the Primordial Creator-Creator, whom the Old Believers call the Great Ra-M-Ha, filled our blessed Midgard-Earth. Therefore, to designate our Religion to the Rune, which stores the figurative meaning of the Divine Primary Fire [Inglia], we, as in the old days, add the sacred three-Rune Figurative Concept [ISM], which means - the Truth of the Earthly World.
In the modern world, it is necessary for every representative of the Slavic or Aryan Family to know that the Spiritual System called Ynglism is the Ancient Religion of our Ancestors, and not a religion or a Neo-Pagan Teaching, as some of our “learned men” are trying to interpret today, because the word “religion” means artificial restoration of the destroyed or interrupted great Spiritual connection between people and Gods on the basis of any spiritual, read religious, teachings. The modern term - Neopaganism - was coined by "pundits" specifically to lead people away from searching for their Ancient Foundations of the Old Faith, Ancient History, rich Tradition and great Culture. Neo-paganism is called an attempt to return to antiquity by merging scientific knowledge, mystical worldview, esotericism and theosophy.

We, the Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings, do not need to restore the great Spiritual connection between us and our Gods, because this Spiritual connection has never been destroyed or interrupted, for our Gods are our Ancestors, and we are their children.

The Old Russian Inglistic Church of the Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings is the United Ancient Community of the Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Clan, which unites all the White people on the ancient foundations of the Old Faith of the First Ancestors.

All White people - it is necessary to immediately reassure those political, public and "religious" figures who shouting on every corner about the threat of racism and racial discrimination allegedly taking place in Ynglism. Ynglism teaches that every nation, regardless of skin color, must preserve its own ancient original Faith. Original culture and unique tradition.

All people with White skin color living in different Earths are the One Universal Family, the descendants of the Heavenly Family and the Great Race, from which the White humanity of Midgard-Earth (planet Earth) originates.

In our daily life, we call ourselves Old Believers-Ynglings, or Orthodox Slavs, because:
We are Old Believers, as we profess the Old Faith of the Great Race, sent down by the Heavenly Family;
We are the Inglings (the ancient Slavic name is Inglyane), as we keep Inglia - the Sacred Divine Fire of our First Ancestors, and we kindle It before the Images and Kummirs of the Light Gods and our Holy Wise Ancestors;
We are Orthodox, for we glorify RIGHT and GLORY. We truly know that RIGHT is the World of our Bright Gods, and GLORY is the Bright World, where our Great and Wise Ancestors live;
We are Slavs, for we glorify from our pure heart all the Light Ancient Gods and our Holy Wise Ancestors.

Father Vladimir, Elder of the Valley Community.

Ynglism - Ancient Faith of the Slavic and Aryan peoples


Name - Ynglism , came from the da`Aryan word England , which means the Primary Fire that gave birth to Life in Infinite infinities i.e. Universes created by the One God-Creator whose name is - Ra-M-Ha.

Ynglism - this is a Religion, not a religion, because. the word religion means - the artificial restoration of the Spiritual connection between people and the Gods. We do not need to restore the Spiritual connection, because. this connection has never been broken, for Our gods are our Ancestors, and we are their children.

Old Russian Yngling Church of Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings , means - The United Ancient Community of the Great Race and Clan of Heaven that unites all white people in all the Earths, on the foundations Faiths of the First Ancestors b. All people with White skin color living in different Earths are The United Universal Family, the descendants of the Heavenly Family and the Great Race from which all White humanity originates Midgard-Earth (planet Earth).

We call ourselves Old Believers-Ynglings or Orthodox Slavs , because:

We - Old Believers because we confess The Old Faith of the Great Race sent down by the Heavenly Rod ;

We - Ynglings , because store The Sacred Fire of the First Ancestors and kindle it before the images and Kummirs of the Gods and Holy Wise Ancestors of our b;

We - Orthodox , because RIGHT we glorify, and RIGHT - the World of Light of our Gods ;

We - Slavs , because with we love the Gods and Holy Wise Ancestors of our .


In addition to the One God - the Creator and the Heavenly Family, in our appeals and hymns, we must praise Lada - Mother, Heavenly Mother, Mother of God; Sacred Inglia and their Holy Wise Ancestors; The Patron Gods of the Clans Kh'Aryans and da'Aryans, Rasenov and Svyatorusov, the Great and Small Triglavs, who patronize all the Slavic-Aryan Clans, for all the Gods and Triglavs are our Great Ancestors, the founders of our Clans.


According to ancient legends, during addresses and hymns, we overshadow ourselves with a holy sign. To do this, the three fingers of the right hand (large, nameless and small) are joined together at the ends in honor of the Great Triglav - Svarog, Perun and Sventovit, which are Conscience, Freedom and Light, and two fingers (index and middle) are connected by straight lines together and mean Rod Heavenly and Lada-Virgin Mary.

Then we put two fingers folded in this way, first on the forehead, eyes (on the left eye, then on the right eye), then on the mouth. With a holy sign, we illuminate our Holy Faith, repeating the Holy Lightning of Perun, which sanctified the life of our Ancestors and sanctified our life.

We put a holy sign: on the forehead, in order to sanctify the mind comprehending the Wisdom of the Gods and our Ancestors; on the eyes to sanctify our vision and see the true Creation of the Gods and Ancestors; on our lips, to sanctify the word of God and the Wisdom of God that proceeds from our mouths, and to keep our mouths from blasphemy.

The bowing of one's head during addresses and hymns expresses our respect for our Gods and for the Holy Wise Ancestors, in gratitude for their help in our affairs.

Creating the Sign of Glory, during the glorification of the Gods and Ancestors, we put an open right palm on our heart, then we raise it to heaven, stretching right hand and say:



It is sacred to honor the Gods and Ancestors (Grandfathers) of one's own;


TO then Perun has the blessing of the Family Union, may there be neither Rati nor Fatta between them.

TO then he will give a part of his Soul to his children, he did not reduce his Soul, but increased it.

TO then love squanders, he will lose it, and whoever radiates love, he multiplies it.


2. SPIRITUALITY - the second basis tells us that each person must develop his Spiritual side of life and introduce others to the Spirituality ... 3. COMPASSION - the third basis tells us that each person should ... 4. PENETRATION - the fourth basis tells us about the fact that every person should strive for the harmony of bodies, Soul and Spirit, ...

Dispensations of Temples and Sanctuaries.

By appearance and according to their purpose, the Temples are different: the Temple of Light (White Temple) - has the shape of a pyramid and is intended for the life of priestesses who help women in childbearing ...

Spiritual Hierarchy

This name is translated from the ancient Aryan language: Soul - the Temple of the Infinite Sacred Primary Fire, i.е. The Soul is the Temple of the Gods, at the head… Pater Diem can be any Priest or Clergyman appointed… Under the control of the Spiritual Missionary there are: Slavic-Aryan and Vedic Communities, as well as all Temples (Temples),…

Sacred Numbers of Ynglism

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Ynglism - Ancient Solar Cult.

Ynglism does not belong to those denominations and religions that you can accept, and then find for yourself, more interesting and better, from the point of view ... For all its complexity and versatility, Ynglism is the most accessible and ... Why do you need to turn human life into Hell in order to then, after death, to find the Most Pure Svarga, wouldn’t it be better…

Display system of life in Ynglism.

Ynglism does not belong to those Confessions or religions that try to turn their followers into a herd of dumb slaves, intimidating... For all its seeming complexity and inaccessibility to understanding because of... Everyday life human, and to know...

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At that time, Hetman Ya.K. Khodkevich. On August 21, 1612, he approached the city and .. The right and left flanks - at the Petrovsky and Chertolsky gates, were also covered .. A sudden blow to the flank of the Polish-gentry army decided the outcome of the battle. The enemy troops were forced to retreat to ..


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At present, like mushrooms after rain, individual messiahs are appearing, groups of people united in various centers, movements, parties, congresses of various communities, social movements - who are extremely concerned about the lack of spirituality of modern society. A lot of programs are being written declaring priority measures for raising the spiritual life of the country, which, in the opinion of those who create them, can revive the once lost qualities and dignity of the Russian people and solve the not beloved RUSSIAN QUESTION.

However, few people seriously analyze the lessons of the historical past of our people! For the vast majority of "public figures of the Russian scale" the history of the Russian state is associated with the appearance on the historical horizon of Kievan Rus, or more precisely, with the process of Christianization, which was the starting point of the Spiritual enslavement of the Rusichs. As for the pre-Christian period, the "official point of view" is the absurdity that the Slavs supposedly lived in separate tribes, not knowing statehood, not observing any laws and regulations, as God puts on the Soul, and were guided only by the customs that developed in specific tribe. It is not clear what served as an incentive for the unification of such "motley" tribes into such a community as Kievan Rus?
An ordinary man in the street may object that it takes little to unite several tribes of pagans. It is enough, ostensibly, for the "strong hand" of an ambitious prince to appear. However, in order for any state to develop, in addition to an external factor in the person of a prince-statesman, capable of taking under his command the territories inhabited by disparate tribes, an internal factor connecting all these tribes together is also necessary. As a rule, at all times this factor is a certain ideological system, often having a certain religious orientation.
If you believe the modern representatives of the official historical science, it turns out that paganism (in modern terms) is a very variable system of views of a person, tribe, community on the world around them. And since different tribes had different Gods and revered different spirits, the conclusion followed from here that the Slavs-Rusichs did not have a single cult. But if this is so, how did the formation of Kievan Rus happen? Who invented that the pre-Christian Faith of the ancient Slavs was paganism? Where did this nonsense come from?
In Rus', pagans were considered either residents of other territories who did not speak Russian, or adherents of one of the religions - followers of artificially created cults of admiration for any force or personality. The Russians themselves could not call themselves Gentiles (pagans)! ("Pagan" - ancient word. The Book of Veles calls pagans the tribes hostile to the Slavs, who spoke other languages ​​​​and believed in other gods. "Russian Vedas" comments, p.287, M. 1992).
The real name of the Ancient Slavic Faith of the Ancestors - INGLIISM - is known only to a few Russians for obvious reasons. "ENGLIA" is one of the runes of the x'Aryan letter, the image of which is something original, primary, the Sacred Fire of Creation, a particle of the Creator that gives life.
The expression "Gentile Slavs", used in everyday life, in one context or another, acquires its true meaning - "Gentile Slavs". But then the following question arises: "And for whom were the Slavs of other faiths"? The answer is clear to any sane person: "For representatives of various religious denominations: Jews, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, etc., that is, first of all, for representatives of the so-called "world" religions. But at the same time, they themselves representatives of these confessions are pagans (gentiles) in relation to the Slavs.Who is called the Slavs by the "Veles Book" ... So we walked, and were not freeloaders, but were Russians - Slavs who sing glory to the Gods and therefore - the essence of the Slavs. ( III 8/2, M. 1994. Consequently, those of the Russians who wish to learn more about paganism should actively study the literature on "world" religions - the cults of the non-white population of Midgard-Earth.
The dictionary of the Russian language defines the concept of "religion" as one of the forms of social consciousness, a set of mystical ideas based on belief in supernatural forces and beings (gods and spirits), which are objects of worship. (Dictionary of the Russian language Ozhigov). Ynglism is a natural Faith, not artificially created. The cornerstone of Ynglism is the cult of the Ancestors. The Book of Veles comes to the rescue: "Our gods are our fathers, and we are their children"! That is, our Ancestors called their ancestors, great-grandfathers, forefathers Gods - and there is nothing supernatural or mystical in this. The Slavs only honor the memory of their Great Ancestors. And even more so, the Russians do not worship anyone, because they are free people, and not God's servants. For their Gods (Great Ancestors), the Slavs are children, God's children. You can only be a slave to a foreign god.
Ynglism is a solar cult, a cult - where such concepts as Conscience and Honoring the Ancestors are at the forefront. The goal of Ynglism is the preservation and transmission of Ancient Wisdom until the society returns to the level of Spirituality and intellect, which was at the time of the settlement of Midgard-Earth by our great-ancestors.
At present, it is officially recognized that the state on the Russian Land was formed with the advent of Kievan Rus. If we take into account how the concept of "state" is interpreted by the dictionary of the Russian language, then perhaps this is so. Namely, it is the political organization of class society. carrying out its management, protection of its economic and social structure, in class-antagonistic societies is used to suppress class opponents. Consequently, the emergence of antagonistic classes and class opponents became characteristic of Kievan Rus! Why didn't they exist before? What was in Rus' before the formation of Kievan Rus? This question is complicated due to the sufficient temporal remoteness from today and the lack of information (true information) on the pre-Kiev period national history.
After the peoples of the Great Race (including the Germanic Clans and Slavic Clans) moved in several waves from the territory of the Holy Race (Belovodie or Semirechye) to the lands of the European continent, the Slavs occupied a rather vast territory. It included Central, Southern and Eastern Europe, the Black Sea region. Western Europe was occupied by the descendants of yes "Aryans - the ancient Germans, the Celts (Gauls). The clans of the Great Race lived in communities (not to be confused with the concept of the era of the primitive communal system). The whole life of the Slavic community was based on the Mop Law, on the commandments of the Great Ancestors (Gods) left by their descendants.
The assertion of modern historical science that before the formation of Kievan Rus, the Slavs lived in tribes, not knowing any statehood, without any legal basis, is at least taken from the ceiling. If you focus on the official history, then you can only shrug your shoulders about this real fact that stood on Slavic territory a large number of cities. Even the Scandinavian Vikings called the Russian Land - "Gardarika" - the country of cities. The then "wild scattered tribes" lived well.
The existence of cities by itself implies quite high level organization of society. A city, according to the definition of the Dictionary of the Russian Language, is a settlement, an administrative, commercial, industrial and cultural center. Thus, the city is already characterized by a stratification of the population, at least by type. labor activity. It is known that in Rasseniya (the land of the Holy Race, from where the settlement of the Clans came from) there was a caste stratification of society. There were nine main groups, but there was no antagonistic relationship between them. Relations between the population of the city and rural communities were harmonious. Harmony was achieved through Kopnoy Pravo, the oldest form of self-government within rural Slavic communities or cities.
A skeptic may notice that an important place in the state mechanism is occupied by the apparatus of coercion: the army, police, etc., called to some extent for the exercise of state power. But for the Slavs, such an apparatus was not needed, since the decisions of the Kopa were carried out by everyone voluntarily and with great enthusiasm. Violations of the customary law of the cops, as well as her decisions, have never been observed. At the same time, there has never been a shortage of combatants to repel an external enemy (as this is unlike the current state of affairs with the draft of recruits in Russian army). The position of the prince was elective, and was not inherited. If the prince was not pleasing to Copa, he was driven away. As you can see, even before Kievan Rus, there was always order in the Russian Land.
Why were Copa's decisions not violated? Only because the Faith of our Ancestors - Ynglism - the commandments given to the Slavs by their Great Ancestors was at the heart of the Kopnoy right. And these commandments have nothing to do with the now widely advertised - Jewish "hot ten".
It is not out of place to note that Mop Law has nothing in common with so-called democracy. For democracy, as a form, is inherent primarily in the slave-owning state. Naturally, there can be no question of any legal equality of all members of society. first violin in democratic states rich representatives of society, slave owners, always played. Thus, democracy is the power of the minority over the majority. And since there were no slaves in Rus' (before the adoption of Christianity), there was no so-called democracy. The same idea is confirmed by the Veles book: "... We ourselves are Dazhdbog's grandchildren and did not seek to sneak in the footsteps of strangers ...".
With the forcible Christianization, Mop Law began to be gradually forced out, first from Western Europe, and then from the territory of Rus'. The Novgorod Veche and the Zaporizhzhya Sich were an echo of the Mop Law.
Why is Kievan Rus "famous"? Of course, the "renunciation" of the Faith of the Ancestors and the transition to paganism - Christianity. Experts believe that such a religion is most suitable for meeting the needs of state power that has developed on the territory of Kievan Rus. In the hands of the bastard prince Vladimir - Vasily was both secular and church power. The widely available literature vividly describes with what extraordinary joy the population of Rus' accepted an alien, pagan religion (Christianity). But Ynglism does not belong to those religions that can be accepted, and then, having found a more interesting and better faith, go to it. It is as impossible as choosing new parents and Ancestors. Before Christianization in Rus' there was no betrayal at all. During the "peaceful" Christianization, the planting of the teachings of the "apostle" Saul (Paul), out of the twelve million people who lived in Rus', only three million newly converted Christians remained alive. The vast majority of these were children - orphans, whose parents did not want to accept religion instead of the Faith of the Ancestors. The state power was especially zealous, destroying the priestly caste, destroying ancient temples - temples and sanctuaries, destroying sacred books and manuscripts, persecuting the families of the Old Believers.
Over time, the rulers changed, the socio-political way of life changed, but the attitude in the "corridors of power" towards the primordially Slavic Faith and representatives of the Old Russian Inglistic Church of the Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings did not change.
In order to consolidate the "successes" achieved, the state needed an appropriate structure - a carrier of an ideology alien to the Russians. So, out of oblivion, the Russian Orthodox Church appeared. However, paradoxically, it was never Russian or Orthodox in its essence! In fact, this is a Christian church that does not implement the precepts of Yeshua (Jesus), but follows in line with the teachings developed by the "apostle" Saul, a zealous persecutor and murderer of the first followers of the Messiah. Christianity itself is only a branch on the bushy tree of Judaism.
According to the relevant literature, for a long time, a story has been circulating that, supposedly, the word "Orthodoxy" came from some Greek word. But the word itself, unfortunately, is never indicated, and apparently there is a reason for that. Such a Greek word never existed in Nature! The word "Orthodoxy" consists of two words: "rule" and "praise". The concept of "right" refers to the pre-pagan (pre-Christian) period in the life of our people. In the x "Aryan letter there is a corresponding rune - "Right", the image of which is: the Bright World of the Gods; Heavenly Law; the Law that operates in all Worlds; Harmony. Thus, Orthodoxy is the glorification of the Bright World of the Gods, the glorification of some universal Law. The current opinion that in the tenth century Russia adopted Orthodoxy is absolutely erroneous, because the Russians have always been Orthodox.Another thing is that they tried to make Orthodox Russians Christians contrary to the words of the Messiah "A healthy house does not need a doctor", "The unhealthy need doctor, but sick." Naturally, the process of Christianization took place to the detriment of the Faith of the Ancestors.
Of course, the process of adopting Christianity is not a one-time process. For a certain period, dual faith was preserved in Rus'. However, the state support of the Christian Church played its role. The state needed not free people, but uncomplaining subordinates. Both the descendants of Prince Vladimir-Vasily of Kyiv and representatives of the Rurik and Romanov dynasties fought with the Slavs (Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings). And this is not surprising, because the king is not so much a secular person as a representative of the church hierarchy. Not "this cup has passed" and the proletarian state of "workers and peasants" that arose on the long-suffering Russian land. By adopting scientific atheism, it showed its true nature. Atheism - denying the existence of God, actually fighting with God. Throughout the history of the existence of religions, Satan has been known as the main fighter with God. Thus, atheism is one of the forms of Satanism, the cornerstone of the religion of Karl ben Mordechai (Karl Marx) and Blank-Ulyanov (Lenin), as well as their ideological "children and grandchildren" in the person of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Labor Russia and others like them. In order not to be unfounded, we note that in 1920 AD, during the period of struggle with the Russian Orthodox Church and other religious denominations, the Cheka-OGPU bodies collected lists of several dozen communities of Old Believers-Ynglings in the city of Omsk. Four years later, these people were sent to various concentration camps. Only seven communities survived that did not submit such lists. During the arrests of members of the communities, the following ancient Spiritual primary sources of the Slavic-Aryan Clans disappeared without a trace: "Santia Ognimar", "Agni-Vedanta", "Sword of Stribog", "Omnasva" and many others.
The state has always been on guard of its foundations. The fate of this and the illumination of questions of the history of our country, especially before the pagan (pre-Christian) period, did not pass. Favorite phrase of representatives power structures state of the proletariat: "The people will not understand!". Now, the Marxist-Leninists buzzed all ears that in their time the power belonged to the people. What a "stupid" people got for such a wise leadership. But how similar this phrase is to the well-known biblical aphorism: "Many knowledge - many sorrows!" There is an "elite" - "new Gods", which has the right to the whole range of information, and there are people of the lowest grade - their own information is given for them. Fooling the people begins in the pro-Soviet school. Instead of studying the objective course of the domestic to the pagan (pre-Christian) history of our land, schoolchildren are put into the hands of an ideological poison - the Bible - the holy book of the Jewish people. You might think that in our country the Jewish population is not 1%, but at least 51%.
The mythology of the Greeks is studied in great detail and in detail, although even in the Book of Veles it is said: “These Hellenes are the enemies of the Ruskolans and the enemies of our Gods. (III 22). We are not against the knowledge of the Wisdom contained in holy books any people. Moreover, for Ynglism the key phrase is inherent: "Do not reject the Gods whom you have not known!". But then it is not clear why we learn the wisdom of enemies, but the school is not able to give the wisdom of its people. Apparently school programs are not drawn up by Russian people, but by the same Greeks or Jews?
Following "good" Christian tradition the history of the Native Land begins with the formation of Kievan Rus, so that it seems that the Slavs appeared on Earth almost last. Not having time to get out of the primitive communal system, they immediately ended up in the emerging state - Kievan Rus. But our country is so rich in evidence of pre-pagan (pre-Christian) times. No less rich in this heritage is the Omsk land - the sacred land of the Slavs - Belovodie.
There is information from official sources that the territory of modern Siberia (with the exception of the northern regions) was inhabited by white people at least 13 thousand years before the river Kh. (Paleolithic and Neolithic periods). After the Great Glacier retreated far to the north in the 4th - 3rd millennium BC. "Parking places" of a person are found even on the coast of the Arctic Ocean. There is evidence of extensive exchange links between the Irtysh, Altai, Urals, the present territory of Kazakhstan, and Central Asia. Burial mounds and remains of settlements were found in the Irtysh region. An interesting fact is that the remains of brocade clothing were found in one of the graves - and this turned out to be the oldest find of brocade fabric on the territory of the then Soviet Union. Experts believe that the development of Siberia began in the 16th century with the campaigns of the Cossack ataman Yermak Timofeevich. But not enough yet, who knows that Omsk is a restored city. Today, the city has a monument to Ivan Buchholz, the first commandant of the first Omsk fortress, who founded it in 1716.
The "grateful public" sings the praises of the "clairvoyance" of the commandant, deliberately hushing up the fact that the governors of the city of Tara pointed out to Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov in Summer 7136 (1628), and Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov - Russian historian , explorer and cartographer Semyon Remezov in Summer 7198 (1690). Only the city had not to be founded initially, but to be restored: "... the city is to be again ...". And this evidence is not "behind seven seals", but is stored in the regional state library. A.S. Pushkin and it is called "The Drawing Book of Siberia". But what kind of city stood in the place of Omsk, official science cannot say, or maybe does not want to.
The story of the Tara rebellion in the Summer of 7230 (1722 AD) did not receive wide publicity. A riot broke out in the city of Tara, where the overwhelming majority of the Old Believers-Slavs (Orthodox Ynglings of the First Ancestors Faith) and righteous Old Believers-schismatics, followers of Archpriest Avvakum, lived.
The reason that provoked the protests of the masses is the anti-Russian reform of Tsar Peter the Great, expressed in the Germanization of the people, the imposition of an alien, foreign culture, in the incessant persecution of dissidents, dissident people, the forcible imposition of Orthodox Christianity of the Nikonian persuasion.
The uprising was brutally suppressed by the state apparatus. With the blessing of the higher hierarchs of the Nikon Church and the decree of Tsar Peter the Great, mass executions began, striking in their Christian cruelty.
Hundreds of dissident "skete elders" were hanged, wheeled, quartered, impaled (to this day in the city of Tara there is a place called Kolashny Ryad, because at this place the Old Believers and Old Believers were impaled). Those captured in the sketes were flogged with a whip, neither children nor women were spared. Total number the punished numbered in the thousands, which indicates that a significant number of Russian people lived in Siberia who did not betray the Faith of the Ancestors, and the official documents of that time say the following: "... in 722, when, by decree of his imperial majesty ... it was ordered all Russian subjects to take an oath, then some disobedience followed from the Tara citizens and was considered a rebellion, therefore, many Tara residents received the death penalty, like something: beheading, hanging by the ribs, others were impaled and pacified by other punishments. time, up to 500 houses of the best citizens were plundered, and from that time the city of Tara lost its former power and beauty, and lost its crowds. ("Description of the Tobolsk vicegerency" RGVIA, f. VUA, d. 19107.)
New outbursts of protest in the 20s of the 18th century led to the mass burning of dissident people by the military forces on a vast territory from the Urals to Altai. Later, in order to hide the traces of such punitive actions, these crimes were written off on the conscience of the burned, new terms appeared in everyday life - self-immolation, burning.
During the years of Soviet power, periodically, excavations were carried out in the historical center of Omsk. All work was carried out under the heading "Secret", as a rule, at night, when it is easy to quietly remove the selected soil. Signatures were taken from the persons employed in these works not to disclose the "great state secret" by representatives of a well-known department, popularly referred to as the "Gray House". What can be hidden from ordinary citizens - that in the central part of the city there were many underground passages, some of which passed under the channels of the Irtysh and Om?
What are these secrets? If the Cheka-OGPU-NKVD-KGB were forward detachments communist party, then whose vanguard is the current FSB? If there are secrets from the Russian people, then apparently this is a detachment of ill-wishers.
Attempts by the state to deal with the Slavs do not stop to this day. For many years, red tape has been dragging on around the transfer of the Temple of Wisdom of Perun to the ownership of the Old Russian Church. Because of the position of Ms. Fedyaeva, a representative of the city administration, the issue is generally "frozen". You see, Mrs. Fedyaeva does not like the image of the ancient Slavic solar symbol - Kolovrat, in which she sees the Nazi swastika of the Third Reich.
However, every year there are more and more crosses on the buildings and necks of the townspeople, and the presence of the latter on the tanks and planes of the Nazi Wehrmacht is documented. Where is the logic in the actions of a representative of state power? There is an old disease - Russophobia!
Recently, so far isolated publications have begun to appear on Slavic (before pagan, pre-Christian) topics.
280 years for Omsk is no longer a date. In an article by Associate Professor, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences N. Salokhin, published in the Omsk newspaper "Commercial News" N21 for 1997, a very bold hypothesis for domestic science is put forward - that the city of Omsk is the same age as the Egyptian pyramids, and maybe even older.
But according to the annals of the Old Russian Ynglistic Church of the Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings in 1997, on August 21, Omsk (Asgard of Iriysky) turns a little more, and 106,775 years old. Where is Moscow - the capital of the new Russians with its immensely inflated 850s - this "Third Rome".
It is possible that now the question of our objective history is one of the main ones. Increasingly, the call is heard: "Go back to your roots!".
N. Salokhin, respected by us, says this about this: "... who controls the past controls the future." Unfortunately, forces in power in our country were not only interested in restoring the historical truth about the Russian people, their culture and traditions, but also not interested in the normal development of Russian national science as such.
At present, Slavic kindergartens, Slavic gymnasiums, and Slavic centers are appearing on our land. However, the Slavs are no longer becoming, because behind the Slavic signboard flourishes the purest water Christianity, behind which Judaism lurked. The appearance of such formations on the Russian Land, and even such a difficult economic situation in the country, suggests that cash going to the opening and operation of such cultural centers are not accidental.
State power is growing ever stronger with the "Russian Orthodox Church", which should be correctly called - Russian Orthodox Christian church headed by Mr. Rediger (Aleksy 2).
In all relations with the state, there is one big plus for the Old Russian Inglistic Church of the Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings - the state could not destroy the Old Russian Faith of the First Ancestors - Ynglism, the church itself, the Slavic-Aryan and Vedic communities, Skits and Skufs. Our Ancient Faith still remains a "white spot" for the state (on a general gray background) and this saves it from vulgarization, saves the Slavic-Aryan Clans in its original form and purity for subsequent generations.

Ynglism is the ancient faith of the ancestors, their religion. Inglia is the so-called Divine Primary Fire of creation, which became the beginning of life and the Universe as a whole. The fire itself was "born" by the Creator-Creator named Ra-M-Ha. In Ynglism, as in a pagan religion, there are many Gods (Ra-M-Kha, Makosh, Svarog, Perun, Veles and others).

Today, Ynglism is sometimes called the direction of neo-paganism, that is, a revived religious doctrine. The creation of this movement took place in Omsk in 1992. There is also the concept of Rodnovery - the revival of pre-Christian Slavic religions. However, the followers of true Ynglism absolutely do not agree with this. In their opinion, Ynglism is not a religion at all, but the religion of ancestors. That is, it cannot be revived, since the connection between man and God has never been broken.

Ynglism unites "white" people all over the world. However, there is no mention of racism here. According to the Ynglings, each ethnic group must follow the original, ancient faith of their ancestors. Ynglism is an ancient faith of the Slavic and Aryan peoples. It appeared much earlier than Christianity, Islam, Judaism and other religions.

Symbolism of Ynglism

The essence and foundations of Ynglism

Ynglism has its own commandments (they have their own for each of the gods), fasts (there are five in total), chronology, and hymns. The foundations of Ynglism, its texts are recorded in a written source - Slavic-Aryan Vedas(in the first and third books). At the heart of this religion is respect for ancestors and conscience. The basics of Ynglism include the following:

According to the ideas of Ynglism, one cannot refuse it and accept another faith. This is considered a betrayal of one's own Family, disrespect for one's ancestors.

Ynglism is one of the most accessible and simple directions. It contains harmony: between man and the Gods, between man and nature, between two people. This harmony is expressed in love, mutual respect, kindness. Only by living your life in spiritual development, you can discover the meaning of existence for yourself. A person must study nature and himself, learn the wisdom of his ancestors and what they left behind. The purpose of human life in Ynglism is life itself.


For Ynglings, one week is nine days, and one month is forty (by the way, it was on these days that the funeral rite was held - Trizna). There are nine months. One day contains sixteen hours. The year can be simple, including 365 days. In addition, once every 16 years, a year can be Sacred and contain 369 days.

Fasting - Complete Cleansing of the Co-Creator's Own Bodies

Who is not fasting?

  1. Children who are not yet twelve years old.
  2. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  3. People after sixty years.
  4. Military personnel.
  5. Sick and wounded.

What are the positions in Ynglism?

  • Holy - lasts one week. No animal food is allowed.
  • Dazhdbozhy - lasts two weeks. Also do not eat food of animal origin, white bread.
  • Clean - also two weeks. You can eat fish and plant foods.
  • Great - thirteen days. You can eat poultry, rabbit meat.
  • Light - lasts two weeks. Only food of plant origin is allowed.

Secret knowledge of the Magi. Ynglism is an ancient faith of the ancestors. Symbols of the old faith.